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Y Tha Fuck R Yall On O J's Dick?

  • Thread starterBBWLUVR009
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
May 8, 2007
Ill Tell U Exactly Y.....tha Majority Uv Yall Poppn All This Bullshit About "tha Juice" R White....not Only That But U Can Detect Racism Frum Tha Words That R Used....u Use Names Like "black Bastard" "scumbag Piece Uv Shit" Etc. Etc...i Would Feel So Much Better If U Jus Came Out And Called Him A Nigga Or Nigger....dont Get Me Wrong....theres A Big Difference Between Bein Racist, And Being Prejudice.....everybody's Fuckn Predjudice To Sum Degree....me, Im Prejudice Against A Lotta U On Here....tha 1s Who Try 2 Cum Across As Bein "intelligent", But Dont Know When To Use Tha Words "to, Too, And Or Two"....dont Know When To Use Tha Words "there Their And They're"....

Tha Main Reason Yall Doin All This Shit Talkn About O J, Is Because Uv Him Bein Acqitted Back In 1995....white People Were Awestruck By This....me Personally, I Could Give A Fuck Less If He Killd That Bitch Or Not....i Dont Know, I Wuznt There, Nor Du I Give A Flyin Fuck!!!!!but I Know This Much......white People Pay Afuckntention....there Wuz No Case There....y Would A Detective Plant Evidence If U Hav A Case.....i Dont Giv A Fuck If This Wuz His 1st Homicide Investigation, No Detective Would Du Sum Dumb Shit Like That....

I Dont Condone Takn A Life, But I Understand....let Me Say This About Her (nicole)....karma Wuz A Bitch For Her...u Dont Play In A Toilet And Expect Not To Smell Like Shit...she Wuz Hangn Out With And Around Coke Dealers, And I Aint Talkn About No Fuckn Nickle And Dime Dealers Here Eitha......then On Top Uv That, Whut This Bitch Didnt Know About Black Men, Wuz U Dont Use A Black Man's Children As A Pawn...or Use Them As Leverage 4 Sumthn Against Us.....4 No Reason....tha Majority Uv White Women On Here Only Deal W/black Men Because Uv The Sexual Prowess A Lotta Uv Us Possess...emotionally, Yall Dont Even Know How 2 Deal W/us....
Your posts don't dignify or warrant responses. You are as bad as OJ himself.

Now why don't you do everyone a favor and go back to the fucking rock you crawled out from under before your incredibly ignorant statements make you the next target for murder.

If you do decide to stick around and continue to show all of us what a complete piece of shit you are and how much lacking of compassion you have for people of all races, the least you could do is come off the tired online sthick of trying to "prove" your blackness with all that asanine ebonic style typing. It only serves to make you look like a bigger dick than you probably are (if that's even possible).

Tell me what kind of karma Ron Goldman had coming to him for merely trying to return a pair of eye glasses before some two-bit, washed-up football player with massive insecurities about his manhood and sexual prowess stabbed him to death?

Maybe you'd volunteer to be locked in a room with Fred Goldman and tell him? A coward like you? I highly doubt it!
BBWLUVR009 said:
tha Majority Uv White Women On Here Only Deal W/black Men Because Uv The Sexual Prowess A Lotta Uv Us Possess...emotionally, Yall Dont Even Know How 2 Deal W/us....

i'm sure any woman would have you weighed up real quick,they'd take a listen to you and that bullshit you spout and think to themselves 'i don't think i'll go there',there's nuttin a woman hates more than a whining arsehole like you with all your sensitive little hotspots that nobody better dare to go near,for any woman thats unfortunate enough to be in your company then a conversation with ya must be like walking over hot coals,you've done the usual trick that an inverted rascist arsehole like you pulls and tried to stifle the argument by pulling the race card
jus like i thought....tha only people who r talkn shit r tha same 1s who talk shit all tha time on this board.....fuck u fake ass pimp and fuck tha utha bitch who's talkn dumb shit....tha only people that were offended r tha 1s who r pissd because uv wgut i stated....

and mr fake ass pimp......i dont hav to prove shit.....and tha las thing ill ever try 2 prove would b my blackness.....i hope he beats this bullshit too....jus 2 see tha looks on yalls face for tha 2nd time....i bet u wish u were black dont u boy?
Another failure of the public school system.?

well atleast my parents didn fail.....ur a cuck....a dick suckn faggot as far as im concerned....u dont know how to b a man....suck a dick
Great retorts. You clearly won that verbal banter with your rapier wit and intellectual prowess. But seriously, have you ever stopped to actually read a post in reply to your own? Have you failed to make the connection that both Pooch and Mule are both black men and have voiced a strong disproval of OJ? Pooch even started the initial thread about the now infamous Orenthal James Simpson. I guess you convieniently forgot that or just think any black person who actually has a working cerebellum and pituitary gland and knows OJ to be guilty are just nothing more than Uncle Toms. Is that it?

Like I said, go back under your rock. Find a big one though because you might have to share space with OJ and Al.

I think everyone would agree that OJ spends his time better than you. You have 2800 posts on this site and I've seen your posts all over the net...what do you do man ? Where do you get the time player ?
Debate- 101....

....Always address your opponents arguments before presenting your own (or any irrelavent personal attacks for that matter).

Some of you on here have some of the most entertaining post replies ever!!! Especially you, pimp...but no matter how clever your speech or sophisticed your words, you still can't mask truth. Why is everyone so angry? Truth hurt?
And as far as Pooch and the rest of the "talented-tenth" who co-sign your opinions: One or two token negros does not a righteous cause make.
Oh, and that sports memorablia dealer, not the one who with the tape recorder who set the whole thing up(can you say set-up?) , but the other one Fromong I think it is- last I heard he was in critical condition from a massive heart attack. Talk about karma!! But nevertheless, I hope he gets well and OJ gets free.

BBW speaks the truth....

necouple said:
i'm sure any woman would have you weighed up real quick,they'd take a listen to you and that bullshit you spout and think to themselves 'i don't think i'll go there',there's nuttin a woman hates more than a whining arsehole like you with all your sensitive little hotspots that nobody better dare to go near,for any woman thats unfortunate enough to be in your company then a conversation with ya must be like walking over hot coals,you've done the usual trick that an inverted rascist arsehole like you pulls and tried to stifle the argument by pulling the race card
what the fuck is a "race card"? white people kill me with this shit! like this country wasn't segregated and black people weren't being treated like less than humans 45 years ago. the only people who want oj to go down regardless of whether he did it or not are racists. the people stole his shit and then set him up. why should oj go to jail you stupid bitches?? white people trying to hide behind that excuse that he killed that bitch but fuck that. oj isn't some genius who could outsmart a csi! he didn't fuckin do it get over it bitches!!
mandingonigga25 said:
what the fuck is a "race card"? white people kill me with this shit! like this country wasn't segregated and black people weren't being treated like less than humans 45 years ago. the only people who want oj to go down regardless of whether he did it or not are racists. the people stole his shit and then set him up. why should oj go to jail you stupid bitches?? white people trying to hide behind that excuse that he killed that bitch but fuck that. oj isn't some genius who could outsmart a csi! he didn't fuckin do it get over it bitches!!

45 years ago,well as you said 'get over it bitches',what gets up peoples noses isn't the fact that oj's a black guy,it's about him being yet another celebrity thats got enough money to buy himself outta trouble,so in this thread people start talking bout it and you fuckers straight off dive in with the rascist bullshit,like the only people that should comment on black people in the news are black people,betcha had plenty of opinions about paris hilton getting an easy ride didn't ya!!,why don't you try sticking a plaster on that sensitive open wound of your's you tetchy fucker
Well everyone can go on about what color did what or killed who from OJ to the six black youths in Jenna. The line is who wants to draw the line between being a racist bastard or not. It seems like people wanting to preach it all the time are and other people can think it or see it and comment on it and leave it go at that. Just like Sharpton heading to Jenna today as he said making people aware right to me it is called tossing gasoline on a fire. This shit will go on forever as long as we say things like white boy, nigga, bull ,white bitch and towel heads and all the other shit that flows. My two cents
im black and i started the OJ thread last friday when i heard the news. I clearly stated I was black, and that I am appalled at my own race for beleiving in 'make-up' justice as I am referring to it. I dont hate OJ cause he is black, I hate him cause he is a murderer. And to even mention that Nicole Simpson deserved to be killed because of whoever/whatever she was doing it just insulting to the human race. Lets be proud to be black for everything that can mean..not just sex either, and lets work hard and push ourselves to the top...but wanting payback for past injustices is just wrong. And the white people need to understand that being black in America and the world im sure, means you live most everyday with injustice and discrimination, and we do have to work harder to get ahead or be treated equal, but still that doesnt mean we should get freebies or get away with murder. I also said that this case with OJ is totally seperate, and should be treated the same. If he is guilty so be it, if he isnt so be it...we have no idea...they in Las Vegas seem to still be sorting it all out. He deserves his fair rights under the system, and let the truth be the truth., and white people (and blacks like me) shouldnt want/expect payback against OJ for this one either, they cant have it both ways also. Poeple stop hating each other cause of skin color.. The only hatred of people should be because of their bad actions.
Mandingbat and BBWlover are perfect examples of how brains and common sense often go to waste. Prime candidates for mercy killings.

necouple said:
45 years ago,well as you said 'get over it bitches',what gets up peoples noses isn't the fact that oj's a black guy,it's about him being yet another celebrity thats got enough money to buy himself outta trouble,so in this thread people start talking bout it and you fuckers straight off dive in with the rascist bullshit,like the only people that should comment on black people in the news are black people,betcha had plenty of opinions about paris hilton getting an easy ride didn't ya!!,why don't you try sticking a plaster on that sensitive open wound of your's you tetchy fucker

This is exactly what I have been talking about. you can not disagree with someone or you will be labeled a racist, hater, homophobe, etc. This is bullshit! Paris Hilton is worthless as hell as is Brittany Spears, O.J. etc. It is just the fact that if you believe O.J. did not kill two people then you are either in denial or stupid as hell. The part that makes people mad is he feels he is above the law and he obviously can pay his way out of trouble. Just like Paris Hilton and all the rest.
I will try to put into words in the same way that the author of this thread (BBWLUVR009) writes. Don't b dissin me wit all dat racist bullshit. Dat b sum o dat white bullshit. Don't b dissin OJ cause he b not killin dem people.
Dear BBWLUVR009, Go back to school. On second thought don't. It b not doin you any good bfore so you just b keepin dem black racist thoughts to yoself.
all of this is so fucked up now i dont even care to comment about anybody specific comments any more..all you fight it out. just goes to show that racism is prevalent, will always be. and me trying to fight it in a reasonable manner is just waste of my time.
No black record label owners? Are you serious? What about Sean Combs or Russell Simmons or Barry Gordy? That's 3 of the biggest in the music industry today. You just continually contradict yourself and prove your ignorance the more you type......with every sentence.

Pooch this thread was never about racism until a certain individual made it so. I could care less about race in this discussion. It's one of muderer, not race. I'd be out to to string OJ up if he were pink. The color of one's skin does or does not make a man, but his actions tell the tale.
i agree but OJ is a very polorizing influenc in our society. racism pervades everything ..in DC to everyday life. im not sure..is he calling me white or you? i am thought of as an uncle tom by many of my own race because i have assimilated into white america and have thrived..in other words i live in a white neighborhood, have white friends (not just for sex here on DC), and probably think more like a white person then a 'ghetto black' thats ok, that is just the stupid ass jealousy and resentment for those who have achieved vs those who want to cry about the problems and be given entitlements to make up for those problems (that is the al sharpton , jesse jackson approach..meanwhile they live like kings) . OJ achieved, he earned what he had/has..he just blew it...same with Vick...same with Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson, Oprah, Abama, Condy Rice, etc etc etc I dont hate OJ, in fact i had lots of respect for him, before he became a killer...simple as that...I liked vick as ball player...i love dogs, def think his deal was way overblown, but he did break laws of this country, and needs to pay for that..thats not a racial thing...If i break laws or you do or anyone else..we need to pay for that. thats not racism....Pimp you cant understand how blacks feel for we do come across far more racism, discrimination..that whites do in this country...but im not here to cry about it..(like donovan mcnabb now is)..im here to fight for my people and try to help us past it...in 50-60 years blacks have made huge strides in this country, but at same time, to many, it seems as if we havent made any. white people dont fully understand that...and i understand how they can;t and i do understand how those on here against what i have written and you also think cause i can relate...but they think i cant cause im an uncle tom..basically a traitor. thats ok..they will stay in the ghettos while others who think like me will rise out of it....look at PDiddy...for example. Hopefully some day we will have black political leaders who will really get the message across ...not the Sharptons/J.Jacksons who want entitlements ..well they just want an issue to get paid for.....i am done writing about all of this...i have spent to much time and not making any progress for those who think differently arent going to change by me here thats for sure. that is why i started the sports threads. peace out...from a brother who is proud to be an uncle tom if that is what you think of me!
fuck u fake ass pimp like i said earlier....common sense? i hav a lot mor common sense than ur fake wanna b ass....who in their right mind would call themselves a pimp in this day and age? ill tell u who....muthafuckz like you!!!! stupid ass wanna be muthafuckaz w/no life....1st off bitch, a real 'PIMPIN' muthafucka (unlike urself) doesnt hav time to b postn on darkcavern....ok bitch? hes 'too' busy watch his women. ur jus like theez stupid muthafuckaz 'in tha streets' callin themselves 'soldiers'.....a pimp spends tha majority uv his time in tha streets... soldiers belong to a unit, they wear uniforms, and their days start when a lot uv r jus turnin over...i know, im a former soldier myself....

pooch, ur right whut u said aboout racism....thats the exact reason i startd this thread....i saw whut u said about oj las week....but like i stated....pimp and all those talkn shit are tha 1s who wanna c him b made an example uv because uv him not bein found guilty in 95....popint blank....but all in all racism is still alive and kickn....and darkcavern is not exempt....

any 1 else has sumthn stupid they wanna say like (fake ass) pimp and necpl........suck my 8inchuncutblackdick, u BITCHES!!!!!
bbwluver you finally said something that made sense without being mean about it ..ok enough on it we agree...pimp is pimp..one thing about him he has his views..his lifestyles...the name pimp..just a word...he is white guy who is into watching or being part of IR gangbangs..thats his thing his kink..he is entitlled to it. he is definetly a headstrong guy who has his opinions, but he is not a racist person against blacks by any stretch by what he has said. Yes he is a white guy who wants to see OJ pay ..but that is not about black or white..its about murder...I have had my moments with pimp but he stands by his guns and i respect him, and i have criticized him, like you..and alpha and others..(and I been guilty before too) of just being mean to people and disrespectful in the manner they give there opinoions.(what is suck your cock u bitches ..gonna do to get youre real points across...nothing but just piss people off cause you are pissed too?) ..racism in its core is about lack of respect....if everyone would just respect everyone else,,,that certainly doewnt mean agree but not call each other names and all the other BS..then you can have a intelligent discussion ..that is what a forum like this is and should be about...but peoples feelings get in the way, and racism is the worst thing in our society and people get very uptight about it...as do i...so again to you and all...Peace out..take a chill pill..respect everyones beliefs..skin color, etc....im done preaching my BS too...you all must be tired of reading it

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