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Taking things one step at a time

  • Thread starterbatman45
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For the rest of the readers: the story is all true, and I am glad to say today that it appears that the alcohol was to blame... For her weird feelings afterward. Today she is all cool with it and we are closer than ever. She no longer fears that I think she was unfaithful, and she is hinting at a repeat performance... I am officially in the "better be sure" stage... And I am sure.

I was going to suggest that you go to an on premise swing club and all of a sudden you did and it worked out great. She really wanted to fuck a big black cock but was afraid you could not handle it. Now she knows you like it and she will fuck a lot more. Have fun that is how we started and it has been great.
So what are you going to do now batman? Was this a one thing deal, or will it repeat itself?

Have you slept with her yet since?
nicely done

way to go Ned....Thanks for destroying this thread:asshole:
Yeah - I'm kind of over sharing my stories here. One final update for this weekend: my wife wanted to go back to the swinger's club tonight, and she is excited about our relationship growing in new ways. We did talk about only doing things like this as a couple and no bringing anyone ever to our house. Then I dropped a bomb on her...
I recalled the masseuse story (again) and how it was all so perfect. She agreed - she enjoyed letting go of her inhibitions and loved it. Then I asked her if she would have felt and done the same things had he been white. She paused, thinking... I broke the silence, "It would not have been the same because I would not have been into it at all. I would have hated it and, in fact, probably would have never bought you the massage to begin with. It would not have been something for us both to share and get off on...Would you have even wanted a massage if he were white? And would you have kissed him and felt his dick if he were white?"
She paused and said, "No. No, I wouldn't have... it wouldn't have been the same at all."
So I said,"Okay... can we agree that if we ever do anything again like this... that you will only do black guys?"

She agreed.
Great story

You have me waiting for more...
Fuck you, wetblanket. lol
I understand that you may find it hard to believe... I can barely believe it happened and I was there. And it did happen, and I could not care less if a know-it-all waanabe like you believes it or not. You need to find a fist-fucking forum where you might fit in.
In closing, fuck you and your jealous, negative, pissy attitude.
I thought we all agreed you should be a lurker anyway.

What a dickhead!
Hey Batman45 - I just wanted to say that I think its great what you and your wife are doing and thanks for telling us about it. Really. I have followed every update and your descriptions. I hope you'll keep writing about this.
Hottest Thread in a While

Batman - thanks from me, too. I have wanted my wife to try this for a long time. I don't know if she ever will, but this hot thread might help her along!
I wishe ol' Ned and I could be friends... If I were faking... it wiuld have been a lot better. lol
Will & Eve said:
I believe I have said on many occasions that calling people fakes can only lead to disruptions and conflicts.

Sadly, some don't listen.

I do not approve of the "abuse" but it's certainly not unexpected.

Not to mention any names, but some people (NED) have been abusing people constantly on this forum and i find them (NED) annoying. Is there any way to killfile or block their (NED's) messages totally??
Not much "exciting" stuff to update for today, but in spite of some negative replies, I still feel it is worth journaling a little more... for those of you who are interested (and for my own record of how all of this actually happened).
My wife and I are now SUPER close to each other. And we have talked about that fact, and how weird it is that it took a black man screwing her to make our relationship better than ever. Not for the fact that he had a huge cock, but for the circumstances that we allowed to happen without fear, without jealousy, and with the fantasies that we lived - together. I know that she seduced him for me, because she knew it would get me off. And, I know that she let go of her inhibitions, was a free sexual spirit, and had great sex all while I was there supporting her. This may be the boring part for those of you just looking for the smut, but this - to me - is the most important part of the whole experience. We had sex last night for 5 hours... Now, it wasn't all intercourse, but there was a lot of everything in that 5 hours. And we have never felt more connected.
So, to all of you still wondering what can happen to a marriage: it can be a GREAT thing. At least it is so far (and this is day 3 since it occurred).
Now, I was going through all of my interracial porn (yikes, I have a lot), and organizing it into some sort of categories. I asked my wife, "Hey, what are the odds we're ever going to watch these pornos of yours with those little-dicked white guys in them? You think we're ever going to watch any of them again, ever... I mean especially now that you're a BBC lover and all?" She said, "No - I can't forsee us ever watching those again." "Can we get rid of them?" I asked. She said, "Sure. Just be sure to scratch the dvds so noone else can watch them if someone sees those in our trash." I asked, "Can you do that while I gather up the rest of the garbage in the house?" And she agreed.
Actually, I couldn't believe the amount of non-IR porn we had... there were at least 20 dvds. And she stood there at the kitchen counter with a pair of scissors, and scratched up all of those pornos that only had white men in them. It may sound trivial, but to me it was a thrill. It became official in my mind... she is strictly on a diet of IR porn; that's all we have in the house and she herself destroyed the white-only porn. Wow - what a long road it has been to get to this point. It has taken 2 years to get us to this point... to get her to this point. But we are here, and we are happy. And we don't know when or if we will have sex with another black man or not (but I want her to, so it will probably happen). She is open about talking about it, and she's even trying to think if there is any sex act she would want to see me do (and she gave the example of eating out a black woman). I have told her what Will has taught me in his "How It's Done" forum: you'd better be sure. I was sure I could handle watching her with a black man because I had lived that scenario in my mind over and over and over and over...
I told her, "Don't make up something on the spot and try to turn it into your fantasy, baby. It took me 2 years to get you to fulfill mine..." And she laughed and agreed.
Things are good - this may not be a sexy, lust filled chapter, but I think it needed to be told.
A very, very interesting thread. I only wish you had a few pics here and there to give it a little Discovery Channel feeling.

Batman - was she totally against it at the beginning, or did you feel that there was always at least a small chance...even at the beginning?
At the beginning, I thought there was no chance... It took almost 2 years to get her into desiring the IR porn. After that, I felt like there was a shot, however slim... and that was based on Will's "How it's done" recommendations. I read them every day... and still do. After the porn turned strictly interracial, things just blossomed and grew, and it only took about 3 months (although there were a few times I thought I blew it).
Was she against it in the beginning? I never revealed my "desire" until about 2 weeks ago!
Before then, she would say "I think you'd get off on watching me with a black guy". And I gradually eased my response to that unto a YES.
Sorry Billy Ray - I wish I had pictures, too! In fact, when she was blowing the masseuse, I said out loud "Damn I wish I had a camera!"
Alas - no cameras allowed at the swinger club... (which is a good thing) but I wish I could have taken some!
Here she is - loving her belly button ring and new panties...
( any feedback from black studs with photos would make her day )


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batman45 said:
Here she is - loving her belly button ring and new panties...
( any feedback from black studs with photos would make her day )

Dude, you are one DAMN lucky guy......and I bet she is just relishing in this huge step forward! :bowdown:
Sort of an update... my wife keeps talking about wanting to go back to the swinger's club and "maybe" having a repeat performance. She says she wants to be a bit more sober the next time so she can enjoy it more. I tell her, "Oh... you enjoyed it!" and she says she would like to remember more of it. But we both agree that her inhibitions were totally gone that night, and that everything worked out wonderfully.
At the moment, I have had to leave town for the past week due to a family emergency. She called me last Thursday night to tell me she hired someone to mow our lawn while I was away, and that she just saw a lawn service mowing a neighbor's yard and hired him to mow ours. Not to sound racist (because I am definately not), but I assumed the person she hired was Hispanic - because almost all of the lawn service men in our community are Hispanic. But she didn't choose one of them... she chose a "big tall black man" (her description). I can't remember how she told me exactly, because it has been a really stressful week, but somewhere she told me how he was this big, tall black man, and she walked up to him as he was working and gave him 20 dollars to secure his services for mowing that day (it had been raining and our lawn was really needing mowed). She said he told her he'd be over in an hour or so, and that he was all sweaty, and that he must have left to change his shirt because he came over with a fresh shirt on. At some point, she said she was watching him working and sweating in our backyard, so she went outside to offer him a soft drink and a bottle of water telling him, "You look like you're really hot".
At this point in her story, she told me she hopes that she doesn't continue to have the thoughts she is having "every time" she talks to a black man. I asked her, "What kind of thoughts are you having?" and she didn't really say, but she just said something like, "You know, visions of the porn actors". I asked her what she felt while she was talking to him and she said that she wasn't sure, but she hoped it didn't always happen. I said that it sounded pretty good to me, and tried to get her to elaborate - but she just eluded to the feeling that she had while flirting with Daniel as he flirted with her at the checkout (this is the first admission from her that he flirted with her and that she had an emotional response to it), and the feeling she had while handing her drinks to the lawn guy, handing him 2 drinks (one in each hand) in a t-shirt with no bra on.
She said she went inside and looked in the mirror and saw that her nipples where hard and really poking out (NICE!). I asked her if he checked her out and she said "probably", and I said "I know he did; did you check out his package?" And she said no - that she thought about it, but chickened out and went inside. I told her how hot she is and that I'm sure he thought so, because I've seen the effect that she has on black men (and reminded her of the massive hard-on she gave her masseuse).

I think it's going to be a hot summer.

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