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New experience for us

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Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
So - seems like it's time to start a new thread - so here goes..

How do you ask another guy to have sex with your wife? The answer is "very awkwardly". I will say it's definitely a first in my book.

Between my/our anxiety over it all and her seeing him on Thursday and then asking me to wait till Friday - AFTER our get together with Frank - I was all over the place as I'd last posted. I would even say that the anxiety I felt about Friday kind of overshadowed my horniness in a way.

Anyway - a week later, let me recap what happened and where we are.

So, as I said, it was awkward. I was definitely horny and she'd been teasing me before we went over. We were actually quiet on the way over his place. We brought him the tool organizer, a bottle of champagne and Sue had picked up this really neat house-plant - so we were bearing gifts and I knew that would ease us into conversation.

We got there about 8:30pm and every time I'm there I get horny thinking about whether they've fucked in this chair or on that couch. Sue whispered to me that he'd cleaned up a bit as the night before, there was all sorts of guy-stuff all over (she's joked with me that we're much alike in that way - none of us are exactly Felix Unger).

Frank had some wine (I didn't ask how he knew what kind Sue liked - didn't want to do anything to derail the train) and beer as well as some appetizer kinds of snacks. There was a little tension in the air and at one point when Sue went to use the bathroom, Frank asked me what was going to happen. I told him that I would bring "it" up when I thought the time was right, he assured me he'd play right along with whatever happened.. At another point when I was out of the room I snuck back and peeked in and saw the 2 of them talking together so I suspected they were doing the same as he and I had done, prepared themselves.

But as I've said all along - it's very easy with the 3 of us together - so the conversations and the alcohol flowed effortlessly. At one point Frank asked us if we wanted to smoke some pot - which naturally led to a discussion of where he'd gotten it (one of his clients had offered it to him) and the whole thing about whether it should be legal for adults or not. It was a good conversation as it let us open up a bit about something unconventional. We went out on his deck where we smoked some of it. Turned out it was pretty good and it definitely relaxed our conversation afterwards. We bantered about all sorts of things including me joking with Frank about seeing a Penthouse magazine in the magazine rack - which left us all laughing when he said he "liked the articles" in it. But it was a great conversation starter. After we all got another round of drinks I found the courage to open up the real subject/reason for our getting together. In our enlightened mood, the banter went to how much his right hand enjoyed the magazine. Sue didn't understand the reference right away but soon got it and turned red and giggled which made us all laugh out loud. The talk went to how Frank was doing dating-wise and when he said he was in a slump, and it sounds crazy but I just came out and said that "maybe Sue could help you out?".

There was silence for a second and then I said to Sue that it was something we'd talked about and I looked at Frank, who was white-faced at what I'd just said, and I said something that I thought it would be exciting and said to Frank that we'd been talking about doing something like this - "spicing things up" and then I said "unless you're not interested, that is?" and then I looked at Sue and said something like "I guess I should make sure you're okay?". She smiled and played the part up in saying that she wasn't totally sure but thought Frank was a nice guy and then played up a concern over making a fantasy become a reality.

None of what happened was what any of us expected. Frank asked what the fantasy was about and Sue owned up to thinking about him when we'd had sex. She just made it up as we went along but it was Frank who I look back at and have to laugh at. He was listening to everything and looking at me, I guess, as if to ask me if this is something I coached her into saying. But it honestly seemed just totally spontaneous. Like a deer in the headlights he seemed frozen listening to her. I don't think he knew what to say or how to answer until I said to him that I thought he was a great guy and I said that if I was going to have to pick a guy for her to have fun with, that I'd be comfortable with him.

And that was it. It was out in the open. He asked how it would work and once he did so and I think Sue and I felt we were all in sync, it seemed almost easy to discuss. The conversations I'd had with Frank made it easier for me to feel comfortable talking to him. Sue played her part perfectly - but again, how the conversation just seemed to happen made it all seem totally innocent and spontaneous - not what either of us had discussed with each other or with Frank.

We'd been talking almost non-stop and by then, it was kind of late already in that it was almost 11pm - over 2 hours had gone by effortlessly and now, we'd hit a high-point. I know Sue and I were sensitive to this from some of our earliest experiences - that it's better to end on a high-note than to push an evening further along. Through our discussion we'd shared - either Sue or I or both of us - that she'd wanted to fulfill her fantasy before she got too old - that I thought the idea of a hot-wife was arousing and we both shared some of the role-playing fun we'd had and how we wanted to go to the next step. I also shared that I thought I'd be okay with Sue playing without me but that I hoped that it could also be the 3 of us at times and I told Frank that was also one of Sue's longtime-fantasies, 2 guys at once.

I know it sounds like we were all crazy or something for how open and easy the conversation flowed, but as I've said, he IS an easy guy to talk to, something about him is just so disarming. Anyway, I digress. At some point we all raised our glasses and toasted to "fantasies". As I said, Sue and I were aware that we wanted to end the night on a good point. I made mention of the time and Sue seemed right on cue and said we should be going.

Here's where I made a careful decision. I stood up and shook Franks hand and said thanks, that it'd been a fun evening and as he and Sue both stood up I said that I hoped we'd be seeing each other again soon. Before Sue could say anything though, I said that I was going to go out and get the car started up and warmed up and I said to the two of them that "you two can say goodbye and talk for a minute" while the car warmed up. I felt like I was walking on Cloud 9 as I walked out and yelled back for Sue to get his phone numbers and Email addresses.

Sue came out about 10 minutes later and kissed me and I could smell and taste a bit that she'd just given Frank a blow-job!!!! She said he was elated and they agreed to now openly swap Emails with him to plan their/our next meeting. Needless to say, when we got home that night - it was quite intense - even to the point where our daughter said something to Sue the next day about hearing "noises" in the middle of the night.

But sorry to burst any bubbles, they/we are not getting together until next week at the earliest. Turned out that after his last round of holiday depression, that he'd made plans to go to his brother's house for New Years.

And, it was Sue who turned down seeing him this past Thursday. We both had 1/2 days at work and with both kids home, she felt it wouldn't be right to not be home with all of us. Plus, as she shared with me, she wants to be horny for ME tonight.

Gotta run.

Happy New Year to everyone. 2012 is already shaping up to be incredible.
No need to apologize....freakin total turn on and appreciate you sharing...the fact that this was it actually is far more erotic...awesome. Just awesome...
a great start to a new life and hope you and sue have fun with it and keep us updated about it. have a happy new year.
Good progress. The pot was a good idea of Frank's; it helped you open up. I wonder if he intended more to happen with smoking.
Great self control on Sue's behalf; putting her family before her lover. Looking forward to this years adventures.
I wish you a Happy New Year full of love and erotic adventure.
A new chapter begins, can't wait to see how it goes. Quite apt for a new year. Let's hope it is a happy one for all, players and readers alike.
Hey all - hope everyone is doing okay on January 1st!
With us having the house to ourselves last night - lets just say that my nuts are totally drained today. I can't count the number of times I felt her pussy spasm in orgasm last night - I just know that I mustered up 3 times for myself (okay - granted, just a little dribble the last time) which even surprised Sue. She was quite the compliant wife last night including when she let me restrain her hands and arms above her and doing whatever I liked to the rest of her. She was reluctant to let me go down on her at first - just pretending this time though - as she teased me that she'd been naughty. At another point, several different toys came out and Jim (her favorite silicone dildo) brought her to a rousing orgasm several times. By the time I mounted her for my first one - her pussy felt well fucked and ready for my turn. With both of the kids out for the night - she had no reason to hold back on her screams of pleasure. It is always a turn on to hear her throaty moan as I push into her. Even more arousing to think that Frank also gets to experience her passion too.

Yes, it took some control for Sue (and I) to leave after seeing Frank but I later found that they'd agreed to that - that Frank suggested it so I wouldn't get suspicious if they just jumped into bed. I had to laugh at how much thought had gone into it all on his part. With Christmas and Frank's plans for New Years, Sue said she felt it special that she just be with me and we deliberately abstained from sex for a few days so last night would be that much more explosive with me.

We swapped email with Frank last week - and we've all agreed that we'll go over his place this Thursday (how coincidental!) and "see what happens". It was my suggestion (from Frank by way of Sue) that if things looked like they were going to get started, that I would run to the store or find some other reason to give them some time alone. We agreed that we'd maybe talk on the phone (if the kids aren't around) or that we'd swap Email this week to discuss more.

Sue is seemingly on fire about all of this. She says that she hasn't felt this excited and sexually aroused since back when she was first getting comfortable with Brad, when SHE wanted to finally let herself go and she felt the desires. It is so intense seeing her like this. I can walk up to her in the kitchen, pull her hair aside and nibble on her neck and she tells me she is instantly horny and has had me feel how wet her pussy is.

So - keeping my fingers crossed for Thursday to go okay. This is a first for us, to have it happen like this (or seem to at least - lol.....).
All I can say is that Sue is still literally on fire sexually. She's holding nothing back - with our son still away and our daughter out for a while today - we fucked up a storm this morning including her teasing me at how much sex we've had in the past few days and how I'd better enjoy today as I'll be waiting again.

We both swapped Email with Frank (both of us making him think we don't know what the other is doing for a few of them). I told him in mine that I thought it might work out if we both go over his place Thursday night after dinner and echoed what I knew Sue was also suggesting - that if things felt right that I'd make myself scarce. She let me know that Frank is worried that I'll somehow know it's not their first time and she tried to calm him down a bit by telling him of what I am supposed to be talking her into and convincing her to reinforce that I want this to happen.

I would love to leave them on Thursday and then come back maybe a little early. After all this time, I'd like to secretly see how passionate they are together when they think I'm not there. However, I too am a bit anxious about just how Frank and I are going to be. He's asked several times if I'm really sure about this and I replied to him in all sorts of degrees of explicitness - from "I want you to make her feel good" to at other times, telling him he should "fuck the crap out of her" and at other times "to leave her full and wet for me" - so he should have no misconception that I do want it.

After Sue coaxing a second load out of me this morning - well it wasn't much coaxing, more of her just lying there and telling me to "enjoy myself" as she'd already cum more than enough times. She teased me that "this is how I'm going to feel on Thursday" as I pushed my cock into her wet and now, well-used pussy. She'd had her toys out and had cum earlier with Jim in her and now wanted me for "seconds". I do love how she feels after she's cum with a cock buried in her - there's this deep openness that is just so intense. After our New Years Eve and our earlier fuck this morning - this second time took a while for me and when it came - damn it was intense it felt like an explosion from deep inside and it felt scalding hot - hot enough that even Sue opened her eyes wide as I spurted in her. I knew it was the last of my juices I'd have for another day or so now and it was intense dumping it in her waiting pussy like that.

More as it happens.
My sex life never improved more , then after I started being honest with my wife. Seems like your going to have alot of fun!!
Three people are smoking hot in anticipation of the new arrangement. While you are both rutting like crazy, poor lonely Frank must be jerking off like crazy thinking about it.
Sorry to have been away for a bit, I am still following your threads with bated breath.
Your situation is just getting hotter and hotter. Very masterful and congratulations!
I hope everything goes well tomorrow.

> It was my suggestion (from Frank by way of Sue) that if things looked like they
> were going to get started, that I would run to the store or find some other
> reason to give them some time alone.
Are you planning to make yourself scarce for a bit to make things easier on Frank or
is it because you still find it too emotionally intense to witness up close your wife
getting so intimate with another man? The intimacy may be easier to bear now, since
you have a much better relationship with Frank than with her previous lovers.

I also hope you get to fulfil your desire to go down on your wife right after he
has come inside her. I seem to remember in the past you wanted to experience this
but were too embarrassed to do it in front of her lover. One way to get around this
would be for you wife to request you go down on her. Maybe to "show to her you approve
of what she has done and still love her". How could you deny such a request, so
nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm sure Sue would be a willing accomplice in this :)

Good luck!
Hiki - I think it's both reasons for me making myself scarce tomorrow. Sue and I have even talked about maybe taking 2 cars there allowing me to leave and not come back. She just ran out to pick up our daughter so we're still talking about this but will, probably, leave it up to whatever feels right tomorrow.

Part of the reason is also, and we've agreed on this, that we do need to keep the rouse going a bit longer. If this is truly the "first time" for me/her/us, would I really stay there with her? Or would it seem more appropriate for me to leave? Seeing as we want it to feel okay for Frank in terms of going from clandestine to out in the open, we're thinking still better for me to give them some time alone.

However, I will admit that I do have butterflies in my stomach thinking about watching them together. I think knowing the intimacy they've shared already, that I'd like it to feel more natural for me to stay which, in my mind, is when Frank is more comfortable with my knowing about it.

So in my head, the plan is for us to both go over there tomorrow after dinner. Frank's a contractor so we're using the thought that we're looking at expanding our den (which is true) and Frank is working on plans and such with us as what we've told the kids. My "plan" thus far is that we go there, have a bit to drink and hopefully he has some stuff to smoke left. In emails we've swapped where we've kept the rouse up - the idea is that I'll stay but once they are "comfortable", that I'd leave and wait for a text message or phone call to come back. Frank seemed comfortable with this as a general plan both in the private notes we've swapped as well as the ones the 3 of us have forwarded/replied to each other on (I know - sounds crazy but it's let each of us take a little time to think about our responses).

Sue's all excited about it, that's for sure. In the meanwhile, she's shared with me some of her thoughts on things SHE would like to try if this becomes more comfortable and open with Frank. I'll share them when I have more time.
Wow Dana, I hadn't expected any feedback tonight but had a few minutes before hitting the sack to share some of "her" desires. With tomorrow as our big day - I'm feeling totally wired and finding it hard to fall asleep.

So, I'll just ramble here - mind you, a lot of this stuff is simply a quick comment and not a big discussion and some (most?) of it is what she's teased me about during sex (kind of obvious when she repeats things several times over several different days). I suppose most of this stems from her seeming acceptance that it's her that wants this and not just (or mainly) Frank.

One thing she told me is that she wants to see him before work one day for a "quickie" and that she wants to then go to work afterwards. I asked her how that's different than when she used to do it at lunchtime and then go back to work - and that's when she, in more words than that, said that is was her that wanted it this time. I do remember, when we were first dating and even when we were first married, that she would occasionally go off to work filled with my cum and that it turned her on. I think it's hot that she wants to feel that with Frank. Yes, I'm sure if I said I wanted to, that she'd still do it with me - it's hearing and knowing she wants to do it with Frank that turns me on.

She's also shared that she hopes that if we can all be truly comfortable with each other, that she can sneak off with him sometimes when we're all together and have a quickie and then come back. The one scene she says she's fantasized about is the 2 of them sneaking off and then them both coming back out to join me lying out by the pool. She says it turns her on to think about lying like that afterwards. I was going to ask what was different about that than when we've done it and then I thought about my question and realized the obvious answer - it turns her on that she's been with him.

There's been no mistaking my positive response to some of this stuff. But it hasn't all been okay with me. For example, she said at one point that she could see herself going away with Frank, as in a weekend or vacation. It wasn't that explicit or clear but the implication was clear - I told her that I wasn't sure I was ready for that. It wasn't a big deal, like I said, some of this was just kind of daydreaming out loud or similar and she was cool with my response and the conversation just moved on (but I remembered for sure!).

About the only thing that she's been very clear about is that she would like them to be able to somehow be at our house. Lots of reasons - her not always having to leave is one and she also said that it'd be better for us - her and I. I reminded her that I still wasn't thrilled with the whole idea of our bedroom and she was cool with that and giggled that our office room is what she'd had in mind anyway. But the point I think was that she wants me to be okay with her and Frank being more out in the open.

I re-read what I wrote and rather than re-write it to better explain - I'll give you an example of the last thing, about freedom in our house. She's teased several times (several as in multiple times in terms of during sex AND different days) about "how would you like Frank to come out to you and tell you it's your turn with me" and how she would be waiting for me in the office or in the den or out on the deck - I think that explains it. She's felt the answer to this question by the throbbing of my cock she can feel when she's teased me with it during sex.

And if it doesn't, serves me right for trying to think this much before bed.

I am horny as can be - writing all this didn't help in that regard.
Have fun! Bet you can't wait to dive into that swollen, wet Frank-filled pussy! Enjoy!
STB, hope it all goes to plan for you! Have you thought how you and Frank will be as mates after it is all out in the open and he is screwing your wife regularly with your knowledge and blessing? Do you think you will discuss her over a few beers as blokes do, comparing notes on how tight and soft her pussy feels on your cocks, the noises she makes when she cums, how sensitive her tits are. I'm sure it would stir up all sorts of emotions to have that sort of conversation over a woman you love deeply.
Well, it went as well as I suppose it could have.

We went over there about 8pm and the three of us were all feeling awkward and believe it or not, a bit nervous - and I suspect different reasons for each of us. We had some wine which took the edge off and I think we were all looking for how to get the evening started and finally, after what seemed like ages, Frank offered up the last of the stuff he had to smoke.

It was again one of those moments where I made a decision on the fly. As we got motivated to go out on his deck to smoke a little, my decision was to tell them both that I was going to run over to Home Depot before they closed and then run some other errands. I told Frank "it's cool, have some fun, seriously, I'm good with it". Like I said, awkward. He was kind of speechless that I'd taken the leap at that moment but Sue was all smiles, as she later told me, very thankful that she didn't have to be the one to get things started. I hugged her and said loudly "show him a good time and tell me about it later" and I kissed her pretty passionately. She looked at me with this look of content on her face and smiled and as I let go of her I said "text me when you want me to come back" and then I punched Frank in the shoulder and told him "enjoy, seriously" and then I left.

I had done it. Steeled up my courage and desires and come out and said it. I closed the door behind and got in my car. As I let it warm up a bit I could see a wisp of smoke over the corner of his building so I knew they were out there as I pulled away. I really felt good about it, I didn't feel the anxiety that I thought I would as I had with Don and Brad - I can say that I genuinely wanted him to fuck her.

I killed time almost till Home Depot closed at 10pm, stopped to fill the car with gas, took a ride up to this overlook spot for a bit and was about to head by the 24-hour grocery store when I got the text message from her. It was 11:09pm and I'd left almost 2 hours earlier. Earlier we'd agreed that she could text me to just pick her up if it wasn't a good scene so I could tell from the text that she/they wanted me to come in.

However, as I was driving there I got another text from her that said she had to tell Frank that she'd been with another guy before and that I had been okay with it, she said he wouldn't stop talking/asking how I could just leave her there like that and how he felt differently with me knowing about it now (okay - some of that was what she filled in the gaps with on our way home and later). And that made me a bit more anxious than I'd anticipated until I thought about it and thought that if it worked, that it was her turn to have made an awesome decision - that if he was okay, it would make my return there all that much easier, so I knocked and didn't know what to expect.

Sue answered the door and kissed me and then walked back into the living room with me. "See, he's fine with it, aren't you sweetie?". And in that moment I answered your question Artman - it felt totally natural to say to him "did you enjoy?" and shook his hand and then we all sat down, her and me on the couch and him on the chair. He seemed REALLY uncomfortable so instead I asked Sue openly "so, how's he rate?". She giggled and said that he "rated a 10 given how uncomfortable he seemed". (of course she later told me that once he got past his initial apprehension that he showed no care at all about me and she said she was even surprised by how he seemed to be) and she turned to me, kissed me and then got up and said she wanted to use the bathroom and give "you guys time to talk".

Frank actually started the conversation - he came out and said "you're cool with this?". I nodded yes and he said "she said this happened before and you were okay but I didn't believe her". And over the next 5 minutes or so I was able to get him to be a bit more relaxed about it. I had to say to him at one point "look, I know you guys fucked while I was gone, it's okay", but he did finally seem to sort of accept it. At first he was all concerned about breaking up our marriage if this went on (I had to laugh inside at his sudden concern for what he's been enjoying for a while now without me knowing it!!!) saying he'd never forgive himself, etc. But at the end he did come out and ask me to confirm that I was okay if he/she/they wanted to do it again. And in one of the truest cuck moments for me, I told him that for now, they were free to do as they wanted - I think I said something like "you guys can do whatever works for you, it's okay with me" and then I added "I'll let you know if it's not".

I don't think he knew how to respond. I'm sure Sue having returned from the bathroom may have tongue-tied him. He started with thanking me and then Sue and I had to tell him that it's okay if he kissed her. They kissed briefly and hugged and then he looked at me again and said that I was crazy to do this - but then looked at Sue and said "but buddy, if you insist" and he sort of broke out a smile as Sue giggled at his reply.

As I started to get up to leave with Sue as it was now pushing 11:30, Frank said to wait - and with that he poured a bit of wine in each of our glasses and picked his up and raised it to toast us and said "to friendship" and Sue giggled and added "with benefits" and I closed with "here here" as we clinked glasses.

I figured they might want a moment so I said that I was going to go get the car started and that Sue should come out in a minute. I shook Franks hand and like I said, he seemed more relaxed but still a bit awkward when talking directly or only to me, and I told him that I'd meant what I'd said.

Sue came out a few minutes later. It was my turn to laugh at her and joked "what, no blowjob?" and she giggled back and said "he's too worn out...." and we both laughed at that.

There's more to tell but that will have to wait, probably till Sunday night or Monday as we are leaving after work today to go up to New York State skiing for the weekend.

So, that's it - it's out in the open. It feels good. Sue and I talked a lot (after other activities!!!) and she said that she's very comfortable with all of this for now and that she's told Frank she wants to "start slowly" to ease me into it which is what made the ski-trip seem to fit so well.

Adios and have a wonderful day.

Thanks for the GREAT update!!! Really love reading this and I always put myself in your shoes and ask myself if I would do the same as you in this situation. You handled it perfectly and I think opened the door to a open and free relationship with him.

THANKS for taking the time to post. Have a great weekend!!

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