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Wife wants threesome without me

  • Thread starterusn2play
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jan 26, 2012
We have been having threesomes with a regular for over a year now and that is a lot of fun. This week she planted the idea of her having a threesome with two guys and I just watch. She even mention cuffing me to a chair so I had to watch. I am not to sure I like this idea and have no idea who the third of the threesome will be. Any body else been put in this situation and how was it. I am in for wife sharing but not much for just giving it away.
I used to date a girl who enjoyed 3 ways without me while I was at work. I would have loved to watch but she preferred I didn't. Push yourself to allow it, then see how it goes for all of you.
love it!

I would love it if my wife said this to me. But if it doesn't float your boat then tell her no. Most people on this site are likely to say go for it and enjoy it, but I think we are mainly happy cuckolds!

Chris x
Watching that would be hot as hell. But having her afterwards would be full of win.
Go for it dude.
usn2play, I understand why you don't want to go down this route, but obviously because your here your rolling the idea around to some extent. Perhaps you should ask her what you get in return for this. Obviously if she is super into a three-way with two other guys while you watch she may compensate you in some way that you will very much enjoy. Of course if you have had something you have wanted for a while nows the time to bring it up, try to cash in something fun for you.

Also, I mean, she isn't going off on her own for a long weekend to take care of this. You'll be there, so maybe you will be sitting there for an hour or two while she has this three-way. You watch, later the two other dudes leave and she's all yours, so you won't be going without getting laid for very long. I would probably do this once, if i had the chance, but make it clear it would just happen this one time.
You know, maybe you should step back and recognize that the meaning of the terms "with" and "without" have obviously changed for her - maybe it's time for you to do some growing and changing too. Lucky you that she is inviting you along on her journey.

If she is having you in the room - in fact, having you as the centerpiece and focal point of the entire experience, if you actually think about it - then it is very very much WITH you. How you can apply the phrase "without me" to your description of the proposed event is beyond me.

Maybe you aren't penetrating her physically at that exact moment, but if you think about the set-up she proposes, it is obvious you have already penetrated her deeply and permanently so that you are intricate in every sexual sensation she has - even if you are cuffed and gagged, across the room or across the country.

Lucky you that she is setting up something SO focused on you and the special intimacy the two of you have.

Now is not the time to puff up and get all demanding and Alpha male on her.

WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, you should be kissing her feet and learning to enjoy her lovingly sharing her bliss with you.

Set ultimatums now and I fear you could see yourself no longer being let into all her moments of revelation with the same kind of conspiratorial acceptance she is exhibiting now.

Good luck.

Best to - as stated before - DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD.
You’ll have time to agree later.

I would love it my wife would suggest this...even the handcuffing me to the chair! I can imagine her cuffing me, naked to the chair then proceeding to get fucked by two different guys, just inches away from me! Go for it!
I think it's a great suggestion and even hotter that it originated from her! It shows she is progressing and evolving and if I were in your shoes, I would totally love it!

Of the 11 responses to your initial post (excluding your comment), the breakdown is:

Go for it: 9
Go for it, but maybe not: 2

A case could be made that Dargirl has given you the best advice :cool::

dargirl said:
Best to DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. You’ll have time to agree later. :)

But, given one of your comments in your initial post:

usn2play said:
I am not to sure I like this idea and have no idea who the third of the threesome will be.

you could increase the amount of information you have to base your decision on by asking your wife who she has in mind for the additional man. (Almost certainly she has someone in mind, otherwise she wouldn't have suggested a threesome with you as helplessly-handcuffed observer.)

You might also keep in mind that if you "stand up for yourself" and tell your wife, "No — absolutely not," she might do her threesome anyway at the home of the additional man she has in mind (or at a hotel), without telling you, and — if it turns out to be erotic and rewarding — she might continue her threesomes without ever telling you who the additional man is or where they're meeting to fuck, while you stay at home waiting by yourself and beating your weenie as you ponder the mystery. :confused:

We are going for it this weekend. The third for this will be a co-worker of her live in lover. He has been bragging at work and this guy wants a shot. He is supposedly hung very well. He steady lover is only slightly larger than me just 23 years younger. This guy is 25 so there should be lots of stamina. I will let you know how it goes, I will spectate only, tied to a chair at least for a while.
usn2play said:
We are going for it this weekend. The third for this will be a co-worker of [my wife's] live-in lover. He has been bragging at work and this guy wants a shot. He is supposedly hung very well. [My wife's] steady lover is slightly larger than me but 23 years younger.

Twenty-three years makes a difference. It sounds like you're upper 40's or low-to-mid 50's. Is that right?

usn2play said:
[The new] guy is 25 so he should have lots of stamina. I will let you know how it goes. I will be a spectator, tied to a chair at least for a while.

Maybe it was the new guy who asked your wife to tie you to a chair. Since he has never met you (I gather), he may be uneasy about the possibility of you decompensating and becoming violent if he fucks your wife in front of you.

Anyway, will look forward to hearing how it goes...

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