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Mayo Calender

  • Thread starterJosetta
  • Start date


Beloved Member
Oct 14, 2006
2011 is the start of the new phaze of the world, and the Forces of Light will overcome the Forces of Darkness.

Barrick Obama has been selected by the POSITVE Collective consciousness of Human Minds to lead the human race into this new exciting period.

He is the Symbol of Hope for Change to allow the CONSTANT ENERGY of wars to start dissolving.

It is no accident that Obama was selected by a landslide majority. He carries the genes of both white and black, and a euphoria is spreading around the world for CHANGE from the OLD ORDER of 4% of humans holding 96% of the wealth.

Others will follow in the footsteps of Obama, but he is leading the NEW WAVE, and Earth is on the Brink of the most exciting period in the History of the world.

Obama speaks for all people, not just those that funded his campaign.
Time Alone

Wow! That's deep... off the deep end, that is. I'll bet you spend a lot of time in your own company.
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ok.. its great that people are excited... but repeat after me...
obama is NOT the messiah!
this is not the second coming!
Alot of excitement for a man who has done mre for self-promotion than he did in his short political career
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This site use to be a great site to talk about whites and blacks having sex. It has now become one of the biggest racist sites I have ever seen. Obama is not God. You forget he was elected by a great majority of white democrats. If the whites would have been racist like in the old days, he would have lost. Lets discuss sex and hooking up and quit the retoric of wiping the white man off the face of the earth or being the supreme race. Neither are true and is getting old. I have yet to meet any supreme black men. I have been with nothing but educated black gentlemen who know how to fuck. They never discuss taking over the white race or wiping out the white man. They as myself are only interested in wild, hot sex.
To IndyHubby. I don't often make comments on here but your comment is so right!
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Most of the believers in the Mayan (not hold the "Mayo") calendar say the world will end in some horrible catastrophe on December 21, 2012 (not 2011). How does that fit into your Obama is the great one theory? Who knows--maybe he'll get evicted in the 2012 election and, in a mad rage, unleash nuclear devastation across the planet!

Does Maya calendar predict 2012 apocalypse? - USATODAY.com

The whole thing is pure bupkis.
WOW ---- One very ill person but in her defense .. there are alot of people out there who bought the media spin about Obama hook line and sinker . Bunch of suckers . I agree ==she spends to much time alone . Josetta .. please get out more and listen to other stations ..not just pbs or msnbc or nbc --abc cbs cnn .........
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Noooooo, this is 100% correct!! People that HAVE wealth and worked HARD to attain it are just going to turn it over to those without, because Obammy is now the President!! Those of us that have businesses that generate wealth will just let idiots that can't even manage to show UP for work 5 days a week on a regular basis have our businesses so they can be weallthy...........I mean, we can always start NEW businesses and generate more wealth all over again. We'll empty our bank accounts and give that money to people without (how do we DEFINE those people again?.....) and then everything will be fine!! Yeah, no problem, I'm heading to the bank tomorrow.......ain't no thang........

Oh yeah.....the Mayan's civilization came to an abrupt end when they POLLUTED their ground water bacause they had no proper method, nor inclination, to deal with human waste because no one wanted to WORK!! They all wanted to be the Boss...hell, ANYBODY can be The Boss, he just sits back and collects his share of the workerbee's sweat and cheats them out of their rightful due.

It isn't that 96% of the people are not capable of running a business (other than in to the GROUND!!)...........it is that 4% of the people CHEAT everyone else out of the chance!! Yeah, that's right....we scam together to prevent others from opening successful businesses!! Daily meetings to make SURE they are cheated out of the chance.

Soon to be Poor Ric
The Mayan end was misinterpreted for the end of 2012, but from 2011 will be a period in the world of tremendous growth and sharing of new knowledge. The last few thousand years have been just one war after another. The world will become a friendlier place in time. The internet is passing knowledge around at minimal cost at rapid speed.

Intuition is the new BUZZ WORD.

In the Vatican, there is a Bible written in 400 AD which contains 9 Books that have been excluded from the modern Bible. The public are not allowed to read these books. What everyone wants to know is, "what is the reason we are not allowed to read them?" What is religion hiding?" There is speculation that they contain the sound codes that allow the mind to do amazing things, like pointing a stick to lift the huge rocks into place in the Pyramids.

The sound of trumpets at a specific frequency were reported to have created a vibration that made the walls of Jericho fall down.

I saw a televisionary documentary this week of a wheelchair user thinking with her mind to move her wheelchair around the room while she sat on a chair. Scientists were helping her to regain control of her life. She can also think the letters of the alphabet, and a speech synthesizer forms her thinking into words. She does not have to even move her mouth.

If you study quantum physics, you will appreciate where I am coming from.

I don't think any race is better than the other, but if I take a stand on something, it helps others to see what views they hold. No one is more right than another, because we can all have an opinion based on our experiences in life.

Have you heard of the "hundred monkeys" hypothesis? Scientists found that if they taught about 30% of the monkeys a trick on one Island, the monkeys on other Islands were able to spontaneously do the same trick even if they did not know that monkeys were on the other Island. There is a collective consciousness of mind travel.

Birds, animals and shoals of fish can "move as one" if danger is around without banging into each other.

It is thought that humans can "act with a oneness" in times of great emotion.

I saw a sketch done by a girl in a wheelchair two weeks before 9/11. It showed souls escaping from the twin towers, even though she ws too young to know what the twin towers looked like. How could she have known?
Those rambling statements certainly convince me! Of what, I have no idea.
Pigtails === They convince me that Josetta is -- well -- ahhhh -- OUT OF HER MIND ! I'm a small business owner also and i know many other small business owners and all of us are scared what Obama and the Democrats will do to this country . Takeing even more money from the people who make it to give to people who are to lazy to work is just plain stupid . Lets face the truth -- how many people do we all know who would rather buy cable with 5 or 10 or more movie channels -- buy cell phones for everyone in the house --- buy high speed internet service -- have 2 or 3 car loans but won't buy their own health insurance . People in this country have become lazy blood suckers and i doubt we can stop the down hill slide .
Gray Beard said:
Pigtails === They convince me that Josetta is -- well -- ahhhh -- OUT OF HER MIND ! I'm a small business owner also and i know many other small business owners and all of us are scared what Obama and the Democrats will do to this country . Takeing even more money from the people who make it to give to people who are to lazy to work is just plain stupid . Lets face the truth -- how many people do we all know who would rather buy cable with 5 or 10 or more movie channels -- buy cell phones for everyone in the house --- buy high speed internet service -- have 2 or 3 car loans but won't buy their own health insurance . People in this country have become lazy blood suckers and i doubt we can stop the down hill slide .

Hit the nail on the head with that one. But Obama will make it all right I"m SURE
The working people will just have to work more so we can pay more taxes so that the lazy ones who do not want to work or have no inclination to get off their ass to find a job, can stay home on welfare and watch TV. The guys can stay on the corners and deal their crack or whatever and we dish out more taxes. Maybe we are doing it all wrong. Maybe we should also get on the system and let our government both local and federal take care of us. You do not see many skinny women on welfare.........I am sick of always having to support the usless people of this world. I live in Louisiana, and if someone says they cannot find a job, well I want to know where they have been looking. There is so many job openings and no one to fill them. Then again why look at a newspaper when the government is taking care of you and you can sit on that big ass and watch TV and eat all day.
This thread is not a debate about lazy people getting handouts they don't deserve - it is about the Mayo Calendar.

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