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My Husband is a Cuck... and doesn't know more than 10% of it.

  • Thread starterCaraC
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Feb 4, 2012
My husband caught be cheating several years ago, and he didn't take it well. I think it broke his heart. It really was the first time I'd cheated on him -- the first person I'd cheated with, I mean. I swore to my husband that I was sorry and that it would never happen again -- but it has, a lot, especially with the guy he caught me with in the first place. Others too though.

I love my husband, but he doesn't excite me, and we rarely have sex. I feel like I need to be used and filled, or know I will again soon, in other to function.

But I do feel guilty, because he's not accepting like the guys here -- I wish he would be. He is sterile, and if I want to get pregnant it has to be soon. Getting knocked up really turns me on, and having my husband raise the baby. I accept that this last thing will never happen.

I'm not looking to hook up here. I just wanted to get this off my chest. I wish I could be faithful, since he can't stand the thought of me as anything else.
CaraC said:
He is sterile, and if I want to get pregnant it has to be soon. Getting knocked up really turns me on, and having my husband raise the baby. I accept that this last thing will never happen.

This might sound a bit off topic, but trying to understand ... since he is sterile, would he be accepting of raising an adopted baby?
I'm open to adopting, we both are, and I think there are a lot of kids in the world who need love. I'd just prefer adoption as one choice, as opposed to my only choice. I'm a very lucky girl, for many reasons, and I shouldn't complain.

My husband is never going to be the dominant partner I crave sexually, but I do love him.

Technically, it's possible to get pregnant with my husband, but it's also rather unlikely.
If your husband would also like children, then the obvious answer would seem to be artificial insemination. If you combine this with some fertility treatment for him (there are ways of concentrating his sperm), there is every chance he could be the father. Of course you could enhance the odds a bit by making sure you had a few inseminations of your own at the same time. Its not an ideal to bring children into the world but there are many that arrive with less stability, love and planning.
I had many thoughts about wanting other men. I didn't do it but told my husband I wanted this; he was not accepting. I even tried to follow ideas from the Internet on ways to discount him and make him feel like less of a man.

To my complete shock he divorced me. I am now without the love of my life. Even more complicating is that I am having a real hard time having any relationship with any other man given the realization far too late of what a great husband I had and how true and dedicated his feelings and love for me were--true and total dedication on his part. This is not so easy to find.

We also had kids. This divorce is hard on them. At this point you can't begin to imagine how hard this will be on your children, should you have them, and how hard it will be on you. Trust me, you can't imagine until you get there, and you likely will given your story.

I would say don't involve kids. Don't have a baby. This would not be fair.
Kimcarl pointed out a very real possibility. You should tread lightly. Is he A sexual and not want sex? Or just low sex drive/ sperm count, that is the issue? You could try a night of romance and videos that can get the conversation open over several weeks. Guys may think of sex every seven seconds but if an idea does excite us or bothers us it might take days for it to sink in. What does he want? Could you work it in so he likes.
If you truely love him and want to stay with him you both need a long talk. And take Kim's hard lesson to heart. Not everyone can be lucky like my wife where I encouraged her to find what she needed when my health issues started preventing me from doing it.
Good luck Please keep us informed Hank

Before anything CaraC , you need to resolve your cheating ways , if your breaking your husbands heart , you have NOTHING . Get a strong honest out in the open relationship with him , IF YOU TRULY LOVE HIM . NO children for you if your fucking other men and your husband doesn't want to share you . Simple .
pussy boy said:
Before anything CaraC , you need to resolve your cheating ways , if your breaking your husbands heart , you have NOTHING . Get a strong honest out in the open relationship with him , IF YOU TRULY LOVE HIM . NO children for you if your fucking other men and your husband doesn't want to share you . Simple .

Prob the BEST advice i ever read in here :)
My husband is not asexual. I'm simply not attracted to him.

My husband has made it clear he would not leave me over an affair, and that he would look the other way. I choose to keep it from him, because I know what looking the other way costs him. I've also told him, in all sincerity, that I wouldn't be angry if he found someone else for fun.
Your future is probably better than you think...

Hi Ms. Cara,

CaraC said:
My husband caught me cheating several years ago, and didn't take it well. I think it broke his heart. It really was the first person I'd cheated with.

That's the traditional response. It sounds like your husband would identify with George Clooney's character in "The Descendent" (the movie). I don't think it would be helpful, though, for you to take him to see it.

CaraC said:
I swore to my husband I was sorry and it would never happen again.

Sounds sort of like making a New Year's resolution to exercise regularly, eat healthier, and lose weight...

CaraC said:
But, it has — a lot — especially with the guy he caught me with in the first place. Others too, though.

Well, that happens. It's positive, in my opinion, that you enjoy a variety of lovers rather than one. The conventional wisdom is, you're less likely to become emotionally attached; i.e., seriously "fall in love" with a lover if you enjoy the sexual pleasures of several, and I suspect there may be some truth in that.

CaraC said:
I love my husband, but he doesn't excite me and we rarely have sex.

You are not alone. Your situation is shared by many other women, including many who no longer love their husbands but feel they must pretend to.

CaraC said:
I feel like I need to be used and filled, or know I will be again soon, in other to function.

There's nothing wrong with that. Your desires are totally normal for a healthy woman like yourself with a reasonably-strong sex drive.

CaraC said:
But I do feel guilty, because he's not accepting like the guys here -- I wish he would be.

Feeling guilty is a widely-shared response among women who act on their natural sexuality and erotic desires. I think it has something to do with a girl growing up, typically, spending much more time with her mother than a boy spends with his father. A result is that her mother — assisted by her female teachers, Sunday-school teachers and other guardians of judeo christian morality — spends much more time grooming her, in effect, to grow up as a GoodGirl (no fucking before marriage), then to become a GoodWife (no fucking men other than her husband, nor even feeling desires to do so, and certainly no kinky stuff). That is, "A woman's mother lives in her head throughout her life." But, with respect to your and other more-or-less analogous situation(s), guilt is a useless emotion.

CaraC said:
My husband is sterile, but if I want to get pregnant it has to be soon. Getting knocked up [by a lover] then having my husband raise the baby really turns me on.

There's no reason it shouldn't. You have every reason to feel turned on by the concept of your husband raising your child, doing much or all of the housework, and otherwise providing you, as your cuckold, with the support you will need to continue enjoying the sexual pleasures of your lovers.

CaraC said:
I accept that the latter will never happen.

It does not strike me as impossible. From what you've said, there may be a good chance of bringing about what you want and need from your husband. A way to begin viewing your situation in more positive ways (IMO) would be to realize that since your husband is sterile, perhaps in association with partial or complete impotency (which is not uncommon among aging men), his options for finding another attractive woman, certainly one of child-bearing age, would be limited if you were to leave him.

In other words, the hand you're holding is probably stronger than you think.

CaraC said:
I wish I could be faithful, since my husband can't stand the thought of me as anything else.

If you and your husband are up for reading a book, given your strong motivation in this case, both of you will see that "faithfulness" appears to be nonexistent among pair-bond species throughout the biosphere including us humans. This was shown by the results of a broad-scale DNA-based study carried out not too long ago, which determined the percentages of offspring, including human offspring, sired by males other than the resident male (in effect, the mother's husband in non-human species, or husband or LTR partner in the case of humans). The results have been summarized in a very readable and fascinating "science for the layperson" book:

Barash, David P., Ph.D., and Judith Eve Lipton, M.D., 2001, The Myth of Monogamy: Fidelity and Infidelity in Animals and People, 227 pp. (hardcover).

Barash is a professor of psychology at the University of Washington; his Ph.D. is in Zoology. Lipton, his wife, is a psychiatrist who has practiced since 1980 and now specializes in women's issues. (They have two children.) You should be able to find reviews by googling "reviews of [the book title]" or something equivalent.

The initial chapters, after the introduction, are "Undermining the Myth: Males," followed by "Undermining the Myth: Females," followed by an additional chapter on "Undermining the Myth: Females."

Note women require two chapters on this subject, while men require only one.

Wake up , you hate him to hurt him

kenev said:
cara i cannot for the life of me understand what you are doing in this relationship you say you dont love him and you are not attracted to him so what as he got money? otherwise move on love it really is make your mind up time
EXACTLY what I was going to say except , YOU MUST HATE YOUR HUSBAND TO TREAT HIM LIKE THIS , sorry but let's face it he lets you go because he still LOVES YOU , and is hoping you will change . Come on cara WAKE UP .
kenev said:
cara i cannot for the life of me understand what you are doing in this relationship you say you dont love him and you are not attracted to him so what as he got money? otherwise move on love it really is make your mind up time

What are you talking about? I love my husband very much and have stated that more than once. I think he is the best person I've ever known and a wonderful companion. It makes me sick that you'd misrepresent what I've written. If I didn't love him, or vice versa, I wouldn't be with him. And, no, it has nothing to do with money.
I see you love him and enjoy your time with him but he is lacking in sex area, so you have sex with men that. Can do it better. Sex is only one small part of companionship
You don't love him

CaraC said:
What are you talking about? I love my husband very much and have stated that more than once. I think he is the best person I've ever known and a wonderful companion. It makes me sick that you'd misrepresent what I've written. If I didn't love him, or vice versa, I wouldn't be with him. And, no, it has nothing to do with money.
Does he WANT YOU to cheat on him / does it turn him on ? You said he just excepts it , that has to hurt him , because he loves you . If you REALLY LOVE HIM and want a child then STOP IT , or you DON'T LOVE HIM . To me it would be VERY HARD to make a relationship work when one doesn't get excited over the other , LIKE YOU SAID , and you rarely have sex , thats why your cheating . If I'm not reading what you wrote right , then I'm truely sorry .
kenev said:
my apologies if i have misread the situation i think you are going to be stuck in this relationship with nothing changing

Thank you for apologizing.
CaraC said:
What are you talking about? I love my husband very much and have stated that more than once. I think he is the best person I've ever known and a wonderful companion. It makes me sick that you'd misrepresent what I've written. If I didn't love him, or vice versa, I wouldn't be with him. And, no, it has nothing to do with money.

knot75 said:
I see you love him and enjoy your time with him but he is lacking in sex area, so you have sex with men that. Can do it better. Sex is only one small part of companionship

I probably have a somewhat similar situation ... I love my wife, she's a great person (and mother) and companion ... but our sex was never that great and finally became not existant. She is just not a very sexual person, which I am, and now couldn't even imagine having sex with her.

At the same time I will argue sex is a very big part of intimacy and being close in a very different way.

I spent over 2 yrs with a wonderful HW ... and even though it was never spoken ... my former HW gf, her husband and myself all agreed my wife maintained a "don't ask don't tell policy" when it came to me.
Interesting ...

After what I wrote early this morning ... just returned from some appointments and errands, one of which was stopping to get a Valentine's card for my wife and was quickly reminded ... in the selection process I am always careful not to pick one too romantic ... yes, love, appreciation, best friends for life etc. ... but never one super romantic like wanting to be in her arms and so on ...

... just the way it is
I have a wife I love to have a kid with. I'm average all around (size etc). I don't consider myself to be a true cuckold, but I like and want to share her with one other person. I've been encouraging her to try allowing another guy to augment our relationship. At first I didn't like the idea of her possibly getting pregneant by another guy. I guess I'd be ok with it as long as we could pass it off as ours (meaning similar looks, eye color, blood type etc) so it could be our secret. We've tried to have one of our own without much success. I think just sharing the experience with the woman I love would be a wonderful experience. Doing it the old fashioned way with another guy to help is just a bonus!

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