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Her enjoying taking more control

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Again wow! Sue is coming into her own for sure. Go for it; you only live once... I can understand your reluctance in your marital bed...but you are sharing the experience together. It's not like you won't be taking part and creating memories together. On the other hand, are we seeing a time in the future because "she's not ready for that yet" that your going to be cut-off more and more? Makes my head spin. Back in condoms or pulling out for stb! Congrats on such a great cuckoldress and a great lifestyle.
I know that I'm probably acting crazy in attaching so much significance to it happening in our marital bed - especially when Sue seems to think nothing of it. I've posted about this before - on one hand it bothers me but I fully admit that on the other hand it is exciting to think about. Even now there times when I think to when they did it the first time - sometimes when Sue and I are fucking and at other times when we're just lying there watching TV. I guess it marks one of those lines that you just cross and not really think about after that. I mean is it really that big a deal?

But then I think about how Don is and how he doesn't want me to have sex with Sue in his house much less in his bed!

I know it's something that Sue had felt was silly for me to be all concerned about and that it probably didn't take much for Don to talk her into this - if he even needed to.

This won't happen until sometime in the week of 7/20 when the kids will both be away. I guess that until then, Sue will have her fun taunting me about this.

I will add that the idea of me finally having her right after Don is done with her is INCREDIBLY exciting and has me hard even right now just thinking about this.
Sue doesn't think it's silly

I don't think Sue thinks it's silly for you to be bothered.

She knows exactly what kind of competition you feel with Don. She is as aware of the asymmetry of it as you are. You don't get to fuck in Don's bed, but he's going to get to fuck in yours. It's a power trip for Don, and for Sue. Part of what exciting for her is that she knows it makes you uncomfortable, and she finds exciting to "force" you (or seduce you) into making you agree to it. And of course you'll think of it every time you're in bed with her. You'll even smell him (no condom, remember) on the bed until you change the sheets (and maybe after). ( in that regard, Sue may want to make sure that some of their mutual juices get on the pillow case--and through it--on the pillow). She wants to cross the line. And she knows...and you know...that you want her to cross it. She is so sweet to check on how you feel. But more and more she intuits just how to push you, and is, as you have said, enjoying taking control of you.


You like her being m
I had the same reaction as far2easy, picking up on Sue's of the word "yet".
STB, in your shoes I would maybe push back with Sue a little bit about the double standard. Ask her why, if she thinks you're being silly for having issues with Don fucking her in your marital bed, doesn't she feel Don is being equally silly for not wanting you to fuck her in his? You don't have to make this a firm line in the sand, but by pushing back just a little, you might be able to get her to better understand why it's an issue for you.
Stb better start getting as much of Sue's pussy bare as he can because with the random days of don fucking sue is gonna start pushing that button soon. Besides if she is getting it from don will she really need STB's penetration? Kissing and cuddling, jerking and sucking! It's gonna really be don's pussy full-time!

What's the over/under on that one?
The other thing that is of interest is how don is now taking an active roll in suggesting. Some others indicated a while ago that don may be influencing sue. Well know let's see where it goes and how fast it happens. Any thoughts?
I'm sure every one of us that read your notes of last weekend picked up on the word 'yet' where it was, probably more than the bed thing. It's interesting to me that you passed up on commenting further although I did note that you did say you summarised a great deal. Did you both mention it further ?

On the bed thing, it is clear that Don is trying hard to get something that is his 'mark' in some way. That the bed issue pushes his buttons so much is probably why he wants it so much. He sees it as a big victory. Sue can probably see this too. It gives Don a 'win' for not much as far as she is concerned but she knows she has to check it with you. Making sure it is a child free weekend also makes it fairly sure that it can be regarded as a 'one off' and thus easy for Sue to refuse Don if he pushes for it again (I'm sure he will try). I think you only need to decide whether this is something you will always regret, or something which you can rationalise on the basis that Sue asked for it and you gave it to her. That takes the mental 'control' sting out of it (I wouldn't choose to do it but I love my wife). The one off nature means you can agree once but then say not again for a long time.

The one thing I think you must do is put a good cover story in place in case any friends pop round while Don is there.
It's just dawned on me that you didn't mention how long Don might stay within that week. With his 'rules' in place, you wouldn't actually get access to Sue until after his last fuck on the last day would you ?

That might be an interesting wait ..
STB, great update! No,I do not think you are wrong to be cautious about your marital bed becoming Don's latest place to conquer Sue.

I have suspected a power struggle going on between Don and Sue for quite some time. Your update only makes me more convinced that there is. I think she needs for you to resist and stand up at times. She asked you several times this past week-end "are you sure this is what you want?". I think that is one of those times when you should have expressed your not really wanting Don taking Sue in your home. As has already been pointed out here in other's replies, it is a power game with Don. He has excluded you from Sue sexually at his place and is on the path of excluding you from Sue whenever he is in your home too. It would almost seem like Sue was asking this week-end about more than just the bedroom idea and more often than Friday. It almost seemed like she was asking about becoming more Don's woman. More under his influence. More submissive to him. Surrendering more power in their relationship to him.

I see Don as playing a game of chess for stakes that you aren't even fully aware are being wagered: Exclusive control of Sue sexually. Sue admitted that he has alot of ideas to further things along. Let's not forget that he also told Sue at some point all the other married women he had been with in the past we NOT sexually active with the husbands. Was that before meeting him? Or was it at his insistance once he had some influence over them much like he has with Sue now? One has to logically conclude Don will want Sue in his comfort zone. That zone is for her to be his alone sexually.

I see his ideas, both more than just Friday Nights and access to your bed, as leading to you becoming less and less a factor in Sue's sex life. Eventually I can even see you becoming limited in your access to Sue or even not at all. Remember, right after asking you if you were sure you wanted this, Sue also restated about Don's not wanting to think about you and her together sexually and especially not wanting your seed in her at all. Doubt his influence? You not cumming in her a few weeks ago was unthinkable to Sue. This past week-end it became her saying " I'm not ready for that yet". Another example is the whole discussion about commitment. He may not be telling her his feelings, but his territorial attitude about her when it comes to you speaks loud and clear.

STB, Don has to understand that he will meet resistance from you both and not just Sue. Every block you throw up is fast becoming a mere obstacle for Don since he knows by convincing Sue it would be good for you, that she has her ways of convincing you. Sue is becoming more submissive to him and succumbing to his ideas about what is good for you and Sue. Lately you have just caved in with little fight. Could it be like another thread so eloquently put it, chasing the next high and ignoring the potential dangers?
Please Listen

Mr Soon, I think you might pay a bit of attention to the very insightful folks who have posted after your latest update. I think sir, you might heed a bit of their advice re your bed. Thank you
Thanks for the update Stb, but like the majority here, I feel bad about this new turn. Don has a deep insidious plan that he is coaxing you guys into ever so gently. Instead of you and Sue and her lover, it is Don and Sue and her husband!!
Stb, I don't see the doom and gloom here just more fun and they especially sue wants to make sure you are getting the most out of your experience in life. She is looking to push your limits to give you the thrill you seek. I still think it's a lot about you and not don taking her away. It's a great game with a great woman and she is in control. Don is still a pawn.

She knows how to make you feel that angst you seek. When she is ready, which will be soon she will push your limits by asking you not to make a mess in her so she can be clean for don. Again not for him but so you can feel what the pain you are looking for. It what you want, you've said it before, just not completely denied. But getting her will soon be farther and farther apart because she knows what you want...

Let it happen... You'll love it and she will make sure you are getting what you truly want even though you will not be in her pussy anymore. Look forward to hearing your thoughts STB!
Further Thoughts

Mr Soon, I believe your dear lady gave a great deal of thought to the matter of using your bed before bringing up to you. You both like it when you are there and you have expressed to her many times how you enjoy having her right after Don. You have also complimented her on her "initiative". You wouldn't want to do anything to inhibite her "taking control'.

However, I believe this is mixing you all's "real" life with your adventures in cuckolding. This is the home, in which, you and Sue have raised two children. This the sanctuary where you both withdraw to regroup to face the challlanges that "real life" brings. I see nothing wrong at all in letting Sue know there might be a bir too much emotional "baggage" if you allow this to go forward. Gently tell her that the guest room might be best, at least for this first time. In that way you can show her how much you appreciate her efforts but this might be a little too much. Tell her you are not willing to take a chance that any remorse you might develope would negatively impact you all's marraige or relationship.

I believe you should avoid anything, like the bar incident, that may create too much angst on your part. She once asked you, after the first incident, how you would deal with a big "wet spot" now that they were no longer using condoms. I encourage you sir, not to let something that has been big fun, turn into something that creates negative energy. I do not believe Sue views this some sort of "game changing" event between you boys. It is not going to make Don her "Bull". You are her husband of 30+ years. She is not going to throw you over for some self centered egg sucker that has no kids. Thank you.
I'm not convinced Don is smart enough to be that devious. From what STB has posted here, all indications are that he's still stuck at the whiny, temper-tantrum throwing, little boy stage regarding things not being exactly as he would like them — about the fact that STB still comes in Sue's pussy. That does not, to me, sound like the hallmark of a master manipulator.

But, STB, it does sound like them fucking in your bed is coming very close to the edge of your comfort level and limits, if not actually stepping over them. Take my opinion for whatever it's worth, which is probably not much, but I believe you would be well served by drawing a line here and letting her know this is a step too far for you.
So I got to weigh in again


I don't think you have anything to worry about.

Don is not deep or devious enough to be "planning" some overthrow of your relationship to Sue. Nor, from all you said, does he want to. He just wants to believe he's number one for Sue. With no strings.

Sue on the other hand, I think is loving pushing your buttons. I suspect she likes that part as much as, or even way more than, the sex with Don. You've let her know in no uncertain terms that you like being denied. You've let her know that you want to be pushed. You've let her know that you feel the power play over who gets to sleep in his bed, and who gets to sleep in yours. She's playing with you.

And I think we'd all love to have someone who'd play as cleverly and lovingly as Sue

I am afraid there is a misunderstanding with my last post. I don't think for a minute that Don could or even wants to break up STB and Sue's marriage. I do, however, feel that his end game is to have Sue's pussy all to himself. Having Sue in STB's bed and getting together more than just on Fridays aren't even true red flags imho. They are but symptoms of a power struggle to insert himself into every facet of Sue's sex life. Sue's need for discussing a game plan with Don before talking to STB is a red flag for me. Sue being distracted for days and being relunctant to talk to STB about issues lead me to think she is being pressured by Don for things she isnt comfortable about. Another red flag. In her desire to keep pleasing Don, she relunctantly finally discusses the issue with STB and in her special way will gain his approval. Even if that approval comes when STB is at his most vulnerable. Any objection by STB is not taken seriously. Another red flag. Sue's admittance that Don has alot of ideas in store for STB is another example of her deferring to him in their relationship. Red flag.

I also think one has to give Sue some credit in picking Don to start with. I doubt she would have chosen a simple caveman for this. Remember, Sue has admitted she has feelings for Don. Sue is also now beginning to reveal ideas and past conversations with Don that should have already been told to STB. That indicates a relunctance in Sue to completely communicate everything going on with Don. Sue's feelings on boundaries that were agreed to long ago are now changing and it appears maybe that Don is influencing her feelings changing. Sue dang well knows the how big the marital bed issue is and most certainly knows the shift in power that will bring to Don. Yet she has sided with Don on it and went even further by alluding to the plan that STB wont have her in his own home until Don is finished with her. Huge red flag. As someone else said, STB's home is his refuge from the outside world.

I think STB missed a major checkpoint and chance to level the field with Don last Saturday when Sue repeatedly asked him if this is what he really wanted. STB's not revealing any reservations when being asked several times sends a message to both Don and Sue. To Don it will mean full speed ahead in owning Sue's pussy. To Sue it says Don is now her only equal and there will be little resistance at home to whatever she and Don decide for THEIR relationship.
Jax, my sentiments completely. You express it perfectly.
Jax, maybe that is perfect for stb and Sue, minus the bed. Planning that sue and don did are there just to enhance stb's experience.? Maybe?
Unintended Consiquences

Mr Soon, I agree with the previous posters. I recall that you actually mentioned this {bed thing} to Sue in one of your previous posts. She was the one that actually brought up how are you going to deal with "the wet spot" I worry that long after Don is down the road you will not be able to get the image of her and Don, in your marital bed, out of your mind. This is the same bed that one or both of you got out of when one of the kids was crying. This is the bed you all got out of to go down to Christmas morning.

Your dear lady is giving you what you want "feeling more of him and her" You don't want to do or say anything that may make her feel uncomfortable or thwart her "iniative" I believe she would be very receptive to you explaining to her that you really appreciate what she has organized, but it might be better if you all used the guest room. You will still get to have her right after Don. In fact I feel she might actually appreciate the guidance. Throught the various threads of your adventures she is constantly adking you "are you ok?" "is this too much" The only time she pressed without asking was at the bar when she just picked up on your discomfort.

I urge you to exercise extreme caution with all the alone time you are allowing Sue and Don to have. This started out about you and her. I know she is not the type just to go with whomever and she "picked" Don to fill the void after Brad. I also know that you get your head into "cuck space" and go along with whatever as you know she will be home eventually and it will be "your turn". Every once in a while just insist on your desire to be there, whether they want some "alone time" or not. I assure you, Sue will be receptive. Thank you.

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