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Negative views of female sexuality: origins, I

  • Thread starterCuster Laststand
  • Start date
I wish we could leave religion out of this site, but alas it always rears its head. This country was founding fathers based our Government on seperation of church and state, but we have not had the wisdom to stay with that principal. Frankly, I doubt many cucks or cuckoldresses are religious but ofcourse we are spiritual. We are different, asexual, bisexual or gay and just do not fit the mold of religion as practiced. As a man, well a sissy cuck, I understand that women are the more dominant species and to be honest in the USA have come to a dominant position of leadership, because we persons born with a penis have done so poor a job. Sissy Cucks serve a real and useful purpose, but it is not satisfying women or procreation.
It's All In The Wiring

mimi27406 said:
I wish we could leave religion out of this site, but alas it always rears its head. This country was founding fathers based our Government on seperation of church and state, but we have not had the wisdom to stay with that principal. Frankly, I doubt many cucks or cuckoldresses are religious but ofcourse we are spiritual.

When times are tough, what do you do? When the doctor tells you
you've got 12 minutes left, what do you do? People pray, or, for lack
of a better term: beseech the symbolic big baboon to save their souls
- since their bodies are doomed.
Religious feelings are hard wired into the human being. Even those
who deny a figure head and the concept of "deity" still say things like,
"It's nature.. the order of things lead us to this ... it's only logical."
Thus they still "think" that things have a meaning rather than just a
This next statement is 100% correct, yet it is exactly false. Just an
insight as to how tightly wired we are to believe in the unbelievable.

We are here, we humans exist, ONLY because the sun is exactly
the distance it is from earth. And the moon is exactly the size it is and
drifts away from the earth at exactly the velocity it does. And the
earth's core is exactly the size it is and made of iron and spins exactly
at the velocity it is spinning at. And because a comet or asteroid struck
the planet at the proper time and created just the perfect environment
to produce humans. And that a funny looking shrub-hamster grew
strange hands and stood on 2 feet ******** it's sexual organs to the
world - thus frightening all other creatures and allowing the hamster
time to develop abstract thought. And because meteors rained H2O down
on the earth. And because human history worked it's way in a dominent
path to all other (animal and geological) histories. And because human
history went exactly as it has (one change would have changed
everything...consider if Jesus were born in Greece or Egypt or China.)
Above all these situations, individually, they all transpired in a specific
order and timing. There alone in that last sentence is proof of a universal
architect - a god.
And all of it seems completely logical if you're hard wire to think so.
Actually, however, all of it is a product of a star that is a certain size
and under specific conditions. And - probably - happened only once...
and it had to happen only once to "seem" divine. All of it is also the
condition that forms a being that is hard wired to see things in that fashion.

We are children of the universe. Ants are conditioned to serve a queen
bee and to dig. Ducks are conditioned to swim and take one mate. People
are conditioned to serve (a) "MAN" (like figure.) And to internalize the external world.
The sanest person I ever knew once remarked to me after a stiff drink and a soul searching conversation about things as they are - when I thought he would make the remark, "It's all bull shit," - said, "It's all human shit."
And that it is.

I see in your post 13 of 22 Oct. 2009, in Saraha’s thread on her 1,000 posts, you said:

leftbehind said:
…. and I spent 3 years in novitiate school.

(for those unfamiliar with “novitiate schools,” see, for instance The Long Road to Priesthood: Why Novitiate Is Like Grade School ).

This implies your views of women are indeed, as they appear to be, strongly religious-based. Having left novitiate school under circumstances you have not mentioned, you have obviously retained those views. Thus, I could hardly have asked for a better example illustrating my assertion that the derogatory views of women (especially strongly sexual women) that are widespread throughout contemporary societies have their roots in ancient religious dogmas — dogmas that have been and continue to be very persistent through time, because organized religions and their followers believe that “God” (whoever that is) “is on their side.”

A good description of the tenacious persistence with which the male Catholic hierarchy continues to pursue the oppression of women (i.e., nuns) within their own church can be found in today’s news. See:

“The Nun’s Story”
By Maureen Dowd, Op-Ed Columnist, New York Times, 24 Oct. 2009.

A good description of how this translates into the harsh reality of the Catholic hierarchy’s treatment of women throughout an entire country in which they have heavy political influence can also be found in today’s news. See:

“Birth Control Bill Has Enemies in Philippines”
by Carlos Conde, New York Times, 25 Oct. 2009.

A description of how the accomplishments of women are systematically minimized as the heavy inertia of patriarchal views tends constantly toward re-assertion of male-dominated society can be found in today’s news, as well. See:

“The Mismeasure of Woman” by Joanne Limpman, Op-Ed Contributor, New York Times, 23 Oct. 2009.

Finally, regarding your comment:
leftbehind said:
You know Socrates once said that when a man makes woman his equal she is immediately his superior.
Does this suggest Socrates was secretly turned on by femdom? In any case, I would think you would be capable of buttressing your arguments with a quote from someone who lived more recently then ~469 BC to 399 BC (24+ centuries ago). But, this fits in well with the archaic nature of your views and your screen name.

Slapped Around Again

Custer Laststand said:

I see in your post 13 of 22 Oct. 2009, in Saraha’s thread on her 1,000 posts, you said:

(for those unfamiliar with “novitiate schools,” see, for instance The Long Road to Priesthood: Why Novitiate Is Like Grade School ).

This implies your views of women are indeed, as they appear to be, strongly religious-based. Having left novitiate school under circumstances you have not mentioned, you have obviously retained those views. Thus, I could hardly have asked for a better example illustrating my assertion that the derogatory views of women (especially strongly sexual women) that are widespread throughout contemporary societies have their roots in ancient religious dogmas — dogmas that have been and continue to be very persistent through time, because organized religions and their followers believe that “God” (whoever that is) “is on their side.”
I left the Order of the Sacred Heart because my cock lead me to the nearest ****** whenever I traveled into the city.
leftbehind said:
I left the Order of the Sacred Heart because my cock lead me to the nearest ****** whenever I traveled into the city.

That was a good reason.
Custer Laststand said:
That was a good reason.


oh did some one mention cuckolding,NO?

Religious views are finally under review, with the Pope now admitting he might allow Priests to get married - so this will FINALLY get rid of all the paedophiles in the Church by channeling their suppressed sex drives into healthy sex within marriages (open or closed) with adult partners. I think the Pope has got a huge EARTHQUAKE SIZE shock at how much the Church has to pay out to "hush up" the complaints against Priests.

Nothing like a reality check for an arrogant church.

Thanks for your comments.

Saraha said:
Religious views are finally under review, with the Pope now admitting he might allow Priests to get married....

If so, that would seem a minor concession to the reality of human nature, in response to overwhelming pressure from "the real world."

I would guess there's also another reason. It would be that the Catholic Church is finding it increasingly difficult (actually impossible, as I understand it) to attract sufficient numbers of aspiring new priests to keep their pipelines filled. I mean, the idea of joining an organization that formally prohibits all forms of normal sexual behavior, then at some later time being sued (along with the organization), being made a social pariah (personally), and perhaps even being sent to prison (personally), all for deviant sexual behavior ****** by the organization's prohibitions, has got to seem less than attractive. Even the upper levels of the Catholic hierarchy must realize, by now, that all this is not striking potential future priests as an irresistible come-on.

Saraha said:
....so this will FINALLY get rid of all the paedophiles in the Church by channeling their suppressed sex drives into healthy sex within marriages (open or closed) with adult partners.

Or most of it. I imagine it will be an exponential decay extending over a generation, since the church hierarchy contains a large number of such people (presumably) at present. Also, in the general population I think some (perhaps a substantial percentage of) pedophiles are married, so the same may be true in the future population of married priests.

Another step forward would be to eliminate from church ceremonies the bait that probably serves, at least in part, to attract pedophiles to the priesthood — i.e., alterboys.

Saraha said:
I think the Pope has got a huge EARTHQUAKE SIZE shock at how much the Church has to pay out to "hush up" the complaints against Priests.

Nothing like a reality check for an arrogant church.

Yes. Like many if not most other things, concessions to "liberal values" in the *very* conservative Catholic Church hierarchy boil down to cost, measured in hard currencies.

I'll see it as a *real* progressive advance for the church, though, when — in addition to formally permitting and acknowledging the desirability of normal sexual relationships including marriage among their clergy — the Catholic Church admits and even encourages women to join and advance up the ranks of their now-one-hundred-percent male patriarchy. I'm sure that's coming; the church won't be able to resist indefinitely. The only question is, will it be sooner or later.

I do not think that allowing priests to marry will do anything to alleviate pedophilia since the generally accepted definition of the act is a "sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object." Perhaps it will stop some, but not all, of the liasons between priests and nuns or female members of the church.

I have noticed that when speaking of religion or christianity most of the posters are referring to the Catholic Church. I have never been a member of the Catholic Church and cannot speak as an authority on their practices, but I do recognize that they have done a lot of bad things in addition to all the good things they have accomplished.

Hopefully most of the responders to my posts will not see me as a defender of that denomination, but rather a Protestant, or non-denominational, believer. Christ stated that the only way to the Father is through a relationship with him. I don't think He ever invisioned a requirement of intercession by a priest, pope, or saint. Nor do I personally think he supported the Crusades, or political aspirations of the Catholic Church, or even the fundamentalist church leaders here in the United States. Christ went to his death on the cross praying for the souls of all thoses that persecuted him during that journey. Early Christians followed that example by the hundreds and thousands. His teaching remains one of unconditional love and nothing more.
On The Other Hand

Susan's Slave said:
I do not think that allowing priests to marry will do anything to alleviate pedophilia
No, but it will make it easier to screen who's joining the ranks. Especially if
members - priests, brothers, nuns, etc - have children of their own to protect.
Perhaps, and that is certainly a worthy goal, but most pedophiles are very hard to spot because they fit right in and are (on the surface) some of the nicest people you have ever met! Most pedophiles victimize within the extended family (nieces, nephews) and close personal friends.
Women rule! Women are beautiful, beautifully made, and by their very nature...make everything around them beautiful. They are to be respected, treated with dignity, and treated the same way you would wish to be treated. Let's hear it for our ladies of the world!
Susan's Slave said:
I do not think that allowing priests to marry will do anything to alleviate pedophilia since the generally accepted definition of the act is a "sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object." Perhaps it will stop some, but not all, of the liasons between priests and nuns or female members of the church.

I have noticed that when speaking of religion or christianity most of the posters are referring to the Catholic Church. I have never been a member of the Catholic Church and cannot speak as an authority on their practices, but I do recognize that they have done a lot of bad things in addition to all the good things they have accomplished.

Hopefully most of the responders to my posts will not see me as a defender of that denomination, but rather a Protestant, or non-denominational, believer. Christ stated that the only way to the Father is through a relationship with him. I don't think He ever invisioned a requirement of intercession by a priest, pope, or saint. Nor do I personally think he supported the Crusades, or political aspirations of the Catholic Church, or even the fundamentalist church leaders here in the United States. Christ went to his death on the cross praying for the souls of all thoses that persecuted him during that journey. Early Christians followed that example by the hundreds and thousands. His teaching remains one of unconditional love and nothing more.

Pity his followers don't follow that teaching,and are such bigoted hypocrites.
The slave trade being just one example of good Christians,preying to their god in earnest,then selling people into slaveryand misery,to god fearing southern cotton farmers,who went to church on Sunday,knowing they had,bought another human being,who had been kidnapped and seperated from his family,and children,or doesn't this crime against humanity count in the sins of your god.
Christian history is littered with many many many many more examples.
And if you don't like the rules,you can always do as Henry the eighth did,and start your own church,hey! thats a good idea, THE CHURCH OF THE CUCKOLDS,we could prey to the godesses Fanny,and Big Tits.
Now,i never said that your god supported,anything,it's his followers who are such hypocrites,to a man/woman,the Crusades,after all were the Christians trying to force Europe/middle east to become Christian,and what about the Spanish inquisition then,good christians?
I've just seen in the news that the head of Goldman Sacks,says he's doing god's work,ha ha ha,another religious nut
A relationship with your god? has he got a big cock?
What You're Really Saying

fionasissyslut said:
Pity his followers don't follow that teaching,and are such bigoted hypocrites.
The slave trade being just one example of good Christians,preying to their god in earnest,then selling people into slaveryand misery,to god fearing southern cotton farmers,who went to church on Sunday,knowing they had,bought another human being,who had been kidnapped and seperated from his family,and children,or doesn't this crime against humanity count in the sins of your god.
Christian history is littered with many many many many more examples.
And if you don't like the rules,you can always do as Henry the eighth did,and start your own church,hey! thats a good idea, THE CHURCH OF THE CUCKOLDS,we could prey to the godesses Fanny,and Big Tits.
Now,i never said that your god supported,anything,it's his followers who are such hypocrites,to a man/woman,the Crusades,after all were the Christians trying to force Europe/middle east to become Christian,and what about the Spanish inquisition then,good christians?
I've just seen in the news that the head of Goldman Sacks,says he's doing god's work,ha ha ha,another religious nut
A relationship with your god? has he got a big cock?
So, what you're saying is that you will no longer buy tooth paste or enjoy a Big Mac because the CEOs of Proctor& Gamble and MacDonald's have no idea how to make the stuff and care only about their stock options?
You're thinking is misguided. A church is not its religion. And, as far as Christianity goes it is unique among religions. It is built entirely on miracles. Remove miracles from Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Confucianism, and Mesoamerican religions and they all are nothing but a pile of behavioral rules and Sunday morning preponderance. Remove the Incarnation, the Resurrection, the Ascension, the Second Coming and the Last Judgment from Christianity and you're left with nothing at all. It is a faith resting entirely on the expression of God. Yeah, the one with the biggest and best cock.
What "people" do (read: WHAT THE CHURCH DOES) is not a godly expression, it is a human expression. And thus riddled with the whims of society.
Oh, by the way, their is a cuckold religion. Check out the Kama Sutra.
Kama Sutra Positions
Like I said, remove miracles and you're left with do this and don't do that.
Oh, and also, down here in the deep south we close shop every Wednesday afternoon, every week, because we honor "Slave Auction Day." Afro-Americans and Crackers alike. Yep, we celebrate the sale of human beings as the backbone of labor and luxury. We see nothing wrong with it; we're all good church going folk, we rather see the country go broke than pay taxes and we have a right to carry fire arms and kill you if you look sideways at us. See, good , hard working folks trusting that God will redeem us and honoring what you think is ungoldy. Hummm, maybe that guy at Gold Sachs has a point?
fionasissyslut said:
Sorry the bible was written by the Jews and does not stand up to any sort of objective scrutiny in the year 2009..
religious people and followers of the bible have tried to claim the moral high ground,but as we all know you don't have to believe in god to be a good and moral person

Fionasissyslut is ever so correct
leftbehind said:
So, what you're saying is that you will no longer buy tooth paste or enjoy a Big Mac because the CEOs of Proctor& Gamble and MacDonald's have no idea how to make the stuff and care only about their stock options?
You're thinking is misguided. A church is not its religion. And, as far as Christianity goes it is unique among religions. It is built entirely on miracles. Remove miracles from Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Confucianism, and Mesoamerican religions and they all are nothing but a pile of behavioral rules and Sunday morning preponderance. Remove the Incarnation, the Resurrection, the Ascension, the Second Coming and the Last Judgment from Christianity and you're left with nothing at all. It is a faith resting entirely on the expression of God. Yeah, the one with the biggest and best cock.
What "people" do (read: WHAT THE CHURCH DOES) is not a godly expression, it is a human expression. And thus riddled with the whims of society.
Oh, by the way, their is a cuckold religion. Check out the Kama Sutra.
Kama Sutra Positions
Like I said, remove miracles and you're left with do this and don't do that.
Oh, and also, down here in the deep south we close shop every Wednesday afternoon, every week, because we honor "Slave Auction Day." Afro-Americans and Crackers alike. Yep, we celebrate the sale of human beings as the backbone of labor and luxury. We see nothing wrong with it; we're all good church going folk, we rather see the country go broke than pay taxes and we have a right to carry fire arms and kill you if you look sideways at us. See, good , hard working folks trusting that God will redeem us and honoring what you think is ungoldy. Hummm, maybe that guy at Gold Sachs has a point?

Yup,take away the fairy stories and what do you get,a bunch of nutters,believing in thin air.
Yup you have the right to carry arms,and go on to a campus/army base and shoot everybody in sight,bunch of nutters
Yup,take away the concience,and you have a country that believes in the criminal act of slavery,bunch of nutters.
Unless your post was actually,tongue in cheek,i do feel so very sorry for your fellow countrymen.
Anyhoo,what has this to do with cuckolding
leftbehind said:
Down here in the deep south we close shop every Wednesday afternoon, every week, because we honor "Slave Auction Day." Afro-Americans and Crackers alike. Yep, we celebrate the sale of human beings as the backbone of labor and luxury.

I've been waiting for large numbers of African-Americans to weigh in with posts enthusiastically saying what a great thing this is, but for some reason or other I don't see any.

leftbehind said:
We see nothing wrong with it; we're all good church going folk.

That isn't surprising. One of the purposes of religions is working to ensure continuation of historical forms of social organization, regardless of how immoral and egregious, with as little change as possible.

leftbehind said:
We'd rather see the country go broke than pay taxes....

Sounds like the state I live in (which is not in the deep south).

leftbehind said:
....and we have a right to carry firearms and kill you if you look sideways at us.

But it's necessary to accept some penalties for that. In Florida, even children are sentenced to life in prison for some crimes, including those committed with firearms, that do not involve anyone being killed. See, for instance, the case pending today in the U.S. Supreme Court:


But hey.... it's a small price to pay for having the "right" to shoot anyone one might wish to shoot.
Responsible Actions

Custer Laststand said:
I've been waiting for large numbers of African-Americans to weigh in with posts enthusiastically saying what a great thing this is, but for some reason or other I don't see any.

I admit I characterized Slave Auction Day badly. The day is not to honor the sale of human beings. It is held weekly to recall the day when everyone put work aside to get over to the auctions. Yes, to purchase and sell slaves (which until the 1800 hundreds was not nutty, wrong or sinful) but also to do all kinds of socializing and community stuff. My wife's family are Brown, or, as you said so politically correct - African-Americans. Their family owned slaves back then too. (Not all slave owners were Crackers.) The African-Americans also honor each Wednesday down here. Their attitude differs from Crackers - Asians, Indians, etc. They see it more as a break afforded by the historical event.
Oh, before you get on me about calling y'all Crackers, no disrespect intended. Most Whites in these parts and down Florida way are descendants from folks who were known as Crackers.

Custer Laststand said:
Sounds like the state I live in (which is not in the deep south).
That's why this nation is doomed. There's no free ride. If we'd rather give up our kidneys than pay for health care, we will lose our kidneys. If we'd rather not extend health care to those who can't afford it, they will get sick and make us sick. If we don't repair bridges, they fall down. If we think millions of folks crossing our border are just a bunch of hard working poor seeking to melt into our society, we'll soon find ourselves ****** to speak their language and live their dirty life styles while THEY own all our businesses and property. Ask anyone who lives in Orlando or Kissimmee or Miami and along the Mexican border. The rights we extend to invaders they will not extend back to us. Never happened before, won't happen now. Just as America holds .05% of the world's money supply while China holds 33% of it; America will pay the piper soon enough.
I didn't mean to sound insensitive in my post concerning taxes. The matter is that we in the deep south are so poor that when asked for taxes we all laugh. (My Net connection is shared with 9 others and all thanks to our friend who owns a home park. No other way any of us could afford it.) And once the Chinese task masters come around. Well, in short, the next century's Slave Auction Day will have a different meaning.

Custer Laststand said:
But it's necessary to accept some penalties for that.

I did not say we are not responsible for our actions. Few folk speak with forked tongue round these parts. We 'get 'er done.' And we accept blame as we do credit. It's y'all up that way we worry about.
Remember the song 'Louisiana 1927' ?

Although I confess to having a forked tongue when posting sometimes...:<
slavery not nutty wrong or sinfull? oh per..lease,your concience tells you this is wrong,or perhaps you mean,it was not against the law.
Just pcture this,if Hitler would have got to America,you would be working 20 hour days in a salt mine,until you dropped dead from the hard work or the beatings,then replaced with another slave
Slavery is just plain wrong in any era,but even more disgusting when perpatrated by so called,"god fearing" men.

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