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Sarah isn't dumb after all

  • Thread starterRoSquirts
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Slut Lover!
Beloved Member
Oct 2, 2007
Well, watching Sarah's speech this morning. I can only come to the conclusion that she isn't dumb, but deceptive and untruthful. I wonder how many Americans will believe her pipeline story?

The fact is that she did start a bidding process for the gas pipeline and she did shut the oil companies out of it, as she said. However, the Alaska government estimates it will cost $40 billion. TransCanada (who won the bid) estimates it will cost $23 billion. TransCanada is not close to financing the construction of the pipeline to date and most experts think starting construction in the next 10 years is unlikely. Her portrayal of the pipeline as a done deal is deceptive at best and a blatant lie at worst.

Incidentally, I love the idea of more nuclear power plants but this 45 plants built by 2030 is nothing more than a pipe dream. What incentive does the power industry have to spend the trillions of dollars necessary to build these plants, assuming anyone will let them in their back yards ? Selling a fantasy and some will buy it unfortunately.

I won't even repeat my stance on the domestic drilliing issue. It simply is not a solution to anything at all.

All this time I thought energy was Sarah's strong point. Now I have to conclude that she's just plain full of shit and her only strong point is her stubborn determination.
Sara's a hell of a lot better than the gorilla Obama married
harold0226 said:
Sara's a hell of a lot better than the gorilla Obama married

Well I guess it's a good thing Michelle isn't running for Vice President then.
It is corrupt intellectual pinheads who have gotten us into the situation we're in now. I'll take a pragmatic hockey mom over a big government guy any day. I read the book about her and the media isn't giving any information about the great things this woman has done.
harold0226 said:
Sara's a hell of a lot better than the gorilla Obama married

For a site like this, that's a really shitty racist thing to say. I have more respect for Michelle than I could ever have for "Please bless me against witchcraft", "As Governor, how do I go about banning books that I don't like", "Abstinence only sex-ed works (oops I forgot my daughter got knocked up)", Sarah "Ain't I so cute when I wink at ya? You betcha!" Palin.
drilling and power

While drilling isn't the long term answer it is most definately the short term bridge to the long term answer to holding down cost and recovering this economy.
As far as Nuclear power plants, you have idiots hollering no coal plants. Oh Global warming and the sky is falling. Natural gas prices have been so erratic they have driven the cost of power up 5 percent this year alone. Gas is the most expensive form of power to generate. Nuclear power is the cheapest for production once the plant is built. The need for power will rise 30 percent by 2030 and the power industry isn't ready for that. Even charging electric vehicle will raise the demand for power.
Investing isn't an option it is a necessity. Oh I KNOW we can get it all from solar and wind and the tooth fairy will come on Friday.
One gas line across the USA and it is operating at full capacity, how can that supply more new power plants. Drill for Natural gas on the east coast.
I am in the power industry and have nothing to gain except informing you the cost will rise and it could be prevented.
PS there has been a virtual army of reporters in Alaska since her appointment trying to dig up dirt on her and what have they come up with................Nothing. Democrats in Alaska actually liked this woman she was a good governor and looked out for the people and stood up to oil companies when no one else would. She hired back EPA people that resigned in protest when the previous mayor made cozy deals. Yet you hear nothing about any of this. Guess how much the Repulican party gave her to wage her campaign....Nothing not a penny. She worked together with democrats to rid Alaska of corrupt people in her own party. Jesus!!!and nobody can think of one good fucking thing to say about this woman.
Maybe if she released her medical files, as McCain, Obama and Biden were required to do, there'd be something to see. Maybe not. Still, if she's all-American hockey mom, I would think releasing her records as the rules require would be no big deal. I guess like Bush, the rules are for everyone else. She's lucky she has a nice ass, cause there isn't a whole lot else to like. Fortunately, in 22 hours she'll melt into obscurity once again.
zibzob said:
It is corrupt intellectual pinheads who have gotten us into the situation we're in now. I'll take a pragmatic hockey mom over a big government guy any day. I read the book about her and the media isn't giving any information about the great things this woman has done.

I agree with you about Sarah although I wouldn't vote for either of these two pandering whores running for President. McCains and Obama's open door immigration policy is idiotic and unworthy of someone elected to protect America's National Security.
powerman said:
While drilling isn't the long term answer it is most definately the short term bridge to the long term answer to holding down cost and recovering this economy.
As far as Nuclear power plants, you have idiots hollering no coal plants. Oh Global warming and the sky is falling. Natural gas prices have been so erratic they have driven the cost of power up 5 percent this year alone. Gas is the most expensive form of power to generate. Nuclear power is the cheapest for production once the plant is built. The need for power will rise 30 percent by 2030 and the power industry isn't ready for that. Even charging electric vehicle will raise the demand for power.
Investing isn't an option it is a necessity. Oh I KNOW we can get it all from solar and wind and the tooth fairy will come on Friday.
One gas line across the USA and it is operating at full capacity, how can that supply more new power plants. Drill for Natural gas on the east coast.
I am in the power industry and have nothing to gain except informing you the cost will rise and it could be prevented.

Dirlling would provide no results for at least 10 years and even them if we at it running at 100% capacity, it would provide no more than 5% of of our oil needs. So how do youc come the the conclusion tha it's a "short term bridge to the long term answer to holding down cost and recovering this economy"

Yes, nuclear power is the cheapest to produce. Unfotunately once you factor in paying for the construction of plants, it becomes as expensive as any other form of energy.

Don't worry though, Sarah's new gas pipeline that may but probably won't get built in the next 10 years by a company that can't afford to build it that she aided in winning the bid in Alasks will solve the problem. Hold your breath.

Reading meters for the power industry apparently doesn't qualify you for our next 'energy czar'
That's Dem talking points. There's no real reason that it would or should take 10 years...and drilling is something we can do Now. And also to say that it will only supply
x barrels of oil is at best a guess. They may actually find some massive reserve that had been previously overlooked or underestimated. The Bakken Oil reserves is a prime example of underestimation and it is on dry land areas that are much more easily evaluated.
Immigration can boost house prices and help getting stability back into the market if you allow the right people to come into America.
Yes, prices could rise quickly. Sarah is a visionary. If all Americans made an effort to slash 20% from their fuel usage in the short term, it would help the nation's recovery.
SentientDog said:
That's Dem talking points. There's no real reason that it would or should take 10 years...and drilling is something we can do Now. And also to say that it will only supply
x barrels of oil is at best a guess. They may actually find some massive reserve that had been previously overlooked or underestimated. The Bakken Oil reserves is a prime example of underestimation and it is on dry land areas that are much more easily evaluated.

"Dem talking points"? Hardly.

The DOE during Bush and Cheney's term conclude that best case scenario ANWAR drilling will around 2026 reduce oil prices by about 1.30 a barrel when it finally, reached peak production, and that would last for 4 years.

As for offshore drilling, the DOE expects that "Pacific, Atlantic, and eastern Gulf regions would not have a significant impact on domestic crude oil and natural gas production or prices before 2030. Leasing would begin no sooner than 2012, and production would not be expected to start before 2017". You can advance those years by 4, assuming leasing starts now instead of 2012.
They also conclude , even assuming large undiscovered deposits, that "any impact on average wellhead prices is expected to be insignificant. "
EIA - Impacts of Increased Access to Oil and Natural Gas Resources in the Lower 48 Federal Outer Continental Shelf

Yep, those Dem talking points, damn them.
War causes oil companies to artificially inflate the oil price to build up much bigger emergency funds than are necessary. At least 25% of the current oil prices is risk factor.

Existing mortgages should have been frozen to stop foreclosures, so banks would have then stop trying to out-compete each other for market share. Banks are flicking families into the gutter without any feelings for the hurt they are causing. The money in the Banks belongs to the depositors, not to the Banks. The Shareholders of the Bank are entitled to dividends, but don't own the funds deposited.

Only about 3-4% of cash deposited in Banks is available for withdrawal on any particular day, so a Bank is in trouble if bank customers want to withdraw large amounts at short notice. It only takes a small downturn in property values for large mortgages to exceed the value of the property. If mortgages were frozen for several years, the market would return and the family could catch up the payments they are behind.

Bank Directors panic and demonstrate their inability to manage when an economy is receding. They would be absolutely hopeless at managing a farm which experiences fluctuating prices and big variations in grass/crop growth.

Credit card interest charges need to be slashed (yesterday).
As for offshore drilling, the DOE expects that "Pacific, Atlantic, and eastern Gulf regions would not have a significant impact on domestic crude oil and natural gas production or prices before 2030.

A catch twenty two for DOE since it is a Bush Republican DOE. To say that it would not have a significant impact is thier way of trying to maintaining oil prices at a specific level
but at the same time they want to drill more off shore oil. The DOE came back with a 1%
estimate of the Bakken Oil fields at 3. Billion recoverable barrels when the independent estimate was much higher at some 300 Billion barrels. To tell everyone that there is a surplus is counter productive to high profits...when you can get maximum profit off of every barrel.

Telling the American public that there is plenty of oil will cause a price reduction expectation by the public...and that is not what these crooks want. They want to squeeze a maximum profit from every barrel. Trouble is they have caused this
economic problem along with thier Wall Street cronies...and now they are backing off trying to get a handle on the problem fearing a depression where no one has money to buy their product. Blame Bush...Big Oil and their Wall Street friends for this crisis...Blame Democrats for over compensation with their green energy policy not allowing drilling, not allowing new safe nuclear power plants...and not allowing clean coal. You can blame both sides for not developing synfuels from non-food sources and instead pushing corn. Both sides are positioning for a "piece of the action" by favoring one industry over another instead of doing what is necessary to build the intermediate bridges to energy independence. Both parties are Special Interest whores!

Credit card interest charges need to be slashed (yesterday).

Got that right. In all this campaign blather not one word about Bidens connection to Big Banking or the fact that his Son is a lobbyist for the Banking Industry. Biden helped them write the new bankruptcy laws for all of us common folk. Mighty white of him!
RoSquirts said:
I won't even repeat my stance on the domestic drilliing issue. It simply is not a solution to anything at all.

I am curious to know what your answer is. I totally agree drilling is not the long term solution. But given the fact that alternative energy is 20 - 30 years away and we may well run out of oil before then, what do you suggest? Drilling is a bridge... a stop-gap measure. The alternative is Little House on the Prairie. I think we should drill, but we should

a) restrict use of oil found on US Territory to use by the USA,
b) require energy companies to start immediate development of alternative energy as a prerequisite to any drilling. Solar, wind, nuclear, hydrogen and clean coal are all pieces of the puzzle. Biofuels are big with the local farmers because they're running up the crop prices, but we shouldn't depend on them because they're a low quality fuel and... they run up the crop prices.

The argument that drilling is "harmful to the environment" is bull. We've got it down to a science. And I can guarantee that when Russia and China begin drilling just off our coasts, they'll won't be nearly as careful as American oil companies will. But then I realize some people enjoy riding horses and reading by the flickering firelight.
Drilling isn't even an adequate bridge to anything. There are other DOE reports that show that drilling at max capacity, both ANWAR and off shore, at best would provide about 5% of our oil needs and even that kind of production would last about 5 years and dwindle from there.. That's the best case scenario.

I'm not against drilling for environmental purposes at all. I'm against the mindset that thinks it's a cure, and in spite of the rhetoric, it has been the totality of Republican energy policy. As for China and Russia drilling off our coasts, that's not even in the picture. Russia has huge untapped offshore oil reserves.

We need a comprehensive energy policy that promotes the types of energy you stated combined with serious conservation efforts. Oh, and I agree about biofuels with you. This includes tax breaks for investment in those technologies, govt. funded research, and conservation policies with teeth in them.
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As for the claim that Democrats don't want nuclear energy as someone stated earlier, that may be the case. However, no one has wanted nuclear energy in this country since three mile island and Chernobyl. It has been the sentiment of the American people not solely a partisan sentiment.
The high cost of nuclear power plants (we DO want them to be safe,lol), the NIMBY attitude and the real problem of waste are still obstacles that need to be surmounted. Not ignored. This is still America and we can't just decide to force nuclear or any other technology on communities that don't want it. Which incidentally is the only way you'd build 45 of them in the next 20 years.
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