out to dinner

  • Thread startercdlola
  • Start date
MacNfries said:
Duke, personally I find you entertaining ... sometimes you can get a bit too harsh, but so can I, I guess.
I try to create some humor in many of my posts, as you do, as we can get pretty "dry" and bored with the same conversations and questions all the time. That's why I posted that personally made pic ... made it just for you. If I didn't like ya, I wouldn't have even taken the time. So, as much as some others might think I was just kicking a guy while he's down, I figured you would appreciate the humor, if anyone would. As Red said to Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke ... "why, Luke, three days in the box ain't nuthin " ... so I hope you'll reconsider checking out. I got all kinds of stuff I'm going to be posting soon ... its just finding the time to post the stuff.


ever since you bested me in that dick size contest
i have nothing but mad respect 4 u Herr Fried
u guys take this way to serious lol