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To Democrats:

  • Thread starterblkoralslaveboy
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Nov 7, 2007
What are the chances that the republicans will cheat again and win just the same way they did back in 2000?
Who knows? That's hard to predict.

The Repubs in Florida were able to wipe out upwards of 90,000 names from the rolls, most of them Black Democrats, for a variety of reasons.

My gut tells me this isn't going to be possible this time if only because the Obama campaign literally has a 20 million dollar fund waiting in the wings just to cover lawsuits involving election disputes. I'd say that indicates they are expecting the Republicans to pull something and they're going to more than likely be ready for it this time.

The Acorn thing, by the way, is much ado about nothing. The act of registering voters doesn't equate to those voters actually showing up to vote. If Mickey Mouse actually shows up in person to vote then I suppose that might be actual voter fraud, but I'm not gonna hold my breathe for that one. ;-)
you all are our of your minds!!! Pres Bush created 9/11?? put that blame on the previous Pres Clinton. As for the republicans fixing the election in florida,, lets set the record straight. If the citizens of Fl cant read the ballot or understand hot the ballot works then maybe they should take advantage of the help that is offered at every pollinig site, oh , and by the way if you want to talk about wiping voters off the rolls, let talk about the california vote in2000. The democras made sure that almost 5 million absentee ballots from mostly Military personnel were not counted due to a mistake with the US postal service. Those ballots were tossed , not because the votors did anythign wrong but because the postal service made a mistake and didnt post mark them correctly. With thos 5 million votes, the count in california may have been changed as well, from Al Gore to George Bush. I think its high time we all stop whinning about past dealings and get on with growing the US.
sexycouple2011 said:
Who knows? That's hard to predict.

The Repubs in Florida were able to wipe out upwards of 90,000 names from the rolls, most of them Black Democrats, for a variety of reasons.

My gut tells me this isn't going to be possible this time if only because the Obama campaign literally has a 20 million dollar fund waiting in the wings just to cover lawsuits involving election disputes. I'd say that indicates they are expecting the Republicans to pull something and they're going to more than likely be ready for it this time.

The Acorn thing, by the way, is much ado about nothing. The act of registering voters doesn't equate to those voters actually showing up to vote. If Mickey Mouse actually shows up in person to vote then I suppose that might be actual voter fraud, but I'm not gonna hold my breathe for that one. ;-)

I smell Carl Rove's shit covered hands in all of this! He's up to his old tricks and Obama needs to hit them head strong because they fight dirty every chance they get. They RARELY discuss the issues they just focus on EXAGGERATED personal attacks as a way of getting into the white house. IF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS A SNAKE THEN CARL ROVE IS IT'S VENOMOUS TONGUE!!! and mccain apparently doesn't give two shits about what Rovey boy said about his daughter 8 years ago.
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blkoralslaveboy said:
What are the chances that the republicans will cheat again and win just the same way they did back in 2000?

You better study politics a little closer to see who it is that really does commit more voter fraud- hint it isnt republicans
Gina25 said:
My biggest concern is that the current Bush Administration will create another 9/11 like they did last time to get Mccain elected. They all seem to be saying that is his only chance is an event like that because obviously he does not stand a chance when it comes to issues especially after creating yet another botched attempt with this whole Joe the plumber thing.

Seriously, get yourself to a hospital and seek emergency assistance.
blkoralslaveboy said:
What are the chances that the republicans will cheat again and win just the same way they did back in 2000?

Yeah, lets forget that if only Gore had taken HIS OWN GOD DAMNED STATE he would have won. A state (Tenn) where his father had also been a Senator.

Cheat again my butt. Ask the Kennedys how Jack took Chicago which took Illinois in "60".

And if the Republicans were caught doing what Acorn has pulled in Ohio do you think SexyCouple would say that it was much ado about nothing?
vtjames742 said:
You better study politics a little closer to see who it is that really does commit more voter fraud- hint it isnt republicans

Please document your proof of this claim. Every single source of voter fraud that I've seen and read about generally involves Republican attempts using Choicepoint systems. Lou Dobbs ran several stories about them last year, and he is about as conservative as you can get. Greg Palast ******* them as well. It's a known quantity. Not up for debate. Please provide proof of your claims to the contrary.
Husband_white_father said:
you all are our of your minds!!! Pres Bush created 9/11?? put that blame on the previous Pres Clinton. As for the republicans fixing the election in florida,, lets set the record straight. If the citizens of Fl cant read the ballot or understand hot the ballot works then maybe they should take advantage of the help that is offered at every pollinig site, oh , and by the way if you want to talk about wiping voters off the rolls, let talk about the california vote in2000. The democras made sure that almost 5 million absentee ballots from mostly Military personnel were not counted due to a mistake with the US postal service. Those ballots were tossed , not because the votors did anythign wrong but because the postal service made a mistake and didnt post mark them correctly. With thos 5 million votes, the count in california may have been changed as well, from Al Gore to George Bush. I think its high time we all stop whinning about past dealings and get on with growing the US.

1) I don't ascribe to the notion the Bush administration cooperated or planned 9/11. That's just crazy talk. I do think the intelligence agencies under their direction were incompetent and looking for things that were not there and missing things that were. But there's plenty of blame to go around on both sides of the political aisle on that one.

2) Regarding voting machine fraud, you seriously need to do a little more reading because to put it mildly you don't sound like you know what the hell you're talking about. The system that Choicepoint used in Florida was clearly racially and party-line motivated. There have been numerous stories about this which detailed the methods used to wipe out votes and it had nothing to do with people "not being able to fill out the ballot correctly". That's simply assenine.
SaltandPepper98 said:
Yeah, lets forget that if only Gore had taken HIS OWN GOD DAMNED STATE he would have won. A state (Tenn) where his father had also been a Senator.

Cheat again my butt. Ask the Kennedys how Jack took Chicago which took Illinois in "60".

And if the Republicans were caught doing what Acorn has pulled in Ohio do you think SexyCouple would say that it was much ado about nothing?

Well, let's not forget that in reality Gore DID win the election in 2000. ;-)

Jack won in '60 because of how much better he looked on TV. And I'm sure the mob helped out a little bit in Illinois. HA!

But, really now, are you trying to say that because the mob might have helped JFK in '60 that makes it OKEY-DOKEY that Choicepoint, Jeb Bush, and Katherine Harris essentially stole the election for W in 2000? Since when do two wrongs make a right? If you're a Republican I'd think this might offend your sense of "moral certitude", eh? ;-)

Oh, and given the fact that I'm an Independent w/ a capital "I", yes I'd be saying the same thing about the Repubs if an accusation about an Acorn-style stunt was being thrown their way.

Look, stuff like Acorn isn't fun and it doesn't look too honorable for those involved. None of us wants to see people making money off of registering fake voters. But REGISTERING voters is not the same as those voters actually voting. And having a few people make money off of this sort of thing is not the same as the DNC endorsing this as an official Democratic strategy of some sort. This is obviously not a concerted effort at system wide voter fraud since registered voters do NOT equate to actual votes.

Can you please help me understand how registering voters actually constitutes true voter fraud insofar as it will effect the outcome of the election?
Enough said


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that's the biggest bs I have ever heard. You are reading to many comic books, haha!
It is sad that both parties have done horrible things to win an election, The only thing in this one is that McCain will pull if off due to many democrats swinging his way at the last minute. The Clintons are working behind the scene with many of their main supporters. If you notice many influential supporters of Hillary have now endoresed McCain. Hillary will run in 4 years again. They must make sure that Obama loses the election. Acorn will not help him either. Do not be surprised that all ballots and registration from Acorn will not be allowed in this election. It involves too many states and it is sad that this organization did this. One person registered in 17 different counties, not that is dirty. But then again Politics is so dirty.
sexycouple2011 said:
Well, let's not forget that in reality Gore DID win the election in 2000. ;-)

Yeah right. If I remember correctly, didn't just about every major news organization do the count again after the election (took months) in every conceivable way including the way the Dems wanted it and Gore still would have lost Florida? Cut me some slack on this one as I am relying on memory.

SaltandPepper98 said:
Yeah, lets forget that if only Gore had taken HIS OWN GOD DAMNED STATE he would have won. A state (Tenn) where his father had also been a Senator.

Cheat again my butt. Ask the Kennedys how Jack took Chicago which took Illinois in "60".

And if the Republicans were caught doing what Acorn has pulled in Ohio do you think SexyCouple would say that it was much ado about nothing?

Relevance is something to think about! Let's reread the question democrat.
Nat Hentoff wrote about the whole 'hanging chad' mess and had no good words about the Democrats either. People were just guessing what some ballots were saying.

We obviously need a new system so nobody can cheat or has to guess.
Will & Eve said:

Have you actually watched his show on a regular basis or familiarized yourself with his views? Dobbs is an Independent, but he most *certainly* leans strongly conservative. Can you name one issue that he stands on as proof to the contrary?

Border security, illegal immigration, fiscal policy, the drug war, his opposition to all things "globalist", the War on the Middle Class, etc....

He's conservative with some "common sensical" leanings yes, but conservative nonetheless.

He's been a vocal critic of this corrupt, ineffective Republican President AND the equally corrupt Democratic Congress.

He is attacked by groups and voices on both sides of the political extreme, but more often than not he's attacked with the most venom from the far left. If that isn't proof positive of which direction he leans I don't know what is.

Dobbs is an old-school Goldwater Republican who is most certainly conservative and justifiably feels disenfranchised by his original party. He rails on both parties about being bought and payed for by corporate masters, and he's right.

How that makes him less "conservative" I do not know.
SaltandPepper98 said:
Yeah right. If I remember correctly, didn't just about every major news organization do the count again after the election (took months) in every conceivable way including the way the Dems wanted it and Gore still would have lost Florida? Cut me some slack on this one as I am relying on memory.


And you trust CBS, NBC, and ABC to give us insightful, independent, investigative journalism? <chuckle>

Do some reading on Greg Palast and how he had to go to work for the Guardian in the UK to break the Florida story, which was eventually picked up by then forgotten about until the Washington Post "valiently" picked it up and ran with it...finally legitimizing the scandal...albeit several weeks after it was too late.

So, in essence, the answer to your query is: no, you're wrong. News agencies didn't pick up on the florida black ballot scandal until it was far too late. All the recounts you speak of happened *before* the scandal broke.

Read up. It's all out there and is pretty much accepted as fact by this point. All you have to do is be willing to look.
Elizabeth T said:
It is sad that both parties have done horrible things to win an election, The only thing in this one is that McCain will pull if off due to many democrats swinging his way at the last minute. The Clintons are working behind the scene with many of their main supporters. If you notice many influential supporters of Hillary have now endoresed McCain. Hillary will run in 4 years again. They must make sure that Obama loses the election. Acorn will not help him either. Do not be surprised that all ballots and registration from Acorn will not be allowed in this election. It involves too many states and it is sad that this organization did this. One person registered in 17 different counties, not that is dirty. But then again Politics is so dirty.

You can REGISTER as MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT. There is no law against that. Just because you register more than once does not mean you can vote more than once. That is not legal or allowed.

This already happened in 2004 when Karl Rove commissioned investigations into "voter registration fraud". The Repubs spent hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars and could not come up with one case where someone had been able to vote more than once. <YAWN>

This is pretty much last ditch effort time. They are trying like hell to distort the reality of what it means to "register" vs. "vote". They are hoping to conflate the two in the minds of potential swing voters.

Will it work? Who knows? My bet is not this time.
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My numbers may not be exactly right but I believe there have been 26 cases of prosecuted voter fraud in the past 6 years. All that in spite of a concerted republican effort to find and prosecute such cases. This voter fraud red herring constitutes no more than a effort to bring our whole election process into question.

It's just another shameful tactic pulled froom a bag of tricks designed to retain or attain power through the use of fear and suspicion. The Acorn voter registration fraud, although there are certainly illegalities, poses no threat of actual voting fraud.

Just another republican election tactic designed to sow the seeds of fear and suspicion. Tactics like this undermine our democracy and create division. Falsely calling into question the legitimacy of our electoral process is despicable.

And Lou Dobbs is about as conservative as one can get. I guess the problem is that there are now so many kinds of conservatives that each one questions the others' legitimacy.
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