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Seducing the Seducer

  • Thread starterEduardo
  • Start date


I was in college and my girlfriend suggested we take a massage therapy class. It was a couples massage class. No credit and taught off campus. But it was semi-legit and I was pretty good at it. I got 20 hours of instruction and used my massage skills with girls ever since. But that's not what this story is about.

My senior year I had a light class schedule and needed to make some money. So I took a class the summer before my senior year and got some real massage therapy training. Where I went to school there are no state laws or certifications to be a massage therapist so after about 100 hours I got a job in a spa working Tuesdays and Thursdays. I worked 4 hours each day and only got $40 per session but I kept my tips and I usually made $100 in tips each day. As a college kid making about $500/wk I thought I was rolling in cash.

Early in the Spring semester I gave my first massage to Mrs. X (no names, please). It was January and she had a gift certificate to the spa where I worked. She had free 5 sessions and I gave her the second free massage when I first met her. Where I went to school was not the most progressive environment and one of the first things she said to me was she expected a Swedish guy or German woman and had never seen a Black guy working in a spa. I wasn't sure if I should be offended but I spent a lot of time brushing off comments from Whites that I assumed were just a lack of ******** or sensitivity.

I gave Mrs. X her last four massages from her gift certificate. By the end I was sure she was requesting me since I rarely saw the same client week to week. And she was tipping me $50 each time. After her last free session she asked me if I would consider giving her massages at her house instead of at the spa. She said she lived 30 minutes away so a one hour massage was taking over 2 hours for her. I told Mrs. X that I didn't have a massage table so I couldn't do it. Mrs. X asked how much a table costs and I guessed about $500. At this point I was wondering if I could find a way to get my own table and start making real money and sitting in front of me was my first client. That's when Mrs. X totally surprised me and offered to buy me a table if her first 2 massages were free. Now I started thinking like a business man. But I had another small problem since I didn't have a car. I had been catching a ride or borrowing a car from my roommate or my girlfriend so getting anywhere in town with a massage table was going to be a major challenge.

At this point I should describe Mrs. X. She was over 40 and probably close to 50yo. She was very tan and had dark hair. The best way to describe her is she looked like Joan Collins from the old Dynasty days. She didn't really have much of an ass (and I'm definitely an ass man) but she had amazing legs and arms. She definitely worked out and was in better shape than any woman I ever met at her age. She probably was in better shape than my girlfriend at the time. She had large breasts, at least a DD, and they were fake but really well done fakes. Mrs. X lived in a large house with columns in front. The first time I saw her house I knew she was even richer than I guessed. But she lived there alone. As many times as I was there I never saw anyone else. No maid, no butler, no kids, and damn sure no husband.

Anyway, so my first trip to her house was in early February. Mrs. X bought me a massage table and had it delivered to her house. So on a Saturday afternoon I borrowed my girlfriend's car and showed up for Mrs. X's first massage. Nothing out of the ordinary happened that time. And for the next few weeks it was pretty straight-forward. I showed up, gave her a massage, she paid me $150 cash and I left. She never even held me to the deal of free massages for the table. Then again, I never took the table so maybe that was a fare deal.

Then things got interesting. In March the weather was much nicer and I showed up one day and Mrs. X opened the door in a robe (which was normal) dripping water everywhere (which was odd). She had been in her hot tub which I never knew she had. She asked me if I would give her the massage outside. So I lugged the massage table downstairs and outside and set things up for an outdoor massage. In the past I had massaged Mrs. X completely nude but I always used appropriate cover techniques to avoid ******** her body. I mean I looked, don't get me wrong, but I tried to be as close to legit as I could. Well on this day, Mrs. X was back in the hot tub when I finally got set-up and she got out of the water and had a bikini on. Just looking at her body I stopped breathing. I felt my cock swell and I remember trying to stare into her eyes so I wouldn't gawk at her body. And Mrs. X was so casual about it the whole time.

So here I am standing there with a cover sheet waiting for her to lay down and I'm really just hiding my huge erection behind the sheet. Mrs. X was standing there fresh from the hot tub and she dried off. And that's when it happened. Mrs. X stripped her bikini top and bottom off right in front of me. She walked over to the table like everything was perfectly normal and stretched out on the sheet while I laid the cover sheet over her. And all I could think was "Damn!" That's when I decided that some people just live differently.

In the background of all this happening I had two other things going on. First was my roommate. He knew a little about what was going on with Mrs. X and he just wanted me to bend Mrs. X over and fill her with BBC. Hell, at that point I had never even heard the term BBC. I just knew I was a young Black man and this White woman was all I could think about. On the other side was my girlfriend. Cute and sexy but still just a college girl. I lied and told her I worked at the spa on Saturdays so that's why I wasn't around during the day. I was jacking off thinking about Mrs. X on Saturday mornings so I could focus on her massage that afternoon. And most of the time when I was fucking my 21yo girlfriend I was thinking about this nearly 50yo White woman with fake tits. My world was turned upside down all because of Mrs. X.

The very next Saturday after the hot tub bikini incident I was back at Mrs. X's house for her weekly massage. By now I'm kinda hooked on the money and really hooked on this fantasy of fucking an older White lady. So I show up at her house and it's like deja vu all over again. Mrs. X is wearing a robe and dripping wet at the door. I come in and head outside to the table which is right where I left it last week. But this time Mrs. X drops her robe and she is stark naked. She waits for me to get the table set up with sheets and she is drinking champagne while she waits. I finished covering the table and Mrs. X climbed on and even today I still remember no one said a word. Not "hello" or "come in" or anything. It was 100% auto-pilot at this point.

I gave Mrs. X a massage and I remember thinking I could probably seduce her. She had been drinking and was obviously very comfortable around me so my mind went to work. I'm an idiot obviously because I'm plotting and scheming to seduce a woman who is trying to seduce me. But I'm still not aware of that so I can't help but try to figure out how to seduce her.

To be continued.....
When I finished the massage I went to the bathroom to wash my hands like I always did. When I came back Mrs. X was back in the hot tub. Mrs. X invited me to get in the hot tub and of course I had no swimsuit. It was obvious what had to happen but I couldn't say it or do it until Mrs. X put it on the table. "Just get in. It's no big deal." I wanted to dive into that hot tub like Michael Phelps but I kept saying I didn't have a swimsuit. That's when Mrs. X stood up and showed me she didn't have one either. The next thing I know I am naked and getting into the hot tub trying to face the opposite direction so Mrs. X doesn't see how hard I am. We sat in the hot tub and talked for over an hour like we were old friends at lunch not naked people in a hot tub. That is the day I fell in love with Mrs. X. Every woman I have ever met or dated has been measured against the standard Mrs. X set. No one has been close.

This next part is kinda weird but fuck it, I'm telling the whole damn story. On Tuesday and Thursday of the following week I drove by Mrs. X's house. I went to work, worked my shift, and then drove 30 minutes out of my way just to see what was happening at her house. I wanted to see something to convince me I was crazy. Seeing a "Mr. X" would have done it. Kids, friends.....anything. I just wanted to know that Mrs. X had a life and I shouldn't try to be a part of it. But on both days the house was just as quiet as on Saturdays.

The next Saturday I was convinced something had to happen. And nothing did. No nudity. No hot tub. Nothing. It was like waking up on Christmas morning and seeing nothing under the tree. A huge disappointment for me. I showed up, gave Mrs. X a massage, got my cash and left. I had a hollow feeling inside as I drove home. I was scared that maybe she saw me driving by her house earlier in the week. Or maybe I should have made my move sooner and now it was too late. I had all the anxiety of a college kid playing in the pro league.

But the fateful day was just around the corner. The middle of April turned out to be a turning point. I arrived at Mrs. X's house and she let me in like normal. She dropped her robe and climbed onto the table and I started my massage. At that point I was so disappointed. I was beginning to feel like Mrs. X knew what I was thinking and she was going to keep everything professional. But I was so wrong.

It was pretty hot outside and I usually wore hospital scrubs to work. It was so hot I was sweating and literally dripping sweat onto Mrs. X. So Mrs. X suggested we go inside to finish the massage in the A/C. Back inside in the sunroom Mrs. X offered me a massage. She wanted to see if she could be as good as me.

There were so many things wrong with Mrs. X's idea but I ignored every warning sign. But really I wanted to feel her hands all over my body for weeks by that point. So I stripped down naked and climbed on the table. What happened next is a blur. I just remember rolling onto my back and feeling my hard cock reach for the sky. I kept trying to think of non-sexual things but Mrs. X would graze my cock or my balls and each time my cock responded. Finally I was going to scream from all the sexual frustration when Mrs. X took my cock in her hands and started stroking me. She took my cock in one hand and with the other she was stroking that spot from behind my balls right up to my asshole. The massage oil provided an excellent lubricant and I exploded with a massive orgasm in less than 2 minutes. I came so hard I felt like I could hit the ceiling. I looked down and my stomach was covered in cum like icing on a danish. Then Mrs. X bent over and kissed the tip of my cock, kinda like you kiss a 5yo when you put him to bed.

Mrs. X asked me to clean up and join her in the hot tub. So I wiped down and headed outside, dick swinging in the breeze and feeling very relaxed. We hung out in the hot tub drinking wine for a while and I gave a full confession about how much Mrs. X affected me. How much I wanted her. How much I tried to plot and scheme to have a chance to be with her.

By this point I had recovered and my cock was stirring again. Thankfully the hot tub jets hid my erection. But it was like Mrs. X could see it on my face. She slid right over to me and kissed me deeply and straddled me at the same time. Mrs. X was trying to slide my cock into her pussy and I resisted. I asked her if she had any condoms. She laughed and said she didn't have any and I didn't need to wear one. At this point in my life I had never had sex without a condom in my life. Never. I know that sounds crazy but it's true. But that day I felt what a pussy really feels like. And it blew my mind.

Now things were going so well that I totally lost track of time. Which would have been fine if my girlfriend hadn't loaned me her car. So 6 hours later I showed up to find a pissed off girlfriend asking me questions I couldn't answer. Like where had I been? Why wasn't she able to reach me at the spa? Why did the spa say I only work on Tues. and Thurs. but I've been saying I was going to work on Sat.? You can only dance for so long and when the music stops you just have to deal with it. So I dealt with it the only way I knew how.....I told another lie. And she didn't believe one word of it. That day I lost a girl but I had already gained a woman. And I was just fine with that.

I didn't realize how long this story would be. But I enjoyed writing it. I ended up staying around school for the summer. I fucked Mrs. X at least once each week for about four months. That was a year of firsts for me. First bareback. First anal. First woman who swallowed my cum. First sex in a hot tub, in a pool and in the shower. First porno I watched with a woman.

I've never forgotten Mrs. X. I hope she never forgot me. I'm here on DC mostly because of her. If by some chance you're reading this and you think my story sounds very familiar, and maybe you're Mrs. X, I would love to know how you've been.


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