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Sue and Robert

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #161
Harry, Steve's a Big Boy. He's given this a lot of thought. You know I can't get this phrase out of My Head. I keep hearing it. Over and over again. "What could possibly go wrong!!!"
  • #162
Steve, I don't want you to think Harry is the only one out here with concerns, because he isn't. I see Robert as a dangerous combination for you and Sue to experiment with her and her emotions with. He is a romantic from her description, saying all the right things to her about you and keeping her marriage good, has already given her mind blowing sex right out of the gate, is pretty well proving he is willing to pursue her, and has Sue second guessing about moving forward. I think Sue was genuinely trying to share her concerns with you. Sue has always admitted afterwards of having developed feelings for each and every guy so far, even when it was not what she sought. Now with Robert, she is wanting to have what she terms as an affair with him. She is wanting to fall in love and develop true feelings for him. Only Sue truly knows her heart and her feelings. I just think a woman's emotions and heart are very dangerous things to start gambling with.

To quote a song " Once inside a woman's heart, a man must keep his head. Heaven opens up a door, where angels fear to tread."
  • #163
Hi Steve,

I am a long-time reader of these threads who has vicariously enjoyed hearing your story, and have never been impelled to post. I have to do so now, because I think you are very close to a tipping point you do not see. I really do get how enjoyable these past few years have been and how satisfying it has been for you, but I am urging you to listen to some of the comments above.

I give Sue credit for knowing her heart, better than us of course, but also better than you. I believe she is telling you that she will very shortly be more in love with Robert than she is with you. This might fade over time, but it might not. Now add in the fact that sex with you can be fairly complicated, while with Robert she is cumming before his cock is even completely in her. Her experiences of the past couple of years let Sue relax and enjoy giving him all she is and has to offer, wrapping her legs around him and subjugating herself to their mutual pleasure.

I think you are not seeing the possibility of a point of (quite literally) no return because Sue has said that Robert wants kids. Three points: first, if he really, really wanted them he'd have them already. Second, if Sue left you and did so with the grace she has displayed in handling all these relationships over the years, he would end up with close relationships with your kids. Lastly, and most importantly, if you were his age and had the chance to win Sue, would you choose the possibility of kids with someone else sometime later, or take Sue?

I really hope you are not SoonToBeSeparated, and that you can have your fantasies and Sue, too. Please think about it some more, though, OK?
  • #164
Harry / Jax / Aggie - I can see your points. Hard not to with the 3 of you commenting one after another. And yes, I can see where maybe I misread some of what Sue said- and yes, I'll even admit that I have dismissed a lot of what you thing I should be concerned about.

i do know that she's not jumping into this - as we both said - it's not a decision we need to make now. But I think you guys are suggesting that she should probably cool it with Robert before things go any further. That may be easier said than done.

What I can say is that all of this will be great fodder for our now resumed Wednesday night fun. She already told me before bed last night and again this morning when she walked up to me and cupped my cock and balls and said "are we going to have our usual fun tonight?". As with most every Wednesday since it began - it's been a time when we seem to be able to talk about most anything while I am masturbating with her. I will try to steer the conversation that way.

Regarding Aggies last comment about Robert would have had kids already if he'd really wanted them. All I have to go on is what Sue shared with me and that's that apparently his ex-wife led him on for a long time about "someday" having kids and that was part of what led to their divorce - that apparently she came out and said she didn't want them.

I'll say that until being slammed with your last few responses - my view of Sue and Robert was that in all likelihood - it was going to literally be a summer-fling - that is what Sue seemed to convey to me but on the other hand, she did not come out and say this explicitly, etc., so perhaps tonight is more of a time to confirm / disprove my assumption - and my hopes because I would hope that somehow, at this somewhat critical junction, that Sue and I haven't been open or honest or shared everything. So this evening, perhaps may be my turn to share my concerns - maybe not on the border of tears - but perhaps its something I should do to have her see it just as you are making me see it.

Thanks all - this is one of the reasons I post here - you guys don't pull any punches and share your thoughts and concerns as you see them.
  • #165
Summer fun fling for both of you. both of you getting to experience new things and share them together which is what seems to set you apart from other couples. I think everyone is waaaaay over thinking this and you should just sit back, encourage her and enjoy the torment and she enjoy the big dicking she is going to get.
  • #166
Does Robert He know has to play within these "Rule"???? God forbid He undermine any of them in Sue's Head or Heart.

I'm sure He'll play fair.
  • #167
I,m no expert on this, I think I can understand you wanting the angst of Sue denying you. But the idea of her "falling in love" with Robert makes me nervous. If she does fall in love, it's going to be hard on her when (and if) it comes to an end.
I have been wondering has Sue had any contact with Robert since Friday? You said that they got together at work for a "walk" at lunch time last week.

  • #169
Well, everything came out last night - in more ways than one!!! LOL - just had to start out with that line...

I have to say that perhaps Wednesday nights are when we seem to be able to talk most openly. Granted it's a bit different with me lying there stroking away - but it does really seem to be when we can talk the most.

We talked about a lot of things. I'm going to try to separate the important stuff we talked about from the sex-stuff we talked about.

Harry - one of the first things I told her was that if she's got second-thoughts or misgivings or any apprehension, then we should talk about them and make sure we both want to continue. I won't try to put everything exactly into chronological order or try to quote exact dialogue.

Sue agreed that the wasn't sure herself of what she wanted with Robert. I told her that she didn't need to have everything already thought and figured out and that she could just approach this with a "lets see what happens" type of approach. She said she is doing just that but then repeated again to me that she feels an attraction to him. I asked her if she'd felt that before and she said "maybe back when I was with Brad" but she said she didn't necessarily recognize it back then and wouldn't have been ready to accept it. We got into a little discussion about what she was feeling for Robert and she was honest and said that she felt a definite sexual attraction to him which has only gotten stronger since they finally had sex together.

She said that he's a nice guy who makes her feel wonderful. I asked her what he's said about the two of them. She told me that he's admitted to her that he's attracted to her - but she immediately added that "he's not looking for a wife" and that she feels they are both on the same-page with regards to what they are both feeling. Again she emphasized how he's very respectful of us - and how he's continued to tell her that he doesn't want to come between us - but that he has been very clear that he would very much like to provide her with sex that I can't/don't. And she says he's been clear that he doesn't want a relationship right now, that he wants time without being married to enjoy himself. She giggled and she says "that's where he says that I come in".

I didn't really say it to her but after hearing what she's said, I don't know if her feelings of a desire for this full-blown-affair are reciprocated by him or whether this is somethings he's projecting onto the situation. It has sounded all along to me that - much like Don - Robert is in post-divorce mode where he too is just looking for, essentially, just a good-fuck - which Sue obviously is :) I asked her if she's mentioned her desires and thoughts and she said she has and he's always replied with basically the same thing - which is surprisingly similar to what I've said - lets see what happens. One thing she did make clear - to answer some other questions here - is that she's already said that he would definitely like to see her (fuck her?) more than just once a week.

So, I'm not sure now of how much of this is real, and how much of it is something that Sue is creating in her head.

Or - and this idea literally just came to me as I'm typing this - is she going through the motions as if this were the big affair she's got this obvious fantasy about - and is she possibly trying to see how it would be?

What is most arousing to me - especially after hearing all of this from her - is that it most definitely means it's her that is driving all of this. Others here have said she's been in control for a long time - perhaps you're right - which means that she definitely wants to do this and explore all of this stuff herself - but that she is also very mindful of what I want - and perhaps, again, thinking out loud here - maybe she's doing all of this because she knows it's what I want to experience?

We talked a bit about her thoughts on this whole full-affair thing. She was honest and said that she didn't really know what to expect or what she could truly let herself do and feel. I told her that I understood her motivations - that I'm sure it would feel wonderful to feel that sort of desire/attraction for someone new and how it could really reinvigorate her. She confessed that she was surprised at both just her thoughts about this much less my acceptance at first. But she's also said what I inferred earlier, that she's understanding a bit more of what turns me on and that is also something she's thought about.

I asked her if she thought she could fall in love with him. She was quiet for a bit and then said stuff similar to what Cara had said - that sometimes it's hard to separate the two - and she then added that she felt the sex was better when she felt some additional bond between them and she mentioned how she still looks back fondly on her time with Brad, when she allowed herself that additional closeness. But she immediately turned to me and said that no matter what she'd ever feel for Robert, that it wouldn't come between us. She asked me how I felt about it and I told her that I would feel insanely jealous about it but at the same time, knowing what else it meant, that it would turn me on too. I told her that I thought it would make me want her even more and would turn me on knowing she's enjoying sex with him instead of me. She said she couldn't fully understand that - or how I could be turned on by using condoms with her. I answered her that it's all in my head - the arousal at knowing what I couldn't have - and at the same time - knowing she's giving it to him. She said she didn't fully understand it but reasoned that it is "just like you liking me to be with other guys in general" and I smiled and said - exactly. At one point she asked me if "this will be enough to keep you happy?" - meaning my masturbating instead of actual sex with her. That was when I said that as long as it wasn't forever, that I thought I/we were at the point where I could deal with it for a little longer and repeated what she'd said about our vacations and her offer of "special times". She giggled and simply said "of course nothing's changed for that".

I'm sure there's more to share - some of which will probably fall into place when I describe some of the stuff we talked about as I masturbated for her.
  • #170
Steve, Thanks for listening, and for having the discussion with Sue, that several of us have encouraged. Obviously I think your 'choice of words' was excellent.

I do feel relieved. :) Actually, I felt relieved last night at about 7:pm MST, (reasoning that you & Sue were, or, had already talked). :jackoff:

I felt to comment on some of the things you just wrote, but realize that, mine is not the only 'concern', So I will for now, repeat that I am thankful that "everything came out", and that I hope you are relieved as well.

This may not change anything from the path that has already been initiated, but at least Sue knows more of your feelings, and your support of her decisions. Despite the fanfare, that is really what I hoped to accomplish.

Cheers, Harry
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  • #171
Now - to answer Far2's question - most definitely enjoyed last nights fun together.

Sue admitted - after we'd talked a bit - that she did like watching me masturbate. She said it turned her on to "see what you do inside me" but she also said it turned her on that it wasn't going inside her. I encouraged her to just talk openly and she continued and said that especially when she's involved with a lover - that seeing me masturbate and knowing that I'm doing that instead of having sex with her - that it turns her on to know that she wants it. I was pretty horny hearing her say all of this and I kept on stroking. I confessed that it turned me on too to know that after we were done, that she would have to have sex with someone else as I'd be drained for at least a day or more afterwards. She cupped my balls and said that it's good for her to know that and that knowing it is also what lets her let go more easily with her lover.

I told her that I loved the thought of her with a lover. She said she too now found it sexy to think about and she told me how sometimes she'll fantasize about spontaneous meetings with him. i opened up and told her that I'd thought about her many times and that not having met Robert was particularly arousing for me to not know who she was fucking. She giggled and said that it turned her on too "this time" to have it work this way and that she also thought that was better for her. As we both got worked up - but me specifically - I told her that it's alright for her to fantasize and even want stuff with Robert that might be hard to really accept or do. She asked me what I'd thought about that turned me on.

I told her that thinking of her with his huge cock in her was a thought that continually turned me on. She joined me in that thought and told me how gentle he was with her as she'd never been with anyone that big. She leaned down to me and told me how full her pussy felt with him in her and how huge his cock felt as he got more and more aroused. I told her that it turned me on to no end at how he must have felt her when she'd cum and she admitted that is one of the most intimate moments she's shared with him - knowing he brought her to orgasm and knowing she'd then felt him cum. My cock was so hard already that hearing her tell me this really got me close for the first time. It was when she told me how he felt when he'd cum in her - how she could feel his cock throb - as she put it "soooooo deep inside me" and how all she could feel was this warmth sweeping over her as she realized he'd cum in her. I spurted my first load when she told me how she felt it drip out afterwards. She knew I was going to cum, as she said it to me she moved up on her elbow so she could watch me. As I stroked out the last few dribbles she leaned down and said that made her hot to watch me.

It was in between the first and second times last night that we talked more, some of which I'd already shared earlier. But there was more that she told me - most of which admittedly made me horny. She started to tell me how she felt when she didn't have sex with me. She said she felt "powerful" (her words) in knowing she was making that decision and admitted that after she'd stopped seeing Frank - with no other lover - that we resumed our usual frequency. She also said that, as already happening, that as things got better with Robert, that she and I would be having sex less. Mind you - this is just part of what we talked about, some of which was what I shared earlier - but she also got to saying how the times she'd "only had sex with Frank" and with Don before that, were times that she felt had really made things much more intense for her. She said she didn't know if it was all in her head or not, but that it was something that she felt was going to be inevitable with Robert. She held my hand and said that this is where she gets uneasy thinking about it.

I leaned up and by now my cock was again rock-hard. I told her that I understood what she was saying and that I'd seen it for myself. I told her how incredibly beautiful she looked after she'd come back from the last time going away with Frank and I told her how I saw that again on her when she came home after being with Robert. She hugged me and said that she needed that reassurance and "that reassurance" as she pointed at my hard cock to make her accept it. I again told her that as long as it wasn't forever, that there was still times for/with me, that I looked at her and said "if you want to try it, then I want you to". She told me to tell her more and I noticed that she'd moved down to lie next to me as I continued stroking my cock. She said "tell me what you're thinking - what turns you on to think about".

I'm not sure what it is about Wednesday nights - but we both definitely feel at ease talking. Lying there I swore I could feel her arm and hand moving - playing with herself just as I was, but both of us looking up at the darkened ceiling.

I told her that it turned me on to think of her giving her lover something that I can't have. That having her deny me sexual contact with her while openly being with her lover is a thought that can get me hard, even today after last night. I told her that I think about what could happen with her and Robert - how turned on I get seeing her naked body and knowing I can't have any of it. I even told her how it blows my mind to think about seeing her like that and either seeing his cum dribble out of her, or to see her in the bathroom with one foot up on the toilet as she cleans up from him.

I don't think she was ready for my explicitness but in my head, it just seemed right to say it to her. I told her that knowing I was jerking-off instead of having her was almost, in a way in my own head as demonstrating my desire for her to do it - that I would masturbate instead of having sex with her - that in my head it symbolized that I do want her to do it. She was very intrigued by what I was saying and admitted that long ago had I ever presented it to her that way - that I would have masturbated as a way to demonstrate my desire for her to have sex with someone else - that had I ever said/done that, that "all of this might have happened sooner".

It surprised me how horny I still was, but it merely confirmed it all. She encouraged me to continue - teasing me that she liked to watch me cum and how it's good that I'm "so good with your right hand". But it was when she started with for her to be "all for Robert", I know she noticed how much more intense it became for me because she amped it up a bit. She told me how horny it made her to think of only having sex with Robert. I groaned at her that it made me horny too. She teased me about using condoms so that "only Robert's cum was in me". She told me how that really made her feel like she was so much closer to him. I groaned in return that I could tell and knew it was something she may want to try again. She moved next to me and ran her hands over my body - she knew I was close and she whispered that she'd miss feeling me in her - but then added that "when we do again, it's going to be so special". I know part of it was for my arousal - to get me really to cum hard - but I also knew that there was also a kernel of truth in there. It sounds crazy to say but as I lay there next to her I could feel her staring at my cock as I stroked it and I told her what was in my head at that moment - I told her that I thought that the time she may tell me that "this is the last time in me for a while" would be a moment that I think would set me off. I know i got lost in that thought for a moment until I heard her moan and say "oh my - wow would that be exciting to feel you pulling out of me for the last time", or something like that. All I know is hearing her say that just made me explode - I know I grunted out loud as I let loose with a huge 2nd load after which I think I may have blacked out for a moment or two.

It was only when I caught my breath that moment or two later that I realized that she'd also had a huge orgasm and that she'd probably been fingering herself the whole time. We both caught our breath after which she giggled as she rolled up onto her side and started again to play with my cum and have me lick her fingers off. She asked me in this calm sexy voice "would you really want that to happen one day? For me to say that to you and mean it and all?". I think my cock even throbbed a bit as she said it. As I sucked at one of her fingers that she pulled out of my mouth I looked up at her and said "yes, if it wasn't forever, I would". She had the most angelic beautiful smile on her face at that moment and leaned down to kiss me. As we kissed I let her taste the cum that was still on my tongue.
  • #172
I wanted to post one last thought regarding all of this.

It does sound crazy to me - to think of letting her fall in love with another guy. But at the same time - when I think of it sexually - and of how friggin' turned on I am being with her and wanting her. I can't explain it other than to say that I know I want to feel it. It sounds crazy - but then I know that I did and still do love knowing that I encouraged her to share some special moments with her lover before me. I have re-read it so many times it still turns me on to this day that I encouraged her to have sex with Brad before me after she had her IUD - I can't explain it but I've re-lived it so many times that I have never regretted it. I liken it to the same arousal I have from way back when knowing she'd fucked the other guys at work - but it's more than that too - there is just something that turns me on knowing she shared that moment with Brad first. I know from what we've talked about that things like that made it all the more intense for her at the time - I knew it would and I think that's why I suggested/encouraged it. Thinking about Brad being the first guy to cum in her pussy without any creams, diaphragms or condoms - even now it gets me hard to think about.

And again with Frank - I still love that I encouraged her to let him be the first to have truly bare without any birth-control since when we were having kids 20+ years ago. I know that many people probably think that's crazy - but it is something I look back at and just as with Brad, it is something I love knowing she did with Frank before I had my turn. I don't fully know why, but I do love that she went along with both of those requests and was excited about it and to then share them with me afterwards.

I felt it the same again when she'd go away with Frank and would, again at my encouragement, leave her rings at home. It's crazy but it's incredibly fulfilling and arousing to me to have her do and give these things to/with her lover.

When I do let myself think about the time when she may be ready to tell me that it's my last time with her - I know how I'm going to feel. I know I'll regret it afterwards at times - and yet, there is something that continues to push me in this direction....
  • #173
STB - Your story just keeps getting better and better. I've been wondering, have you explored whether or not Sue had her eye on Robert before things began to wind down with Frank? I'm just curious if she thought Robert was a possibility before she decided to step away from Frank. That would certainly make some sense.
  • #174
stanwellks said:
STB - Your story just keeps getting better and better. I've been wondering, have you explored whether or not Sue had her eye on Robert before things began to wind down with Frank? I'm just curious if she thought Robert was a possibility before she decided to step away from Frank. That would certainly make some sense.

Stan There were several of Us at the time. That were saying that Sue already picked out Someone.
  • #175
SoonToBe said:
"Sue admitted - after we'd talked a bit - that she did like watching me masturbate. She said it turned her on, to "see what you do inside me." She also said it turned her on that it wasn't going inside her. I encouraged her to just talk openly, and she continued and said that especially when she's involved with a lover, that seeing me masturbate and knowing that I'm doing that instead of having sex with her, that it turns her on to know that she wants [that]. I was pretty horny hearing her say all of this and I kept on stroking. I confessed that it turned me on too, to know that after we were done, she would have to have sex with someone else, as I'd be drained for at least a day or more afterwards. She cupped my balls and said that it's good for her to know that, and that knowing [that] is also what lets her let go more easily with to lover."

I see here that as much as she now wants to have a 'lover', someone she can also love, Sue also needs Steve.
She needs to feel the “power” she has over him, here at this time. She needs to see him waste his seed without coming in her, she needs to be able to 'deny' him, and to increase his desire for her. She won’t leave him because she would loose all of this and the satisfaction it gives her.

As I read it. Harry
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  • #176
Well sounds to Me Like Our Little Sue is becoming a "Switch". She is Steve's Dom. Controling Him. But She will be Robert's Sub. Or Some other Dom who may or may not come after him. Steve sounds like You got what You wished for.
  • #177
Steve, I have a question. (not a trick question)
When you give a person a truly honest compliment, or say something from your heart that he/she loves to hear. That person gets a wave of energy that is so profound that it reflects back, and you feel a warmth, that tells you that you just made that person feel wonderful. [I think you know what I mean]!

In your discussion with Sue Wednesday, (or today for that matter) did you say something that generated those feelings? If so, what was it?
It don’t have to be something you’ve already wrote, or even in the same context.

I just wanted to know, Cheers, Harry
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  • #178
FAROUT STB!!! I am intrigued that you and Sue not only share each others fantasies,but also verbalize them to each other while masturbating as well as ask questions and give answers to each other!!! In essence you BOTH are creating your next future encounters for Sue and you STB!!! Like a movie that has yet to be made or a book that has yet to be writin'...maybe if more couples could work this type of open discussion into one night a week,where they could talk and discuss fantasies as well as ask questions and give answers while they masturbate...should really be a Big help in all relationships!!!
Thanks for the insight STB!!! This may take time to get my wife into this,but I am going to give this a try and see how it goes :)
  • #179
Well, she's just left for work a little while ago. She spent a little while getting a small bag together that she brought with her - I only saw her put a different lingerie-ish top - a snug-fitting camisole that she sometimes will wear along or will sometimes put under another top. My cock is absolutely throbbing since she came out of the shower and walked around naked except for the towel wrapped around her hair. It's a warm morning here but her hardened nipples gave away that she was turned on doing it. She stood in front of the mirror holding different tops - bras, camisoles and more - against her and would turn from side-to-side a bit. I was standing right there - she knew I was watching - but the TV was on with the news (go Boston - they killed one of the bombers and know who the other is!!!!) and she seemed to just ignore me.

I think this is going to be even more arousing for me - or make an impact on me more - than when she wore panties all the time. It started last night going to bed when, with the warmer temps, she picked a shortie-t-shirt to wear to bed - one short enough that it only came 1/2way down her butt and left her pussy *******. She smiled at me and said "you can look, but you can't touch - not till tomorrow night". And now, this morning. Man, it's going to be a long day - good thing I'm working from home today.
  • #180
Tryin' - about your comments on our Wednesday nights. It's been years in the making that we're now this comfortable talking openly. It began with her teasing me - encouraging me to stroke and then cum - it worked. I've always enjoyed jerking-off and letting her watch. Over the years now, this has become more and more comfortable - and it changed from her teasing me - to more of when we seem to be able to share what turns us on most. It helps that shes not shy and at times when we've just done it and she hasn't wanted to build up desire for her lover - that she's lay next to me and masturbated herself - quite noisily at times too.

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