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Did you marry a virgin? Are you pleased you did?

  • Thread starterSaraha
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If you did marry a virgin, then you were a "virgin breaker"......crude but true.
How did the wedding night sex meet your expectation, or were you too tired to perform your consummation?

Would you have preferred to marry a sexually experienced bride?
I did not marry a virgin. She had been with both men and women before being with me.
My wife had been with about 10 other men before me. She was actually with another man the week before we got married when her and her friends did the bachelorette party. However, I was a virgin when we got married. The only experience i had was getting a couple of bjs and fingering a girl.
I could never have married a virgin after dealing with one as my girlfriend back in high-school.

After that experience I knew that I would want a wife who had some experience.
Both my first and now current wife had lots of experience when we got together.

I did not get to "break in" my girlfriend in high-school despite my best efforts. I did not want to deal with that in marriage and I also wanted my wife to be sure she had experiences with others to give me the knowledge that they both knew what they were getting into sexually.

Being a virgin bride is too much of a fairy tale and too much of a risk in my opinion. Plus, as I have posted elsewhere, I have always been aroused knowing other guys have fucked my partners.
My answer to your question, Saraha, is "no."

My wife and I pretty much lived together for six or seven months, then traveled extensively together before getting married (while still traveling). I would consider it very risky to marry a virgin, because refusing all sexual advances from men, and not wanting to have sex with me either prior to marriage, would suggest a woman with low — perhaps very low — sexuality. A woman, in other words, who does not like sex :(. That would not bode well for a satisfying marriage.
my wife was not a virgin, but I was. She gave her cherry to her ex boyfriend before me.
in my experience

Custer Laststand said:
My answer to your question, Saraha, is "no."

My wife and I pretty much lived together for six or seven months, then traveled extensively together before getting married (while still traveling). I would consider it very risky to marry a virgin, because refusing all sexual advances from men, and not wanting to have sex with me either prior to marriage, would suggest a woman with low — perhaps very low — sexuality. A woman, in other words, who does not like sex :(. That would not bode well for a satisfying marriage.

My first wife was a virgin. Our sex life was a total disaster. My advice would be to break her in before marriage or walk away.
My second and current wife was very experienced and loves sex so take my advice and go for experience.
No - but all those years ago I ended the virginity of 2 young ladies. Great experience, but really no better than non-virgin. Everyone has to start sometime - unless they live a life of celibacy :( I agree with those who said that you shouldn't marry a virgin. It's just too risky!
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My first wife led me to believe she was a virgin, as was I, but several years into the marriage, in a heated argument, she threw it into my face that she had fucked with several other guys before me.

It took me quite a while to adjust to this new iinformation and to not let it threaten my own sense of self, but I was finally able to, and eventually came to value her more because other guys had fucked her before me.

If I were to marry again now, I would make sure my "bride" had been fucked by several other guys before me, even if I had to go out and find them myself. If a woman were to tell me "I've been saving myself for you" I would answer. "You have wasted your effort. Go and find ten or twelve guys and let them fuck you, then come back and maybe we can make a go of it then!"

One of the things I really appreciate about my present wife is the fact that she has been fucked by so many other men, and that she is not embarrassed to admit it to me.
I was with a virgin once, and I am glad I married someone with experience.;)
I thought so

Saraha said:
If you did marry a virgin, then you were a "virgin breaker"......crude but true.
How did the wedding night sex meet your expectation, or were you too tired to perform your consummation?

Would you have preferred to marry a sexually experienced bride?

I thought my wife was a virgin when we met, we didn't have sex for over a year after our first date. On our wedding night my new bride had a headache so no wedding day sex. In fact it was 10 days into the honeymoon before I got to have sex with my married woman!

Much later I learned that while I had been a virgin and she took my virginity, she'd lost her cherry a long time before she met me and while I accepted her holding off for over a year when dating, she was doing others during that time.

I felt so dumb when I learned my virgin was getting nailed while with-holding from me, I felt like Martin Short in Inner Space!
Well, my wife was a virgin when we met, I ended that before we married, so our honeymoon wasn't a disaster. We had been having sex for about 8 months before the wedding.

I think everybody has different opinions about sex, virginity and experience. I got the pleasure of teaching my wife everything and showing her some new things. She hasn't tried all of them, but our life has been pretty good. I'm sure it could be better, but you have to make certain concessions to stay married for 16 years like myself.
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I really think it depends. My ex was not a virgin and carried with her all the baggage from previous relationships. I do wish for a virgin because I think my life would be like one who posted on this previously, saying he has had a good marriage for 16 years. I am an understanding person who is patient and willing to take the effort to make things work. If a man does not bully or force his wife, if he can have fun outside of bed and actually have a real life her, I think the reward far exceeds the quick satisfaction of a no-trust-for-sex-only relationship.

I am not saying that the above applies to everyone else, but like I said, it depends.
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I met Missey at a gang bang so she was quite experianced when I met her. I on the other hand had only had sex with one women prior to that. And she was a maid at my home. Who my mother fired after she some how found out about it.
Isn't it pretty bloody to have sex with a virgin?

Or have most girls already gotten past that nasty bit through expirimenting with fingers/objects?
Way back in college I did "break-in" one girl who was a virgin. It wasn"t a totally pleasant experience as I did not like causing her pain. If I recall, it wasn't terribly bloody as long as you knew what to expect.

I would say that you would have to be very devout religion-wise to actually WANT to marry a virgin.

I would liken that to buying a car on the basis of how it looks alone. For the guy to be a virgin - that'd be like never having driven another car before. For the girl to be the virgin would be like never taking the car out for a test-drive before you buy it.

Just my opinion....
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test driving a virgin

I agree that, if you want the best car, you have to shop around. My earlier assertion on the gains of marrying a virgin, I think, out pace the analogy of driving a car. There are other qualities besides sexual habits in people that must be understood in order to get to know them. Also, sexual habits will change as you learn to trust one another. I realize this all sounds like a fairy tale, but it can be true, nonetheless.

I wonder if the men today are not holding women to an image from the T.V. and expecting a woman who will do anything for them immediately, thus losing their own patience and ability to trust a female.

Actually, the real reason I'm writing is that I left out a point I meant to bring up before, only thought it was not worth it then. Often times, a 'hung-up' woman is not a virgin at all, but the victim of sexual abuse and may not even realize it. Some are technically virgins but still have undergone emotional trauma and therefor extremely reluctant to have sex. My own regret at this is twofold: for not punching through my abuse for one, and second, not having the patience to help another with hers.

If I did not state this before, I think there are young women out there who are virgins and are more than willing to lose theirs when they meet the right man. They have a good family, including positive male role models.

Three questions a man should ask himself about a woman:

1. Can you go to a restaurant without her ordering a lot of substitutions off the menu?

2. Can she tolerate a little porn around the house?

3. Does she have a good relationship with her father?

All these, naturally, are to be taken lightly if not humorously and depends on one's own situation.

O.K. I will shut up now.
I married a virgin... Kinda.

When we got married she was a virgin, but a year or so into the marriage, she admitted to how she used to like to give blow jobs to guys to keep them from trying to have sex with her. A while later I got self conscious and started discussing the other guys. It turns out most of them were bigger than me. When I told her that made me more self conscious she replied, 'don't worry, I like small dicks.' That didn't help anything.
belive it or not I took four young virgins, my wife pre marrige was one of them. The third one I took on her parents couch at the stroke of midnight on new years eve. I knew she was ready, I had her all set and watched the times square ball on the tv set with one eye as i prepared her. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I gently but firmly slid my hard cock into her wet tight virgin pussy. I only saw her a few times after that, she was my back street girl, waiting for me to drop off my main girl at home and come and get her. She was a sweet girl and now I feel kinda bad about how I treated her. I wonder if she still thinks of me on new years eve?

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