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Riots on Election Night

  • Thread startermissouri_hubby
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Sep 29, 2007
Anyone willing to wager that there will be riots on election night?

I think it's a forgone conclusion that cities will burn if McCain wins, because the black population will feel they've once again been shafted by "Whitey" and they'll be out to take their revenge.

But I'm almost certain they'll riot even if Obama wins, because they'll be so happy they won't be able to contain themselves and they'll want to flex their newfound muscle. In addition, rednecks will burn the woods, enraged by the prospect of a Black president.

Either way, I'll be watching the news with a loaded gun close by.
Is it true that every republican sleeps with a loaded gun out of fear? Thank goodness liberals have more faith in mankind and aren't such cowards.
liberals are just to dumb to relise that mankind is a predore and with run over you just because he can a loaded gun never hurt anyone just the person behind it and liberals have been letting them out of prison at alarming rate for yrs now so better perpared than needing one and not having one
LoveMILFS said:
Is it true that every republican sleeps with a loaded gun out of fear? Thank goodness liberals have more faith in mankind and aren't such cowards.

I tried to see your point... but then I remembered that all those semi-automatic gun-packing, dope-selling inner city youths that are on the news every night are Obama supporters... and it kind of blew your point to Hell... much like what will happen to the first one that comes crashing through my front door. If you have such faith in mankind, how about you move your ass to Chicago and sleep with your door unlocked tonight? Maybe those sweet, compassionate Liberals up there will leave their guns at home and just club your stupid ass to death.

God I love to fuck with you people! You make it so easy.
fun50scpl said:
liberals are just to dumb to relise that mankind is a predore and with run over you just because he can a loaded gun never hurt anyone just the person behind it and liberals have been letting them out of prison at alarming rate for yrs now so better perpared than needing one and not having one

do you not remember the LA riots? I honestly hope that there are no riots because it will prove that we have come a long way as a race however I doubt that this will go with out an incident.

Hell there where riots just the other night when the Phillies won the world series
I dont know if there will be riotes but I look at it this way if they want to riot they are putting the target on there own backs i am oldenought to have seen the riots of the 60's first hand and i dont beleave anyone has the right to act out there wants to distroy by roiting it they get shot dead it will be there fault what ever there race age or sex. If this seems hard to stomic just some one that lost all they had in the riots to some one that only wanted to distroy.
blowme23 said:
do you not remember the LA riots? I honestly hope that there are no riots because it will prove that we have come a long way as a race however I doubt that this will go with out an incident.

Hell there where riots just the other night when the Phillies won the world series

You're right! People will burn cars and buildings over the stupidest things... if they'll set the town ablaze over a ball game, how much more likely are they to do it over this stupid election? Liberals are Liberals and Conservatives are Conservatives. Neither side is saying anything new. Instead of honestly debating the issues, the race card has been played at every turn and I honestly believe all Hell is about to break loose because of it. In fact I think there are those that are counting on it.
Do you people lay awake at night and dream this shit up
missouri_hubby said:
I tried to see your point... but then I remembered that all those semi-automatic gun-packing, dope-selling inner city youths that are on the news every night are Obama supporters... and it kind of blew your point to Hell... much like what will happen to the first one that comes crashing through my front door. If you have such faith in mankind, how about you move your ass to Chicago and sleep with your door unlocked tonight? Maybe those sweet, compassionate Liberals up there will leave their guns at home and just club your stupid ass to death.

God I love to fuck with you people! You make it so easy.

Just curious, MO Hubby, what part of the state do you live in? I live in the city of St. Louis with my boyfriend, we're liberals, don't own any guns nor want them, and we feel perfectly safe. I don't remember it because I'm too young, but my boyfriend remembers the voters of Missouri voting down conceal and carry only to see that overturned by our legislature a few years later, a decision that was spearheaded by representatives from rural out-state counties that don't seem to have much population of the "evil" minorities whom they all are scared to death of. Ya really need to carry a gun to feel safe walking down the crime-infested streets of Kingdom City do ya? Or the AK-47 to go hunt deer? I'm all for someone owning a gun to defend their home, but no one needs to carry them around...especially those who live in rural areas and are the exact people who screamed the loudest about wanting it. As I said, I'm just curious as to where you live, for all I know you might live down the street from me.
I have never seen a party of people so afraid of one man. You'd think the way conservatives talk they have the biggest balls in the world, but when you hear them talk about how one man will take their guns, bring the country to its knees, and turn 200 years of constitutional law into socialism over night, you begin to see how cowardly they are. Liberals look to the future with optimism, conservatives look to the future from under their beds with guns loaded. In my day real men fought with their hands when they disagreed on something strongly enough. It was the cowards who fought with guns and knives. Hopefully four years from now the country will have embraced a new way of thinking as they did when JFK took the office. Maybe he will be the greatest president in history, maybe not, but I do know he'll be a far sight better than what we've had the last eight long years that bred fear and turned Americans against one another. As Barack said, we're not a red state, or a blue state, but the United States. Here's hoping that he's right.
LoveMILFS said:
Is it true that every republican sleeps with a loaded gun out of fear? Thank goodness liberals have more faith in mankind and aren't such cowards.

That's totally ridiculous. I am a "liberal" on almost all points, have guns that I will use and have no more faith in mankind than I do in politicans or lawyers.
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I think this thread is a little racist. To assume that black people would riot just because a candidate got beat fairly would stink of generalizations. Perhaps there are some moronic individual that would use an occasion like that to react in such an uncivil way but I think that is more based on character of a personality than race.
This whole thread is an argument for psychological testing before being allowed to vote.
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Asianluvr said:
I think this thread is a little racist. To assume that black people would riot just because a candidate got beat fairly would stink of generalizations. Perhaps there are some moronic individual that would use an occasion like that to react in such an uncivil way but I think that is more based on character of a personality than race.

no its not at all. Have you seen how passonite the people are at the obama ralleys are? What happens when that passion turns to disapointment? Like I said before people riot all the time over sporting events, now what do you think will happen when the canidate who promised Hope and Change looses or even wins?
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The beauty of this election, and all elections post-Great Depression is that regardless of who you choose, you lose!
What REALLY blows this out of the water is Obammy's known and PROVEN association with Terrorists and their organizations......we haven't seen the REAL Obama yet. Almost did a couple of times during the debates....he has a HUGE ego and can't STAND to be "walked on" when he is talking, but McCain did not pursue that and cause the REAL Obamma to step forward.......too bad. Would have been fun to see him lose it on National TV.......

And ALL the "Rednecks" have to do to prevent the "riots in the forests" is get out and VOTE!! There is NO doubt that the scummy Democrats will contest the election if it comes in ANY way other than a win for Obamma, but what else is new? There is no "too far" for them any more can there be for a party made up of Steers, Queers, Commies, Pinko's Fags, ****'s, Greenie Tree Huggers, Hate America Firsters, and Creetins that think animals have more rights than humans do....they have ZERO dignity and have lost ALL potential respect for themselves and anything even remotely approaching moral. Truly HOPING all the hype about "it is all over but the voting" is just that.....Democrat Crap Spin. Last time they put there efforts into electing a lecherous scummy cheating ****** womanizer felon that sold secrets to any country willing to pay for why would a Black Militant Terrorist candidate surprise anyone??

That should make for some rather well thought out tirades from Democrats......and, by the way, I'm NOT fat so you can save that one for Rush!! LOLLOL I challange ANY Dem to respond without using 4 letter words formerly banned from TV and radio, anything even remotely associated with my Mother, proper spelling, syntax, error, grammar, AND actually prove what they say versus just SCREAM it out loud and demand it be accepted as truth because they were ignorant enuf to say it........

Ric (Husband of JMNBABE who will probably KILL me for posting this, but the truth MUST be told!!)
Obama may get two terms in Office if he does a good job.
'Joe the Plumber' should go to Hollywood and shoot a film, to boost his income.
Will Sarah ctually donate her clothes to charity as promised, or wear them back home? said:
What REALLY blows this out of the water is Obammy's known and PROVEN association with Terrorists and their organizations......we haven't seen the REAL Obama yet. Almost did a couple of times during the debates....he has a HUGE ego and can't STAND to be "walked on" when he is talking, but McCain did not pursue that and cause the REAL Obamma to step forward.......too bad. Would have been fun to see him lose it on National TV.......

And ALL the "Rednecks" have to do to prevent the "riots in the forests" is get out and VOTE!! There is NO doubt that the scummy Democrats will contest the election if it comes in ANY way other than a win for Obamma, but what else is new? There is no "too far" for them any more can there be for a party made up of Steers, Queers, Commies, Pinko's Fags, ****'s, Greenie Tree Huggers, Hate America Firsters, and Creetins that think animals have more rights than humans do....they have ZERO dignity and have lost ALL potential respect for themselves and anything even remotely approaching moral. Truly HOPING all the hype about "it is all over but the voting" is just that.....Democrat Crap Spin. Last time they put there efforts into electing a lecherous scummy cheating ****** womanizer felon that sold secrets to any country willing to pay for why would a Black Militant Terrorist candidate surprise anyone??

That should make for some rather well thought out tirades from Democrats......and, by the way, I'm NOT fat so you can save that one for Rush!! LOLLOL I challange ANY Dem to respond without using 4 letter words formerly banned from TV and radio, anything even remotely associated with my Mother, proper spelling, syntax, error, grammar, AND actually prove what they say versus just SCREAM it out loud and demand it be accepted as truth because they were ignorant enuf to say it........

Ric (Husband of JMNBABE who will probably KILL me for posting this, but the truth MUST be told!!)

All this from a guy who wants or likes to see his wife w/ bbc????
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