"...but black guys are so much better hunks than white guy are."
"Its painful for me to admit it as a white man but your correct that we are inferior to black men in all physical asspects."
"It's obvious that us white guy don't belong on the same playing field as black men."
That's a load of masturbatory horsesh*t--and YOU know it!
All physical "asspects" (sic)? Ha-ha...just take a good long gander in the mirror, o' apes of color, for you are DEAD WRONG. And to you ape worshippers, you need to have your heads examined!
FYI, the world revolves around the white man and you 'groids know that. And are extremely envious! Oh yeah. It just burns your ass. Just look around you, my mentally-deficient, non-friends of color, virtually EVERYTHING you see, hear, touch and smell (drum roll please...) WAS INVENTED BY THE WHITE RACE. You hear me?? By the WHITE RACE. And that absolutely BURNS your shiny black ass!
Also, if it weren't for white men you wouldn't have white babies, approximately 50% of whom are females, and grow up into very beautiful white women.
Prior to the unfortunate ******-arrival of the Negro into the Western world, the black man invented virtually nothing. Zero, zilch, nada--NOTHING. Not even toilet paper! Some African tribes didn't even know how to start a fire. Can you believe that? How's that for some black "superiority"??
All you blacks can do is (pardon the expression) f*ck-up whatever good the white man has created, and that includes bringing forth into this world pathetic, mongrel mulattoes (aka "niggers light") via the abominable, unnatural and very tragic coupling with women of my race.
Also, the overwhelming majority of white women prefer men of their own race and have nothing whatsoever (sexually) to do with these primates-of-color. And that's a statistical fact. And besides, there's much more to a loving relationship than penis size and coitus. But many of you chronic masturbators on this board wouldn't know a thing about that.
Unfortunately, due to the non-stop race-mixing propaganda being produced and disseminated (by a very Jewish Hollywood, a very Jewish pornographic industry and a very Jewish Madison Ave.) in epidemic proportions heretofore unseen in this once-great republic, the tragic result is that a small but increasingly higher percentage of the white population's females, many with low-esteem, some mentally defective and the rest the lowest form of white trash you can find, fall prey to the non-stop brainwashing, and contrary to the natural order, are attracted to these most unattractive--by any objective standards of judgement--simians of shit-color. The rest, like the debauched denizens of this messageboard, are nothing more than morally depraved phallic worshippers obsessed with penis size.
So, keep waving your shit-colored dicks and believing how "superior" you blacks are to white men just because you, on average, excel at running and jumping with a ball in your hand, all merely games, children's games to be precise; and on average may be better hung than the average white man.
And to briefly refute your absolutely false claims of Negro physical "superiority":
"I’ve never seen a white man run that fast," said Grenada’s Alleyne Francique, who was supposed to be Wariner’s biggest threat but finished fourth. "It was a blazing race, man. The kid is good."
Magnus Samuelsson - The world´s strongest man!
Dr. Wellington
p.s. "I think nothings hotter than a sweet blonde getting hammered by a huge black bull." Is that the only way you can climax, you degenerate swine? Sick, sick, sick...