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Sue's new man

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
It's about 7:15pm and Sue left maybe 20 minutes ago.

It was quite a surreal evening. We were both home about 5:30pm and had a seeming normal dinner together with our daughter who promptly disappeared when it came time to clean up the table.

I had asked her if she was going out later when she came home and she said she was pretty sure she was. She seemed to be in no rush so after dinner about 6:30pm I wasn't sure what was going on until, after our daughter disappeared she said we should go upstairs and talk.

I wasn't sure what to expect but when the bedroom door closed she threw her arms around me and asked me if I wanted her to go. Mind you this was just 45 minutes ago and I am still kind of in disbelief. Before I could answer she gave me a huge kiss and when we separated I just said "I want you to go if you want to go".

Just like that. It even seemed almost easy to say. I think that was maybe the moment I feared the most all day was when I would have to say "yes". But when it came to it, it was easy.

She giggled and I asked her "so, do you want to go?" and she kissed me again before she nodded her head "yes". I asked her what she was going to do and she said that they'd swapped Emails earlier today and that he had "invited her over" for a glass of wine on his deck seeing how it is so nice out.

I thought it was nice that he made the move to ask her. I mean as everyone here already noticed, she made it clear that she was available.

We kissed again and I asked her if she was horny and she smiled at me and then asked me if I "wanted to feel her". It took me a second to understand what she'd said and when I did I pushed her back against the wall and kissed her as I said "definitely". I wasn't expecting that with the whole panty thing going on this morning but she let me unbutton and unzip her jeans. I went to slide them down and she said "uh huh - just a little feel" and she crouched down a bit as I slid my hand down into her panties. I slipped my middle finger in between her pussy lips and I could feel how wet and sticky feeling she was. I slid it up and before I could push back down she pulled my hand free and said something about "answering my question". She zipped her jeans back up and said "you're sure, right?" and I just nodded. She kissed me again and patted my cock which was - and still is - stiff as a rock and told me to "wait for her to come back".

And that was it - she kissed me one last time and went downstairs. I heard her talking to our daughter and she said she was going to the mall and that was it. One last kiss in the kitchen and she said she'd see me later.

So - now it's almost an hour later and I'm on the edge of totally aroused and yet totally anxious about the whole thing. Taking the time to write this and to think about it - I think I need to see her come home and share the night with me for it to be okay. But right now I seem to only be able to think about some other guy in our own town will soon be fucking my wife. And it's someone I know. I mean Frank's a good guy so I'm not worried about something bad happening but this is close to home this time. Right now I'm on edge maybe even more than I'm turned on - so I'm hoping it'll all turn out okay and in a few hours from now she'll come home and share the fun with me.

It almost feels like this is new this time compared to the last "first dates". Maybe that's because this isn't? I mean this isn't where Frank's looking for a girlfriend - she's not going to be going clubbing with him like she did with Don. She's just there to fuck. Maybe that's the difference. Right now, I'm not sure how I feel about that. Am I crazy to think right now that this makes Sue a bit "cheap" or maybe even slutty?

Crazy thoughts so let me go before I write something that makes me delete all of this.
happy that it is happening now hope it is good for the both of you as soon as you have an update let us know.
looking forward to hear progress. hope all goes well. Understand your anxiety.
She texted me about 10 minutes ago saying she'd be home by 10:30pm.

When my daughter was going off to bed a while ago I said something about "mom not being home yet" and she said "yeah, she said she was meeting Kathy (a friend of hers) at the mall and they were going to stop at Starbucks afterwards".

I'm like pacing the floors right now - half anxious about what happened and the other half horny beyond belief.
I am sure stb is having a good time at this point. But stb think of how good it might be if frank were to know the whole score. He can be more open and have access without the guilt and maybe he begins to play along with Sue, giving you more of what you want. Glad though to see Sue getting some strange and teaing her beloved cuck atthe same time. I wonder though, due to the apparent spontaneity that Frank can provide, will you be getting Sue more often only after frank had his way :) just the way you like it!
far has a good point. With Frank close by and being more accessible, Sue could have him often instead of just "Thursdays" like her past lovers. Logistics will be interesting.
WHat if Franks wants to stay overnight at your place?

Mr Soon, did you all have fun? Has he been tested, or are condoms the order of the day? Let us know when you have a moment.
Hmmmm.... I must have some cuckold blood running in my veins, because I really love these days of wondering what is going on with you and Sue, And Frank of course! I actually have some angst, and hopeful anxiety going on... Did she take his load and bring home the warm proof? I for one am stiff as a rail waiting to find out!
I don't have a cuckold history, but I am completely enthralled with it... I have however been the bull on a few occasions, but as I mature I would like to feel both sides.... Any way, I hope this all works out for you and Sue!

Johnny R.
The anticipation of hearing what transpired is killing me. I know it takes you time to transpose every detail into text for us, but could you give us even a tidbit to hold us over?? If not we will just go crazy waitng for the full version. Thanks
Loadman - it wasn't that I needed time to transpose events into text. The reality was that with all the damn rain yesterday, that my sump-pump decided to give up the ghost. Fortunately I have a backup pump, but that didn't leave me in a comfortable position with all that rain so I had to spend most of yesterday wrestling the old one out and then getting a new one into the pit. And as fate would have it - of course the only time you do this is when it's pouring out and the pit is full of water... Funny thing was yesterday, Sue suggested that I give Frank a call to see if he could come over and help out. I actually gave it some thought for a moment but honestly, I wasn't sure that I was ready to see him and work closely with him knowing they'd been together.

So - yes, she did go over on Thursday as I'd posted. Despite it being 3 days ago, it seems like just a minute ago.

She did get home a little after 10:30pm and I don't know that I've ever felt this anxious except for maybe those first few times seeing Brad so long ago. Like I'd posted, and have now had time to digest, I think the closeness of it this time is something that I will need some time to get used to. That her lover is now 10-15 minutes "across town" instead of a much longer distance.

I know I felt this wave of relief when I saw her headlights pull into our driveway. The way she looked when she came in left no doubt what she'd been doing. But again, like long ago, I felt awkward at asking her what she'd/they'd been doing. She must have sensed some hesitation on my part because she gave me a big hug and kiss in the foyer once the door was closed and as she broke the kiss with me she said "thank you" to me which sort of broke the ice.

I followed her up to the bedroom where we could lock the door and talk a bit more openly. She seemed maybe a bit nervous herself which only added to my anxiety until she said quietly "do you want to know how things went?" and with that I let loose that I was both very anxious as well as extremely horny. She reached out and felt the bulge in my pants and giggled and said something about "...okay... I'll tell you" and she started to tell me what had gone on.

As she stood there and told me about getting there and him being "so nice" and having a glass of wine I decided she should probably be in bed with me when she told me the rest of what had happened. I told her that I wanted to undress her and she giggled and said okay and that she knew I liked doing that and that I should relax, that everything was going to be okay.

It never felt more true than that moment when I say that it is like being on a first-date with her when she comes home - that as I undress her that I never know what to expect. I did know that this wouldn't be like Don - with Frank believing this was all a secret from me, I knew I wouldn't find hickey's or marks on her body - but that didn't make it any less exciting when I unclipped her bra and revealed her breasts. Knowing they were probably in Franks mouth and hands not more than an hour earlier was such a turn-on. All I could think about was him sucking and pulling at her stiff nipples and knowing how her body must have responded to that.

I took off my shirt and pulled her to me - feeling her skin against mine as I remember needing to kiss her at at that moment. I loved feeling her tits against my chest and at that moment I know I was wondering even more about what they'd done.

When I went to unbutton her jeans and slide them down, she made it a point to keep her panties in place and when I looked up at her questioning why she had her hands on her hips holding them she smiled at me and said something that instantly made me want to just throw her onto the bed and ravage her. "I'm pretty messy" was all she said! Damn - she was making me wait a minute longer to reach the prize.

She stepped out of her jeans and it was very intense moment - she stood there in just her panties, just as she had earlier that day and the day before. And I sat there at the edge of the bed - and all I could think was that beneath that thin layer of silky cotton lay her pussy that was, most likely, full of Franks cum.

To answer Jon's question - NO she did NOT use condoms with him. We'd discussed that and we both felt that we could trust Frank and that we virtually positive that he hadn't been with anyone except Joanne in ages.

I actually was scared for a moment that maybe should was going to say that she didn't want to have sex with me right then. For a moment I wasn't sure that she was going to let me have her. I think she saw this look on my face because she asked me something like "... you want me, don't you?..."

As if she needed to ask - as if the tip of my cock peeking out over the waistband of my boxers & sweats wasn't enough!!!

She pulled me to her again and kissed me and then I pulled her down onto the bed and when I felt her willingly come with me, my "fears" were gone and instead, I wanted to dive right in, but she stopped me and said I "...should seduce her like Frank had....".

So, instead of just pulling those panties off of her, instead I started with gentle kisses and working my way down her body. As I did so, she told me more of their evening.

Let me start another post to pick up from here.
She said she was nervous at first when she got there. She even admitted to having cold-feet about it and she said she wondered to herself whether she could truly do this.

But 2 glasses of wine and some good music and conversation eased her concerns. And she said Frank was an absolute gentleman about everything and that she thought he was also quite nervous. She would later find out that she was the first "other woman" that he'd been with in years and years (apparently many years ago he'd had a fling with another woman but that was all since getting married to Joanne). Sue said that inside she felt better hearing that, that he was as nervous as she was.

From how it sounds, it wasn't a done-deal that they were going to fuck until she'd gone inside to use the bathroom and she'd met him in the kitchen. All they'd had was a quick peck on the cheek type of kiss till then. But in the kitchen, onto their 2nd bottle of wine, the kiss - she said - left no doubt that it was going to happen. I can't remember right now the words she used to describe that moment. Something about "after the prom".

She said she was very nervous still but he was very calm and quite skilled at things (unlike me - he was able to unclip her bra with one hand) and she told me how erotic she felt standing there with him as he undid her top and bared her breasts for the first time for him.

We were lying in bed as she told me this and I just had to get my sweats off so my cock could have some room. She looked down and giglged and said something to the effect of "...that's how Frank looked too..." referring to the tent in my pants!

She said he kissed pretty well and that her nervousness faded as she felt his warm hands on her back and such. And apparently, they went straight from there into his bedroom.

All of this took just a few moments for her to tell me but I have to say that it felt like forever. I didn't give her much more time to talk other than to hear her say that it was her who took off her pants and panties, not him. She said that she felt he was nervous about it and that she said she thought her getting herself undresssed would make him more at ease. She DID say that she felt incredibly sexy as she did that - slid her panties off and stood there naked in front of him for the first time.

I need to add right now that Sue later told me that she didn't know it but this was the first time that Frank had ever been with a woman who shaved her pussy bare. She told me that as she slid her panties off and he saw her that he just stared at her for a moment and it took her a few more seconds to realize what was going on!!! And that almost a split-second after that, that Frank eagerly pushed off his remaining clothes and Sue saw him too for the first time!

I may have overstated what I thought I'd seen on him cock-wise because Sue said to me that "he didn't seem that big" to her.

She did share details of what they'd done - but I'm going to summarize here for the sake of readability. Apparently he was incredibly nervous being naked with her for the first time. They held each other and kissed - she could feel him against her. She did tell me that she looked up at his face and wanted to look at his expression when she took him into her mouth the first time. She said to me that "... seeing his eyes close at that moment made me feel so wonderfully sexy....".

She said she sucked him for a while and that she could tell that he wasn't going to last long. She said he seemed disappointed when she pulled her mouth off of him but turned to a huge smile when she said "we should get in bed now" - I guess when that confirmed to him that she was going to let him fuck her.

Like I said, she said he wasn't that big - "pretty much same as you" was how she explained it. And then she looked up at me as I was also now moving on top/above her and she said "so I knew it'd feel good" (size-wise I guess).

At that moment I reached down to finally pull off her panties and she lifted her hips to let me do so.

Oh my. A sight that I'd both seen many times before - but was also so so so new and arousing at the same time. Her panties had a wet-spot in the crotch and as she settled back on the bed she spread her legs for me and damn if I didn't almost cum at that moment.

"We fucked for a long time" was all she said about how she looked. Her whole pussy mound was swollen up a bit and VERY reddened - especially her pussy-lips. As she spread them - she opened up and revealed that she was equally swollen and aroused inside too.

She was TOTALLY brazen just lying there. She didn't say anything more and just let me look at her. Everything was wet inside and somewhat clear-ish except right in the middle - as she breathed her pussy would dribble more and more. It wasn't think and creamy but it didn't matter the least to me. My cock was poking out of my boxers at the ready.

I remember sliding off my boxers and then taking my cock in my hand and sliding the tip of it up and down in her swollen cleft! She was SO hot inside! When I pushed a bit - it just slipped right into her - effortlessly.

She pulled her legs back for me and still hadn't said anything more - she was just letting me have her. A million thoughts went through my mind - the most erotic for me as to let myself dwell on her lying like this for him earlier that night!

I pushed ALL the way into her and I loved the feeling of no resistance. The ring of muscles that normally gave her a tighter/sung feel when we'd normally start to fuck was nowhere to be found or felt. The wetness and heat inside her pussy was intense and only feeling her get wetter and wetter as I pushed into her was such at turn-on.

Again though, she was largely letting me do it to her - she was in some ways, just lying there letting me do it. I LOVED IT. As she felt me start to get a rhythm thrusting in and out she started to tell me more.

I felt this incredible pang of cuckold-angst/ecstasy as she told me how she felt when she orgasmed as Frank fucked her and of the look on his face as he felt her cum for him. She said that moment with him broke all the ice for her - that when she felt herself reach orgasm somewhat easily with him - that it made her feel wonderful. But even more, she said that once she'd let him feel her cum like that, that she felt herself release all her inhibitions - just as she had with Brad and Don over time too.

For me - fucking her like that and now thinking that Frank had felt the same as I had so many times - that he'd now felt her body and her pussy respond to him. I swear, I felt a even a bit of pride that he now knew how her pussy felt at that moment. I loved hearing her share that moment with him.

I knew that I wasn't going to last long though - the feeling of her willingly giving herself to me and hearing her describing sharing that moment with Frank brought me right to the edge. Hearing her say "... he came in me twice..." was enough to send me over the edge. She giggled as she felt me cumming in her at that moment.

When I'd finished my moment of pleasure I realized that she hadn't cum with me and I pushed up on my arms and looked down at her and asked her in my own way if she "needed more". I would have gone down on her if she'd wanted or needed her own orgasm but instead she hugged me closely and pulled me to her and said she just wanted to lie together with me still in her. As we lay there she sort of whispered more about their time together. She said that they'd lay just like we were after their first fuck. That Frank seemed totally into the closeness she said they felt.

She giggled in my ear that as they lay together - that she began to feel just how much Frank had cum in her. She said she said something about "making a mess in his bed" and that was when he told her that this was his first fuck in over 4 months!! (no wonder he'd cum so much!).

She did say that she felt very self-conscious with him after he'd pulled out of her and that "it'll take a while before I'm comfortable with him" at that moment like she'd become with Don - and that she felt she had to clean up a bit and that she wouldn't lie there just yet, as she put it, "all spread open".

I was still in her and despite having just cum - I hadn't totally gone soft. She said they lay in his bed, spooning at times, until she felt him getting hard again. I joked with her as I pushed my still stiff cock in and out "just like me!". She smiled and said "yes, just like you".

She said that as they lay next to each other, that as they spooned - that she willingly let him push back into her pussy and that as she lay on her side she said she pushed her pussy back towards him and that he took the hint and he held her hips and started fucking her a second time in that position.

I stayed put on top of her loving how she felt under me.
This time she said they were a bit more animated. At one point she said she got on top of him and he confessed that it had been since before he married Joanne that a woman had taken the top with him!

All the while I kept up my steady pace and I could tell that this time, if I could go a second time, that she would probably cum with me. From how she was talking and telling me what the'd done - I knew she was getting turned on herself. She pulled her knees back for me and as she'd talk to me she'd be pushing her now gaping open pussy up to me on each thrust. The squishing wet noises were so loud.

Sure enough, as she told me how he worked his way up to his own second orgasm - that she too felt much more uninhibited and she encouraged him along - just as she was encouraging me!!!

I needed only think about him enjoying her just as I was to get me there. She felt my arousal and I think she was surprised that she too was nearing another climax. As she told me how close and wonderful it felt to have Frank cum a second time - it brought us both off too. And afterwards we lay there catching our breath.

I joked with her as I rolled off of her that "I guess you'll be seeing him again" and she giggled in return "definitely, if you're okay with it".
We really didn't talk about it too much more. I think that was mainly me. I know on Friday night that she was horny again and that after we'd fucked again that we started to talk a bit more.

But that is the subject of my next post later today.
Thanks Stb. Well Frank is the man. She is comfortable with him, they click in the sack, so he will be her regular lover. looking forward to read how Sue sees the future progress.
Just beautiful. You give us so much with your poetic descriptions, I feel like I need to give something back. If I lived closer I would of helped you with your sump pump. I guess all your "Pipes" are taken care of now?
Sounds wonderful for you guys! I can't wait to hear your thoughts and discussion about it. I actually think that is the most interesting part of your dialogue. Well done!
Great Update!! Thanks STB. I think it is especially valuable to mention how anxious and nervous you and Sue both were despite being seasoned veterans of the lifestyle now.

The part about not knowing exactly how to re-connect when Sue first came home is interesting. Her recognizing those feelings in you and taking the lead were awesome!

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