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Stalking And Fucking An Innocent Wife During A Hurricane


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
Stalking and Fucking an Innocent Wife During Hurricane Matthew.

by EroticWriter


The lights were low, and she was sleeping on a mat placed on the gymnasium floor, her husband beside her on the other side as I slowly slid my body in close.

When Hurricane Matthew roared up through Florida in October 2016, we had little warning. The climatologists had said it would be going up the east side of Florida, but then it had veered to the west, and was coming up the Gulf coast.

No time to evacuate, many families had taken shelter in a local high school gym, constructed with brick and since it was on slightly higher ground, had been designated as a storm shelter.

Most of the people had been provided with cots, out on the main floor. The overflow, and that included me, were placed in a smaller room at one end of the gym, and since we had arrived late, we had been given mats with which to sleep on the floor.

I was one of those latecomers, supposedly, but I had spotted her, the cutest little wife one might hope to see, and I had waited, hoping to be able to place my cot next to hers. Hers and her husband's.

A cot, up off the floor, does not make for good fucking, and I was hoping to be able to just get off my cot and maybe shuffle my butt over to her cot and maybe do a little feeling around.

But they had ran out of cots, and floor space, and I had lucked out. When she and her husband were directed into that other room, I followed along. Her lying on a mat on the floor had changed my thinking from getting to play with her, to actually fucking her.

"Line your mats up like reading the pages of a book," some 'director' said. "Start at the upper left and go across, and the next group do a line below that. Be sure to leave enough space all around, like three feet so people can move in and out."

Thank you director with the orange vest.

This was much better. A lot more privacy, just what I would need. Since we were the first to enter the room, they, and me, were able to go up into the upper left corner and set up, where there would only be people on the right of us and at our feet, and not all around.

She and her husband were able to set up shop along one wall on the left side of the room, but of course they did not place their mats three feet apart, but they did leave some space, like two feet.

Using the three feet rule, I was able to quietly place my mat close by. Close enough to almost reach out and touch her. Later, I would do just that.

With she and her husband up against that wall, there was less chance of anyone else in the room seeing what I hoped will be happening. It really worked out great. From force of habit probably, his being right handed and being used to sleeping on her left, he had placed his mat up against the wall. This left her on the outside, closer to the center of the room, and close to me.

The wind was coming up strong now, the north end of the hurricane roaring overhead in a counter clockwise direction. Later, after some of the the eye had passed over, most of it would be west of us and the winds would be traveling in the opposite direction. But the sound would aid in my quest, of making a seduction.

Maybe I should go back to the beginning.

I had spotted and glommed in on her as soon as they had hurriedly walked up outside the gym. They had not driven up, so they must live somewhere close by.

I'm guessing maybe 22, 23, she was gorgeous, with long brown hair and the cutest face and nicest little body I think I might ever have seen on a woman under maybe five feet tall.

Her tits looked really firm under that tight blouse, a blouse on top of a skirt and not pants. A skirt. Perfect. Her body was more on the thin side rather than heavy, which would make fucking her seem even more exciting. She is so little, and I am so big, there.

When the people in charge had lined up the stragglers for mats, I was in line, right behind her.

They had placed their mats on the floor, and I quietly, not paying any attention to them, they thought, set up on the right side of her. Close, but not too close, like three feet away.

I pretended to ignore the couple of my left, them, and for a second spoke casually to some fat old lady who was placing her mat to my right, three feet away. Good. I did not want the husband behind me paying any attention to my presence so close at hand.

Having done that, my space secure and next to my target, I walked away and out into the main part of the gymnasium so as to not make it obvious that I was hanging around near them. Everyone was pretty much settled in on the main floor, and now I was being obvious just by my presence in that area.

To make more room for cots, they had folded up all the bleachers against the walls, and that made for more room on the main floor.

I was about to go back into the other room when I saw the couple come out together, and they each went into the restrooms. I immediately followed him in, making sure that he was not aware that I was doing so.

Though I had not used one, I had already been in the restrooms to check them out and knew that there were six urinals side by side, and two toilet stalls. At the other end of the gym there were another two restrooms just the same.

Checking out the competition

I wanted to see his cock, if possible. See his cock so I would know, if things work out, what I might be giving his wife compared to him.

I lucked out. He went to the urinal on the far right, and just then another guy stepped from a sink and over to a urinal on the left side. That left the middle for me, and I stepped up to the plate. Two urinals away, close enough for a good look see.

Being discreet as possible, I snuck a look at his dangling cock, which he was holding with his right hand, which left it open to my view since I was on his left. It was so small, soft, that it was shorter than his four fingers were wide as he was holding it.

He started to look over at me, and I quickly looked away, but I allowed him a look at my dangling cock by keeping my fingers pulled way back against my groin so that my uncut cock was visible beyond my hand, all six soft inches of it.

As he was looking, I pulled back my foreskin, ******** my sizable head, and let fly a mighty stream.

I knew he was looking. That's right man, get a good look and if I have my way, your wife will be getting a good feel, later. It was giving me a thrill, sort of, knowing he is looking at my cock and not knowing what I have planned for it.

My head was straight ahead and looking down, but my eyes were cocked right, and at him in order to make sure he is watching.

I knew that he had finished pissing, but was still looking at my cock, so when I finished my piss I made it a point to give it a good shake, and then two or three more. I did this while still holding my cock back near the base, so that as I gave it those shakes, i had enough dick hanging loose so that my dick was bending in the middle and one half was going one direction while the other, another.

Now he knows, that long cock he is looking at is actually soft, and not enlarged a bit from being touched or played with. Of course, most men can not pee through a hard on, but some maybe can through a semi-hard, so I made sure he knew that I was totally soft by exhibiting it for his viewing.

An eyeful for him? You bet!

Was I being mean, showing this man I had never met or talked to my cock looking so long and meaty as I waved it all over the place for his viewing? No, and yes. Mean maybe that I was once again reminding him, I am sure he had been aware of the more meat out there than he has, but not being mean in the aspect that here is what your wife is going to enjoy later.

How could I be mean to a man that doesn't know?

This display of my cock might be sounding like a long drawn out process, but it actually was all happening in maybe a minute or so of time. Then I milked it down, making sure no more drops were on the tip before pulling my foreskin down over the head and slowly placing my cock back into my pants.

If you are wondering why I allowed him a nice long look at my cock, well, it's because, even though he was not to know I had done so, if my plan works, I will have an extra sense of satisfaction in knowing that her husband has seen the cock that is fucking his wife, but without his knowing it is happening.

He had hit the urinal first and he left first. I pretended not to have noticed him as he zipped up and walked away. It was then, and only then, that I turned my head to the left. That other guy was still there, and as our eyes met he grinned at me and then sort of nodded his head down to the area of where my cock had been on display.

An eyeful for him also. You bet!

A gay guy perhaps, or just some 'straight' guy who wants to see what it might be like to touch another man's cock, my big cock. I gave him an understanding smile and walked out. Sorry fellow.

I knew that there will never be a day when I would let a stranger touch my cock in a public restroom. Chances are, with my luck, he would be a cop and say I reached first.

But if a man wants to feel my cock while I'm fucking his woman. That's another story. He can have his fun while I have mine.

For the next 30 minutes I avoided coming back into the other room where they were in the hopes that he would not notice and be aware that the man who had displayed that big cock had set up shop near his wife's mat.

She had noticed me, both before they had left for the bathroom, and when I came back in. Our eyes met though I tried hard not to be obvious about how hard I was looking at her. I knew though, that she knew. I am next to her on the floor.

Announcing on the P.A. that the front of the storm had started to pass over and fortunately was not as bad as feared, they said that the storm would continue for at least another few hours and that they were going to dim the lights so people could sleep.

He was already lying down, his wife on another mat next to him,. Apparently, since no one would be walking between them, he had moved his mat further from the wall and placed it closer to hers. Now she was maybe just six inches from her husband's mat.

With him that close to her might make my adventure a little harder to achieve, but I was determined to try, and succeed. I was able to crawl back onto my mat without him noticing, and I waited, hoping that people will actually go to sleep with all the howling noises from outside.

They whispered to each other for a couple of minutes, and then I saw him rise on his hands, lean his body over to her, and they exchanged a brief lip to lip touch. Then he turned over and placed his back to her.

Fucking great!

Though he was right handed and slept on the left side of his wife so he could use his right hand on her, he was an on his right side sleeper, and that put his back to her, and me. He might be just six inches away, but with his back turned, it might as well be six feet.

All we, she and I, will have to do is be quiet. Trouble is, she has to be willing.

Setting my plan into action.

In the darkened room, and with his back to us, no way will he know. Even if he turns over, he might not know that I am up against his wife. So far, everything was going according to plan,and I was planning as I went along.

Then the lights went completely out! We had lost power. There was a surprised gasp from some in the room, and then silence. They knew now, the power might be off for hours, maybe days. Just what the doctor had ordered for me.

Since our room was on the West side of the gym, it had only two windows, high up, and just a little bit of light was filtering in.

Enough light for me to see her, and him, and make sure that he is over there, and not over her.
I took one quick glance around the darkened room, and it looked like everyone was lying down. That was to be my last check on any possible audience.

Up on my elbow, I waited, watching to see if he moves even a little bit. Nothing. Then I began to make my move as I stayed low and getting off my mat, slid it over to the left until it was right up against hers.

Now I had to place my body on the right side of my mat, otherwise we would actually be touching since she was lying sort of folded up, and her behind was actually off her mat and hanging over mine.

I was going to try something, get her attention without actually touching her or making a noise. That way, if my plan works, she will be less likely to be shocked at me being so close.

Only a foot away from her, my cock closer to that butt, I laid down on my right side again, and stared at her back, mainly the back of her neck, and tried to send my thoughts to her, letting her know that I am behind her. Right behind her in this case.

This trick had worked in the past.

I had seen an ad in a magazine, more likely it was a comic book, when I was a kid in grade school. It was a black on white drawn picture of a man, his head, and over his head were little balls with wings, and the ad said, 'Thoughts Have Wings."

True story, this part about an ad titled Thoughts Have Wings.

Then the ad told the viewer to try this: Stare at someone in front of you. Keep staring at the back of their head. Pretty soon, the ad said, the person will begin to squirm around, and then sort of turn their head, and then, finally, turn completely around to look at you.

That, the ad claimed, is proof that thoughts have wings, and of course, the ad wanted you to purchase the book so you could learn better how to project your thoughts and even control people.

I didn't know if it actually worked, projecting your thoughts, but I had tried it in grade school and it had worked. Co-incidence perhaps, but it had worked more than once. First with one cute gal ahead of me in class, and then another in a different class.

No reason for me to try and get some guy to turn around.

Normally they would never look back, because of the teacher in front or whatever. But in both cases, each gal had done exactly as the wings ad had claimed. They sort of looked up from their desk or school materials, then turned their head one way or the other like something is bothering them, and then finally, turning around a looking directly at me. Not someone beside or behind me, but right at me.

You might say, sure, they looked at YOU because YOU were staring at THEM and they saw your eyes. Good point, but they looked directly at ME first, and not at anyone on either side of me. It was like they KNEW exactly where the thoughts were coming from.

They had known, right then, before they turned, that it was ME who is staring, I am sure.Try it sometime.

Now I was trying it on the cute wife. I waited. I stared, I projected. Please don't already be asleep. It worked, but maybe because it was dark, or she is lying down, or trying to sleep, it took a little longer than those two gals.

After perhaps five minutes, she quietly shifted her body, straightening out her legs also so that she is lying more on her stomach, then she turned her head to the right and looked at me, probably so she would not have to turn completely over onto her left side and end up turning her back on her husband..

There I was, so close that had we both moved just our heads forward, our lips could touch.

Surprisingly, she did not seem to be shocked at how close I am. The light from the window was up and behind her and she could see my eyes much better than I could see hers. She looked right into my eyes, while I concentrated on giving her my most sincere I want you look.

I really couldn't see into her eyes, and matter of fact I couldn't see enough of her mouth to know if she had it open in surprise or shock, or closed. If she frowned, or smiled, again, I couldn't see.

What is she thinking?

After looking at me for perhaps a full minute without saying anything, she turned her body back around onto her right side and laid her head back down, and away from me. Then she 'adjusted' her body, and again, her butt was pushed out and over my mat.

She, had done it. By shoving her butt back again, she had made contact with my body, well, with clothes in between.

Acceptance. I am right next to her, against her, and she is allowing me to remain.

It might have been because she did not want to make a scene in front of her husband or others, but I didn't think so. If she wanted me away, she could have just waved me back with her hand. And also tucked her butt in on her matt and further from me.

I waited maybe thirty seconds, and slid in closer, so close that my pants below and my shirt above were lightly touching her. In the middle, where her butt was pushed back and over her mat, you know what I was touching her with, and where, and not as lightly as the other two points.

It was still in my pants, but no way can she be ignoring that feeling of something HARD.

I waited, holding my breath, and when she did not move away, I made my move.

Will she?

I was going to have to be using my left hand even though I am right handed, but that couldn't be helped. First I very gently touched the side of her neck with two fingers and I both saw and felt her shiver.

But she didn't move away. I knew right then, this is going to succeed. Possibly my most exciting fuck ever is just inches, and minutes away. I used a little more force and pressed my hard cock up against her. Right up against and partially into the slight cavity being formed in the back of her skirt.

I caressed her openly now, raising my head and touching her neck in more places with my fingers, and then moving closer with my lips to where I could touch her neck with first my lips, and then, just the tip, with my tongue.

With my head raised, I also could better keep my eye on her husband.

She shivered again, and her left arm went back, back, and then onto my left leg, which was now up against her leg.

More. More. I wanted more, and my left hand went to her blouse, and then, undoing her buttons, inside. My cock stiffened even more. No resistance! She had on a bra, but the way they felt as my hand went inside, she didn't need one.

Perfect. Just enough to completely fill my hand. Shaped like an apple sort of, the kind you can wrap all your fingers around and cup almost like holding a ball. The best kind of tit to be feeling in my opinion.

They had distributed mats to everyone who had came in after the cots were gone, but only a few little pillows to go around. She had one, her husband, and me, none. My head, barely, was able to fit itself onto her pillow. More comfortable now, but not perfect.

With my head on her pillow, I was still able to see her husband, but only the top half of his entire body. If he turns over, I would probably have time to get my hand out of her blouse and out of sight.

My right arm was a problem though. What to do with it? I tried at first to keep it straight down between our bodies, but that meant I can not be as close to her as I want. I could put it under her neck, straight out, and she could use it as part of her pillow, but if her husband turns over, no way can I get it out of sight in time.

So I had to fold it up at the elbow and keep it there, between my chest and her shoulder blades, and that of course meant I could not be keeping my head where I wanted, close to her neck and ear.

Her tits felt perfect though, and I enjoyed them best I can. But I wanted more, and now, so did she as her hand moved from my leg and went further up, but because I was pressing against her, she could not get to my goodies. No, not until I let them out.

I scooted back from her a few inches and opened my fly, then thinking better of it, I turned onto my back and raised my hips and pulled my jeans down to mid-thigh so that when she gets her hand where it needs to go, she will feel all I have to offer.

If anyone to the left of me or at my feet is looking, they might ge getting an eyeful as my rigid cock waved around and pointed eight inches into the air as my underwear also came down.

An eyeful for them also? You bet!

As I again assumed my position behind her, and to ensure that all my cock will be ******* and not some of it buried in folds of skin from my balls and abdomen, I stretched my legs out straight.

I was cupping and loving on her marvelous tits as best I can, and waiting for her touch. Once she feels me, it will be getting interesting. She will feel all of it, an eight-inch cock, sticking straight out at her butt, and when she wraps her little fingers around it, they will not be able to meet, of that I was pretty sure.

Maybe it was luck, but when her hand reached out for me, it just happened to hit my shaft dead center, and she immediately embraced my thickness. I sensed rather than saw or heard her surprise as her fingers gripped me, hesitated, and then took a stroke as she began to test my length.

Yeah baby. Surprise surprise. You took a chance, and look what you are about to receive. No, make that, feel what you are about to receive.

She did.

Reaching neither the bottom or top of my cock with a three maybe four inch stroke, she moved her hand and placed the palm over my head, which was now ******* since she had pulled the skin back with her stroke downward.

I could tell as she explored, my head is filling her entire palm, and to her little hand, it probably feels like a baseball. Well, maybe not that large. Try a tennis ball.

'What is she thinking? Excited about my size? Scared? Comparing to her husband's much smaller cock? All of those I hope. '

It was time, and leaving those beautiful tits behind, I moved my left hand out of her blouse and going down, sort of tugged upward on her skirt. This is the moment. Either she goes for more, or keeps it at the current level.

Decision time, and for the better!

She knew what has to be done, and as she struggled to raise her hips, I aided best I could by pulling up. Her husband was so close to her and I knew that no way did she want to take her eyes off him. She struggled more to get that skirt up while lying on it.

No luck. Too much skirt too close to the mat. I sensed her looking intensely at her husband, and seeing best she could that he still has his back turned, she quickly rolled onto her back and raising her hips by bending her knees and placing her feet flat on the mat, pulled her skirt as high as she can get it.

In the dim light I could see it all, the full expanse of her legs, her butt raised into the air, and her white panties.

Another eyeful for anyone staring? You bet!

All the time she kept staring at her husband. I knew, whatever happens, she never wants her husband to know.

Then, lying down again, and with her back still to me, she waited. Then, remembering her husband, she grabbed the front of her skirt and pulled it down in front of her legs so that if her husband should turn over, all would look normal. Because it was up under her hips, it would only tug down to around her mid thigh, but still, if he wakes up, that should not alert him.

She had been in such a hurry she had either forgotten or ignored the fact that her panties are still in place. I tested. Good, not the kind that fits the skin tight, and easier to move down.

Still, I had to either pull her panties down or tug them out to the side. I chose to go tug down, and as she aided me by raising her hips, I got her panties down to almost mid thigh.

Doggy style from the side while lying down. Not my favorite position, but no way did we dare to put her on her back with me over her. This way, even if her husband should turn over, he will probably not notice if I don't have my arm wrapped around her at that particular time.

Oh fuck was I ever aroused now. My cock was harder than I think it had ever been. Then her hand went onto it again, to guide me perhaps, and I almost came on the spot! I had to place my hand over hers, letting her know not to stroke, or I would lose control. I think she knew, as she held still.

But she aided me, oh yes did she ever as she slid her butt further back toward me and moved one leg a bit in front of the other to better open herself to me. I took that opportunity to get a nice feel of her tightness as I slipped one finger into her wetness, oh so tight. This is going to be so much fun.....

What is she thinking? This is a stolen fuck for me, no wait, not a stolen fuck for me. I'm the guy from the outside, not stealing, but taking. She is the one having the stolen fuck. Allowing another man to steal her body, her pussy, to steal something from her husband though when it is all over he will have it back, but a bit the worse for wear.

The pussy might pop back into shape, but she? She will always know. Know so many things I don't need to lay out here.

I aimed, she aimed, and together we scored, sorta. It wouldn't go in. We tried again as she adjusted her position and tried to open herself even more to me. Tight, so deliciously tight. Success, sorta, as I managed to lodge my head partially inside and felt her body shake.

I was deep enough to be opening her, and as I now had my left hand back onto her tits since she was doing the aiming for me, I could feel her heart pounding.

All the time I was working it into her, so tight, I was close to cumming. I eased in two inches, then three, and the head completely popped inside. I almost came. I waited probably a full minute before going further. Then another inch, then two, and I almost came again.

Wow. I've never had this much trouble with control before. I hope she's as close as I am. If she cums it will not be the end of things, maybe. But if I cum, it feels like I will have the most intense orgasm of my life, and it will certainly be over.

How the Hell am I going to be able to fuck this woman if this keeps up? I waited, she waited. When I had finally cooled just a bit, I started forward again. Another inch, then two, and I was bottomed out.

She has it all husband, that cock you studied and admired, or maybe resented seeing.

Bottomed out. Full depth. All the way into her. As far as I can go in this position. This was a big deal to me, and if this is her first time ever with another man besides her husband, an even bigger deal for her.

Baby, you'd better be on the pill. If not, I'm going to be giving you a set of triplets!

Hoping for even more depth, I reached with my left hand and pulled her hips back against me, and she helped by pushing in an effort to achieve the maximum possible depth. Not eight inches into her, but close to seven, about all I could manage in this position with her on her side.

It was enough, I knew, to be far more than she has been given by her husband, and hopefully any other man, if any. She was gripping me, her tightness, and there was no doubt that I am stretching her to unaccustomed levels.

Buried. Stretching. So hot. But I was having the problem throughout. My cock wanted to cum, bad, and I could not make that feeling go away.

Oh how I wanted to fuck, fast and furious, slow and gentle, anything, but I couldn't, She was so lovely, so sweet, so innocent seeming, so married, and I was so far into her. But I can't hold back. If I begin pumping, it will all be over.

No, I couldn't pump, and I think she knew by how hard I am. So I held still, and she waited, hoping to feel me pump her, to stroke deep into her, to make her walls bulge out, to make her eyes bulge out, to make her lips tug to hold onto me, and to cum.

She has to cum, no two ways about it. Can you imagine if I cum and she doesn't? She will never forgive herself for trying this. So I waited, and I hoped, and my damned dick wanted to cum.

Finally, in desperation, I reached around in front, and she, knowing what I wanted to do, raised her left leg up and out, placing her foot flat on the mat, and opening herself more open to my touch.

Now she was living more dangerously. With her leg up like that, and her husband turns over, I didn't she she'd be able to adjust her position in time. Also, if anyone else is looking, especially below her, they are going to see, big time.

Coming around from under and around my cock, I fingered her clit, and she almost came. Crap, her too? Not yet, this is too good to end now. I want us to cum together, or close. So I waited and teased, she waited and squeezed, and we made it last as long as possible.

One minute. Two. Three. More. All the while both of us watching...him, close enough for me to touch if I reached across her body with my left hand.

Him. Her husband. So close. So *******. Yet that husband, not so long ago has seen my cock, my powerful cock that is now buried into his little wife. I watched him, wondering if, when he had viewed my cock in the bathroom, what he might have been thinking.

Was he thinking, 'you asshole, having a cock like that and probably standing there knowing I am looking at it. Are you gay? I don't give a damn about your fucking cock.'

Or were you thinking nice, like, 'you lucky dog, having a cock like that and knowing that you can keep your woman happy with it. Wish I had one like that.'

I was staring at her husband and thinking of how, even without moving, I am putting the stretch on his wife's married pussy. Stretching her and forever imprinting in her mind how it feels.

Whoa! Maybe I should not have been looking at him and unwittingly sending my thoughts on wings, because just then, as I was staring at the back of his head, he raised it a little, and as I pulled my hand back from his wife so it wouldn't show, I thought he was about to turn over.

She doesn't seem to be aware and is keeping her leg up. Oh shit.

He didn't turn over, instead just looking up at that window, maybe listening to the wind, and then lying his head back down. I had quit staring a the back of his head, and he had not turned over, thankfully, and from that point on I quit throwing thoughts in his direction.

No, better to concentrate again on his wife, and her delicious pussy and these magnificent hand fulls. But the wanting to cum problem had not subsided. If anything, her husband almost turning around had aggravated the problem.

Imagine if at that exact moment, as he had turned and looked up at the windows and listened to the wind, that she had been in the middle of an orgasm and maybe made some noise?

I held perfectly still, not moving my cock within her for fear of blasting my load all too soon. Besides, I needed time to let her know that I care, care about her, a woman to whom I have never been able to utter one word.

I held my dick in place, so hard, and when I would remove my fingers from her clit I would come up and caress her neck, run my fingers gently through her hair, anything I could do to let her know, without being able to speak, how much I care for her, how much I am enjoying the feel of her, and most of all, how much I want her to enjoy this, enjoy me.

Time seemed to be standing still, yet moving along at a rapid pace. The wind outside sounded intense at the moment, matching the intense feel of our connected organs. Five minutes passed, ten...

I wondered about her pussy, her faithfully married pussy. I am stretching her out so far, and going so deep, and keeping her in this state for an unusually long time. Such a long time that I may be causing her body to do a rethink, and allow her pussy to adjust to a new norm, that of a pussy that has had the stretch, the alteration that only a big cock can pleasurably do to a woman.

I know readers, sounds silly, but kind of hot to think about, right? It was, and that's what I was thinking.

I was cooled down some, now. Not all the way since my cock was still like a rock, but no longer willing to cum with one or two pumps.

Finally I had to let it go, but her first. From previous experience with other women, I knew that this one can probably cum from just feeling the intense pleasure of my pumping. But I can't pump, not that way.

So instead, I began fingering her clit with more emphasis, and as I sensed her pending orgasm, I began to pump, slowly. Then faster. Harder. Then, finally, using strokes as long as my size and depth will permit.

Your husband admired this cock, and now you're getting it.

I was intent on letting her get an all too brief feel of how good a big cock can feel. But I was on the road to orgasm now, no turning back.

I thought of the Hurricane, her husband, anything, trying to keep from cumming.

I felt her body, her entire body maybe, get wet as she began sweating. We came, both of us but thankfully hers starting first, and incredibly hard.

At that moment, as my engorged cock surged powerfully within her tightness, I think I was stretching her more than her pussy had been designed to take. Incredibly tight she was, and I saw her place a hand over her mouth to suppress a groan.

Thank goodness for all that wind noise. Never know when you might need a good Hurricane to cover your sins.

As her intense orgasm seemed to wind down, I was still throbbing, letting her feel my cock pulsing as it injected tons of cum into the warm place. Fortunate, that timing, allowing her to feel the final gasps of the intense throbbing of a cock that stretches before it all came to a close.

The load I was giving her was a build up from three days of no sex activity, a long time for me.

My cock stayed hard in her for a long time, after. I held her tits some more, and I mostly breathed on her neck since I really couldn't reach her neck all that well to kiss it. My damned right arm was still in the way.

I wanted so bad to kiss her on the lips, but I couldn't, we couldn't, because not only is my arm in the way, but I still have a hard prick deeply buried in her. And her back is still turned.

KIssing her seemed so important to me. Something to seal the deal, to make this a complete act of my taking, her submitting, and our sharing. But for some reason I could not get my lips close to hers, and it might have been because she was deliberately avoiding that kiss.

I had orgasmed. She had orgasmed. No kissing needed now.

Also, all the time she was staring at her husband, so close, but not as close as I.

Finally, as she seemed to realize I am not going to go down, she slowly eased her hips forward and inch by inch, she came off of me. I had came in her, and now she was coming off me.

There was nothing more to be done. Unless she wanted to feel her way in the darkness all the way to the restroom, risking stepping on sleeping bodies, she was going to have to lie there, all night, with my very substantial, three day built up, load, inside her.

I wonder what that's like, to have a big load of cum in your body, most trying to drain out, and there you are, on your side on a mat, your husband beside you, and you can't get up to go to the toilet. Your panties are soaking, then your thighs get wet, and then, in a while, the mat under you.

That load I knew, was a big one. Very big. In the morning, when she gets off that mat, she is going to have to turn it so her husband does not see the big wet spot. And when she turns it in, hope that no one sees and comments.

How much time elapses before a load of cum maybe starts to smell, and you really need to hit the can before your husband grows suspicious?

She chose to lie with my load as she sort of patted my hand and then gently removed it from her tit. The sex was over. I tried to help her get her undies back up, and failing that, she again turned on her back, all the while with her eyes on her husband as she pulled up, then pulled her skirt down.

For a brief moment she was on her back and not with it turned toward me.

I tried right then to kiss her, but she, it seemed, did not want that. No, I think she wanted to keep this on an impersonal basis. Had I been able to kiss her while I was seven or so inches into her body, I might have been rewarded with a big kiss back.

Not quite the afterglow I wanted.

But no kiss. This act had came to a conclusion with a big cock, a tight pussy, and two terrific cums.

And not one single word exchanged between us.

I moved my mat three feet to the right, and that is how it ended. As I laid there, I too felt cum seeping, out of my six inch softie. But nothing like she is sensing, I am sure. I kept looking at her back, but this time I was not projecting my thoughts. She needed to sleep, I knew.

I think she fell asleep before me. I say that because it seemed like I could hear her steady breathing over the moaning of the wind. It wasn't long, I was out too.

I slept like a log, and when I woke up in the morning, they were already up and off to the bathroom, where I knew that she was draining what cum had not been absorbed into her body into a toilet. Then I knew, she might be using toilet tissue and/or paper towels to wash dried cum from her inner thighs, and her lips might have to do without.

I had an image of those panties, those lovely panties, being soaked with cum, some maybe dried, some still wet from having recently drained out of her. and she still having to wear them.

Later, I would find out that the toilet paper and towels were gone, empty dispensers, and then I thought, she might not even have been able to do a clean up. But since they had walked in, maybe she didn't have far to go to get into her own bathroom.

If their living quarters are still intact.

Looking around, no one is watching, most were already up, I studied her mat. Dry. Looking around again, I raised it up and looked under. Ha! A big stain. She had somehow managed to turn it over without her husband seeing, I guess.

My cum stains on her mat. I waited, and pretty soon they came back as I pretended to be waking up.

She wouldn't meet my eyes, not even when her husband was looking away. I knew though, that she knows now. The man whom has fucked her is maybe twice her age, or her husband's. The storm had passed, and they prepared to head out, carrying their mats to dutifully turn in.

I noticed that she folded her mat in half, my stains on the inside, as she carried it out.

When I hurriedly went to the bathroom, piss only, and looked around for them after, they were gone. No chance to maybe follow at a distance and see where she lives.

I think she might have been my best fuck ever so far. I'm not through yet. I'm still young, barely middle age, and she was fantastic. So fantastic that she kept me too hard, too ready to cum, just like a teenager, and as a result, it seems like I never really got to fuck her since I never got to pump, and pump, and pump some more.

If I had it to do over again, I would have somehow made it last longer. Much longer.
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leonm said:
Thank you leonm. Believe it or not, I thought up the plot, wrote this whole thing and posted it within a two hour time frame. I really wanted to use another photo I found for it, would have been perfect, but it had a little copyrighted circle on it, so couldn't. The photo I ended up using since I was in a hurry, really doesn't match the story.

Update 14 June and again 16 June. I did come back in and make some little additions and added eroticism to the scene, mostly in the area of how he is thinking as they fuck, or try too. I do that a lot, post a story quickly, then add to it later when I have time on my hands. If you check between Dark Wanderer and Slutwives, oftentimes my stories are different in some content because of that. Enjoy.
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Verycurious said:
That's so hot!!
I like hearing positive comments from females. Thank you. I have always placed the woman's pleasure first before mine in real life, many times not even having an orgasm for myself, just making sure she does/did. So when I write these stories, most of them, and many true, I try to remember...what would a woman want to hear?

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