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Camping trip

By now, the four of us now had a clear separate group away from the larger group. I was clear Cody was fascinated with Emily, her looks, her talks and how socializing she was. On the contrary, Grace was very reserved. Emily, even if she wanted, wasn’t able to support Grace on the discussions. As an example, on the topic of building own house, Grace said - “this was a crazy idea to leave our jobs and build a house. Instead we can earn for that time and buy a good house”

Emily paused for a bit but then said “I’d do it any day. Nothing better than building the house ground up, the way you want”

Obviously, Cody said to Grace - “See”

Emily grew up in family of builders, her dad and brother all build things in house, decks, kitchen, bathroom and she was used to building and loved it

I was on the other hand cannot even put on the holiday lights by myself …lol

She found Cody “like” her.
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I was enjoying their chemistry but kept myself unbiased even sometimes indirectly supporting Grace just to see how Emily was defending Cody ..😍
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Need more interaction here to encourage me as I want to provide very detailed update, anyway I will continue for now

We had to leave the campsite at 12 for the next group of folks as it was only a night camp. Most of the remaining time was spent in finishing the breakfast and cleanups. As we started taking down our tents, Cody came and said “Give me 5 min and I will help you guys”

I think he knew by then that it was not possible for me to do this and I am sure Emily knew as well so we waited for him to finishing packing his tent first

He then walked to us and started helping us. At one point, I got a perfect view of him standing between Emily and I. Both of them facing the otherwise as they were taking down the tent and I knew there was good 10 inches between then but the view I got from a distance almost felt that he was grinding her from behind (I know for sure he wasnt). I so much wanted to take my camera out and take the picture of them but that would have been very awkward as others were around too

He and Emily did most of the wrapping up. He also helped us load the tent and the coolers back in trunk of our car
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As we started leaving, Cody proposed to stop over a nearby lake on our way and have lunch there. He said they also have a nice beach area to sit or do some kayaks. Emily and I immediately agreed as we had no rush to rest home but Grace threw spanner in the wheel. She said that she has to reach home early as she has a busy day tomorrow and want to relax. Emily and I didn’t say much but Cody tried to convince her a lot saying that they will still have a lot of time in the evening and will be home back by 5-6pm but she was adamant.

So it was the time to say goodbyes. We didn’t know each other only 24 hrs ago and now built some strong bonds, esp the three of us except Grace. We both were disappointed that we couldn’t spend more time together and Cody was visibly frustrated with Grace. There was really no reason to come this far and not spend 1-2 hrs more together
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Please keep going. Love this story
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As we were saying goodbye, I had a less than a second hug with Grace, a strong handshake with Cody. Emily did the same with Grace and then hugged Cody. It was a view seeing them bear hugging, at least for 5 seconds.
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As soon as we got in our car, Emily didn’t take anytime to vent her anger on Grace, her exact words

“What a bitch. Such a big mismatch, Cody is such a nice, sweet guy and she is a total bitch”

Hearing this from her was more exciting than watching any porn …LOL
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There were a lot of moments during the trip, where I imagined Cody getting control of Emily. Most of these weren’t possible that day with people around us but I can imagine Emily and Cody kissing by the fire when I took restroom break. Cody sneaking into the tent at night instead of me, lowering her panty from behind and mounting his tool inside her, taking her for early morning run and making out with her in the woods or even casually squeezing her nice rounded ass as we were saying goodbyes. But it was not to be

This was trip happened in October last yr. I reached out to him a few times in winter checking how are things and if they want to come to our home for dinner but he always excused. I always imagined him fucking Emily when we had sex but we didn’t meet. I assumed it was because of Grace, she had no interest in meeting and Cody gave that hint a few times as well
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However, this have changed drastically a few weeks back now
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Two weeks ago I met with the person who organized last year’s camp and he said that now spring is here he is planning another one in May and if we’d like to join. I said sure and asked who all are going. I didn’t see Cody and Grace on the list and I said “let’s ask them as well”

He reply “They won’t join as they are getting divorce”

I can see why. They didn’t have any chemistry. I feel it was always coming

I haven’t told Emily this as yet but I want to get back in touch with him and get him and Emily closer. Can’t wait
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JWW said:
Two weeks ago I met with the person who organized last year’s camp and he said that now spring is here he is planning another one in May and if we’d like to join. I said sure and asked who all are going. I didn’t see Cody and Grace on the list and I said “let’s ask them as well”

He reply “They won’t join as they are getting divorce”

I can see why. They didn’t have any chemistry. I feel it was always coming

I haven’t told Emily this as yet but I want to get back in touch with him and get him and Emily closer. Can’t wait
Keep us updated, this is a great story
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More please. Hope he fucks her!
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One thing which he said and stuck with me was that sometimes he feels his cock is too big and thick. I am surprise he considers this a problem. I am opposite, average length and thin. Emily’s ex bf stretched her nicely, he was a bouncer and a big guy. She never directly told me that I am small and insufficient but I know that when she ask me for my finger and tongue instead.

I also feel that she has to put a lot of effort to cum and hence she isn’t too eager to have sex regularly

This is the situation right now. I am planning to message him and check in and then will invite him to our place for dinner, hopefully soon
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If anyone wants to help, message me. I am planning to call or text him tomorrow and looking to discuss before I do that
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I broke the news to Emily today while we were preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

I said “Hey do you remember Cody from the camping trip last fall?”

She said “Yes, of course”

I said “He is free now” (I intentionally used free)

She “ What do you mean free?”

I - “He got freedom from Grace. They are divorced now”

She - “Oh wow!! Did you meet him?”

I - “No I didn’t as yet. Jimmy told me. I heard it was a bad divorce”

She - “Oh, poor guy”

I - “Yes, that bitch took his house as well” (I deliberately said bitch)

She - “oh damn”

I - “well on the positive side, he is a free bird now and can do whatever he wants to do. He can go and build his beach house”

She - “huh”

I - “And you can help him…haha…remember you offered him help when he said he wanted to build his house”

She - “No, I never said I will help him. I said it’s a great idea”

I - “No you cant lie now. You did…and he will come looking for you ..haha”

I - “jokes apart, I will check in with him on how he is doing”

She - “yes you should”

I - “and you should too, do you have his number?”

She - “No”

I - “ok I will share it with you”
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I called him last week but he was on a work travel to Atlanta. I told him Emily and I are sorry to hear about his divorce and are here to to help if anything we can do. He said it was long time coming and he is happy that it’s behind him.

He came back last night and I plan to meet him soon. Planning to call him again later today
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I hope I can have my dream camping trip with three of us sometime in the fall. It will take time as they need to be comfortable with each other
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For those who reached out to me for an update

I have met Cody twice now. I messaged him checking on how is he doing and he then met him twice in the last two weeks. He has just closed on his new home which is about 6 miles from our place and he asked me if I can be one of his references which I gladly agreed. He is getting settled now post his divorce. I initially planned to invite him at our place for a mini-BBQ but our plans got changed as I had to leave the town for work

He hasn't yet interacted much Emily as yet but I have asked her to see what we can do to help in settle in. I can't wait to see him and Emily together, may be just sitting together on the couch and chatting to beginning with
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He told me that he is looking for ideas on how to furnish his new home (he just got the possession), I told him Emily can help as she is good in this kind of stuff.

I am planning to visit his house with Emily later today or tomorrow, depending on her schedule).
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