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One more day

  • Thread starterMonterey
  • Start date


I'm getting pretty excited. My wife's new friend (the guy who works next door) is coming back from a vacation today and she cant wait to see him after work. They did some kissing before he left and he told her to leave before he "ripped her clothes off" We have been talking and planning things ever since. After work today, she is going to go over and let him know in no uncertain terms that she wants him to "rip her clothes off" She is going to seduce him and ask him to come over after work on Tuesday. I will be hiding in the closet and watching the whole thing. I will also be taping it. This will be the first time I have watched her have sex in the flesh (aside from a blowjob a few years ago). My wife said she can't wait to see what he's like. She also said she looks forward to getting on top and riding him. I look forward to that too! I'll have a nice view :)
What Happened

Monterey said:
I'm getting pretty excited. My wife's new friend (the guy who works next door) is coming back from a vacation today and she cant wait to see him after work. They did some kissing before he left and he told her to leave before he "ripped her clothes off" We have been talking and planning things ever since. After work today, she is going to go over and let him know in no uncertain terms that she wants him to "rip her clothes off" She is going to seduce him and ask him to come over after work on Tuesday. I will be hiding in the closet and watching the whole thing. I will also be taping it. This will be the first time I have watched her have sex in the flesh (aside from a blowjob a few years ago). My wife said she can't wait to see what he's like. She also said she looks forward to getting on top and riding him. I look forward to that too! I'll have a nice view :)

Hey Man do you now have a fresh fucked HOT WIFE:eek:?????? okdeacon
okdeacon said:
Hey Man do you now have a fresh fucked HOT WIFE:eek:?????? okdeacon

Hour and a half to go! We're sitting here waiting for him to arrive. I'ma a little too anxious to post details right now but will definitely give a report asap :)
So did you die in the mix or just forget to post ?
maod979 said:
So did you die in the mix or just forget to post ?

Will post the details and hopefully some screencaps in the am :)
enser said:
What happened? Did she or did she not?

Oh she did indeed my friend. Sorry it has taken me so long to share the details. I was going to post yesterday but decided to wait until I could make some caps from the video. That said here goes :)

Alright, I had at first decided to write everything that had happened the day before and the day of, the details of their conversation, etc. She was nervous the whole week he was gone on vacation. She was anxious to know if he had changed his mind about wanting her after having a week to mull things over. I told her the entire week that she had nothing to worry about and that when he returned things would pick up where they left off and more. We made a friendly bet. I bet her that he would still want to jump her bones when he got back and that if she asked him to come over the next day, he would be there. She bet that he wouldnt show or would back off. The conditions were that if she were right I would buy her a new purse that she wants. If I won, she was to write me an email detailing the things she was thinking about as the events unfolded. Needless to say, I won the bet. They were both nervous but committed to hooking up on Tuesday. They had a long conversation on Monday night and early the next day (she surpringly ran into him at a local store/gas station). They talked about what was going to happen, where I would be, etc.

One of the things she had talked to him about on Monday night was the possiblity of a threesome or me being there watching them. Surprisingly, and although nervous, he seemed open to both. When she first asked him to come over on Tuesday it was with the complete plan of it just being the 2 of them and I would watch from the closet without his knowledge. But when she ran into him at the gas station, he said he had been thinking about things. She thought "here we go, hes changed his mind". But instead, he said he had always kinda wanted to do a threesome too and he was willing to do that this first time. He was a little nervous about pleasing her and finishing too soon (being the first time together). After that she called me and told me what he had suggested. I told her that I thought it would still be a good idea to just stick with the original plan for now and just have it be the 2 of them. That way they could get over some of the nervousness of each other. It's tough enough trying to be with a woman for the first time, let alone having her husband watching and/or participating. She agreed wholly. I told her that maybe the next time or time after we could do the threesome or have me watch just so we can begin to get that nervousness out of the way and just enjoy things. We both got a good vibe from him and the fact that HE suggested that instead of just looking out for himself says a lot in the scope of things.

Fast forward to today. I let my wife off the hook with the email that night. I knew she was extermely tired because she had barely slept Monday night. So last night she rewarded me with my email. I will share it with you now because it pretty much is a play by play (and saves me a ton of writing :) ). It also gives you a chance to hear about this from my wifes point of view.

A few things that are not in the letter..... I was in the closet the entire time with the door cracked just enough for me to get a view of the bed. He thought I was out for a drive. I heard them come in the back door and my heart was beating so fucking fast I swear they would hear it. I had started taping the second I saw his work van go past our house. He didnt know about the taping (but its for our own personal enjoyment). After the encounter, we spent most of the rest of the night talking about it, making sure the other was ok, etc. On Monday night, I was all horned up after she filled me in on the details of their conversation. But as much as I wanted her, I waited until Tuesday night. Not to be gross, but her period was a few days late. I told her it was just from stress/nervousness. We both had our fingers crossed that it would continue to hold off until after the encounter. I didn't want to do her Monday night either, for fear of bringing it on before she had him, now that plans were in motion. Low and behold, not 2 hours after they had sex, her period came. Being frustrated and unable to wait another week, she pleased me with a hot blowjob, even though she was exhausted.

Ok, I think thats it. I will now post the email that she wrote to me last night and then follow that up with some screencaps :)
so cant sleep yet. im tired but not quite sleept tired enough. so i thought i would start an email and if i finish i will send it to you and if not i will finish it tomorrow.
so i can't remember if you want another fantasy or story or an email about what happened.

so i guess i will start with when i went over there monday. i walked over and the door was open and i saw him. i asked him to close the door so i was a little bit less nervous. i started talking to him and asked him how his vacation was. he said it was ok but left a day early because it was supposed to rain. told him i was glad he had a good time. i told him i was nervous about coming over and talking to him because of how that thursday was left. he told me nothing to be nervous about. he did tell me he thought about me while he was gone and part of him wished he wasnt on vacation. said he thought about me kissing him and how he wanted to take my clothes off. i kinda laughed and said that was good because i was thinking about him too. he got closer to me and pulled me towrds him and kissed me. said he was thinking about doing that all week. i just smiled. we kissed a couple of more times and i said i wanted to talk to him about something. thats when i asked him if he would be interested in coming over tomorrow and his eyes opened a little wide and he said really? i smiled and said i was seriuos. he asked where you would be. i told him you would be where ever he wanted you to be but would probably be gone. i told him how were interested in trying a threesome or even having you just watching. what ever he was comfortable with. we kissed a couple of more times and he said he would be interested. i asked him if he needed to get right home and how much time he would have. he said he would have about an half hour. but said he was definitely interested. so i told him i would watch for when he got back to work and i would give him a few minutes and come get him and he said ok. that's when he asked aboout the condom and i told him i had my tubes tied and didnt use anything. i asked him what he wanted and he said he preferred nothing. i asked him if he was cleean and he said of course and he sked if i was clean and before he could finish i told him yes. and i dont quite remember now how it came about or who said xactly what but i know he said he likes to finish inside. i told him what ever he was ok with. he kissed me again and kinda started walking me back to the door so i knew he wanted to leave one because he had to go home and two because i think he was at that point again, leave or your clothes are coming off. :) he kissed me and i took his finger and sucked on it and his eyes rolled back into his head, he let out a littl grunt and said you really need to leave now. ( i didnt tell you before because i knew i lost the bet and wanted to save it for the email and give you a little surprise) :) you should have seen the looook on his face. it made me smile. does now too actually. i know you always tell me im good at that but having him do that when all i did was suck his finger, i guess i must be somewhat good, huh?????? LOL thats when we got to the door and he opened it. he gave me another quick kiss, did his little pat on the but. as we were walking out the door, i leaned into him and said, by the way, i like to swallow. all he said was man..... im not used to that. which kinda surprised me. but i said by and see you tooorow. and came home.

then tuesday came. and as you know we both didnt sleep well that night. way nervous...... was nervous because it was new, new person, new experince, little nervous that he changed his mind. then i went to lunch and can't believe i ran into him. big surprise ther. he was surprised too. he asked what i was doing there. i told him on lunch sometimes i drive downand get a soda or water and then go back to work. gets me out for a ffew minutes. i asked himm what he was doing there and said getting gas and a drink. said he hadd a call down in (address ommitted). i laughed. i asked him if we were still on and well you know the rest. which actually put me at ease some because we now know he is actually interested in trying stuff and we all know it totally sex and no commitments are needed.

so now onto the good stuff i guess. i will start out with it was not what i expected. better than but not what i expected. i was so nervous at first. you know. couldnt believe it was actaully hapeening. he walked over and he came into the backyard. i asked him if he still wanted to come in and he said yes why not, and asked if i changed my mind. i told him no, i was just checking. wanted to make sure he didnt change his mind. so we came into the house and he kissed me in the kitchen. walked him into the living room and kinda did the this is the dining room and living room thing. he said nicce. he kissed me again and then i think he was nervous too cause he asked if he could get a quick drink of water. we came into the bedroom and i tried my hardest to get by the door so you could see us kiss, but i ws trying not to make it to obvoius about where i was trying to stand or not stand. he kissed me and started rubbing my back and buut andside of my thighs. we kissed again. i will be honest. i like kissing him. he is a good kisser. i could sit there and just kiss him and be happy. then he unzipped my pants and pulled them down. he kissed my stomach and said theres that stomach or something like that. he took off my pants and socks. he kissed my pussy with my thong on. he saw the bunny sticking out and he looked at me with this happy look on his face, lik wow, didnt expect to see that, you know? he pulled my thong down and licked my pussy. he kinda did that sucking thing you do, but very lightly and sfotly. like i could just barely feel it. he fnished taking off my thong and he stood up. he kissed me again and i unbottened and unzipped his pants, altho i was a little nervous, well a lot nervous and it felt like i couldnt get my hands to work. i even told him that. i slid his pants down a little and saw that e was already hard and knew he wasnt going to last to long because i could a ittle wetness on his boxers where the tip of his dick was. sorry, hope that oesnt gross you out. he took all his clothes off but his shirt. i took that off. he has a lot of hair but it's not a bad way. some guys are way to harry and have way to much, but his was just enough and good thing. he said it wa good because it can hide any marks i left. that's when you saw me get on the bed. i made sure to get in the middle but it wasnt to obvoous because then we didnt need toworry about being to close to the side. i was so nervous still. couldnt believe i was doing it and with you in the closeet watching. he went down on me and started licking my pussy again. he felt good. he must have a thing for hips and stomachs too because he kept like rubbing but gently grabbing them while he was licking my pussy. his tongue felt good. i really enjoyed it. i kept looking at you while he was doing it but then i stopped. he stopped and came up and kissed me. i was so nervous because i knew at any second he was going to be putting his dick in my pussy. i was a little sccaared too. but it finally happened and it wasnt bad. he felt good. not to big but not too little. i liked wrapping my legs around his wast too. that felt good. and then all the nervousness kinda melted away. we both were into and i even told him that. said i wasnt nervous anymore and he said he wasnt either. i think he was enjoying himself. he likes to kiss a lot. i remember touching his face and he kept kissing my palm wen i touched his face. he was goo because he didnt go to fast or to slow. i was worried he might go to fast or to hard and be sore. but i think he had good timing. i know ther was a couple of times where we both got into it and went a little fast but he had good timing. cant believe im writing this to you. he felt good. i enjoyed feeling his dick go in and out of my pussy. i told him i wanted to get on top and we switched. i got on top and teased him a little and he said dont do that. i slid down on his dick and he liked it. i could tell by the look on his face. i liked being on top. and as you could see he is a butt guy too. i felt him keep grabbing my ass and rubbing it. i tried to be god and not leave tomany marks on him. kinda hard being into it and having to be midnful about nothurting him or marking him up, but i tried. it was a littledifferent getting used to him with me on top. he liked to help move with me while i was grinding him. threw me off a little bit. i wasnt expecting that. but i still enjoyed myself a lot.

i wanted to go down on him so bad. let him get a taste of what it was like to have someone swallow him and lt him tell me if i am good or not. i asked him where he wanted to cum and he said inside. i asked if he was sure and he said yes, i like inside. i was disappointed, but like you said, if there is a next time or whatever we can try it then. dont want todo everything or try to do everythig all at once. and then we kinda got back into it. it only came a little because every time i was about too he would throw my rythm off a little. but thats ok. i still had a good time. and then he came and we cleaned up. i walked him back over to his bike. i asked if he had a good time and he told me yes. said he hoped i wasnt dissapointed and i told him just the oppistie. i was very pleaased. wasnt like what i thought it would be it was better. i came home and you know the rest.

so lets see. i know what you want now. i wasn't the greatest sex i have had, but iwasnt bad either. i really did enjoy myself and had a great time. if there is a next time i dont know if it will be better because i wont be as nervous that time around or what, but all in all i am glad i didnt change my mind and am glad he didnt change his mind. i think he enjoyed himself. wish i could have talked to him today to see how he felt after sleeping on it. but we can always talk when i see him again. yes i enjoyed feeling his dick in my pussy. i liked wrapping my legs around him and i liked being on top. i wished we could have tried the blowjob but maybe enxt time. looking forward to try that with him. looking forward to see if the threesome goes. i will be nervous about that buti think we all will.

so i hope you liked this email. i dont know if this was what you were looking for. if not i will try again. but i am tired and going to go t bed and try and sleep.

wanted you to know i love you very much. thanks for letting me try this. even if it is only a one time thinghten hey, at least we can say we did it and not worry about it. glad you were a part of it too even though you couldnt watch the way we wanted you too but maybe.....
love you
Ok, now let me first say this was an AMAZING experience! I have never been so fucking turned on. I can honestly say that I have seen a lot of porn over the years. And I have never seen anything that turned me on as much as what I saw from the closet. Unfortunatly I didnt get to watch them kiss because they were out of view but I could hear it. And getting to see him enter her the first time! Incredible. I think the hottest part was watching her get on top and watching his dick slide up inside her! The other thing that was a huge turn on was when they were done, she got off him and I could see him cum drip out of her. Anyways, here's the pics..

Pic1) The first pic is from when they first came into the bedroom. They were standing in front of the camera and slightly to the left of the closet. He grabbed her ass

Pic 2) Thats her undoing his pants just to the left of the closet


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Pic 3) Is him going down on her. She was nervous at first with me being in the closet. She kept looking up at first at the closet but after a minute or 2 settled down and started to enjoy herself. I like how shes grabbing his head while he licks her pussy :)

Pic 4) Him getting on top and entering her for the first time


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Pic 5) Her wrapping her legs around him

Pic 6) She was starting to really get into it. She started running her hands all over him while he fucked her


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Pic 7) She gets on top and strokes his cock before helping him into her pussy. Fucking awesome to watch that

Pic 8) Her riding him


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Pic 9 and 10) More of her riding him. Loved to be in the closet right behind her and watch his dick sliding up inside her. Awesome sight!


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Pic 11) This is the moment he came. You can see his head is tilted back. As soon as he started to cum she rode him hard and had a small orgasm

Pic 12) This is the point where she got off of him. It was a few minutes later when they both caught their breaths. You can see the circled part where his cum is dripping out of her pussy


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And thats it. I hope you enjoyed reading/seeing this as much as I enjoyed putting it together and sharing it. This was our first experience like this. She was with a guy a few years back but I only got to see the taped encounter. I did watch her give a blowjob once before but this was truly incredible. To watch her get fucked like that, to hear her moaning.... awesome. Like I said, this is the first of hopefully many. We both think we have found the friend we have been talking about and looking for for years. Looking forward to many adventures and of course, providing anyone is interested, I will continue to share. This experience really has changed my life and I feel like I have entered a whole new world. Thanks for listening :)

Thank you sir for the share. This is a good Hot Wife adventure and I wish to think your pretty sexy little hot wife. For without her we would not be enjoying this hot fucking story. Your friend is a very lucky dude getting her hot little pussy. I like it all but I also like having the woman legs locked around me when I am fucking. We all ave to eat that pussy first beacuse its soooo good and it does get things going in the right direction:p:p Thanks a lot and keep it coming. From what I can see you got yourself a fine built little woman, plus she likes to fuck other men. Dont get a better:eek: You Two have fun and I thank your hot wife again:p okdeacon
Thank you for posting. It must have been awesome to watch them, to the point of her leaking some come. That’s tremendous

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