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Valentines Day

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #261
Well done, STB, you have survived the weekend and enjoyed it by the
sound of it! I hope her wonderful, well-used pussy gets lots of well
deserved oral worship tonight!
  • #262
So, she said she'd be home by 7ish. But she just texted me that she was at Franks and that she would be here closer to 8pm. I am going crazy waitng for her, and now she's almost here - won't surprise me if one or both of them wanted one last time!
  • #263
Man stb that was a long weekend. I have a feeling she will pull her legs back and let you have her so she can give you what you need but I think she will be spent from fucking Frank all weekend! Have fun! I can't wait to hear the discussions that come out over this weekend!
  • #264
> won't surprise me if one or both of them wanted one last time!
What a thought, sounds like she is going to bring you a fresh
creampie! May it be wet, warm and tasty :)
  • #265

WOW, It's 5:30 here in Phoenix, 7:30 in NJ, So Steve is still waiting! :( LOL.
I'm Guessing that Frank and Sue had sex 10 times since she left home Friday afternoon.
1X at Franks before they left Fri. 2X Fri. night, 2X Sat. morning, 2X Sat night 2X Sunday and once more at Franks this Sunday evening.
Any one care to wager another guess. I'm sure Steve will have the number when he finally gets back on this site after he recovers sometime this week.
I hope Sue's late arrival tonight doesn't spoil any special plans Steve had for the evening.

Cheers, Harry
  • #266
I think that the dynamics of relationship between Sue, Steve and Frank has changed for ever. I have mentioned this earlier and I mention it once again that women (or for that matter even men) want (although subconsciously) that thier loved one misses them when they are away. I am not aware of the actual communication between Sue and Steve, but from what Steve revealed it was plenty obvious that Steve was more aroused than anything else. He needs to communicate it to Sue that she was missed and he went out of his way to facilitate this incredible weekend for Sue and Frank. However if he communicates to Sue that everything was fine and all he did feel was arousal then that's what he will get - more arousals from denials. While Frank has pulled all stops to woo his lady love, Steve has given her away. (Did I say too much ? If so I am sorry..but that's how I feel)
  • #268
I think Steve is Sue's "true love". I think it will stay that way for the rest of their live together.
However, He has, as you said, given her away to Frank for much of her sexual enjoyment. I think it will take something like Frank wanting to move on and marrying someone else to break the sexual bond Sue has formed with him.
Much has been discussed in this forum about the power of the sexual bond of a woman to her "other lover". It is beginning to look like a reality in Sue's relationship with Frank if she allows it to continue and doesn't change course soon.
Cheers, Harry
  • #269
To further explain, Steve admits to being 'fascinated' with the story of Rick, (who's wife is exclusive to her lover) even though he say's he would not allow it to go that far. Many of the threads on this site describe the wife as very strong and controlling. I don't believe Sue would qualify for that roll.

There is another thread that asks the question why any man would be willing for other men to fuck his wife.

1. He feels inadequate, himself, and feels that he "owes" it to her to let her take fucks from other men who can do a better job then he.

2. He may be punishing her, for whatever reasons, by making a slut out of her.

3. He may feel guilty about some behavior of his own, like maybe fucking other women, and is trying to make it up to her.

4. He may have homosexual tendencies, and cannot bring himself to have sex with other males, so he offers his wife's body as a replacement and gets his needs for contact with other males satisfied that way.

5. He truly may love his wife to such an extent that he wants her to have as much sexual pleasure as possible, no matter what the source, and when he "allows" her to fuck with other men he is just doing her a favor.

6. Because it turns him on more than anything else

I believe Steve, from what he wants to feel and what he wants Sue to have, fits into #5 & #6 Mostly #6 and that is all he considers without considering the consequences.
Cheers, Harry
  • #270
I think that Steve has been simply concentrating on the sexual aspect of the week-end the past couple of days as a way to cope. Friday, as he was posting about Thursday night and seeing Sue off Friday morning, he was an emotional wreck. His way of coping was simply to stay busy with projects, hanging with his daughter, and when alone, concentrating on the physical sex that Sue was most liking having with Frank.

Steve was strong through all this. I think he approached it the right way. Had he been clingy and needy sounding in his phone conversations by telling her how he missed her, it might have gotten in Sue's head and brought her down.

Harry, I am thinking it was maybe 12 times and I will enter that as my guess for the week-end total. I did mention in a PM to Steve if he had pondered the possibility that Sue may be orgasmed out by the time she got home to him tonight. She has been that way before at times upon coming home to him. The romantic fool in me could easily see Sue and Steve having a tender, emotional, reassuring reunion tonight rather than a rowdy physical one due to Sue simply being fucked out. Any thoughts, Harry?
  • #271
it looks like when they got home as you posted one or both did not want the weekend to end. so all you can say that they both have fallen in love with eachother. so now we will have to wait and see how it plays out. from this point on with sue and frank just hope he did not. lie to you and has made alot demands on her. now that you let her go as a FREE WOMAN so he could do what every he wanted to do. keep us updated.
  • #272
Consider that Steve chose the name "soonToBe" meaning Soon to be a cuckold (that then became his mindset) not really defining what definition applied. He only knew then that he is "turned on' by his wife Sue, having sex with other men "even while they were dating" When they began to act out that fantasy, He told her to "do what she want's sexually" in other words he 'gave the control of who and when' up to Sue. And if that meant that she "denied him, the denial only increased his desire. Not only his desire for her, but his desire to "give her to the man of her choice". Thats where they are now. It's really more a "hot wife" activity than a cuckold activity as Mac-n-fries would define it.
It don't appear that Steve has any vision of a goal or "end point" for this lifestyle, but that he trusts Sue to not only give him what he wants, but to set the boundaries. He may contest that opinion, and has here, but, so far Sue has set the course and although she continuously checks on Steve's acceptance, He nearly always say's "yes" to whatever she wants.

I am not saying that there is an inevitable "doomsday" coming for Steve and Sue. But that is primarily because Sue values their marriage more than she wants the extramarital sexual experience of a lover. When things got "out of hand" with Don, it was Sue that "walked out on it" I have to believe that she would do the same if Frank got too serious.
Enough said here, maybe too much. I will watch for other opinions, and particularly for what Steve has to report of Sue and Frank's week end. and the events that come out of that experience. It could even be that Sue overindulged with Frank because she is seeing the end, and just wanted to end it on a high. We don't really know. We can only speculate until whatever happens happens can we? LOL
  • #273
after what harry posted i an thinking he may be right and wait and see how it play out.
and what is said and what stb posts about there talk from what went on this weekend.
  • #274
Perhaps we are splitting hairs on the cuckold / hotwife definition. Consider the viewpoint. We are all on a cuckold website and perhaps can see the wide spectrum of activity that the lifestyle there can encompass. Much of it perhaps perhaps not always to our own individual taste. Steve has a wonderful but pretty mild cuckold relationship on that spectrum but from the completely straight perspective, I'm pretty sure he would be regarded as an out and out cuckold.

I continue to believe that Frank himself does not present any threat to the relationship between Sue and Steve. He is a very real and human cipher. Steve is currently (and maybe always will be) extremely turned on by the reality of other men making love to his wife. Sue seems to be turned on as much by Steve being turned on as she is by the attentions of these men. The risk of a real relationship developing is part of the thrill for Steve but Sue seems to be well in control in minimising that risk.

There must be an end game for Frank of course. At present he has done nothing to make Steve or Sue really slam on the brakes. That makes him aware and smart but not devious in my books. I think the real end will emerge from outside. Think what Frank projected to other available women a few months ago. A fairly reclusive, recently separated man, lacking the confidence or desire to approach a new relationship. Now, he will be (maybe if only subconciously) a new image, one of a man who is on top of his sexual game. Confident, satisfied and of course, available (because he can't tell anyone about Sue). The woman who come into contact with him in future will sense this in him and will increasingly come onto him. Eventually one will click and he will be away. Looking back, that is how Steve introduced Sue to Frank as a potential partner. Someone who needed to be 'fixed'. I think he is.

Which would of course create a vacancy ..

On Harry's sweepstake, I'll dodge lower. 9. I think Sue will have left a little in the tank for Steve, maybe only a little though. We'll see. It will be interesting to see Steve's perspective on all this next week when his big head is back in control of his little head.
  • #275
How many times?

Jax: How do you define 12? A couple more times on Saturday before the wedding? I thought os that.

Peak: How do you define 9?

I do hope Sue got home in time Sunday evening for her & Steve to do something "special" (besides fucking). I know that he had plans, and part of it was to ceremoniously put her rings back on. He also expected her to be home much earlier so they could have more time Sunday night to celebrate their "reunion." [If I were in that situation, I would have had something special scheduled and would be extremely pissed if my wife "dallied longer" and messed it up. But thats how I am].
Hopefully, they both took time off today. Good time to call in a "personal day" so they could be together without distractions. They needed something like that after her obviously "romantic" weekend with Frank.
Cheers, Harry
  • #276
Harry, I came up with 12 simply out of respect for Sue. She always seems to pleasantly surprise Steve in so many ways! I am betting she saved mentioning a few things on the phone to surprise him with in person.
  • #277
Something else that has crossed my mind a few times concerning the week-end. Steve has mentioned before that Sue doesn't allow him to take her anally. I wonder if the combination of being free, a romantic time with Frank, and her telling Steve on the phone she was feeling "wanton and horny" may have gotten Sue to the point of giving Frank her ass this week-end?
  • #278
You mean two more times she had with Frank that she would save to tell Steve 'in person'? [or] two times she saved for Steve after she got home?

Yes I too, am in Awe of Sue. I never mean to say anything 'bad' about her. I believe that none of the 'other wives' we read about on this site come anywhere near to being as sensitive to the husband's feelings as Sue is with Steve.

Further, I think that the reason that STB's postings consistently rank as the highest read is that Sue can be trusted, not only by Steve, but by the many of us that read his thread. I, and many more, I suspect, of the men who frequent these pages, would love to have a wife like Sue. Many of us may claim to have a lovely wife, (I do) but Steve has a wife that is not only lovely, but sensual beyond the comprehension of most of us here. And I mean that as sensual to her husband Steve. Then we get into how sensual she is to her present lover Frank, which because of his cuckold mindset makes her even more sensual to Steve. I know I would be like Frank. ... I wouldn't share!!
Cheers, Harry
  • #279
Harry and others - I just started a new thread.
I wanted to put down what happened last night when she got home.

I'll continue more later as many of your questions and ideas were answered, or at least, started to be answered.
  • #280
i think that we all are right on some parts and wrong on the rest of them
all we can do guess as best as we can becouse not one of use knows .
what is going on in sues mind about frank and this week-end stb will be the only one that can work all of that out. so looking for ward to what he has to tell use.

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