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Will Obama eventually cheat on his wife?

  • Thread starterByron6555
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Dec 5, 2005
Obama is a good man, but he is a man--a black man at that. And by nature white women are gonna wanna get with him. So do you think he will be able to resist the temptation? A man with that much power has to have another woman sometimes just to keep his head clear. So what do you think?
Byron6555 said:
Obama is a good man, but he is a man--a black man at that. And by nature white women are gonna wanna get with him. So do you think he will be able to resist the temptation? A man with that much power has to have another woman sometimes just to keep his head clear. So what do you think?

:nutpunch: for actually having wasted my time reading this...
Well, King, Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Jesse Jackson couldn't resist the temptation. Not saying nothing about Obama, but just saying it's a natural thing to be tempted. You know there are women out there who will want to get get at him.
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Interesting Point

With the breathtaking experience of power, becoming the most potent man in the world, I doubt he will blow it, but he does sit in an enviable place from a DNA perspective
Yeah, I should resend the thread. It's in poor taste. It was just a question that ran across my mind. This country needs Obama to be as strong as he can be.
I think white husbands will reach for the new tanning product to make their skin look more like Barrick's color if they feel threatened by the move to full equality sweeping the western world.

Mr Obama and his wife are both good looking and very vulnerable to the seductive attention of wantabe lovers - BUT NEITHER WILL GO DOWN THAT PATH because they are devoted to each other and hold family values close to their hearts. Of course it doesn't stop sleezeball journos and photographers creeping around trying to catch them out and drag them down to the gutter.
Being a bi-racial president, he has the character of both white and black men to want to wander in his genes. But I really thing that Michelle would whip his ass. President or not, I think she is tough.
Actually, I've been pondering this same issue and actually think he's been playing around since at least his campaign. Remember when he adressed that woman journalist as "sweetie"? Just the sort of thing a playboy would say (also, he admits that calling women "sweetie" is a "bad habit" of his).

I wouldn't expect to hear anything about his philandering, though. The mainstream media will cover it all up, just as they did with JFK's affairs.

As for Michelle, I don't think she's all that tough. She's bitter and angry, sure, but she knows that what Obama wants is what he'll get. Nothing she can say or do about it. Unfortunately, nasty (and ugly) Michelle will feel entitled to vent her rage on the people she finds at arm's length. Like that's anything new.
lovenu said:
Actually, I've been pondering this same issue and actually think he's been playing around since at least his campaign. Remember when he adressed that woman journalist as "sweetie"? Just the sort of thing a playboy would say (also, he admits that calling women "sweetie" is a "bad habit" of his).

I wouldn't expect to hear anything about his philandering, though. The mainstream media will cover it all up, just as they did with JFK's affairs.

As for Michelle, I don't think she's all that tough. She's bitter and angry, sure, but she knows that what Obama wants is what he'll get. Nothing she can say or do about it. Unfortunately, nasty (and ugly) Michelle will feel entitled to vent her rage on the people she finds at arm's length. Like that's anything new.

God almighty! Does this mean we got another Hillary on our hands?
How do you know that he hasn't already??

I doubt that he has or would cheat on his wife but I feel certain that he has had white women before.
Byron6555 said:
Obama is a good man, but he is a man--a black man at that. And by nature white women are gonna wanna get with him. So do you think he will be able to resist the temptation? A man with that much power has to have another woman sometimes just to keep his head clear. So what do you think?
This is seriously ridiculous. The animal black man and bitchy jealous black woman stereotypes. Dam this is just the dumbest thing I have read.
sarahann648 said:
This is seriously ridiculous. The animal black man and bitchy jealous black woman stereotypes. Dam this is just the dumbest thing I have read.

I don't think it's about him being an "animal black man" or her a "jealous black woman." It's about human nature. Women are going to be drawn to Obama. It's just nature. And women even moreso, because they are in a way a challenge to Michelle. Plus it's also about the cross section of sex and power. Dude is going to be under a tremendous amount of pressure, and sometimes it's going to take a woman who knows how to work him sexually that will help him deal with that pressure. Michelle as a wife can't be that woman all the time. It's too hard. A man in his position needs a woman who can put out in other ways. A woman knows how to put that pussy in ways that will help him deal with pressures.

So the best thing he can do is keep his family close by if he doesn't want to be tempted. He's got a very hard road ahead. And other men of his stature have fallen to the temptation in the past. He's only human.

And even if he's strong, there's white women out there seriously eager to spread their legs for the brotha. Who want to feel that power inside them. So he's gotta watch out.
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this really shows how disconnected from reality some people are.
Hi All...
Right after the Pledging of the White House Staff, they went out of the room receiving each one a Hand Shake from President Barak Obama...
Anyone NOTICED this Lady in her late 20's, light blond hair on the screen she was on the right side, talking with Mr. Obama, and i could not help Noticed her GLOWING SMILE that lasted for quite a while during that Special talk...
Maybe she did ask the President for a Promotion ...
It will certainly not happen before summer , Mr. President is TOOO busy right now...
and YES wife Michelle can BE a Tough Cookie to * cook *
Let's remember what this site is about, Dark Cavern, Why not let your imaginations go. What white women would't want to produce an inteligent superior black baby
hello to everyone,
the only thing I thought about Obama is that finally Illary can do in the oval room, what did you do maritini.
think Illary kneeling in front of the cock, it will be great? of Obama excites me to die. there is someone who can make a fake on that idea?
Byron6555 said:
Obama is a good man, but he is a man--a black man at that. And by nature white women are gonna wanna get with him. So do you think he will be able to resist the temptation? A man with that much power has to have another woman sometimes just to keep his head clear. So what do you think?

Do u really think all black men are sexual soulless savage animals?
Think again cuz u r on a wrong road.
I seriously doubt that he has, or will. He knows he and his heritage are going to be an example not only to the people in this country, but worldwide. I think that he would not want the "well, that's typical of his being part Black".

As far as the "sweetie" remark he made to a reporter, I don't consider that a "playboy" type word. I'm thinking that becasue he was on the road so much campaigning, that he may know some of the reports very well, and on a "friend" basis type thing. I don't think Pres. Obama would talk down or suggestively to others.

We voted for him, and just hope that the people understand there is a lot to do, and don't expect a whole lot to get done in a short timer.
Armando said:
Do u really think all black men are sexual soulless savage animals?
Think again cuz u r on a wrong road.

Naw, I seriously don't think Obama is a "souless savage animal." Just like I don't many of us on this site who have so-called taboo sexual desires and experiences are souless. And besides, I'm not a soul believer. I think what I'm referring to is human nature. We are sexual beings. Pure and simple. Obama is not immuned from that evolutionary process. He will be tempted, especially at his lowest moments. And he may well not give into that temptation because he knows how it will be received by a largely sexually hypocritical culture--I'm speaking of the U.S. here. On the other hand, if he does that doesn't mean we should think less of him. We as human beings have to stop thinking that there are "perfect marriages" and perfect leaders. The more we do that, the more we set ourselves up for disappointment. So no, Obama is not a savage, he's just human. He may well have the focus to not give into the temptation, but you best believe he will be tempted, if already hasn't been several times. You and I both know how some white women are when it comes to Black men, especially powerful Black men.

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