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The Real Story I Have To Tell -1

  • Thread starterdevavu2009
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Aug 6, 2009
Greetings. I am here with a blown mind, having finally succumbed to a great need to tell my story. It's not the kind of story you sit down and tell your Dad, or even your best friend. It is a story I tried to suppress for the past 4 years, but couldn't. The cuckold part of the relationship with my wife, Annie, began 10 years ago. It ended 4 years ago. Or so I thought. I guess once one is truly a cuckold, well, you can't go back to being a full member of the 'Man' club. It's like virginity; once it's gone, you really can't get it back. That is certainly what I've been trying. To get it back.

I can't tell you everything that happened over the past 10 years. I can't even come close. I will someday, because I have to get it out of me. I've held it inside for so long, and now. I will give you some background.

When our kids graduated from high school and (for the most part) moved out of the house, Annie and I started a period of great experimentation. (I won't lie - this all took a lot of begging on my part, and even then, I was amazed she went along). She was looking better than she had in years. She'd been going to the gym, was toned and beautiful. She still is. She's highly intelligent, imaginative, and has a certain social quiet that masks her utter, gymnatic physicality and sexual prowess.

I really didn't know she was all that sexual when this began a decade ago. Now I know I couldn't have known, because I am not capable of knowing that part of her. In all honesty, I'd been neglectful. I spent too much time at work, and when home, too much time on the PC. When the kids left, we started getting to know each other again. To fall in love again. To open up. Really open up.

We tried swinging, Annie didn't like the fact that I might have sex with another woman. She did have sex the few times we tried it, both times with nice looking guys. It was a turn on watching, but she didn't like the scene at all. She hated not me, but all the other voyeurs. She did not like the randomness, the impersonal nature of it.

So we started experimenting at home. I do have a very submissive side (hello!) - and have always been fascinated by chastity. She was completely mystified by that little fetish, but she went along with it. I bought the first of several chastity devices, (a CB 2000), and discovered that wearing it for extended periods of time made me not only constantly horny, but very submissive. I swear wearing the thing ginned up my perversion meter way beyond anything I previously considered normal. But I started performing a lot of oral sex on Annie, and she loved it. She loved it way, way more than having intercourse with me. I became very good at it. When she would let me out of the CB and let me have sex with her, I didn't last long. And worse yet, she said, I acted differently. And I didn't want to lock the thing back on. She hated the way I acted when I wasn't locked.

So when I finally would agree to put it back on, she would let me out less and less often. And liked me more and more. As I got hornier and hornier, I started looking at personals sites, and researched cuckolding. I was already fascinated with the subject. I read all the stories - some of them degrading, sexy, downright scary. And I wanted to try it. All of it. But how could I tell her?

If it happened it happened, I thought. We talked about just introducing another person into our lovelife - a threesome. She agreed, as long as it was a guy, and as long as he was well hung. By that she meant bigger than me. She saw no point in going through with it, even then, if he wasn't. And it turns out, it wasn't hard to find guys who were bigger than me. I am average, not ashamed, but not big by any stretch of the imagination. We spent a while meeting guys in hotel rooms, two of whom we saw regularly, and it quickly evolved into her and the guy having sex, and me watching. For some reason couldn't perform with another guy there. I started wearing the CB to these meetings, but I always kept my shorts on.

Annie was fine with that. But it was a lot of work, involved some travel, and neither of us liked the risk of meeting new people all the time. There are so many diseases, and people aren't always what they say they are. You have to be careful. So Annie took a lover close to home for several months. But she stopped that when she found out he was seeing other women. Again, she would rather stop the whole thing completely rather than risk an STD, (she hated and still hates condoms, which scared me).

So, we spent a few months alone, and I played in my chastity belt, she had me 'giving her head', and she said in the meantime, I could look for another guy for her, but she wasn't interested in one night stands or anyone who fucks around a lot. At which point, you might wonder why I didn't say, "Hey, I'm available!?"

Seriously, at this point, she really did want a lover. Actually, she wanted a boyfriend. He had to live within a few hours, but not in town. He had to be single or divorced (almost everyone we met was married and cheating - we would find out "later").
And he had to be well hung. Usually, it was me who did the searching. But this time, my wife did the searching on her own. She found someone named Aaron.

He lived 2 hours from us. He was available. He told her he was a "Bull." That worried me, because several other people I corresponded with who self identified as "Bulls" really turned me off. Big time. But this guy seemed different. She hooked up on chat, and he sent a picture. A nude one. His face was not visible, but a muscular, almost wiry body was attached to an impossibly large cock. They exchanged phone numbers, and they talked that night. He called me the next night. He was very polite, intelligent. He was so different from any of the other 6 or so guys we had met. With me, he really pushed some buttons, as if he knew what I WAS, as if he knew I was not just some guy who liked to "swing" - he knew I was submissive. He talked to Annie several more times over the next two weeks, and me too.

I don't know everything he said to Annie, but she liked him, and she seemed to have some greater insight into me after talking with him and spending all that time on the computer. Two weeks later, we met him.
The Real Story - 2

What happened over the next five years is too much for me to write right now. I may have some extra time on weekends to recall all the details, based on how things are going.

Right now, I will give you the short of it. Annie thought this man was a God - a sexual God. And frankly, he was, and I'm not sure if she realizes she was a sexual Goddess. Two more sexually compatible people never existed on this earth. They were like Olympic Athletes, with a special kink. I was so - humbled and astounded at it, I was just happy that he made her so happy. I recieved some of the harshest, most depraved, most exciting treatment that sometimes humiliated, sometimes exhilarated and often surprised. For five years, I was cuckolded. Hard. Very, very hard. For the first three, I was really more of a slave than anything else.

But the bottom line is they fell in love, and I do mean very much in love. They started taking entire vacations together, without me. They would just inform me. Annie took off her wedding ring and wore Aaron's for two years. They started involving me less and less. There were many reasons for that, which I will explain later, but the main reason was they were in love.

My wife did not have intercourse with me once during their entire 5 year affair. It was partly because I was locked in chastity much of the time. That will certainly do it. It was mainly because - and she told me this - she would not "cheat on Aaron." As the time wore on, he removed her more and more from me, and she went to him haltingly at first, then willingly.

When I finally rebelled - when I finally did what a normal man would do, things began to unravel. It was a very sad, horrible time. She ended up dumping both of us; then we reconciled. Then she saw him again. It wouldn't end. When she finally told him she was going to stay with me, all hell broke loose. Bad things happened. He went crazy. It was a very scary time. I wanted to wipe him off the face of the earth. But after a few more violent aftershocks, it was finally over.

That was four years ago. It's been difficult for us. We rarely have sex. We still love each other, but it is plain she just doesn't have sexual feelings for me like she used to. I can't blame her. The few times I've made love to her, it did nothing. I spend over half the time back in the spare room. Back where I had to sleep when she was Aaron's.

Still, we are the best of friends. She is so beautiful, it hurts when I think I almost threw away my marriage because of my strange needs and desires. Sometimes I want to puke. And sometimes, I really miss it. When that happens, I think maybe I need to check into a mental hospital, because I must have a serious problem. Regardless, it has been a more or less sexless marriage for a long time now - just a little bit, here and there. In some ways I understand it - there is no competing with Aaron, not in any way. She is right. Sexually, the guy was God. But until recently, I really wondered if I could survive with so little intimacy at least.

So I was surprised last month when Annie called me into the room and asked me to give her "head." She hadn't talked like that for years, and she hasn't initiated sex with me for over 3 years. She did it again the following day, and the day after. Then she produced my old CB 2000. "I used to like the way you acted when you wore this. Put it on for me again."

I was, in fact thrilled. It brought back those feelings full force. I don't think anyone could be the kind of cuckold I was for 6 years and just suddenly become......a Man again. The past month has been more intimate, more action packed than any in a long time. I've been locked in my little toy for a month now, (it's a joke compared to the chastity methods she and Aaron imposed back in the day). But it feels familiar. I am feeling submissive, horny, good.

And wondering, what brought this on? Why am I feeling back to the future on this?

And so I asked her.It turns out, an old friend was waiting by her car after work last month. It was Aaron.

That's all I can say tonight. I have more to get out. Thanks for your honest feedback.
All I can say is WOW, I could never love anyone more than my husband. We have been in the swinging/cuckold lifestyle for 15 plus years. We have been married 21 years. I have had a boyfriend on the side back in Phoenix. When we moved I left him behind. We still talk online now and then,but even when I saw him I never had feelings that strong.Glad you have your wife back...Well I hope you do. Can't wait to read more of your story very interesting...You are a very strong man to hold on through thick and thin.
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Mac: I did post this story - not exactly, but it was this story - maybe a little over a year ago. At the time, it brought out some feelings in me that I didn't want to deal with. I deleted it. There was another issue related to the handle I used here. Perhaps I was being paranoid, but there was a potential privacy issue that I did not want to tempt. I feel differently now about telling the story, because I am in a different state of mind, obviously. And I do need to get it out.
let us all hear this Dev
unload your angst on us we're all
sympathetic to one degree or another
The fact that Annie and I had been so active lately after such a long dry spell was thrilling for me. Even if she refused to have intercourse with me, I loved eating her pussy and making her cum. Being locked in the CB was frustrating, but exciting, like the old days. It always made me feel submissive toward her, and ironically, made me want to service her pussy all the more. But all this made me suspicious, too. In the back of my mind, I wondered if she was having an affair. No, I thought, she would tell me. She's not one for secrets. So what brought this on?

In the back of my mind, I thought of Aaron - if only because Annie's sudden renewed interest in chastity and oral sex, like the early days when we first met Aaron. But I figured there was no way in hell he would have the nerve to come back into the picture, and that Annie would never let him back in her life anyway. Not after the hurtful things he did when she chose to end it with him.

Still, as shocked as I was when she told me told me he'd shown up to see her, I wasn't surprised. As hard as the bitter ending was, we had several of the most exciting, mindblowing years of our lives during this relationship. As much as I never wanted to think about this guy again, I frequently couldn't help it, wishing it all didn't end so badly, and that I could be cuckold to Annie and Aaron again. When these thoughts popped into my head, I always became aroused - and then ashamed. Deeply ashamed. If I thought about it this much, I wondered what was going through Annie's head. Until last month, we'd avoided talk of any sex of any kind for almost 4 years. I felt intensely guilty for not providing what this beautiful woman deserved - a satisfying sex life,especially given the fact that she was so damned GOOD at it. I had lost my way as a man.

Anyway, I asked Annie when, exactly this visit from Aaron occurred. She said maybe 5 weeks ago, on a Friday.

Friday evenings are Annie's evenings. She is only home about one Friday evening per month. Usually, it's her night out. She goes out for dinner and drinks sometimes with work friends, or she comes home and goes back out to book clubs, wine tastings, art events. It's turned into kind of a "girls night." It was a Friday evening last month when she came home late, and called me into her room to give her oral sex for the first time in ages. I remember how surprised and delighted I was, how fresh and familiar she tasted. How hard she came. She actually sat on my face and rode it for 30 minutes. She told me I'd done a 'great job'. (She used to say that a lot when I cleaned her pussy after one of her marathon sessions with Aaron. They would lay there kissing, and I would be between her legs, in full, submissive, cuckold heaven, licking her clean, remaining there until she grew tired of me. "Great job," she would say).

Back to the matter at hand.

"That was the night you saw Aaron, wasn't it," I said.

"Yes," she replied.

"You had sex with him." I stated.

"I thought you knew it that night," she replied. "I mean I must have tasted very familiar."

To say there conflicting, confusing emotions going through my head is putting it mildly. My face flushed. Shame and anger dueled each other in my head, and my heart.

I didn't need to ask her why Aaron suddenly re-emerged. I already knew the answer to that. I had a different question:

"What do you want?"

"I'm not sure," she said.

"Who do you want?"

"Both of you."
That last post brings me close to being up to date. I'm not sure how interesting our arguments/debates would be to you all. Making sense of this requires a lot of words, and I'm not here to bore or to entertain. Just to document as much of this experience as I can without writing a full length novel. I could! I am a writer. I could use an editor, I am sure.

I will post more about what happened in the past because it gives meaning and context to what is happening now. I do tend to bounce from past to present and back again in my writing. Just telling you that as an FYI.

I want to say this: I am not angry at my wife for what she did last month. I am also not happy about it. I thought we were starting something new - even if it did look mighty familiar, I was very happy.

We're going out to dinner in a few minutes, and she said we'd talk about this later tonight. I am anxious about it, but I know better than to push her to make a decision. I know she won't do me wrong, she has already told me that. The only time she's gotten angry with me over this is when I told her what she's considering is a "dangerous game."

"I don't play games," she hissed. "Unlike you, everything I do is real, not some story."

Or something like that. Anyway, gotta go eat.
Back in 2000, we'd been meeting with Aaron regularly for about 3 or 4 months, and Anna was spectacularly happy about it. He too was obviously enamored. He called her daily, sent gifts, and went way out of his was to make extra time to be with her. One weekend he came to our house on a Friday night. We had a nice time, and had fun all day and night Saturday. Before he left on Sunday, he said he needed to talk to us.

For the first time ever, his air of confidence was not evident. He looked positively sheepish. I remember the conversation very well.

"I have something to tell you both. I'm embarrassed to say it. I'm married. I know you were looking for a single guy. And I thought when we met it was just going to be a one shot deal. I didn't count on liking you so much. You are both really nice people. I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid that would be the end of it. And if you don't want to see me anymore, I will understand. It will really hurt, but I will understand."

Annie and I looked at each other, kind of a head scratching moment. Finally, Annie spoke up.

"What does your wife think you're doing when you're gone every weekend?"

"She knows what I'm doing. I don't keep anything from her," he responded.

I remember thinking, "bullshit."

"Why don't you involve her in this?" Annie asked.

Aaron proceeded to tell us this outlandish story that his wife had suffered from depression, grown morbidly obese, refused to do anything about it, and had developed severe diabetes. They hadn't had sex in years, he said, and as a result, he started looking outside his marriage for sex. His wife, he said, was aware of this. He concentrated on married people because of he perceived less risk from STDs. He had told his wife about us - about Annie, and - according to him - she was ok with the whole arrangement.

Both Annie and I smelled bullshit, but at least he was coming clean about being married. I figured the whole affair was over with right then and there. Annie would never go for this. As if to challenge his veracity, Annie said:

"So your wife knows you are here with us right now?"


"She's not jealous? She knows you spend 2 sometimes 3 nights in a row with me, and she says, 'good for you, Aaron, have fun'?"

"She actually packed me snacks for the ride over here on Friday," he responded.

"So when you get home, do you tell her what we do? Does she ask for all the details?" Annie asked.

"No, she doesn't ask, and I don't tell. I did tell her that I was falling in love with you."

"Oh, Christ!" Annie said. "That is evil! I can't believe you said that to her."

"She is fine with that," he responded. "We are very honest with each other. I take care of her. She needs someone to take care of her because of her conditions. She takes care of me, in her own way, to the best of her ability. She knows about my sex drive, she knows better than anyone else. She doesn't want sex anymore, and frankly, I couldn't give it to her if she wanted. It hurts to look at her. It is very sad, what she's become. I tried and tried, but I could not change her. She understands this - all of it."

He sounded so sincere, but I didn't buy it. Niether did my wife. Annie challenged him:

"Well, you know I won't do this with a married man. But if what you say is true, let me meet your wife. If she tells me face to face that she wants me to be your girlfriend - that she really does condone this, that I am not ruining your marriage, then we can continue. Otherwise, I just can't do this anymore."

Basically, Annie was calling his bluff. After he left, she said, "Oh well. Easy come, easy go. He was the best one yet."

I honestly thought we'd never see him again. So did she.

But sometime during the next week, Aaron asked Annie to come to his home and meet his wife. She did just that the following weekend. It turns out, everything he said was true. They spoke with each other with and without Aaron's presence. By the time Annie left, she was convinced that everything he had told us was true, and she understood that his wife really did want him to have a sexual relationship with one (1) woman, since sex was simply not going to happen between her and her husband. They'd been together since they were teens, had several children together, and now she'd grown sick, huge and sick, unable to have and ininterested in having sex of any kind. She actually thanked Annie for taking care of Aaron. Annie found herself really liking this woman, and feeling truly sorry for her.

And so, our relationship with Aaron continued, until it ended 4 years ago.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The reason for this flashback is what Annie told me after we came home from dinner last Saturday night. Aaron showed up last month to tell Annie that his wife had passed away. She died 2 months ago due to complications from diabetes.

It was certainly a mind blower to hear this. She also told me that Aaron would be visiting us this coming weekend, and that she wants the three of us to "talk." She said she has come to a big conclusion and she would talk about it then. She wouldn't say anything else to me. She's been tight lipped ever since. She has been speaking with him on the phone evey day for the past 5 days - just like old times. I am assuming she's been talking to him privately at least since he visited her last month.

I have a very queasy feeling. I will know more this weekend.
Wow, this situation is intense! Please keep us updated. Thanks for posting.
Well, it's almost Friday. I'm nervous as hell. Very queasy, kind of excited. Annie has been affectionate - that is she has allowed me to give her head every night this week. And she's been snuggling.

She is close lipped about the "conclusion" she is going to reveal, except to say she may put that off for a couple of weeks, since there is so much happening all at once.

She also told me to plan on spending Friday and Saturday night back in "my room."

"I know you are angry over what happened before, but we are all going to talk about that. After we talk, that's it. It's the past." she said.

"Well, I thought Aaron was the past," I replied.

She grabbed my cock cage through my shorts and shook it. "No you didn't." she replied.

There is so much more to tell. I hope I am not boring everyone. I am resolved to remember as much as I can about what already happened, so that could get dry. And now, of course, there is more to come. We'll see what happens.
Change of Plan

This morning, Annie announced a change of plans. Aaron would not be coming to stay with us this weekend. Instead, he will be coming next weekend. This weekend, she said, she would be going to Miami, to stay with him.
She does not work Fridays, and she left for the 90 mile drive around 3 pm today. She should get to his place around the time he gets home from work.

If you think it's odd that I'm not jumpin' up and down angry, you'd be correct. It is odd. For 4 years, I thought he was gone forever. I thought I'd won my wife back. But he wasn't gone forever, and I never really won her back.

And I knew there was no talking her out of it anyway. When she makes a decision, that's it. I asked her why the sudden change? Why can't I go too?

"He needs me right now," she said. "Just me. Just this weekend."

She offered no other explanation. I asked for his address and home phone number, and she would not give them to me.

"How do I know you're even going there?" I asked. "How do I know any of this is even real?"

That really set her off. She reminded me of the fact that she always says what she does, and does what she says - unlike me. And it is true. She has never lied to me. Even when the truth is brutal, she delivers. She finally did give me his cell phone number, which I no longer posessed.

I carried her suitcase to the car and put it in the trunk. She gave me a peck on the cheek and told me she loved me, and not to worry. Then she grabbed my cock cage through my pants and twisted it.
"Don't even dream about cutting the lock on this thing," she said. "I'll be checking it as soon as I get home."

I told her I wouldn't, and she said, "Right. I've heard THAT before. Remember the steel trap?" she asked.

"Of course," I said. "I've been trying to forget."

"You'll be back in it soon. Very soon. I promise."

"That sounds more like a threat than a promise, Annie," I said.

"Just a promise." she responded. "I'll see you Sunday."

So, after a long hiatus, I am being cuckolded again. I didn't even put up a fight. I have that old horny, submissive, frustrated, humiliated, erotic mindset that seems to addict and repel in equal measures at different times. She plays me like a fiddle. I know this might sound odd to you, given all I've described, but we really do love each other. I'm crazy about her. I pushed her deep down this path, and tried to walk her back. Sometimes, there's no getting back, I guess. Sometimes you just gotta learn how to deal with where you landed. One thing for sure: She knows me a lot better than I know her.

It looks like I'll have a lot more time this weekend than I thought I would have. Perhaps time to tell the one big story of the past that is most personal, and hardest to tell. Also probably the hardest to believe. And 100% true.
Steel Trap

One gorgeous night in October of 2003, a very attractive 42 year old woman and two male companions had dinner on a sidewalk table at a Greek Restaurant in the historic section of a large, coastal South-Central Florida city. I will call this section of the city "Partytown", because that's what everyone did there on Saturday nights. The streets were closed to traffic, and all manner of freaks and tourists and revelers celebrated here into the wee hours of the morning. The air was warm and sweet. It was around 8 pm - the night was young. When the waitress came outside to take drink orders, she saw a pretty lady sitting close to a handsome guy whom she surely assumed to be the husband. Across from them was another, slightly taller man, who was most likely a friend. She had no way of knowing that she had it backwards. Or that earlier that day, the man who wasn't the pretty lady's husband had fucked her not once, not twice, but three times in room 226 at the Holiday Inn, just a few miles away. She couldn't have known that the man who actually WAS the pretty lady's husband spent part of the day at the pool - just outside their hotel room door; and part of the day watching his wife making crazy love to the other man. She certainly would have been surprised to learn that the pretty lady's husband not once, but twice licked the other man's sperm from her sore, swollen, and very gooey pussy. She would have been shocked to learn that the man who wasn't the pretty lady's husband had been having sex with the pretty lady for almost 3 years now, and that in fact nobody else, not even the pretty lady's husband, experienced that with her even once the entire time. How could the waitress have known any of these things?

They looked so normal.

I remember the night vividly. This seemed to me kind of a last meal. The food was fantastic. Inside was a very, very beautiful young Iranian belly dancer, backed by a live band who, as it turns out, consisted of her brothers and cousins. She was so beautiful; nobody could keep their eyes off of her. People came in from the street and gawked through the windows to see her dance. The night erupted with applause at the end of every number. She was so awesome, I’d have eaten there even if the food was bad. But it wasn’t, it was magic. Annie had that glow, that amazing aura she wore whenever she’d had a good dose of sex with Aaron. It was a look only he could give her.

I was so happy about the food, and especially about the beautiful commotion created by the gorgeous Iranian dancer. It helped remove my mind from what was about to happen.
Steel Trap

After dinner, we took a walk down the main street of Partytown, towards the center where all the action was. There was a Mardi Gra flavor to the place. Music drifted from night clubs, and people ate and drank at various outdoor cafes. The street was teeming with all manner and types of people from various walks of life. About 4 blocks from the restaurant was a large tattoo\piercing parlor. The door was open, and you could see everything inside through the large storefront windows lining the sidewalk.

“This is the place,” said Aaron. “You wait here.”

I waited by the door as my wife and her boyfriend walked inside, to a counter with a large glass display containing body jewelry. The clerk was a young man who couldn’t have been 25 years old. He had several visible tattoos on his arms. His face was covered with jewelry. Eyebrows, nose, cheeks, ears, tongue. More metal than skin. I remember thinking, ironically, “How could anybody do that to themselves?”

There were five or six other employees working, all sporting various degrees of metal and ink. The clerk called an older man over. He looked to be in his 50’s, and was short with dyed jet black hair. His arms were literally covered with tattoos. I guessed that he was the owner. He spoke with Aaron and Annie for about 15 minutes, answering questions. He glanced over at me a few times with a quizzical look. When he left, they turned to the display and shopped. I was standing outside the doorway, nervously smoking a cigarette, watching it all. Aaron waved for me come in.

“Pay the bill,” he said. “They’re going to bring you upstairs. We’ll wait down here for you.”

I paid with my credit card. I also had to sign a waiver, absolving the joint of any wrongdoing in the event of injury or infection. A young woman escorted me upstairs. She was covered with piercings, all over her face. It was a large room with a vinyl bed in the middle. She told me to remove my pants and underwear. I climbed on the bed, and she washed my penis and the area between the back of my ball sack and ass.

A male employee joined her. He had the tools and the jewelry.

“This is going to sting a little,” he said. And it did, it stung right through my pisshole, and through the right/underside of my penis. But it was quick. They washed it and inserted the 6 gauge stainless steel segment ring right through it. They call it a Prince Albert.

The second piercing was smaller, but it hurt more, way more. It is called a “guiche,” and the ring was much smaller and thinner, thank God. They washed me up, gave me cleaning instructions and let me go. I dressed and walked downstairs. Annie and Aaron were waiting. Every single eye in the place was on us. You could feel their gazes trained on us as we walked out the door, Annie and Aaron arm in arm, me walking behind them. About a block away, I turned around to look at the parlor. The owner and one of the clerks were standing outside the door, staring at us as we walked away.

“Freaks,” they probably thought.

Regarding your comment of 7 Aug. 2009:

devavu2009 said:
I posted this story — not exactly, but it was this story — maybe a little over a year ago. At the time, it brought out some feelings I didn't want to deal with. .... etc .... I feel differently now about telling it because I am in a different state of mind. And I do need to get it out.

I remember when you told the beginnings of this story. It was intense and very interesting. You expressed great reticence about continuing, citing the anguish it brought to mind. A number of forum members encouraged you to continue, but you didn't.

It's good to see you've returned and are relating your experiences in detail. Your account is, in fact, fascinating and well told. I encourage you to continue.

Steel Trap

A few months later it was Christmas. My gift from Aaron and Annie was a handmade stainless steel chastity cage designed to be locked on to or otherwise affixed to the penis via a Prince Albert piercing. Like mine. It must have cost a fortune. A chastity fetishist\cuckold submissive’s dream come true. Escape proof chastity, a permanent solution. I was, astounded, really. I knew something like this was coming, but still, holy shit!.

“We wanted to get you something that would be comfortable,” Aaron said sincerely. “And secure.”

They called my gift “The Steel Trap.”

I wasn’t ready for it. In fact, I’d come to regret getting pierced at all. Every time I took a shower, or a piss, I’d see that angry, medieval looking ring protruding from my dick and wonder, “OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I BECOME!” Every time I looked at it, I could not believe my wife allowed me to do it. Aaron – well I could believe. He couldn’t stand the thought that I might just possibly someday have sex with my own wife.
Yes, in the heat of subspace, I waxed on about such things as “locked up forever.”
I said a lot of things Crazy things.

I did feel exhilarated at first, after the rings were applied down in Partytown. It was so kinky, I just couldn’t believe I went through with it. It was a short lived thrill. Regret started setting in.

But Aaron and Annie expected me to wear this thing, to be happy to be so well secured and so completely denied. They had reason to believe that, given it was an expressed fantasy of mine. But this is where I am different then them, according to Annie. When I commit to something, I “try” it. When she commits to something she DOES it.

If someone told me they would like to be locked in a chastity device permanently, I would not take them seriously.

Aaron and Annie did.

I went along – to see how far they would go. Like everything else in our marriage and our relationship with Aaron, I really underestimated both of them.

They spent a lot of money on the steel trap, and they expected it to be Worn. Connected. Locked.

I kept making excuses into the next year. They started ignoring me more and more. Finally in early March, I told them I wanted the jewelry removed. My wife said, “Fine, but if you do, that’s it. We aren’t playing your games anymore.”

I wanted to have the people in Partytown remove the rings. I guess I thought it would be more embarrassing to go someplace new, even if it was closer. The three of us met at a hotel, and on the night we arrived, we went back to the tattoo parlor, and the rings were removed. They were placed in a plastic back for me. When I walked down the stairs, once again all eyes were on me, and then on all three of us. This time there were smirks.

Aaron and Annie made love all weekend, and asked to be left alone when they did. They barely talked to me. They barely even looked at me. It was March, 2004. Annie and I went back home on Sunday. It was the last time I ever saw Aaron. My wife, however, continued to see him – a lot – for another year. They just left me at home. After a weeklong vacation in the mountains with Aaron, Annie returned home and told me she wanted a separation. It was late August, 2004.
"I went along – to see how far they would go. Like everything else in our marriage and our relationship with Aaron, I really underestimated both of them."

Sometimes when you write, you discover the truth. I have been turning my eyes away from this for 4 years. I've been wondering why what happened happened. Going back, and reading my own words, written hours ago, provides me with my first dose of ice water over the head. My wife, in many, many different ways told me exactly what I referenced above. I just didn't understand what she meant. Too many emotions.

She is having a great time down in Miami. Had dinner tonight with Aaron and his sons at some restaurant. At least that is what she told me she was going to be doing at 5 pm, when we spoke on the phone. That conversation was interesting too.

I am concerned, but no longer scared or afraid. I am not even sure I am ashamed anymore. 2 months ago, if someone told me Aaron was in town, I am afraid of what I might have done. I felt violent towards him, even after 4 years. Not because of the relationship, or even the fact that he almost took my wife, but because of what he did when he didn't get his way. That is the one thing I will not be describing here.

But I am tired, and obsessing, otherwise I wouldn't have written as much as I already have. Later.
Annie Returns

Annie returned home yesterday at about 6 pm. She was positively glowing. I met her in the driveway and carried her bags for her. We went inside, and I asked her to tell me about her weekend. She sat down on the couch and asked me to bring her a glass of water. I returned with it, and I sank to my knees in front of her.

It is hard for me to properly describe what 6 weeks of unrelieved chastity does to me. Combined with being cuckolded, and I can only describe it as a state of constant arousal and deeper and deeper submission. The longer it goes, the more submissive I get. Annie knows this. So does her boyfriend. That’s why they never liked allowing me out. I am a different person in many ways when I’m loose.

I kissed her feet. I sucked her toes. I licked her legs, and went back to the bottom of her feet. I told her I loved her. Over and over and over again.

“Of course you do,” she said. “Lick my other foot, that feels nice.”

As I licked, I told her I would do anything, anything for her. When I am deep into subspace, I always say this sort of thing, and I mean it. At the time.

“I know you will do anything for me, honey. That’s what I want from you. I need for you to do exactly what I want. And right now, I want you to eat my pussy. It’s so sore. He hasn’t lost a step. I’ve never known a man who could fuck so much.”

I was so excited. I removed her panties. They were soaking wet. I smelled them. She watched me, smiling, and said nothing. Smelled like sex. I started licking her inner thigh, working my way up. Then her cell phone rang. It was sitting on the kitchen counter, in her pocketbook.

“Go fetch that for me,” she said. It was Aaron. She started speaking to him, and then pointed to her pussy. I started licking her. This time I went straight for the prize. No doubt about it, they must have fucked right before she left. Her pussy was swollen and wet. As I licked, I listened to her side of the phone conversation.

“Yes, yes, oh traffic wasn’t bad. I just got here 10 minutes ago. Uh huh. Umm. Yes. Yes. Oh my God, it was incredible. Yes. Yeah…..some things get better with age. Oh yeah, he’s here. Yes, still all locked up. Don’t you worry, you don’t have to worry about that. No, stop that. Of course, honey. Mmmm. Well, the week will go fast. You’re taking off Friday? Great! So, Thursday night. I get you for 4 days. Why don’t you stay Sunday night, too. You can get up early Monday morning and drive to work. Yeah, it’s not bad that time of the morning. (Long pause). It will all work out. Yes. Yes. Whoever said there are no second chances? Yes. Oh, he’s in the kitchen cooking dinner. Umm hmm. I’ll tell him. We’ll have to have him prepare some nice romantic dinners. Sure. Yes! There’s a place called Farah’s, the food is incredible. We’ll have to go there. Hmm hmm. Yes, we can do that. He hasn’t had the boat out all summer. Yes……..Ok. I love you too.”

She talked to Aaron on the phone until her battery almost ran out. A good 90 minutes. It was as if I wasn’t there. Other than a few pats on the head and squeezes of the thigh, there was little indication of whether she was enjoying my efforts or not. She was too involved in her conversation.

When she hung up, she said, “Aaron says hello.”

She nudged me away and said, “Thanks.”

“I thought you were going to tell me about your weekend,” I said.

“I’m tired, sweetie. What do you want to know? I mean, we had sex. You already know that”.

“I mean, this ‘conclusion’ or decision you said you were going to reveal. Did you talk to him about that?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said.

“Well can you talk to me about it?”

“No,” she said. “Not until I’m sure about it.”

“It’s about him, isn’t it. His wife died and now you two are free to do whatever you want.”

“Yes, that’s true,” Annie said. “It’s part of it. But only part. You worry that I’m going to leave you, and I keep telling you that will never happen. I love you. And I’m not ready to say any more about it.”

So I learned from listening to the phone conversation that Aaron will be here Thursday through Sunday night. I will be cooking them dinner. We will be boating on Saturday or Sunday. He is monitoring my chastity. And he’s still so jealous that Annie lied when he asked what I was doing. She told him I was in the kitchen, when I was buried between her thighs. He never liked the idea of me having any sexual contact with her at all, not even licking her, unless he was present.

Annie didn’t last long. She went to bed just after 8 pm last night. She told me to sleep in the back room.
Getting to Know Him

When we first started seeing Aaron, it happened in hotels because we didn’t know him yet, and because our kids were still in various stages of living at home. Our house is pretty private, so that would not be a problem later on.

The first time we met him, after the very first time he made love to Annie, I ate my first creampie. I was surprised how easily it happened. I worried about what Annie would think, or how she would react. But they were making out when he called me over, and continued to make out while I ate. She had an intense orgasm. It was clear that there was something about it that she really loved. Afterwards, we sat on the bed and talked. We told him all about us, he told us all about him. Everything but the fact that he was married, that is. That came a few months later. Mostly, we were curious about his experience swinging and cuckolding. I remember it well. I will attempt to reconstruct the conversation.

“How long have you been swinging?”

“About 5 years,” he said. “But for the past 2 years, I’ve only been seeing married couples.”

“Why is that,” Annie asked.

“I like it better,” he said. “Swinging is messy. You never know what you’re going to get. There is more risk. Married people tend to be cleaner and more careful. You have to watch out for STDs. When you’re talking about people in their 30’s and 40’s, married people are more interesting.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Look, when you get to our age, there’s a reason some people are perpetually divorced, or just single. Usually it’s a good reason. You might have fun with these people once or twice, but then their flaws start showing. It’s inevitable. Usually it’s simply that they can’t really care about anyone but themselves. They’re immature. They can’t commit to anything, even short term, other than their next thrill. They just aren’t good at relationships. Or they can’t keep their jobs. Or they do drugs or alcohol. There’s always a reason. And as much as I love sex, it loses meaning for me unless there is some relationship attached.”

“Anyway,” he continued, “I got tired of one night stands. And I don’t like being used for entertainment. So, I find married couples more interesting. I like cuckolding the husbands. Don’t ask me why, but it’s just my nature. I’m very competitive, I like to win. I like to dominate, at least up here,” he said, pointing to his head. “Anyway, married couples are more reliable. Some of the wives are gems. And some of the husbands are fucking crazy!”

“Tell us!” Annie said. ”What do they do?”

“Well, they watch, mostly. Some of them eat their wives after we fuck, that’s pretty popular.”

They both looked at me, and I am sure I blushed. “I liked that,” my wife said.

“I think a lot of them are bisexual,” Aaron continued. “Some of them want to suck my cock. One guy wanted me to fuck him.”

“Get out!”

“No, it’s true,” he continued. “He came out of the bathroom of some hotel, wearing woman’s stockings and panties. He looked ridiculous!”

We all laughed.

“His wife said, ‘Go ahead, fuck him! Fuck my sissy’. “NO WAY”! I told them, I’m sorry, but I have to leave. I never saw them again. They called, but I just couldn’t do it. Like I said, some of these guys are bi. I think some of them are really gay. Too bad, because the wife was very pretty. Almost as pretty as you, Annie.”

“It does make you wonder,” she responded.

“It makes me wonder why some of these folks are married to each other. I guess everybody is different.”

“So you let some of the guys suck your cock?” I asked.

“Yes, a few,” he said. “Only if it made sense at the moment. I don’t have any need or desire to get my cock sucked by a guy. I do have a big cock, and I don’t mind two mouths on it when the situation warrants. There’s a lot of real estate there. But no touching. Sometimes there are good reasons to let them do it. Also, I think that’s what some of these husbands are there for. ”

“To suck cock?”

“Yes. They are willing to let somebody fuck their wives silly in exchange for the opportunity to suck cock.”

“Really? Is that true?”
“With some of them, yes. I have come to that conclusion. And that doesn’t work for me. I’m not there to take care of their needs. I’m there to take care of my needs, and her needs.”

“I can’t believe that guy wanted you to fuck him in the ass,” Annie said. “He must be really gay. To take a cock as big as yours, he’d have to have a lot of experience.”

“Well, yeah, he was probably gay, who knows,” Aaron said. “Have you ever had anal sex?”

“NO!” my wife replied. It’s true, she hadn’t. Not with me. Not with anyone. It was taboo.

“You’d love it. You would be very surprised.”

“No thanks,” she said.

About a month later, we’d spent another weekend at the hotel. It was Sunday. We had to check out soon. It was close to 11 am. Annie and Aaron had sex very early that morning, and we went out to breakfast at around 9 am. Most of our bags were packed, and I was about to bring them to the car. The two of them were hot and heavy kissing each other goodbye. Annie sunk to her knees and fished out Aaron’s very hard cock. She sucked it with great passion. Off came their clothes, and the fucking began. Hard, passionate fucking. It was hard to believe how much sex these two were capable of.

“Get me that lube,” Aaron said to me. He was referring to a bottle of Astroglide that Annie brings with her in case she dries out. He applied it to his cock, and positioned it at my wife’s anus. I remember thinking “Oh My God.”

Slowly, very slowly, he worked it in. She whimpered. Slowly it disappeared, further and further. Slowly they fucked, and then a little faster and then faster yet. She was screaming in pain, or was it pleasure? I couldn’t tell. My wife was cumming like crazy as he fucked and fucked and fucked.

When they finally finished, Aaron motioned for me to come to the bed. They started kissing. Her asshole looked cavernous. He told me to lay on my back, and then he lifted her up by the shoulders. Her ass was directly over my mouth, and cum was flowing out of it like a river. Lots of it. I licked her for 10 or 15 minutes until there was nothing left. At some point, a flash went off. And then another. Aaron was taking pictures.

“You just ate my cum out of your wife’s ass,” he said. I remember that statement distinctly. A statement of the obvious. I remember they both laughed.

When it ended, they took another shower together. I packed the bags. This man, Aaron, had taken my wife’s virginity, in a sense. And she discovered she likes anal sex after all. She couldn’t stop talking about how great it was, all the way home.
A Moment of Truth

Sometime in 2002, Aaron spent the weekend at our house. By now, this was getting more and more common as our kids had left the nest. Annie and Aaron always slept in our bed; I used the spare bedroom. I frequently cooked dinner for them – dinner for two, where they would eat together by candlelight, and I acted basically as a waiter. I served all of their food courses, filled their wine glasses, and cleared the table. Otherwise, I stayed out of their way. Almost every time he visited, I performed this service at least once during the course of the weekend.

They honestly treated me like hired help, too. Aaron often brought his laundry for me to wash, iron, and fold, while he and Annie lounged by the pool, went out to lunch, or had sex. Sometimes he had me wash and wax his SUV, while he and Annie played. By now, I was trying to perform all of the domestic duties for Annie as well. Since I work from home, and she works at the office, this made some sense. But mostly it was about control, and role. My role was subservient.

And I loved it. As long as I was locked.

I served them breakfast in bed, brought them water during and after their lovemaking sessions, changed the cum covered sheets with fresh dry ones. I drove them out to dinners, opened the car doors for them. I was their servant. If I’d done a poor job during the week, or disappointed her, Aaron would talk to me. Sometimes he would call me from Miami to admonish me if I’d disappointed Annie in some way.

One time he grabbed me by the shirt and I thought he would get violent. (He didn’t) We were alone. Annie was in another room. I did a shitty job folding her laundry, and when she asked me about it, I started complaining. Aaron told me to go apologize and promise her it wouldn’t happen again. Which, being the wimp I am, I did.

If it sounds like a horrible existence, well it wasn’t. Annie was happy. Aaron was happy. And the more submissive I became, it seemed the happier I became. It was if I were shedding my manhood, skin by skin.

One night, the two of them were making love, and I happened to be watching. It wasn’t every night that I watched, or even wanted to. When you’ve been chastised for a long time, sometimes you’d rather think about anything else but sex.

Anyway, on this night, Aaron climaxed into my wife. They laid and kissed for a long while. He called me over. I knew the drill. By now, I’d cleaned Annie up so many times; I couldn’t imagine eating her without eating his sperm in the process. And I had come to like it. To crave it. It was about all the intimacy I got, and the closest I ever got to Annie.

As I approached my wife’s pussy, Aaron broke his kiss with her and lay on his back. This was unusual. His cock was still very hard, very large.

“Me first,” he said. “Clean me first.”

They both looked at me. Annie was visibly smirking. I got within inches of his cock, when Annie cried out, “NO!” “STOP!”

I backed away, shaken and embarrassed. I went back to her pussy and performed my usual ritual. I heard her say, “What’s up with you guys?” They resumed their kissing.

Later, when she went to the bathroom, Aaron said to me, “It doesn’t matter to me that you didn’t suck my cock. I know you would have.”

“Yes”, I thought. “You know I would have. And so does she.”

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