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My first black experience (Pictures Included)

  • Thread starterAdventurousAngie
  • Start date
Absolutely hot...would love to see my wife do the same! Angie you are one sexy woman...
I am not saying all black men are sexual gods and all white guys stink in bad not at all..I have had great sex with white guys i wont lie but all i am saying is the two guys i was with last night it doesnt even compare to what the great sex i had with white guys were..Its just something between black men and white women..a chemistry that its hard to explain in words its just there..there is so much passion and intensity that isnt their when you are with a white guy. Not saying it to try and put down white guys i really am not its just how it is. I love white guys most of my best friends in the world are white men.

If a guy said to me either accept him being with other women or leave..if i wasnt into other girls and i didnt want to accept it i would leave it would be his loss..I wouldnt sweat it..I think why white guys might have some disdain for when white girls says about black men being superior in some ways it is true so it hurts..I mean if you are a straight man and someone said to you that you are a homosexual and just pretending to be with woman so you wont get turned away from alot of society. Would you take offense to that? No, cause you know in your heart its not true and you would just blow him off as a whackjob! People get offended when people tell the truth whether its 100 percent true or just a small portion of it is true!!

As for my husband, HE is the one that brought up about me being with black men..i was never with a black guy before but i have always thought about it but i never brought it up cause i was married to him and i felt that would be disloyal to him to bring it up and want to be with black men but HE asked me about doing it and HE wants to be my cuckold slave! If a girl does it to a guy that doesnt want it to be done..one the guy should leave that woman but two that girl would be doing him wrong and i would have a problem with her!
WOW!!! Angie your are so fine and looked so dam good with that Black Cock!! I hope you will post more. You and BCC go so well together!

Sexy lady Angie, you know you are doing the right thing when the naysayers come out. See, some wish they could have what you have, or get from you what you have to offer. When they find out they can't for whatever reason, then they start whining. Why should anyone have mediocrisy when they can have excellence. Way to go sexy Angie, and it's even better you have the support of your husband.
Which is precisely my point. Nine times out of ten the wives are just going a long with the wishes of their husbands. It's these weak-willed humiliation freaks who lap up the disrespect like a dog does his own vomit that really gets me upset. It's time for such pussies to grow a damn spine. Of course they'll never do so when their women cater to this sickness and extremist nonsense is perpetuated by minority thinkers that exist on sites such as these.

Angie continues to spread this lunacy by speaking out of both sides of her mouth; saying in one breath she isn't saying all black men are better while in the next saying there is just something innate about the experience that makes it "better." Don't let her fool you into thinking she speaks for all or even the majority of white women.. Most women will tell you that a cock is just a cock, race or color does not matter. And if if she were to leave her husband it would be his loss? From her presentation here, I would say if she left him or women like her left their husbands, many of the husbands would be better off. There's always another girl around the corner and show me the hottest chick on the planet and I'll show you the guy bored with fucking her.

I see plenty of women at my monthly parties who are just as attractive as Angie. What seperates them from her, in my eyes, is their mindset of "I'm just here to get fucked and experience great sex without any racial bullshit thrown in."

You ever hear black people tell you the first sign of a racist is one who says "I'm not racist, I have black friends?" Read her sentence about "I love white guys, many are my best friends" or something to that affect. Typical defensive posturing. We're not good enough to fuck, certainly not as good as black guys.......but we can be her friend. I know what I'd tell someone who told me that. You all can pretty much guess it wouldn't be "oh gee thanks, could I really?"

And there's not one ounce of truth to black guys being innately better sexually because of their ethnicity. If there are individual cases of one race being better in a sexual situation than another it is simply that--an individual case. I've had enough experience in 11 years of throwing gangbang parties to know I get as many black men who are duds that show up as I do white. I'll put my nine and my skill with it up against any men of any race.

And dolts like the appropriately named geekblackman don't help much when they spout off bullshit like "why accept mediocrisy (the word is mediocrity, dude) when you can have excellence? It's that kind of very immature, biased, moronic thinking that prevent many people from even getting laid, let alone experiencing the best possible outcome when they do.

Dick is dick, pussy is pussy. Good or bad it's an individual commentary, not an ethnic one. If any woman I was ever with ever came at me with this kind of tripe, idiotic shit she'd be out the door so fast her head would swim. And she'd not be missed...no matter how attractive she was.
I am getting alot of emails from people asking about hooking up with me..I am all for it but a couple of things just cause i like black men doesnt mean you have to talk like ya whats up you looking good ma lets fuck! I like men not little boys!! Secondly please send pictures of you..Im not just gonna say ok lets hook up if i have no idea what you look like! Also you have to be in Florida. Im not traveling to get fucked! I dont need to pay for a plane ticket to someplace to find a black man!! LOL But definitely if you are in my area if you are black, good looking and have a big cock im all up for it get in touch!!
Try the floridamnadingos.com and my buddy Art Hammer. If you do maybe we won't have to hear some of this "black is better" bullshit for awhile.
pimpology101 said:
Which is precisely my point. Nine times out of ten the wives are just going a long with the wishes of their husbands. It's these weak-willed humiliation freaks who lap up the disrespect like a dog does his own vomit that really gets me upset. It's time for such pussies to grow a damn spine. Of course they'll never do so when their women cater to this sickness and extremist nonsense is perpetuated by minority thinkers that exist on sites such as these.

Angie continues to spread this lunacy by speaking out of both sides of her mouth; saying in one breath she isn't saying all black men are better whilein the next saying there is just something innate about the experience that makes it "better." Don't let her fool you into thinking she speaks for all or even the majority of white women.. Most women will tell you that a cock is just a cock, race or color does not matter. And if if she were to leave her husband it would be his loss? From her presentation here, I would say if she left him or women like her left their husbands, many of the husbands would be better off. There's always another girl around the corner and show me the hottest chick on the planet and I'll show you the guy bored with fucking her.

I see plenty of women at my monthly parties who are just as attractive as Angie. What seperates them from her, in my eyes, is their mindset of "I'm just here to get fucked and experience great sex without any racial bullshit thrown in."

You ever hear black people tell you the first sign of a racist is one who says "I'm not racist, I have black friends?" Read her sentence about "I love white guys, many are my best friends" or something to that affect. Typical defensive posturing. We're not good enough to fuck, certainly not as good as black guys.......but we can be her friend. I know what I'd tell someone who told me that. You all can pretty much guess it wouldn't be "oh gee thanks, could I really?"

And there's not one ounce of truth to black guys being innately better sexually because of their ethnicity. If there are individual cases of one race being better in a sexual situation than another it is simply that--an individual case. I've had enough experience in 11 years of throwing gangbang parties to know I get as many black men who are duds that show up as I do white. I'll put my nine and my skill with it up against any men of any race.

And dolts like the appropriately named geekblackman don't help much when the spout of bullshit like "why accept mediocrisy (the word is mediocrity, dude) when you can have excellence? It's that kind of very immature, biased, moronic thinking that prevent many people from even getting laid, let alone experiencing the best possible outcome when they do.

Dick is dick, pussy is pussy. Good or bad it's an individual commentary, not an ethnic one. If any woman I was ever with ever came at me with this kind of tripe, idiotic shit she'd be out the door so fast her head would swim. And she'd not be missed...no matter how attractive she was.

Do you just come on here to disagree on what everyone says..Damn if what everyone says bothers you so much then why do you waste your time on here!!

Oh yeah you have to give a thanks to that guy that stood up for you that said he know you would speak out to Kim if she said something to you..or should i say give yourself a thanks! LOL

Why cant you just let people do their thing..if white guys get off on being a cuckold or whatever who the fuck are you to make fun of them!! They are not hurting you why do you care what other people do with their lives!!

You talk real tough and act like your a big shot on here but i have a feeling if i saw you out somewhere you would be the total opposite!! Stop trying to act like you are the end all be all..Its a damn message board..It means nothing..oh yeah the third person thing is so stupid why cant you just say i think this or something instead of "The Pimp" thinks this..Do you think that makes you a bigger person?
Some people agree with my thoughts and some people dont that is called an opinion! Cause people you know dont agree with it that makes what they think to be true? No!! Its a free country people can believe in what they want!! Unless i missed something have you been fucked by a black man? So how exactly do you know what it feels like to have sex with a black man and you are so strong in your feeling in what i say not to be the truth! Like i said before im not saying ALL black men are great in bed and ALL white men stick in bed! There is good in bad in both all i am saying is so far with the black men i have been with the feelings dont even come close to my enjoyment and i have had GREAT sex with white men so dont come back with then you just havent been with white guys who were good.
So because your experiences have been what they are does that make it true for every woman? Hardly. I've just said it's an individual thing as to who can perform sexually and who can't. You're the one hyping black men as the end all be all of sexual performers. Any thinking person knows no person, based on ethnicity alone, has that market cornered.
Did i say it was true for every woman? NO!! Read my post to begin with i said nothing of the sort i said it was true for ME!!
pimpology101 said:
So because your experiences have been what they are does that make it true for every woman? Hardly. I've just said it's an individual thing as to who can perform sexually and who can't. You're the one hyping black men as the end all be all of sexual performers. Any thinking person knows no person, based on ethnicity alone, has that market cornered.
can you say cry baby seems like someone cries about everything someone says get a life people getting tired of that bullshit everytime someone says anything damn!!!!!!!
Blow me rolla, just because I call people on their obvious bullshit and I'm not an apologist like yourself, doesn't make me a crybaby--it makes me a stickler for truth and accuracy.

Proof of point: I got the following e-mail. People can make their own determinations......

Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo.com. Learn more
Subject: RE: adventerous angie
To: oreo_gangbang_host@yahoo.com

Hi, i hope you don't mind, I just wanted to point
something out to you, i thought you might find it

I visit dark cavern (i prefer to remain anonymous) I
and have monitored the boards now and then and I don't
post because I really don't have the patience to get
involved in the banter/arguments that go on every day,
personally i prefer to debate things face to face
etc... and whether or not i agree with your views or
not isn't why i'm emailing you directly but i thought
it be better this time.
You recently had a situation concerning a new member
adventerous angie? Well, when i first saw the photos
of her and read what she had posted I immediately
thought it the obvious. After reading the thread i was
even more convinced that it was a wind up merchant. As
you know yourself you can usually tell by the wording/
style if it is really a woman or not. I just didnt
believe that it was a woman writing that stuff,
especially the argument that went on, the wording was
too male and defensive for it to be a female. but then
that's only my opinion. Anyway, they apparently
decided after all that they werent going to post any
photos of the experience, today I see that they had.
Even then I didn't beleive it. But then it should be
pretty conclusive with a face in the photo? The
problem is, and maybe i'm completely off on this,
there are 6 photos but they are taken at different
times (and not at the times that are supposed to be
last night or whenever it was supposed to have
happened. I kinda had to laugh while thinking i was
right because I did suspect all along that the person
already had the photos ready to post. And also i'm
sure that they had stated the black men set up for the
weekend so i found that strange they had been posted
already. Anyway, if you right click and copy the
photos and look at the "date picture taken" it
actually reveals that these pictures where taken in
july and june last yr...so how can that be? (I do
believe that they dont realise that the time stamp was
on those ones)
Okay i really just wanted to double check this with
you as i found it odd. I didn't want to go on the
boards and start up another scrap with whoever that is
i'm sure that they are delighting at the fact that
everyone has bought the story, on the other hand my
computer might have got it wrong. If i'm right, I
think the best thing is to let them carry on and see
how far they take this one i find "her" comments about
the experience interesting whilst i know they are full
of shit. Please let me know what you think.
ps if as they state they "love black men" why wait til
now and all of a sudden think to try it? dont you
think thats also very strange? i smell something

I will say this: I did right click and copy and the pics are indeed of differing dates. We've all been bamboozled anyway. The more I think about it the more I think I've been hornswaggled by wwh. He's obviously taking cues and getting better.....
you go girl

just wanted to say you go enjoy your self and scew all the negitiveness here

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