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Valentines Day

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #221
> she's said and how she's acted that, at most, it'll be a blowjob. And, crazy as it sounds, sitting
> here right now waiting for her to get home - there's a huge part of me that doesn't even want
> that. I haven't cum now in several days and a part of me wants to wait until she's gone
Amazingly, I can totally relate to that, and I believe most of us here do. Just thinking
about what you and Sue are going through now makes me so hard. Hang in there and
enjoy the ride; I will too, vicariously :)

Hey, maybe her surprise for you tonight is to sit on your face with a pussy full
of Frank's cum - even though she indicated earlier that Frank would have to wait
until the trip... What if it turns out he's had her every day this week?

  • #222
Hiki - you're a funny guy but there's been no time this week as she's been putting in a little extra time to make up for taking off early tomorrow.

Can't wait for her to get home already.
  • #224
I just kissed her and said goodbye and a million thoughts are now running crazy in my head.

I'm going to try to hold it back and stay focused.

It started last night. She started packing and she saw me watching. She was just standing there in panties and a t-shirt so she could try on different outfits. I told her which ones looked nice and neither of us really talked about the trip. Maybe it's like I said, it's done and that's that. I did have a huge hard-on as she packed what seemed like a lot of clothes for just 2 days. She didn't make a big deal about packing her underwear or lingerie but I did recognize several items including that leopard camisole that she is wearing in some of the pics I've posted. There were several lacy panties and equally translucent bras. I thought I'd seen something else she taken and then confirmed it when she walked away, that she'd taken her pair of split-crotch panties. They look like normal panties until she spreads her legs and then they separate. I suddenly felt like I was maybe prying a bit. She's wearing this semi- almost casual black and white dress for the wedding that makes her look very thin. As she hung it by the door it started feeling a little too real for me all of a sudden. But right now I don't want to go off on what I was thinking...

Sorry, I walked away for a minute before I could keep writing. It's so quiet in the house right now..

The thing that I wanted to put down here is what happened after she finished packing. She toddled around in the bathroom but she'd had most everything ready and about 10:30pm she came in the bedroom and sat next to me and started to kiss me. I wasn't sure what was going on until she pulled back and said that she had to ask me something about the wedding. I was suddenly concerned from the straight look on her face. She kissed me again and then said that she never thought she would ever say this to me. I was now totally concerned. She took a breath and then said - and I swear, she said it without me saying a word unless I did in my sleep - but she looked at me and said she wanted to know if I would be okay "if I took my rings off when we're out with the others?". I think I swallowed my tongue at that point as I just couldn't say anything for a second. She immediately said "it's just while we're out, I'll put them back on right afterwards".

I was just stunned - I mean I really couldn't think of what to say at that moment. Unless she somehow read my posts here, I have NEVER mentioned that to her. She took my silence as rejection and then immediately said "never mind, it's okay, he's told them" and she said that she didn't want to flash it in their face. She leaned over and said "sorry" and started to kiss me again. I kissed her for a moment and as I did I let my brain go. I thought of how I felt at that moment and as I pulled back from the kiss I told her "it's okay". She looked at me and I said something that just came out - something like "no really, it's okay. I understand." and then I took a deep breath myself and then I did it - I said it - I said "I was thinking of asking you if you wanted to leave them home". I know it sounds crazy to me as I'm typing it now, but I did it. I said it.

I swear the only sound was the TV and my heart beating for a moment and I suddenly got all scared I'd maybe gone too far for her and I started to say something and she shushed me and looked at me and said "would that turn you on?" and a pause and then she said "you can be honest, it's okay if it does...". I can't explain it other than to say it was one of those moments where you realized you loved this person enough to let them know something that deep. I nodded my head "yes". She smiled and kissed me again and said it's okay and then a moment later she asked me if I was sure and I steeled up my courage and said "yes".

I think she knew that I wasn't ready to talk about it at that moment and she didn't push it. Instead she leaned over and pushed me back flat onto the bed and we kissed. She started to talk a bit and said that it turned her on a lot to think of taking them off. I noticed her nipples were all pointy under her t-shirt and she obviously felt how hard I was. After several more kisses she pulled back and said, again, as if she knew exactly what I was thinking she said she didn't want to have sex with me and that she knew I knew that. She looked up at me and asked me "do you want me to suck you? Or do you want to wait?".

A part of me wanted to say "wait" so much. I swear my cock felt like it grew at just the thought of it. But then I realized it'll be 3 days before she's back and I said "no, now would be much better". She giggled, called me greedy and then proceeded to suck me like I've almost never had before. She was doing something with her hands and her tongue so that within just a few minutes I was getting really close. I guess she knew when to stop and just when I though it'd be too late - she pulled off and just gently held my cock in her hand for a moment after which she slowly started sucking me again. She was just kneeling there still in her t-shirt and panties as she got me almost to the edge again before she pulled off. Before she started sucking me again she said "I'll be yours when I get back but while I'm gone, I'll be his" and then she went back to sucking me. Only this time just that thought was enough to send me over. I spasmed and I heard and felt her gag a little at the first spurt that I knew had to have been huge. Followed by at least 6 or 7 more until I fell back against the bed and she looked at me and smiled. She smiled back looking very satisfied as I am now thinking I must have cum a quart and she must have known it. We hugged and she snuggled up to me. I told her that I wanted her to have a good time and she hugged me and said "thank you" and then like a million "I love you's". We actually fell asleep for a bit while spooning up.

I actually slept pretty well, surprisingly, after how I'd felt the last few nights. But maybe that's just the whole fate accompli thing where it was a done deal and I think maybe I felt better about it than I thought I would.

The suitcase on the bed was really the only thing that was different this morning. But it was all that was needed. We saw our daughter off to school, had breakfast and were now finishing getting dressed.

I don't know if it's all sunk in yet. I mean I know she's gone and I think I should be more upset or whatever - but I'm just kind of numb about it for the moment.

Anyway - thing is. After a huge kiss and us starting to say goodbye, she turned to me and seemed to start to say something. I pushed her and said "what, come on, what?" as if to imply what could possibly concern her given where she's going later. She looked at me and said "were you serious last night?" .... "you know, about my rings?"

I wasn't under the haze of foreplay/desire and gave it a second to sink in before I answered her "yes" in a quiet voice. She came over to me and said "I'll know you're serious if it's you that takes them off of me". I swear my hands were shaking and moving in slow motion. I took her hand in mine and just looked at them on her finger. It was probably 10 seconds but it felt like 10 hours but I did it. She took a deep breath that I heard when she saw me take them in my fingers and pull them off.

I think I'm numb in a way but I have to say that I feel like pukeing. Holy crap. Wow. What have I done.

I'm not sure I can write much more right now. I feel queasy right now thinking about it. But I did it. I held them in my hand and told her "go and enjoy". She hugged me, kissed me deeply and then a little while later when she had everything ready she pulled her suitcase to the door. She stood there and I think was maybe giving me one last chance as she seemed to pause before she said she promised she'd call before she left this afternoon. I gave her one last kiss and hug and then just stood there behind the closed door as she pulled out and drove away.

I have to go. I have a tear in my eye at thinking about what is happening and what I've done. I'll be okay, I'm sure, if I look away from all of that emotional stuff, I'm okay and I am okay with what's been done. But I need to get to work and put my mind elsewhere.
  • #225
well you did it you took her rimgs and after it all she some how know that is what you wanted to do for you. and let her go with frank as a free woman and if she has not called or texted him yet she will soon. to let him that you are letting her go as she is not a married to you. i hope things do not change with her and frank hope it stays as is just freinds that have sex. but i think they will get alot closer than that after this weekend and she has said she would at anytime for you if it was not ok with you. well i do not know how you feel right now and what is going on in you head at the same time. i know how i would be about now off the wall. so good luck with it and hope all stays the same with them. you do know that frank will not say it to you but he does love sue alot. and he will take her this weekend as his own now that he does not have to think about the rings and thay will have agood time as it is there one year as lovers and he will do all he can to seal the deal on it with sue as his now. let us know how things go on this weekend. as you find out.
  • #227
Wow! You really must be telegraphing these things to her somehow. It seems to
me this is happening quite a bit, maybe you're right and she is reading this forum...

Some time mid-last week you wrote:
> She promised me that she'd give me something that I'll enjoy before she leaves. I'm not
> quite sure what that means just yet.
Maybe she was referring to the blowjob, but I wonder if she wasn't already planning to give you
her rings then?

> she shushed me and looked at me and said "would that turn you on?" and a pause and then
> she said "you can be honest, it's okay if it does...".
This is just awesome. I know you will be going through severe angst over the next
couple of days, but when you think about how supportive and sensitive she is to
you, you know it will all be OK when she gets back. And when she does, you get to
put her rings back as if you're marrying her again! You could plan a special ceremony
for that :)

Hang in there, and save some for Sue :)
  • #228
expect the best

STB, I can so relate to what you are feeling, the first time I let my wife go away for the weekend, my stomach was in knots and I had a constant hardon thinking about what were they doing now, in your case if you know what time the wedding is you will know that she isn't in bed with him at that moment, but at the other times your mind will play a movie for you of what her and Frank are doing. On the other hand just wait until she gets back, she's going to want you so bad and if she is like my wife was then she will be a sexualy hungry, horny woman all week. Personally if it were me I would wait for her to ask you to put her rings back on and then enjoy her body one way or another. For your own knowledge, I can still remember that first time just like it was last weekend, it truly left a mark on our relationship (a good mark) that seemed to make our marriage even stronger. Later on she told me that it was at that point that she knew that she was the love of my life and that I was confident that the extra men for her was just to let her enjoy a good pussy pounding as long as she didn't try to do it behind my back- and she never did anything behind my back the rest of her life. Hang in there STB it will only get better! GTR
  • #229
Well, I am glad that Sue came through with the great Blow-job. I kind of knew she would. Also the ring thing was what I suggested early on because I thought it would prevent embarrassing questions that Frank couldn't answer honestly.
Not sure what she meant by "Never mind, it's OK, he's told them" Makes me wonder What Frank has told them about Sue. He told you that she was "going as a friend" and to not worry about harming her reputation. I think they had another plan if you didn't keep the rings and thats why she asked first if she could just take them off when she was with Franks family and the wedding party. They already had it covered.

So when you get back home this afternoon, Sue won't be there. That's when it will really hit you that she won't be back till Sunday afternoon and that she will be totally with Frank. At the rehearsal, at the Dinner, at the wedding, and of course breakfast, lunch, Showers and in bed to wake up in his arms.

To some extent I can relate. My wife early in our marriage went to Omaha for her daughters wedding. Of course her EX. was there and she was at the ceremony with him Dinner, reception and all. Although I had no concerns of them "hooking up" (they were divorced for 16 years) it still was an event that I had no control of and she was gone for a whole week.

As I recall, you went through much the same trepidation the first time Sue went off to the business seminar with the condoms in her purse and your encouragement to "go have fun". So this is not new. Also her date with Brad, who she expressed some emotional attachment to, (when he came back into town to see her "one more time") and she spent the night with him.

I know this don't entirely relieve the angst you are feeling right now, but I know you have been through some of this before, just not with the same kind of situations involved. This is definitely at a higher level of 'unknown'.

I know you'll feel better when you get her call tonight, even though you will know what will happen after she hangs up.

Cheers, Harry
  • #230
as of now she should have called you to tell you that they are leaving now and they should be on there way. now the weeding weekend is under way.
  • #231
All frank's pussy now, I think everyone is getting what hey want, right? Enjoy your cuckoldness. Sue and Frank will be having a good time celebrating her freedom and letting loose. What a great gift you are giving STB!
  • #232
SoonToBe said:
I'm sure I'll have many more thoughts to share. I already have a whole mess of them swimming in my head including the crazy thought of Frank doing the whole "carry her over the threshold" thing after the wedding.
Another one which will certainly remain as just that - a crazy thought - would be if Sue were to bring her own wedding dress (as if it'd still fit!) and for her to let Frank undress her as I did almost 25 years ago. I have kept all of these in my head for now.

STB, When I read back to this post and thought all the possibilities that have come up, I just had this image in my head and had to find a picture that fit!
Well, Let's just imagine that when she got home today, she went and got that wedding dress, Hell they could even rent one, and took it to her car before she left. Wouldn't Frank be surprised if this is what he is presented with on Saturday night after the wedding ..... Who's wedding?


  • You may kiss your bride.jpg
    You may kiss your bride.jpg
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  • #233
that would be a rush for think of sue and frank doing that after the wedding they are at.
  • #234
Dana, Well I know STB is in "cuckold angst" about now and don't want to "push him over the edge. BUT I just saw a lot of humor in that since he had mentioned it. LOL
  • #235
Gut wrenching

STB, great emotional story, truly your heart was speaking both to Sue and as you wrote here.
Thanks for doing somethind so difficult
  • #236
i do understand i do not want to do that as well. what i think may be a rush may not be for him at this time.
  • #237
You are truely an amazing couple:) I love the fact that Sue brought up the leaving the rings off thing.. Maybe you can put together a private re-ringing ceramony for when she gets home to you. I see a new thread coming, a retaking of your wife thread maybe...What ever the case, my hat is off to you both. I am wondering how all this will unfold, because you must know by now that Frank is going to fall hopelessly in love with your wife, how can he not? Snaps for you STB:)
  • #238
Hey all - just got home to an empty house as my daughter is off with friends.
Not really up for writing more now nor even really reading much online. I stayed later at work and am now considering going out for a bit to take my mind off things...

I'm sure all will be fine, she texted me about 6pm that they were just about there and that she'd call later. Better she texted me than calling me at that point anyway.

  • #239
stay happy it will be allright if you are up to it let us know what she tell you later when she calls you.
  • #240
It's 10pm. now in NJ
Now I am getting worried for Steve.
Hope he got good news from Sue
And I hope he got home OK.

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