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New feelings to deal with

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #281
WILL you are right about the tiger. so i guess we will have to see what sue does and where. she want's to take this i think she may like her time away alot more than STB want's her to. so all i can say i hope that i am wrong about it. if i am not it might hurt steve more than he is willing to go along with. keep us posted
  • #282
dana007 said:
WILL you are right about the tiger. so i guess we will have to see what sue does and where. she want's to take this i think she may like her time away alot more than STB want's her to. so all i can say i hope that i am wrong about it. if i am not it might hurt steve more than he is willing to go along with. keep us posted

Its going to hurt so "GOOD"!
  • #284
I guess what I'm really asking Steve. And I think You have to ask Yourself is.
Are You willing to go back to a vanilla relationship with Sue? Because thats what the choice is. You either go forward or go back. I really don't think standing in place is an option for You and Sue. What does Sue want? To be fair You really have to ask Her. Its only fair. If its only left up to You she will alway resent you if You don't take her feelings into account.
  • #285
I think HIKI has hit the nail on the head here. Prior to recent events, STB and Sue have been practicing more of a hotwife type lifestyle. With Sue pointing out she knew Steve might not want to hear it but she wanted to go on this trip and wanted to not belong to him for a while, Sue has taken the firm step into the true cuckold realm. It is now really about what she wants. Even Sue taking the stance of not worrying about whether it turns STB on, but going the step of telling him she doesn't want to hurt him, spells it out that she is going to be careful, but is going to explore her desires now.

While I don't ever see Sue being unreasonable or cruel with STB, she loves him too much for that, I do see her testing him alot. She was very firm in her resolve to lovingly reject his doubts and second thoughts about her upcoming trip with Frank. There were plenty of things Sue mentioned wanting to do with Frank back before she seduced him. Sue remarked she wanted this relationship with him to be more open. She wanted to date him, go out to dinner, be seen out with him, both with STB present and without, and wanted to feel free to be with him at times when STB would not know it ahead of time. There are several things she has yet to experience with Frank that she admitted to wanting to.

While Sue has admitted she has feelings for Frank and even loves him in a special way, I don't think she would be as comfortable as she is with him if she were falling in love with him. If she were falling in love with him, she would be hesitant to explore like she has. I think her not falling for him is exactly what has given her the sense of comfort and freedom to be like she has with him.

Sue has revealed where she got the idea for wasting STB's cum came from. She has admitted those type stories when she read them in Penthouse Letters were a turn on for her. I think if STB wants to know what else may be coming in his future, he needs to go back and read some of those stories in their entirety. I doubt if just the act of wasting the husband's cum is all she found hot. It is what the wife did before and after in those stories that is most likely a turn on for Sue as well. Sue has learned through the last few Wednesdays that she can deny ( reject?) STB being inside her and it can happen with no negative impact on their marriage. Sue has also learned that STB does not mind spilling his cum harmlessly on his own chest and stomach to please her. I also thought it was telling that Sue revealed to STB that she is hugely turned on knowing that after draining STB during thier masturbation fun on Wednesdays, STB has taken his cock out of play on Thursdays. Sue is no doubt enjoying fucking Frank as many times as they can on Thursdays without worrying about STB being able to fuck her at home.

Right now STB is still cumming in Sue a bit more than Frank does. There was a posting on the board some time back of studies that reveal that a woman will tend to want sex more from the man whose cum is in her the most. If that study is to be believed, then with STB about to enter a long period of denial, that will leave Frank as the sole man to be cumming in her. If the study is valid, then Sue should soon begin wanting sex more often with Frank. Does anyone else see things headed in this direction?
  • #286
i think it has been heading that way for along time now. we could both be reading all of this wrong but i do not think so.
  • #287
OMG - wow - so much to reply about but no time.
I read these earlier and hope to have time tomorrow but in light of them I wanted to put this out here. I heard Sue say something earlier about being horny this week now that we're having sex more so I'll say now that some of the comments above have a truthful ring to them. But the real thing I wanted to say was that in her other comments about being horny she mentioned something that I let go by but stuck with me - she said "....ever since menopause..." and that stuck with me as maybe something else at play in her head on all of this.

I will say that she is certainly accommodating my desires this week as she is not seeing Frank tomorrow - instead I have requested having her on a Thursday for a change! I will also say that I am still feeling uneasy about what is about to happen. But I am also almost certain that I do want it to. Someone here asked why? I've been pondering that myself.
  • #289
Okay - a bit more time now.

It's Thursday - and I have such a different outlook on today than usual - I'm friggin' horny as heck and will have her tonight too!

But I will definitely say that the weekend is weighing heavily on me - that I know by Sunday I'm going to be consumed with the thought of not having her. But at the same time, the closer it gets, I am more and more convinced this is something I want to happen.

Will - your teasing and goading me made me smile as I knew you were pulling my chain a bit - but what you said rings true. I've known how she is when she's with Frank and I've been there so I've seen her submissive side (if that's what you want to call it - I'm not so sure that her being naked and 'available' equates to submissive) - but I will say that this past weekend did open my eyes to a bit more of the "whole thing" than I'd previously thought about or, perhaps, recognized would be a better way to put it.

The thought of her spending 4-5 days with Frank the way she spent it with me is a bit sobering when I think about it. But at the same time - it is crazy but I think what I want to feel is that another guy has experienced all of her. It sounds weird but I think that was a part of what I found so exciting long ago - I'd long known it's that she was so sexual - but I have to admit that after we started dating and getting serious - that it turned me on that so many other guys had spent time with her and "had all of her" in their time with her. I can remember the 2 of us at pizza-lunches out with other people from work and that even while we'd sit and hold-hands together or whatever, I can remember that I always found it incredibly arousing to know that she'd had sex and more with other guys, some of who were right there at lunch with us!

The more I think all of this through, I think this is something I'm just realizing about myself and our relationship. A part of me is incredibly turned on to know that other guys have had all of her just as I have. I know it's a crazy thought to think of them sleeping naked together all night and then sharing intimate moments in the mornings - but at the same time, it turns me on to no end that Frank will truly share all of her and will know all of her in every way. It's never bothered me to know and be with guys who've had sex with her - not back at work long ago - not with Brad or Don - and not with Frank. It's something that just turns me on that these guys have had her as I have.

As I'm reading through the posts - I came to Dana's post about Sue being Franks-slave - and I'm not sure I conveyed that right, but I think Harry may have corrected it. She will most definitely play slave with me - and she will be submissive (to a limit) with me - but I am not sure she will do so with Frank at least not as submissively.

Harry - as I'll probably get to later, Sue has said she will begin denying me after this weekend - my assumption based on how things are so far is that she will most likely make a big deal of her panties being back on next week to emphasize things. I do not know of her plans regarding Frank next week - on one hand I can see her possibly seeing him more and on the other hand I can see her not seeing him to build up both of their desires!

Will - you asked about arousal at the thought of being denied. A big part of it for me is that the denial isn't something permanent or truly long-term - that could never work for me. But for a shorter time - I can't explain it other than to say that as more time goes by, and as I know she is sexually active with someone else (or even alone), it just builds up such arousal and desire in me. Both at the thought of her enjoying sex without me - and my mental imagery (if not being there in person) of her passion and desire - is something that has always aroused me. Even long before we opened things up - I'd long fantasized of her this way - another guy or guys filling her pussy with cum while I watched or had her afterwards. Over time I've realized that the time without sex with her coupled with these thoughts really is arousing to me. And while back then I'd fantasized about immediate sloppy-seconds, now, after more time goes by - in my head it amplifies the arousal to know that through all of that time without her, she's been getting it elsewhere! When we do get back together - whether it's been 2 days or 2 weeks, or dare I say, maybe longer, I know that by then, my arousal is off the scale and the release I feel is equally intense.

And - as Will points out repeating what I'd earlier thought and realized - in the past she's come home most every night afterwards so whether I could be with her sexually or not, she was there physically - but this time, it'll be a longer period of time and she'll truly be doing something she wanted to do which will surely amplify those thoughts. And yet - right now I can see me two weeks from now masturbating furiously to a brief Email from her while she's away and/or seeing her rings in her jewelry box and knowing what that will mean. It's crazy to think this way but the symbolism of all of these things seems to also be incredibly arousing to me. But I think it's always been this way.

Before ending this post and continuing a new one - I wanted to answer something Will posted that I fully recognize - that if I pull back or show Sue some undue level of concern, that she could react negatively. I am trying to remain very supportive even when I have periods of bad-thoughts. I am definitely convinced that I want her to go. It's crazy to say it but I want to feel all of this - the angst, missing her, relieving myself to thoughts of what she's doing, hearing it from herself - and also - most definitely - to have her when she gets back. But also, as weird as this sounds, I want to see Frank afterwards and I want that feeling from long ago of knowing he's had all of her just as I do. Weird, I know - but in a strange way, it's something similar after all to what Son-of-John posts here about.

To Hiki's thoughts - yes - I am a bit hesitant about Sue truly taking control/initiative on her own - but in the same way - if there is ever anyone who I would both trust and even want to give control of my sexuality - it's Sue. It's already so exhilirating that she's so much more open, confident and able to express her desire. It most definitely turns me on to hear her say that she wants to do this for herself and not because Frank or someone else is coaxing her into it. Will - I don't think either of us could go back to vanilla-sex - but I don't know that we were exactly vanillia-ish before we started as we'd long explored lots of sex-play together.

Jax - you have it summarized very well. And your thoughts on the effects of who's cum is in her most is something that has captivated some of my thoughts, desires and fantasies. I have wondered if her desires to not have me cum in her have any roots in this - whether its something she knows or not - does more time with just Frank's sperm in her cause her to want him more - or does it influence her thoughts regarding me not cumming in her? It's exciting for me to think that this could be some of what's going on with her - could it be more of an effect post-menopause hormonally? I have thought about this before and I will admit, it's something I considered in the past when she would see Don more frequently. I'm trying to think back to when she came back from the wedding whether she was any different. I will say that thoughts like these aren't as scary to me - maybe it's naive to think this way but in my head, if I can have her back for myself for a few days, that the effects are reversible! But yes, I will admit that this would be exciting to see and observe.

More later....
  • #290
SoonToBe said:
Well, that was when she said that she felt sort of the same way, and I was confused till she said, "about you not cumming in me". I was still confused until she tried to explain how me, not cumming in her, did the same for her, turned her on to make her think and see, that she's not mine, when I don't cum in her. She held my hand and said that it turned her on to think about how she'll only be having sex with Frank for 2 weeks. I started to say something and she said "I promised you we'd have fun all of this week, but then, starting next week...." and she took a breath and held my hand tighter and said, "starting next week, I want it to just be Frank, till we get back."

So, is Sue saying here that she will be having sex only with Frank, Sept. 16 till Sept. 29? Does she also expect to spend several evenings, (even nights) with Frank during the week before they leave for the trade Show?

Cheers, Harry

Just checked the thread after I wrote this, and see that you answered some of what I asked. I guess you'll find out the rest as next week unfolds.
  • #291
SoonToBe said:
".....And your thoughts on the effects of who's cum is in her most is something that has captivated some of my thoughts, desires and fantasies. I have wondered if her desires to not have me cum in her have any roots in this - whether its something she knows or not - does more time with just Frank's sperm in her cause her to want him more - or does it influence her thoughts regarding me not cumming in her? It's exciting for me to think that this could be some of what's going on with her - could it be more of an effect post-menopause hormonally? I have thought about this before and I will admit, it's something I considered in the past when she would see Don more frequently. I'm trying to think back to when she came back from the wedding whether she was any different. I will say that thoughts like these aren't as scary to me - maybe it's naive to think this way but in my head, if I can have her back for myself for a few days, that the effects are reversible! But yes, I will admit that this would be exciting to see and observe.More later....

I do recall reading that after they came back from the wedding, that Sue put Frank "on hold" for more than a week, To let him (and perhaps her too) sorta, 'get over' all the intensity of their time together, (my words). After which they went back to the 'once-a-week, Thursday routine.
I don't necessarily subscribe to the 'sperm theory', I think it is more who 'she loves and respects' is who she will always want to be with.
Cheers, Harry
  • #292
Yea Steve, I was messing with your mind a little. But there was a little bit of truth mixed in there with it. Steve I like submissive women. I'm kinda drawn to them. I have been reading Your posts for a while. Sue is a sub. You will never convince me to the contrary. Don't think for a second Your the only one she will be submissive for. If Frank ever finds his Dom. Who knows what he could get Sue to do?
I'm glad to hear Your being surportive of Sue going away. To be otherwise. You would undo everything You have worked up to, to this point. If You want Me to back off. Just ask. I'll think about it.
  • #294
Jaxunman said:
".....Prior to recent events, STB and Sue have been practicing more of a 'hot-wife' type lifestyle. With Sue pointing out she knew Steve might not want to hear it but she wanted to go on this trip and wanted to not belong to him for a while, Sue has taken the firm step into the true cuckold realm. It is now really about what she wants. Even Sue taking the stance of not worrying about whether it turns STB on, but going the step of telling him she 'doesn't want to hurt him', spells it out that she is going to be careful, but is going to explore her desires now."

If you read from the beginning of her relationship with Brad - to the present time with Frank, Sue has always told him, "I don't want to hurt you." It has been her 'mantra' as-well-as "it will be good for you" and "I know it 'turn's you on"? It is true that Sue is now coming up with a 'higher level' of "angst" for steve, but her first "overnight with Brad was back in 2009. This time with Frank is just longer, and further away. Sue has, herself, 'stressed out' over each incremental escalation, from the beginning. Even when she has declared that it was "what she wanted".

Jaxunman said:
".....I do see her testing him a lot. She was very firm in her resolve to lovingly, reject his doubts, and second thoughts, about her upcoming trip with Frank.

But, She also said that she would "not go" if Steve was not "OK with it". and, let Steve known that she was "fearful" of it too.

Jaxunman said:
There were plenty of things Sue mentioned wanting to do with Frank back before she seduced him. Sue remarked she wanted this relationship with him to be more open. She wanted to date him, go out to dinner, be seen out with him, both with STB present and without, and wanted to feel free to be with him at times when STB would not know it ahead of time. There are several things she has yet to experience with Frank that she admitted to wanting to.

After 1-1/2 years, Sue seems satisfied with her frequency with seeing Frank, and, of course the 'trips', and has not even been invited by him, to do most of what she said she wanted from her relationship with Frank. There are several things we could 'speculate on' like spending nights, in town, with Frank, before & after, their trip to the 'trade show', and thereby giving Steve more, 'denial', but we can only speculate, and wait to read what happens, just as Steve will have to do.
Cheers, Harry
  • #296
Harry, Wow! Not sure if I should feel honored or insulted by your Custer like dissection of my last post. I guess I will go with honored since you seemed to think my post was worth so much of your time. Like, you, I have been keeping up with Steve and his postings since the very beginning.

Harry, all of us are guests in all this. Steve has generously decided to share his thoughts and desires. We are all being given a rare opportunity to view the internal workings that drive a man and his wife to persue the cuckold lifestyle.

I would simply caution that not a one of us here owns Steve and Sue, their story, or how it plays out. None of us are qualified to speak for them. Why don't we let the focus of this thread remain on Steve and Sue?
  • #297
Hear, hear. If you look back to the postings leading up to the 'wedding weekend', you will see a similar volume of hysteria. Its as if STB has put the blood in the water and now the sharks are having their feeding frenzy, but with no meat. Again.

What will be will be. I just feel privileged to be a witness really, and humbled to be honest, by STB's approach in posting.
  • #298
well jax. after it is all said and done you are right about it we should let it be about them but this site. is here so we can post are throught's as well good or bad.
  • #299
Harry2614 said:
There are several things we could 'speculate on' like spending nights, in town, with Frank, before & after, their trip to the 'trade show,' and thereby giving Steve more, 'denial,' but we can only speculate, and wait to read what happens, just as Steve will have to do.
Cheers, Harry

JAX: You are so right!
The above is the part we play in this whole 'experiment' that Steve has let us in on. Mostly, all we can do is speculate, He expects our comments, and has said several times that he appreciates and considers them .

The rest of my [Custer dissection ) is simply quotes of what has been said on here before. There is no opinion except what is implied.

Cheers, Harry
  • #300
happy Saturday

Steve: I expect that you and Sue are having a Good time today and tonight, so I don't expect to find you doing much in the way of, "up-dates" till you have had your fun!!!
Live well, and enjoy your lovely lady!!! "Happy wife, Happy life".

Cheers, Harry

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