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Nigerian Taxi-gangbangs


New around here...
Beloved Member
Hiya guys, I have read some of the recent posts about white women being fucked by Africans - Magic stuff ! What has really intrigued me is this whole story about corrupt taxi drivers in Lagos, Nigeria.
@ Ibekue, i read your posts on the other thread where you said you were had the chance to actually go to one of these events : YOU LUCKY BASTARD !!!!!

Give us the juicy details, is Lagos really that bad ? And what was the look on that poor little blondes face like when she saw all those niggers waiting to see her stripped and fuck her sweet little ass ?
Tell me man. I`ve got a stiffy just thinking about it.
@ Zullmaster - thanks for the message mate, yes the thread did satisfy my tastes (you bet), thanks for letting me know it had been posted. Fucking awsome stuff.
Ha ha. I know how you feel mate. I would have been standing right next to ya. Oh no wait.. I wouldn`t have, I would have been in the queue waiting for my time to "have a go" with her.
"Come here, sweet little pussy - Here`s your next cock to swallow !!!"

Buddy, you have to send me these messages you`ve got from Ike. I`m gonna message him directly too and try and get some more details. Jees, I wanna know about the whole goddamn thing.
Jees, Abayami tell us more about what you know. Is it also true like Ikebu says that the girls then end up becoming prostitutes and never get out of the country ? Is the taxi thing still there to this day ?
Shit ! It really is a dodgy place aint it.
Tell me more about the taxi service man,
you said you have also been to quite a few of em.
What happens ?
such an idiotic thread...

hey guys, you show the world which kind of people you are... if living with a dead brain would hurt, you would scream...

this is the direction the human species is walking towards... the waste depot!
I`m coming with ya Clifford - ha ha.
Its crazy over there aint it.
I dont know if would be more excited, aroused or terrified !!!!!!!
I agree totally, every white chick needs a fat black dick rammed down her throat without mercy. Thought this picture was rather appropriate dont ya think ? Ha ha.


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I think I would be really really afraid to be honest, especially if I had to go down some back alley bang in the middle of Lagos after dark.
I`ve also heard and read many things about the corruption and all the muggings over there. Its like anarchy after 8pm apparently. There are huge areas of Lagos where the police will not even set foot because its so dangerous. Gangs roaming around stealing and assaulting people.
Its no wonder the tourists are such easy targets. Who the hell is gonna protect them if the police wont even get of their asses of their chairs. And even if they were to, whats the point, the corruption of the p. force is almost absolute.
You guys are F.... up. Just remember what goes around. Zullmaster and Abayami, I hope one day you get a big one in you ass...
You know, setting all morals aside, I would probably have to agree with you.
Yes, I think I would, its such an inviting prospect isnt it.

You can understand now how they make so much money from it cant you ?
You just have to mention it to someone, and your ears pop up. Come to think of it its quite ingenious. And a very cheap investment compared to the profits (pay a cab driver some money to work for you and thats where your investment expenses end, the rest is all profit). Abayami said (and so did Expatdad yesterday) that abducted girls are moved around the country and become prostitutes, not only in Nigeria but also in other parts of Africa. So from that perspective you can undestand why its such a good business, there are real long term profits. The whole concept of offering the customer a product they just cant say no to is also present there. An innocent white girl abducted to be gangfucked, the chance to watch everything happen in front of your very own own eyes, the knowledge that some of the biggest black dicks around are gonna be there to screw the victims, the possibilty to get to fuck a white chick which is so inviting for the blacks, the guarantee of getting a blowjob yourself (or more) if you want to at the end of. From that point of view its no wonder they make so much money. You can imagine they dont have any problems in promoting the secret events either. You can just picture it cant you. One of them sees a gang of blacks standing at some corner, they approach one and explain where the event gonna take place and bingo. He lets the rest of the gang know, they all get horny and there you have it a dozen customers in 5 minutes.
Like I said, i think i would be so curious (ehem, HORNY) myself that I would probably end up going myself.
Not just that, but people who go to Africa always comment on the air there. They say it induces the wildest sexual instincts in people, probably something to do with heat or something, so from that point of view, if I were there and under that sort of influence as well, knowing me, I would definitely end up paying to go and see the event. Its sounds nasty doesnt it, but you asked me to be honest.
ok you guys, what I really need now is the names of some Lagos hotels (not the 5 star type) and some info regarding these taxis. I already checked out the flights which are like £300 - £400 now I need the rest of the info to tkae the trip
Don't worry therr are police an army at regular checkpoints to collect 'road tax', and if you are driving with an attractive white woman they often have a little hut off to one side where they ask the woman questions while one holds his rifle on you in the car...
@ SHAVEDBLONDEWIFE why do you ask ?

Are you thinking of taking a trip in a taxi somewhere near Lagos ???
@ yesiknowitsmall and @ shavedblondewife
You might wanna send a personal message to either "Abayami" or "Ikebue.".
A whole world lies out there. Its dark, scary, dangerous,
but most of all ..
it`s so fucking AROUSING !!!!!!!
@ hubbywilder - you can be quite a poet at times. ha.

Have to agree though that, there does appear to be another wolrd out there which us westerners cant seam to understand. Africa really really is intrigueing for me. Think its cuz of its raw and primitive backbone n stuff. I do fee sorry though for white women who compared to blokes cant really enjoy the beauty of the land, its animals and traditions etc. There seams to be violence widespread throughout the continent and it mustnt be easy if your a white female and want to explore some of those areas. Its a shame. Women do tend to be more romantic than guys and things like african sunsets, beautiful sceneries, the wildlife etc are all elements which in my opinion would inspire females much more than blokes. They cant really enjoy them though cuz of the many dangers this continent seams to hide.
Maybe its becasue they eat crocodile meat !!!
ha ha.
If you were feeling a gay moment coming on you could have always got down on your knees and volunteered to help them polish their dicks under the shower !!

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