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my boyfriend

  • Thread starterbabygurl
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Oct 24, 2008
hi well this is the second place im posting this. but i didnt get a whole lot of advice their. im new my names trish im 18. my bf wanted me to sign up to these kinds of places and meet ppl here. my bf is 42 which is older but age is just a number i think. well were in love and plan to get maried but to be honest im hesetant about some things he wants me to do (even just postin on here), he wants me to have a 3some with him and this guy i dont even kno without condems and i said yes but now i dont kno if i should. im supposed to be christian and was raised to not even have sex before mariage which i already broke. also he wants me to get breast implants?? im a 34c and he wants me to be a dd. are these going too far what do you think.

yeah and theres more.....i was doing bad in school and dropped out and now i sort of do stripping part time. he didnt make me drop out bbecause i was getting bad grades and had to repeat so i dropped but he sent in the app for me to join the strip club. my mom thinks im a waitress and that im going to a comunity collage but im not at the moment. i like the job its fun and i love sex but do u think these are too many things to do at once for my age. i would never want to break up. please be honest and thanks. and no this is not a guy which someone else accused me of until i gave him my number to call and hear my voice
You're too young and you sound like you have too many questions about you and him and life in general to be involved with any of this. The fact that he apparently has you doing things and wants you to do more things you're not 100% comfortable with should be a big red flag warning. I don't think you should do any of that stuff -- including marrying him. You're 18. Be 18. Go back to school. Get yourself settled and independent. You have plenty time for everything else later.
Hi Babygurl,

I don't wish to rain on your parade, however, an eighteen year old dating a 42 year old gives me cause for concern. I have no doubt that you are in love with him. I am sure he makes you very happy and takes very good care of you. I am not so sure that he is in love with you.

It has been said many times on this forum by people with a lot of experience in this lifestyle that cuckolding is best left to married couples that have been together long enough to learn trust with each other. I hate to suggest that he is using you but that is my humble opinion.

I also feel concerned that you are lying to your mother about so many facets of your life. Please don't take offense, but your post suggests that you would benefit greatly from more education, especially some remedial english classes. Please don't let this man ruin your life by involving you in a career that will not serve you in the long run. I am sure you can make good money now, and I would not be suprised if your man suggested it for that very reason.

My best advise is run far away, and fast, from this guy and find someone who would support your best interests. If at some point you wish to have a cuckold relationship, do it because you want it, not because some old lecher talks you into it.
I must agree with Jethro and Susan's Slave. It is obvious to those of us not caught up in the situation that your bf is not looking out for your best interest. He is taking advantage of your romantic feelings for him to get what he wants sexually.

This 3some is not something to be entered into lightly. This is leading down a road that could well end in disaster.

I'm sure you would like someone to tell you that what you are doing is fine, and someone in this forum may say that, but I think those who want the very best for you are going to urge you to go for the education, stop stripping, find a guy who really cares about you, and then get a job that will be more long term, and more rewarding.
Have to agree with Jethro, Susan's Slave and OneForSure. This man is taking advantage of you to get his kicks, and will likely kick you to the curb once he grows tired of you, leaving you with no education, and possibly pregnant and/or with an STD. Susan's Slave said it best. This lifestyle is best left to married couples who have been together for a long time, and whose relationship is loving, trusting and solid before they start inviting other people into their bedroom.
I have nothing to add, all the previous answers are the best advice you can get. What you described is abuse. It is so bad, that one could doubt that it is possible and true.
Go home. You need distance between yourself and this predator.

DITTO TO EVERYTHING THAT HAS BEEN SAID. If you look, you will see that all of us are much older than you. We have lived life a lot longer than you and know a lot more about life and all its offerings. However, you are still a child, and I mean that in a very nice way. Grow up with people you own age! You do not need a 40 something user to abuse you for his own delight!! It sounds like he is a father figure to you. You did not mention anything about your father, but this guy is FAR from having your best interests at heart!! PLEASE GO HOME!! Go back with your parents and use them as a resource for growing up. They have been through life alot longer than you, and yes, they do know a lot more than you!! PLEASE GO HOME AND GROW UP THE RIGHT WAY, WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY!!!!!!!!!
Your 42-y.o. "lover" sounds like seriously bad news.

Hi Trish,

I agree with the comments of others that your 42 year-old man (I hestitate to call him your lover) is bad news. In particular:

babygurl said:
My names trish, i'm 18. .... he wants me to have a 3-some with him and this guy I dont even know, without condoms....

If "your man" wants you to have sex with another man or men you don't know, you should suspect he is introducing you to ************ in a way that will involve him acting, without your knowledge, as your pimp. Here's how it can work. Men who want to have sex with an attractive young woman (there are always lots of such men, of course) contact him, after hearing in some way he is someone they can contact for "personal services." They pay him. He then arranges for them to meet you for sex, and you fuck them. He does not give you any of the money your sex partners (in reality, your johns) pay to him, nor do you ever see money changing hands, and he never tells you that you are working for him as a **********. In your own mind, you may think you are doing things for him that turn him on, because you love him — but in reality, he will (most likely) be exploiting you to enrich himself.

His attempts to persuade you to have your breasts surgically enlarged to a huge size, despite your having what sound like reasonably large and attractive breasts, sound like an attempt to increase your "value" (to him) for the above purpose.

I strongly advise you not to get within a country mile of that kind of arrangement — but it sounds like that's where "your man" is attempting to lead you.

Also, you should definitely not fuck any man without a condom unless and until he demonstrates to you he is "clean" of sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs), especially herpes and HIV. Men can do this by showing you the results of a laboratory test which they can obtain free at a public health center. I suggest not settling for less.

Best wishes—

hi there

well grl all of them know what they are talking about and is you get anything different you know to stay away form them listen to these guys and run if you need any thing els look me up bluntuser@yahoo.com
thanks for the replies i didnt think people would react to this so negetively on here. well its not like hes forcing me to do everything i love sex and i feel good in the moment. but its only later on sometimes i regret doing certain things which my bf said is natural. and yea a c-cup sounds normal but it doesnt big on me at all. and guys like bigger ones right?? so im leaning to doing it but im just too nervous to go ahead right now.

also i was told that i dont need school which i agree....i never learned anything that i need. lots of famous ppl got succesful without college. and no hes not abusing me were both happy so how is that abuse??
Let me try a different approach...

If all this truly makes sense to you, why do you feel a need to lie to your parents about it? You need mature advice from someone who isn't deriving a personal benefit from the changes being suggested. Oh btw, suggested by him.....
my moms a bitch and she freaks out over everything thats why.
babygurl said:
thanks for the replies i didnt think people would react to this so negetively on here. well its not like hes forcing me to do everything i love sex and i feel good in the moment. but its only later on sometimes i regret doing certain things which my bf said is natural. and yea a c-cup sounds normal but it doesnt big on me at all. and guys like bigger ones right?? so im leaning to doing it but im just too nervous to go ahead right now.

The negative reaction you are getting is because many here understand the motivations of 42yo men more clearly than you do. Many of us in fact are, or have been, 42 yo men. Some of us also have daughters close to your age, whom we would not ever wish to see in your situation. This man is using you, plain and simple.

As for breasts, many men, myself included, would prefer a natural c-cup to larger, fake boobs.

babygurl said:
also i was told that i dont need school which i agree....i never learned anything that i need. lots of famous ppl got succesful without college. and no hes not abusing me were both happy so how is that abuse??

There's a direct correlation between education level and financial success in life. The more you learn, the more you are likely to earn. While some people may achieve success despite a lack of a college education, the journey is more difficult that way, and a great many more people without college degrees live poor and not terribly fulfilling lives.

babygurl said:
Thanks for the replies. I didn't think people would react to this so negatively.

You're welcome. Everyone on this site is anonymous, so there's no context — folks have only the information in your post to base their replies on. They're all men (apparently), so they have some insight into what makes other men tick, and you asked for honest replies. Based on what you said, their assessment of your guy (including mine) fell somewhere short of favorable.

babygurl said:
....A c-cup sounds normal but it doesn't look big on me at all, and guys like bigger ones, right??

Depends on the guy. Not all men prefer women with huge breasts. Obviously most women, including many who are *very* attractive, don't have over-large breasts. Don't forget, the largest component of the sexuality you project is your personality, including how you look at men — that is, how you use your eyes and your facial expressions — and how you talk with men, as well as your body language in an overall sense.

babygurl said:
....So I'm leaning to doing it [breast enhancement surgery] but I'm just too nervous to go ahead right now.

Well, it's up to you, of course. I would suggest, though, not doing it unless you want to. If you aren't comfortable with that idea, wait until you are. You're very young and have plenty of time for a decision like that. For your guy to try to pressure you into doing it is inappropriate. I mean, if he loves you, he should love you as you are, right?

babygurl said:
.....I was doing bad in school and dropped out and now I sort of do stripping part time. .... Also, I was told I don't need school, and I agree.... I never learned anything that I need.

Stripping, as you know, is a young woman's sport. So, you might consider the problem of what you're going to do later on. I'll assume, for purposes of the following, that you and your 42 y.o. guy really are in love with each other and, as you say, you intend to get married and possibly spend the rest of your lives together.

That means when you're 50, he'll be 74 — and when you're 60, he'll be 84. During his 70's and 80's he probably won't be working any more, and it's more than possible he'll have serious medical problems. What will you do to support him (and yourself)? In your 50's and 60's, will you be working 12 hour days on your feet, trying to juggle 2 or 3 low-paying jobs without benefits, in order to do that?

It is, in fact, *very* important to get as much education as you can because, as others have mentioned, it will make a *big* difference in the employment opportunities available to you throughout the rest of your life. There is broad recognition of this among women. At universities nationwide, and elsewhere throughout the world, women are now substantially in the majority. (More women than men are admitted because they're better students.) And among those who are admitted, a higher percentage of women than men graduate.

The U.S. (I assume you live in the U.S.) is a country in which almost anyone can get some level of post-high school vocational or college education. It's also possible to complete your high-school education without having to go back and sit in classrooms with younger, less mature kids and deal with teachers who don't understand you and, maybe, you don't like. That is, you can get a general equivalency degree (GED) that will qualify you for admission to, for instance, a vocational school or community college. I think that in some cases, if you look like a promising candidate, you can be admitted for post-high school education even if you don't have a high-school degree of any kind.

But, what about paying for it...—? Well, you won't hear this from high school counselors, but more than a few attractive young women have paid their way through college working as strippers. That's something, I gather, you're good at.

babygurl said:
.... Lots of famous people became successful without college.

Well, maybe. Among people who are "famous," I have no idea how many do versus don't have college degrees or any form of post-high school education. But I can tell you for sure, if you set out to live your life without even a high-school level education, the odds will be stacked against you. Heavily. So I hope your view that you don't need an education is only temporary. Older people who go back to school, whether it's college, community college or a voc-ed school, tend to do better than young students because they're more serious about it. They understand the value of education.

I wish you luck, Trish, because I think you're going to need it.

Best regards—

An additional point....

Hi Trish,

I neglected to comment, yesterday, on one of the points in your first post:

babygurl said:
.... and I love sex ....

which you mentioned, again, in your second post.

babygurl said:
.... I love sex and I feel good in the moment. ....

Good! :) That's important. It's your birthright, as a woman, to enjoy sex to the fullest extent, and it's important to feel good about yourself. You should not allow anyone to make you feel bad or guilty by saying or implying to you that sex is somehow "bad" or "evil." Because it isn't. It's good, and it's good for you.

At the same time, I hope you'll realize it's more than possible to enjoy sex while furthering your education. Lots of people do that. Also, you should know there are many men who prefer women who are educated. It turns them on. :cool:

Best wishes—

Custer Laststand said:
At the same time, I hope you'll realize it's more than possible to enjoy sex while furthering your education. Lots of people do that. Also, you should know there are many men who prefer women who are educated. It turns them on. :cool:

Yup. :rolleyes:
Why can't you go to school and strip? All the other strippers do. Just ask them. All of them are only stripping to pay for school; usually to become a dental hygenist or a lawyer. Although I can't say that I have ever met a DH or attorney that said they got where they were by stripping. No! They got where they are by lots of school and hard work.

As for breast implants...someone needs to tell women when enough is enough. An A cup wanting to move to a B or C maybe looks good. But take a look at some of these porn stars with their big fake boobs. The boobs arn't that attractive. Big boobs are great when they're real. I've been much more turned on by seeing a nice natural C rather than a big fake D or DD.

I speak from experience on the next point. I am 5 years older than my wife and I met her when she was young. I encouragd her to do things she probably wasn't into and it is a part of our relationship we don't want to look back on. We have split up 3 times in the past, and it was mostly over the stuff that I wanted her to do that she didn't want to. Each time we got back together it took a lot of work along with a lot of begging and changing on my part.

The reasons we are into cuckolding is because she truly goes unsatisified in bed with me, and she needs to be satisfied. We love each other and want to stay together, but she needs the excitement that I can't provide. I'm not gonna say that cucking doesn't excite me, because it does. She likes the fact that she can go out and be satisfied so we both benefit.

Whoever told you that you don't need school is a fool. I dropped out of high school and it has been a struggle ever since. I went back and finished high school. Then I thought I could get a good job based on my experience and hard work, but here I am 37 years old going to college with other adults who have realized that without a degree there is not much of a future beyond making a sub-par wage. Be independent. Do the things you need to do to be independent. Then pick the guy that you truly want. But do it for you and not the wants of another man. Especially a man that has already lived out a good portion of his life and would like to go back to relive his younger days with an 18 year old girl. Your mom has every right to freak out.

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