Ascending Lauren Ch. 04

Lauren and Corey woke early that Friday morning, determined to make the most of their time off. It was a gorgeous fall day - warmer than Iowa autumns - so they decided to have a leisurely breakfast at an outdoor café. After two perfect omelets and gourmet coffee, Lauren suggested a walk along the bay front. Various parks and marinas dotted the downtown seawall.

As they passed one pier in particular, Lauren pointed out a large seagoing cruiser towering above the rest. It belonged to the firm's big-time investor she had mentioned the night before, Myles Kanzanka. Seeing the look of envy on her husband's face, Lauren took his hand and they walked down the pier to get a closer look. Stopping at the slip, they marveled at its size and amenities. There certainly wasn't anything like this in Des Moines. While Corey snapped some pics to show his buddies back home, Lauren noticed all the fiberglass hulls in one place, wondering just how many had come from her company. The money anchored at just this one dock alone was staggering. About to walk away, they heard a voice from behind them. "Ahoy there!"

Turning towards the shout, they saw a rather rugged, handsome looking man waving at them from the top of the ship's gangway. "Okay, that was cheesy. Nobody says that anymore," he laughed as he walked down the ramp and stood in front of the couple.

"Lauren, right?" he asked. "Remember me from the other night? Got so pissed I **********. Very embarrassing."

"Yes," she replied, extending her hand. "It gave Amy a good laugh."

"Ah, Amy. She's a lot of fun."

"Yes, she is," Lauren replied. Tons of fun, she thought.

"Myles, this is my husband, Corey. He's visiting for the weekend."

The deeply tanned businessman turned to Corey and grabbed his right hand, pumping it up and down. "Glad to meet you! Visiting? Ah, yes, you're still up in Ohio, right?

"Iowa," Corey corrected him, staring past the man at the ship he had just descended from.

Myles followed Corey's gaze. "She's a beauty, huh? 175 feet of joy, 2900 horsepower. Needs an entire pier because of her length and draft. Hey, if you guys got the time, I can give you a tour. I'm waiting on some business associates, but they won't be here for another hour."

A huge smile broke across Corey's face. Myles nodded his head, "Right then, let's go."

Their host took them topside first, pointing out the 10-person sunning area on the bow and multiple couches aft, enough for 15 more passengers. Below there were two additional decks, with accommodations for 14 overnight guests across five cabins and two VIP suites. "It'll sleep more than 14 if people are willing to bunk up," Myles laughed. Corey and Lauren looked at each other, eyebrows raised at the innuendo, trying not to smile. On the main deck there was a large party room, filled with pastel-colored oversized chairs and couches, and 70's style white shag carpeting covering the bulkheads. A shiny brass stripper pole at one end of the room completed the decor. Someone was clearly still embracing the disco era. During the tour, Myles came off not as a braggart, but someone who genuinely wanted to share the beauty of this vessel.

Arriving back at the gangway, Myles shook the couple's hands again. He looked at Lauren, seemed to hesitate, then spoke up.

"You know what? I'm having a small get together onboard tomorrow to celebrate...uh, Saturday. Would you guys like to come along? A group of us are taking her out for the day, be back at night. A great way to extend those tans!"

When Lauren saw Corey's eyes light up, she knew his answer. She started to say yes, but Myles raised his hands and stopped her.

"Before you answer, you should know that my friends have very liberal attitudes. Once we get on the high seas, you may see some nudity and quite a bit of drinking. And sometimes all that leads to...adventures. Nothing that you have to be part of if you don't want to be; there's plenty of space onboard for everyone to spread out and do their own thing. But you may find some it interesting. It'll be your call. You could wear gunny sacks and just stare up at the stars if you wanted. No one judges. What happens on the dingy, stays on the dingy. I'm just telling you because it's the right thing to do and there are no surprises."

"Oookaay," Corey said, slowly drinking in the disclaimer. "Are your friends all young and single, or will there be couples, like us?" He didn't want to find themselves in an uncomfortable situation, with a bunch of naked kids running around.

Myles shook his head. "Besides a friend or two who are single like me, everyone there will be married."

Corey looked at Lauren, trying to gauge her reaction, and she back at him, one eyebrow raised, as if looking to him for consensus. Shaking Myles hand again, he bought them some time. "Thanks for the invitation. Can we think about it? I'm only in town for three days and there's a lot of things we want to do."

"Absolutely. If you're game, we sail at 9:00 a.m. sharp. Bring day clothes, swimsuits, maybe some evening wear. And come hungry. I've got everything else covered. If not, it was great to meet you, and I hope you enjoy your visit to Miami."

The couple carefully walked down the gangway onto the dock and turned towards the Mariana parking lot. Once he was certain Myles could no longer hear them, he let it out.

"Holy shit! Did you see the size of that yacht? How fucking rich is that guy?"

Lauren laughed. "Not really sure. One, two billion? His investments have done very well. I guess boys need their toys!"

Corey nodded, taking one last look at the massive vessel as they walked down the street.

"So, what do you think?" Lauren asked, slipping her arm around his waist as they strolled.

"I think I need a better job!"

She punched his shoulder. "I mean about the invitation."

"Was he inviting us on an excursion or to get naked?"

Lauren chuckled. "I don't know. Probably both. Does it matter? Didn't you say last night that you were up for something a bit naughty?

Corey stopped and turned to his wife.

"Okay, I admit. It definitely sounds like an adventure. Not sure if we'll ever have a chance to go out on a ship like that again. As long as there's no pressure to do anything we don't want to, it sounds like fun. In the end, I suppose we could always just stare at the water and drink heavily. Do you trust this guy? I mean, out on the water, 9-1-1 doesn't summon help all that quickly."

Lauren took Corey's chin in her hand, wiggling it back and forth. "Do I know if he's a serial killer in his spare time, when he's not being a well-respected businessman and running an empire? No."

Corey smiled, put his arms around his wife, and pulled her close.

"So, what do you want to do now?" he whispered in her ear.

Lauren's eyes twinkled. "Well. It looks like I'll be needing a new suit!"


The couple spent the rest of the morning scouring the downtown swimwear shops. Corey didn't complain. There were worse ways to spend a day than watching a sexy woman try on bikinis. At last, in the fourth store, Lauren walked out to the mirrored viewing area in an unbelievably erotic number.

"Good god almighty," Corey whistled. "That's unholy." It certainly was. A shiny gold two-piece, the top stretched tightly across her small chest, two soft shimmering golden globes holding her tiny breasts taut, connected by a single braid. The bottom was barely there as well, with the back and front material held together by the same thin strand, ultimately designed to tie above each hip. Not quite as Brazilian as Amy's, but with the same effect. However, there was one small issue.

"Great suit, but do you see what I see? Corey asked, referring to the hint of wiry pubic hair peeking out from the sides.

Lauren looked in the mirror and frowned. "Yeah, I was afraid of that. This is much smaller than my other bikinis. I'll call and see if the salon down the street can get me in today for a wax. Wouldn't you like to see me rocking this on the high seas tomorrow?"

Corey smiled and winked. "You bet your ass I would."

"I might just do that," she replied over her shoulder, wiggling back into the dressing room. "Bet my ass, that is."


The couple arrived at the pier just before nine the following morning and stood gazing up at the rear of the yacht, uncertain what to do next. Men dressed in red polos and white shorts walked briskly about the ship's several levels. Smooth jazz music played at low volume as the powerful engines gently idled. Corey took Lauren's hand and walked up the gangway, stepping onto the teak wood decking at the top. Out of nowhere a spiffy looking woman in a blue dress appeared, offering mimosas. She reminded Lauren of the airline stewardesses in the 1960s. Her name tag read "Lucy".

Lucy looked their names up on the manifest, checking them off the list. After assigning them to Cabin 2, she directed them down a passageway towards the party room that had been part of their tour the day before. The pleasant aroma of breakfast food cooking filled the air. Entering the compartment, they noticed five other couples standing in a tight group engaged in light banter. Seconds later they were greeted by Myles' booming voice.

"Hey guys, glad you could make it," he exclaimed, hugging Lauren and fist bumping Corey. "We'll be getting underway in just a few minutes. Make yourself comfortable and let the crew know if you need something," he said, pointing out a couple more 60's-era stews milling about.

True to his word, the other guests appeared to be about Myles' age, mid-to-late 30s. All were carefully coifed and wearing expensive watches and jewelry. They politely acknowledged the pair's presence and went back to their conversations. Periodically, one or two would look over at the newcomers, as if sizing them up.

The couple was on their second drink when the ship got underway. They watched as the large ship glided pass other vessels in the marina, an endless mix of sailing and motorized craft. They grinned at each other. It felt like they were embarking on an exciting adventure.

Brunch proved to be a delicious combination of egg burritos, cheese quesadillas, and Bloody Mary's. Afterward, with the shore now well out of sight, the guests began changing into their swimsuits. Lauren and Corey found the cabin to which they had been assigned. They looked at each other. Cabin 2 was one of the VIP suites Myles had mentioned on the tour.

"Do you think it's a mistake?" Corey asked, thinking he should go and ask Lucy.

Lauren shook her head. "Probably not. After all, this is only a day cruise. Its just a place for us to change and leave our stuff."

Inside, the suite was impressive, at least in yacht terms. A contained a large queen bed, end tables, chairs and a separate toilet and shower area. Much like a standard hotel room, only floating. The pair proceeded to put on their swimsuits. Having fell asleep well before Lauren the night before, Corey had not yet seen her new wax job until just that moment. Dumbstruck, he stared down at the completely bald pussy in front of him.

"You really went all out on the wax, huh?" he asked, not able to take his eyes off the hairless clam.

"Do you like?"

"Are you serious?"

After donning her shimmering gold two-piece, Lauren proceeded to hook a thin, gold double-strand waist chain around her mid-section, allowing it to settle down around her shapely hips. Corey shook his head. He wanted to throw her on the bed right then.

Intentionally letting his wife go before him, the playful husband watched with a smile as the tiny ass shifted back and forth inches in front of his face as they ascended the ladder to the top deck. Once outside, the pair found empty chaise lounges up front on the bow and settled in. Sunscreen applied, they laid back to soak up the sun. Lauren reached out her hand and hooked her pinky finger around Corey's. Life was good.

Eventually other guests staked their spots. Within minutes, Corey struck up a conversation with several men gathered around a television previewing that day's upcoming college football matches. The women were friendly too, all seemed to know one another, and graciously drew Lauren into their circle as they began to compare swimsuits and tans. It wasn't too long before most had lost their tops, their breasts swaying in the bright sunlight. Corey overheard one of the women suggesting that Lauren do the same. "If you've never tried it, you don't know what you're missing," she coaxed. "The sea breeze on your tits feels simply exhilarating."

Lauren glanced at Corey who was standing by the other men. He smiled back. "You wouldn't want to miss out on that feeling now, would you?"

Setting down her drink, Lauren reached behind and untied the shimmering gold top. As she removed it, her small pale 30b-cup buds stuck out, nipples hardening as the sea breeze's invisible tongue delicately licked them. Retrieving the Bloody Mary, she raised the glass towards her husband and smiled, as if making a silent toast.

Corey immediately noticed a few of his new football pals had turned to gaze at the new girl. Exhilarating indeed, he thought. He surveyed the other wives as Lauren went back to chatting with the women,. Two were tall blondes, one with a bob cut, the other with willowy curls midway down her back. Both had medium sized breasts sitting proudly on thin, wiry frames. Another was a brunette that struck Corey as the definition of a rich trophy wife. Obviously proud of her money bought tits, she never passed up an opportunity to jiggle them. The last was a short, somewhat meaty looking woman wearing a royal blue one-piece covering what appeared to be very large breasts. Still immensely attractive with a cute face, her "modern shag" haircut was tinted light purple with tips dyed a deep pink. Corey' eyes went back to Lauren. He took pride in the fact that apart from a few more visible veins in the calves, one would not guess his own bride was 10 to 12 years older than the others. And her body was clearly more fit.

"If you don't mind me saying so, your wife is very beautiful," one of the guys watching the pregame predictions said, holding his hand out. "I'm Paul."

Corey shook his hand. "Yes, I remember from brunch. And I agree."

"They certainly are having a good time," Paul observed, nodding towards the women; all seemed to be talking at once. "Mine is the blonde with the short hair in the red bottoms. She's pretty hot too, eh?"

"Um," Corey paused cautiously, not knowing exactly how to respond to his question. The guy was obviously looking for validation.

"It's okay, man. I won't be offended," the stranger assured the newcomer. "In fact, none of us are going to be. It's all good out here."

"Yeeaaaah, okay then. She's very pretty."

Paul took a drink of his beer, a slick smile spreading across his face. "So, you're down visiting from Iowa? Lots of commodities there. And now you are on the Atlantic on a $40 million yacht. Nice of Myles to invite you along."

Corey agreed, and went on to explain how lucky it was that they happened to be in the right place and time be invited.

"Lucky indeed," Paul concurred, "you don't realize how much.

"We're a close-knit group. Have been for years. It's been a long time since Myles has invited strangers -- no offense - to come out with us. So long, in fact, that he ran it past us ahead of time. I'm hoping he explained how liberal minded our little group can be."

"He did," Corey nodded. "Said there might be some nudity and stuff."

Paul grinned. "Yeah, and stuff."

"You all seem to know each other. Do you guys get together often?"

"Not as often as we'd like. Maybe once every couple months. Me, Stan, Myles, we went to business school together and decided to make some investments down here that panned out well, more so for Myles. Stan and I married; Myles never has."

"And the others?"

"Bill is a business associate of Myles. His wife Brooke is the one over there with the, eh, cosmetic surgery. The others we met at parties. Chris and his wife Sophie first, then Stephen and Charlotte. We all clicked years ago and discovered we have common likes."

Just then, Paul's phone rang and he stepped away to take the call. Corey returned to dividing his attention between the football game and the half-naked women jabbering and clinking their glasses together.


As the afternoon wore on, the drinking continued in earnest, with pretty much everyone on the ship -- save the crew - getting quite hammered. Even though it was September, the intensity of the sun on the open water began to take its toll and several of the revelers began heading below deck. Lauren, who had since put her top back on, suggested that she and Corey head below as well.

The last to enter their cabin, Lauren closed the door and tossed her beach bag on the floor next to the bed. She turned to Corey.

"You okay? Was that too naughty, your wife baring her breasts?" she asked saucily, "or not enough?"

Corey pushed her back on the bed. "Not enough," he grinned, pulling his swimsuit down to his knees. Lauren saw the hard cock spring free of the nylon material and wanted nothing more than for it to ravish her bare vagina. But that was not in the cards, at least not yet. Motioning for him to climb on top her, she waited until his face hovered above hers.

"My, my, my, someone's hot and bothered," she cooed, wrapping a hand around his solid shaft. Why is that? Cause other guys were watching me take off my top? Maybe thinking about licking my itty, bitty titties? Would you have liked that?"

Corey grunted, grinding his cock into her fingers.

"I think I'd like that too," Lauren continued. "Feeling my nipples in their mouths. What if I'd had gone with one or two of them to a cabin, so they could rip off my suit and have their way with me?"

Corey was breathing heavy now, his hips gyrating against the pressure from her hand, dick pulsating.

"You are a nasty little perv, aren't you? You'd really to see that happen, wouldn't you?"

"Yes," Corey half whispered, half hissed, lowering his mouth to kiss her. "Serious as a heart attack. And at my age, I don't joke about heart attacks."

"Uh huh. I thought as much," Lauren shot back, rolling them both over to one side. Now on top, Lauren pinned her husband's shoulders to the mattress, holding him still.

"Take it easy there, tiger. I'm well beyond horny too, but we have to wait, it's not in the plan."

Corey suddenly stopped his advances. Wait for what? What plan?

A knock on the cabin door caused both heads to turn towards the sound. Lauren slipped off the bed and went to it, putting one hand on the thin paneling, the other on the latch. After a pause and a noticeable exhale, she started to open it.

Realizing his swim trunks were around his ankles, Corey tried to stop her. "Wait! You don't know who the hell that is!"

Looking back at him, she replied with a sultry smile, "Not true, I know exactly who it is."

As the door opened wider, a well-dressed man in his early to mid-forties entered the room and stood behind Lauren.

"Jesus Christ," Corey yelled, pulling his trunks up to cover his nakedness. "Who the fuck are you?"

Lauren made sure she was standing in between the two men, unsure of what Corey's next move would be.

"Babe, this is Max. The bar owner I told you about. You remember, the one who offered to help us live out your...I mean, our...fantasy?"

A look of recognition crept across Corey's face. Of course, he was in that fucking photo!

Max moved behind Lauren and put his hands on her bare shoulders, hooking his thumbs under the strands of her bikini top.

Corey shook his head to clear his mind. He thought for a minute, his brain working overtime, trying to make some sense of what was happening. "You mean you had this all PLANNED? Myles' invitation wasn't just...just happenstance?"

Lauren looked her husband squarely in the eyes, her pretty bangs hanging down to just below the eyebrows. She shook her head.

"After you agreed we should do something naughty, I got in touch with Max. I'm surprised he even returned my call, considering the state I left him in. After confirming his...offer...was still good, Max reached out to Myles and asked if his planned excursion this weekend could accommodate a couple more guests."

Silently, Max began gliding his hands over Lauren's arms, then down to her sides and hips. She responded by leaning back into him.

"Max explained everything to Myles, and he agreed to play along. It wasn't a big ask really, since I'm sure by now you've figured out that the couples on this ship are very open minded anyway.

"Nor was it by coincidence that I suggested we walk along the bay front yesterday. Your enthusiasm to see this yacht up close made it that much easier to bring you and Myles together. You should have seen your eyes light up when he invited us out."

Corey watched as Max's fingers walked over his wife's belly, stopping at the top of her bottoms. He was still trying to process what was happening.

"So here we are," Lauren shrugged. "Me, you, and Max."

A thick silence fell over the room as Lauren covered her would-be lover's hand with hers, preventing it from creeping any further between her legs.

"What do you want to do, babe? This doesn't need to go any further. We can stop right now and go watch the sunset together, just you and me."

Corey sat on the bed in shock, his erect cock straining against the swimsuit, betraying inner thoughts. Although he felt duped, this was clearly something his wife had planned for and was ready to go through with. From his perspective, the whole scene was more erotic than he'd ever imagined.

"What do you want, Corey?" Lauren repeated, eyebrow cocked, a twinkle in her eyes and a smirk on her face.

"I," the older man tried to speak, but his mouth ran dry. He swallowed hard. "I don't want to go watch the sunset. I want to watch you."

With a slight nod of his head, Max put his chin on Lauren's shoulder and pulled her tightly against his chest. Wrapping both arms around her body, he moved his hands over the thin, gold fabric of the bikini top. Cupping a breast in each, he wiggled a thumb over the nipples until they became more pronounced through the material. Lauren began to turn towards him, her breathing becoming more rapid.

"No," he said gently. "Face your husband. Look at him."

Lauren's gaze returned to Corey. He could see her chest rising and falling rapidly. Max explored her entire upper body, leaving no area untouched. Easing one hand under the top, he wiggled the other beneath the front of the bikini bottoms. Corey could see his fingers stroking hidden pussy lips, a deep sigh revealing when Max finally touched her clit. Moments later, a deep, guttural moan served to announce when those same fingers had slithered their way into her hole.

Lauren rhythmically moaned as Max held her from behind, fingers dancing inside. She looked at Corey through half open heavy eyes, a roller coaster of emotions from the past few weeks racing through her mind. She felt passion, lust and lasciviousness like she's never felt before, but also a touch of sadness, knowing there was no going back to the way things were.

After a few minutes of pleasuring Lauren with his hands, he turned her towards him, kissing the black-haired beauty long and deep, their eyes closing as they felt the moment. She curled her arms under his and gripped his shoulders, pulling him closer. They continued to kiss for some time until Max opened one eye and saw Corey staring at them. Nothing else. Just staring.

Wanting him to stay engaged, Max broke the kiss and asked, "Do you want to see your wife finish what she started in my bar last week?"

Corey nodded silently.

Wrapping a fistful of jet-black mane around one hand, Max gently pushed Lauren to her knees. Corey watched as his wife of 28 years, for the second time in a week, released a stranger's cock from his pants and held it in her hands. To his relief, it was not the monster snake that so many erotic novels tend to dwell on. About the same girth, maybe an inch longer than his own, but not the stuff of legends. Without showing emotion, Lauren fished a single condom packet from the bag next to her feet, carefully peeled it open, and unfolded it the length of the seven-inch cock. Corey had to hand it to her, she really did have this planned.

Having done her homework, she knew maintaining eye contact with her husband was especially important. Locking a gaze on Corey to ensure he was watching, she slurped Max's nut sack into her mouth and began licking it with enthusiasm. His balls were firmer than Corey's, not as much loose flesh. Letting them fall from her mouth, she picked a few curly hairs off her tongue, then began working towards the top of his staff, luscious red lips gumming the latex along the way. Once there, she kissed the pink head beneath the condom's reservoir and grasp his tool with both hands, stroking slowly, but gaining speed.

Max groaned as Lauren accelerated. He allowed the momentum to continue for a few minutes, then guided his cock towards her mouth, carefully aligning it with her head using the fistful of hair still wrapped around his hand. "Suck it," he commanded. She needed no further encouragement and attacked his cock with purpose. The first time down didn't go well, as Lauren gagged on the size and rather odd smell of the rubber.

"Easy, take is slow. There's no hurry," Max encouraged her, dropping his trousers to give her better access.

Lauren went back to work, sliding more and more of his cock into her mouth until the latex sheath became slippery from her saliva. This allowed her to take nearly the entire seven inches. Sensing she was getting more comfortable with the size and girth, Max picked up the pace, his hand gliding her head back and forth along the shaft, a mane of hair in his hands dictating the speed. She could feel the tip making contact with the back of her throat but found if she relaxed her jaws and tongue enough, she could accommodate the whole thing. Faster now, he fucked Lauren's face as if it were a cunt, the friction generating large amounts of spittle that overflowed from the corner of Lauren's mouth.

"Fuck," Max uttered, grabbing her hair, and slamming his cock into the willing mouth. He looked down as the woman sucking his dick occasionally stared back at him from behind those black bangs. The sight of this beauty working him over had momentarily distracted him from his mission. Eventually, he thought of her husband, still laying on the bed, cock in his hands. Letting go of Lauren's hair, he nodded towards the older man. "Let's not forget why we're here."

Corey looked on as his wife wiped her mouth on the bedsheet and climbed onto the mattress. Kneeling beside him, Lauren took her husband's cock into her mouth and gave it the same attention as she had given Max's. Grasping it by the base, she slowly enveloped his penis until she was finally swallowing the entire length with each pass. It was decidedly much, much easier to do without a condom. And better tasting. Remembering other "tips" from her homework, she let his cock graze the inside of her cheek, first one side, then the other, before pulling it out and playfully slapping it against her nose and mouth. Corey continued to groan loudly.

As Lauren was practicing her newfound love of giving head, Max disrobed and climbed onto the bed from the other side, placing Lauren in the center. Corey wasn't too sure how he felt about a naked stranger being in bed with them, but his wife's mouth quickly helped him to forget Max's presence, if only temporarily. Lauren, however, did not forget. Her eyes grew fiery as she saw the two rigid penises bobbing in in front of her. Continuing to pleasure Corey with her mouth, she reached out and took Max's cock into her hand, stroking it from base to tip, looking him in the eye as she did so. For the next 10 minutes she alternated between the two men, giving oral to one while stroking the other. Yes, she was a quick study.

Eventually Lauren's mouth tired from the constant motion. She slipped off the bed, took a drink, then returned, kneeling on the mattress in front of her two lovers, both now absentmindedly stroking their manhood while watching her every move. Knowing she was on center stage, Lauren reached behind her neck and untied the gold metallic top, laughing, throwing her head back dramatically, before allowing it to drop to the bed sheet. Putting one hand on each hip, she tossed her hair teasingly, shook her hips a couple times, then pulled the ties apart, separating the front and back halves. As they too fell, Max got his first full view of this beauty, naked except for the thin, double strand gold waist chain hugging the tops of her hips. Quite fit for someone her age, and makeup that was just the right shade of slutty. The prize in both men's eyes, however, was that freshly bald, buttery smooth pussy just inches above their feet.

"My god, your perfect," Max said, licking his lips.

Lauren smiled, taking a cue from Amy and pulling apart her puffy, glistening labia, allowing them a peek at the pink flesh between. "Who wants in first, boys?"

Neither man could speak, they just continued to stroke their cocks in anticipation. Finally, Lauren spoke up.

"Hubby it is then!"

The raven-haired temptress fell to all fours and slowly crept over Corey's feet, then his legs and chest, finally positioning her hips above his face. He looked up at the wet hairless cunt inches from his nose, its lips gaping invitingly. Lauren grabbed the headboard with both hands and slowly lowered herself onto her husband's waiting mouth. As he proceeded to eat his wife's pussy, her moans increased with every thrust of his tongue. Max reached up and groped the breast nearest him, her small baseball size tit fitting into his hand like a glove.

Lauren continued to ride her husband's tongue while her new lover plied her chest, the passion building deep within. Gripping the headboard, she threw her head back in ecstasy, long black hair flowing down her back. Use your words, she heard Amy's voice say.

"That's it, tongue fuck my bald pussy, lap that juice up, suck me dry!" Lauren demanded, slamming her hips into his face. After several minutes of Corey's tongue darting in and out of her slit, her increased breathing and deep moans foreshadowed what was to come. Releasing her hands from the headboard, they flew to her breasts. One hand thumbing her bare nipple, the other covered Max's hand, setting the pace for his fingers. Corey nearly suffocated as his wife ground her pink hole into his face, gagging him with the clear fluid now oozing from it. Her stride was growing to a fevered pitch when all of a sudden she stopped, yelping as the orgasm hit her. The force of the spasm caused her body to lurch forward towards the headboard, her hands shooting out to prevent impact. "Ohhhhh, fucccckkk, baby! I'm cumming!" she cried, writhing, her hair whipping about as the passion reverberated through her body.

Good fucking God, Max thought to himself. He had seen a lot of woman come in his lifetime, but none were more genuine than this.

Lucid again, Lauren slid her body down Corey's pale torso until his cock was between her legs. Reaching under her hips, she helped guide it through the bare lips and into her waiting hole.

"Please fuck me now," she begged, her tongue eagerly licking the glaze of her own juices from her husband's cheeks, hips involuntarily gyrating with his cock buried in her.

Corey was happy to oblige, grabbing her ass and banging the slick pussy furiously with every ounce of energy his 61-year-old body could muster. Max watched, impressed by how they moved together, but also at how the couple looked at each other as they fucked. As unorthodox as this might be, Max thought, it was obvious how well connected they still were.

After 15 minutes of pounding his wife, Corey felt he may be getting close. Not wanting to blow so quickly, he slowed his pace and reluctantly suggested they take a break. Nodding with understanding, Lauren lifted her pussy off her husband's still pulsating cock and laid between the two men, this time facing Max. The younger man leaned into her, caressing the firm body beside him. Lauren felt the heat of his touches as she pushed her tongue into his mouth.

Vacating the bed and moving to a small chair in the corner of the cabin, Corey watched as the couple on the bed kissed passionately, lips hungrily seeking each other's. He felt the flood of the emotions he had been expecting, as those things he had fantasized about for years began to unfold before his eyes. Intense arousal at seeing Lauren with another man, mixed with a touch of jealousy, and a fear of what tomorrow might bring. These feelings came to him all at once.

Lauren was experiencing strong feelings as well, although much differently. She was pleased the plan had been executed so perfectly. Not knowing how Corey would react was the "x" factor to be sure, but now seeing him in the chair, penis in hand, she had the answer. Comfortable that her husband was onboard with what was happening, she relaxed, allowing overwhelming passion and lust to take over. Kumiho had awoken and was prodding her on. Ever since that night in his bar, Lauren had wondered what the impeccably dressed businessman looked like naked and she was not disappointed. Taking a deep breath, she ran her hands over his nude body, feeling the tight pecs, muscles and toned abdominals that were mature, but not yet affected by age, like her husband's.

From the corner of the room, Corey slowly stroked his cock as he watched his wife caress Max's chest, hips and legs. After one particularly long kiss, the younger man whispered something into Lauren's ear, then rolled her over onto her belly, head at the foot of the bed, near Corey. Kneeling behind her, he pulled the lithe body up on all fours, hoisting her ass to his crotch. He rolled his cock around the glistening pussy lips until the latex was wet, slippery and set for entry. Sensing Max was ready, Lauren fixed eyes on her husband, and used her words again.

"This is it, babe" she cooed softly. "All those years, all those stories, all those characters. All those things I was angry at you even suggesting. Tell me, my love, do I look angry now?"

Corey shook his head. "No."

Lauren smiled gently. "That's right. I will fight it no longer. You lit a fuse in me that is going to make your fantasy come true, right here, right now. Are you ready to watch another man fuck your wife? It's what you've wanted, isn't it? Do you want Max to fuck me?"

Corey gazed back at his wife on all fours, a man he had met only minutes ago kneeling behind her, ready to ravish the pussy he alone had the privilege to fuck for nearly three decades. He swallowed hard and nodded. "Yes."

Lauren's eyes closed, and her hands clutched the bedsheet as she felt the smooth condom covered cock slide into her waiting hole. She was so wet that it slid all the way in the first time, balls slapping against her smooth box. With no resistance, Max fucked her effortlessly, alternating strokes between short, quick ones and long, drawn out ones. Corey could see Lauren's face grimace in ecstasy, biting her lower lip, and occasionally opening her eyes to look at him.

"You like watching him fuck me?" she asked, panting heavily. "After all this, you better, perv. You want to know something? I can feel his throbbing cock in my pussy, filling me up, his balls full of cum. I'm such a bad girl, Corey. Oh, oh, eeeeeeeeeee! Jesus, Max, FUCK me!"

Corey was cranking his dick furiously now, the sight in front of him so erotic he had trouble pacing himself. It didn't help when Max reached in front of him and grabbed Lauren's hair, yanking her head back as she cried out.

"Oh SHIT, Max, do me, fuck my married ***** pussy! That's it, harder, harder, harder!"

Not wanting to leave Corey out, she looked directly at her husband and spit out, "Do you like seeing your wife treated like the slut she is? Taking a strange man's cock from behind like a bitch?"

Then to Max, she screamed, "Harder, fuck me harder. Don't stop! Don't stop! Slam it. Slam that cunt!"

Max tightened his hand around her hair even more, snapping the pretty head back towards him, causing her jaw to drop open and eyes to roll back in her head. Corey watched for what seemed like hours as his wife was pounded relentlessly, her lover huffing and puffing as he drove his tool in and out of her sopping wet hole. The man's stamina was impressive, as evidenced by the number of times Lauren came while he drilled her. Four, five times? Who was counting? Isn't this exactly what Corey had wanted for her?

After 20 minutes of hot, sweaty, doggystyle monkey sex, Max pulled out and tossed Lauren on her back. She instinctively opened her legs, giggling as her lover positioned himself between them. The giggles turning to moans when he entered her with one long thrust. "Fuuccckkkk!" Lauren screamed as she felt the entire length of his cock slide into her again. Continuing the assault with the same ferocity as before, Max pummeled the dark-haired beauty from on top, his shaft like a piston now. Corey could hear the air rushing out of his wife's juice-soaked pussy with each push, accompanied by the very wet and sloppy sounds of her excitement.

Lauren reached down and gripped Max's ass, pulling him tighter. She began to feel another, massive orgasm approaching. "Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Don't stop! Keep fucking that hole. Wreck that pussy."

Max grimaced, feeling his own release building. "Give it to me baby, let me feel that cunt! C'mon fuck me, I want to feel it tight around my cock!"

Corey watched as Max grabbed his wife's legs and slung them over his shoulder, not missing a beat. From his vantage point he was able to see Max's balls slam into her bare pussy with each bold thrust.

"Give it to me, goddamnit!" Max yelled. "I want to feel your cum all over my cock!"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh," Lauren moaned rhythmically, completely lost in the feeling of being fucked senseless.

Corey continued to stroke his cock, watching this stranger screw his wife. He knew at that moment in time, he did not exist to Lauren; it was all about the penis that was now driving her towards another orgasm.

"Keep...fucking...meeeeee!" Lauren howled, her feet bouncing off Max's shoulders. "Oh, oh, oh, oh!"

"Oh SHIT! Squeeze that pussy tight! Make me blow. You want my cum, you little slut?"

"Eeeeeeeeeeeee, FUCK!" Lauren squealed, raking her nails down his back.

Max laughed. "You like being called names, huh, baby?" he asked, looking to the corner for the answer. Seeing Corey nod back, he continued "I see. A nasty little bitch. You're husband knows you're a slut now, Lauren, no hiding it. Letting a stranger bang you in front of him; nobody but a filthy ***** does that."

"Ah, oh, ah, oh, ah, oh, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeess, that's it, that's it! Fuck me, fuck me! OH PLEASE GOD FUCK ME!" Lauren wailed as she relinquished control of her of body to the mammoth orgasm. Her entire body shook, enough that Max had to pull out and release her legs.

Her scream started low, increasing in volume as the passion took hold, her howls echoing off the cabin walls. "I'm cumming! I'm cumming! OH FUCK, COREY, I'm cummmmmmming!"

To anyone who happened to be in the vicinity of Cabin 2, there was no mistaking what was happening within. Buckets of fluids flowed out of Lauren's bare slit as she lay on the bed quivering, her hands over her chest as if to keep her heart from jumping through the skin. Max climbed off, giving her a few minutes to compose herself, himself still in desperate need of release. Grabbing two waters, he handed one to Lauren, who gratefully gulped one down. That's when she remembered Corey.

Replacing the cap on the bottle, she looked over at her husband, still in the chair, his mind inundated by a thousand thoughts and emotions. Smiling, she hooked a finger, motioning for him to join her on the bed. As he approached, Lauren pulled Max back on the mattress and pushed him onto a pillow. Having come five times now that afternoon, it was time to give back.

Gathering her hair in one hand, Lauren knelt over Max, and began twirling her tongue around his shaft, emphasizing every lick to compensate for the thin sheath still covering it. She went to her knees, raising her hips off the bed, offering Corey clear line of sight into her glistening, waiting pussy. Not needing a formal invitation, he sidled up behind her, spreading her hairless labia as wide as it would go. Drops of clear juice dripped out of the fleshy clam, landing on the sheets below.

As Lauren focused her lips and tongue on Max's cock, Corey gave his wife the same treatment. Lick after lick, he was able to coax more clear liquid from her wet canal, drinking it in like it a dying man in the desert. Her hips gyrated as he heard her continuous moans, muffled by the hard steel in her mouth. For several minutes Corey continued his assault from behind, his tongue exploring every reachable inch of her puckered hole. Eventually, her groans turned to mews of desperation, her bouncing hips making it difficult for his mouth to hit the target. Letting Max's dick flop out of her mouth, she looked back over her shoulder and simply said "Fuck me."

When Corey mounted his wife from a kneeling position, his manhood met no resistance. Lauren let out another deep, guttural moan, then went right back to work on cock in front of her. After watching her fuck this stud for nearly an hour, Corey was overcome by pure animal lust, holding her ass and plunging his cock into her reddened cunt with abandoned. He showed no mercy, jack-hammering the hole she was offering so willingly. Max was lost in his own pleasure, as Lauren's head bobbed up and down, his need to release growing with each passing minute.

Pounding her from behind, Corey could see over his wife's back and head to Max's face. He heard the younger man grunting and recognized those expressions. He knew neither of them were going to last much longer. Giving up the opportunity to nut in his wife's amazingly hot pussy, Corey selflessly pulled out and pushed Lauren onto her back, Max's cock unexpectedly yanked from her mouth. Surprised and slightly concerned at first by his sudden and rather rough actions, she eventually understood why when he scurried up alongside her and knelt over her face. "Yeesssssssss," she hissed, "Do it!"

Max caught on and went to the other side, peeling the condom off and tossing it to the floor. Lauren reached up and took the two meaty shafts in her hands and began pumping then feverishly.

"Give it to me, baby," she begged, looking from one set of glassy eyes to the other. "I want your cum. I NEED your cum. Paint me with your creamy love!"

"Ah, FUCK!" Max brayed, seeing that sexy face looking back at him, full of expectation. "You want it ALL, slut?"

Lauren moaned, then nodding her head dramatically, pumping both cocks in tandem.

"I'm going to cum," Corey barked, "where do you want it, baby?"

"On my pretty little ***** face! DO IT! GIVE...IT...TO...ME!" Lauren screamed, tongue wagging in anticipation.

"Whose...whose ***** are you?" Max panted heavily, his release imminent.

Lauren peered up at her two lovers, batting her long eyelashes from beneath those long black bangs. With her best ****** persona, she giggled sexily, "I'm Corey's slut forever, but everyone's ***** tonight."

When both men erupted simultaneously, they roared thunderously as they pumped their loads over Lauren. It spewed out in waves, landing on her tits, hair and face, each spurt bringing more jizz raining down on her head. She closed her eyes as thick white ropes of cum continued to shoot out of the two quivering cocks above, her hands doing their best to milk out every last drop. Corey watched as tiny rivers of semen formed on his wife's body, gravity pulling them to her lap. As the flow began to subside, she cleared the spunk from her eyelids, eventually able to look up at her husband smiling down on the carnal scene. Lauren simply winked and mouthed a "thank you". His was not the only fantasy being fulfilled that afternoon.


Balls empty, Corey and Max collapsed on either side of Lauren. All three laid on the bed recovering from the intense sex. Eventually, they found enough energy to push themselves off the mattress. The men got dressed and Lauren cleaned herself off with a beach towel. After giving Max a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug, she disappeared into the cabin's bathroom. Moments later they heard the shower running.

Corey looked at Max warily, still a bit put off by the clandestine arrangement between them and his wife.

The younger man sensed as much and started towards the cabin door. Before exiting, he looked back.

"I know you aren't sure of all this. Please don't be angry at Lauren. She only wants to give you what you want, and she thought this would be a nice surprise. When I met her, she was full of uncertainty, not sure if she wanted to be part of your fantasy. Obviously, she has had some enlightenment since then. Either way, don't be too harsh on her or yourself. You'll find the couples on this boat aren't much more different than yourselves.

"And yeah, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy being with your wife just now. Seriously, who wouldn't? Look, I'm the last person to be giving advice, but you two should discuss what just happened and decide if the lifestyle is for you. If so, I encourage you to get to know the others on this ship. They don't judge, and you may find the evening even more interesting than the afternoon."

Corey nodded and cleared his throat. "I appreciate the sentiment, thank you."

With that, Max turned and stepped through the cabin door into the passageway.
