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Sexual Power of The Towel Part Two


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
Sexual Power of the Towel Part Two

Rebecca raised her head, watching Juan and grinning as he struggled to get his shorts off and she could see his erect dick waving side to side. ‘What a cock! It looks even better than the last time. That thing is going to feel so good inside me. I must help him to go slow, to make it last, to fuck me and go on and on and on. I can do anything I want now, because Hymie agreed with my plan.’

Hymie on the other hand, was not thrilled upon seeing Juan’s cock for the first time. He had seen Rebecca’s hand exploring in the area of Juan’s crotch, but had not looked over her body to see exactly what she was feeling. ‘Oh no. Oh shit! I didn’t know Juan had a cock like that.”

(Readers, I know that photo is not the same girl as in Part One, but I like the way that cock looks soooo big in her tiny snatch so I thought I'd use it.)

Sexual Power of The Towel Part two

They were going to have to visit the Rabbi again.

Two days later, Hymie and Rebecca were once again sitting with the Rabbi. Rebecca had remembered the silent message the Rabbi had sent her and she had been continuing to pretend to have no memory of Juan having stood naked above her while she was made love to by her husband. Because they were in a formal setting, in his office, once again they were calling him Rabbi rather than Milton.

‘It didn’t work, Rabbi. We did as instructed, my wife came closer than ever before, but still no orgasm.”

The Rabbi looked at Rebecca. “Rebecca? You came closer to coming than ever before? How much do you remember?”

“First Rabbi,” Rebecca answered quietly, “I want to let you know. I am not as concerned about it as Hymie is. I guess it is his male ego. I always feel quite happy after we are finished, and it pains me to see Hymie all worried about me not coming. My mother…I guess I can trust you to keep this to yourself since you have known her so long, my mother told me that she was married at least six months before she could achieve orgasms, and she has assured me that in time, I shall be enjoying sex to the fullest, just like she does.”

The Rabbi smiled and nodded in response. “Yes, I have known Susan and your father for all the time since you have been born, and maybe four or five years before. I performed their wedding ceremony as you know, and they have been long time friends. I think your mother is a fine woman and you should listen to her.”

“But Rabbi,” Rebecca sniffed, “I have been listening to her. I believe her about love taking time. It is Hymie who has the problem with me not climaxing.”

“Yes,” said the Rabbi, nodding solemnly. “And it is Hymie I am concerned about, as well as you. I think we need to work on this and do it now. We need to know if everything was done right. So tell me all you remember about having sex with Hymie in front of that young man.”

Rebecca looked sad, but interested in discussing the act. “All I remember about the act is Hymie putting it in…” She hesitated, “this is kind of embarrassing.”

“Go ahead, my dear. I need to hear all so that I can make a determination.” The Rabbi, despite playing his role of family counselor, found his penis tingling in his pants. Thank goodness the table was in the way so they couldn’t see it.

Rebecca gulped. “Maybe I should go back closer to the beginning. I remember Hymie telling us to disrobe. That’s how he did it. Led us into the bedroom and told us to take our clothes off. I remember taking my clothes off in front of Juan, that was his name, and then lying down.” As she spoke of disrobing in front of the hired stranger, the Rabbi sighed inwardly as he stole a quick glance at Rebecca’s tits, so obvious under that red dress.

‘Yes, he was thinking, I wish I could have been that lucky young man.’ Rebecca kept talking, though she had noticed his glance down at her breasts. ‘Did Milton just look at my tits?’ “I was embarrassed because no one had ever seen me nude before, except for Hymie. Hymie got on top of me, then he…then he put it in and I don’t remember anything after that except for it feeling good until Hymie was off of me and Juan was somewhere off to the side with his back turned to us while he put his underwear on.”

“Hmmm,” the Rabbi nodded while staring into Rebecca’s eyes. Her story had been lacking in detail, so far. He looked over at Hymie. “It sounds like everything worked as it should with the towel, at least as far as her memory was concerned. The towel was also supposed to aid in getting her turned on. Rebecca,” he asked while looking back at her, “I have a hunch. You said ‘Hymie got on top of me.’ That sounds pretty quick. Did Hymie spend much time trying to arouse you before he told Juan to start waving the towel?”

Rebecca shook her head. “I definitely remember that part. Hymie didn’t take much time at all. I mean, he laid on my right and played with my breasts and my, well, you know. I was more aware of the fact that Juan was watching us rather than feeling what Hymie was doing because the..” she hesitated, searching for the right word…”the atmosphere wasn’t very romantic. Hymie he didn’t even kiss me. It seemed like he was trying harder to become erect than to get me aroused.”

She looked over from the Rabbi to Hymie, and Hymie nodded and said, “I’m sorry, I guess that’s probably true.” Rebecca quickly added: “Hymie doesn’t have any problem becoming aroused when we are alone, I just want to put that in.” Rebecca was trying to soothe Hymie’s feelings and letting the Rabbi know that Hymie could still cut the mustard when it came to becoming hard.

The Rabbi nodded understandably in response and she continued. “Hymie put his finger in me and kept stroking in and out.” She paused…”I remember that his finger hurt me when he first stuck it in because I’m so small and I wasn’t lubricated yet. He did it hard and fast for a little while but it wasn’t affecting me because it all seemed so…sterile. So when Hymie put it in, his penis, I was still dry…at first.”

“I see,” said the Rabbi, thinking about how Rebecca had described herself as ‘being small’ where Hymie’s finger was concerned. ‘Now she is beginning to open up,’ he was thinking, ‘and she’s starting to discuss the horny details!’ He looked over at Hymie sort of accusingly, and in defense, Hymie quickly said: “I know I messed up. I was nervous about the whole thing. I was having trouble becoming erect because there was another man watching, and it seemed like Rebecca was trying to give him a good show. I guess I was just thinking of how important it was for me to perform and I neglected getting Rebecca prepared.”

“Hymie, it sounds like part of the fault lies with you.” The Rabbi wanted to say most of the fault, but again, he was being considerate of Hymie’s feelings in front of his wife. “Even though you were using your finger in her, you needed to give your wife more time to become aroused before you had the young man start waving the towel.

Still,” he paused, “it sounds like your young wife is a particularly difficult case, because the towel almost always works. Are you sure that he, the young man, was standing naked beside the bed and waving the towel vigorously over you while you made love?”

“Yes, Rabbi,” Hymie answered, “I think he was waving it vigorously. I could feel the breeze from it all the while.”

“And was the young man actually naked? Did you see his penis?” The Rabbi was looking at Hymie because he knew that Rebecca could not give that answer. Wisely, Rebecca kept her thoughts to herself as Hymie answered. “I believe he was naked. After I mounted her, I told him to remove his underwear and stand beside the bed and wave the towel so that Rebecca would not see his nudity and remember nothing from that point until after we had finished.” He paused, “Do you think it is possible that he never took his underwear off?”

“Maybe.” The Rabbi looked at Rebecca, hoping that she knew to keep her mouth shut about the towel not actually making her forget. “And you Rebecca, what else do you remember of the affair? I need to know so that I can determine how well the towel was working and what we need to do to have a better chance of succeeding the next time.”

Rebecca sensed that Milton wanted to hear some intimate details of what had happened sexually, details that Hymie was not providing. She answered nervously, but deep down this conversation was getting her excited. She decided to go into greater detail to spice up the counseling session, but at the same time, she could not reveal what she supposedly could not remember.

“Like I said, I…I remember meeting him and thinking that Hymie had picked a handsome man like I had asked, and I remember being told to take my clothes off just seconds later. I am sure that my face was bright red. I remember standing there slowly taking my clothes off in front of a complete stranger and being embarrassed while he watched. I came down to just bra and panties. Then, when the bra came off, he was…well, he was really staring at my breasts.” She giggled and sort of stuck her chest out forward to better display them. “Rabbi, I guess you can’t blame him for staring at them since they are so large and firm. I think my nipples were sticking way out too.”

At this point, her mention of nipples suddenly getting him interested in the line of discussion, Hymie interjected. “They were. I couldn’t help but notice how your nipples were sticking out. I was wondering if it was from nervousness or maybe because you were getting excited.”

Rebecca smiled at Hymie and simply said, “Both. When I saw his eyes and how we was looking at my tits, I have to admit that it, that it kind of turned me on to be looked at like that. It wasn’t him,” she quickly added: “I wasn’t getting turned on to him, it was just the idea of it. I think that he might have wanted to devour me right there. I’ve had boys, and men too even when I was just a girl, staring at my tits, but this was the first time that someone, a stranger, who was staring, was actually getting to see them uncovered.”

Knowing what she was probably really thinking, that she liked showing them off, Milton pretended to nod understandably and then asked a bold and intimate question of Rebecca. Perhaps he should not have done so, but he suspected that both Rebecca and Hymie wouldn’t think anything of it later. “What color are your nipples, so that I can picture what was in your minds, all three of you.”

She looked surprised, but proud. “Pink. They are bright pink I think”

Milton being funny, added, “Both nipples?” He smiled.

Rebecca giggled, and Hymie smiled. “Yes, both of my nipples are pink.”

Covering his tracks, the Rabbi used his counseling technique, which had worked to great advantage over the years in order to elicit details of his constituent’s sex lives. . “I need to know these things so that I can better understand what happened and what did not happen, and how we may improve upon future attempts.” His penis was dripping in his pants, and Hymie knew that he was going to have to be careful not to allow them to see the stain when he came out from behind his desk

Rebecca nodded her agreement, though she suspected that Milton was just wanting to hear sexy details. Then she went on with her story, which she was sure by now was getting Milton very excited and maybe her husband.

And then of course,” she paused, “then I had to remove my panties and he got to see my lower half, my shiny black pubic hair and maybe a little of what lies within. Again, he kept staring, but I stood my ground and didn’t try to hide it. He couldn’t see a whole lot while I was still standing upright in any case.

I knew it didn’t matter what he was seeing while I was standing because pretty soon he would be watching while I was lying down and Hymie was putting his…his penis in there.” Both men felt their heartbeats increase in pace at hearing her say that. Hymie because she was revealing intimate details in front of Milton, and Milton because he was unbelievably hearing this from sweet little Rebecca and in front of Hymie.

Hymie wasn’t trying to silence her, so she kept on. “Since the towel wasn’t waving yet, I remember lying down on my back and spreading my legs. Hymie wasn’t using his hands to guide my legs so I just did it on my own. I was hoping to aid Hymie in becoming aroused. But that part came to be very embarrassing because Juan’s eyes got really big upon seeing me…opening up like that. I opened my legs wide at the knees and sort of kept my ankles together so Hymie would still have room to lie down beside me. Juan could probably see inside me a little bit since I was so wide. That took a lot of nerve on my part, because no one, only Hymie had ever seen me ******* like that.”

She looked over at Hymie, who was sitting in another chair three feet away, and blew him a little kiss with her lips. “I belong to you, Hymie, remember that.” Then she looked back at Milton and continued. “I was embarrassed that Juan was seeing me intimately, very intimately, But I did it because I was worried about Hymie. I knew that he might have difficulty becoming erect in front of another man and I was trying to help him become aroused.” Rebecca paused, seeing that Hymie was nodding his head in thanks at her understanding of his problem, and at Milton, who was licking his lips and waiting to hear more.

Milton again asked her an intimate question, but it seemed legit since the idea was that Rebecca was supposed to be getting aroused at that time. “Rebecca, tell me because I need to know what level of arousal you were at before the towel started to wave. Did it turn you on, perhaps a little, that Juan was seeing your vagina, and maybe even inside?”

Rebecca gulped, and they both noticed it. She nodded, and looked embarrassed at having to admit what she was about to say, but Rebecca sensed that her answer was what they wanted to hear. And she believed that both men, not just the Rabbi wanted to hear the details of what she was thinking. “I…perhaps I shouldn’t have been aroused, but the thought of another man seeing me like that, did get me aroused some.

He, well, it did turn me on maybe more than a little bit. I think right about then that I wished the towel was not going to be waving because I sort of wanted to make love to Hymie and put on a show for him, for Juan I mean. I wanted it to look good, and I wanted Hymie to look like he knew what he was doing, and I wanted to be able to remember it, afterwards.” She turned and smiled at Hymie, and Hymie, thinking that she truly was thinking of his feelings at that time, smiled back.

Both men were straining their ears in her direction in order to better hear her. “Then, while I was laying there with my legs opened, Hymie put his finger in, and I moaned because I was still dry and his finger felt big. I remember wishing that he had stuck his finger in his mouth, or mine, and gotten it wet first.”

Hymie interrupted, possibly because he wanted to brag to Milton about how tight his lovely and young little wife was. “She’s right. I goofed again. She’s really tight, even after she gets wet, and I should have been more considerate. I owe her a big thank you for trying so hard and being so patient with me.”

When Hymie had finished bragging about her pussy, Rebecca continued with her story. “Hymie began stroking it in and out, he was, he was fucking me with his finger. I was making some noise I think and I was very aware that Juan was watching the whole time, staring at my pussy while Hymie was fucking it with his finger.

My face was probably beet red. After a while I got sort of wet and I kept playing with his penis, Hymie’s penis, and it was getting harder. Then I remember Hymie getting up on his knees and showing me his erection. He was waving it back and forth while I looked at it, indicating that he was ready,”

Now she noticed that Milton had leaned forward, wanting to hear more, so she spiced up her story, and perhaps did some exaggerating. Hoping to excite both males, she deliberately assumed a look of excitement on her face, and allowed her eyes to look bright and shiny as she opened them wider. “Hymie, his cock I mean, looked really big and hard, more so than ever before.

It turned me on to see it, so I thought that this time it might work. He got on top of me and he felt extra big going in and I remember letting out some little moans.” She giggled: “He usually makes me moan a little when he puts it in anyhow, even when I am good and wet. I guess…I guess like he says, I’m kind of small down there.”

Proudly, Hymie interjected, because he liked how Rebecca fitted around his little penis. “She is Rabbi. She’s very tight. Even now, after several months of marriage, she still feels like a virgin to me.”

Rebecca was somewhat shocked that Hymie would say something so intimate and personal like that about her, but she realized that Hymie was pleased at how tight she was and how she had waited until marriage to ‘give it up.’ She knew that a man saying that a woman is tight is the complimentary equivalent to a woman saying that a man has a big cock. She gave Hymie a sly little smile, and noticed out of the corner of her eye that Milton was smiling even broader than she was upon hearing this revelation about her.

Milton was hearing what she had said, and Hymie bragging, but Rebecca had said something that Milton had picked up on. He wondered if he should bring it up, then decided to go with it. This was a very erotic talk, and Milton wanted to discuss her sex life in intimate and personal details, even possibly dragging out her secret thoughts. “Rebecca. A minute ago I heard you say something. It probably isn’t a problem since you are so tight. But you said that when Hymie was getting ready to put it in, and displaying it for you, and maybe Juan, that his cock looked really big and hard, more so than ever before.

Than you went on to say that you thought that this time it might work. That confuses me, because you also said that Hymie felt extra big going in, and that he usually makes you moan when he puts it in. But your saying that you though that this time it might work is what caught my ear. Are you saying that sometimes, Hymie’s cock feels small, and that you might be able to come, that it might work, if he was bigger?”

Rebecca was almost horrified at hearing what she had inadvertently said, that this time it might work because Hymie looked bigger. “Oh, no Rabbi. I didn’t mean that. It came out different than what I meant to say. Hymie is big enough for me. At least he seems to be since the fit is always so tight between us. I don’t see how bigger could be better.” Unsaid, she did not go on to say that Hymie only felt big enough at first.

Hoping that she had saved the situation in front of Hymie, she smiled at Milton and continued; “I was still dry this time because Hymie hadn’t taken time to prepare me, especially the no kissing part. Then, once Hymie had gotten it all the way in and I was partially wet inside, he told Juan to wave the towel. Even then I was thinking, ‘I don’t know if I am turned on enough, and now because of the towel I won’t know what happens next.

Oh…wait! I just remembered something else. Before the towel was waving, and after Hymie had penetrated me, I remember Juan staring down looking right under Hymie’s rear, and I told Hymie that Juan was seeing my lips all wrapped around his penis, and that it felt tight, the fit, and I thought that it probably looked really hot. Some words to that effect.”

Milton felt his heart leap. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and from whom.

Hymie nodded sheepishly. “Maybe she wasn’t supposed to remember that part. I was feeling the same thing she was, how tight it was, and I also remember thinking how warm, or rather, how hot her pussy was feeling. She said that it probably looked really hot. It not only looked really hot, it was feeling that way.

I guess...I guess I should admit something. Rebecca was saying all these things, these intimate things, and Juan was seeing and hearing, and it was turning me on to be hearing it. I knew that Juan did not know who we are or where we live so it didn't bother me all that much that he was seeing and hearing all our personal secrets.

I was enjoying the feel of her warm pussy and I was a little slow telling Juan to start waving the towel. It might not matter all that much. She knew he would be seeing all that anyhow, and she doesn’t seem to be all embarrassed over it.”

Milton was not believing his ears. ‘Just listen to these people how they are talking. And Hymie, I’ve never heard him speak like this before.’

Rebecca smiled and continued: “I’m not embarrassed over it. After that, I don’t remember much of anything except that Hymie seemed to feel extra good. Maybe it was the towel working its’ magic. Or maybe it might have been because I was looking at Juan’s penis, IF he was showing it to me, I don’t know.

I kept trying to come until Hymie…until Hymie climaxed. I distinctly remember that. Hymie came hard, his body tightened up and I felt every throb.” She giggled and looked at both Hymie and Milton. “Hymie must have had an extra good come because it took me quite a while to drain it and clean up after they had left.” Both men smiled knowingly, and Milton was wishing that it had been his load and not Hymie’s.

Rebecca knew that she had captured an audience now, an audience of two that was hot to hear horny details. “After Hymie had climbed off, I remember how cool the air felt on my hot pussy as he pulled it out. I had not come, but I felt so good and so lazy that I just wanted to keep lying there. This might sound crazy, but I remember thinking that Juan might like to jack off because he was so horny. But Hymie had told him to stop waving the towel. I wasn’t supposed to remember seeing his penis, so I knew that it couldn’t happen.

I looked over to see what he was doing, and the young man, Juan, was getting dressed. He had his back to me so I didn’t see anything.” She paused, then added: Well, I saw his butt, and I couldn’t help thinking that it looked nice and firm, and…” ‘oh boy they might be shocked at this..” and I sort of wondered what it would be like to dig my fingers into his ass.”

She saw the look in both men’s eyes and decided to go it one step further. “Also, I remember now, he was bending over to put each leg into his underwear, and I could see his testicles hanging down. I remember that they looked maybe, golden brown in color, and quite large, and I think that I might even have caught a quick glimpse, a couple of inches maybe, of his penis dangling. His balls were blocking the view, but I am pretty sure I caught a glimpse of strange cock.”

She looked into both men’s eyes, and seeing their interest, added something else. “I saw the end of his penis, the bottom from that angle, so I guess since he wasn’t hard that I was seeing the end of his cock. It was, it looked strange. He had skin covering it, all the way down, so I guess that is what you call uncircumcised. That’s the first uncut one I ever saw, and it looked strange. I remember thinking that I wanted to see more, just to see what an uncut cock looked like.”

Milton laughed nervously, hoping that Hymie was not getting upset that she had admitted to remembering seeing a portion of Juan’s penis because the towel was not waving and saying that she had wished to see more of it. “Yes, your husband, me, all us Jewish men have been cut. Were you trying to see what he had, or was that just an accident?”

“I just happened to look his way, and at that exact moment over he went, pointing his butt at me. So I looked. The goodies were dangling, and I saw them before I had a chance to look away.”

Milton looked amused. “And did you try to look away?” Milton was enjoying this talk, he suspected that Hymie, for the most part, was also enjoying it. They were repeating sometimes, but it was a turn on to go over some items.

“Truthfully, no. I was maybe a little bit curious as to what his penis might have looked like, and what size it was and all that. But I couldn’t tell from the backside. After all that, and not knowing exactly what Hymie had done, and what Juan had been able to see while Hymie was fucking me, I was trying to gather all the information I could, to be honest.”

Milton had a stiffer cock than he had experienced in months. “So the towel worked, the memory part I mean. You really don’t know if you were seeing his penis while Hymie was making love to you?” Milton had his reasons for putting emphasis on Rebecca’s not remembering, and that was for the purpose of convincing Hymie to try again.

Rebecca’s face reddened. “No Rabbi, I don’t remember. I remember Hymie making love to me, most of the act I think. I was talking to him, and it was feeling good, and I was doing a lot of talking, but nothing else. Wasn’t that the way it was supposed to work with the towel?”

The Rabbi nodded ‘Yes’ and stroked his beard in thought as his eyes looked into Rebecca’s in an attempt to tell her that he understood. “This might call for a more extreme method. The towel has only failed on two occasions before since it has been in my possession, but never failed to work on the second attempt.”

“Second attempt? There is still hope?” Hymie’s voice took on an air of excitement. “Tell us good Rabbi, so that we might achieve happiness within our marriage.”

The Rabbi had expected this, and was looking into Rebecca’s eyes rather than Hymie’s. Since he was very turned on by Rebecca, he really didn’t want her going on to step two, but he had to. “You must try again. This time you Hymie,” he said while turning his head to look directly at Hymie, “you must stand naked over your wife while a young man, possibly the same man as before makes love to your wife. While you are waving the towel beside the bed, Rebecca will stare up at you, associate your penis with the pleasure she is feeling, and I am certain will achieve her first orgasm.”

Milton had seen the shocked look at the suggestion of another man fucking her on both of their faces, but continued on before either could interrupt. “Time is of the essence. The last time, you hurried things along, and it failed. Allow him to take his time warming her up so that Rebecca will have enough time for the magic of the towel to do its’ work. She will be feeling uninhibited and might say all kinds of things, both to him and maybe to you.

Do not hurry them while they are fucking, even if you feel jealousy over her seeming to enjoy him, which, hopefully, she will be. After she has her climax, don’t tell him to get off right away. She will probably enjoy feeling him come inside her. She might even come a second time, but do not be concerned. It will help her to come for you, under you at a later time. You must continue to wave the towel over her until after he has climbed off and put his trousers on.

She will remember him having come to the house with you. She will remember removing her clothes in front of him, and she will remember saying goodbye to him when her leaves, but that is all. If the towel is used properly, then afterwards, after she has had sex with the other man, she will have no memory of having seen his penis or of having been penetrated by it. She will only remember that it was you, and your penis that did the deed. That is the magical power of the towel.”

Hymie was still in shock. What he had been hearing as Milton had prattled on, he could not fully comprehend. All the sex talk had loosened his lips. “Allow another man to make love to my wife? The first guy, Juan, might not be available if we decide to use him. We might have to find still another stranger, who knows? I love Rebecca, and she loves me, and we have bonded in marriage.

She is supposed to be yoked as one with me, for all eternity. If we consent to this, I would have to wave a towel and watch this guy who doesn’t even know Rebecca, let alone having married her, gets to feel her up on the tits and fingers her pussy and maybe kisses her. Wait, because of the towel he does kiss her and she is responding passionately.”

Hymie started shaking his head and looking down at the floor. Both Rebecca and Milton were watching him with wide eyes. What he was saying, both of them were finding to be very erotic. “Then he gets on top of her and Rebecca probably aims it for him. He works it in, enjoying her incredible tightness until finally he gets his hard dick all the way into her tight little pussy.

Because the towel has loosened up her thinking, I wave and watch while she goes crazy talking to him, and maybe making me jealous while she tells me how it feels. Then he goes on and fucks her forever, making her come who knows how many times before he shoots his load!”

Hymie again shook his head. “She’s so small. What if he turns out to be too big for her, and since they have started and Rebecca has gotten aroused and it is too late to call it quits so she lets him put it into her and it hurts? I’d have to stand there while he works it into her. I’d be waving the towel, dying inside and encouraging her to keep trying while she is moaning or maybe even crying."

Hymie was deliberately avoiding saying what might actually happen, that the man's penis would be large and not hurt, instead, feeling intensely good.

"Maybe she eventually is able to take him, but by then she is all stretched out and won’t feel the same for me after that. Because of the towel, she might think that I made her come, but she might wonder why we don’t fit like we used to. That is asking a lot, Rabbi. I love Rebecca and…and I don’t think that I could ever allow another man to touch her as long as I live.” As Hymie was speaking, he was afraid to look over at his wife for fear that she might not be in agreement with him.

Milton was slowly shaking his head side to side.

“This is what you must do, Hymie, if you wish to achieve total harmony within your marriage. Rebecca needs to have a first orgasm so she can keep having them. Don’t worry about the ‘making love’ part. Since he does not know Rebecca, he will not be ‘making love’ to your wife. To him, he will be…the Rabbi paused, thought of saying ‘fucking or screwing.’ then changed his mind.

“He will be ‘having sex’ with her. You are getting older Hymie, and may only have a few years left of happiness. In the future Rebecca will be able to achieve orgasms with you, she will have no memory of the other man, his penis, or what they have done. She will only remember having reached an orgasm with you, maybe more than one, and like I said she will continue to do so in the future. Maybe not every time, but more often than not.” The Rabbi looked over at Rebecca, and smiling knowingly, she nodded her head excitedly in agreement. Every wild thing Hymie had been saying had gotten her very hot.

Hymie was in shock. Not only had his Rabbi, supposedly a long-time personal friend, suggested that he allow his wife to be fucked by another man, but Rebecca seemed to like the idea. Hymie frowned, “I just don’t know Rabbi. Let another man, someone strange, have the woman I love? Allow him to put his penis in her, into her so tight little vagina? That would break my heart to have to do that.”

The Rabbi saw the concern, more like fear in Hymie’s eyes. “Well, there might be something else we could try first.”

“What’s that, Rabbi? Please tell me.”

“The most important thing is the towel. The towel has powers, not only of helping to arouse a woman if waved properly, but also of course of making her forget with who if it is another man and what she is doing. We have already seen proof that the towel works. If you like, I could stand over you and wave the towel while you make love to Rebecca.

You have stated that you are unsure as to whether the young man was naked and waved the towel properly, so this way you could be sure. If it is possible for just you and the towel to do the deed, without involving a stranger, it might be worthwhile for you to try once more before we resort to using another man and having him enter her body.”

The Rabbi of course wanted to see Rebecca naked. Milton had watched her develop over the years, and many times he had wished that he could make an offer of marriage to Rebecca to her mother, and to Rebecca. If Hymie would go along with this, the Rabbi would not only get to see Rebecca naked and getting laid, but also get to see Hymie’s penis. The Rabbi had a good reason for wanting to see Hymie’s penis. He wanted to compare it to his own.

Ten years ago, the Rabbi had put the rod to Hymie’s wife Miriam, not just once, but at least a dozen times. It could be called making love rather than fucking because they had become quite involved. This had been before Miriam had become deathly ill. Hymie was taking business trips out of town, and the Rabbi and Hymie’s wife had been provided plenty of opportunity.

The Rabbi and Hymie’s wife had never discussed her sex life at home, but Miriam had certainly been more than enthusiastic about going to bed with Milton and being fucked in every possible way. Yes, though they had perhaps been in love, they had fucked like animals.

Sometimes Miriam had literally devoured Milton’s penis, grabbing at it, licking and sucking on it, and aiming it into her pussy with great enthusiasm. Miriam had also loved doing the 69 with Milton, which she had admitted Hymie never did. Ever since, Milton had wondered about Miriam’s enthusiasm over his cock, and how it compared to Hymie’s.

Now Hymie had a new wife, a very young and gorgeous one. But the Rabbi doubted that he could ever seduce Rebecca because of the great age difference between them, although he was several years younger than Hymie. Yes, Hymie had gotten to marry Rebecca, and their ages were even further apart, but that was different. Miriam and Milton had been close in age, and that had made it easier to seduce her. Fucking Rebecca was probably a no-starter, but to get a chance to see Rebecca naked, and getting fucked? Oy Vay! Better than nothing. And of course, he would get to see Hymie’s cock.

Hymie was nodding his head, not excitedly, but like he was more in thought. ‘Allow my good friend Milton to see Rebecca naked? I guess that would be alright. Since he is our Rabbi, it could be like he is our family doctor in a way. I would rather try that than bring Juan or some other young stud over to fuck my wife.’ Hymie looked at the Rabbi. “I think I would like to try that first, if Rebecca agrees.” Hymie then looked over at Rebecca with his eyebrows raised.

Rebecca had been listening to the whole thing and laughing inside. She knew what the good Rabbi was up to. She knew that Milton was aware that she would remember all that happened, and what she would be seeing. She knew that Milton hoped to show her his dick, but so far it had gone unsaid out loud as to whether the good Rabbi Milton would stand naked over her while he waved the towel.

It could be interesting to see what this old boy is packing, though, and he is younger than Hymie. Rebecca pretended to think it over in depth. Taking her time, she looked down at the floor, and then at both men, then at Milton alone. “I guess we could try it. But Rabbi, you suggested before that the young man needed to stand naked over me. Would you also be doing that? Of course, I would not remember, but I might still need to be looking at a strange penis, don’t you think?”

The Rabbi’s mind leaped. ‘Yes, yes! That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.’ He knew now that Rebecca wanted to see his cock. Not to fuck maybe, but to satisfy her curiosity. Thrilled at the prospect of not only seeing Rebecca naked, but getting to display himself before her and know that she would of course, remember, the Rabbit nodded. This was exciting. “It would work best that way. Your chances of having a first orgasm would be greatly increased if I was to stand naked beside you while I wave the towel.”

Perhaps Hymie had not thought of that, that Milton would be standing naked over Rebecca, although she would not remember. But Hymie had already agreed to try fucking her to orgasm in front of Milton, so apparently he was willing to let his good friend see his wife naked, and all that would go with it. Milton looked into Rebecca’s eyes, hoping that she could come up with a way to convince Hymie to go along. If she did, and it happened, he would get a chance to show her how his cock could get hard without being touched, and very possibly, he hoped, how much larger it was than Hymie’s.

And Rebecca did convince Hymie, and easily.

Looking from the Rabbi and then over at her husband, Rebecca sighed, then stood up and walking over to her husband, she took his hand and said; “Darling. I would much prefer that, with the Rabbi watching and me seeing him rather than bringing someone strange into our home to have actual sex with me.

If we did it with Juan, or someone else, even though I would not remember the act, the stranger would know, and you would know that he had done things with me, and I guess I would know too although I wouldn’t remember or know all that had happened. I think we should allow the good Rabbi to try first, you know, just waving the towel. If that doesn’t work, then we can try the other.”

Rebecca of course, had strong memories and desires for Juan, but she was willing to experiment. Doing some sex in front of the Rabbi might be good for laughs, and she could pretend not to remember, afterwards. In the process, she would be diminishing any thoughts that Hymie might have that she wanted Juan to come back and fuck her. Choose the ‘less desirable’ now, get the ‘more desirable’ later. Of course Rebecca had no plans to reach a climax while Milton waved the towel, because if she did, that would blow her chances of getting to fuck Juan.

Hymie was looking a little sad at the thought of allowing Milton to see his wife naked, and more, but there was a hint of brightness and hope in his eyes. Rebecca was passing up a chance to be fucked by Juan! “Yes, let’s do it. Rabbi, can you come over tonight?

Milton was kicking himself. “Not tonight. I have to attend a rehearsal for a marriage that I am performing on Saturday. But I could be available either tomorrow afternoon until four or in the evening after seven.”

Hymie looked at Rebecca inquisitively. “Tomorrow night will be fine,” she said, smilingly.

They stood up to leave, and Milton decided that he would remain seated so they would not see the big stain that had formed on his trousers. As Hymie was heading out the door with Rebecca in the lead, he stopped and turned back towards the Rabbi. Rebecca sensed that Hymie had stopped and came back into the room. Before she had a chance to ask Hymie if anything was wrong, Hymie was asking Milton about something that could go wrong.

“Rabbi? I’ve been thinking. What if it doesn’t work again, this time with you waving the towel? If Rebecca does not have her orgasm, what do we do?”

Milton knew the answer, his preferred answer, but was hoping that the question would not come up until after he had gotten to see Rebecca strip, get laid, and also after he had been able to compare Hymie’s cock to his own.

“Well, I was hoping that wouldn’t happen, with me waving the towel. But if Rebecca still doesn’t come, and that would surprise me, we would have to go to step two.”

“Which is…?” Hymie thought he knew the answer but wanted to hear it.

“One choice: Like I said, you invite another man into your home, maybe the same guy, or, since you didn’t seem to like that plan when I mentioned it before, maybe I could…have sex with Rebecca for you while you wave the towel. That way, it would not be a stranger that you are not sure of.” Milton hesitated, and then went on. “I’ve counseled many couples through the years, usually about other things, but sometimes problems with sex.

I’ve suggested using the towel to, let me see, over a dozen couples. It worked after one time for most of the couples, all except two. For one of those two couples the first time did not work. They tried again, using the same man they had brought home before, and the wife had her orgasm.”

Milton was speaking, but looking only at Hymie. “With the other couple, the couple had been married for six months and she still couldn’t climax.” Milton’s eyes happened to catch Rebecca’s, and he quickly looked away, which put Rebecca on alert. ‘Why did Milton look away so quick?’

Milton was talking. “The husband was very jealous and would not go along with his wife even being seen by a stranger, so finally they decided to use me waving the towel. He tried hard, and she came close while I was waving the towel for them, but no cigar. So, after some discussion, the wife wanting to try and the husband not, the wife won out and they decided to allow me to have sex with her while the husband waved the towel. It worked, she came, more than once actually, and later she could climax with her husband. Problem solved.”

Rebecca was stunned at what she was hearing, and Milton’s mention of six months had done it. Rebecca was remembering something her father had said to her concerning her mother and himself: “It was nothing, really. Just teething problems in an early marriage. After about six months, we worked it out with Milton’s help. It is best that you don’t ask your mother, it will only create another long discussion that I’ll have to carry on with her.”

And now, remembering that, Rebecca was also remembering what her mother had told her before she had married Hymie:, about how it had been several months, around six months into her marriage before she began achieving climaxes. Bingo!

“He fucked my mother! Milton waved the phony towel and watched daddy on top of mother and was probably laughing while showing her his dick, and she probably grabbed it, then later sometime Milton fucked my mother while poor daddy had to watch and wave the towel. I know mother, and it was probably she pushing daddy into going along with the whole thing.’

She stared at Milton. ’And now he wants to do it with me. See me naked and getting fucked and wave the towel and most likely be showing me a cock larger than Hymie’s since Hymie is so small, and when I don’t climax, he will be hoping I don’t climax, Milton hopes that he will be the one fucking me instead of Juan.

Like mother, like daughter, that’s what he is thinking, but it isn’t going to happen!’ Despite her hidden anger, Rebecca felt her vagina getting wet over the thought of Milton having fucked her mother and almost getting to fuck her as well through trickery. In a way, it might have been interesting to see, feel and fuck the cock that gave mother her first orgasm.

That cock, the Milton cock Rebecca now knew, had fucked and given her mother a first orgasm. That cock Rebecca did not know, had also given her husband's wife, now deceased, many orgasms, though not first ones.

Power of the Towel Chapter 4

“In a way, it might have been interesting to see, and maybe feel with my hand the cock that gave mother her first orgasm”

Milton, not knowing that he had given himself away by bragging too much and lost a chance to see Rebecca naked, and maybe later, get to fuck her, was still seated at his desk, and raising his arms into the air like he was praying while answering Hymie’s question about what then?

“Most likely it would not have to go that far. It did not work out for you the first time with the other man, but I have more experience and with me waving the towel, the both of you might be more relaxed. If it doesn’t work with me the first time, you still have a choice of using me or the other man for step two.”

Hymie nodded and looked over at Rebecca, who was all ears, but had said nothing. She seemed to be deep in thought. Hymie wondered what she was thinking. ‘Rebecca chose Milton and the towel over a chance to fuck Juan. But if step two is necessary, whom would Rebecca like to have fucking her? Which man? My old Rabbi friend, or a strange young stud?

“I would have to talk to Rebecca about that. But let’s hope we do not have to go to step two.” Then Hymie nodded, said, :”Thanks Rabbi,” and with Rebecca in hand, walked out. As she held Hymie’s hand, Rebecca’s mind was going 60. ‘How do I get out of a commitment I just made?’

Smiling broadly, Milton watched out the window of his office as Hymie and Rebecca drove away. This was the most exciting day Milton had had in years. He had heard intimate details of Rebecca’s tits and how tight her pussy was supposed to be, then they had discussed Hymie fucking Rebecca while another man watched, and tomorrow night would come his turn. Milton planned not only to wave the towel, but hopefully display a penis that would top Hymie’s in appearance value. Milton was hoping that this guy called Juan had not been well hung, because then Rebecca would compare Juan’s penis to his.

But Milton’s dick compared to Hymie’s was the big issue here. It was looking more and more like Milton would end up fucking Rebecca. By the way Hymie’s first wife had lusted after his cock, Milton suspected that his dick was larger than Hymie’s, but couldn’t be sure since she would never talk about it. Despite the fact that she was cheating on Hymie, his wife had respected Hymie’s privacy. Miriam had been quite a lady.

Milton’s thoughts were already going beyond tomorrow night. He was hoping that Rebecca understood what he had silently been saying to her. ‘Don’t have an orgasm with Hymie while I wave the towel over you, and at a later time you and I will be fucking.’

But there is more, much more to this story, not just of Milton’s relationship to Hymie, and long ago Hymie’s wife, but also of Milton’s relationship to Rebecca’s parents. Rebecca had come to the right conclusion when she had starting putting those clues together that had come from her father, her mother, and now Milton. Milton sat down at his desk and remembered how he had counseled Rebecca’s parents twenty six years ago, and how Rebecca’s mother, Susan, had been unable to reach orgasm.

Jacob and Susan had come to their new young Rabbi, and Milton had suggested step one, the towel and a stranger. Each time Milton suggested to a couple that the wife be seen by another man, or having to go to step two, Milton would hope that he would end up being the substitute. Susan had agreed to try another man, then Jacob had backed out. Then Milton had suggested allowing him to wave the towel instead of another man. Jacob had protested at first over that, even more so than Hymie had done today.

Finally, with Susan’s urging, they had agreed to try with Milton watching and waving. Jacob had gotten hard as advised and mounted Susan. Milton of course, had enjoyed having Susan’s lush body being revealed to him. Then he had waved and watched intently, delighting in the fact that although he and Jacob were almost identical in height and weight, his cock looked to be a little longer than Jacob’s cock, and also that his cock had a much wider head and perhaps a shaft that was a little wider.

Susan had talked dirty, playing the game, and told Jacob how good he was feeling and fucking. Milton suspected that Rebecca’s future mother had not really ‘tried hard’ to come with her husband. She had lain under Jacob and said all those things, but all the while she had been staring up at Milton’s cock, and it looked like she was scheming ahead. Susan had smiled widely and unconsciously perhaps, had kept licking her lips while admiring or maybe lusting for Milton’s cock, which had gotten hard. Susan had not climaxed, and Milton was certain that it had been deliberate on her part.

With many misgivings on Jacob’s part, they had tried again the next night. This time with Milton doing the fucking. Instead of going directly for a climax for Susan, Milton had gone kind of wild during the act, talking to both of them and giving Rebecca’s future father, who was busily waving the towel, advice on how to fuck Susan as he demonstrated different techniques. Rebecca’s future mother was going along with enthusiasm, talking to Milton and knowing full well that afterwards, all she had to do was not ‘remember,’ and her husband could never say anything in accusation.

The helpful Rabbi started out surprising both of them by going down on her. Susan had never had that done to her, and Milton took his time, using his fingers to pull her clitoris outwards a way and showing her husband where to place his tongue, and how. Susan moaned and grabbed Milton’s head with both of her hands.

Then, completely aroused, she began squirming her hips under him. Milton deliberately got Marion close to her first orgasm, stopped licking, and did it several more times. Milton wanted to fuck Susan, and if she came now, he might not get to. “You see Jacob, how Susan comes close when her clitoris is manipulated, but I feel that it is important that her first orgasm come from the cock inside, my cock in this case, so that she can come with your cock in the future.”

“Rabbi, please fuck me. I was soooo close, and you keep teasing me with your tongue.”

Milton, whose cock Jacob was seeing for the first time, had a cock that had a much wider head, a shaft that was also a little wider than his, and a length that was about an inch longer than his was. Jacob wanted to call it quits before she took it inside herself, but Susan was wanting to be fucked, and you don’t say ‘No’ to Susan.

Milton, feeling ornery and horny, climbed over Susan, and instead of entering her with his throbbing cock, went past her hole and placed both knees beside her ribs. Then he demonstrated to Rebecca’s future father how to fuck his wife between her tits. Susan had a nice set, which was where Rebecca had gotten hers.

While Susan was holding her tits together, Milton stayed over her and began fucking the crack between her tits. Each time his cock came forward, he said ‘open wide’ and Susan would press her mouth forward and take his head into her mouth. Finally, after several of her ‘grabs’ with her mouth on his head, Milton paused and held it in place within her mouth. Jacob, meanwhile, was waving the towel and wondering what the Hell this tit fucking and sucking had to do with making his wife reach her first orgasm.

“Do you like that, Susan?” Milton decided, since Jacob seemed to be going along with the flow, to state the obvious, as to how his cock was bigger than Jacob’s . “Feel that big cock in your mouth, Susan, with the head so wide and the shaft so long. Your husband is watching it too. I don’t know if he is feeling some jealously or not but I can see Jacob’s dick while he is waving the towel, and it is standing straight up.

Look over at his dick. Do you see it? Look at how hard he is. I think he likes seeing me doing things with your body, and he likes seeing my big cock between your tits and in your mouth. Yes, and now look down again at my cock. See how my dick is long enough to reach your mouth from between your tits. When you try later with your husband, maybe his will reach your mouth too, even though it is shorter”

Strangely, Jacob was hearing this, and inside it was upsetting to him, but each time Milton made a move with his wife, or said something about the differences in cock sizes, it seemed to make Jacob’s cock become even more rigid. .

"Suck on it baby. Feel that fat head in your mouth. Aaaah yesss. Run your tongue all around it. That’s right…oooh so good. No, no. Don’t get carried away. I don’t want to come in your mouth. What's that? I see you nodding your head. You want me to come in your mouth don’t you, Susan? Your husband is talking to me. He’s saying that you have never swallowed his cum. We had better wait and let his cum be the first cum you swallow. Besides, baby, I need to save my big, warm load for your hot little pussy, and I plan to come right after you have your first orgasm.”

Once the oral barrier had been broken, Milton held off on entering Susan until last. He demonstrated the 69 position to Rebecca’s future parents. Milton laid on his back and placed Susan on top and turned the other way. Milton was looking up and using his fingers to study Susan’s pussy, constantly opening and closing her lips while looking deep inside her and allowing Jacob to see what he was doing.

“You have never seen your wife’s pussy from this angle, have you Jacob? Look at how pretty she looks inside as I tug her open with my fingers.” Susan’s body was shaking as he did so, and Milton knew that she was shaking as a result of his tugging her lips open and allowing them to close, which was indirectly tugging on her clitoris, located very close below.

While he was driving Susan to near ecstasy, Susan was looking down, and alternating between sucking on him and talking about how good Milton’s cock looked, and she kept telling Jacob to look at how big it is. As a result, Jacob was a very busy boy as he struggled to keep waving the towel and at the same time be answering his wife and his Rabbi’s calls to look at this end.”

Susan had gone into a potty mouth mode. “Oh Jacob. I just know that Milton’s cock is going to feel so good when it finally gets inside me. He’s going to fuck me good and make me come, I am sure of it.”

This was incredible and never had Susan been so aroused. She could say and do anything, and since she supposedly would not remember, get away with it.

She sucked enthusiastically, enjoying a cock that at last she could wrap both her hands and mouth around at the same time, and especially once again enjoying the first tongue ever to touch her clit. Milton had almost blown it, getting Susan so close with his fingers and tongue that she had almost gone over.

Rolling her off of him, Milton turned over and asked Susan to ‘put it in for me.’ When he pressed forward with a head wider than what she was used to, Susan moaned, or more like groaned as he opened her. “Oooooh shit! Oh honey. He feels so big and…oh, it’s stretching me so nice.” Susan was talking to her husband, and Milton hoped that her husband would not realize that she actually knew what was going on and would remember afterwards. “He’s going so deep, and his cock is touching me somewhere inside that I have never felt before.”

Realizing that Susan was one of those women who might have a sensitive G spot, Milton pulled back a little and started staying shallow enough so that he was hitting her ‘G’ spot with the head of his cock.

"I'm fucking your wife's G spot Jacob, touching her in a place that you might not be able to touch later. But don't be concerned about it. Once she cums, she will have plenty more to enjoy with you later."

She was moaning and clutching him tightly. Milton stayed with it, fucking her with his fat head and just a little more inside. He could tell that she was going to come, and he kept at it, fucking Susan with the head of his cock until she began screaming as she orgasmed.

Jacob was shocked at the sight of his wife reaching orgasm for the first time. He was watching Susan’s face, at how screwed up it looked as she kept her mouth opened, and all the while screaming loudly and at the same time humping her hips wildly under Milton’s body. In desperation, hoping that she would not remember who was giving her this intense first orgasm, Jacob waved the towel madly.

Milton kept pumping, rubbing her G spot with all the head he could provide, which was a lot. He could feel that wind from the towel now, feeling even colder than ever before, and knew what Jacob was trying to do. Susan didn’t want her orgasm to end, and she kept holding Milton down while kissing him frantically.

Taking no chances on maybe being asked to stop by her husband, Milton dropped a powerful load into her. Susan, of course, felt him coming, and she was feeling every throb due to the tight fit between them. Surprisingly, instead of yelling out her joy at feeling his orgasm, she moaned, appeared to sob a little, and held Milton tight as she pressed her lips against his. Susan, was afraid that her chance to fuck another man, was ending.

Susan asked for more before either her husband or Milton suggested stopping. She not only asked, she demanded. That was Susan. Without asking Jacob if he was alright with this, Milton was still hard and kept going, giving Susan not just one but a total of three first orgasms that night. For her second orgasm he again used his mouth, and allowed her to go over. The third orgasm he gave her by working his dick around her pussy so that it tugged and caressed her clitoris. Again, Milton blew his load, and this time it was timed to go exactly with hers.

He was soaking Susan as she had never been soaked before, only now the amount had been doubled. Susan would never forget this night, or what her Rabbi had done for her. She had been given three different orgasms, and in one short hour had gone from never having come to having a G, clit and oral orgasm. Each had been different, each had been great, but of the three, she had liked the G spot orgasm the best. Through the rest of the years of their marriage, Susan would never feel Jacob give her the G spot climax.

Afterwards, after Milton and Susan had cuddled and kissed for a while, Susan pointed up at Jacob, who was still tiredly waving the towel over them, and his hard dick. Milton told Jacob to keep waving the towel until after he had pulled out and covered up, and then Jacob could climb on and take his turn. “No, she doesn’t need to sit on the toilet and drain my juice first.

Just get on and slide around in there until she comes. She won’t notice how much smaller you feel, because the towel won’t be waving. But she will enjoy feeling your dick going inside her with all my cum, even though she doesn’t remember that I put it there. And you, believe it or not, will like knowing that your dick is smaller than the one that just fucked her silly, and you will maybe like the feeling that your dick is a little bit lost as it gets all soaked by my cum. I know that sounds like a put down, but it’s not.

Having your cock swimming around in your wife’s stretched pussy that is all filled up with someone else’s come is kind of a sexy thought if you think about it. And I think that you will like the feel of my warm cum all over your cock, because you’ll know that I had a good time putting it in there, and you’ll know that she had such a good time taking it in. She will think, will remember that you made her all wet. Because she is so wet, you should be able to make it last.”

Jacob believed him, wanted bad to believe him as the good rabbi continued to lie on his wife and slowly pump, draining residual cum into her still throbbing pussy.

After Milton had dismounted, leaving Susan opened wide and providing a view to die for as she laid there with cum starting to ooze out of her, Jacob waited until Milton had moved away and knowing that the charade must continue, Milton covered his penis so that Susan would not see it. Then, dropping the towel, Jacob got on his wife, slid or rather fell in with almost no sensation of stretching her, and began pumping.

Forgetting that he might be revealing details that she should not be hearing, Jacob spoke. “Milton? You’re right. This does feel good. Susan’s pussy, or more likely your cum, feels so warm and wet, soaking wet, and it’s so slippery that it feels like I will be able to fuck her for a long, long time.’ Inspired, Jacob began kissing his wife as he fucked. Kissing was something Jacob normally needed to avoid, because he would come too fast. Of course, even when he was lasting, Susan had never before been able to cum, until tonight and with Milton.

At first, Susan was quiet. She knew that she was supposed to not be able to remember everything being done to her. She was stretched from Rabbi dick and soaked with Rabbi come and her husband was smaller. Inside, she wasn’t feeling all that much, at first. Then Milton laid down beside her. This was not part of the plan, because she would remember what was happening, and Milton was not supposed to be touching her without the towel being waved.

But her husband did not protest. There was no need for Milton to be waving the towel since she was with her husband, and Milton was free to fondle her since no one had protested. Jacob kissed Susan while Milton caressed her breast, and her pussy seemed to tighten a little. In no time, Susan began moaning. Before long she was able to climax with her husband.

“Oh honey, oh Jacob. At last. I've had an orgasm and it felt wonderful. Thank you Jacob, and thank you Milton. I don’t know what you were doing before Jacob got on, but I was so turned on, and your touching me helped.”

She hesitated, then looked over at Milton. “I felt soaking wet down there when Jacob entered me. Was that from my husband, or did you do that?”

Of course, she did not ‘remember’ the sex with Milton, although they all three knew that she remembered consenting to being fucked by Milton, and that she remembered undressing in front of Milton, lying down, spreading her legs and being stared at in the pussy before her husband had begun waving the towel.

Her husband, who was still lying on top of her, surprisingly decided to tell all. “That was Milton’s come. He came twice in you, and you came twice, no, three times with him!”

Susan looked shocked. “I came three times, and Milton came in me twice? No wonder it felt so wet inside. How did I come, with him? What did Milton do to make me come?”

“He made you come the first time by hitting you somewhere up inside with his dick. I know because you were talking about it. Then he made you come by eating you, and the third time he was fucking you again, but doing it more deeply than the first time.”

Susan was silent for several moments. Then: “Since you are telling me what happened, why don’t we do it without the towel waving so that I can remember how it felt? I just came with you, and that was what we had been hoping for.” She hugged Jacob while looking over at Milton, who was still lying with his body right up against the both of them.

Jacob was thinking hard about her request. It was hard to deny anything if Susan asked. But this was different. If he allowed Susan to be fucked without the towel, she would always remember having been laid by another man. Even though Milton was their Rabbi and was becoming a good friend, especially during the past two hours, it might not be a good idea to have Susan know that a man who was so close to them had managed to known her so intimately. While thinking, Jacob’s penis had dwindled and he rolled off of Susan on the opposite side of where Milton was laying.

“Jacob, let him fuck me again!” Susan had yelled her demand at Jacob and saw his shocked look. She softened her tone and changed her wording. “Or, honey, let me put it another way. Let me fuck him again so I can remember how it feels this time.” While she was saying it, she spread her legs a little wider and sort of pushed her tits up into the air.

“O.K.” Acknowledging the way Milton was staring at Susan’s pussy, Jacob motioned for Milton to do his thing, and Milton cuddled up to Susan and began fondling her tits like he had never touched them before. Thinking that she might enjoy it more, he pretended that Susan was experiencing him for the first time, because that is what she had to do. They kissed, and she reached for his groin..

“Shit Jacob, look at how big his cock is!”

Jacob sighed. Now things had changed. Her ‘memory’ was back in play. She would fuck a big cock, enjoy it, and later think about that big cock while she was making love to him. But the decision had been made. “I know Susan. You moaned pretty loud when he was putting it in. I thought he might be hurting you, but you sure seemed to like it a lot.”

“I plan to find out how it felt. Honey, would you like to feel it in your hand? Just for curiosity’s sake?”

"Just for a minute, if Milton doesn’t mind….”

“Knock yourself out.” No way was Milton going to deny Jacob, not after all that Jacob had provided, and would be providing.

Jacob excitedly stroked Milton’s cock, marveling at how strange but exciting it was to be feeling another man’s penis and knowing that this bigger meat in his hand had just made his wife come for the first time, and come again. With the urging of Susan, he even placed his mouth over the thick head, just for a minute or two while Susan made comments about how beautiful it was looking as he sucked that cock.

Then Jacob watched as Susan also tried it, for the first time since she did not ‘remember’ doing it before. That head had felt really big in his mouth, uncomfortably large, and Jacob wondered why Susan seemed to enjoy sucking it so much.

With Jacob playing with himself and watching while they went at it, Susan fucked, and she sucked, and she was fucked and sucked. This time not having to stand and wave the towel, Jacob was able to get low on his stomach between Milton’s legs and place his face within inches of Susan’s not-as-tight-as-it-had-been pussy, and watch as it was being skillfully manhandled by a cock that was larger than his own.

When Susan began groaning through the second G spot orgasm of her life, Jacob was watching the intense contractions all around her snatch, and licking all around her slit. He began taking in some excessive juices, and in the process, he began wondering if perhaps he should stop licking on her since he might end up drinking down some of Milton’s juices after Milton had shot his third load of the night into Susan.

“Jacob, clean me up!”

Jacob licked. Anything for his baby. But he did so only because Milton was remaining on and inside his wife’s pussy. It was bad enough that tons of slippery slime was now able to slowly ooze out around the fit that was not so tight as before between her pussy lips and Milton’s slowly softening cock. Licking all around her stretched lips, his tongue sometimes ‘accidentally’ touched the shaft that was doing the stretching.

Then, being overcome with a desire to try something, Jacob took his teeth and began nibbling gently along the side of Milton’s shaft, doing the nibbling like he was eating corn on the cob, and going up and down. Milton felt it and commented about how good it was feeling. Susan asked Milton what he was talking about, and when Milton replied that her husband was nibbling on his shaft like a corn cob, she broke out laughing.

If Jacob had tried to suck up all the juice after Milton uncunted, he would have drowned. Instead, after Milton slid out and off, saying that he needed to go to the bathroom, Jacob merely remained close, with his face just inches away as he marveled over seeing how his wife’s pussy, which was glowing red, seemed to be staying opened after the intense workout it had been given. He also was enjoying the musky smell of her cum-soaked pussy and kept taking in the view as Susan lay gasping and trying to catch her breath.

Jacob was not bothered all that much by the fact that Susan had been fucked, over and over by a man who was better equipped and more skilled than he was. That Susan had been thoroughly pleased and had her appetite sated was good enough for him. It is over now. She has had her orgasm(s) with him, and I made her cum as well. Now we can go back to the way it was, and just enjoy one another.

But neither Susan nor Milton were through. They both knew that this would probably be their one and only time, so they continued.

Two minutes later, while Jacob was still staring and starting to doze off, the mattress sagged on both sides of his body as a hard cock came out of the air above him, and slipped into the pussy that he was ready to once again deny to other men. Until tonight, only Jacob had known that pussy, and now it looked like that pussy was wanting more than what he had to give. ‘I thought she, that both of them were satisfied, and now, just look at them. They are acting just like animals in heat. My wife and my Rabbi. I never knew that two people could fuck so much. And how the hell does Milton manage to keep coming and stay hard?’

Little did Jacob know that the woman he was so used to seeing and getting to fuck, was still new and exciting to a man whom had been thinking of fucking her for the past several years. Besides that, Susan was forbidden fruit, married to another man and the man fucking her had performed the marriage, and since he had seen Jacob fucking her, or trying to, Milton felt that Susan had needs that could only be satisfied by him.

Her body trembling, Susan was groaning as her legs came up, her fingers were digging in, and Jacob once again felt his dick hardening as he took in the view of his wife’s pussy being fucked at close range. Surprisingly, even though she had looked all stretched out, that fat dick was able to stretch her even more.

Jacob began licking, and this time he even nibbled on a set of balls whenever he could catch them during a slowdown. ”This is my Rabbi that I am licking on, and I hope that he isn’t thinking that I am gay.’ Jacob, still young and naive, was more worried about what Milton might think of him, rather than being concerned about what his wife might be feeling and thinking while Milton was rocking his hips side-to-side and fucking Susan like there was no tomorrow. Jacob was fascinated, and his eyes were big as he watched those balls swinging from side to side.

‘That’s right, Jacob. Lick my balls and watch with wide eyes while my fat dick stretches your wife’s little pussy out so far that you will never again rub her walls like you used to. Your wife is going crazy under me, and she will always think of me every time you stick your dick in her. And she will see me every week at Synagogue, and think about how I made her come so hard that she was screaming.’

More licking on balls, cock, and stretched lips by a cuckold husband. At the other end, lots of kissing, moaning, smiling and staring into one another’s eyes. Two more orgasms for her, one more for Milton, a very loose and sloppy fuck for her husband, and that was it. Susan moaned a lot, but did not come with Jacob the last time, She explained to her worried husband that she was ‘worn out,’ now, and that nobody, not even a man with a bigger dick than Milton’s, could make her come again. Everyone was happy, and it was agreed before Milton left their home that never again was this to happen.

Because Susan continued not to remember any details of her first orgasms, supposedly, and the second session having been willingly experienced and enjoyed by all, her husband and Milton had been able to maintain a close Rabbi to constituent to friend relationship. Susan could come easily now, not every time, but more often than not. She used filthy language in the bedroom on occasion, and Jacob didn’t especially like it when she sometimes mentioned Milton, but he went along.

Rebecca had been born two years later, and yes, Jacob was the father. Because of the good sex life between Jacob and Susan after Susan had been expertly given the fucking of her life by Milton and how Milton had been successful in instructing her husband on how to service her, they had been pleased at the helpful way Milton had ‘counseled’ them. That is why they both had listened to Milton when he had suggested a possible marriage between their daughter and Hymie.

On the way home from Milton’s office, Rebecca was quiet as she allowed Hymie to think things over. He, they, had agreed to do a fuck session with their Rabbi tomorrow night. Rebecca gave Hymie just enough time to maybe start doubting the decision he had made, and then started talking: “Hymie, I’ve been thinking. We shouldn’t allow Milton to ravage my body, even if he could manage to make me come.”

Hymie slowed the Mercedes and glanced at her. “Why not?! Realizing that he had yelled it out, Hymie lowered his voice. “Why not, Rebecca? Is something wrong?”

“Milton is our Rabbi. We see him every week at the Synagogue. Also, he is a good friend of yours and we sometimes have dinner with him. I don’t think I would feel comfortable with that, with knowing that he had seen me undressed and had watched you make love to me. Also, I am not sure that you would be comfortable with that.” She paused, deliberately, and went on, “I know that you were probably pleased that I chose our Rabbi, Milton, to wave the towel first, over me having sex with Juan or someone else, but I have this strange feeling that I wouldn’t come with Milton there, waving the towel, and then you might have to choose, with my consent, to go to step two and allow him to have me.”

Rebecca was belted into the far passenger side at the moment, although sometimes, when they were going out on ‘a date,’ usually dinner, Rebecca sat in the middle next to him, so she had to reach all the way across the seat to touch his arm. “Milton, I love you and all this hoopla is not necessary. We can just let it go and go on as before. I enjoy you in bed, and I am happy with you outside the bedroom. Why don’t we just…pass?”

What Rebecca was saying was not all scheming. She truly meant all that she had said, but if she had a preference, Rebecca would be fucked by some young guy, Juan was the perfect candidate, and get to have her orgasm. Then later, she truly would be hoping and trying to come with Hymie, and not have to fake it. Rebecca had never faked an orgasm with Hymie, but had been considering it, though she was not sure she would be able to ‘fool’ Hymie.

Rebecca’s mother Susan had always gotten her way with her father by controlling him, raising her voice, questioning Jacob’s manhood, whatever it took. Rebecca, on the other hand, was slowly learning how to control Hymie, but using love and consideration instead of threats and accusations.

“I was thinking the same thing about allowing Hymie to have you, although I was just thinking about it and having my doubts as to whether it might be a good idea, even if he did make you…come. But I was going to allow it to happen, so it is a good thing that you have given me your thoughts on the subject.”

“So we call him tonight or tomorrow morning and cancel, right?

“Yes, and let me do the talking.”

“Sure, but just curious, what do you plan to tell him?”

“Just that we decided, the both of us, that it would be uncomfortable to be…no, let me think…that we don’t feel using outside sources to achieve your…our goal is a wise idea. We plan to wait for now and see if love will take it’s course.”

“Good thinking!” Rebecca undid her belt and slid over next to Hymie. Before she had a chance to belt up, he said, “We’re one block from home.” She buckled up, placed her left hand on his thigh, and said, “Why don’t you take me over to the yogurt place and we can have a treat.”

One week later, to the day, Hymie was calling Juan. Though things were well between them, Hymie still had not gotten Rebecca to come, despite two long sessions. He had never tried eating her, and Rebecca had not asked. If he did, she might come. Hymie was finding it hard to live with himself over his inability to give Rebecca orgasms. He had always been able to please Miriam, even in the last months before her illness, when she had really come alive in bed.

Hymie wanted to achieve that same level of sexual fulfillment with Rebecca.

Before calling Juan, Hymie had discussed his wish at length with Rebecca and said that he wanted to try again, and that Juan should be the one he preferred, if Rebecca concurred.

“Why Juan? No complaints, but why Juan? We could choose anyone you wish as long as he looks decent, and clean.” Rebecca was playing it coo, acting indifferent about Juan so that her husband would feel safe about having him over.

“I grew to like Juan, believe it or not. Even though I felt some jealousy over him getting to see you, and you a little bit of him and maybe thinking he was…attractive to you, I still like him. We had some good conversation during the two times he rode in the Mercedes, here and back.”

“About me?”

“Partially. Also my car, his, etc.”

“You found things in common to talk about?”

Hymie smiled. “Well, mostly you. We both have you in common.”

Rebecca was all a flutter inside. “You mean that he was attracted to me?” Rebecca avoided saying ‘Juan wanted to fuck me.’

“That’s it. He was attracted to you…oh, let’s bring it out in the open, he wanted to fuck you. He didn’t say it, but I could tell. It’s a normal thing. He’s young, he saw you naked, he saw you having sex, he was turned on by the situation, he wanted to fuck you. Any man would feel the same!”

Rebecca nodded and softly, almost to herself, said: “Even the older men.”

Hymie glanced over at her, but did not respond. He knew whom she was referring to. Then Rebecca, still playing her cards wisely, said: “I still haven’t decided that I should allow Juan to have me. And I am not sure how you will feel about it later. If he fails, you lose, but if he succeeds, you still might feel like you lost. Talk to me.”

“Let’s go out to eat, and talk about it on the way.”

During the discussion that followed, they went over many things, some said before. “You know that I love you very much, and your happiness is of the utmost importance to me. The Rabbi said that we needed to let another man make…have sex with you. How do you feel truly about it? Be honest, I know enjoying yourself in bed is important to you.”

Rebecca by now in their relationship had reached a high state of horniness, but was being very careful not to let on. “Hymie,” she said, loosening her seat belt and sliding over to sit next to him, “I love you very much, and I know how much you love me. It would be very painful for you to watch another man…to watch another man making love to me, even though I would not remember afterwards. I just couldn’t put you through that. I still say let’s hold off and give ourselves time.”

Hymie was deep in thought. That Rebecca loved him he had no doubt. But just the thought of another man knowing her intimately, even though she would not remember, was very hard for him to accept, though he had decided to go through with it. Also, she would know that someone strange had known her body. Intimately.

She might not remember, but it might give her feelings of curiousity as to ‘what if?’ What if she had been aware and involved? What if she had been able to actually participate, and had been aware?’ And of course the biggest ‘what.’ What is it like to make love with, or to fuck another man, a strange man, and be allowed to remember?

Hymie was crying inside as he spoke lovingly to his innocent little wife. “Rebecca, I love you oh-so-much. It will tear me up to see you under another man. I know that in order for things to succeed, for you to…to reach orgasm, that you must be involved and responding to him. You will not remember, but I will be seeing it. Even though it will be like you are under anathesia, you will still be…” he paused, “should I use the “F” word and say that you will be fucking someone else? It is hard for me to say that you will be making love to him.”

Rebecca was wise and quick with her answer. “Hymie, he will be fucking me. But I will be making love with you, and only you. I will be looking up at your penis, and your face, and that is what I will be feeling and seeing. If I seem to be enjoying it, and it is important that I do, then it will be you that I am enjoying in my thoughts.”

Hymie’s head was hanging. To Rebecca, he looked just like a little boy. “I guess then that we should follow through with what our Rabbi had suggested, and perhaps the sooner the better before I have second thoughts. Too much time has passed already. We should have tried it again with Juan as soon as possible” He looked over into Rebecca’s face, and since she was sitting right next to him, kissed her. “Shall we try tonight?”

Rebecca returned his kiss with one of her own. Then, thinking hard on his question, or appearing to, she sighed and said: “Yes, we should try quickly before not only you but also I start having second thoughts. But you must make a deal with me this time.”

She waited while Hymie looked surprised, then responded with, “What deal?”

“I want to have some say in how we do it. The last time, you made it all seem so…so sterile, just like we were going into surgery or something. You just took your clothes off in a hurry and hung them up. I had to do the same, and in front of Juan. You didn’t warm me up by kissing me. I know, I know you were feeling my body,” she said, when Hymie started to protest, “but I wasn’t warmed up.

Then you got on me and told him to wave the towel. I remember that much, and I know that I didn’t remember anything that happened after that, but it might have had something to do with why I did not achieve orgasm. The towel can only do so much, there still needs to be some feelings there.”

Again Hymie was hanging his head. “Alright my love. It will be hard for me to do, because some of the ‘warming up’ as you put it will be happening before I start waving the towel. Juan will be feeling you up, fondling you, maybe even putting his finger in while he kisses you. I am afraid that you might remember that part. Will that affect our relationship in any way?”

“No dear. You have spent time with Juan, I have not. Juan will be as a stranger to me and I won’t feel anything for him. He is just a tool that we will be using as..” she hesitated, “I guess you could call him a ‘marital aid,’ like those things they advertise in the magazines.”

“You’re right my dear. I will just have to trust you for some of the ‘warm up.’ I’ll call him today and…” he paused. “Would you like me to go for tonight, if Juan is available?”

Her heart pounding, Rebecca again pretended to be thinking things through. “Well, I guess tonight would work. My cycle is right, and there is little chance that he might make me pregnant. If we make him stick on a rubber, it might cool some of his passion, and I wouldn;t want that to happen. We are only going to try this one time, and it needs to be as good as possible. After a few more minutes of discussion, they had come to an arrangement. Juan tonight. No rubber, no rules.

Rebecca had a thought. “Did you ask Juan if he would.be willing to fuck me if you are there?”

Hymie frowned. No, I never mentioned ‘step two’ to him. I only said that I might call him if we ever needed him again, but I did not say that it would be for the purpose of fucking you.” They had talked about fucking so much, that the use of the word when discussing sex between them had become almost second nature.

Whether Juan would be willing to perform with a man watching was one problem. But there was another problem not settled. Hymie and Rebecca had forgotten the towel. They needed the towel, and Milton had it.


Hymie wasted no time. He called Milton and requested to borrow the towel. Milton expressed surprise, and sounded perhaps a little disappointed. Hymie said that he could no longer wait to go through another towel waving session with a different man to see if it would work, and that Rebecca preferred to go with ‘our young man’ because she felt embarrassed to ****** herself in front of someone who knew her so well, her Rabbi.

“Come and get the towel. I will get it out for you.” A few minutes later, Hymie had the towel in his possession, but he was worried. He had wanted to get the towel first, but what if Juan was no longer available? Hymie had not spoken to him since that last night. He needn’t have worried.

Juan was available and Hymie made arrangements for that very night. He followed the same procedures except for having Juan meet him at a location closer to West Los Angeles. Locking his Chevy, Juan climbed into the Mercedes with a smile of greeting and Hymie began driving. Hymie had watched the virile young man strolling over to his Mercedes and thought about how that man would soon be deep inside his wife. Hopefully not too deep. Hymie had trembled, but the shiver had been combined with a strange feeling of excitement at the same time.

Hymie had not told Juan on the phone of what he would be asked to do. It took him several minutes to come around to the subject, and Juan had waited patiently. Finally, after almost five minutes of driving, it came. “This time, Juan, you are to make…errr…fuck my wife while I stand naked and wave the towel over you.” There, he had said it, and Hymie hurried on before he changed his mind. “The Rabbi has assured me that this time my wife will be able to…to come.

She will be looking up at me and thinking of me, and it will be my cock that will register in her mind as having made her climax. Because she didn’t come the last time, the Rabbi wondered if perhaps you weren’t waving the towel vigorously enough, so I will make damned sure that I do. That is how it generates its’ magic. Like before, if we do it right, she will not remember seeing your cock, and this time she will not remember that you had it inside her.”

Juan was delighted, but being a ‘wheeler and dealer,’ he pretended to be shocked and raised his voice slightly. “You want me to fuck your wife while you watch? I’ve never done that, fucked someone’s old lady while he was watching.”

Hymie trembled. Even though he had already said the “F” word, hearing another man, a young and very healthy man saying the words ‘fuck your wife’ were still a shock to his senses. He frowned, shocked not only at the young man’s casual use of the word fuck, but also at the fact that Juan did not seem to be jumping at the chance to fuck his lovely Rebecca. “You don’t know if you could do it? How would an extra $500 sound, a total of $1000 for a few minute’s work?”

Juan smiled inwardly at hearing Hymie describe a dream assignment as ‘work.’ He paused and pretended to think it over. “You would be watching, but I guess that would be alright. It would be strange having a man standing there while I ‘do’ his wife. If I have a little while to get it hard, then things will happen in the way they are supposed to.”

He paused as if thinking, then added, “If your wife could maybe play with my dick a little beforehand, or I could maybe kiss her and feel up her body a little bit, I should be able to get hard in front of you. If we can do that, then I will be willing to fuck your wife.”

Juan was thinking ahead. He remembered how Hymie had treated the last time as a business proposition, getting undressed and not allowing time for a good warmup before he had mounted his wife. Juan not only wanted to fuck this man’s wife, he wanted time to really enjoy it. Little did he know that Rebecca had been thinking the same thing and had already discussed the subject with Hymie.

Hymie was feeling very sad inside. Both Juan and his wife had said basically the same thing. They each wanted to drag the sex out and get some enjoyment from it. It was important for Rebecca to do so, but now Juan expected the same thing, even though he would be getting paid. Hymie’s mind was going wild. ‘This man wants to make out with Rebecca in advance, and have her play with his cock. But she won’t remember anything afterwards if I wave the towel. The Rabbi told me that it would be like going into surgery. You are put to sleep, and afterwards you remember nothing.

Hymie had slowed down in his driving because he needed more time to think. “I guess what you say will be alright. Re..my wife said basically the same thing, that she will need some time in advance in order to be turned on. She..” he paused, “she told me that she wanted me to make out with her first while you just stand there and wait so that she can be warmed up.

I will do that, and then turn her over to you so that you can take over warming her up. I will have to allow both of you some ‘makeout’ time, but only as much as needed so that I can start waving the towel over her so that she does not remember afterwards.”

Juan laughed, but carefully so that it would not appear that he was laughing at Hymie. “I am glad you understand. After we watch each other getting undressed, I will lie her down right away and start loving on her body. That way you can start waving the towel pretty quick so she won’t remember much. If that’s OK with you, then I will do it.”

“When you get undressed, you will have to leave your underpants on until I wave the towel so she doesn’t see it.”

“No problem.”

“Good! Then it’s a deal?” Hymie held out his hand to the young, handsome and well-built stud whom he had just hired to fuck his lovely wife for one thousand dollars!

They shook, and the deal was sealed.

Hymie again blindfolded Juan when they got close, and only six hours after Hymie had retrieved the towel, Juan was once again standing in their bedroom.

Juan of course, was elated. He was being paid a thousand bucks, and this time it would be for getting to fuck Rebecca, whose name he did not know. Hell, he would have done it for free. He might even have paid Hymie back some of the money from the last time for this opportunity.

Some of the money, but not all. ‘I’m going to fuck her and get paid big bucks for it. I still can’t believe it!’ Juan had all he could do to conceal his excitement, though if he had been showing it, it would have made no difference, except to make Hymie suspicious that Juan had been playing him for more money. Having previously seen the little dick on Hymie further excited him. “She is going to squirm in ecstasy while I fuck her silly, and her poor husband will think she won’t remember.’

Because of the abruptness of the first act, and how fast they had gotten undressed and into bed, Rebecca had decided that she was going to take charge this time to some degree. She had made it a point to talk to Hymie before he brought Juan over, and emphasized that she had no memory of seeing the young man naked whom had watched her making love before, but if she was to do this with the guy, this time she wanted it to be a little more romantic, and to have Hymie allow her to do some of the making out with Juan before the towel was being waved.

When she told Hymie no towel until Juan is ready to stick it in, Hymie frowned. Why?” Rebecca replied that was so that she could talk about it with Hymie sometime later while she and Hymie were making love because it might ‘spice things up.’ This was Rebecca’s chance to be fucked by someone young and handsome, and she planned to make the best of it, but Hymie must not know her true thoughts.

“I want the warmup to be romantic this time, Hymie, and I want to remember it.”

“You mean romantic between him and you,” Hymie asked, frowning?

“No my love. I want it to be romantic between you and me, even though you will be standing over us instead of on top of me. I want you to warm me up first. Take your time kissing me. I know that when I am kissing you back that I will be feeling true love for you for what you are doing. I want us to get undressed slowly in front of Juan, and I want you to spend more time warming me up. Then, when Juan is taking his turn warming me up, I will be looking up at you any time Juan and I are not kissing, and I will be thinking that you are the one whom is still warming me up. Then, after that, you can wave the towel while he fucks me.”

Hymie looked shocked. “While he ‘fucks’ you? I have never really heard you use that word before in relation with it applying to you and someone else.”

Rebecca was using wisdom beyond her years. “Hymie, I love you, and only you. Therefore you are the only one that can ‘make love’ to me. If Juan is doing it, he will just be fucking me. Besides, I won’t remember it afterwards.” She looked pensive, deep in thought, then went on. “But even with it being a strange man, and the towel waving and doing its magic, it might take a while, so don’t rush things. This is the second attempt, possibly our last chance, and we must do the best we can.

I’m a little worried about Juan too. This will be strange for Juan, knowing how he is being expected to perform. We must consider his feelings. Juan will maybe be unsure of what he is to do, and he might start fucking me wildly, trying to make me come. I might even have to respond to his movements and try to direct him in what feels best.

If he comes too soon because he is so excited, we will have to be patient until he gets hard again I might even have to help him get it hard. Whatever we are doing, me sucking him, him fucking me or whatever, you must keep thinking: ‘it is me she loves, Rebecca is doing this for me as well as for herself, and she will not remember Juan in bed.’ And I do love you my darling. I love you very much.”

Hymie smiled, appreciating her display of love and affection for him, and how well she was planning this out. “It is so nice to know you feel that way my love. I have been very worried about you having another man within your body. I will allow him, or rather you, to take your time and to respond to his movements. I can only hope that the towel does as the Rabbi promised, that you reach orgasm and have no erotic memories of Juan, and only of me.”

Again, Rebecca sensed that Hymie needed reassuring. “It worked that way the last time my dear. I remember meeting Juan the last time. And I remember removing my clothes in front of him and making out with you, but I have no memory of seeing him naked. I don’t even know if he took his shorts off. Did you see his penis? Did he strip naked? If he didn’t, maybe that is why I didn’t reach my orgasm.”

Hymie frowned. “Hmmm, you might have something there. I never did look at him. I told him you would not remember anything, but maybe he didn’t take his shorts off anyways because he was bashful. I will be standing over you this time so there will be no doubt.”

Rebecca giggled. “If you wave the towel before I see his erection, will you tell me after he leaves what his penis looked like and how I acted when he put it in, and later? I will only remember that it was you telling me and not what it actually felt like.”

“It is probably best that I don’t. That might affect how you think about me, making comparisons in your mind and all that. It is important that you remember and think that it was me, and my penis that did the deed.”

Rebecca pretended to be disappointed. She looked sorta sad, but smiled. “The good Rabbi said that I would only remember that it was your penis that did the trick. But you are right my dear. Perhaps it is best that I never know what Juan was like, or what any other man is like as long as we are married. I do love you, you know.”

Hymie smiled, kissed her and headed out to fetch Juan.

Now, as Hymie, Juan and Rebecca stood by the bed, there was tension, or better described, excitement in the air. “What shall I do first,” Juan asked nervously, anxious to begin, but wanting this to last, and last.

Hymie wanted to please his wife, and was going to take this slowly, as she had requested. “We will get undressed while you watch. You will need to be stimulated so that you can achieve penetration, so watching us should enable you to become erect.”

“OK.” Juan smiled at Hymie’s thinking that he would have trouble getting a hard-on, but after all, Juan was the one whom had expressed concern over doing it in front of Hymie. He was laughing yes, but also Juan was disappointed.

He had hoped that he was going to get to make out with Hymie’s wife, and fondle her, and play with her until they were both ready to experience the best fucking of their lives. Now he had to wait, and watch. He remembered though that Hymie had stated that Rebecca wanted to be warmed by her husband first, and that Hymie had promised to allow him to take over.

“I have a question. Your wife looks so pretty, that bod is to die for, and I’ve never had her before. If I come too soon, before her I mean, will you let me do it again? I won’t need but a minute or two. Hell, I might not even go soft.”

Hymie answered, Rebecca smiled. “We have already discussed that possibility and agreed that you shall have all the time you need.”


Rebecca looked into his eyes. ‘In time Juan. We will soon be joined. Just give it time.’ She began undressing, going slowly and doing it as sexily as she knew how. Hymie, on the other hand, undressed slower than the last time, but still did it mechanically. After all, he didn’t need to look sexy, and never would.

“Join me in bed, my love, ” Rebecca said as she laid down on her normal right side. Then she did something daring, spreading her legs wide for Hymie first but in the process allowing the young man standing quietly just a few feet away to see her totally opened and *******. “See it Juan? I can feel it already, so does my pussy look wet? Soon Juan, this is to be yours. It will be like having you and my husband in me at the same time.”

Juan sighed, his eyes wide, and his heart began pounding. Hymie was stunned, then thought about it. ‘Well, we all know what is going to happen, so she is just helping to build the mood.’

Even though this was before the towel was waving over her Rebecca felt safe in doing and saying this in front of Hymie. In other words, after Juan had left, Hymie would know that she would still remember this part, of spreading herself wide before Juan and talking about how wet she already was. But Rebecca knew that Hymie would go along, because she had told him that she wanted this to possibly be a wild fuck in an attempt to reach her orgasm.

Hymie was totally naked, and seeing his wife spreading herself in open invitation for him but in actuality for Juan stimulated him in ways he had not experienced in years. His penis abruptly became erect, faster than it had in all the months they had been married. Rebecca saw it, and cleverly commented.

“Oh Hymie my dear. You are already up and ready for me. I want you very much. Come and make love to me. Do it now, and do it forever.” Under her smile, she frowned a little. ‘His dick really does look hard tonight.’

Juan smiled but wondered what the plan was as Hymie walked from the foot of the bed and went around the left side. His short dick actually was swinging back and forth a little as he walked, though his long dangling balls did even more swinging.

‘Look at that old man and how fast his little dick got hard. Is he going to fuck her instead of me getting to do it? I sure hope not. I want to show this beautiful woman what a real cock can do, and I hope they are not so excited that they have changed their minds. If he changes his mind, I’m still expecting my thousand dollars.’

But Hymie was being all business. He remembered what Rebecca had asked. ‘Kiss me and be romantic. Warm me up good before Juan enters me. I will think and remember it as being you.’ Words to that effect. Something else was having an effect. Hymie’s erection felt unusually stiff to him, and he was becoming very amiable to the thought of seeing Rebecca being fucked. He was hoping now that she would really get into it, get carried away even, and maybe talk dirty in the process.

Hymie was breathing hard as he crawled across the mattress and hoped that they wouldn’t take notice. He wanted Rebecca to be fucked by Juan and to reach a really good orgasm. After all these weeks, no, months of marriage, it would be a letdown to see her have her first orgasm and not be all excited as she comes. Hymie loved Rebecca, and to be able to see her come to a screaming orgasm with Juan, and at some later time have orgasms with he, her husband, even if she didn’t scream, would complete his marriage happiness.

Hymie laid himself beside Rebecca. He kissed her, then fondled her breasts and, surprised at how wet Rebecca truly was, fingered her pussy while a frustrated Juan stood by, still wearing his shorts and waiting.

Hymie was taking his time, as Rebecca had requested. Rebecca, knowing that Juan was watching, found herself becoming very aroused, more so than she had ever been before. She sensed that Hymie could make her come right now if she kept on. But that was not what she wanted. She and Hymie could have the rest of their lives to enjoy one another. Well, maybe the rest of Hymie’s life.

Finally, after several minutes of watching Hymie fondling his wife, who was moaning softly and holding her husband’s dick in her left hand, came the command Juan was waiting for. “Now Juan, leave your shorts on and get into bed beside her. Don’t get between her legs yet. I want you to take over and make sure that she is turned on to you before you start. When the time is right, and as I start waving the towel, remove your shorts and slowly enter her. Do it romantically and take your time. We want to be sure that she has time to reach her orgasm.”

Juan thought of something not discussed. “Can we talk, can I talk to her I mean?”

“Yes, of course, but only after the towel is waving. I am hoping that she talks back to you.”

Grinning broadly and wearing only his underpants, Juan climbed onto the bed as Hymie climbed out. Hymie was picking up the towel in preparation for waving it when Rebecca was ready for Juan to enter her. Rebecca opened her arms in welcome as Juan slid up beside her.

Their lips met, their first touch other than the brief handshake and then cock shake that Rebecca had given Juan the first time around. As they kissed, it was if they were old time lovers as they melted together. Rebecca, in the middle of this new found passion, was thinking, ‘Oh yes, I have wanted this for so long, and it feels so natural to be in Juan’s arms.’

They did not have to experiment when it came to meeting each other with their tongues. Everything magically fell into place. While waiting impatiently, Juan had been thinking about how he was going to proceed with Rebecca when his turn came.

He decided that he was going to put himself in the mode of actually knowing Rebecca, of meeting and convincing her to go out with him, and so far, even after several dates, she has not consented to go all the way. Now, she has agreed to just get into bed and make out, but maybe not go all the way. Juan must convince her that finally giving in will be the right thing to do.

That was his plan, and if she sensed his desire for her, it might help her to truly become aroused for him. He wanted her to desire him, and not be doing this in order to please her husband. Juan had placed his right arm around her waist at first, and his left arm under her neck. Juan still could not believe this and almost started pawing her.

‘Her tit is right there, and her pussy is right down there, and I am permitted to feel them, but I must remember that I am going to go slow, and treat her like we have been dating, we have never fucked, and I have finally gotten her to undress for me and get into bed. I am still trying to arouse her so she’ll let me go all the way.’

After more than a minute or so of kissing, his hand was on her breast, and Rebecca was moaning as he teased her sensitive nipple lightly between his fingers. A minute later, Juan had slowly slipped part of his finger into her, teasing her with it, and had been surprised at how snug she was even though she was wet, and kissed her more before going deeper. Man, she is so tight. She is going to feel so good and I better not come too soon, but if I do, no sweat!

Hymie was standing above them with an erection and looking on in frustration, because he knew that without the towel waving over her, Rebecca would remember all that was going down during foreplay, but the important thing was that she would have no memory of Juan’s dick. ‘Rebecca requested no towel while she is being warmed up, but maybe I should have started waving the towel as soon as he climbed onto the bed?’

For a while, Hymie had been very aroused, and his peter proved it, about Rebecca doing this. But that was before he saw how aroused his wife was as she was being finger fucked by Juan. ‘She is going to remember all of this.’ Hymie was having second thoughts now. ‘Does Rebecca really need to remember this part so that she will be able to climax with me later? They seem to be enjoying the kissing and fondling maybe a little too much. I’ve got to hurry this phase along, and do it now. “OK Juan, she’s ready. You can get on her.”

But Rebecca had started something she wanted to finish, and Juan hesitated while she made her moves. She was feeling his erection, right through his underwear. Her hand squeezed, and stroked, and wrapped around his penis, feeling the thickness, the length, and the slippery wet spot.

“Get on her Juan!” Hymie’s voice sounded nervous as he watched Rebecca’s hand moving in the area of his crotch while she continued to kiss him. “Is she so hot that she needed to feel his cock in advance, even though she knows the rules?’ Hymie started waving the towel as soon as Juan crawled up between her legs..

Juan awkwardly started removing his underwear as he kneeled between Rebecca’s legs. It would have been easier to remove them in advance, or while he was still laying beside her, but Rebecca was not supposed to see him naked until the towel was waving over her. She was not to remember anything she saw, felt, or did, except for thinking that Hymie had made her come!

The towel is waving. Knowing that now she can ‘look’ because she won’t ‘remember,’ Rebecca raised her head, watching Juan and grinning as he struggled to get his shorts off and she could see his erect dick waving side to side. ‘What a cock! It looks even better than the last time. That thing is going to feel so good inside me. I must help him to go slow, to make it last, to fuck me and go on and on and on. I can do anything I want now, because Hymie agreed with my plan.’

Hymie on the other hand, was not thrilled upon seeing Juan’s cock for the first time. He had seen Rebecca’s hand exploring in the area of Juan’s crotch, but had not looked over her body to see exactly what she was feeling. ‘Oh no. Oh shit! I didn’t know Juan had a cock like that.”

Hymie immediately considered calling it off and taking Juan back to his car. Still give him the thousand? No problem. But it was really too late now. ‘Rebecca might get mad if I do that. She might not remember later what his dick looks like, but she was feeling it before the towel and will know that I stopped things after she had gotten all wound up and excited over his cock.’

Less happy than he had been a few minutes ago, Hymie waved the towel over them and watched as Juan, his enormous penis now freed from its confines, walked forward on his knees until he was within nine inches or so from Rebecca’s love nest.

Even at that distance, Juan was close enough to touch her with his head, which he did. Hymie was trembling at the thought. ‘He is going to stick that thing into my little wife and not only give her a first orgasm, but give her one I will never be able to match. He might even stretch Rebecca out and ruin her for me forever. Thank goodness she won’t remember anything.’ And there was another thing that Hymie was afraid he might see. ‘She might like the way his foreskin feels.’

The towel was waving and Rebecca was looking up at it. “That feels good,” she said.

Hymie looked puzzled, since Juan was only touching the area of her lips with just the very tip of his long cock. ‘Already Juan’s dick is affecting her? “What is that, my dear? What feels good?”

“The breeze,” she said, while staring up at the towel. “I’m hot, and the breeze feels good. “

Rebecca knew how to play her cards as she encouraged Juan forward. She was speaking softly, teasingly, with a smile on her face along with her eyes looking full of desire. “Ooooh Hymie. Your cock looks bigger than ever. I want it Hymie. I want you to make love to me with your long, hard and thick cock, and do it over and over. Make me come Hymie, please make me come and I will love you more than ever.”

Rebecca is laying it on a little thick, but to Hymie, she is seeing him in her mind and talking to him, Hymie, her husband. Juan is just a tool that they are using, a go-between so that she can finally achieve orgasm. Even the fact that Rebecca is saying ‘make love to me’ instead of ‘fuck me’ makes sense, since she is thinking that it is her husband above her.

Juan is playing the game, and loving it. He has heard the story of the towel and does not know whether its’ ‘magic’ is real or not. If Juan had ever had a chance to talk to Rebecca alone, she might have told him, and he would know now that she is doing this with the full knowledge that she is deceiving her husband. ‘She might not remember this fuck, but I sure the Hell will!’

Rebecca rose up, almost hitting the waving towel with her head and reached out to grasp Juan’s rigid penis. With her mouth opened and eyes wide, she stroked it, loving the way the thick foreskin allowed her hand to move up and down over the head and halfway down his shaft.

She was taking note of how much easier it is to masturbate this mighty prick rather than her husband’s circumcised little dick, not just because of all this soft skin, but also because this big cock offers more to hold on to. Pre-fluid was dripping from the end now, not just dripping, but pouring out. Juan would soon be providing Rebecca with all the lubrication she might need in order to accept this monster of a cock within her snug vagina.

Hymie’s fear about what she might think of Juan’s foreskin was becoming reality. ‘Fuck! Look at how big his dick looks in her little hand and how she is lovingly stroking that skin back and forth!’

“Oh Hymie. I’m ready. Put it in me, please put it in me. I want so badly to feel you fucking me with that big dick of yours.”

A gulp from Hymie, a shiver from Juan, a tremble from Rebecca, and she is aiming him. Shivering with excitement as the dream Juan has had ever since meeting Rebecca starts coming true, Juan eases his fat head into the snuggest pair of lips he has ever felt, going slowly but steadily forward as he enjoys the feel of her tightness giving way.

“Mmmmmhhh! Oooooooh,” (pant pant) “Shit! Fuck! That big fucker is really hitting home! I can’t believe how good it feels!”

Rebecca’s sudden outburst of profanity caught both Juan and Hymie by surprise. Juan quickly glanced over his shoulder at Hymie, and saw that Hymie looked shocked. Hoping that Hymie was not upset upon seeing his wife go wild over his dick, Juan tried giving Hymie a smile.

“It’s O.K., Juan. Go ahead and fuck her.”

With a smile and a nod, Juan was back in business. So far, Juan has only entered her with his head. To Rebecca, it feels like Juan has shoved over half of his entire dick into her. But he is only one-quarter of the way in. Rebecca’s legs are coming up slowly, and she is digging her fingers into his lower back, yet being careful not to dig too hard.

Juan had been given permission by Hymie to talk to Rebecca if he wished, and finally decided to speak up. “Baby, if you think that big fucker is really hitting home and feeling good now, just wait till I get it all the way in and start fucking you with it.”

Rebecca gripped Juan’s ass tightly with both arms, smiled and tried pulling him into herself. Juan resisted her move, and she only managed to take in another inch or so. “No baby, let me do it. I want to feed the peter to you an inch at a time and watch you squirm.”

“Oh daddy, make me squirm.”

And squirm she did as he slowly eased his way into her a little ways more. “

Taking a risk that the towel will not be waving over them all the way to their heads, Hymie stepped to his left and looked under Juan’s ass in order to see how it looked with a huge dick stuck into the woman that he has taken in matrimony, to be his to hold and love till death does them part. This is the woman with the pussy that he loves so much.

Hymie is shocked, yet thrilled at the vision he is seeing, Rebecca’s pussy, no longer the mysterious and exclusive property of one Hymie Kohn, and it is looking very stretched by a cock that seems to be larger and harder than when Hymie had first seen it. Above that dick as seen from his angle, Hymie sees a firm set of balls, staying tightly up against Juan’s scrotum. These are over-sized balls that have not as yet landed on her ass. Those balls will soon land on Rebecca’s ass, but first Juan must stuff what looks like at least five more inches into her!

Juan held still and spent a full minute just kissing her. All the while, Hymie is waving the towel and watching jealously as her hips start wriggling side-to-side in an effort to feel this prick moving, since Juan is holding himself still. Juan has decided to take it slow, and that is fine with her, but she craves movement. “I love the way it feels when you go slow like that. But keep going, I want to feel all of it.” Juan had been staying up on his knees in order to keep from burying his cock too soon and maybe hurting or scaring her. But now she has said that she wants all of it.

Smiling smugly, Juan took one quick glance up at Hymie to see how Hymie was handling watching his wife getting fucked. Hymie was waving, trembling and watching their genitals joined together in unholy matrimony. At that moment, Hymie saw Juan staring up at him, and when Juan tipped his head at Hymie, Hymie said, “Do it!” Knowing now that Hymie probably wanted to see her take his cock to the hilt so that he could hear her moan, Juan continued to look into Hymie’s face and gave her all of it.

“Uuuuhhh. Fuck! Ooh daddy, that hits the spot.” After achieving full penetration, and guessing by what she had said that Rebecca’s groan had been more pleasure than pain, Juan laid his body full upon hers but kept some of his weight off her. While kissing Juan passionately, Rebecca slowly moved her arms higher, wrapping them around his shoulders, and slowly but steadily her legs came up, higher, still higher, until she had them wrapped around and above his hips!

Now she had full penetration. Rebecca could feel Juan’s balls lying on her ass, which felt really good because she had her legs spread and way up, causing her ass crack to open, and this was allowing Juan’s balls to come into contact with her anus, which now suddenly felt very very sensitive because the pressure of his thick dick in her pussy was causing her anus to bulge outward slightly, ******** the sensitive inner surface to the touch of his balls. Above them, Hymie was staring at the joined organs in disbelief that Rebecca could take it.

Juan remained in place for over a minute, allowing his pubic hair to mingle with hers, then he pulled back and gave her all of it again, and again, and again. Rebecca was moaning her pleasure so loudly, shocking her husband, that she caused Juan to suddenly stiffen, groan, and pump a full load of cum over eight inches into the back of her vagina. Rebecca, though still innocent, had enough experience to know when a man is climaxing. Goodness knows, Hymie’s penis always let her know, despite its diminutive size. “I can feel it coming baby, oooooh yes!”

“Damn!” That was Juan.

“That was wonderful!” Rebecca.

“Dear? Did you come?”

Guess who.

Two minutes later, Juan was on his back, a thick pillow under his head, and at his suggestion, or maybe hers since she had seemed to think of it at the same time, Rebecca was on top of him with her butt almost in his face. His penis was still slimy, but Rebecca did not say anything about it because there would be complications if one of them had to get a towel to clean him up. They needed to stay under the waving towel. Another problem that had not been thought of in advance. Despite never having tasted come, and this come was not from her husband, Rebecca was excited over the opportunity to take Juan’s uncut penis into her mouth while she stroked him to another stupendous erection.

“Oooh baby, what a snatch!” Juan was using his fingers to look inside Rebecca’s pussy, and his face was only six inches away. A view to die for, or rather, to sigh for. As Rebecca experimented with his penis, having a ball as she stared close up at the first uncut penis she had ever held in her hand, and the first strange penis she was about to suck, she said something, and knew when she said it that Hymie would wonder why all of a sudden she knew she was holding Juan’s penis and not Hymie’s. “Gee Hymie, look at how big Juan’s dick is.”

Those words were almost the same exact words that her mother Susan had used when she had come out from under the towel and fucked Milton in front of her husband. Rebecca did not know that of course, but her words had the same effect on Hymie that Susan’s words had had on Jacob, except that this time, Rebecca would not ‘remember.’

With a full erection now in her mouth, Rebecca sucked, and she stroked, and she was enjoying the feel of a tongue on her clitoris like nothing she had ever felt before. “Oooh Hymie. Look under me at what he’s doing. How’s come you have never put your mouth on me there? It feels so good. I think maybe I can come this way.”

Rebecca was saying those words between sucks on a dickhead that was filling her mouth to capacity. She looked up past Hymie’s hard dick and at the towel and guessed that Hymie’s arms were getting tired. Rebecca knew it, but she was not supposed to be thinking about the towel that was supposed to lower her inhibitions, make her come, and forget. Or was she?

“Honey, are your arms getting tired?”

Hymie, surprised, but thinking all was well, “Yes.”

“Then let’s take a break.”

“Thank you Rebecca.” Hymie thought this to be a little strange, but kept waving until Rebecca was ready.

In no particular hurry, Rebecca gave Juan’s penis another admiring and long stroke using his foreskin. Then she pulled the thick skin down and visibly stuck out her tongue way out and ran it all around the head, in the process adding emphasis to a watching and waving husband, who still had a penis that was rock hard, of how big around the head on Juan’s penis was. Then she reluctantly released Juan’s cock, said, “Mmmmm that was fun,” and lifted one leg so that she could turn over. As she climbed off of Juan, Rebecca’s pussy seemed to open even more as she stretched her leg out to one side so that she could clear Juan’s body. Juan’s eyes bulged at the sight.

After switching ends, Rebecca was lying side by side with Juan, with his stiff dick in her left hand, and Hymie had laid the towel on the bed at their feet and was looking down at the two lovers. His cock was still rigid, and Hymie was wondering if during her ‘break,’ he could get on Rebecca for a little bit and satisfy his aching need without messing up her chances of achieving orgasm. Either that, or sooner or later he was going to have to take take his stiff penis in hand and do something about it.

Rebecca was smiling and staring dreamily up at the ceiling. She was stroking Juan’s stiff dick slowly, using long strokes and able to go all the way up over his head because of the foreskin. She noticed that Hymie had his hand on his stiff penis and smiled at him. Then she turned her head to see Juan’s face, and said, “We can start again after Hymie has had a chance to rest his arms.”

Hymie was puzzled. “Rebecca? Do you know what is happening right now?”

Feeling now that she had full control of the situation, and in the future, full control of Hymie, Rebecca looked into Hymie’s face, then up at the ceiling, sort of rolled her eyes around, smiled and then said, “Yes. I’m laying naked next to Juan and playing with his luscious cock.”

“But,: Hymie frowned, “do you remember what you were doing before that, just a couple of minutes ago?”

A smile. “Do you want to hear what I am able to remember?”

“Yes, please tell me.”

“We were in the 69 position, Juan and I, with me on top. You were waving the towel over me, and I was sucking on Juan’s dick and enjoying moving his foreskin up and down while he was doing wonderful things to my pussy with his fingers and tongue. It was feeling really good and I was thinking that if we kept going, I would not be able to keep from coming. So that’s why I asked you if your arms were tired, because when I come for the first time I want it to be while Juan is fucking me, and I know it will happen.”

Strangely, Hymie’s feelings were not being hurt. Rebecca’s raw talk about being fucked was arousing him to even greater levels. “How honey? How do you know for sure that Juan will make you come with his cock?”

In the past, Rebecca and Hymie had discussed their admiration for the Sherlock Holmes mystery series of books, and she quoted the most famous line that Holmes used to say to Watson, his assistant. “Elementary, my dear Watson. As soon as he stuffed that fat cock into me, I knew that I was going to be able to come. And when Juan started to fuck, he had only given me four or five strokes and I was getting close, but he beat me to it.”

A shocked look came over Hymie’s face. “But how, Rebecca? How do you know about doing the 69 and that before that Juan was fucking you and came too quickly? You aren’t supposed to be remembering any of that!”

Another smile came from Rebecca to Hymie, while Juan listened worriedly. ‘Man, I hope something is not happening here that fucks this up.’

Rebecca was still stroking Juan’s penis as she answered. She had already been thinking ahead, of having Juan over on regular occasions, and Hymie going along with it. She shocked Juan when she reached across her body and Juan’s with her right hand, grasped Juan’s left hand in hers and pulled it over until it landed on her right breast. There they were, her hand on Juan’s penis and Juan’s hand on her breast.

“Hymie,” Rebecca said with a smug smile, while Hymie was looking down at the two of them with a puzzled look. “look at the towel. When Juan was crawling up between my legs I noticed something as soon as you started waving the towel . There are no markings on the towel, just a regular old pattern like a common bath towel. Milton switched towels on us!”
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