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What is black?

  • Thread starterwilddog1957
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Sep 2, 2007
I was in a discussion with several young bucks about being black and I found that my concept of what is black is not the same as the young black men I was talking to is.

Just curious what is your concept of what is black?
The general view in the US has always been that it's anyone with any African ancestry. However, I imagine most people would think that there have to be some noticeable "African" features for a person to count as black.
During Apartheid in South Africa, if authorities had doubt as to the color of a persons skin, they would resort to a "pencil in hair test". A pencil was pushed in the hair, and if it remained in the persons hair without dropping, it signified frizzy hair, the person would then be classified as colored. If the pencil dropped out the person would be classified as white.
Apartheid and immorality
I think I saw somewhere that you are considered black if you are 1/16 black. But maybe that's in Louisiana.
I would never make the hair test that is for sure
thanks for the input.
gears said:
I think I saw somewhere that you are considered black if you are 1/16 black. But maybe that's in Louisiana.

Nope, it's not just Louisiana it's a universal rule. That's why I always laugh when people try to say "Obama isn't black". Yes technically he's mixed but in the end of the day he's black.
As far as I'm concerned, with the interracial fetish, black is not a color... it is African, and more than likely African-American. I don't see too many of us on this site ogling white women with dark-skinned Indian or Brazilian men... they are almost ALWAYS African American. So, for the fetishers, that's what black is. Who cares about the other definitions...
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barack obama is not black hes half black half white, white society rejects mixed people so therefore they call them black when the are half each race.
He is no more black than he is white, period.
rage87 said:
barack obama is not black hes half black half white, white society rejects mixed people so therefore they call them black when the are half each race.
He is no more black than he is white, period.

yeah...that may be, but if you saw him walking down the street, and didn't know him...you would say he's black man. Which is what he calls himself.
supreme_black_man said:
The term 'black' was originally meant for those who were purely African.

That is: those Americans who look like Barack Obama's father or the famous British boxer Frank Bruno.

However, now the term 'black' is reserved for anyone who has a hint of African ancestry. Bizarrely, even people such as Tiger Woods and Halle Berry are today labelled 'black' or African-American. Does she seriously look like sub-saharan (black) African to you?

Personally, I am a 3rd generation black African immigrant so I know there ain't no mixed genes where I'm concerned.

I am not against mixing whatsoever (in actual fact I think white women should be encouraged and even brainwashed into having scores of black babies) but it annoys me when people who aren't black get called it. It's like Obama. He's biracial for Heaven's sake! If his dad was white and his mom was black would he be called a white american or a ''European-American'? No, he'd be called mixed. I find it demeaning to him to be called a full African-American and a black man when at least half his genes are White European and some of his ancestors even owned slaves a couple of hundred years ago.

I'm sorry to be so controversial, but in the Western world we have freedom of speech and it's just the way I think.

Well, technically, Obama has more right to call himself an African-American than almost every black person in America. Being as how his father was an African (Kenyan, to be exact) and his mother was an American. I think the term "African-American" is bullshit. There are a lot of countries within the confines of Africa. The countries of northern Africa are mostly Arabic. You don't see Algerians claiming to be African anything...yet, technically they are. White people don't get offended when somebody calls them white. Why would it be offensive to call a a black person black?

A funny thing that I have noticed is that every first generation black African person I have ever met doesn't like American blacks. These people, like most immigrants, are tireless workers who feel immensely blessed to have the opportunity to come here and pursue the American dream.
gears said:
Well, technically, Obama has more right to call himself an African-American than almost every black person in America. Being as how his father was an African (Kenyan, to be exact) and his mother was an American. I think the term "African-American" is bullshit. There are a lot of countries within the confines of Africa. The countries of northern Africa are mostly Arabic. You don't see Algerians claiming to be African anything...yet, technically they are. White people don't get offended when somebody calls them white. Why would it be offensive to call a a black person black?

A funny thing that I have noticed is that every first generation black African person I have ever met doesn't like American blacks. These people, like most immigrants, are tireless workers who feel immensely blessed to have the opportunity to come here and pursue the American dream.

As usual your understanding of things is way off-base, but I guess I should just expect it at this point.
supreme_black_man said:
The term 'black' was originally meant for those who were purely African.

That is: those Americans who look like Barack Obama's father or the famous British boxer Frank Bruno.

However, now the term 'black' is reserved for anyone who has a hint of African ancestry. Bizarrely, even people such as Tiger Woods and Halle Berry are today labelled 'black' or African-American. Does she seriously look like sub-saharan (black) African to you?

Personally, I am a 3rd generation black African immigrant so I know there ain't no mixed genes where I'm concerned.

I am not against mixing whatsoever (in actual fact I think white women should be encouraged and even brainwashed into having scores of black babies) but it annoys me when people who aren't black get called it. It's like Obama. He's biracial for Heaven's sake! If his dad was white and his mom was black would he be called a white american or a ''European-American'? No, he'd be called mixed. I find it demeaning to him to be called a full African-American and a black man when at least half his genes are White European and some of his ancestors even owned slaves a couple of hundred years ago.

I'm sorry to be so controversial, but in the Western world we have freedom of speech and it's just the way I think.

You're as off base as gears is, just in the other direction.
supreme_black_man said:
That is because they are either Berbers or they originate from Arab invaders who are not natives of north Africa. Besides, the vast majority of Africa has black people and not Arabs. People with dark skin, large, beautiful wide noses and unique hair.

Narrow minded extreme bigotry never got no one anywhere.

How about shitty English?
DE_BBC said:
As usual your understanding of things is way off-base, but I guess I should just expect it at this point.

Hell, I've got time....enlighten me. Show me where I was wrong in anything I said.
A few years back, a rich white couple in America got a shock when their baby was born pure black. The wife took a lie detector test to prove she had not committed adultery.

The baby was traced as a genetic throwback 4 generations to the Slave Trade, when a white woman lay with a mandingo black bull in the cotton fields in the deep south.

The couple and their family and friends were shocked and horrified at the time, and deeply embarrassed when it came up on the television news. There was talk of adopting it out very quickly as "unnacceptable to our family".

Amazing how the erotic deeds of the cotton fields could quantum leap through the generations and bite the white man on the bum. I would have loved to see the look on his face when he was told by Doctors that his wife had squeezed out a black baby. The humiliation must have made him feel like leaving her at the hospital and not letting her cum home again - he must have spent many hours visualizing her being fucked by a black man with a horny huge cock. And then when she took the lie dectector test, he would have had to do a lot of apologising and making up to her. The wife was not the type to jump the fence.
Is Barack half white or half black and which is the best color in his body?

Is a cup half full or half empty? This will help you decide the above question.

Barack has the advantage of bringing out all the best qualities from each race, combining them as synergistic results that white Presidents have not been able to achieve from a single color.

White people are a minority in America, so we need a President who cares for all races, not just the priviledged rich who usually fund the President they wish to win. For the first time in history, a suitable black President stepped forward, and the campaign funds poured in to put him in the White House.
Josetta said:
Is Barack half white or half black and which is the best color in his body?

Is a cup half full or half empty? This will help you decide the above question.

Barack has the advantage of bringing out all the best qualities from each race, combining them as synergistic results that white Presidents have not been able to achieve from a single color.

White people are a minority in America, so we need a President who cares for all races, not just the priviledged rich who usually fund the President they wish to win. For the first time in history, a suitable black President stepped forward, and the campaign funds poured in to put him in the White House.
A suitable black pres who else ran Jessie the idiot and Sharpton the preacher but I think there was one pres that has cared for all races and I think it was Carter and he was white so we cant take this and say Obama is the only one. A cup half full half empty ya I got a half a cup of what ever, how does this decide anything. Supreme you are either one radical mother or you are one that just likes to keep the pots boiling one or the other man.

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