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My Nigga(?)

  • Thread starterRaunchyRandy
  • Start date


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Nov 24, 2006
There has been a bit of discussion in chat recently about the use of the word ‘Nigger,’ ‘nigga (sic)’ by people who attempt to have it seen as a badge of respect(?), rebellion, or various other reasons.

Without going into the history of the word (I prefer not to, in fact not to use the word, but it is necessary here), there’s nothing respectful/honorable or anything else that is positive about the word. It does show the user as a rebellious person with a profound need to self-denigrate, though. And, without respect for oneself, how can that person be expected to show respect for others. Indeed the user shows that they have little or no regard for the efforts of our forebears who sacrificed and struggled mightily, and endured outrageous hatred and discrimination, in hopes that we as a people/culture could have a chance for a better life.

Think about this: When you go to a job interview, do you take the ‘n word’ with you? Of course not. Why? Because the interview would END, immediately upon your use of it. Use it in any common workplace, and it’s (rightfully) likely to get you fired on the spot.

Use it in any decent restaurant? Expect to (rightfully) be asked to leave the premises.

Think about where you most commonly hear the word without people becoming uneasy. Rap lyrics, from ‘artists’ who use it as part of their strategy to get you to buy their music. They’re not interested in the hurtful effects the words have—only to get the ‘Benjamins.’

Many comics use foul/coarse language, but most Black comics have realized that the word is OFFENSIVE TO EVERYONE, and they’ve taken it out of their sets. Richard Pryor realized that late in his career, and made a point to say how much he knew that his use of the word had been HURTFUL to Black people.

Legislation is ongoing in many localities (notably New York City) to get rid of the word to the extent possible. I think governments realize they can’t enforce that, but they want to give visibility to the fact that they recognize that it is a HATEFUL word.

Why is it that some people feel they can use the term ‘my nigga,’ even as a greeting to a friend, and then find that same term offensive when used by someone of another ethnic background? YOU CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS! When people hear the term, whether directed at them, or they just happen to be in the vicinity, it causes most self-respecting people (of any race) to feel uncomfortable, as if someone has just used a coarse, vile vulgarity (which of course, the user did).

I expect to hear comments in support of use of the word. If you do, please try to not call people who feel as I do ‘Uncle Toms’ or the like. Far less than one per cent of Black people I know use the word, or will allow its use in their presence. These are people who have struggled against discrimination, and pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps to become successful and positive influences in society. They’ll tell you how easy it is to invoke negative name calling, rather than to endure the burdens they did to make life easier for YOU. So, if you respond, at least try to put forth some intelligent rationale in your support for use of the word.

With all the strife and mistrust in the world, YOU can help make it just a little bit better by trying to NOT USE that one word. It takes only a bit of conscious effort. If only a few people think about what the word really conveys, and stop their use of it, this post will have been worth it.

DARK CAVERN might even consider deleting all references to the word, also. One can hope…
I always remember the courtroom scene from the 1992 movie "Philadelphia" where the character Anthea Burton, a paralegal played by the wonderful Anna Deavere Smith is on the witness stand testifying to the discrimination of her employer, the law firm of Wyant Wheeler:

ATTORNEY - Have you ever felt discriminated against, at Wyant Wheeler?


ATTORNEY - In what way?

ANTHEA - Well... One time, Mr. Wheeler's secretary, Lydia, told me Mr. Wheeler had a problem with my earrings.

ATTORNEY - Your earrings?

(Anthea is wearing large, dangling African-style earrings).

ANTHEA - Apparently, Mr. Wheeler felt they were too... "ethnic" is the word she used. She said he would like it if I wore something smaller, less garish, and... more "American."

ATTORNEY - What did you say?

ANTHEA (smiling proudly) - I said my earrings ARE American. They're African-American.
I agree with you Randy. I am of West Indian descent and growing up I never heard it until I got around black americans. I still do not understand the use of the word in every day language. I just think of how many people fought and died to have not be though of as a 'nigger'. Personnally, I have never found it necessary to refer to another black person as nigger. And while it is sometimes used in a harmless manner the overwhelming majority of the time I hear it something negative is attached to it.
Reminds me of Marcellus in 'Pulp Fiction' saying "Vincent Vega, my nigga", in his club.
Words only have the power we allow them to have. Nigger, nigga, niglet, canadian, whitey, cracker, asshole, loser, dickless, shithead, whatever. It's a matter of control, that's the bottom line. He who uses the word has the control. So what. You're offended by that word? So what? Lot's of things offend me. So what? We don't have the right not to be offended. People, when are we going to be stronger than the words other people use?
sticks and stones

i refer to my own as niggers and nigga at times, but do not allow it to be said to me unless it is someone I know and am sure respects me. Like all words there are various meanings attached...both from the sender and receiver. Intent is the key. Cuck and Cuckold and Pussy and Wimp and Sissy and Slut and ***** and Bitch and Cum Dump are all words with multiple meanings too. Bottom line actions speak louder than words, and that is where racism lies!
Pooch said:
i refer to my own as niggers and nigga at times, but do not allow it to be said to me unless it is someone I know and am sure respects me. Like all words there are various meanings attached...both from the sender and receiver. Intent is the key. Cuck and Cuckold and Pussy and Wimp and Sissy and Slut and ***** and Bitch and Cum Dump are all words with multiple meanings too. Bottom line actions speak louder than words, and that is where racism lies!

Actions speak louder than words and that is where racism lies? If you're ok with one person or group of people calling you nigger or nigga or pussy or whatever, but are not ok with another person or group of people calling you the same name in the same context, and the only difference is they are a different color, doesn't that make you the racist? I'm just asking...I want to understand because, frankly, it gets pretty confusing.
I would have to agree with TominNC. Personally, I don't call people shithead, asshole, nigger or nigga. etc. The reason is that I was not raised that way. I am 45 years old and a white man who was born and raised in the South. I have met people before, especially from the North, who used a curse or slang word like the ones mentioned, every other word. After a while it gets really old. Like someone who uses f*cking every other word. That kind of junk is really not needed nor does it make you look very intelligent at all.
Now on the actual word "nigger". Of course, I have heard blacks call other blacks this word. I still do not understand that especially since they don't like the word (doesn't make sense). HOWEVER, a true "nigger" can be found in any race. I have met some white "niggers". I have met some hispanic "niggers". It is a word that means degrading, bottom of the barrel or a really trashy no class person who does not care anything for themselves or anyone or anything around them. Trust me, there are plenty of white "niggers."
Growing up, as well as today, I have had some black friends who have thought more of me and treated me better than some white people have. I am truly Southern and yes my great grandparents owned slaves but many of you do not understand what that was about. You think we all beat and whipped slaves. That is bullshit. My Dad's best friends was black when he grew up in the 20's. I had good black friends when I grew up in the 60's and 70's. Don't believe the whole stupid southerner who owned and beat their slaves bullshit type of stuff.
Nevertheless, do like I do, don't use the words at all! Do not degrade yourself to that level. Have self respect for yourself as a human being.
You know what it comes down to? I'm a mirror. If you respect me, I respect you. Respect is earned, not given. If you are an asshole to me, then I'm a big asshole to you. It's that easy. I wish it were that easy for all of us. Now, when it comes to wives, I'm a bull and you are three holes and your hubby is a clean-up wuss.
Hurtful Words...

Thanks for the comments...

Interesting comments from some who feel that words shouldn’t have an effect on others… Words are MEANT to evoke emotions, thoughts, reactions, etc. It’s how man communicates. If you are invulnerable, and can not be insulted or hurt by words, then perhaps you also can’t feel the tenderness that a positive, thoughtful word, whispered in passion or lust can bring forth. If profane, vile words can’t be hurtful, I wonder why such words have been coined and used throughout our history. If as you contend, they have NO EFFECT, why do people bother to hurl insults at others…

In Black history, the ‘n word’ was often accompanied by physical punishment even to the fact of murder. When governors of states (notably pick axe wielding Lester Mattox of Georgia, and George Wallace of Alabama) derisively used the word as a rallying cry to exhort Whites (including police officers) to attack, beat, and use dogs on Blacks, including young children, I’m certain they weren’t using the word in a positive way.

Try this: Substitute the word ‘friend’ for the ‘n word’ in these sentences.

“Nigga, get your black ass to the back of the bus!” or,

“Let’s hang this black nigga!”

Or, try this...

Take another word, universally considered negative in common society, like '*****,' and attach a positive connotation (like 'friend') to it. Then, call someone you are close to (your wife/gf(?)) a '*****...' Watch HER reaction. Just because you attempted to relate to her in that way, doesn't mean that SHE accepted it... And, you hurt her in the process.

I hope you get the points. There’s no way to make a practical case for turning that word into something positive. Especially since it puts you alongside a mentality (i.e., the KKK, Aryan Nation skinheads) who would use it against YOU, probably provoking a potentially violent confrontation.

History shows that the ‘n words’ ARE hurtful, maybe even hate words to the vast majority of Americans, so lets not waste time with challenges to historical fact.

Whether you accept it or not, you have a RESPONSIBILITY to your brothers/sisters, and to the generations that you spawn to try to make a more easy existence for them. I'm dissecting this to my poor ability, and you can either digest it and use it as fuel, or you can regurgitate it in rejection. But, it IS your responsibility. Letting go of the 'n words' is an easy way to embrace that responsibility. Again, if this thread makes some people think, then I feel it serves a purpose.

I would like to hear other thoughts on the issue (and, it IS a current social issue). But let’s try to keep the dialogue above the ‘South Park,’ or three-hole 'bull' levels. It deserves more than that.
As black people why are we perpetuating this word onto our future generations? Let the word die! There are many other words that are acceptable to use in all situations.

I always think its funny when people make excuses for double standards. A double standard is an oxymoron in itself. Is it a standard or not? If so, EVERYONE should adhere to the same standard.
8x6BM4WF said:
As black people why are we perpetuating this word onto our future generations? Let the word die! There are many other words that are acceptable to use in all situations.

I always think its funny when people make excuses for double standards. A double standard is an oxymoron in itself. Is it a standard or not? If so, EVERYONE should adhere to the same standard.

I could not agree more!!!! One standard will do, thank you very much. I find it just as ugly to hear a black person call another nigger as I do to hear a white person call a black person nigger. LET THE WORD DIE!!! That should be the thought of the day. Well said, 8X6!
RaunchyRandy said:
Thanks for the comments...

Interesting comments from some who feel that words shouldn’t have an effect on others… Words are MEANT to evoke emotions, thoughts, reactions, etc. It’s how man communicates. If you are invulnerable, and can not be insulted or hurt by words, then perhaps you also can’t feel the tenderness that a positive, thoughtful word, whispered in passion or lust can bring forth. If profane, vile words can’t be hurtful, I wonder why such words have been coined and used throughout our history. If as you contend, they have NO EFFECT, why do people bother to hurl insults at others…

In Black history, the ‘n word’ was often accompanied by physical punishment even to the fact of murder. When governors of states (notably pick axe wielding Lester Mattox of Georgia, and George Wallace of Alabama) derisively used the word as a rallying cry to exhort Whites (including police officers) to attack, beat, and use dogs on Blacks, including young children, I’m certain they weren’t using the word in a positive way.

Try this: Substitute the word ‘friend’ for the ‘n word’ in these sentences.

“Nigga, get your black ass to the back of the bus!” or,

“Let’s hang this black nigga!”

Or, try this...

Take another word, universally considered negative in common society, like '*****,' and attach a positive connotation (like 'friend') to it. Then, call someone you are close to (your wife/gf(?)) a '*****...' Watch HER reaction. Just because you attempted to relate to her in that way, doesn't mean that SHE accepted it... And, you hurt her in the process.

I hope you get the points. There’s no way to make a practical case for turning that word into something positive. Especially since it puts you alongside a mentality (i.e., the KKK, Aryan Nation skinheads) who would use it against YOU, probably provoking a potentially violent confrontation.

History shows that the ‘n words’ ARE hurtful, maybe even hate words to the vast majority of Americans, so lets not waste time with challenges to historical fact.

Whether you accept it or not, you have a RESPONSIBILITY to your brothers/sisters, and to the generations that you spawn to try to make a more easy existence for them. I'm dissecting this to my poor ability, and you can either digest it and use it as fuel, or you can regurgitate it in rejection. But, it IS your responsibility. Letting go of the 'n words' is an easy way to embrace that responsibility. Again, if this thread makes some people think, then I feel it serves a purpose.

I would like to hear other thoughts on the issue (and, it IS a current social issue). But let’s try to keep the dialogue above the ‘South Park,’ or three-hole 'bull' levels. It deserves more than that.

Whoa, calm down Randy...nobody is challenging the history of the use of the word. I do find it interesting that nowhere in your "history lesson" do you mention anything about the black slave traders who caught Africans and sold them to white Europeans. Nowhere in your "history lesson" do you touch on the negative effect the use of the word in rap music has on black children, who are desperately looking for role models. Everything you said is true. Just don't leave out the other stuff. You make a stronger case when you include everything. If the word hurts when used, then all who use it are hurtfull...black, white, chinese, everyone. Black people shouldn't get a pass to use the word just because they are black. That's racist. Can't we all just get along?
blacknine4wife said:
if it bothers people..don't use it..it's that simple..

I kind of agree with Blacknine..I have been in situations when the word is used and in situations when it isn't. In the heat of the moment, if the GUY uses it with me, I accept it as okay to use it back - especially when the word is used as part of a sexual question to me. I have been with menwho didn't use it at all - and the sex was as good.

Some other girls I have spoken with would never use the word outside the bedroom (or whatever room the 'action' takes place)...in a way I have found in my own small experience, the word is used solely as a SEXUAL connotation in a sexual situation. So maybe a general rule of thumb for folks on the ol' fenepost is that if the black guy begins using it, it may be okay to use it back. Otherwise, don't even bring it up...

Of course, that's just MHO
Can't We All Just Get Along...

TominNC said:
Whoa, calm down Randy...nobody is challenging the history of the use of the word. I do find it interesting that nowhere in your "history lesson" do you mention anything about the black slave traders who caught Africans and sold them to white Europeans. Nowhere in your "history lesson" do you touch on the negative effect the use of the word in rap music has on black children, who are desperately looking for role models. Everything you said is true. Just don't leave out the other stuff. You make a stronger case when you include everything. If the word hurts when used, then all who use it are hurtfull...black, white, chinese, everyone. Black people shouldn't get a pass to use the word just because they are black. That's racist. Can't we all just get along?

Well, TominNC... That's just what I thought I was promoting.

My thread starter did touch on the 'rap artists' who exploit others with the use of the word in their lyrics, in their quest for the 'Benjamins (money)...'

I didn't feel I was giving a 'history lesson.' My focus was/is simply on the use of the word/term by those who would try to make it seem positive. I don't feel it necessary to address slavery in Europe as part of this. This dialogue was never meant to be 'all inclusive;' only to suggest that using those words detracts from any sense of Black Pride that we as a culture deserve.

My primary thought is exactly opposite from what you say ('Black people shouldn't get a pass to use the word...'). NO ONE should have a pass to use those words/terms. I do think we're on the same side of the fence with this; we both agree that the WORD SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DIE.

I like this side of the fence, how about you?
Why is it that people across the Pond feel the need to label other people? Black/Irish/Chinese/European or Native Americans, to us in civilised Europe a Yank is a Yank is a Yank whether he be white black green or yellow.

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