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The Real Story I Have To Tell -1

  • Thread starterdevavu2009
  • Start date
  • #221
Captivated by story

I agree that is easy to become captivated by a story like this. I just remind myself that this is the internet.
  • #222
I have more to tell. I haven't had time to tell. And I am not sure why to tell. I was before, but now things have become messy. I started here and will end here, if there is anything new to say.
There is a lot, but I no longer have the time to tell it - or the inclination. Suffice it to that your dreams can come true.

And your nightmares. And everything in between. Life comes true.

Live it.
  • #223

Please find some time to bring us up to date on your situation. A lot was going on at the point you stopped writing. Many of us, I'm sure, are very curious about how all of this gets resolved.

  • #224
I will try to update next week. Not sure why - maybe it is cathartic. Maybe it is all this free time alone. Or the denial/chastity. I keep waiting for my natural urges to subside. Sometimes they do. Then then they re-emerge.

But things are better than I thought they would be.
  • #225
Holes in your story

Titanium combination lock??? They don't sell those at Walmart. You have gone to considerable length to attempt to make your story believable, to some degree. Pity to have tripped on such an insignificant detail.
  • #226
Please ignore the petty. Your story has clearly been brought to us so far at some pain to yourself, plus the time it must have taken to decide what to say, and maybe not say. You must also understand from the number of hits you have generated that many of us care what has evolved for you, we can little to help, but as you say, maybe even a summary of events may help a little.

Whilst it is true that a journey of 1000 miles begins with but a single step, the converse is also true. The same journey ends with a single step too. I urge you to take it.
  • #227
We've both been reading and really enjoying D's story. He has great talent and skill as a writer. We feel like we're emotionally invested in the outcome; like we know the main characters so well. There are heroes and villians; cliffs to jump off of; cliffs to back away from. In short, his story shares the qualities of the best works of fiction.

We're saying this not to be mean or petty or lame. But the story isn't true. I know that many of you are emotionally invested in this. So are we. But a little perspective helps. And the first thing we ought to understand is that it's not true.

This is no slight against D. He's done his homework. He is clearly a habitue of forums like this one. He is a gifted story teller.

Fiction is always more interesting than reality. So, D, keep on writing. Then collect your posts and publish them as a book. You have real talent.
  • #228
What is the point of these pathetic objections to the veracity of the story? It is like arguing over the existence of God. We will never know if it's true or not, but the one thing we do know is that this is one of the most popular threads to ever appear on the forum, and we are all crossing our fingers and begging Dev to continue it. Obviously he is an extremely talented writer whose art is well matched for this medium - it would not make a good book; it makes a good forum thread. What is the point of calling the author a liar? If we are all enjoying the story, why discourage him from continuing it? If you object to it, no one is forcing you to read it.

I'm not saying I believe every word of this, but I don't believe that any story I read in a forum like this is completely accurate. Suspicious details do not disprove the whole thing - it is likely to be embellished even if it's based on a substantial core of real-life experience. It may seem far-fetched to some, but in a lifetime in the kink community, I've known plenty of people with life stories as outrageous as this one, and few of them get put into writing so elegantly.

Let's accept the fact that we will never have proof one way or another. If you ever saw the incredible cuckold-themed website "marias diary" (now defunct but some people archived the site), Maria had a great disclaimer about this issue - basically that it wasn't worth her time to respond to questions about the truth of it all. The reader can choose to believe it is real or not, but it is not the author's responsibility to prove it.

Dev, for every one post here, there are a hundred readers devouring every word of this, and I for one am finding it both entertaining and educational. If, as you say, you have more to tell, please by all means do so.
  • #230
Houseboy, you misunderstand our (pathetic?) post. Of course no one is making us read this thread. We love reading it!! No force required.

The purpose of our post was to suggest that people might want to chill out a little bit with their emotional connection to the story. The story has us on a roller-coaster too. But do we care whether the main character gets beaten too hard by his wife's lover? No! Why? Because it's a story!! We don't worry too much when Kate from Lost get's herself into a jam either. Why? Because she's fictional!

We also have to disagree with you when you say we'll never know if the story is true or not. Of course we know. Just use your common sense, your intellect and your ability to reason. That should lead the way.

Now, we might really WANT the story to be true. But that's another matter.

Finally, we've encouraged D to contiune the thread. We've told him how much we're enjoying it. We told him he should collect all his posts and publish them! Like you, we really love this thread.
  • #231
You got it right

Let's accept the fact that we will never have proof one way or another. If you ever saw the incredible cuckold-themed website "marias diary" (now defunct but some people archived the site), Maria had a great disclaimer about this issue - basically that it wasn't worth her time to respond to questions about the truth of it all. The reader can choose to believe it is real or not, but it is not the author's responsibility to prove it.

Dev, for every one post here, there are a hundred readers devouring every word of this, and I for one am finding it both entertaining and educational. If, as you say, you have more to tell, please by all means do so.[/QUOTE]

Houseboy, you are absolutely correct in what you say, and I agree that no one but DV knows all the facts about this. I have no idea whether this thread be factual or not but I get annoyed when others who have no better idea than I try to take the high ground and cast aspersions on the intellects of others. It is far more fashionable these days to dismiss or ridicule than actually give someone the benefit of the doubt.

Here's hoping DV continues
  • #232
jssubc, I guess that's us you're talking about. So here's our response:

You're right. We owe you an apology. We didn't mean to be the ones to tell you there is no Santa Claus.

He absolutely exists, just like you always thougth and always wanted.

It's never easy or fun to be de-mystified. And it's normal to hold a grudge against those who do the de-mystifying. And ignorance is bliss, etc. etc.

So, in order to make everything right and proper again in jssubc and houseboy's life we'll say: D is totally telling the truth and anyone who would dare doubt him can go suck an egg. I mean, we'll never actually know. And thinking hurts my head. And I know D personally and he'd never lie (except for all the times he's admitted lying in this thread). So, let's just believe him unequivocally and uncritically. Thinking for myself is hard!!

Feel better now? I know we do.

By the way jssubc, it's funny you mention Maria's diary because it was revealed to be a total fraud! Should we learn a lesson from that? Should we be a little more cautious or hesitant to believe something that just seems too good to be true? Nah.....
  • #233
In two posts you have gone from ridicule to sarcasm, do you see a trend here?

What a shallow world you live in.

p.s. I didn't mention Maria's Diary
  • #234
I think you should consider the effects on people's perceptions and how they want to see all this. For a start, Dev has put an enormous effort into his story, which is written as if it were true. People have read it and will either :

1. Believe it was true, and if they have stuck thus far, presumably enjoyed it as such.
2. Never believed it was true, but still enjoyed the story.
3. Harboured doubts but liked reading it as if might be true anyway.

Maybe the 1's are naive but hell, why kick their nest in.
The 2's will wonder what the fuss is all about.
The 3's are probably the majority. Part of their enjoyment is the belief that is may POSSIBLY be true. They know it probably isn't but the story is better for them if it might be. Why would you, on Dev's post, want to destroy their enjoyment in this way. OK, I believe your view is sincerely held, you may even be right, but why do it in the first place.

As an aside, I would be interested to see where you got your info from on Maria. I followed that one from the start (as a 3) and the way in which it died suggests it was all great fiction, but I would be interested in seeing any new info you have.
  • #235
Maybe I should, maybe I shouldn't, but I enjoy reading this thread. There must be something more important at which to focus your negative energy. And as an aside, I was ******* Maria's Diary was proven false. What is this based upon?
  • #236
The truth about Maria's diary came out, I'm guessing now, in late 2008 or 2009. We weren't surprised but a bit saddened that it was fake. We very much wanted it to be true. The fact that Maria turned out to be fake didn't detract in any way of our enjoyment of her blog -- which we loved. King bull on ultimate cuckold had a long post on the diary at the time and there were lengthy threads and discussions on chasitylifestyle. The general reaction was either: that's too bad or I knew it! We couldn't be more specific than that without diggering around the net. But if you're interested check out the archives in those two sites.

jssubc, we live a shallow life? Not likely but that is pretty funny. Gave us both a good laugh. But suffice it to say: we may have shallow lives and we may not. You'll never know. So why not just give us the benefit of the doubt? That's what you're all about right? That's your mantra? Your code?

Further, it's hard to see how we have anything to say to one another. We can't even agree upon reality. You say you never mentioned maria's diary. But you so clearly and demonstrably did. So perhaps it's no wonder we can't agree on the veracity of this thread. You can't even recall what you yourself wrote! Best of luck.

peakmd, thanks for the thoughtful note. I suppose your underlying questions is: what's the point to our posts? And it's a good question. At this stage there is no point. We're just riling people up and that was never our intention. We'll drop it.

The last word (from us) on the subject: D, we never meant to insult you. We have consistently said what a great story teller you are, what a skilled writer you are, and that we sincerely hope you will continue with your entertaining and erotic story.
  • #237
Boy, coming back after a week I see I have set off a flamewar. Sorry everyone, wasn't my intention. Liznjack, it was inflammatory for me to use the word "pathetic" - I apologize, I wasn't really aiming that at your post but the previous one griping about the kind of locks available at Walmart.

For the record, I was the one who brought up Maria's Diary, not jssubc. I think it's a very close analogy to this thread, and it certainly generated a lot of discussion on various forums, and in that case it was better that the discussion was separated from the actual story. I am sorry that this thread is watered down by all the discussion about the fact-or-fiction debate, but so it goes. I was happy that the discussion about MD was converging on what I thought was a very healthy attitude - everyone accepts that this is probably not real, so let's not get all emotionally worked up and worried about the protagonists. I guess that was your main point liznjack, and I certainly agree that it's sad to see posts on this like "Oh my god Dev, go to the police, you're being abused!"

But the key word is "probably." I would definitely bet that you are right that it's fiction. But I would not go so far as to proclaim unequivocally that I know it’s false, because it is no more or less substantiated than any other post on the forum, some of which are obviously false and some of which are true, but not interesting enough to get worked up about. The ones that generate the most interest on any kink forum are these extended narratives (which are not generally penned by people in the middle of a real life experience) that read like fiction, but possess this faint hope of potentially being real. Most people know it is a false hope, but if you take that away, and just label every personal story as fiction (as the altairboy site does, for example), it does detract from its enjoyment a bit. There is a certain niche for this dressed up story in the guise of a memoir. I’m not saying every author should be given the benefit of the doubt when their story is implausible, but neither do they bear the burden of proof. But we cannot prove it is not true, unless someone cares to dig through all the details that are implausible and point them out – but who wants to read that? That’s where I see some responses as pathetic. The posts griping about such details are indeed, as another called it, “petty.”

By the way, I would certainly like to see a link backing up your claim that Maria’s Diary has been proven to be false. I couldn’t find any discussion of it on chastitylifestyle. There was an extensive thread on chastitymansion.com, but the upshot there was, as I have advocated for this story, who knows if it’s true, but what does it matter, it’s great reading. I couldn’t find any forum called ultimate cuckold. So while I also agree that Maria’s Diary is probably fiction, like Dev’s story, I think it’s an overly strong claim to say it’s been proven untrue when I couldn’t find the discussions you mentioned in a few minutes of searching. I would invite you to retract your statement or back it up with a link. As far as I understand it currently, MD and Dev’s story are in exactly the same status as compelling stories of dubious truth but, but neither has been proven to be fiction. Of course, I would consider such proof to be very unlikely to ever come forth, and somewhat superfluous anyway.
  • #238
About time to Houseboy!

Seems only fair that since you started it, you should be the one to bring it to a close. *G*

Thank you for clearing up the Marias Diary reference attributed to me though I do recognize that I did a terrible job of identifying it as a quote, luddite that I am.

Peakmb I think you disseminated the audience very well and I come down firmly in the number three group. The only proviso I would add to that is that DV writes about this so well that I really have to think that he has experienced aspects of what he writes about, or he just would not be able to do it so well. How much or how little I have no idea, nor do I think it matters.

I wont flog a dead horse and beat this subject to death but I still fail to see why ridiculing others thoughts denigrating their intelligence achieves anything.

Anyway, enough said and I just hope that this hasn't caused DV to throw up his his hands in disgust ...but then again he might find it funny.
  • #239
I started out wanting to tell my story, and found it was easier to write about the past than the present. And it certainly is. Put a few years between you and the experience, and all of the sudden words and honesty just flow - just like you remember it.

Well, maybe I will be more comfortable writing about what is happening now - in a few months. Or years. It's not like we are meeting in hotels or every other month for dates. It happens all the time. And when things happen all the time they tend to get......normal. There is nothing "normal" about how our lives are going except for the fact that it is normal for us. When I have a little perspective on it I will write again. Suffice it to say for now, it really is more "normal" than I ever could have imagined. Nobody - nobody could take the pace and severity of where we were headed. Not even me.

That's what changed everything.
  • #240
Yes - there was a thread at Chastity Mansion about Maria's Diary, and it is also a thread on that that site which has bumped the fact that deva has returned to end his story (real or not, who cares!)

deva, I'm glad you are back. You have given me (and many others I'm sure) an awful lot to think about regarding cuckolding.

Please, do go on...

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