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The Real Story I Have To Tell -1

  • Thread starterdevavu2009
  • Start date
  • #201
I can only point to two cases where a lasting relationship like this exists. Neither of them involved divorce though.
I am most worried about if you will ever walk arm in arm with your 'wife' in any situation again. If the two of you will ever laugh, cry, smile together again.
When it comes to vacations, you are likely going to loose out, again.
She wants a life with Aaron that in large parts excludes you. She loves you as a friend, but she wants all those moments that you once shared with her with Aaron now.
I can't advise you either D, not until that belt comes out again. You should get some emotional support from outside the house. One of your kids, maybe a sibling. Your own parents? Or a close personal friend.
But in regards to that belt. It is not consensual what happened last time. I call that coercion. Abusive spouses often have used it to get cases dropped and it makes my job difficult. It wont be consensual next time either. Or the time after that.
  • #202
It now seems ridiculous to me that I was paranoid about a different identity.

Which is all you ever had to say in the first place. But, not dealing with it was like having an 800 pound gorilla in this thread. I don't know why you keep saying this is not (or may not be) the right place for you. No one has offered you anything other than support, guidance and some useful advice. As I have said, I do believe that there are shades to the truth. Even in my posts, I do not lay out everything in my life and, certainly, I do slightly alter some things (like some names, for example).

Given your emotions, I'm sure you have, indeed, experienced those things that you write about and would urge you to keep writing. It does not look like a train wreck to me, instead, it appears to be a story of a man being pushed to his destiny (which, in your case, is basically being a servant to Annie and Aaron). Keep going. And, you should keep going with your posts not for our benefit but, instead, because it appears to be cathartic to you. It's clear you need some medium to channel your thoughts and feelings.
  • #203
Just one more point of support here D. I see a lot of veiled thought centred around atheism being somehow a lack of faith, almost like an unfortunate disease of some sort. It is a clear belief that there is no god. One which colours therefore all relations with others and ourselves on this earth while we live. A belief that there is no hereafter to recover, repent and somehow make good. Do it right, now. Any god belief detracts from this purity of focus, and I can see why any church visit would be emotionally difficult if it goes against a firmly held core belief. It is difficult for the ego to withstand any sustained attack on a core belief (vice versa in this case is also true), so Aaron's insistence is particularly aggressive in my view.

Attendance there and allowing brutality to yourself are not the acts of a servant; they are not even the acts of a slave. Be careful of your self, it is all you have.
  • #204
Thank you for sharing these experiences here, D.
  • #205
Another week and another Sunday. I wonder how this day in church will turn out for D.
  • #206
I gotta ask though. If Annie were to ever ask you to let Aaron take you anally, would you let him if your only other choice was to leave?
Does the idea turn you on?/Do you want him to take you anally?
  • #207
AngleBaby said:
I gotta ask though. If Annie were to ever ask you to let Aaron take you anally, would you let him if your only other choice was to leave?
Does the idea turn you on?/Do you want him to take you anally?

I too would like to hear the answer to this question, because Aaron is not going with the flow at the moment. Something is bugging Aaron, and if it is not sorted out soon, Annie will have to give up control and let Aaron become Master and her and D become obedient submissive slaves.
  • #208
hi im new here... my name is misleading im not a cuck but just chose the name due to lack of originality, apologies for that. Weirdly enough im here for research for a project in uni but thats besides the point, read through this thread and it certainly is an interesting read. I have a few things id like to contribute though...

Firstly I agree with a few posters saying this is like watching a train wreck. And i cant help but feel sorrow for you, and to be honest eventhough you claim that aaron is real nice, i dont buy it. Firstly this man had CLEAR intentions before meeting your wife. He clearly shows this by saving messages between you and him about what you talked about early on in this relationship. There are only a few reasons why a person would do this, either a means of extortion if you were somehow discreet about your relationship, or he had the foresight to keep those conversations to show to your wife later on to draw her closer to him.
I dont know if it is part of your fantasy to have a man steal everything that is yours but he obviously did it and i have to believe that it was done without your consent. Basically he played you, yes he was into the lifestyle but he had an endgame which was to ultimately steal your wife away from you. Its sad that you could not see that.
And that brings me to why you didnt see that.
Chastity devices are curious things. They deprive you of your manhood basically rendering you into someone whose hormones will rage at the slightest of sexual contact. The fact that you cant get hard or relieve sexual tension yourself MAKES you that much hornier and willing to do all the things you do for your wife and aaron. I mean youre old enough to know that when you are horny the sex is that much better and nastier, the problem is that you cant do anything about the fact that youre horny and youre willing to do anything like simply stand and watch this guy propose to your wife while you congratulate them. Why? because u have your tool wrapped in metal. Simple.
And please dont be naive in thinking that your ex-wife, and i will call her ex as that is what she is(you are delusional in still calling her your wife), and aaron are oblivious to the fact that you feel this way in your device. Its pretty much the reason your wife threatens you not to take it off. Its the reason why they put the steel trap 2 on you before she divorced you. They are controlling you and honestly its sick that your "wife" would allow this to happen to you if she truly did love you.
I see this as two people who took way too much advantage of a fetish of yours and aaron specifically has manipulated you perfectly with help from your wife. Im not surprised aaron was complaining about the contact between you two and he was giving her an ultimatum, he was obviously trying to remove you from the picture. The fact that you allowed him to get this deep into your life is dumbfounding.
I seriously recommend going out removing this chastity device and find some woman, any woman to go fuck all night, pay for it if you have to. Go home with a clear head and i will be willing to bet 1000$ the first order aaron gives you, that you will break him in half. Youve made all lifes decisions on a sexual high and havent been able to think clearly throughout the last 10 years cos ur wife and her lover have ur cock under lock and key.
I have to say this your marriage seems screwed, but just get off your ass and be a man. or if youre so happy being treated like a dog and having your privates locked forever, then why dont you just go all the way and have it surgically. Ive heard several cuckold trainwreck stories, usually very similar to this but u, unlike them have some attachment issues. I personally wouldnt be able to do it eventhough i was into it simply because i know in their head they think im less or whatever but i guess thats part of the intrigue for you.
You mentioned you had kids, and eventhough inappropriate as this is to say, if i was your son and i found this out i would go cut off mr aarons cock.

this isnt to say i disapprove about cuckolding, to each his own and to be honest most of them have latent homosexual feelings and its the perfect setting for them to release it. But what i read here doesnt sound like cuckolding, it sounds like it started as cuckolding and your wife got a little power trip and her and aaron realised what contorl they had over you and they relished it. I mean what an ultimate con... The guy steals your wife, moves into your house, has you remain there waiting on him hand and feet, and this whole time youre fine with it. I mean whats your limit before you realise that its enough? Or is it that youre too much of a pus sy to do something about this situation, like maybe leaving and becoming the "man" you wanted to be as i read at the beginning of this story.

I mean why dont you look in hindsight. If you had the chance to do this whole cuckolding thing with your wife, would you do it? Im prtty sure i know what the answer is, no, as you would still be with your wife and i mean with your wife in the capacity that you wanted to be with her. Its obvious you do, from your posts where u crave to just be with her on the beach as u see her and aaron together.

Sorry i was a little harsh but to be honest you need a fucking punch in the face to wake u up.
and to be honest, again nothing against cuckoldry, but alot of the people here seemingly cheering annie and aaron on and getting turned on by it....Psychologist is that way... and i suggest some of you invest a few hundred for a session or two. It wont only be interesting for you but for them also. Im a first year in uni and it fascinates me.
  • #209
Saraha said:
I too would like to hear the answer to this question, because Aaron is not going with the flow at the moment. Something is bugging Aaron, and if it is not sorted out soon, Annie will have to give up control and let Aaron become Master and her and D become obedient submissive slaves.
Annies control is a mirage, she lost that control a long time ago.
  • #210
I think you should study a bit more and learn a bit about tact. Your post is far off base and I doubt you will receive any high marks for your paper-
  • #211
AngleBaby said:
I think you should study a bit more and learn a bit about tact. Your post is far off base and I doubt you will receive any high marks for your paper-

yes because my post IS my paper /sarc

.. This is not about tact, what? you want him to avoid confrontation about this issue ever again? I admitted in my post my words were harsh, and i think he needs someone to be harsh on him. I mean what the hell aside from your posts most of the people here are cheering on that his wife is doing this making it sound ok. Its like hes an addict, he has an addiction to being treated this way because of the way they torture him with chastity.
This addict honestly should not be getting advice from other addicts... simple as that.

Oh by the way ill inform u how i do on that paper.
  • #212
mtlcuck, I partly do agree with your view of cuckoldry, but still, this is his choice. Man chose that way of living, and to be honest I think that there are far worse ways of spending time than that.
Okey, he has this fascination, this will to be submisive to women, why not try it?
I mean, he had his kids, he is financialy well, all that, why not?
He still is a free human being.
I mean, there are a lot of people with their dreams, with their inhibitions, and they're afraid to go, to explore them.
It's pretty cliché to say: Life is short, do what you want to do - but I really think that.
He will realize that this is bad for him if its bad for him, and he will certanly try another way in life, if this is not satisfying but seriously, I don't think there's anything bad for him to try to explore this road that he already is on.
Yes, I do think that he needs to be informed on the alternatives, and you are doing that - providing that alternative, but still...
(my english kinda sucks)
  • #214

I think D has a lot on his plate at the moment and there is too much advice for him and not enough listening / waiting. Give him some space.
  • #216
OK, enough space D. Could you tell us if your post is dead or maybe indicate when you might be updating it. A great many people invested a lot in your story (maybe not all of it useful), it would be a shame to end on a whimper rather than a bang (pun intended).
  • #217
I suppose the story is dead. D is living the life he wants and Annie found the man of her dreams. If D is part of that life and for how long is the only question we have left.
  • #218
Quote: "I recieved some of the harshest, most depraved, most exciting treatment that sometimes humiliated, sometimes exhilarated and often surprised. For five years, I was cuckolded. Hard. Very, very hard"

Any more details Dev?
  • #219
Wish you would update us on whats been going on.
  • #220
People are easily bond to tragic stories. We all want him to be happy, but wouldn't care if we did not perceive this as extremely painful for him.
One wonders if in those four years, he invited her to marriage counseling, expensive vacations or any other means of being romantic with her and if she said yes to any of those attempts.

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