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Cheated On - Now Want Cuckolded

  • Thread starterStarfurious
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Mar 29, 2008
A few months ago, my wife out of a desire to come clean with her sins, decided to tell me that she had cheated on me. For a little while, this came very close to breaking us up. However, I later found myself very aroused at what she had done to me. I have come to realize that by the true definition, she has cuckolded me.

She told me that in the time we had been married (3 years) that she had cheated on me 3 times. First was with her oldest daughters dad while I was on travel for work. The second, was with a mutual friend that introduced us but whom she had screwed before. The third, was with a guy she knew but had never been with before.

I fully realize that I can not satisfy her completely sexually. We have several vibrators/dildos that I utilize on her even to hold it as if it is my own penis which turns her on in wild ways. She deserves to be pleasured often and completely.

She originally told me about cheating because she has become more religious and needed to confess her sins. I find myself though wanting her to completely cuckold me and start taking lovers as she desires.

My question is how do I approach this with her, without blatantly stating it to her. I want to bring her into it at the right pace. All suggestions are greatly desired and appreciated.
im in same situation and i still havent told her how much it turns me on. i just dont know how she would react. she didnt come clean until she got caught. shes been with at least 8 diffrent black guys that i know of in just 1 years time. none of the guys i found out about were white. the pic of her pussy is how i found her when she came home 2 nights ago full of cum. i beleive he only fucks guys when shes drinking


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I totally understand!

My wife had two affairs many years ago (not exactly cheating as she had my permission to play without telling). I did not find out until after the fact on the first and didn't get much detail on the other.

She also has become more religious as of late. I have continued to fantisize over the years. Sometimes she will tease me with the possibility but not often.

A couple of weeks ago I discovered some sites where you can be hypnotized with a "****** feminization" program. I have always had tendencies that way that have been dormant for a long time. Not anymore! This is not the place for all the details, but one of the side effects is that I have not been able to keep an erection at critical times for over a week.

My wife is enjoying my new "game" right now, however, she does miss having me inside her. We are actually making love more (oral, fingers, toys), and just about everytime she says she will have to find a real man to satisfy her. I am loving the threats and gentlely encouraging her to do so.
Same here... The wife and I only play with toys and my going down on her... Hard to have sex with a femmy boy,,, and penitrating her with a diaper on is inposable... :p
How to approach her

I assume that you had no clue about her affairs until she told you. If this disclosure is due to her religious awakening, then subtlety is not the approach you should take. She is looking to put her life of sin behind her, and you must convincer her that doing it with your permission and at your request is not a sin.

Here is my advice. First, tell her that you appreciate her honesty, and that honesty is very important to a successful marriage. Second, tell her that you want to be honest with her, and tell her that you are turned on by the idea of her having extramarital affairs. This is when you should tell her how you would like the affairs to be handled, are you present or does she tell you about it afterwards, etc. Third, you must convince her that extramarital affairs with your permission and request is not a sin, and therefore it is compatible with her religion. Sex per se is not a sin, but clandestine extramarital sex is. Tell her that she would be doing it with your permission and at your request. Tell her that it would strengthen your love for her and the bonds of your marriage. I just hope that her new found religion is liberal.

Good luck.
I really like Guildford’s answer. Yes, he is right.
Thanks for the Opinions

Guildford, thanks for the info. Unfortunately though, the religion she belongs to is Baptist Christian. I will try what you suggest though.

I forgot to mention in my original post that she had a miscarriage from a pregancy from the third time cheating.

Again, thanks for the reply's.
Starfurious said:
Guildford, thanks for the info. Unfortunately though, the religion she belongs to is Baptist Christian.

In that case just tell her you want to watch the next time the Minister saves her.

I think you need to do a few things that might help. But first you already have been cuckold. I think what you are trying to say is you want to keep this life choice going.
  1. One talk openly to your wife, tell her how at first it did hurt like hell but to tell the truth now you are turned on by the ideal and want to take advantage of the fact that she is hot enough to help you live out some of your fantasies and hers.
  2. Let her know how much you love her and only her and your not into wanting to play with others but want the experience of licking her creamy, smelling the smells of her being fucked, and then make love to her as never before.
  3. Both of you work out rules to play by. For example no fucking anyone with out sharing the whole experience with you when she is done.
  4. Be willing to buy her sexy stuff to help her play and encourage her to play.
  5. Help her find ways to keep it a private life between the two of you, like taking trips to other towns where no one will no you from Adam.
  6. Or if you like the choice, but I don't recommend, is her getting a regular boy Friend. I don't suggest this as a good choice though many do, it opens the door for you to end up losing her and also starts the things like her not really want to share with you her encounters because then she would be betraying her bf.
  7. Last but not least, read my post on working with a wife that is a Christian. Maybe print it and leave it someplace where she will find it and read it.
  8. Last she felt what she did was wrong, and it was, how much better if she finds she can have her cake and eat it too. But in order today that she has to know she can trust your love, and your self discipline. Also remember once you open the door it is not easy to close. Be ready for the answer to be NO and if so except it for now but never give up suggesting it. The right person, the right time and she will do it again. Once a person cheats, man or woman they will do it again.
How are you two doing

It has been a few months. Are you having any good times? Please bring us up to date.
Not If She's Catholic - or Christian too.

Guildford said:
I assume that you had no clue about her affairs until she told you. If this disclosure is due to her religious awakening, then subtlety is not the approach you should take. She is looking to put her life of sin behind her, and you must convincer her that doing it with your permission and at your request is not a sin.

Here is my advice. First, tell her that you appreciate her honesty, and that honesty is very important to a successful marriage. Second, tell her that you want to be honest with her, and tell her that you are turned on by the idea of her having extramarital affairs. This is when you should tell her how you would like the affairs to be handled, are you present or does she tell you about it afterwards, etc. Third, you must convince her that extramarital affairs with your permission and request is not a sin, and therefore it is compatible with her religion. Sex per se is not a sin, but clandestine extramarital sex is. Tell her that she would be doing it with your permission and at your request. Tell her that it would strengthen your love for her and the bonds of your marriage. I just hope that her new found religion is liberal.

Good luck.

Let's first do a Religion check on this gal .... Christians are not permitted to give into another's spouse. So, if you two are Christians, you'll have to handle it very differently than suggested herein.
If Catholic, you are pretty much fucked unless you follow my scripture. Masturbatiion, giving into others spouses, lusting after anything, and adultery are all major no-nos (sins.) Your wife, being a soul returning to the flock will see you as encouraging her to remain on the "dark" side when she has - obviously - chosen the light. Suggesting that she return to her sinful ways, is spiting in the face of what she has embraced - she has now embraced the idea of living a prim and proper life with the end game of being one with all that is good and creative. You have to find another, more devious (sinful) way around good and proper. With Catholics it is usually catering to her masochist side. In short, make her pay for her sins. Remind her of her past failures in being a proper and dutiful wife for all these years. Pay attention to what she has been drawn to in the LIGHT. Ask her about her new instructions from her pastor .... like the devil that you are, use his words against her. Remind her always (as Mother Church reminds us all on a daily basis) that she is human and MUST fail, she has no choice but to give into the flesh and "ruin" everything. She will always be seduced by the dark men. She will always humiliate her husband. She is a sinner because she is who she is.

If she is Protestant, you need a bit of a different point of view. She will be saved no matter how sinful she is. It is just so human to fall short of God's eternal grace and His divine plan. And you too, you're a sinner as well. God's plan for you has been detoured by her adulterous ways. Tell her you want to share in her exploration for the Eternal One. Now that her actions have waylaid you from the path to your soul's salvation, you seek her guidance and offer your support for her own journey to God's Will. Let her know you too have sinned by finding pleasure in your mind and by fantasizing about her with others. You are trapped in her web of deceit and her failure to be God-like. But as a Protestant, Christ has saved you already! She can repent, you can repent and reveal all the (tasty) details to each other - over and over again ...then get down on your knees and repent again! If you're really creative, you will both be on your knees repenting before her lovers! Ask their forgiveness for your sins against their wills. Pray to them like some sissy praying to a dom mistress or money mistress. Pray for their understanding, repent to their sexual drives. Then you'll get to do it all over again as good Protestants when you get back into the sanctity of your bedroom.
And consider yourself a pioneer, a fore runner and path finder for mankind. You are so special and innovative because you are expressing your self absorbed sexuality! You are building the new religion that will certainly arise as the population expands and "our" life style catches hold. You must start today. Because much of what we see today as new perversions and we hear as hype for a new founded sexual expression is none other than that old man sin getting a grip on our society. And like-wise as in past history, other more stable and disciplined cultures (maybe Muslim) will step right in and crush all of us sissies. But for now, bring Satan into your life in an enjoyable manner as I suggested above and a new and better day will cum to you. A better cum will be yours; and you will see the light!
Luck 2 u.
Wife cheating spurred my interest

My wife has had at least two other men since we've been together. I found out because she and a girlfriend compared notes of their extramarital activities and after my wife had picked an argument with me and left for the night (to find herself),the girlfriend told me what my wife had told her and that my wife had intentionally picked an argument so she could meet with her boyfriend.
I confronted my wife the next night and got the truth out of her or at least what truth she thought she could get away with.
The first one was a one night stand after a halloween party we'd attended. I'd left about midnight and left her there because she didn't want to leave. She said she didn't remember anything about it except she woke up the next morning laying next to a naked guy. I asked he name and she said she didn't remember it so I asked her to call her girlfriend who had hosted the party. It was interesting listening to the call. My wife just said "What was that guys name?" Nothing else, and the girlfriend gave her a name.
Anyway, the second one was the one she was seeing when I confronted her and was an ongoing affair. She later said she'd broken up with him and wouldn't do it again. I did ask all about what they did when together, how many times had she fucked him, what positiions they fucked in, did she give him head and of course how big he was (longer than me but skinnier).
I later approached her about doing a threesome with another guy so I could watch and then join in, I didn't tell her I'd like to try a creampie but did question her on whether she'd like to get eaten after she'd been fucked and cum in. She did say "not expecially".
So, I think the idea of being cuckolded as a sharing experienc between myself and my wife. Her cheating left me out of the picture and out of the experience she had.

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