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yahoo news:"Worst Crisis Since '30s, With No End Yet in Sight

  • Thread starterblkoralslaveboy
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thawks said:
Is this not a sex site? Plenty of other places for this type of forum too. Just saying this is not a political view web site. If you think there is merit in that, since you are a moderator, than add the category? After the next 42 days, you can see if it warrants that. I personally think it belongs somewhere else and from past comments from many of your fellow moderators toward other posters on here I would say that most folks would agree with my point of view. I come on here to escape the real world for a while, don't you?

I'm not a moderator, nor would I want to be as it HAS to be one Hell of a job. But if I may interject a thought here... You did notice this is the "OFF TOPIC" section, I presume? Which means that if you come here you can expect that any discussion will NOT be about IR sex, since THAT would not be "OFF TOPIC..." am I right? Hence there is no need to create a section as one already exists, and if you're reading this, YOUR IN IT.

Yes, I too come here to escape the real world for a while... but given that I may well lose my internet service if I can't pay the bills, the real world tends to follow me here...
off topic might imply an infinite number of possibilities, all bearing some degree of class & taste hopefully, though unlikely.
thawks said:
Your right, I did not notice that at the time and I do like Will's response. I guess things like politics and religion just do not seem to fit here and that is my opinion. This section actually started (if I remember correctly) with Sports conversations.
Hey thawks this is the place for off topic yes it did start with sports as you Norm pimp and I and pooch went on about football and other sports. As Will said this is the place for any other topic but I am with Will on the politics people take it to the point that it is overboard and you always have someone that knows why it is so fucked up and the people that fucked it up and the way to fix it well thawks they ought to run for office and fix it then if they are so smart on the issue. So as Ive known you for awhile my thought is just dont click on the topic of politics. Hey hope you doing OK glad your back around and do enjoy the site and feel free to express yourself political or sexual my friend. Muleman
After seeing a couple of posts regarding this reform bill that the Dems supposedly blocked from passage and that McCain supposed cosponsored back in 2006, I thought I'd do some research to find out what occured. Finding the truth sometimes takes some effort,lol.

The House Bill was HR1461 and was passed by a 320-90 vote.
The Senate version of the bill was S190, sponsored by Republican Senators Hagel, Dole and Sununu. This bill died in committee in August, 2005. Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

In February 2006, John McCain signed on as a co-sponsor of this bill which had now been dead in committee since August of the prior year.
Retrieve Pages

McCain did at this time express his concerns "If Congress does not act,American taxpayers will continue to be ******* to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole."

However, lately I've seen several reports(Wall Street Journal, FOX,Bloomberg as someone here pointed out,etc) accusing Democrats of blocking this bill's passage. In every case, the good old American Enterprise Institute is the source or author of these reports.

The American Enterprise Institute was adamantly opposed to this bill in 2005 - AEI - Short Publications - H.R. 1461: A GSE "Reform" That Is Worse than Current Law

"the deficiencies of the bill so far outweigh its modest regulatory improvements that the taxpayers and the economy generally would be better off with current law."

Draw your own conclusions. But the bill did not get thru a Republican controlled committee and was opposed by the Dems on the committee. The House bill was passed by an overwheming bipartisan majority. McCain did not become a co-sponsor of the bill until 6 months after it died in committee.

Finally, the loudest complainers of the Democrats killing the bill in press reports today are the same ones that opposed the bill back in 2005 - the American Enterprise Institute.

Both parties failed us IMHO and there's nothing but political hypocrisy on all sides regarding this matter today.
Vote CHANGE, not McSame!

handigrl said:
Don't worry McSame and Miss Sara will CHANGE all that.

All you have to do is forget that McSame has been involved in the Washington Establishment for approx 26 years and has lobbyist running his campaign. Then click your Ruby slippers together three times and repeat "theres no place like home", "theres no place like home".

Remember just look at the pictures of the McSames and the Palins. There are the traditional all white families. America wake up and vote for McSame so we can change Washington back to the good old days when when whiteness was supreme!

Even the name Palin infers a lighter shade!

McSame invented the Blackberry so he knows about change.

When he was one of the Keating Five involved in getting preference for Charles Keatings Savings and Loan that failed, he changed after he got his hands smaked.

When he returned from Nam to find the wife and mother of his 3 children had been in a horrific traffic accident he changed! Wives that is!

When he had his GOP Convention this year, he changed again! He remade himself by stealing Obama's theme of CHANGE!

Come on people vote White only, lets get back to the good old days!

Oops, wait a minute that wouldn't be change would it?

Sure theres a women on the ticket in second place! But thats not change!

Sure the only difference between Palin and any other neocon is a chromeosome, but that wouldn't be change!

Sure we would be voting for the white guy and not the black one! But thats not change!

Oh hell, I am too confused now, I think I will vote for the Black Guy!

He's smarter, not part of the Washington establishment, and Black.

After over 200 years of White people making poor decisions, maybe a change might make a difference.

I couldn't have said it better...McSame is all about Change when it benefits him!
mmmm 777 points down the shoot. its funny how i used to think three sevens made you money??
blkoralslaveboy said:
mmmm 777 points down the shoot. its funny how i used to think three sevens made you money??

It was a bad day alright!

But it sure could have been a lot worse if McCain hadn't suspended his campaign last week and brought everyone together! rofl
handigrl said:
It was a bad day alright!

But it sure could have been a lot worse if McCain hadn't suspended his campaign last week and brought everyone together! rofl

Well, home prices have dropped 20% since their max in 2006 and they're expected to drop another 10% over the next year. This coupled with the weak value of the dollar might arise a new, somewhat peculiar opportunity for foreign investors with some cash flow and a reliable American contact.

i was really hoping congress would pass the bill...really disappointed. if they don't help out the guy at the bottom struggling to pay off the debts it could mean one step closer to chaos. now i know there are some people here that are very optimistic! however, you're only thinking about yourself and not considering the the ones this is affecting. I fully understand that some people out to have known better to begin with... but will saying that protect you if the economy does truly spiral down the bowl and your chances of getting mugged increase fifteen fold in a short time? well, hell, i know no one here gives a hoot what i have to say. who cares at this point...forgot this is a sex site. why should i tarnish it with meaningful talk.
:flash:ooh ooh ooh any ladies want my monster nutsack dangling over your eyes like a pair of eye glasses? like eye nut candy or somethin???

but really, who here has any faith in plan b and why?
blkoralslaveboy said:
Well, home prices have dropped 20% since their max in 2006 and they're expected to drop another 10% over the next year. This coupled with the weak value of the dollar might arise a new, somewhat peculiar opportunity for foreign investors with some cash flow and a reliable American contact.

i was really hoping congress would pass the bill...really disappointed. if they don't help out the guy at the bottom struggling to pay off the debts it could mean one step closer to chaos. now i know there are some people here that are very optimistic! however, you're only thinking about yourself and not considering the the ones this is affecting. I fully understand that some people out to have known better to begin with... but will saying that protect you if the economy does truly spiral down the bowl and your chances of getting mugged increase fifteen fold in a short time? well, hell, i know no one here gives a hoot what i have to say. who cares at this point...forgot this is a sex site. why should i tarnish it with meaningful talk.
:flash:ooh ooh ooh any ladies want my monster nutsack dangling over your eyes like a pair of eye glasses? like eye nut candy or somethin???

but really, who here has any faith in plan b and why?

Your right on the money. However, we have to remember that America as a society seems to never foresee and deal with problems until something terrible has happened.

It is one draw back to a capitalistic society.

I am not a proponent of socialism or any other form of society that others will place the lable on you if you ever dare to point out the problems with being pure capitalistic.

But until people acknowledge and deal with the weaknesses in a capitalistic society, how can it ever reach its full potential.

The main goal of too many is to make money, regardless and with little or no thought as to the consequences until the day arrives when things are found to have fallen apart or there are major financial penalties for what has been done. Then it becomes governments fault and the tax payers have to pick up the tab.

For a little while there is outcome for government reform and intervention, until people tire of the news and change the channel and fall back and forget about the problem(s) until the next disaster.

Look at New Orleans. It was known for decades about the weakness of the levees, but no
would do anything about it, just like how out nation is falling apart with dams, roads, water, sewage systems, etc... being outdated and falling apart. We hear and are maybe concerned when there is a disaster, there are stories about things needing to be done to rebuild however after awhile all is forgotten until the next big crisis.

A bitter Irony is that billions upon billions have and are being spend on the rebuilding of the infrastructure of Iraq, while here at home knowing that America's infrastructure is falling apart!

The big and medium cities have been left to the minorities while the rich whites have moved out to the suburbs where all is new and nice. Most of your major politicians live outside the inner cities so they could care less about the conditions there.

I could go on and on, but I feel there are two forms of capitalism. There is greed driven capitalism, and there is responsible capitalism.

Greed driven capitalism is what has put our financial institutions where they are today and also has kept those responsible on both sides of the government from doing anything about the problem.

Just last night on FIX news, Bill O'Reilly had Newt Gingrich on telling how it was Speaker Pelosi's fault the bill got voted down by so many Republicans because she gave a Partisan speech to introduce the bill.

That says it all! Suppose a Republican was offended by Pelosi, would that mean you would vote because your upset rather than voting to do what is right for the nation.Jeesh!

There were Democrats who voted against the bill and I will blame Pelosi for those numbers.

I think yesterdays 777 drop will send a message back to main street and people will realize the seriousness of what is happening.

Since this is a sex site I have attached the following pics. lol

The walls of the Old Town Ale House in Chicago are covered in portraits of comedians (it's an old Second City hang out), celebrities, and erotic portraits.

This portrait of Sarah Palin is a recent addition to the collection. :)
thawks said:
No argument with that. Just stated my opinion and got a smart ass response (not yours). Guess not allowed to do that.

Sorry, friend. Wasn't trying to be a smart ass. And you're right, this type of discussion does seem to be a little out of place here. But as long as it stays in the "Off Topic" section, what the hay. It's a free country.
thawks said:
Thanks, but I was not referring to you.

I've tried to ignore your sideways references to my smartass response to you .
Just a reminder this is your smart ass post that I smart ass responded to -

"Sorry, thought this was a sex site......gonna need some viagra after reading this stuff. "

Although smart ass might be too kind a term for complaining about subject material in an Off Topic section.
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thawks said:
Is this really necessary for a moderator to act in such a way? I noticed in other post you comment upon using PM's. Why not for this if you feel I am pointing toward you. I did not use your name, I was not disrespectful to you in any way so I am assuming this is your guilt speaking, not mine. Time to let it go, I have.

damned reptilian
The Banks are not actually short of cash, the problem is that the market value of houses have fallen drastically. But house prices go in cycles up/down so if America waited a couple of years, prices would go up again.

The big losses are only PAPER LOSSES.....they are not real losses unless you try to sell.

America just needed a moratorium on foreclosures. The $700 billion bailout will help, but a lot of political damage has been done.

It is hard to predict who will win the Presidency because there is a lot of "hurt" out there. The Polls are guestimates of what could happen on Polling Day.

If Americans used precious metals as currency instead of coins and Banknotes, it would be impossible to collapse an economy so quickly like has happened with the artificial paper debts occurring in a time of inflation.
'since when did this become a political site ??????
Critics are crying “conflict of interest” over Democratic Rep. Barney Frank’s live-in relationship with Fannie Mae executive Herb Moses while Frank was on the House Banking Committee.

Moses was Fannie Mae’s assistant director for product initiatives from 1991 to 1998.

He was also openly gay Frank’s live-in boyfriend during that time, while the Massachusetts lawmaker was on the committee that had jurisdiction over government-sponsored Fannie Mae, Fox News’ Bill Sammon reported.

Now that Fannie Mae is at the center of the recent financial meltdown, the relationship is coming under increased scrutiny.

“It’s absolutely a conflict,” said Dan Gainor, vice president of the Business & Media Institute.

“He was voting on Fannie Mae at a time when he was involved with a Fannie Mae executive. How is that not germane?

“But everyone wants to avoid it because he’s gay. It’s the quintessential double standard.”

A top Republican House aide told Fox News: “He writes housing and banking laws and his boyfriend is a top exec at a firm that stands to gain from those laws? No media ever take note?”

Frank and Moses met in 1987 and lived together in Washington, D.C., until they split up in 1998.

National Mortgage News disclosed that Moses “helped develop many of Fannie Mae’s affordable housing and home improvement lending programs.”

Critics charge that such programs led to the mortgage meltdown and the recent government takeover of Fannie Mae, according to Fox News, which noted that Fannie Mae and its financial cousin Freddie Mac “are blamed for spreading bad mortgages throughout the private financial sector.”

In 1994, Frank thwarted efforts by President Clinton’s Department of Housing and Urban Development to impose new regulations on Fannie Mae.

Well, Greenspan is on the right path.... not all the way but at least he's not letting himself fall into a political muck like everyone else.


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