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another gone

  • Thread startermuleman
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Beloved Member
Apr 7, 2005
Well I see a lady that went by neat deleted her account. I became friends of Cheryl and she was a very special person. She had told me she didn't like this site because of some of the people on it that was so negative on people issues. Well we can add another to the list of fine people that has left. Pooch thawks is all but gone black dom isn't around much anymore Lynn for black and there are a bunch I see even Mr hall from the uk isn't here much anymore it is a shame that this site is having good people leave or not visit much anymore. I guess there are always room for the Shemales to come on and want a pimp to work for or a older white man wanting a black cock to suck or someone wanting to know if anyone is into pissing just where is this site heading I really wonder.
I "met" Cheryl when we both joined NW in "05" and she has been my Lil Neat since. We've been very friendly and still keep in touch via email. She is close to the mods and core members of NW so I told her that we all went to suckywanda.org.

I know she felt bad about certain things and people here but I had asked her to give this place another chance under the new rules. Why quit? Visit both I figureed.

She is a great loss. Such a sweet person but at least I will "see" her at sucky's I suppose plus her emails to my yahoo email account. I have a book to send her written by a black woman about a white Mother whose daughter is dating a black guy. The cover shows an older woman reclining on a bed kissing a young black guy. Sound like someone we know MuleMan?

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I'm still here Muleman but still trying to figure out the new "persona" of DC. As my Dad would say - "see all, say 'nowt till you know what you are talking about"
it seems to me that people leave here because of the politics of this forum. the favoritism and frowning upon other kinks may alienate many members. a lot of people have been banned recently as well. This forum has always had it's arguements but now your opinion could get you banned. Maybe people want to go to a less hostile place.
It's been said that I have driven a few people away from DC, including Neat & Petite. This may well be true, I don't know. But I will say a few things then leave this subject alone.

I for one never believed Neat to be a female (and still don't). Not with the some of the many outlandish things she obviously advocated. I have never known a woman who would embrace some of the subject matter "she" did. I realize she is a friend to many of you and you're sorry she left. I am sorry you are sorry. I didn't tell or force anyone to leave and I have not banned members for simply disliking them. If that were the case you'd notice several names would be gone.

I didn't leave this site in the face of all I disliked. I stuck it out and voiced my opinions. Maybe some people should have developed thicker skins and done the same rather than taking the easy way out, taking their ball and going home.

As anyone will tell you, I've made a concentrated effort to be a little less brusque in my retorts to things I find distatseful. This effort is being made because one, I wanted to create a more friendly environment (within reason) and two, because I was asked to. However I will never waiver on those things I believe in or compromise my principles. Even as a moderator if someone posts something I find personally offensive, disgusting or distatesful then I will let them know so in no uncertain terms no matter the cost to my mod status, member perception of me or anything else.

That's just how it is and I'm just who I am. Take it, leave it or follow Neat and Petite's cue and take the train.
Pimp, I don't believe anyone was specifically talking about you here. I feel that this forum went from barely moderated (calling women fat, incessant arguing) to hyper moderated (afraid to even comment on touchy subjects). The mood seems to be grudgingly accepting of a new more broad format. the posting seems to have slowed and with so many partitions it seems very quiet. I want this place to expand like you do and the freakier the better says I. So bring on the midgets and the transexual tomato fuckers.............let's get this shit poppin'.
No one specifically mentioned me by name but it's no secret, from past posts, that Neat wasn't happy when I made mod.

I'm not for over moderation but certainly not for a bad-taste-free-for-all either.
pimpology101 said:
It's been said that I have driven a few people away from DC, including Neat & Petite. This may well be true, I don't know.

Oh its true Pimp. Just go to suckywanda's and you will see your name specifically as the reason many left here and joined there. Your making Mod was the last straw for many. I feel that in many cases (before you made Mod) you wanted many folks you felt were "undesirable" (didn't think like you) to leave this site and would attack their (legal) kinks until they either quit posting or left. I never thought that you had that right and you and I argued about it on several occasions. I had always blamed this site for not reining you in.

Unfortunately the die is cast and even though I try to convince people to give the site another chance, they seem to sense a phonyness here now about this whole new look attempt. Especially when, in their eyes, the biggest augmentative, flaming, attack dog of all is made SupMod.

Pimp, I firmly believe this. You are responsible for more people leaving this site since you have been here than any other single poster. Given time only XZPaw would have had a chance to drive more people away. I don't say that to insult you or to start one of our famous "vigorous discussions" but only to state what I perceive as a fact. A fact that I can back up if I want to spend the time to copy and paste all the statements of all the people on all the other sites who have admitted to the fact.

On the good side, you have indeed changed your ways. Not because you believe differently, but because you have to. People know that.

pimpology101 said:
I for one never believed Neat to be a female (and still don't).

Of course nothing is certain on the net and I could be wrong, but Cheryl being what she said she was is as close to certain as I can be. There is just a different way of expressing things between guys and gals. Many times she would write something and I would think "Only a woman would talk like that". Just for one instance, she once said that every time she saw a certain person's posts, it would depress her. Now how many men do you know use the word depressed to describe their emotional state? No man says "it depresses me". Thats a woman talking. We have had perhaps a couple of hundred posts and msgs to each other in the last 3 years and never once did I think to myself "Now thats a weird thing for a woman to say".

Besides Pimp, she admittedly never did anything. How many guys would go to all the trouble of being a phony woman on the net for 3 years and not phony up some IR situations that they were involved in? No Pimp, I believe that Cheryl is what she said she was. A middle forties housewife whose husband didn't know she had fantasies of young black males and whose daughter dated a black guy.

You didn't like her because she was good friends with ExpatDad and Robroy, two guys who you have driven into not posting here and you figured she must have the same fantasies and beliefs as them.

Bottom line is she is gone and I feel it a great loss to the site. She was a very sweet person who was never abusive to anybody and who just liked to come on here and check things out once in a while and dream. Whats wrong with that? Where is the rule that says people have to develop thick skins to stay on this site? She will be happier at suckywand's because you will never find an instance of someone being discourteous there. So I guess you both win.

Ironic isn't it Pimp that if someone joins this site these days with your exact beliefs and principles and is as adamant and abusive as you always were, you would have to ban him?

Great, now I'm depressed.

I never said certain content would be deleted. But believe me when I say it better be kept in the apropriate place. And make no mistake I do look for questionable content. We all know there is a line between acceptable and unacceptable stuff. Many push the enevelope as far as they possibly can in this regard. I don't like it personally but what's a person to do?
You're right in most of what you say, Norm. Except for a few things. I never new who RobRoy was and I didn't dislike "Cheryl" at all. I didn't know her. I only knew of her from some of her posts.

Furthermore you are also right when you say I am happy many have left. That is on a personal front. I have long maintained that tolerance is not license to post any kink we have when we all know what is, in the truest sense of right and wrong, what is and isn't.

You can argue until you'reblue in the face of someone's right to post something just because it isn't illegal. I could give two shits. Being legal isn't the only consideration nor does it make it right. Many things which are permissable should not be.

Lastly, I do not give one whit what others say about me. Let them fill the filespace at suckywandas to the rafters with whinings and complaint about me. You notice they aren't here inundating this board with all manner of posts of bad taste and sickening perversions. That's all that matters to me.

In fact, tell them all that "Pimp" said hello and to have an enjoyable Sunday! :D

Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.
i have never seen any tranny get kicked off by the mods and even if some sissy made comments that were what most would call bad they were not kicked off but if they said something to someone else that was in bad taste or called out someone than they got what they asked for sorry but that is my opin. just my two cents worth sorry if i said the wrong thing mods.
s&p it seems to me that most people that do not like pimp on here and say that he caused them to leave were the ones that attacted him when he said that he though they were wrong and if you as you say yourself think that every time he disagrees with someone about their kinks is him being wrong than you are just what you are talking about. speaking up for what you belove is ok and the people that left were mad at him for being real about what he thinks, so who is wrong i would think that they are
For what it's worth, and this is only for two penn'orth (which, with the exchange rate what it is, is worth about four cents!) I almost always only ever stay in the General Forums and I miss the "vigorous" arguments that used to go one there.
pimpology101 said:
I have long maintained that tolerance is not license to post any kink we have when we all know what is, in the truest sense of right and wrong, what is and isn't.

You can argue until you're blue in the face of someone's right to post something just because it isn't illegal. I could give two shits. Being legal isn't the only consideration nor does it make it right. Many things which are permissable should not be.

Those two paragraphs are the crux of our disagreement lo these many months. I now have to believe that "management" has seen the light since they basically put a muzzle on you and are now inviting everyone back with a shout of "Hey everyone, look here, we have all these new kinky forums and Pimp won't bother you anymore."

Face it PimpGuy, even you can't deny that a great majority love the new changes. Changes you don't agree with and "great majority" implying that you were a noisy minority of one all along.

pimpology101 said:
Lastly, I do not give one whit what others say about me. Let them fill the filespace at suckywandas to the rafters with whinings and complaint about me. You notice they aren't here inundating this board with all manner of posts of bad taste and sickening perversions. That's all that matters to me.

Yes, I notice no one is here inundating this board with all manner of posts while suckywanda.org has grown so much since NW went down that they have had to go to larger servers twice now. You must be very proud. By the way Wanda wants to know if you've been getting the checks. LOL

Face it you, you...damn Redskins fan, I won!!! Its been specifically brought up by "management" that all manner of posts of bad taste and sickening "legal" perversions are OK now!! And its driving you nuts. Come on Pimp. Go back and read my "RISE PIMP" satire. Its time baby, just do it.

Take it as a win if you please but the manner of people posting such whacked out shit are no more. The majority are gone and the site made a concession to allow certain things but only in restricted areas. I can live with that. Wanda's site can grow ten-fold and won't dent the number of cavern members. All the psycophants over there can have what they create. As for this site it will remain the online standard because me, and people like me, will not allow it to become an oasis for whacked out fucknuts. I've not been muzzled, in fact I've been encouraged to be myself with just a "little" nicety. I've just chosen, personally, to take the high road and pick my battles. But make no mistake, when I disagree with something my voice is no less resounding than it ever was.

And put Victoria's post in your pipe and smoke it. I believe people like her are the majority here. You notice she doesn't want it turned into a "cesspool" no more than anyone else does--save those freaks who left for crazier pastures.
Who exactly are the psycophants sucking up to Pimp? It seems that victoria & dan as well as fun50scpl are guilty of same. I have been looking at posts to try and find the reason Restitutor got banned and for the life of me I see no rule infractions from him. The state of this forums freedom of expression seems balanced above two slippery slopes. I ask again who's version of right or wrong are we using here. Put ten people in a room and you get ten different opinions. Beyond legality what is the issue? Should we all vote on subjects to include or exclude? Restitutor is just one example of your scorched earth policy another that comes to mind is hunny who you banned the night you became mod. How many have quietly walked away? Good riddance for you I suppose but not fo the forum as a whole. Why would anyone want to play,hook up,fantasize,or get their jollies on such a homogenized heavily policed forum.Wanda & friends return your have a nice day message. All is peace and happiness over there, No arguements at all just a bunch of pervs lookin at interracial porn. That my friends is the alternative & all are welcome as long as you leave your arguments at the door.
pimpology101 said:
Take it as a win if you please but the manner of people posting such whacked out shit are no more. The majority are gone and the site made a concession to allow certain things but only in restricted areas. I can live with that. Wanda's site can grow ten-fold and won't dent the number of cavern members. All the psycophants over there can have what they create. As for this site it will remain the online standard because me, and people like me, will not allow it to become an oasis for whacked out fucknuts. I've not been muzzled, in fact I've been encouraged to be myself with just a "little" nicety. I've just chosen, personally, to take the high road and pick my battles. But make no mistake, when I disagree with something my voice is no less resounding than it ever was.

And put Victoria's post in your pipe and smoke it. I believe people like her are the majority here. You notice she doesn't want it turned into a "cesspool" no more than anyone else does--save those freaks who left for crazier pastures.

sorry to come in to the discussion late but just wondered what you think is whacked out. i don't post here often and sure would like to upset you. there are some that feel that anything other than missionary is kinky is that the case here? as far as "neat" goes i'm going on the side of her being a woman with fantasies. yes i could be wrong but have no reason to think otherwise. now i'll just fade into the woodwork again. oh by the way i've been a member of the cavern including the members side for many many years.
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Restitutor walked a very slippery slope and I could have banned him, immediately, had I been a vindictive type of person. However I am not and I let him be. I was even told by the administration here if he kept up his "shit" to show him the door. Admittedly, I did grin inside hearing that because, knowing the type of person Restitutor is, I knew he'd not last long. And the reason you do not see posts that warranted his dismissal is because such posts were removed.

There is no cause for a census on what is or isn't appropriate either. Capably minded adults are able to read and thus realize where certain subject matter goes. If it's out of place it will be moved or removed. We are all also compotent enough to know what falls within the bounds of acceptable subject matter and what does not. For instance...Restitutor posted a photo of a white man sucking a black cock. While I found it personally offensive and distasteful, it remains to this day. Why? Because he put it in the appropriate forum.

But, unlike your claim to the contray, most people do not want this forum to go the way of the extreme and disgusting. They do not want, as evidenced by Victoria's post (and I by far think the majority of people share her feelings as to those who do not), this site to be turned into a cesspool by any twisted, gross, disturbing, outlandish subject matter someone's mind of mush chooses to share. They don't want the site being taken down such an ugly road. And, as long as I am allowed to remain a moderator, it won't be.

I also think that constant mention and promotion of another site such as Wanda's (just like NW once upon a time) is a slap in the face to dig and buzzy given all the effort and hard work they have put into making this site what it is. I cannot speak for them but I find it very disrespectful and if I had their permission to do so, I'd police that a little harder also. If you enjoy another site so much, and find you like it better than this one, then by all means stay the fuck over there.
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Actually Sticky, I am also for heavy policing on matters concerning site policies and specific rules violations. Where Pimp and I have locked horns in the past is that he feels his moral policy should prevail over site policy, which he feels is too permissive. Especially in its new form.

Pimp, when someone is banned, should an announcement of some kind be made as to who and why? That way others would learn and not make the same errors in judgment.

Just curious but do you confer with all the other Mods or need permission from admin before banning someone? If not then it would seem to me to be a tool subject to abuse by any self appointed vigilante who happens to be a Mod.

Not that I am accusing you of anything mind you. I just know that when a person feels he is as right about "moral issues" as you always are then they usually also feel that anything is ok as long as the final goal is reached.


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