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What about escorts for women?

  • Thread starterVictoria
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jun 13, 2010
I'm sitting in the Admirals Club here in Dallas enroute and am pondering if a male ****** would be acceptable to give as a gift to a girlfriend?

I had lunch with her on Saturday and she told me she is ready to get back into the dating world... She has been divorced for several years, but even before that wasn't in a real 'active' relationship..... (for all of you that are wondering, yes, we do talk about ALL... Well most of the time)http://www.cuckolds.com/forums/images/smilies/redface.gif

So I'm thinking it's been a long time.... Wouldn't it be worth it to make sure her first time is amazing??? (I've fantasized about it more than once...)

Is this too far?

As long as your friend knows and understands that he is a male-****** - then I see no harm in doing so. The thing I would be concerned with was if she didn't know or would think he was a potential boyfriend.

As long as she knows the difference - then sure - why not let her enjoy sex for a change!!!! Plus, if he really lights-her-fire, maybe she'll be that much more selective in who she chooses as a mate in the future.

But how do you thnk she'd react to that situation? Would she be okay with it? Just as some guys are turned off by "paying for sex" I'd think women would feel the same way.
Let us know how it goes...
Hi Ms. Victoria,

Victoria said:
I'm sitting in the Admirals Club here in Dallas enroute and am pondering if a male ****** would be acceptable to give as a gift to a girlfriend?

Ah... so you're a travelin' woman. But to answer your question: yes, of course. That would be a very nice and thoughtful gift.

Victoria said:
I had lunch with her on Saturday and she told me she is ready to get back into the dating world. She has been divorced for several years, but even before that wasn't in a real 'active' relationship.

Whew... she's "ready" to start dating again after several years? Sounds like she isn't what could be called a fast starter. Why the lengthy delay? But then, never mind. I guess that's none of my business.

Victoria said:
For all of you who are wondering, yes, we do talk about ALL... Well, most of the time.

Yes, I would assume so. I think women talk with each other MUCH more than men about the problems in their lives, including romantic interests (or lack thereof).

Victoria said:
So I'm thinking it's been a long time.... wouldn't it be worth it to make sure her first time is amazing???

Yes, certainly. It would be best to "sound your friend out" to make sure she would be amenable to a gift of that nature and, as STB suggested, to make sure she doesn't confuse her professional ****** with you setting her up with a potential boyfriend or long-term lover. Beyond that, my impression is that many ****** services (if not most) offer male as well as female companions, so to speak.

Victoria said:
I've fantasized about it more than once...

Hm... maybe you should consider hiring a male ****** yourself, just to see what it's like. I mean, why not...? You seem to be a woman of means who would not find that financially stressful. You could view it as exercising your prerogative to "just hire a boytoy" when you feel like a fuck, fully in line with women now playing roles comparable (or superior) to men in "making things happen" and "making the world go 'round."

Victoria said:
Is this too far? —Victoria, Xoxo

No, no... of course not. It's your right and your plivilege (as Tom Waites might put it), both for your woman friend and yourself.

Go for it!

I agree with Custer, as I almost always do. Definitely get an idea of how receptive she'd be. She may be more comfortable "opening up" with a stranger. Then again, she may not like the idea of a "professional," some people object on moral grounds. Maybe someone from a site like this would be a better idea, if she wants to go that way. Find out what she's really looking for. Is she sick of her vibrator and is ready for a real dick, or is she sick of watching TV on a friday night and is ready for a man to take her out on the town?

STB... of course I would let her know... she would be fully aware before hand... it would not be something I would 'spring' on her or allow her to think it would be a 'date'... One, I'm not that cruel, two, I would put a bow on him for her...... ;-)


I'm not sure how I would go about finding her someone on this site? I love her to death but she is one I'm positive would not 'understand' me on this level... I actually mentioned to her about an ****** (KA was the one that brought it up,) she didn't say 'yes' but then again she didn't say 'no'...

I'm fairly convinced the more you have sex, the more you want it... and if that is so, then would it make sense the less you have it the less you want it?

....so I'm worried that she is not going to be comfortable getting 'back in the saddle' so to speak....

So, if I wanted to find her someone on this site that would be good for her... your suggestion would be?


Custer... you are adorable... a double date??? :) Or I'm off to Toronto in a couple weeks, perhaps I should see what I can find there?? However, after looking online, I'm not sure where one finds quality?

I travel in spurts... traveling does create a 'high target environment!'

What a darling friend you are Victoria, but do check with her first.
You travel in spurts! Does that mean you spurt when you travel?

the stories I could tell you!!!! (oh, perhaps I already have begun)

Yes, I do love to travel... :)

I think I just did.... (my other thread).....

and the night is not even over yet....

yes, how I do love to 'travel'....

Hi Ms. Victoria,

Victoria said:
I would put a bow on him for her...... ;-)

Awright, I like it... a large pink one, I presume...

Victoria said:
George, I'm not sure how I would go about finding her someone on this site.

I won't pretend to be able to answer your question on "how to score a lover on this forum for your friend;" I think George would be a better person to advise you. I suspect, though, it would involve persuading your friend to allow "someone" to take one or more salacious nude photos of her, the more salacious and daring the better, then persuading her to post them here with some suitable prose specifying the kind of dude she's looking for.

Victoria said:
I love her to death but she is one I'm positive would not 'understand' me on this level... I actually mentioned to her about an ****** (KA was the one that brought it up,) she didn't say 'yes' but then again she didn't say 'no'...

Sounds like a less than enthusiastic response. On the other hand, maybe she's thinking about it. Her multi-year delay between ending her marriage and deciding she wants to start dating again, though, suggests she doesn't leap into sexual opportunities with unrestrained enthusiasm.

Victoria said:
I'm fairly convinced the more you have sex, the more you want it...

A woman who is strongly sexual told me that first-hand. Another woman on this forum who began posting a while back and gave some very interesting accounts of how her husband encouraged and eased her into becoming his cuckoldress (sort of like you), and of her subsequent experiences, said the same thing. Unfortunately she stopped posting and I've forgotten her screen name.

Victoria said:
And if that is so, then would it make sense the less you have it the less you want it?

My impression is, that's the case among both women and men.

Victoria said:
....so I'm worried my friend is not going to be comfortable getting 'back in the saddle' so to speak.

Could be. From that point of view, if your friend agrees to your proposal that may be an optimum way to "get back in the saddle." She wouldn't have to worry about the awkwardness of meeting and becoming comfortable with someone she doesn't know... rather, she could view it as her ******'s job to "take it away," and he would.

Victoria said:
So, if I wanted to find her someone on this site that would be good for her... your suggestion would be? —Victoria xoxox

I'll leave it to George to weigh in and comment further.

Victoria said:
Custer... you are adorable... a double date??? :)

Thank you, ma'am... it's very kind of you to say so. (Blush.) I think a double date with you and KA would be a very intriguing, erotic and enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, my neck of the continent (Alaska) is fairly distant from almost everyone else's neck of the woods. I rarely make it to the Toronto area, for instance. On occasion, however, I go to the Seattle area — or broadly speaking, the northwest.

Victoria said:
I travel in spurts... traveling does create a 'high target environment!' —Victoria xoxo

This does bring to mind, as Shidave mentioned, the question of whether you spurt while you travel... and yes, I would agree traveling must create a "high target environment" for you.

Ms. Victoria,

There's a chapter or section in "Working Sex: An Odyssey into Our Cultural Underworld," by Marianne Macy (1996, 288 pp [hardcover]) on a successful male ********** who worked for women. He seemed almost unique... as I recall, he was the only example of a for-real gigolo the author was able to find. My impression, though, is that times have changed and it isn't unusual now to find men working via ****** services. But, that's just my impression.

Custer beat me to the answers (do you LIVE here man?), but I'll give my two cents as well.

First of all, I agree that the less you have sex, the less you want it. But the old desires should come flowing back once she gets back "on the saddle," as you so eloquently put it.

What I meant by "find someone on this site" was kind of a compromise between "buy her a male ******" and "encourage her to go through months of bad dates for a lousy lay." Find someone on this site that is not a professional, but who is still experienced, clean, and looking for semi-anonymous no-strings sex. Once you've chosen someone local, set up a casual meeting and make it clear that the guy really wants to fuck her. Still let her make her own decisions, but get everything in place for her. That way, you don't waste money, she doesn't feel ******, and she won't feel weird about it being a "pro."

First, I have not even posted photos.... I can honestly say that my friend would NEVER do that... I never say 'never' (ever)... sorry that just slipped out!

Second, I appreciate all of your thoughts, keep them coming... I think this has become a mission for me... and I do love having missions!

side note: one mission not that long ago was to teach a female friend how to have an orgasm... one of KA's favorite stories :D

Third, another tangle in this story is that I live in a different city than she does... hmm, perhaps I need to find a prospect here and THEN turn him over when she comes to visit me.... pink ribbon and all... ;-)

Fourth, Custer, ALASKA??? wow, you are right, I don't get there often...

Fifth, (sorry now that I've started with this list thing I can't stop in the middle) Now you need to be gentle with me on this one... this being the site that it is, there would be mostly three categories of people who are here. Those who are involved, those who want to be involved and those who enjoy reading others stories..

If I were to be so bold and tried to find someone on this site... wouldn't I really be looking in the wrong area? There would not be a husband or lover involved to entice a bull, I don't think husband or lovers would qualify as prospects.. and for the ladies that are here, well that goes without saying they wouldn't work..

Am I being naive? (remember I'm new here so be nice when you answer please)

George, in Custer's defense... I am loving this site, I think I might be freaking KA out a bit, 'cause I'm loving you guys a bit to quickly... oops... (well it's good for him..)

Ms. Victoria,

Victoria said:
.... I can honestly say that my friend would NEVER [be willing to post photos on this forum].

Oh-oh. Such modesty will not work in your friend's favor. But, this won't necessarily be fatal if she's willing to exchange one or more photos privately, via e-mail, with candidates she decides she may be interested in. I don't think they'd have to be nude photos... "normal pix" that show what she looks like should be fine, and would also be fine (IMO) on this forum.

Victoria said:
Second, I appreciate all of your thoughts, keep them coming. I think this has become a mission for me, and I do love having missions!

OK... I'll try to keep it up (so to speak). Convincing an apparently-reluctant woman friend to fuck a man, even if it's only a one-night stand with a gigolo, is clearly a worthwhile goal. Indeed, your taking on this mission suggests you have a good sense of what kinds of problems are worth your time.

Victoria said:
Side note: one mission not that long ago was to teach a female friend how to have an orgasm... one of KA's favorite stories :D

Excellent! I imagine that clear and impressive success must be inspiring you to press on with your friend... or I suppose I should say, on her behalf. I'd definitely be interested in reading that story. This thread would be a good place to put it (IMO), since it fits in with your theme of sexually inspiring another women.

Victoria said:
Third, another tangle in this story is that I live in a different city than she does... hmm, perhaps I need to find a prospect here and THEN turn him over when she comes to visit me.... pink ribbon and all... ;-)

I agree that definitely increases the logistical difficulty. But, your suggestion may be the most practical way to handle it, since you could determine in advance whether your candidate is suitable... or perhaps he could be a man you know a-priori. You would, of course, have to verify his willingness to submit to you tying a large pink ribbon around his cock and balls before introducing him to your friend. That aspect of your present is essential, so you should not be willing to compromise (IMO). Speaking of which, should you require your gigolo or other candidate to be nude with a large pink ribbon and bow tied around his genitalia when he meets your friend for the first time? Just a thought...

Victoria said:
Fourth, Custer, ALASKA??? Wow, you are right, I don't get there often.

WHAT?! Well, why not?! June is a beautiful time of year here in Alaska; it's usually the best time to visit. Today, for instance, it's clear and sunny; the temperature — contrary to what you probably imagine — is actually above 0 F (-18 C). This may seem astonishing, but it's 72 F (22 C) right now.

Victoria said:
Fifth (sorry, now that I've started with this list thing I can't stop in the middle): now you need to be gentle with me on this one... this being the site that it is, there would be mostly three categories of people who are here. Those who are involved, those who want to be involved and those who enjoy reading other's stories.

I won't disagree, since the number of registered "members" of this forum is in the thousands (that's a crude estimate), although the number of active members is far smaller. I haven't interviewed them all (nor any of them), but your assumption sounds reasonable.

Victoria said:
If I were to be bold and try finding someone on this site... wouldn't I really be looking in the wrong area?

Not necessarily. There are "bulls" (as they're called) who cruise this forum due to some combination of interest and to get ideas and as a way of identifying cuckold husbands whose wives might be candidates for them. In some cases, hotwives like yourself and single women "look" on this forum. I urge you to be bold and give it a try. All it will cost you will be some time while you determine whether your baited hook is drawing any nibbles.

Victoria said:
Am I being naive?

Nope. Your views of "reality" (such as it is) seem sane and realistic.

Victoria said:
George, in Custer's defense... I am loving this site; I think I might be freaking KA out a bit 'cause I'm loving you guys a bit too quickly. Oops... (well, it's good for him). —Victoria xoxo

Thank you, Ms. Victoria! I need all the defense I can get; normally it's minimal at best.

Re. your assertion that your participation in this forum is "good for" your cuckold: I couldn't agree more.

Happy hunting!

In general, the dominant men on this site aren't here for the GUYS in the relationship, they're here for the women. Abusing the cucks may just be a bonus. Personally, I love a single woman just as much as a couple.

You can also try setting up an account on an "adult" dating site and see what you get.

Where does this friend of yours generally spend her time? You have better luck finding people in the more populated areas of the country.
Why not kill two birds with one stone? Find a poor starving student who needs the money, has little time to date while he works to get grades and offer him a job as a part-time toy-boy. Victoria, perhaps you can interview him, try him out, see if he is any good, then pass him on!


I love this idea.. I kinda love the idea of having a college student... this could very well be my excuse... ;-)


My friend lives in Western Canada.... A bit of a trip for me to interview but isn't that what friends are for?


If you would like to be my tutor regarding finding someone on this site, I am happy to be coached... I will put in the time and honestly I love the idea of 'baiting the hook and awaiting nibbles'... (love nibbles)

You asked about my friend and coaching her through orgasm...

It is actually a sad story to begin...

one day at the office, sitting around the boardroom table with friends (female) discussing sex (of course) and having lunch we were talking about all the wonderful steamy, hot sexy things about sex, then came up sex toys (actually it was me, I had just bought a couple things for my daughters) which of course lead into the topic of 'your first orgasm'... a very large percentage of the women at the table said they hadn't had one until late twenties/early thirties (what the hell?) and that most of them were alone when it happened.

Fast forward a couple weeks...

Having a drink with another friend, we've known one another a long time and I'm retelling this story to her.. then it happens she tells me she has not had one, ever, alone, with someone, ever! How is this possible, she is in her early forties, I know loves men, is actually a bit scandalous in the way she loves men and has never had an orgasm.

So I took it on as my mission, it was going to happen. I coached her through talking about it, buying toys, mentally picturing certain things, preparing the mood.. all of which failed.. so it was time to take matters into my own hands (so to speak)..

We went on a 'date'... went for a lovely dinner, drank a bit of wine, and talked about sex, every kind of sex, great sex, steamy sex, hot sex, alternative sex... I talked about all of it, explicitly. (it would have blown the top off a few guys heads had they heard the conversation)

We went back to my house and headed to my bedroom. This friend is all about being romanced.. not sure the get down and dirty would have worked for her, so I had candles waiting to be lit, a few fun toys on the bed to play with and music..

I talked her through several techniques, I showed her different things, I romanced her through talking about the one man that she has always desired, I explained how he was the one touching her, etc etc... (I am good) VOILA, the lights came on for her... she had her first of many many to follow orgasms... (I don't think anyone had ever fucked her brain before??)

I am happy and proud to say that she has gone on to explore with other men and has experience even a few orgasms with them (oral).. but at least she can do it on her own now!!!

In case any of you are wondering, NO I do not think of this as a 'girl on girl' experience, nor a lesbian experience but more of an intervention. Perhaps if I was attracted to her I would have to rethink that statement, but I'm not, so it was an 'intervention'.


Since then I've had some HOT and intense lesbian experiences...
Hi Ms. Victoria,

Thanks for your steamy description of bringing about your woman friend's first orgasm, in spite of herself as it were, and your other replies.

Victoria said:
Custer... If you would like to be my tutor regarding finding someone on this site, I am happy to be coached... I will put in the time and honestly I love the idea of 'baiting the hook and awaiting nibbles'... (love nibbles).

Sure, I think I'll enjoy that. Being your coach is probably not the right way to think of me, though, since I've never done this before. But, setting aside such quibbles, I suggest writing a draft advert (as our Brit friends would put it, no doubt) and sending it to me as a "personal message" (PM). I will then do some editing — I'm a reasonably good editor — and send it back to you. We can then iterate until you're satisfied, you being the one who will, of course, be the boss in this exercise.

Victoria said:
You asked about my friend and coaching her through orgasm...

Yes, so I did.

Victoria said:
It is actually a sad story to begin...

Awww... tears are already forming in my eyes and beginning to run down my cheeks...

Victoria said:
One day at the office, sitting around the boardroom table with friends (female) discussing sex (of course) and having lunch...

Indeed. So that's what woman executives talk about during their lunches... I've always wondered.

Victoria said:
We were talking about all the wonderful, steamy, hot, sexy things about sex, then came up sex toys (actually it was me, I had just bought a couple of things for my daughters)...

REALLY!? That's shocking, Ms. Victoria... SHOCKING! In any U.S. god-fearing bible-belt town any member of the local morality police force, if he or she overheard you, would certainly have arrested you on the spot and, moments later, you would have found yourself indicted. Then, moments after that, you would have found your daughters forcibly taken from you by the local Division of Youth Services and farmed out to foster parents where, most likely, the man of their new "foster family" would have sexually abused them while you contemplated the heinous nature of your crime in prison. Such is the way "morality" (such as it is) is enforced in our society. Fortunately, however, you don't live in a bible-belt town... or so I gather.

But I digress. Returning to your story...

Victoria said:
...this, of course led into the topic of 'your first orgasm.' A very large percentage of the women at the table said they hadn't had one until late twenties/early thirties (what the hell?)...

I agree... "what the hell?" I'm pretty sure my wife of 37 years (we're now separated, as I mentioned previously) had never had an orgasm when we first began fucking daily at age 26. I drew this conclusion because she faked her orgasms but didn't seem to know how to do it. With the confidence of youth, I was sure I would be able to bring her to her first real orgasm, and finally did so (via doggy-style vaginal intercourse as I recall, which unbeknownst to me probably increased the challenge)... but it took a long time.

Victoria said:
...and that most of them were alone when it happened.

That isn't surprising. It's always easiest to orgasm while masturbating, IMO, because one only need focus on oneself and one's fantasies. During sex with a partner, it's harder (IMO) because it's necessary to concentrate on one's partner and bringing her to orgasm (if one is a man), or him (if one is a woman), in addition to concentrating on one's own thoughts and mental images in order to orgasm oneself. This follows from sex being "between one's ears," as they say.

Victoria said:
Fast forward a couple of weeks...

OK. (Whirrrrr...)

Victoria said:
Having a drink with another friend, we've known one another a long time and I'm retelling this story to her.. then it happens she tells me she has not had one, ever, alone, with someone else, not ever! How is this possible: she is in her early forties, I know she loves men, is actually a bit scandalous in the way she loves men, and has never had an orgasm!

Your question has stumped me. I don't know how that's possible.

Victoria said:
So I took it on as my mission, it was going to happen. I coached her through talking about it, buying toys, mentally picturing certain things, preparing the mood.. all of which failed.. so it was time to take matters into my own hands (so to speak).

Ah-ha. Another "mission statement." But, I must say that's admirable. You are a woman of focus and purpose...

Victoria said:
We went on a 'date'... went for a lovely dinner, drank a bit of wine, and talked about sex, every kind of sex, great sex, steamy sex, hot sex, alternative sex... I talked about all of it, explicitly.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt that's brilliant, Ms. Victoria... brilliant!

Victoria said:
We went back to my house and headed to my bedroom. This friend is all about being romanced.. not sure the get down and dirty would have worked for her, so I had candles waiting to be lit, a few fun toys on the bed to play with and music.

And you pretended to be a man... that was an astonishing display of imagination and creativity.

Victoria said:
I talked her through several techniques, I showed her different things, I romanced her through talking about the one man she has always desired, I explained how he was the one touching her, etc etc... (I am good). VOILA! The lights came on for her... she had her first of many many to follow orgasms! (I don't think anyone had ever fucked her brain before.)

Your brilliant teaching strategy was, I'm quite sure, another demonstration that sex is between one's ears. You obviously understood this intuitively, if not explicitly.

Victoria said:
I am happy and proud to say that she has gone on to explore...

Interesting. I don't think I've ever heard "explore" used as a synonym for "fuck" before...

Victoria said:
...with other men and has experienced even a few orgasms with them (oral).. but at least she can do it on her own now!!!

Well, that's very cool. It sounds like your woman friend has to more-or-less assertively guide her men to suck her pussy (make them her cuntsuckers, as it were) to attain orgasm. In my opinion, every woman should do this...

Victoria said:
In case any of you are wondering, NO I do not think of this as a 'girl on girl' experience, nor a lesbian experience...

No, no... of course not.

Victoria said:
...but more of an intervention. Perhaps if I was attracted to her I would have to rethink that statement, but I'm not, so it was an 'intervention.'

Very good. That's a much more socially-acceptable way to put it. I approve.

Victoria said:
Since then I've had some HOT and intense lesbian experiences... —Victoria xoxo

Oh-oh. You probably aren't going to like this, Ms. Victoria, but it sounds to me like you're bisexual and your bisexuality was awakened by your creative strategy for getting your woman friend to orgasm.

Robin Baker, Ph.D. (in "Sperm Wars: The Science of Sex," 1996, BasicBooks, 319 pp [hardcover]), states that about 4% of women think of themselves and are perhaps viewed by others as lesbian, but in reality a heavy majority of them (something like 70 to 80%, as I recall — that is, 70 to 80% of the 4%) are in reality bisexual. Baker also states that among men, about 5 percent think of themselves and are perhaps viewed by others as gay, but in reality about 80% of them (that is, 80% of the 5%) are actually bisexual. He goes on to say that among both women and men, bisexuality is far-and-away beyond the percentage that would occur in the human population if it didn't have some evolutionary advantage. He then describes what the evolutionary advantage of bisexuality is. His entire book is fascinating... maybe you and your cuckold would be interested in reading it (if you haven't already).

Well, it's late (although it's still broad daylight here in Alaska), so I guess I'll bring my soliloquy to a close and head off to bed.

I would also love to help you choose someone, though I'll defer to Custer's judgement since he has so much more time than I do.

That's a wonderful story Victoria, it's nice to know there are real friends like you out there.

Sadly I don't know anyone in Western Canada that I could even suggest for you. Your friend certainly deserves your attention though. Have you thought about being there with her when it happens, to make sure the guy "does it right"? It sounds like she responds to a very specific "tactic," as it were.



I certainly hope your 'tongue was in your cheek' when you told me you were shocked that I bought sex toys for my daughter... 'cause if not, wow, would I blow you away!!!

And, as for the possibility of being bisexual, I did conciser this for a while, I do enjoy a beautiful woman, but I also adore a gorgeous man... so the thought was easily leaning toward bi-sexual... the experience with my girlfriend was not an awakening for me, as I said it was a mission or intervention... with KA's encouragement I ended up having an experience with another woman, a couple times... thing is it was fun, it was new and it was obviously something I did more than once.... BUT now that I have, I'm honestly not really interested in going there again. Women are beautiful and I will always think so, but sexually they are lacking the 'equipment' I so enjoy...

Honestly if I had the choice of giving a 'mind blowing' blowjob to a man, or an equally amazing experience to a woman, I would choose the blowjob... and although I know I'm good at the latter, I prefer the former... and then let's talk about 'fucking'.. I know there are many variations of dildos that are supposed to do the job.. and they do in a pinch... they are NOTHING like the real thing!!! (sigh....)

Getting back to finding someone for my girlfriend.... I am honoured with each of your's offers to help me find the 'perfect' bull for her....both of you will hear from me privately..

Custer... please refer to KA as my husband or KA... he really doesn't enjoy being referred to as a 'cuckold'.... and my goal in life is to keep him deliriously happy!!! xoxo thank you....


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