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Presidential Race Bias in Indiana

  • Thread starterhandigrl
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Nov 15, 2005
Yes Indiana will be a tough one for Obama. Indiana at one time lead the Nation as the Leader State of the Ku Klux Klan. In Marion County are some sights of old public lynchings of blacks. Kind of a sick joke, but based upon truth. The Northern part of Indiana and Indianapolis are the spots Obama can expect a fair vote, while the Central and Southern Parts of Indiana are known hot beds of racial attitudes toward Blacks.

This is what McCains' hope has been all along. If he can keep the race as close as possible with selecting Palin and stealing Obamas Change theme, then the people voting along white racial lines will win McCain the election.

Very Sad indeed.

Obama Backers Worry His Race Will Hurt Him in `Middletown, USA'

Hans NicholsWed Oct 1, 12:00 AM ET

Oct. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Hurley Goodall knows what it's like to be first and black.

He has white Democratic voters in Muncie, Indiana, to thank for breaking a barrier when he was elected to the General Assembly 30 years ago.

``I am different, they know me,'' said Goodall, 81, who also was Muncie's first black firefighter. ``I am just as black, but they know me personally.''

What worries Goodall is whether those same white voters in this town in the heart of the Rust Belt will feel the same way about Barack Obama.

Race is a powerful subtext of this presidential election, and its impact is largely hidden, with few white voters willing to acknowledge openly that they won't vote for Obama because he is black.

It is a phenomenon documented when Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, who was black, lost the race for governor of California in 1982 after polls had projected him a winner, leading experts to conclude that white voters didn't want to acknowledge their racial attitudes.

Whether that effect will be in play for Obama in states like Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan remains an important open question in the campaign.

A poll released Sept. 20 conducted for the Associated Press and Yahoo News found that Obama's support would be as much as six percentage points higher if there were no racial prejudice among whites.

Comfort Level

When he first ran for office, Goodall overcame similar sentiments, and found that white voters became more comfortable with him over time.

During the course of the campaign, Illinois Senator Obama, 47, found that he could win over white voters, particularly when he could campaign for weeks instead of days.

Indiana has been reliably Republican in presidential politics since 1964, when it voted Democratic in Lyndon Johnson's landslide victory. Obama's campaign said that it could win in Indiana and recent polls show a close race against John McCain.

To win, however, Obama will have to break through in a state with a history of racial division. Many analysts say that the troubled state of the economy under Republican President George W. Bush could trump racial animus and deliver votes to Obama.

Sandra Barrett, 69, said she will back Obama because ``I have lost over half my pension. I blame Bush and the current crowd.''

McCain Supporters

Goodall isn't so sure other whites will feel the same way. He estimates that ``more than half'' of Muncie's poor white Democrats will vote for McCain. ``If they do better than that, it will surprise me,'' said Goodall, who went to work in the neighborhood foundry at age 16 during World War II. ``I know them all, but when it comes to race, I don't trust them and they supported me every time I've ran.''

Michael Carpenter, a 65-year-old tour-bus driver, might be one of those people. He says he's leaning toward McCain, citing the Arizona senator's Navy experience and Obama's race. Blacks ``have an ax to grind, and they are going to grind it,'' he said. ``If he gets elected, this country is in for some real troubles.''

This town, with its once booming auto parts plants, had been the picture of America's successful transformation from the farm to the factory. It became known as ``Middletown, USA,'' after a husband-and-wife sociologist team arrived in the 1920s to study how Muncie's residents coped with the transition from the agrarian to the industrial economy.

Blacks Ignored

The study largely ignored Muncie's black population, said Jim Connolly, director of Middletown Studies at Ball State University in Muncie, a stark omission, given the role race has played in the city's politics.

``There's no way race couldn't be a factor because it's been such a powerful force in this town for so long,'' said Connolly.

Earlier this month, Dennis Tyler, Muncie's current state representative, called Obama's national operatives to raise alarms about registered white Democrats claiming to be undecided on the presidential race. ``Now, he may not want to tell you because he's black, but you've got to figure that that's part of it,'' said Tyler.

Obama might benefit from the area's financial distress as polls show that a majority of voters believe he would be better at handling the economy. He also is familiar to Hoosier voters; roughly 25 percent of the state receives Chicago television.

Lost Jobs

Muncie could use the help. The town is shedding jobs and residents, with the population down to 65,000 today from 80,000 in the early 1980s. Its last automotive parts factory, BorgWarner Inc., will be shuttered next April, taking with it almost 800 jobs.

More than a fourth of Muncie's residents live below the poverty level. Half of the students at Muncie Central High -- the school that lost to the Hickory Huskers in the basketball movie ``Hoosiers'' -- receive subsidized lunches.

In May's Democratic primary, about 10 percent of whites in the state said that race was important to them, said Joe Losco, a Ball State political science professor.

``That doesn't bode well,'' for Obama's chances to carry the state in November when that many people think race is an important factor, Losco said.

Democrats Concerned

After canvassing white Democratic neighborhoods earlier this month, local Democrats grew concerned that race was playing a bigger role than they have previously expected.

``Who's going to look at you and say, `I am just not going to vote for him because he's a black man,''' said Tyler, who knocks on doors for a couple of hours every day, asking voters to fill out their absentee ballots. ``Nobody is going to tell you that.''

Sue Errington, the county's state senator, said she heard more racial arguments against Obama in the Democratic primary, when she was on the other side, stumping for Hillary Clinton, a New York senator.

Those same voters now ``raise the experience issue,'' Errington said, ``but you know it's something else.''

``It's harder to address the underlying issues when they won't bring it up themselves,'' she said.

To contact the reporter on this story: Hans Nichols in Washington at hnichols2@bloomberg.net

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Dream on Mc Palin 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Race is not my issue

I would vote for Alan Keys, Condoleezaa Rice, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas to name a few. They are all honest and believe in freedom and personal responsibility.

If I thought Obama were honest and believed in equal opportunity instead of equal outcome, I would vote for him in a heartbeat.
No one is more corrupt than a Cook County Democrap.
toni said:
Dream on Mc Palin 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep on dreaming. Your McSame is dropping like a rock in the polls!

You are probably the one of the same idiots that voted for Bush twice?
toni said:
No one is more corrupt than a Cook County Democrap.

You obviously don't know what the hell you'r talking about!

All you have to do is look at McCain. He and his buddy Bush are more corrupt than anyone.
handigrl said:
You obviously don't know what the hell you'r talking about!

All you have to do is look at McCain. He and his buddy Bush are more corrupt than anyone.

Handigrl you have never been there or seen the shit those RATS around cook county can and will do to win
Holy cow RO agree's with me. Must be a miss print.
maybe so but right now mccookoo's ad campaigns seem more desperate than obama's. but i'll admit his wife's sortof a milf...
incher said:
Handigrl you have never been there or seen the shit those RATS around cook county can and will do to win
blkoralslaveboy said:
maybe so but right now mccookoo's ad campaigns seem more desperate than obama's. but i'll admit his wife's sortof a milf...

Politics is politics period! Politicians and I mean all Politicians are just as crooked as the next one. The difference is just where you are from.

Look at Palin. From Alaska. If there was a state where you would think crookedness would be the least it would be there. The entire population is less that any major US City.

However, there seems to be a continuous loop of coruption up and to and including Palin.

Even there the way to get up the ladder politically is to ride the coat tails of the corrupt and then turn on them so you can be corrupt while in power.

Throw in a little "out of the norm" religious practice and there you go!

Mrs. Obama is a pretty hot number herself!
handigrl said:
Keep on dreaming. Your McSame is dropping like a rock in the polls!

You are probably the one of the same idiots that voted for Bush twice?

Only Democraps vote twice on election day.
I just don't know, but i am not too happy with either candidate. I voted for GW and have regreted it ever since. Don't really want a republican. I would vote for Alan Keyes, Powell or a host of others. What bother me about obama is his roots. He speaks of his black heritage. He has a black father who left him and his mom when he was 2. Never mentions his white heritage. He had wealthy grandparents who sent him to Harvard. The biggest problem I have is that he lived in Kenya part of his early life and was taught islam. While I am not knocking islam, only some factions of it.

One other thing look at this, If obama were to die or get killed, Biden would become pres. He has health issues himself so if he died, Guess who we would have Pelosi. Now all that scares me.
If McCain dies or gets killed we have Palin. I would prefer Palin over Biden.

So I am still undecided and probably will be until I go to the polls.

Just my 2 cents
I'm not exactly a great admirer of Biden but I can't understand how you could think Palin would make a better president than him. This woman is so absolutely clueless that it's scary.
For me, the biggest asset Palin brings is the fact that she is not a Washington insider. I don't care if she knows what the press has named The Bush Doctrine. She knows the administration's national security strategy. His strategy is not referred to as The Bush Doctrine in any official documents. Krauthammer coined that term.

When the press goes after her with their gotcha questions while softballing Obama with HIS tax plan and if he thinks his grandmother would be proud, I am even more resolved to be in support of whatever ticket she's on.

I certainly have little respect for the mainstream press given their lack integrity and their obvious bias.
IndyHubby said:
For me, the biggest asset Palin brings is the fact that she is not a Washington insider. I don't care if she knows what the press has named The Bush Doctrine. She knows the administration's national security strategy. His strategy is not referred to as The Bush Doctrine in any official documents. Krauthammer coined that term.

When the press goes after her with their gotcha questions while softballing Obama with HIS tax plan and if he thinks his grandmother would be proud, I am even more resolved to be in support of whatever ticket she's on.

I certainly have little respect for the mainstream press given their lack integrity and their obvious bias.

With all due respect you sound like an intelligent person. So why use the spin words "gotcha".

That came from McCain coming back on the Katie Curic interview, you know like a little girl would bring daddy along to help defend her own words?

A "gotcha" question is any question one might make a mistake in answering and it then comes back to haunt them!

Just shows how Palin is no different than any other politician!

Instead of being different and saying you know I made a mistake, or I was wrong, or explain herself, she brings "daddy" with her and supports his "gotcha" lable.

Face it the only different in this election is Palin has two tits and a pussy and alot of guys think with the wrong head.

Problem is this election is too damn important for that.
IndyHubby said:
For me, the biggest asset Palin brings is the fact that she is not a Washington insider. I don't care if she knows what the press has named The Bush Doctrine. She knows the administration's national security strategy. His strategy is not referred to as The Bush Doctrine in any official documents. Krauthammer coined that term.

When the press goes after her with their gotcha questions while softballing Obama with HIS tax plan and if he thinks his grandmother would be proud, I am even more resolved to be in support of whatever ticket she's on.

I certainly have little respect for the mainstream press given their lack integrity and their obvious bias.

The press asks 'gotcha' questions of all the candidates all the time (when McCain and Obama actually talk to them). They're supposed to, for crying out loud. How the hell do you find out what someone is made of if all you ask them is questions they're prepared to answer.

Do you think the world, the economy or any presidential duties will only present situations to her that she has been prepped to deal with? If she can't handle questions from the press, how the hell is she going to handle presidential duties?

Oh, and BTW, she contradicted McCain's position on incursions into Pakistan when asked by a VOTER, not the press. Katie Couric handled her with kid gloves. It was almost like watching someone trying to help her not playing 'gotcha'. I would have been a hell of a lot harder on her. I would have said several times -'What the fuck are you talking about? You're not making any fucking sense, bimbo.' Good thing I'm not interviewing,lol.
RoSquirts said:
I'm not exactly a great admirer of Biden but I can't understand how you could think Palin would make a better president than him. This woman is so absolutely clueless that it's scary.

Not as clueless as O'Bammy. you know the the closet
radical Scuslim.
Will & Eve said:
If someone can convince me that knowing what magazines a candidate reads has any bearing on how they operate in office, I'll concede Palin is "clueless"

If someone can convince me that the number one thing Palin should have been boning up on the last month (or should have already known before her selection) is the details of McCain's 26 year voting record, I'll concede she is unprepared.

If someone can convince me that Obama, with more time available to him (since the man was once his opponent in the race) can give me chapter and verse on every detail of Biden's senate record - AND show me where he was ever asked to exibit said knowledge in an interview, I'll concede he is better informed than Palin.

I don't asseert she should know the answers but the gobbledlygook she replied with is the problem. Personally, I would rather hear her say she doesn't know. I can respect that. Although she should know what newspapers she reads.
In addition contradicting McCain's position on Pakistan was not just not knowing his position, it was not having the common sense to avoid stating something like that publically.

You seem to forget that Biden is not the Presidential candidate. Obama does not have the responsibility to know Biden's positions but the reverse is true. Likewise, Palin should know McCain's. otherwise keep her locked up except for an occasional interview and forums where she can deliver canned responses.

Oops, they're already doing that.
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