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Once You've Gone Black, There's No Going Back

  • Thread starterBlack Zeppelin
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Black Zeppelin


Although the "Once You've Gone Black" line is a stereotype, there does appear to be some truth to it. I know many white females who really only date black guys after first giving it a "try". I also know many white males who are sexually addicted to watching white women perform for black men whether thru videos, magzines or in real life as a voyuer or cuckold. Please give us your thoughts as to the reasons behind this sexual behavioral pattern in white males and females. Here are some thoughts to consider.

1.) White women become a part of black social culture. After being with a black man, they hang out with black friends, appreciate black art and music and become a part of the culture where they are socially comfortable. A persons' culture can be as strong as any instinctual trait.

2.) Black males are more sexual and have a stronger sexual prowess than men of other races. Additionally, they have larger sex organs (on average). There is a strong sexual desire for the alpha male. In other words, a need to breed with the stronger male that is deep rooted in human development.

3.) White women become sexually submissive to black males as they succomb to their stronger nature.

4.) There is a feeling of shame to some degree in that a white female will not be fully accepted back into the white social circles after their contemporaries know they have been sexual with a black man. This rings true even louder when a bi-racial child is involved.

5.) White men who have a submissive need relaize all of the points above and never really tire of watching this association. It gives them a feeling of helplessness that is indescribable. In fact, this is so true that I would be willing to bet that white males buy memberships more often than women or black men at virtually any interracial web site. Even those that focus on dating service and encounters!!!
Hi Zep-

I will try to answer all your questions but I probably need to do them one at a time. I hope others will contribute too. One thing though, I have to confess that I do not have sex exclusively with my black lover so the "once you have gone black" is not always the case.

Black Zeppelin said:
1.) White women become a part of black social culture. After being with a black man, they hang out with black friends, appreciate black art and music and become a part of the culture where they are socially comfortable. A persons' culture can be as strong as any instinctual trait.

Absolutley! I never knew that much about black culture or identity until after "going black" and while I still am not into rap, I dig hip-hop. Can I get out there and dance like the kids on BET?... No, but hey, I am a white middle class woman who has had 3 kids so cut me a break... Oh, with one exception, I can grind my man so he has to walk off that dance floor with his hands in his pocket... not that he really cares.

I am not sure that I am totally "socially comfortable" but I have learned to adapt and can fit in most of the time. How well you are accepted is what determines how comfortable you are. When we are with his friends and their girlfriends/wives, it is great... with his family, that can be another story.

The one thing that is not talked about much is how having his child will gain you acceptance in one family and rejection in another. In my experience, white women who have black children are more easily accepted by the black man's family. There is an effort to make sure that cultural ideas and heritage are passed to the child and therefore the mother must be brought into the family fold to be able to do that. I think that is probably true of of any interracial relationship but more so with blacks. Abortion would be an easy choice for a woman who was not serious about her man so having his child shows a level of commitment to him. Unfortunately, I also think that black men are not as committed to the women who bear thier children. There is a lot of truth to that "sowing their black seed" talked about here on Dark Cavern.
Black Zeppelin said:
2.) Black males are more sexual and have a stronger sexual prowess than men of other races. Additionally, they have larger sex organs (on average). There is a strong sexual desire for the alpha male. In other words, a need to breed with the stronger male that is deep rooted in human development

3.) White women become sexually submissive to black males as they succomb to their stronger nature.


I think these are really the same question. I think black men spend more
time thinking about sex and being sexy than white men. What I mean is that all men are on the lookout, but black men are <u>always </u>on the lookout. From the time they are born until they die, they are look for some nice place to plant their seed. You may call it sexual prowess or just being horny all the time but I agree, they are more eager to engage in sex than other men. I think women have a natural instinct to play up to men (black or white) with strong sexual drive. I won't say we all become submissive but we really do enjoy the idea of "mating" with men who exhibit all those alpha male traits and black men just seem to have it abundance.
wife and daughter

Well my wife went black 10 years ago and she is a 'sure thing' for any black man who makes a serious advance.

My daughter went black 9 years, was seriously into it for a year, but is now happily married to a white man.

I think my wife had a repressed early life and is making up for it.

My daughter had a pretty wild time and seems to have put it all behind her and settled down.

Prhaps having done just about everything my daughter does not feel she has missed out on anything, while my feels that after years of marriage she has a lot of catching up to do. :)
Gone black!1

I got into black after a period of no sex or attention from my white husband and the presence of a very sexy African man with a wonderful black skin and cock. he was not huge i got into that later, but it turned me on sexually soo much. perhaps the taboo perhaps the way they need us as much as we need them- who knows?? i only know that it was such a sexual thrill and soo intense that it has locked into my mind and it has gone from there and i am now only for black and the thrill of a big black powerful sexual bull of a man enjoying me is just as intense now as it was then, but i am not into black culture or hang around socially with blacks only, I mix with all races, but for sex it is only really good with black men.

I dont try to read into it too much but i can say this - a big cock that is not attached to a fun, sexy, strong, articulate and creative man is no good to me. The man the mood, the place, the timing all play a prime part in the fulfillment of good interracial sex then the power passion, size take over and whizz bang pop i ma going mad with lust and need!! Dont worry dont question just enjoy the thrill it give you- i certainly do!!!
Re: Gone black!1

funwife004 said:
" the thrill of a big black powerful sexual bull of a man enjoying me "

"a big cock that is not attached to a fun, sexy, strong, articulate and creative man is no good to me."

Wonderful! I could not have said it better myself! Thanks for contributing!
"1.) White women become a part of black social culture. After being with a black man, they hang out with black friends, appreciate black art and music and become a part of the culture where they are socially comfortable."

And ruin their lives. What absolute crap. You try to paint a pretty(?) picture but are so full of SHIT.

Absolute SHIT!


p.s. "Once you've gone black...blah, blah, blah"...yeah, because no self-respecting white man would ever take 'em back! PERIOD!!

Many men have an idealized view of an interracial relationship. Others, like you, seem to think of it as distructive. Neither is the truth. I am not sure that any relationship is easy but ones between mixed races have special challanges, mostly cultural.

There are always pressures on women to adapt to the culture of the man. Those that do are always considered a bit of an outcast by their WASP society, much that same way that a korean or chinese bride is treated after she marries a white man. If I was from Japan, raised in the traditional role of a woman who is subservient to her family and suddently went off with a white American soldier from Kansas, don't you think it would be upsetting to my family and maybe even shocking to my friends? Now my soldier's family is likely to be surprised too but probably more accepting because, afterall, he has taken me as his bride and therefore I will become part of their family. They do not expect the me to adapt right away to American culture and often appreciate the differences. I become little Johnny's exotic asian bride, the one that eats raw fish and everyone knows that Japanese women are trained to make their husbands happy. What ever problems they may have had with their son taking me as a bride from a different race and culture gets washed away when I produce grandkids for them to love.

Now, take away the idea that the bride is from Japan and substiute white female and black male for white soldier, and you have exactly the same story. But being accepted by a blackman's family is probably harder. The differences are more than just cultural, there is real anger towards white society in the black community.
There are so many holes....

in all of your (incl admin) posts. Ok, so white women date black men to get into hip-hop and the "black" culture, no offense I'm white and I am sure I know a hell of a lot more than these women or the men they date in terms of "black culture". In society today, black culture has a strong infuence everywhere, you can even watch squeaky clean ABC on "Monday Night Football" and they play hip-hop during timeouts, and all of these ideas come from so ancient society where blacks and whites and other races dont minlge or socialize together. I have friends of all races and to say that its a good excuse to get introduced to "culture" is quite laughable. And black also theorized that black men have a stronger sexual appetite? How so,I think ALL men are EQUALLY horny,he sounds like a white guy hiding behind a pseudonym living vicariously through this site.
PEOPLE are attracted to other PEOPLE to say its to get an inside perspective on other cultures is stupid and is a very artificial way of examing the attracting that people of different races have to one another.....
Actually, I am not sure what your point is. I do agree that all men are born horney and being black or white is not a factor when it comes to sexual appetite.
Very interesting post. I very much agree with most of your observations. I'm married to a wonderful man who was is white, but who understands my powerful sexual attraction to black men. But it wasn't always easy for him. When he first found out that I have had sex with a lot of black men in college, he was upset by, and really hurt. Like me, he also grew up in the South and the racist feelings were definitely there. It took us a while, and he still gets a little jealous sometimes, but we ultimately worked it all out and now I have the freedom, within my marriage, to experience all my sexual passions with black men. We share, what is on the internet often referred to as the hotwife/cuckold hubby lifestyle.

I may be unusual in this regard, but I lost my virginity to a black man, a much older black man (he was 32), when I was 16. I grew up in a small town in Georgia where this was taboo beyond imagination. I remember that after that, I really did start hanging out more with black guys, although not so much with black women because they pretty much hated me as they do most white women that have sex with "their men". And during that time and afterwards, I definitely did start listening more to black music, rap and hip-hop. For me that kind of music was intimately associated with great fantastic nasty rough sex because most guys would play it during sex. To this today, when I hear certain hip-hop songs my pussy gets instantly wet.

And I remember that after that, one thing that definitely happened is that I got a reputation as "that white slut that fucks niggas". And believe me, black guys talk about this. And they all start hitting on you all the time in a very determined and aggressive manner. It's like they won't take no for an answer, and really put a lot of pressure on you. I've can pretty much say that I've never been out somewhere, at bar or a club or a party, and had a white guy put his hands on my ass or start rubbing my legs, unless I had clearly signaled him that it was OK and I wanted him to. Black guys are totally different. If a black guy knows that you've had sex with black men before, they'll put their hand on your ass and all that like they own you even if they just met you.

White men don't usually make it so obvious that they just wanna fuck you. They usually at least pretend that it's more than that. When they hit on you it's usually in the context of dating, going out to dinner, a movie, etc. Black guys are usually a lot more direct and blunt about what they want. For them it's all about hanging out and hooking up and hitting it. They're just a lot more casual about it. White guys will sometimes spend a lot of money on a girl to get into her panties. Black guys don't do that. They expect you to give it up and aren't going to pay for it.

And sexually, my God, black guys are almost always a lot more aggressive than white men. I remember reading something one time, that really rang true, at least in my experience. After you've been dating a white guy for about a month or two, that's usually about the time that they will cautiously bring up the subject of anal sex and if you're not immediately into it, they will pretty much beg your for it. But a black guy will bend you over the edge of the bed and take your ass the first night. And he won't ask.

The other thing that happens when a white woman dates or has sex with black guys is that most white guys, especially where I grew up, don't want to have anything to do with you. To them you're just a cheap *****. And so right away your dating options pretty much get limited to black men. And black guys know that, which is pretty much why they're always all over you. To them, it's like you've got "free white pussy" written on your forehead. They know that you're going to give it up.

And white women that have had a black man's baby, forget it. Most white men definitely won't have anything to do with her. How many times have you been at the mall and seen a white woman pushing a biracial baby in a stroller, and walking with a white boyfriend. Pretty much never. But I can tell you from talking to black guys that if a black guy sees a white woman out somewhere with a biracial baby, he pretty much looks at her as a "guaranteed pussy".

And I definitely think that white women become more and more sexually submissive to black men once they've had a taste of black dominance. It can be very addicting. I know that I have, and I know a lot of other white women that have and are. There's something deliciously exciting about a strong powerful man that just takes what he wants.
Aggressive Black men????

What a myth that is. After High School I joined the US Army, went to OCS and rose to the rank of Capt. I was an Infantry Company Commander at age 21. We went out looking for gunfights to pass the time (1966-69) The TET was nice. A majority of combat troops are NOT African American. Check out the DOD stats. I got out of the Army and spent 34 years as a streetcop, undercover officer, Detective and Sergeant. In between I learned how to Fly. I raced motorcycles and climbed mountains. Now can you see were I went wrong and got all weak? I was awarded a number of , you know, anyway. One of you black gentleman want to tell me I am not agressive enough? People peddle this junk to feed their own belief system

S.T. Smith , Inspector, SFPD (ret)
We have a great relationship, and we're both very well balanced with all aspects of normal life. We do like to include some fantasy fun, and this involves S milking well hung gentlemen, preferably black. Everyone is different, too easy to cast generalizations, but I have to say we're not lacking in self respect. Of course, watching S dress up, drop to her knees, and suck and fuck a big thick black cock is a turn on. And then suck and fuck my cock, too. Recently she satisfied three black men in one evening, lots of fun for all. And then off to mass the following morning with normal lives. If you don't like it, why be here? Why waste your time reading and then more so, replying or posting? Why not take that time and do what you enjoy, unless you enjoy posting messages like this in these forums?
T &S

Well said! Thanks. :D
Hi T & S-

Sounds like you have a great relationship. It is so important to be partners in your pleasures. May I ask you to share how you met each other and came to enjoy this lifestyle?

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