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New National Anthem of USSA

  • Thread startermissouri_hubby
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Sep 29, 2007
All Hail Lord Obama!

YouTube - Glenn Beck presents the Obama National Anthem

And here's the words if you want to worship along:

All Hail the messiah, Obama, Obama,
The path to the new Socialist Motherland!
Our Savior, Our Savior, Obama, Obama,
The leader more famous than Lindsay Lohan!
Bow down and praise the One!
Give him your money and your guns!
Give us a country that makes your wife proud!
Lord Barry heal the bitter ones,
White and clinging to faith and to guns!
Hope for the change of the hope of the change!

You will hardly ever see me voice a political opinion in this forum or any other forum, but I can't let this one pass. What an utter, complete load of offensive CRAP!!
He has the Castro brothers support. If the Cuban dictator endorses him, he must be the right guy.
aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh anyone who disagree's with you must be evil huh?......if all these people would just get into line, we could show them how they should be living thier lives.......BIG BROTHER Obama......KNOWS WHAT WE NEED he will lead us to the promised land.......excuse me I am going over to the corner to throw up now!
O'Bammy will lead us down the path of Islamic righteousness and a socialist society Hitler would be proud of.
You guys are great campaigners for Obama. Only a small minority wants to be associated with these kind of vitriolic statements.
The video I posted was primarily a joke. But after reading some of the responses posted on Youtube, as well those already posted here, I would like to make a serious comment. I do not believe that either John McCain OR Barrack Obama is the right man to lead our nation in these troubled times. Unfortunately, they're the only choices we have, and one of them will be the new leader of our nation. It's not a choice any of us should take lightly.

The upcoming election is unquestionably the most important election our nation has faced in it's 250 or so years of existence. There are things going on today, right here in America, that fifty years ago would only have been seen in totalitarian states such as China and the USSR. One comment at You tube read:

"After living in the Soviet Union for sometime, and seeing all of these children singing for their, "Dear Leader." I'm pretty scared about the coming election. Anybody who has seen the videos of the little pre-schoolers singing know what I'm talking about. You only see this in Socialist countries such as:
Soviet Russia
Nazi Germany
North Korea
and if you have read 1984, there's stuff similar to this in the book by George Orwell"

He's right. And yes, kid's singing doesn't seem to be a big deal. But it's that mindset that's being instilled in the kids, and those of us that think it's "no big deal," that's dangerous. It may be funny watching a video about Barrack Obama set to the old Soviet Union national anthem, but absurdities have a way of becoming realities. Who would have believed the "Patriot Act" could ever have become reality in America? But it did, and now Big Brother is watching ...and listening... constantly. It's now a "hate crime" to express your own opinion on many issues. Rights and Freedoms are being taken away in the name of national security. What did Benjamin Franklin say? "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Now our government is poised to seize ownership of banks and businesses as part of the Bailout package. What's next? Socialism isn't coming; it's here. And this at the hands of a Republican that "claimed" to be conservative (I say "claimed" because Bush is neither Republican OR conservative, although he rode that lie into office)? How much WORSE will it get under a man that makes no apologies for his Socialist leanings? I seriously wish we had a credible third choice, because I see nothing but pain under either of these two jokers.

Take this as you like, and I won't be adding more to it no matter how much you flame. But it's your future. Think about it.

To those brave Americans who fought and died in the World Wars, and in Korea, and in Vietnam, and in the Gulf in defense of freedom, I apologize for what we are about to do.
ok some of you white guys..

I reaf so much BS all over about Obama, it makes you want to pull your hair out! So, some of you white guys, a black man is good enough to fuck your wives or fullfill your fantasy, but not good enough for president?

Hmm, my my, where this world has gone to, to the hockey moms and six pack joes? /eyes rolling/ Oh, i am a southern white woman.
immana44 said:
I reaf so much BS all over about Obama, it makes you want to pull your hair out! So, some of you white guys, a black man is good enough to fuck your wives or fullfill your fantasy, but not good enough for president?

Hmm, my my, where this world has gone to, to the hockey moms and six pack joes? /eyes rolling/ Oh, i am a southern white woman.

Although I am going to resist the temptation to add additional comments as people respond, I do want to address this one. First, the charge that Obama is a socialist is not BS. It's a fact. Listen to his speeches... especially the older ones, before he got smart and changed his tone. Secondly, although I can't speak for anyone here but myself, I assure you MY political views have nothing to do with race. I will happily support a Black man or woman when one appears that I feel will be good for America. But I can not, and WILL not, support ANY man or woman, black OR white, that I feel does not have America's best interests in mind. And I will speak out and express that opinion as long as we still have the freedom to do so. You will remember that Hitler was not black; Stalin was not black; Mussolini was not Black, Chairman Mao was not black, neither is Putin or Hugo Chavez. But all are examples of what Socialism and political extremists can and do lead to, and will lead to in America if it is not stopped now. Right now we can stop it - or at least slow it - at the voting booth. Once it's established we'll stop it in the streets... at the point of a US Army M-16. I prefer the voting booth. You think it can't happen? Ask the millions of people in mass graves in the old Soviet block. History has a hell of a way of repeating itself.

Race has nothing to do with my non-support of Barrack Obama. His politics do. Period. BTW, I am a "northern" man... kind of, anyway, since I'm in Missouri. I think I remember our side fought to free the blacks. What side was yours on? "Foul," you say? "Unfair comparison," you say? Well... you brought it up.
The real problem to me are political leaders that use fear, lies and distortion of truth to gain and retain power, not children singing.
A lot of blacks think like you. I am a white man, and I have to problem with a black man being president. Get some one like Colon Powell, someone that will do right for America. I don't care if they are black, white, yellow, green or whatever, as long as they stand for the USA. Obama, has no use for your God nor anything this country stands for. Just like the statement that he didn't know his reverend stood where he stood. If a person believes that they are bad niave. I vote for the man. I hope you do to, Thanks Tileman
Repukes make me laugh...they tote their guns around like extensions of their dicks, vote for a skank that has no political background except to get troopers fired that marry her sister, talk tough, make threats, and yet they're all just pussies afraid of one man. What a load of paranoid little pussies.
Obama/Biden 08. It's all over but the shouting, so go hide in your bomb shelters. The real party's back in power, and we'll protect your whining asses.
Actually they, mccain and Obama, are not the only choices we have. Bob Barr and Wayne A. Root are also running for President of these United States under the Libertarian party. I had never heard of them until I printed my sample ballot.
LoveMILFS said:
Repukes make me laugh...they tote their guns around like extensions of their dicks, vote for a skank that has no political background except to get troopers fired that marry her sister, talk tough, make threats, and yet they're all just pussies afraid of one man. What a load of paranoid little pussies.
Obama/Biden 08. It's all over but the shouting, so go hide in your bomb shelters. The real party's back in power, and we'll protect your whining asses.

I'll ignore most of that because it's nonsense. But what "real party" are you talking about? The democratic party has been hijacked by radicals and leftists, and bears no resemblance to the Democratic party of FDR or JFK. If you believed in the ideals of that "real party," you'd be a Republican, since they've turned Liberal. If you were a "real" republican today, you'd be Libertarian. So what are you? The Democratic party of today is RED through and through.

BTW, yes, there are a couple of third party choices. I REALLY like Bob Barr's stand on everything I've heard him speak about and thought seriously about voting for him. But the fact is a third party has no chance in America. All voting for him will do is split the McCain vote and insure an Obama victory. I've never understood why the Libertarian party doesn't catch on, they have their hand on the pulse of everything most Americans believe in.
I'm a proud Democrat and since you obviously get your twisted definition of politics by allowing the assholes on Faux News to see you as an easy mark makes you even more amusing. Once we get those two asses out of the White House, you'll finally be falling in line. I will miss the low IQ's you republican pussies have...it's always so easy to win an argument with the mentally defective.
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Oh yeah, another well educated republican. Once the party of intelligence, now just the party of beer swilling inbreds.
I believe that every politician should get down on their knees and pray to the thousands of dead and wounded Vets thru our history for forgiveness for letting this great nation of ours getting to this point in time. We have gone and let the politicians ruin our nation with their homeland security, no child left behind laws, and this bullshit bailout. If you want change lets change the senate and congress. They are the reason we are in this mess in the first place. And if Obama wants my guns he can come and get them himself. Don't send A man who is just doing his job send me the man who wants them banned
You're right, the vets do deserve more. McCain and Palin aren't what they deserve. Bush certainly wasn't what they deserved. And saying Obama wants to take your guns is an uninformed statement that conservatives like to throw around with absolutely no basis in fact. The republicans preferred a ticket with 14 deferments from military service while they had the balls to make a decorated Vietnam vet look like a traitor. A traitor because he spoke his mind about how service men in Vietnam were being killed for no reason. Obama is my choice, not because he's black, not because he's a democrat...but he's a good man, with values that match the MAJORITY of real Americans, not some right wing nuts in the hills.
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