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New feelings to deal with

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date


Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
Hey all. Thought I'd take a bit of time this morning and catch up here.

Yes, Sue and I spent 4 days and 3 nights away. As I've titled this thread, it's left me with a lot of new feelings to deal with, some pleasant, some not so.

To catch up on her dad - he's being transferred, finally, to a rehab facility (again) on Monday. But it's this cycle of things that seems to be the problem - seems every 2 steps forward a rehab results in 1 step backwards and him having a setback and having to go back into the hospital. Still, having him still here, I guess, is better than the alternative.

We did spend 4 days and 3 nights away. We talked about everything - and I do mean everything. I'd probably need a whole day to get it all down in a post. Instead since this is a cuckold website - I'll focus on that stuff more.

At this point, she hasn't seen Frank in over 2 weeks and it doesn't look like she'll be seeing him till, maybe, this Thursday. So I was the beneficiary of her horniness these past few days.

I guess the place to start is that she hasn't gone back to being bare yet. She asked me what I thought if she'd just trim it a little but maybe let it grow back a bit. I kind of asked what was new with that and she said that "it's been a while". However, over our time away she shared that she will definitely shave it again before the end of summer - which led to her saying that she likes how it feels when she's out on the nude beach. I re-read my last post and this was sort of left hanging. I joked with her that "Frank won't recognize you" and she laughed at that.

So - our trip away was just what we needed. I know I haven't fucked that much in a long time - not since the last time I was able to get her away for that much time without the kids. She was insatiable - at times literally begging me to keep on fucking her. I don't want to draw comparisons to her weekend with Frank just yet - I'll get to that part - but for now for anyone here who wonders if the spark is still there for us - it wasn't just sparks it was flames! Between Tuesday evening and Friday morning before we checked out - I know I came in her 5 times - and last night at home, before "going back to reality" today, we went for a 6th time.

It's not just the number of times - but it was how crazy the fucking was. On Wednesday we explored all sorts of new positions including discovering a sort of new one for us that was very intense - involving her sort of being suspended - instead of my arms holding her legs back - she would arch her back and shift her weight so that my arms were holding her up - aligning her silky pussy with my cock just perfectly. When we got it working really well - after lots of wine and some funny stuff to smoke - Thursday night was one of the first times in ages that she actually squirted as she orgasmed! I could feel her body start to shake as she let out this sound that can only be described as a screaming moan - as I watched her below me her eyes sort of rolled back in her head and as a huge orgasm swept over her, her pussy let loose with this gush of her cum that I hadn't seen like this in years. The insides of her thighs and mine were drenched and her pussy became incredibly wet and open.

We fucked in the morning and at night and after 2 days of fucking - she commented (and I noticed!!!!) that after that her pussy seemed to be always wet. At first I thought it was just that I'd cum in her so much but it was more than that - she was just plain wet - such that we never even used the lubricant we'd brought (well, not for fucking at least).

She'd packed some of her toys including a thinner "plug" (she left the bigger anal/vaginal plug at home) and her favorite 2 dildos. Wednesday night she asked me to "fill all her holes" - the plug went in her ass, her favorite dildo "Jim" went in her pussy and she eagerly sucked my cock as deeply as she could. It was incredible to see her orgasm like that - I knew she was cumming intensely from how she seemed to clamp down on the dildo in her as I fucked her with it. She said she had wanted me to cum in her mouth but I had already told her that the only place I was cumming all week was in her pussy (it was a joke we'd started before we left that I should catch up to Frank).

By the time I managed to squeak out one last cum last night, I was totally spent. Today, I don't even think I can get it hard if I tried!!! Which is actually making this a bit easier to write.

So - as far as reconnecting with Sue - well, lets say that anyone near us this past week would have thought we were newlyweds or something - I know that being away from home, away from the kids, from the messy house, from the laundry, from her dad and all the family issues - I know she let loose with me. The screams as she'd let herself go with our pleasure were for real - just as how exhausted she was physically by the end of the week. One evening was spent with her sitting on the couch reading me a juicy story from Penthouse while, the whole time, I licked and ate her pussy. She came several times throughout the story. At the end when she read about how the guys finally came in her - I moved up to my knees and fucked her for her last orgasm as she finished the story - which ended with me pulling her down onto the floor so she could ride my cock till she collapsed! Whereas I may have cum 5 times, it was more like 50 for her if anything...

Outside of the sex - it was great just the 2 of us - we could sit out on the porch in the quiet up in the mountains and not hear a sound other than each other and share a bottle of wine - or in the mornings, we'd sit out and have our coffee before getting ready for the day. It brought back memories of how we were before we had kids and made us anxious for the day when we can have the last of them move out.

However, as I titled this - and as I alluded to - a lot of stuff came out that I want to at least put down here before I/we sort it all out. She opened up with a lot of things and I came to a number of realizations that we need to talk about.
One of the biggest things for me was that I had made little of it before - not being there made me take some things for granted and not want to fully accept it all - but in some ways - this was really a chance for me to see how she was with Frank at the wedding.

I will say that I am not as easygoing about it as I was before. I told her the same and she's said she'll work with me and make sure I feel better about it - but the reality was that she spent the time with me very much as she'd spent it with Frank. She was naked most of the time we were in the hotel-room - if we weren't going out anywhere, the most she had on was this silky dressing-robe. But it was more than that. I think I hadn't given much thought to how they were together until Wednesday. We'd fucked on Tuesday night before bed and when we woke up Wednesday morning - we were a bit of a mess. As we got out of bed to shower together I started to think and realize that she's shared this exact moment with Frank.

It made me think - she stood under the shower and I washed her back and reached around and soaped up her breasts - and it sort of made me feel weird that I knew that Frank had shared this same moment with her.

I don't think either of us viewed this week as a competition - but I am sure that it was there in both of our heads - it surely was in mine. It wasn't just the sex part - it was that everything we did, I thought about her doing with him. Something as simple as her drying her hair in the mirror in the bathroom - it just struck me that just as she stood there naked with me - she's done the same with Frank.

I will openly admit it - I didn't like how this made me feel. After 2 days, at times I will say that I had a sad feeling that what used to be something private between us, that she's now shared with Frank. I know it's silly - but seeing her going through her suitcase to pick out what she'd wear to go to dinner - seeing her pick out a pair of panties and then step into them and pull them up - I know it's nothing - but at the same time - knowing something as staid as that moment has been shared with Frank is somehow bothering me.

I can say that Thursday night, our last night away, seeing her after we'd come back from having dinner - and seeing her picking out some skimpy lingerie to start our evening out with - a part of me feels bad that she's shared all of this with Frank - and that she wants to go away again with him.

The wedding and the events surrounding it probably gave a bit of structure to their time away together. I mean they did have stuff they had to go to at times which didn't mean they were as free as we were for these past few days - which is also giving me pause about her/their request to go away again. To be honest - it's the whole rest of the time together, not really the sex part, that I think is bothering me more in a way.

But I don't want to think that all of this put any sort of negative pall over anything. As I said, I seem to have some new and mixed feelings to deal with about it, that's all. If anything, I trust and love Sue even more now after our time away where I know how well we reconnected. I just need to sort things out a bit.

It's almost noon here now so I'm going to sign off for now and go putter around outside as we finally have a nice summer day.
so glad you and sue had alot of fun on your trip and sound's like you have something's to deal with hope they are not to BIG of one's so look forward to the rest of your post.
Thanks for sharing, this was really a nice read. Sue really is one hot woman!
I'm sorry to hear about Sue's Dad.

> I know it's silly - but seeing her going through her suitcase to pick out what she'd wear to
> go to dinner - seeing her pick out a pair of panties and then step into them and pull them
> up - I know it's nothing - but at the same time - knowing something as staid as that moment
> has been shared with Frank is somehow bothering me.
I don't think it's at all silly. Outside of the sex, they are having these "husband-wife"
moments, sharing normal life together. But these moments occur between them not
only when they go away on trips, but every Thursday when they get together. It's not a
new dynamic for Frank and Sue, but obviously a new realization for you. I can really
symphatize with your feeling and I how hope you find a way to deal with it, without
having to put too much additional strain on Sue, who will probably need a lot of support
at this time.

Good to read that you two had a great time away. Is good to read of the sparks, and yes, flames, that are still there with you and Sue. I would love to know more about what she has opened up to you about.

I am continually amazed at your Sue and how she can share such wild passion with Frank, and so many intimate moments/parts of her private self and still hasn't appeared to form an emotional bond with him. She does very much appear to reserve those feelings strictly for you. I have said it before and will again now, Sue is an amazing woman!

Steve, your concerns ( dare I say fears? Uneasiness?) make sense. I think it was easy for you to simply concentrate and focus on all the sex Sue had with Frank that wedding week-end. Sex between them is something you have gotten comfortable with and even witnessed happeneing several times. You can easily turn yourself on thinking of that week-end away with Frank as nothing but one long sexual episode. The non turn on part you are discovering is that during their week-end away, Sue spent TIME with Frank. They spent time together talking, laughing, observing each other, openly getting to know each other in a non sexual context. They most likely do the same thing on a smaller scale on when they are together on Thursdays.

Despite the non sexual time as a time when bonding and emotional feelings begin to develop, so far, that has yet to happen with Sue towards Frank. Keep talking with Sue and let her know what you are feeling. Sue desiring a week alone with Frank probably means she merely enjoyed being carefree and adventurous. She liked that feeling! Take Sue up on her offer of talking more about things so she can help you feel ok with everything. To be on the side of caution, I would suggest being agreeable to a week-end away and stop short of a whole week. Sue has already admitted that once a week with Frank makes it easier to keep things in control, too much might overwhelm her ability to keep things in check.
very well said hiki and jax. i think you tow are on the right track. glad her dad is still doing good. keep us posted
Well, there's no doubt in my mind about the side-benefits of her active sex-life. With the focus still on me for the time being - damn - she is near insatiable! Not only was she horny yesterday afternoon - enough for her to come out and find me in the shed and literally TELL me to come in and fuck her. We relaxed around a fire in the fire-pit last night with a bottle of wine - and again this morning - before she went out to see her dad - she came out of the bathroom naked and climbed up on top of me and roused some morning-wood. Fortunately the kids were still sleeping or they'd have heard their mom moaning away. It seems like the more sex she has, the easier it becomes for her to climax too - she'd cum at least once just from my fingers before I even entered her! And I'd thought that this weekend with her having to deal with her dad and all would have been a downer for the sex. I'd joked with her while we were away that "remember when we'd have sex every day like this all the time" and she did smile back and say "yeah, why can't we still do that?" - so maybe she's trying - at least for the weekend - to hang onto that freedom feeling.

I find that I go both ways on my feelings about her and Frank spending time away together as they've done and as they're planning to. Jax - I've already told her that I'm not ready for more than just a few days if/when it happens again and she's been very agreeable to that.

You asked about her emotional involvement with Frank and I guess that's one of the things I can share that we did talk about. I came out and asked her again if she loved Frank. She was coy about it and then said "yes". I admit I was a little heartbroken to hear her say yes - but then she clarified that she loves him more like a brother or close-friend and she emphasized, not like a husband or lover.

I asked her to explain and she went back to when she was with Brad and she had some hard things to tell me. She outright said she had let herself get out of control with him and even said that if he'd suggested that he was going to leave his wife or anything like that, she looked at me and held my hand and said that at some points in their time together, that she would have had to give it a lot of thought. She held my hands tightly and said that she knows she loved Brad as just that - a potential husband and lover. Had it not been for her knowing his family situation with little ones at home - and our own experiences with our own kids when they were that age - she said she might have let herself go. She said that later on, when he ended it when they moved away - that she felt hurt and lost afterwards.

But she also said that she felt stupid and that she hadn't really looked at the entire situation and put it all in perspective until afterwards. She said it scared her at how close she came to putting our relationship on the rocks and that she'd never want to risk that again.

She said she never felt like she was in love with Don - no matter how intense things were - she swears she never felt the same kind of love for Don that she feels for me or started to feel with Brad. She does say that she felt she couldn't say no to him though and that it was a struggle for her to resist some of what he'd wanted. I had long suspected that there was more he wanted - she mentioned that she'd had to resist his desire to have her get tattoos, piercings and that she also said she had also struggled to resist his desire for her to be more of a slut with other guys (something I remember her mentioning briefly) or to cut me off - but short of those extremes - she felt like she wasn't able to resist him. I was going to comfort her but she seemed like she was fine telling me about it so I let her go.

What she explained was that when she was with Don, she began to understand that she COULD separate sex from emotion. She said that he was cold at times with her - as she put it "he just wanted to use me" - and despite her dislike for that, she said that she also knew he wanted to fuck her and that she focused on that part of the desire - his physical desires - and her responses. She said that because he didn't share much emotionally - or more - that he didn't want much emotionally - she found that she was, slowly, able to separate the two. And she readily admits now that she could "probably fuck anyone" without much preparation or emotional arousal that she felt she needed in the past.

It was amazing to simply hear her talk like this - so openly - and yet so confidently. When I commented on that she said "see - that's what I mean - it's so much easier to accept it all now" and then she added "...with you".

I think I'd even forgotten how this whole thing got started - until she said something like "that's why it's easy to keep in control with Frank". Which brought me back to "so you do love him" and she said that she did - but that she knew herself and knew her limits and added several times that she does NOT feel any sort of desire from Frank for more than what they have. And she looked at me several times and said "besides, you love it - don't you?" and said that the intensity of our few days alone together were partially due to her ability to separate things - or as she put it "you get all my husband love" or something like that.

Eventually all of this came into our discussion about their plans for going away. At the time, I wasn't fully aware or dealing with the thoughts and feelings I have now - but even so - I told her that I wasn't comfortable with it being more than just a few days. She agreed and again mentioned her knowing how to keep things in control with Frank.

I have to say that I'm also very comforted by the fact that she isn't feeling the need or desire to run over to see him. I know he's been away - but I also know that Sue wants to make this weekend an extension of our time away and as she mentioned several times, give me lots of good sex!
Have you ever thought of going away as a 3-some? Just the 3 of you sharing one room
and a king size bed at some nice vacation hotspot? A 3 or 4 day long threesome, with
some short breaks for sleeping and eating - now that would be some satisfying sex
for Sue :)
you got your wish you did not even have to tell sue what you wanted sue has denied you and now she has . at last told you that she doe's love frank. and she does want to keep it under control. with frank and she did tell you how she lost control with brad did you know that it. had gone that far with her then. she also want's to go away for aweek with frank will she put it off till winter and want to go somewhere it is warm. and do you think thing's would change with them if frank did find out that sue does love him for real not just a word while having sex. i think frank may try to do his best to get sue. if he can. and if you feel better about it when the time come's and sue ask's you for a week well you give in and let her have it. it may be there last fling togather we do not know what life will bring anymore. also sound's like sue has made up for alot of lost time with you that is a good thing. at least it is out in the open now that she does love him. ps hope sue's father is in good heath and doing well right now. keep us posted on any change's with you sue and frank.
You Know Steve the way I see it. Your getting everything You want. You have a highly sexed woman as your wife. Who by the way loves you. She tries real hard to understand what's floats your boat sexually. And give you almost 100% of it. There are a lot of Cuck's on this board who would give their left and right nuts to be in your shoes. Now let me understand this. Its bothering you that Frank is sharing certain private moments with Sue that You do? Isn't that the whole point of cuckoldry? Another man sharing your woman in a way that only you are surpose too? Steve You asked for it. You got It! I'm not trying to be harsh with you. But don't over think this.
The fact is Sue is a highly sexed woman. That has to be feed. Your getting some of the best sex a cuck can get. Well there is a price to be paid. The price is you have to give Sue a certain amount of freedom to explore her sexuality. That means in your case. There will always be a Frank. You just had how many days of incredible sex? How bout those days of looking at Sue's panties and what it does to you? Oh Yea, Weds. when Sue plays with your cock plus mind fucks you while shes doing it? You pay for all that by allowing a Frank in her life. Look, like I said Sue loves you. But you will have to face the fact Sue will have feelings for others. But Sue Love's you.
Look you will wind up letting her go away with Frank again. No may not really like it. But you will. Face it Your a Cuckold. Its not a bad thing. Its just what you are. We need each other. I will say this again Your A Lucky Man!!!!!
Sue & Frank

Very interesting new information in your cuckold experience. So Frank is now in Sue's heart such as Brad was during their time together. That is easy to believe.
Since I have ben on vacation for 3 wks. I haven't been able to check-in every day as before. I think I missed that Sue hasn't been seeing Frank for a while.

How long has it been, actually?
Where did he go & what has Frank been doing for sex during this time?
Has he been out of town?
Has their not being 'together' & missing having sex with him caused Sue to accept that she Loves him?
Cheers, Harry
SoonToBe said:
[...] I came out and asked her again if she loved Frank. She was coy about it and then said "yes". I admit I was a little heartbroken to hear her say yes - but then she clarified that she loves him more like a brother or close-friend and she emphasized, not like a husband or lover.

I don't like to hear those things, STB... they frighten me, they frighten me a lot!
Especially now, that it seems that Linda may accept her way to cuckolding (not said yet!), my major fear is that she could one day fall in love with the guy who is fucking her...

Yes, Sue told you that it is not like a husband love, but... still it frightens me.
STB, you have all my support!
I have a few thoughts for you to consider

STB, I have continued to follow Sue, Frank and your journey with great interest. I have seen many similarities between your wife and mine as to Sue's progress toward being a woman that trully enjoys life as a woman . From what you have posted it seems to me that you have been reaping the rewards that some of us know about, ...ie Sue will keep herself and you well-fucked, will jump Frank when she wants, gets off easily, very powerfully and very often, enjoys using a variety of toys, somehow seems to know what to say that will trigger your erections, when out in general public gives the impression that she is a "normal" wife, mother ect. As with you when my wife started to discuss some of the feelings involving other men, I slowly realized the transition she had made from any deep attachments to some of the men to the point of trully enjoying their company and having hot sex with them, but I was and always would be her one and only husband.
As to the subject of going away for a week, that one was very difficult for me also, an overnight was one thing as was a weekend, we had several times taken vacations with one of her current lovers at the time that went very well, but as always it really was a trust and confidence in her issue that I was able to let her go. The first time she called me every day, but after that she would only call after a few days, tell me a few things that gave me a raging erection and say "See you soon." It seems to me that Sue isn't keeping anything from you (that's a GREAT thing) and will still always keep you as the main man in her life, which means that whatever you decide will be fine with her-but she'd really like to go and have Frank fuck her brains out for a week and bring you home a well-used pussy. You and I both are fortunate enough to know what a great ride it is. GTR
Well, before I get to what I was going to post about today - I need to maybe re-read what I'd written and change how it's phrased.

Harry - I see how you can conclude what you wrote - but I guess I didn't explain it correctly. That's exactly what Sue has said she does not feel. That she doesn't feel the same for Frank as she did (let herself) feel for Brad.

But I guess in a way, it is an admission that she feels more for him than she did for Don. I don't know - but for you and Dana and Gordon - I don't feel at all threatened by things.

Yes, I have these new feelings - I suppose they've been there all along and as Will and others have said - it is what I wanted. I do love the sex part and what all of that has done for us - I guess it's the reality of the non-sex part that's what I'm feeling. Yes, I knew it's always been there - I mean I know that they're not fucking for every moment they're together. By reality, I meant that our time away has made it real what she shared with him.

I'll admit that in some ways, it does give me pause to consider what is going on. When I dwell or focus on the time together we shared and I think that she's shared those same moments with Frank - its sometimes hard to accept on it's own. I know I've dealt with this at times with each of the guys she's been with. I went back and re-read some of what I'd posted when she was with Brad and what I called their escalating intimacy at the time and I recognize that I felt this same sort of thing one way or another - but this was in some ways re-living some of what they'd shared - a sexually charged weekend - and I guess it just left me feeling a little uneasy, that's all. I know a lot of what we did was what went on between them - she's admitted all of that - but like I said, it's the reality of it - much like the first time I found Brads cum in her - just the reality of it. I know our time away wasn't mean as a comparison to her time with Frank but for me, it just seems to be a bit more to think about.

I should also add that I'm not unhappy about anything - I guess it's just a different form of angst that I'm feeling. It does turn me on that she was able to let herself go like that - if she spent half as much time naked around Frank as she did with me then there's really not much more that can be shared if you know what I mean! And if I get past the angst, it is profoundly arousing to me to have had a sense of what she may have done/experienced.

Gordon - I can see how it could be frightening - but between what I feel with Sue and what I don't see/feel of her and Frank, it's not frightening. In a way its quite exciting to know that she can let herself go like this and be herself as she wants.

Will - you are right - I just need to suck it up and deal with it. But to be honest, it's only here that I'm voicing these thoughts. I mean I've told Sue that at times it's a lot to think about but have never given her a reason to be concerned.

Dana - you should really use some better punctuation to make it easier to separate your thoughts. Sue hasn't mentioned a longer time away with Frank after I said that I would need to think about it more. I also don't know that I am going to be okay with them truly going-away as on a vacation together. I know there's no real reason for that concern but for some reason, right now, I don't want to think about it that way. I believe Frank understand how Sue feels about him - I don't think she's held those thoughts from him. We've already moved past and has become commonplace that Sue may shout that she loves him during sex - and I know that she's told him how that differs from her being in love with him romantically which she says she doesn't feel.

Hiki - I'm going to go out on a limb and say that even if we could arrange such a thing - the 3 of us going away together - that I don't think Sue's ready for that sort of thing. Not from the sex or time-together part - but I'm going to say that my thought is that she'll not feel comfortable with it being known that she's with the both of us - as if the 3 of us check into one room in a hotel, etc. I will say though, that there is the thought of a condo/house-rental type of vacation where there would be no visibility of what went on inside that might be something that could work. I don't know what we'd say to our kids though as to why we're staying in a multi-room condo/house and aren't taking them with us.

But that's not to say that for a night or a weekend-away that it couldn't work. It would actually be quite interesting to experience the 3 of us in that situation together.

Okay - now that I occupied this whole post with my thoughts about my new feelings - I'll just have to wait till after lunch to post what I was originally going to.
Steve I don't mean to sound unfeeling. Please understand where I'm coming from. I'm looking at this as a Bull. Each of us is here with needs to be filled. Believe it or not a Bull pay a certain price for this relationship. We get lust. Its not love. Its lust. Far to many confuse it. Lust fades very quickly. I know. What you have with Sue is love. She may lust for Frank. But she loves You. We all pay a price for what we want in life. Bulls and Cuckolds.
> but I'm going to say that my thought is that she'll not feel comfortable with it being known
> that she's with the both of us
Vegas, baby! In there she might be able to let her hair down and brazenly be a
"slut" openly. She could even dress in some outrageous outfits to fit the role. You
never know, she might really enjoy it :)
Hiki - I had to laugh at your suggestion. It'd be very unlike us to decide to go to Las Vegas - that would raise more questions in many ways. But the idea isn't a bad one - just need a different, but perhaps equally arousing destination. I'd be thinking of someplace more exciting than romantic. If it were only a few years forward from now when hopefully both our kids will be off at college or beyond - then we could truly be spontaneous.

Will - I guess if we go by the definition of a bull being the one fucking the spouse, then I guess Frank is a bull by definition - but behavior-wise, he doesn't fit the stereotype. I admit I don't look at things from that direction a lot - how the "bull" feels in this. I mean I've talked to Frank about things but always about how things are for all of us and not necessarily from his perspective.

Gator - I think I've said it in the past that our experiences sound familiar and from your post, I'm comforted to see that my concerns were ones you felt too. A weekend is one thing as you say, but a week away is a long time and I don't think I'm ready for that just yet. But the rest of what you've said all rings true so I'm inclined to push my ill-feelings aside and do as Will said and just suck it up and focus on the arousal and sex that results/resulted from it and go with it.
STB i will see if i can do better from now on.
Will - I guess if we go by the definition of a bull being the one fucking the spouse, then I guess Frank is a bull by definition - but behavior-wise, he doesn't fit the stereotype. I admit I don't look at things from that direction a lot - how the "bull" feels in this. I mean I've talked to Frank about things but always about how things are for all of us and not necessarily from his perspective.

Yea, I'm using it as a broad term here. It can cover a wide spectrum. I will tell you its not all peaches and cream for Frank. This relationship has a glass ceiling for him. I think deep down he know that. (I'm not crying too many tears for Frank). Like Cuckolds, Bulls should go into these relationships with their eyes wide open. Most women are just doing it for fun. They are Using the Bull as much as he is using them. I learned that a long time ago. When you forget this you get hurt. Alright she left her husband for you? How long before she leaves you for someone else? A year from now Frank will have found himself someone else. Some else who can be there for him on all levels 24/7. That ain't Sue. It should be dawning on him. right now they are having fun. I don't see them falling in love. I don't care what anyone else here thinks. Yes she cares for him. Yes she lusts after his cock. But as a Cuckold thats what you have to deal with if you want to play in this sandbox.
While I have some time before my next meeting/conference-call at 3pm, I thought I'd start by sharing some of the things that we'd talked about while we were away (and before that).

I don't think Sue (or I) looked at our time away as a comparison to their wedding-weekend away. And our whole time away wasn't filled with "this is how I did it with Frank" type of stuff. But we did talk pretty openly - especially after a vicious fuck - about a lot of stuff.

One of the things she'd told me - which I laughed at as she said it as if it would be some sort of surprise to me - was that she admits openly now that she LOVES to have guys cum in her. I won't say that I asked her specifics but she said that for as long as she's been having sex, that she's always loved it but was, at times reluctant to admit it. I know I've said this before on other threads but this was one of the first times she'd been so exuberant about it as well as owning-up to it in the past - including long ago when we first were dating. She didn't share names or specifics but she did say that, especially in the time after her divorce, she'd let/enjoyed a lot of guys that way. I pushed her a little bit and she said that she's never been totally honest with me (or so she thought I didn't know) and she owned up to fucking at least 6 or 7 other guys at work back when. What she did share was that she would fuck them sometimes at lunch and this is more of what she opened up to me about - is that she loved feeling the cum in her all afternoon. And she admitted that she'd sometimes gone out with me later that night. I sort of knew this but hearing her say it now - it made me realize that she definitely has had this cuckoldress-tendency forever.

I didn't come out and say it at the time - but in the back of my mind I was thinking about the thread here that asked about cum and sexual desire. It's dizzying to think of how much cum she's had in her over the years - but I do wonder if that may be one of the reasons she's the way she is?

While we were away I know I managed to cum in her 5 times - but the thing I noticed was that after the second time pretty close together - that her pussy was wet all the time. A lot of times - both with me and with Frank - she won't be as wet as she likes and will ask us both to use some lubricant. I've long thought that she's wet enough for me a lot of the time but now understand - again, from our talking - that she wants to know she's wet enough for sure - and she was a bit sheepish to say "so that I can get fucked hard" - which I also took to mean so she doesn't get sore too.

Thing is - after that second time while we were away - we never needed any lubricant after that - no matter how hard or for how long we went at it. I commented to her on it - and she was quiet for a second and then said that the same had happened when she was away with Frank - that after their second time in close proximity - that she found she was wet enough pretty much at all times after that.

I guess it could be just the sperm in her - we all know that after a while it goes from thick and creamy to thin and watery. But this wetness didn't taste like cum when I would go down on her and she admitted too that she didn't think it was cum - saying she was surprised when she was with Frank but after it happened again with me - she says that I don't cum as much as Frank but that she still had the same response. So, again, back to that "benefits from cum" thread - I'm thinking - is this the same thing?

No doubt that this left me totally aroused the entire time we were away. Anytime after that second time that I'd run my hand into her panties, my fingers would find her wet and open all the time! She even joked with me that at times she felt like she did "way back when" - and I knew what she meant as when we first got together, wow was her pussy always wet - to the point she'd keep spare panties and panty-hose in her desk or car at times.

It does seem to be definitely related to frequent sex though - as when she'll go for longer periods of time between sex - the effects seem to disappear and we go back to using some lubricant. As we talked about it she wasn't totally sure when this started or it if really ever stopped as anytime we'd been away in our marriage she said that after a few times, that she'd be wetter - but that when she went off the pill that the spermicides and stuff may have masked it?

She was coy and said that while it's happened in the past with us, that it happened regularly with Don - as she said "he fucked me so much sometimes" - but she was a little quiet when she told me that it was when she was away with Frank that she really noticed it. And in a meek voice she told me how it led to the same type of spontaneity that we were feeling where she'd sit out on the balcony in just her long t-shirt and let me finger-fuck her or how she'd lean over to me as we were walking around town after dinner and she'd say "I'm so wet". And over the time we were away she eventually opened up that she was wet all the time with Frank too and that she let him have fun the same way I was - although she was quick to add that she didn't bring any "toys" with her when she went with Frank....

I'm sure there's more that's related to this subject - but it's almost 3pm and I need to end now.

There's also reason I started with this post and this subject - because it dovetails nicely into what I want to post about next but am still sort of congealing in my head right now.

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