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My Boss, My Cum Dump Wife And Her Girlfriend


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
My Boss, My Cum Dump Wife And Her Girlfriend

by EroticWriter

Written in one day and put on line for the first time 9/28/14

We were having another one of those monthly gatherings for the employees of Robustelli Food Distributors. Since it was summer the gathering was being held outdoors, and the food was being cooked over an open grill.

Forty two employees we had, plus the wives or in a few cases, the husbands of the employees were in attendance, and all 80 plus were having a good time. The boss, Joey Robustelli was in good spirits as usual, and he was making the rounds.

Let me describe my boss to you. Joey's a short little guy, no more than five five in height and probably 180 or so pounds in mass. So short and wide would best describe him you might think, but Joey has a couple of other distinquishing things about him. He has this thick black hair that you can see poking out of the top of his shirts, and he always has a pencil in one ear. No, not in his ear, but on it.

Joey worked his way up almost from scratch, having first worked as a delivery boy, then a checker, and finally a manager of a grocery store. Then he had opened his own store, and from there after another twenty years now owned a major food distribution center complete with offices, warehouse, and 12 trucks.

Way back at the beginning he had kept a pencil in his ear, and now, despite the advent of the ball point pen and computers, he still wears that pencil as a badge of honor. From the age of seventeen till his current age of 55 years it has been Joey, his pencil and his boisterous outgoing attitude.

Joey was a real go-getter but has slowed down in recent months. The reason? He had a mild heart attack in his office, and that pretty much set the employees into a panic because Joey had no wife or children to assume command once he is gone.

As a result, Joey said that he was making arrangements through a law firm to have the company become employee owned, with me as the acting head in the event of his demise. I've been working with and for Joey for the past twelve years, starting at age twenty, and our relationship is almost as buddies as well as employer/employee.

His trademark pencil was in his ear now, and I, as the deignated manager of the company, was doing my duty and grilling the steaks and burgers. My lovely red-headed wife, being daddy's little helper, was beside me and wrapping any excess burgers in tin foil to keep them warm.

Joey had made another set of rounds, asking how everyone was doing, and even coming back to our table and carrying off Cokes, burgers, anything his employees needed to their tables. Every once in a while, when no one was looking, Joey would come around behind the grill and grab my wife's ass and give it a squeeze. I would always pretend not to see.

My wife's ass? I had best describe it, and then go on with the rest of the stats. Julie is five eight and I think, about 125 in weight. Her breasts are somewhere in between a B and C in cup and shaped like apples, the kind that stick out there and are easy to wrap your fingers around.

Her waist is not wasted, being slim and never having had children, firm and flat. Why no children? Well, we've only been married for two years. Julie, you see, is just 24 years of age, and she was a virgin when I met her five years ago. Yes, I got to break her hymen, and we dated all the years she went to college and got her degree.

When Julie turned 22 and was graduated, we, as planned, had the marriage ceremony attended by around 80 people. Between her family and mine and some of the employees in the front office, there were a lot of people to come to our wedding

My Julie looked so good coming down the aisle in her wedding finery. All that white crowned by a full head of red hair that came down almost to her waist.

Joey had been very generous and had rented a cabin for our use on our honeymoon. I had not told Joey or anyone else that Julie and I had been tying our bodies in knots long before we actually tied the knot.

Joey, of course, kissed the bride, and I noticed that the kiss seemed to last a bit long, even though Julie had to bend her head down so their lips could touch. I asked her later if Joey had tried to give her tongue, and Julie had giggled and said, 'a little.' That told me then and there that I might have to watch my boss where it came to my wife.

I kept my eye on my boss anytime Julie was around, and for a long time it worked. So how did it happen to be that my boss could grab my wife's ass on occasion and get away with it? Joey was going to attend a convention for food distributors and grocery chain owners. This one was to be in Las Vegas, and since I was to be the designated manager once the company went employee owned, Joey wanted me to attend.

Joey also said, since he was paying the freight on my suite, that I might as well bring the wife along. Julie can enjoy the sights during the day he said, while we are attending meetings, and then at night the three of us can get together for 'good times.'

Ding Ding! Warning bells were going off. I told Julie of my suspicions, and she came up with a solution. She would invite her best friend Carole, and if Carole agreed, we would foot the bill for her transportation and then she and Carole could have each other's company during the day. At night, with Carole there, Joey would have no opportunity to 'get us alone' and maybe pursue any thoughts he might have at getting my wife in his bed, or getting himself into ours.

Joey was kind of surprised when I informed him that Carole, my wife's best friend was coming along, but what could he say since we were paying her way?

Now I need to tell you about Carole. Like Joey with my wife, I have been keeping my eye on Carole, but very discreetly since I want to keep my marriage a happy one. Carole is a fox. Aged 24 like Julie, and built almost identical to Julie except that Carole is two inches shorter at five six and her breasts, according to my wife, are a definite C cup, which means that her slender frame makes her look large chested, very. Oh, I need to tell you, Carole is a blonde, a natural blonde according to my wife, because Julie has seen her pubic hair.

How did Julie happen to see Carole's pubic hair? “We try on clothes togther at the stores,” my wife replied. “And Carole has seen my naked body as well.” Need I say that besides my boss, I also had my suspicions about my wife and her long time girlfriend.

In Las Vegas Julie and Carole were doing their thing, and one of thing was trying out some fashion deisgner stores that Vegas is noted for. Joey and I attended meetings, boring for the most part, though since the meetings were mostly attended by males, the off color jokes often flowed.

Two nights and three days the convention was to last. That first night was quite an adventure for me. I had been wondering how the sleeping arrangements were to be since the suite had one king bed and in another room, a fold out couch that made into a double bed.

But we had one bath, a large bath, and women, you know how they are, needed lots of time to do their thing in there. They told me to go first, and I was in and out in a flash, having showered and brushed my teeth and doing some bits with the potty and hoping that my wife would go in before Carole in case any smells were left behind.

But they went in together, and I was surprised, pleasantly surprised then they both walked past me wearing nothing but negligees, and I swear that Carole was naked under there. If that negligee had been see through instead of blue, I would have known for sure. But nipples sticking out in front of a pair of tits that jiggle as she walks are a definite clue, wouldn't you say?

I waited, and I must admit, with a full erection as they stayed in that bathroom for what seemed like, well long minutes because it was, and when they came out together and giggling, my imagination went wild.

I was sitting up, propped against a pillow and with my knees up under the sheet to hide my hard on. Are they both going to jump in bed with me? That had been my fantasy ever since plans had been made for Carole to come along, but it was not to happen, no, not that first night. With a wink at me, Carole went on into the other room, and she closed the door.

Needless to say, I went for Julie's body right away, and though she discovered that I was fully erect from the first move, she said nothing, about Carole. But about me, she had lots to say. “Why are you so hard, you horny man? Have you been thinking about fucking me? I'll bet that has been on your mind ever since you saw this bedroom, hasn't it?”

Julie usually referred to our act as 'making love,' but her use of the fucking word now was making this all the more exciting. “Well, yes, it has been on my mind. But, if I can say something to you without you taking it wrong, I want to tell you something.”

She knew. “Sure, say anything you like, but I'll be willing to bet that it is about Carole. So go on, tell me.”

I looked into her eyes, making sure that she was being receptive and not negative. “When Carole walked past me wearing practically nothing, and then I heard all that giggling going on in the bathroom, my imagination started working overtime.”

Julie was stroking my cock now, easing the foreskin all the way to the top of my six and one half inches and back again. “And were you imagining getting to fuck Carole, or the both of us together?”

Kazzzzzzzing! She had said it, my wife and not me. This I had to feel my way around and not make Julie jealous or mad in the process.

“Carole is a beautiful woman, and I have sometimes wondered if you and her,” I paused, “if you and Carole have ever done anything?”

Julie giggled and continued to stroke my foreskin, but slowly. “You think that Carole and I have been making it with one another, is that it?”

I answered honestly. “If you have been, or want to, I would not mind as long as it is not a threat to our marriage, like you turning lesbian or something.” There, I had said it. Told my wife that she could make it with Carole, and unsaid, I would like to join in. Julie did not disappoint.

“Jeff, I'll be honest with you. Carole and I have never made out. We have changed clothes together and seen each other naked, and once we even took turns in the shower, not together, but both naked in the bathroom at the same time. She has a beautiful body, and yes, I have wondered what it would be like.”

My thoughts were going wild. “Do you think Carole has been wondering the same thing?”

I got my answer and it was a fantasy come true! “We talked about it in the bathroom since we are all three together in this suite, and we decided that we might try it if you did not seem to be jealous or upset at the thought of two women, one of them being your wife, making it with one another.”

“I get to watch, or maybe join in?”

“Is that a requirement, that you join in?”

Pause. “I will go either way, join or or just watch. But let me ask you, do you think that if I wanted to it would be a case of you being jealous of Carole, or maybe Carole will only want to make it with you and not me?”

She made me very happy with her next line. “Carole has already said that she would enjoy making it with both of us.”

I didn't want to waste any time. We only had this night and one more in Las Vegas. “Shall you go and get her, or shall I?”

Disappointment. “Carole didn't want me to say, but she is just finishing up her period. She'll be good to go tomorrow night.”

Now I had something to look forward to. All day tomorrow, in those meetings and lectures, my mind would be on one thing. “Well, no use letting what you have in your hand go to waste.”

We fucked, we made love, we fucked., we screwed, we had an orgy, all of those things. Julie, like me, was very excited and looking forward to what was to come. And speaking of come, did we ever, and more than once.

I won't even bore you with the details of that next day. It is the night we, you and I and my wife and Carole are all looking forward to. But I will have to do that build up, describing how things came to be, where my boss can grab my wife by the ass.

The meeting over, a last night on the town, and catch a plane at McCarron the next mid-moring, that was the plan. This time Joey was with us, and after a few pulls on the slots, we were all gathered in the lounge. Drinks were being served, and Joey was buying. Joey of course, had chosen one of those big round leather seats where we all sat together, and very close if we squeezed in.

Joey managed to squeeze us in, using the excuse that we needed to be close in order to talk over the noise of the patrons and the piano player entertainment. Joey still seemed to be eyeing Julie, even though a very lovely Carole was seated next to him. Joey on the right, then Carole, then Julie and me on the left.

I could tell that Joey was trying to get us soused, the three of us. What he was hoping to accompish I don't know but it was obvious that Carole did not find a fiftyish, hairy, short and fat man to be her type. An hour passed, then two, and we all had a good time. I noticed that on occasion Joey seemed to be able to place a hand on Carole's leg, and sometimes for minutes at a time.

I couldn't tell from my perspective as to whether Joey was getting under her skirt, which was loose fitting. If he was, he was doing more with Carole at this point than I had ever done. But I had the advantage. Carole was waiting for me, and Julie.

I could tell though, neither Julie nor Carole were trying to get ***** to the point of staggering. They wanted this night to come to be wide awake and memorable, and getting ***** would hinder any plans along that line.

I did not have the nerve to break this off. After all, it was my boss over on the right and he was footing the bill, not just for the drinks, but for Julie and my room, and our plane tickets. That seemed to buy him the right to some of our time, and he was getting it now.

Julie did it for me. She yawned, visibly and made sure that Joey saw it. “I think we had better turn in. I need a shower after a long day, and tomorrow will be another long day getting home.”

“One more round!”

Joey had his round with us and I think another ten minutes to be feeling Carole's leg. all rode up in the elevator, and Joey, his room being first on the floor, said his goodnights and went into room 32. The three of us, finally free to do our thing, went on into room 34, right next door.

Julie giggled when we were in the room as she looked at Carole. “He was feeling your leg, wasn't he, that silly little man.”

Carole surprised me with her answer. I think now that we were about to do a thing, that she had decided to be free with her talk. Besides, she was high if not *****. “He was. At first I didn't like it, and then I did.”

Julie frowned. “You did?”

“I don't know what happened, maybe it was the drinks, the piano music, being with friends...” She looked at the two of us, “Whatever it was, I found my panties getting wet when he was rubbing my leg.”

I needed to know. “Was his hand under your skirt?”

“Not at first. But then, inevitably, it ended up under and way up.” Then Carole was quick to add, “ but not all the way up. He didn't get that far.”

This was a great talk, and I wanted to hear more. I knew what her answer would be, but I wanted to throw the fantasy, good or bad, out there. “Would you have fucked him if the chance arose, say, if just you and he were alone on this trip?”

“Oh gawd no. That short fat little man with all that gross hair sticking out of his shirt? I can't begin to imagine what he must look like naked. Ewwwww. I don't think so.” She shook her head.

“But he is a nice guy, you have to admit that.”

“Well, you work for him, so I guess you are in a better position than me to know. Is he?”

“Yeah. Always been a good boss and in reality, a good friend too. But,” I looked over at Julie, “I need to watch him where Julie is concerned.”

“He wants to fuck Julie? Can't say that I blame him.” With that, Carole slowly moved closer to Julie, and as I watched, they kissed. Was it their first time to kiss? I don't know, but it was the first of many in front of me.

The showers out of the way, all three, and me walking out of the bathroom naked and half hard for Carol to see, we were now in the bed, lights on but low, and I was slow fucking Carole doggy style. She was on the edge of the mattress, her feet pointing down at the floor, and Julie was watching the penetration as she stood beside me.

Julie and Carole had already done some making out including some fingering while kissing, but not to the point of orgasm. Carole wanted to save that, she said, until after she had felt what I was like.

I was doing some feeling of my own, on Carole's body, and I must say, she was just as tight in the pussy as Julie is, maybe more so. “It looks like your cock is stretching her so nice honey,” Julie said as she held her head just inches above where the action was taking place.

“Yes, stretching her and she does feel nice and tight, just like you.” Julie moved closer to me and we kissed, and all the while I was pumping, doing it slow into an appreciative Carole.

“Now Julie,” I suggested, “Why don't you go and lie down in front of her and put your pussy where she can look at it.” I had not said 'where she can eat it.' That was up to them to discover for themselves.

Julie did not hesitate, going immediately up onto the bed and turning around, getting onto her back and putting her lovely red-headed pussy you know where. Carole only hesitated long enough to take a good look, then, using her two hands to spread my wife's inner lips, she placed her head into the slot and went to work with her tongue.

“OOOOooooooh.” Yes, Julie was finding this to be very pleasurable. Her first time to be eaten by a woman, and that woman was only the second person in her life ever to do it. I fucked slowly, not wanting to come or make Carole come, no net yet. This I wanted to last.

My wife was moaning as Carole experimented with her technigue, and at times Julie was telling her just how to do it, and where. It was then that I happened to glance to my right, and there in the shadows was Joey!

What? How in the world?

I would find out later that Joey, having a pass key to both suites since he was footing the bill, had snuck in earlier and undid the slide lock that separated the two rooms. That having been done, he had listened at the door until he had heard some moaning going on, and then had slowly opened the door, saw that the sailing was clear, and had came on in.

He told me later when I asked that, had we found that door to be unlocked and slid the bolt back into place, that he still could have came around to the front door and used his key to open it. But the interior door was much quieter, and closer.

I kept pumping and stared. Joey, realizing now that I had spotted him, smiled, put a finger to his lips and crept closer. In a minute he was standing beside me and watching as my cock was tugging Carole's inner lips in and out. He was sort of staying back from me so that my wife would not spot him as long as she did not raise her head off the mattress.

Joey, my horny little boss, was not only seeing how my cock was spreading Carole's lips, but he also was seeing my wife naked and on her back. He could see her breasts sticking up so nice, and he could see the red hair of Julie's pussy, though Carole had some of it hidden with her face.

Sooner or later I knew, Carole would take her face off for a minute, and Joey would be seeing my wife's most intimate part, opened and wet. What does he want to do? What does he hope to do? There was nothing I could do really.

Yes, my wife was being ******* to his view, but Carole was here too. Joey had felt up her leg, under the skirt, and in a way, he had some claim on her body. A weak claim for sure, but an answer if the two women questioned his presence in the room.

It was then that Joey made the move. The move to involve himself in this threesome and turn it into a foursome. As I was pumping, I had been keeping my hands on Carole's ass, one on each side. Joey made a motion to have me remove one hand, and he replaced it with his own. Now he was holding Carole's ass, and once in place, he began roaming with it, going all over her right ass cheek and getting good feels.

He even at one point ran a finger over and then slightly into Carole's anus, and I heard her give out a soft moan in repsonse. Naturally, she thought I was the one doing it.

This I found to be extremely stimulating and when he put his fingers down between her ass cheeks in order to feel her inner lips and the way they were being stretched around my cock, I felt my cock achieve a new tingling sensation, and it fhis kept up, I would be losing control!

I think Joey knew that no one was trying to cum at the moment, except for maybe my wife. So he watched and felt, and I pumped, and Carole ate. Then, I don't know why she did it, Carole raised her head up from Julie's pussy and turned around to look at me. Maybe she wanted to smile at me for being a good fuck, I don't know, but she spotted Joey.

Her face registering shock, she looked further around and saw that Joey had his hands on her, on her pussy she could feel now. Confused, and maybe not wanting to interrupt her interlude with my wife, Carole turned back around and continued her job of pleauring my wife. Fortunately, Julie had not opened her eyes to see why Carole had quit eating for a minute.

Carole resumed her eating, perhaps more agressively then before, and my wife moaned, louder this time. I looked over at Joey's face and saw that though his fingers were still feeling Carole's cunt, he was looking at me and smiling. I knew what he was thinking. Carole had seen him, not said anything and resumed eating my wife and apparently, allowing Joey to keep feeling her cunt lips.

Joey was probably right in assuming that he could take the next step, and that was to disrobe and take over with Carole. He could have Carole, and I could take care of my wife and all the while, Joey would get to watch Julie with me while he was fucking Carole.

That was the plan I had in mind for Joey as he quietly removed first his shirt, then his pants. His shoes had apparently been left behind in the other room. Off came the shorts, and out popped a, you guessed it, a cock that was larger than mine. No, not in length, but definitely in width. His cock was built like his body, short and fat.

And that hair, that black hair I had always wondered about. It covered everything it seemed. Long and thick and pitch black, the hair completely covered his chest, back, groin and as I looked, it even was growing over his ass!

I stared down at ihis body and mainly that thick cock while he stared down at where my cock was working. Soon, I knew, that little pussy that Carole so cherished, was going to be getting stretched, and wide. Joeys cock was uncircumcised and the head was thicker than the thick shaft. Along the shaft, it had that thick veiny look like he had skin that was so thin that all the blood flow could be seen along the sides.

I wondered if perhaps a woman, Carole with her tight cunt and his wide cock, would feel those veins like ridges along the side and make his cock feel like a French tickler. Joey had his cock ready, his hand on her tight lips, and it was time. Time for me to move aside and allow Joey to take my place.

I nodded and pointed down at her pussy, indicating he could move in as I moved out. Carole knew he was back there and would be waiting. But Joey surprised me, nodding his head 'No' and instead of taking my place, he moved around behind me and went up to where my wife was lying on the bed.

As I stared in dis-belief, he laid the upper half of his body on the bed and reaching out with his right hand, began cupping Julie's left breast! Julie had her eyes closed and was thinking that I had exited Carole's comely cunt and had came around to where I could fondle and kiss her. Carole was still eating and though I could not see her eyes from where I was fucking, I can imagine that she too, like me was shocked at what Joey was doing.

Julie was enjoying what Carole was doing to her cunt and still had her eyes closed. I was thinking, 'Can't my wife tell that someone else is kissing her?' But Julie was partially stoned from liquor, and she was very aroused by Carole. She did not know that Joey was there until he had gotten up beside her on his knees and placed his thick cock near her mouth.

He touched her lips with the tip of his dick, and Julie, thinking that her husband now had something new to offer, opened her lips wide in welcome. But her eyes had remained closed, and it was not until she placed her left arm around Joey's hairy ass and at the same time felt the thickness of a strange cock open her mouth that she realized that it was not the man she had married that had been feeling her tit and kissing her.

“What? What is this?” Wide awake now, Julie raised her head and looked up past the thick dick that was still touching her on the lips. She saw Joey's face, then, in horror, she turned her head to look at me. Yes, I was still behind and fucking Carole. She looked at me, a pleading look on her face, and when I had nothing to say, she sighed. 'This is my husband's boss, and apparently my husband wants this to happen.'

Julie looked sad, but Carole was still eating her pussy and doing it enthusiastically. Apparently Carole was not wanting anything to disturb what was going on between her and Julie, so she was in effect, encouraging Julie to continue.

Julie took another look at the thick dick head with the dripping clear stuff, then opened as wide as she could and I saw her body sort of shiver as she accepted his warm meat into her mouth. I could only watch, mostly in despair I think as well as being excited as my boss fucked my wife's mouth and fondled her breasts.

Making sure that Julie stayed aroused, Carole lickd on her pussy like mad. Me? Well, I kept fucking of course. Five minutes passed and it was looking like Joey was about to cum. He didn't want that I could tell, for that might mean the end of things. No, he wanted to fuck, and I don't mean Carole.

Joey reached down and touching Carole on the cheek, he sort of nudged her to her right, indicating to her that he wanted her to move aside so that he could crawl into the space she was using. Carole turned her head to look back at me and I sighed and nodded 'yes' with my head.

I sort of guided Carole to her right while continuing to fuck her, and as Carole left space behind, Joey eagerly crawled in to fill it. Since Joey now had his ass where Carole's head had been, I was in a position to see all as he kneeled in front of Julie and prepared to take aim.

Julie was staring up into his face, and it looked like she was scared, scared and maybe excited. She had sucked that cock and knew how thick it is. But now she was making no effort to stop what was happening.

Carole and I were now off to Julie's left and both she and I could see Joey's cock, his big balls, and Julie's pussy as Joey aimed and then began fitting his hot meat between my wife's lips. First it had been between one set of her lips, and now it was about to enter and stretch another set.

This was looking so strange, so very strange and out of place. There he was, my boss with his short and wide body, at least 6 inches wider than Julie's body and four to five inches shorter, and he was now over her and going in. His hair, all that black hair we could see now was just as thick on the back side as the front.

All that black hair on his ass, those big balls, that thick cock, and Julie's red-headed pussy, looking so wet and shiny from having had Carole's mouth on it. Both Carole and I could see it all. In effect, all Carole had been doing was getting my wife primed for Joey's hot and thick meat.

“OOOOOOOooooooooooooo!!!” Julie made a sound that was almost like a cry, but it was a sound I think of more pleasure than pain. Joey had firmly pushed forward, stretching her the widest with his thick head and then allowing her pussy to relax a bit with the narrower but still thick shaft as it slid down and then all the way to the end.

Six inches or so he had into my wife, but my boss was feeling her in ways I would never know. Julie too was feeling a cock such as she had never known. So far, not a word had been spoken by any one of us three. Apparently, Joey's mere presence in the room was so exciting, so forbidden that no one wanted to voice out loud what was happening.

My wife was being fucked now, and the man inside her had been dreaming of this moment for the past two years. Well, more than two years actually. I had been married to Julie for two years, but Joey had been seeing Julie with me off and on for a lot longer than that.

Maybe he wanted to fuck Carole too, I don't know, but for the moment, and for long moments, he was giving his full concentration to my wife and the extreme pleasure of her tight pussy and her wet and kissable lips

Yes, my wife was kissing him now, and her fingers were digging into his hairy ass. Joey was pumping, and my wife was now moving her ass in ways to not only meet his strokes, but to enhance them. He would move forward, and she would meet him halfway, sometimes more

Julie's first orgasm, followed almost immediately by her second, only took two or three minutes to come about. They fucked, and we fucked, but our fucking was more involved with watching rather then feeling. Actually, I should have been paying more attention to Carole, after all, she had came into this expecting a threesome, and to be having me as well as Julie, but now it was like she was a fifth wheel, there, and not needed.

But that was soon to change. My wife was in another world now, a world of being fucked as never before. I saw her reach out, taking her hand off Joey's hairy ass and feel around for Carole's left hand. Their hands connected and then began holding on to each other. Now they were sharing, sharing with each other as their orgasms began to build.

I shot a load, a good hot one into Carole, and it happened at the same time as my wife was cumming for her third time as she felt Joey throbbing powerfully, filling her tight twat with spoonfuls of warm cum. She told me later that she had felt him thobbing intensely and that it seemed to go on forever. Moreover, he had dumped a ton of cum into her she said it felt like.

Guess what! While Joey was cumming, making my wife cum again, Carole began cumming too, and she was not only seeing two people fucking and cumming from close range, but feeling another one inside and behind her.

Joey kept fucking my wife. As long as she seemed to be enjoying and participating, he wanted to fuck. Finally Julie said, “I need a break. I have to go to the bathroom.” I watched as Joey pulled back, and as his body no longer blocked my view as he moved to one side, I was shocked to see that my wife's normally red-headed pussy with the white skin now looked all red and puffy.

All around my wife's inner lips, she looked red and swollen, and cum was dribbling out in a steady stream, evidence as to how much my boss had placed within her, As she stretched out with her right leg to climb off the bed since we Carole was down and to her left, I saw Julie's pussy open even more, and inside, she looked really red.

With Julie now in the bathroom and squirting into the commode, Joey wanted more, and there was another woman on the bed. Carole had been hoping that Joey, having been sated by shooting into Julie's pussy a time or two would now be satified. But that was not the case.

He climbed off the bad and coming around beside me, looked down at the pussy my cock was still stretching but not as much as he could and pointing down at her, Joey smiled up at me.

Without a word, I moved aside. Carole of course was under no obligation to allow Joey to enter her body, but she had been watching his cock from close up and for a long period of time, seeing how it stretched my wife and how it had made her reach oragam, and then again, and again. She wanted his cock. Joey no, his cock, yes.

I realized as I moved aside to allow Joey his space, that he would be dipping his wick into my cum. It was a small satisfaction, but nothing to make up for the damage he had done to my wife, maybe my marriage, and now was about to do to Carole.

Carole was very brazen, and did not hesitate to speak her mind. “Oh, now you want to fuck me, do you? What was wrong with before when you were rubbing my lips? Why didn't you take me then?”

“Carole,” Joey said with a confident air, “I have been dreaming of fucking Julie for yrars. I saw my chance and took it. You are equally hot, but you are newer and therefore you come second.”

Carole giggled and then moaned as Joey began working his way into her. This time, instead of going in fairly fast as he had anxiously done with Julie, Joey took it slower, allowing Carole to feel each and every inch of his thick dick as he entered her. In seconds Carole was moaning and had first her arms, and then her legs wrapped up and around his hairy body.

Julie came out of the bath and was surprised to see how things had changed, and so fast. I reached out for her and she sort of shook her head 'No' and sat down on the edge of the bed in order to watch as Joey fucked and stretched the cunt that she had not as yet, been able to eat.

Julie/s eating Carole would happen later that night, but by then Carole would be worn out from all the fucking we would do to her, mostly Joey. When Carole indicated that she was through for the night, Joey took Julie by the hand and without asking me, took her through that open door and into his own suite. As he led my loving wife through the door, he gave me a look like, 'you wait here.' Julie did not raise her voice in protest.

Carole no longer wanted to play, so instead all I could do with her was lay. So we laid together and I could hear my wife through that door, and it sounded like Joey had just begun. Her moans continued for a long time, and then all was silent. I fell asleep with Carole in my arms and never bothered to go and check on Julie.

It wasn't until much later that I realized, Joey had not been wearing his pencil all during that night.

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