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Sarah Palin...how many times would you hit it

  • Thread starterblackturkdog
  • Start date
Susan said:
Im a hard core Democrat but far from being a "socialist" or bleeding heart lib as the loony right wingers like to portray us. I am truly afraid of Palin becoming president, I cant help thinking it would be another "Reagan era" where the few corporations left in America would make the rules trying to take us back to 1932:eek::(.

oh come on...there is NO WAY in a million years that she would EVER be elected President. The bottom line is if she didn't look the way she does, we'd never even know who she is.
Your Wrong!

skinnywhiteboy said:
I feel she is another disasterous Jimmy Carter waiting to happen, but I could be wrong.

Obama is quickly Making Carter look good.

Bowing to the Saudi King and taking a big Gold Necklace after recinding the U.S. oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico. Upping the rediculus borrowing of $300 to $400 billion to $1,400 Billion today. This fool is trashing the US dollar and it is reflected in the price of gold now at $1,160/oz.

He has to beg China to buy U. S. securities to fund reckless spending. Next year he plans carbon taxes to "Save the world from Climate Change". Duhh we are going to save the world with a tax? The climate has changed +30 degrees F in the last 12,000 years from the last ice age. Gee must have been all the oil and coal that Cro-Magnon man was burning!

Lastly he wants to grant citizenship to plus 10,000,000 illegal aliens which will allow and additional 20 to 30 million of their relatives to enter shortly therafter, all of which will be voting for benefits. The "Health Care Reform" legislation requires only a name and a driver's license to get benefits. Wonder how many illegal aliens will be claiming healthcare benefits? You will be paying higher taxes, higher premiums and getting retioned care to suppliment their health care. Oh by the way community organizers will get special healthcare benifits under the House bill that you wont get, and congress and Obama won't give up their gold plated government healthcare to joing us peasants on waiting lists with ObamaCare. Does that tell you something?

He is buying votes with your money you FOOL! Obama was a former ACORN lawyer "Community Organizer" - ACORN has registered illegial aliens, prisoners and other to vote not just once but multiple times to rig elections. Now with Obama's approval and the Democratic party's votes they have channeled literally Billions of your tax dollars to ACORN and its numerous shell organizations!!
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The ignorance in this thread is shocking but if all you know about Sarah Palin has been learned from the media, you are forgiven. They have attacked her with such ruthlessness you'd think she spends her days molesting puppies in front of day cares.
The truth is when she gave her speech the republican party made a ton of money and Obamas media got scared shitless. They didn't want to see it slip away so they sent the minions out to destroy her and her family. To say she hasn't accomplished anything is beyond ignorant.
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zibzob said:
The ignorance in this thread is shocking but if all you know about Sarah Palin has been learned from the media, you are forgiven. They have attacked her with such ruthlessness you'd think she spends her days molesting puppies in front of day cares.
The truth is when she gave her speech the republican party made a ton of money and Obamas media got scared shitless. They didn't want to see it slip away so they sent the minions out to destroy her and her family. To say she hasn't accomplished anything is beyond ignorant.

Okay, but would you fuck her?
zibzob said:
The ignorance in this thread is shocking but if all you know about Sarah Palin has been learned from the media, you are forgiven. They have attacked her with such ruthlessness you'd think she spends her days molesting puppies in front of day cares.
The truth is when she gave her speech the republican party made a ton of money and Obamas media got scared shitless. They didn't want to see it slip away so they sent the minions out to destroy her and her family. To say she hasn't accomplished anything is beyond ignorant.

Oh puh-leeze, "sent minions out to destroy her" LMFAO.
I say the more of her the better. I can't wait until 2012 to see if she tries to get the republican nomination. It'll be pure comedy, the Daily Show writers have to be salivating at the mouth in anticipation.

...that being said, YES: I'd fuck the hell out of her. I love her to be white wife #27 for me.
DE_BBC said:
Oh puh-leeze, "sent minions out to destroy her" LMFAO.
I say the more of her the better. I can't wait until 2012 to see if she tries to get the republican nomination. It'll be pure comedy, the Daily Show writers have to be salivating at the mouth in anticipation.

...that being said, YES: I'd fuck the hell out of her. I love her to be white wife #27 for me.

Associated Press had 11 fact checkers on her new book. Care to guess how many fact checkers they put on Obamas TWO books...you got that right 0 ZIP NONE NADA.
Just one of hundreds of examples I could give you. But in keeping with the context of the thread. I would make sweet love to her creamy white thighs for days.
Can't wait for 2012 too!

DE_BBC said:
Oh puh-leeze, "sent minions out to destroy her" LMFAO.
I say the more of her the better. I can't wait until 2012 to see if she tries to get the republican nomination. It'll be pure comedy, the Daily Show writers have to be salivating at the mouth in anticipation.

...that being said, YES: I'd fuck the hell out of her. I love her to be white wife #27 for me.

Can't wait for 2012 as well, to vote the fool we have for a president out!
For sure

Susan said:
Im a hard core Democrat but far from being a "socialist" or bleeding heart lib as the loony right wingers like to portray us. I am truly afraid of Palin becoming president, I cant help thinking it would be another "Reagan era" where the few corporations left in America would make the rules trying to take us back to 1932:eek::(.

Just about there now, Aren't we? Let's all take a look at GE and a few other big Corps. who backed Obama and are prospering from todays society. Good for them. But what was the price. China now owns us. I'd love to see someone in office that actually has a heart and stand up for themselves and the American dream. The Scary thing is, the next Pres is gonna catch blame for Obama's mistakes.
Palin is hot. I'd agree. Would love to show her and her daughters a few new tricks:hitit:
batman45 said:
I'd fuck her every day - at least once. She is HOT.

"Which one - morning fuck or night fuck?"

Sarah is such a sexy trophy wife that you would most likely not have enough stamina to keep up to her, hence the question, "night or morning?"

"And have you got your heart ills ready in case you get too excited from getting so lucky?"
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I predicted earlier in the campaign that Obama would win, and that Palin would turn heads - and now I am predicting that Obama will get a second term in office.

Americans must allow change to cum so that the economy can grow spectacularly in the next ten years. By allowing rapid change, the crippling debts of the nation can be repaid.

Too many protected industries in America, getting handouts from the taxpayer, thus leading to inefficiency. The Health system needs to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century.

Americans must go overseas and see for themselves, so they can realise how sluggish the American economy is from "war after war after war after war".

Without all these silly wars, we could have had a million people on the moon.

Sarah Palin would have made a very sexy President, even if her clothes cost more than Princess Diana spent.
Yeah Obama has doing a bang up job on the economy. I can't wait to see it in a few more years. I predict it will be a republican sweep in 2012 and democrats still won't get their shit together. Neither of them listen to the people. Ron Paul 2012! Oh and once again. I would love to pleasure Sarah Palin to the sweet sounds of Barry White.
DE_BBC said:
...that being said, YES: I'd fuck the hell out of her. I love her to be white wife #27 for me.

The thought of you destroying White America by destroying White marriages makes me hard as a rock!
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eightbal2 said:
Obama is quickly Making Carter look good.

Bowing to the Saudi King and taking a big Gold Necklace after recinding the U.S. oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico. Upping the rediculus borrowing of $300 to $400 billion to $1,400 Billion today. This fool is trashing the US dollar and it is reflected in the price of gold now at $1,160/oz.

He has to beg China to buy U. S. securities to fund reckless spending. Next year he plans carbon taxes to "Save the world from Climate Change". Duhh we are going to save the world with a tax? The climate has changed +30 degrees F in the last 12,000 years from the last ice age. Gee must have been all the oil and coal that Cro-Magnon man was burning!

Lastly he wants to grant citizenship to plus 10,000,000 illegal aliens which will allow and additional 20 to 30 million of their relatives to enter shortly therafter, all of which will be voting for benefits. The "Health Care Reform" legislation requires only a name and a driver's license to get benefits. Wonder how many illegal aliens will be claiming healthcare benefits? You will be paying higher taxes, higher premiums and getting retioned care to suppliment their health care. Oh by the way community organizers will get special healthcare benifits under the House bill that you wont get, and congress and Obama won't give up their gold plated government healthcare to joing us peasants on waiting lists with ObamaCare. Does that tell you something?

He is buying votes with your money you FOOL! Obama was a former ACORN lawyer "Community Organizer" - ACORN has registered illegial aliens, prisoners and other to vote not just once but multiple times to rig elections. Now with Obama's approval and the Democratic party's votes they have channeled literally Billions of your tax dollars to ACORN and its numerous shell organizations!!

Yeah, but America is the biggest carbon emitter on earth though.
zibzob said:
Yeah Obama has doing a bang up job on the economy. I can't wait to see it in a few more years. I predict it will be a republican sweep in 2012 and democrats still won't get their shit together. Neither of them listen to the people. Ron Paul 2012! Oh and once again. I would love to pleasure Sarah Palin to the sweet sounds of Barry White.

Barry White, now you got my interest, love to see that happen
Shit i totally forgot to mention that i would leave a trail of milky white sperm when i was finished with her and barry would then take his turn. It was important that barry was in the room with me and sarah. wait is Barry White dead?
I'm sure he is a great intelligent lawyer but the way he is running the country I would put him in the foolish catagory. He is doing everything wrong to grow the economy.
We need a fiscal conservative in office, so it's our own fault. We elected someone who is spending money like a clueless teenager with his parents credit card. Sucks that my kids are gonna have to pay the bill.
zibzob said:
I'm sure he is a great intelligent lawyer but the way he is running the country I would put him in the foolish catagory. He is doing everything wrong to grow the economy.
We need a fiscal conservative in office, so it's our own fault. We elected someone who is spending money like a clueless teenager with his parents credit card. Sucks that my kids are gonna have to pay the bill.

yo man....let me lend you a dollar so you can buy a clue.
Our former president and congress approved the vast majority of the economic stimulus package....not to mention the TRILLIONS spent on war against the wrong folks. All signs are pointing toward a recovery...will it be over night? NO. of course not, but it'll happen, and Obama will be re-elected again in 2012. Count on it. And hopefully in 2016 Russ Feingold will run.
Listen i didn't like Bush at all. Reminded me of frat boys I hated back in school. I make no apologies for his mistakes. Truth is Mitt Romney would have been the best president for these troubled times. Someone who understands how to make a business profitable. You will never convince me that Obama or most of the democrats will be reelected. They forgot who they work for. So did the republicans and that's why they got thrown out on their asses. Oh and Sarah Palin deserves my milky white sperm dripping out of her mouth.

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