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this thread is about FOOTBALL

  • Thread starterPooch
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vasal you have no clue all i said was clemson beat fsu i went to Rutgers and am proudly watching there program grow (although you not hearing me get crazy over them for it can change real quick). pimp no need for me to comment I'm sure the Mule will hit you on that one...lol
Since this is a sport’s thread I thought I’d throw this out there too. I have been considering selling off what is a substantial sports memorabilia collection. To gauge interest, I put the items on E-bay. I got several bids but the highest was $1,800.00 and I know I have single items by themselves worth close to that much. Most of the stuff is from the 60’s and 70’s with some early to mid-80’s stuff thrown in. Super bowl programs, Final four programs, calendars, autographed photographs, scorebooks, books, magazines, etc.

I have a ton of stuff from the Big Red Machine of the 70s. Autographed photos of George Foster, Joe Morgan, Johnny Bench, Larry Hisle, Brian Sipe, Earl Campbell, Dr. J., and old RC cans with photos and stats of 70’s baseball superstars such as Vida Blue, Carlton Fisk, Mike Scmidt, etc. I have scrapbooks with articles of all 162 games from the Red’s 1975 and 76 seasons. Reds yearbook magazines with scorebooks from 75-81. I even have the article about Thurman Munson’s plane crash that a Yankee fan offered me $500.00 alone for.

I’m not going to spread the collection out and sell it a piece at a time to all four corners of the world but I would consider serious bids for the entire collection from any interested party. Also does anyone know of a memorabilia auction site specific to sports? If so I’d appreciate the info! Thanks, fellas!
pimp i def no expert in that area but there is a memorabilia firm on one of the local talk radio shows here alot..Ill get you there number they are national. im one of those whose mother threw out his baseball card collection when I moved out ot go to college. I had a pristine Nolan Ryan Topps rookie card..here in houston that could fetch over 1000 alone. my pops was a huge thurman fan and Dr. J too! did you catch that show on espn bronx is burning?
cant find the exact company pimp have to wait till i hear them on radio again what makes you want to sell youre stuff btw?
this you should like pimp my pops was at some charity dinner years ago with Johnyy U and George Allen! you know who he was!
Pooch said:
this you should like pimp my pops was at some charity dinner years ago with Johnyy U and George Allen! you know who he was!
Allen was one of the all time best coaches in football right up there with Landry
George Allen and the over-the-hill-gang. That's when I first became a fan. About 74 or 75ish!!!

I’m kind of reluctant to let go of my memorabilia just out of a sentimental sense, so therefore, if I do sell it, it will not be a fire sale by any means. That was a very dear and important part of my childhood and I’d regret selling it, to a degree, I am sure. But times are tight financially and these items could fetch a very nice price to the right collector. Therefore I have to at least consider bids. Especially since I have no health insurance, due to a pre-existing health condition (diabetes), and have to have surgery at some point on my severely damaged and excruciatingly painful right shoulder. It will take the right offer to pry it out of my sentimental hands but, if I do get the right offer, I have to at least give letting it go some serious thought.

Oh, and Mule........Skins 24 Eagles 10.
Eagles fan

Pimp. Redskins 24? You mean their total for both games against the Eagles this season, right? We got a bet.
I had 2 cigar boxes full of baseball cards my mom trashed on me that I shutter to think what they'd be worth now. I'm 58 and they they were of the smaller original size and from players of the 50's and 60's. I hope you get a good price for your stuff.

Eagles 27
Redskins 17
The Eagles score 27 against an awesome defense when they could only muster 13 against the Pack? I don't think so! Bet is on. :D

I had the Topps complete series from both leagues for every year. My eyes lit up when a guy offered me a hundred backs as a twelve year old. My Dad was sick for years after since he was at work and Mom didn't know any better when I sold them.
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Yeah, you may need some help picking games if you think Buffalo will beat Pittsburgh or the Giants beat the Packers (although the Gmen have a better shot than the Nills). I wouldn't be surprised to see Houston upset Carolina either.
I’d like to address the Patriots issue a second. I hope the league comes down on them very hard. I detest cheating in any way, shape or form and make no mistake, this is exactly what the Patriots did; they cheated. I would ask why they did so. Do you mean to tell me with the talent they have amassed on that team that they have to stoop to such measures to beat the Jets? Really??? Come on now, give me a break!

I have also never been one to buy into the Belichick hype. This guy has been granted a legend’s status and why? Because he’s won three super bowls? He was favored in two of them and has had the advantage of talent over other teams since arriving in New England with the exception of his first year or two and was the underdog in only one Super Bowl championship. Granted that was an upset and a couching coupe but since then he hasn’t done much to convince me he is a coaching genius. Try winning three super bowls with the collection of cast-offs and players Joe Gibbs won his three with. Now that would be an accomplishment. Win three rings with the likes of Theismann, Williams and Rypien at quarterback instead of arguably one of the top quarterbacks to ever lace ‘em up!

Belichick is still the same guy who got ran out of Cleveland on a rail because he couldn’t win a game. He’s just surrounded himself with more talent and better assistants to camouflage his deficiencies as a head coach. Hell, I could coach the Patriots to the playoffs and probably the Super Bowl. All I’m saying is he’s nowhere in the class of a Gibbs, Landry, Shula, Knoll, Walsh or even a Cowher. His reputation precedes his substance. It’s paper. Mist. Dust. An illusion! Plus he’s a bona-fide dickhead with no personality. The guys an asshole who buys his own fabricated hype.
Eagles fan

Sorry folks. got distracted and had to edit . Lets me try again.












CHIEFS (yes upset)





I'd be interested in any seeing others picks. I realize there's plenty of football knowledge visiting this tread and maybe it can help me when I'm in vegas a few weeks from now
Eagles fan

Yeah Pimp. I have to agree with you on the Pats cheating. Belichick has to be suspended for a couple games. However I disagree about his high rating as a coach. Yes he has surrounded himself with lots of talented players and coaches but thats all part of the ingredient for winning, along with the head coache's ability to use the talent he has.
On my picks you have to figure ther's always going to be a few upset every week in pro football. Every team has talented players and the ball takes funny bounces. Look what happened to the Eagles last week. My biggest upset is I'm picking the Chiefs over the Bears in Chicago. Lets just say I don't have a lot of confidence in Grossman. If I was in vegas this week I put the Chiefs in a few reverse teasers. Lol... well thats why they call it gambling..
Then why didn't coach genius win in Cleveland if he's the best coach ever? Why didn't he turn that franchise around???
I don't know what the situation in Cleveland was at the time but I'm some one with as much knowledge of sports as you realizes it takes 2 to tango. Any coach needs the complete cooperation from ownership. And winning also requires a fair amount of luck. In any competition it's there's never a cut and dry decision as whose the best.
He had the full support of then owner Art Modell and the organization. He flat out tanked. I am not saying he is not a good coach, he definitely is as he's learned from past failures and is a heckuva defensive guru. I'm just saying he's far from the coaching God the media makes him out to be and not in the same class as the coaches I mentioned earlier. In time he may be but I doubt it.
Pimp you cant have it both ways when rating players/coaches. First Dont tell me Gibbs won with no talent. Also the skins were able to keep the core of there team together (hogs and receivers) due to pre-free agency era Gibbs won in...His excellence as a coach was proven by winning with 3 diff QB's and he had an excellent staff and organization behind him. Today is a totally different era/game, and you have seen the genious Gibbs struggle (this year remains to be seen), as did Parcells, Jimmie Johnson too. If Gibbs pulls off another title well he will be #1 of all time no question. Belechick first has to be considered one of the best Defensive minds ever period, long before he became coach. He did make playoffs his first or sec. year in Cleveland, so he wasnt total joke. The last 2 years in Clevenland with Model, was when he was fighting over staying or moving from Cleve, so to say he had a stable owner/organization is not likely true at that point. He has built an incredible organization in Pats, look where they were before they got him. He or his GM was smart enough to steal Brady in 6th round, and look at all the no names he puts together and keeps them at the top year after year now despite free agency era. I'm a fan via respect but this cheating thing tarnishes a certain Hall of Fame coaching career, but he def belongs on Mt. Rushmore of Coaches, and if he wins another title, I'd have to put him #1 all time.
I agree pooch. Sure, Belichick's team is loaded with talent as well as was Gibb's but they both deserve the plenty of credit in forming them into a cohessive unit. Like I stated winning requires a degree of luck. Getting Brady in a lower round is proof that the draft is a crap shoot but it helps to have a clue. I can understand where Pimp's coming from . he's big Redskin fan and I respect his view but like you said only time will tell if we can belichick or Gibbs # one all time. Hey! look at me. I'm picking the Chief to beat the Bears. On Monday you guys will be calling me a genius....lol
  • #100
I never said Gibbs didn’t have talent. I merely said the talent he had to work with was not as good as Belechick’s. I don’t see how you can call his roster one of “no names” seeing as how he’s had Seymour, Bruschi, Harrison, McGinest, Coats, Bledsoe, Brady, Curtis Martin, Troy Brown, Cory Dillon, Branch and Seau just to name a few. Other than Monk, Riggins, Darrell Green, Manley and perhaps Wilbur Marshall and Joe Theismann, Gibb’s entire roster was one of “no names.” Even the fabled hogs were unknowns before being groomed into the best offensive line of all-time. Clark and Sanders were USFL players for Pete’s sake. Gibb’s system was considered genius when he took over in late 1980. His game-planning and intelligence in putting together an unprecedented staff (Bugel, Hannifan, Petibone) at the time was also key.

I’m not saying Belechick is not a good coach. He knows how to put a defense together. I’m merely saying that if he were the coaching God the media has created that he’d have had more success in Cleveland and more titles in New England. The media portrays him as such a coaching genius that it is a shock to them when he loses. If this were true, why does he ever lose? The smartest move (and one of the most telling about his character) was how he screwed the Jets. Had he gone there he’d not be a head coach in the NFL now but rather just another coordinator. He was smart enough (and unscrupulous enough) to know he couldn’t win there and jumped shipped for another opportunity which was much better and conducive to winning.

The Patriot’s organization has given him the pieces, year in and year out, to be a contender. I would say the ownership and front office are among the best in the league. That has been they key in the Patriot’s success more so than Belechick’s coaching ability. Or at least that’s my opinion. Granted the Redskins, back in the day, had an equally stellar owner and front office and that was a key for them also in the continuity of winning. For me to concede that Belechick is among the elite of all-time coaches, he’d have to build a team from scratch (like Gibbs did) and then coach them to the same heights. Until he does so he’s just a great defensive coordinator who lucked into an ideal situation and didn’t mismanage it. There’s only so much room on the Mount Rushmore of coaches and those spots are already taken by Walsh, Gibbs, Landry, Knoll and Shula. There are a few coaches trying to climb it and affix their likeness on the face of the mountain but they aren’t there yet. To get even close Belechick would still have to pass Ditka, Madden, Reeves, Parcells, Johnson, Cowher, Bud Grant, Dick Vermeil, Marv Levy and several others. At least in my mind.

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