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Sue's new man

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
So - it's pretty much a done-deal that they're going to be fucking sooner than later, but they have NOT had sex yet.

I thought I'd have had time to post over the weekend but schedules (and sex) didn't allow.

Saturday started out with Frank showing up a little after 10am with a case of beer, some tools and his change-of-clothes.

Predictably, our daughter wasn't around. Actually she was a bit depressed when she heard we were taking down the jungle-gym (even though she hasn't been in it in years) so she actually took off for the day once we got started tearing it down.

Sue was quite animated and hung around with us for most of the day when she wasn't inside cooking up lunch or dinner or shuttling our daughter off to her friends house. I later asked if she'd influenced her decision to leave for the day and Sue just giggled and said "would I ever do that?".

Sue was wearing a loose pair of shorts and a loose blouse. I know she started the day with her bra and panties on - but I can also tell you that by the time we were showered and getting ready for dinner - that both of them were gone.

The day was pretty innocent although I did notice that when Frank went in for a bathroom break towards the end of the day, that he did seem to take longer than I'd expected to come back.

Sue had put a roaster chicken in the oven in the afternoon for the 3 of us to have for dinner and while it was cooking she was out "helping" us in the yard. Of course, it was more of a time for her to chat and get chummy with Frank. I kept busy and "played dumb" to what was going on.

She brought me up to date with what was going on while Frank took his shower first after we'd knocked off for the day. She told me that Frank had, as she put it, "finally noticed me" and that when I'd been off getting tools or whatever, that Frank would stop and go up close to her and start talking. She said it wasn't so much what they were talking about, but more how he seemed to be talking to her that made her believe that he'd finally taken an interest in her.

She said that it was more than just flirting - at least it worked its way up to that. I can't remember all of the seuxal innuendo's that she told me were being tossed back and forth but there were many comments about me that were like "you know, if he needs help with more than just yardwork....." and at several points, when Sue mentioned other stuff that we wanted to get done he apparently replied "if you need my help with anything, just give me a call" and she emphasized how he said he'd "love to come by and help". She told me that she gave it right back to him telling him "hmmm, I may want to take you up on that offer" and "I could use another strong guy around here sometimes!". And at one point, the conversation turned to something about cooking and Sue offered to go "over and help you learn how to cook other stuff" and she added "maybe during the day" and she said she was clear that it wasn't just about cooking.

So - come that afternoon bathroom break where I noticed Frank didn't come back so quickly. Sue told me that it was the first time he'd taken the initiative and kissed her. Apparently he'd come up to the kitchen while she was working on getting the chicken into the oven and he came up behind her - closely and asked in a seductive voice if he could help her at all. She said she turned to him and it "just happened". It broke after a second and she said to him "you're going to get me in trouble" and he said he "didn't want to cause any problems" and she said something to the effect of "okay - lets not push this" but then added that he "did have her interested...". Some of their brief talk was about him noticing that she'd been flashing him and he wanted to make sure she knew he was looking! She said she blushed at that but then added that she told him that he turned her on.

I asked her when she'd taken her undies off and she said that it was after that conversation - that she'd actually gone up to our bedroom and was looking out the window when she got undressed and took off her undies. She was hesitant for a second until I pushed her with "what?!" and she said that she'd even masturbated a little bit while she stood there naked looking out at us in the backyard.

Back to the shower though. So - Frank was in first as she was telling me all of this and we soon heard the shower shut off and a few minutes later Frank re-appeared all clean and smelling good and Sue joked with me that I should go get equally cleaned up and that she'd "keep Frank busy for little bit". I didn't know what was going to happen while I was in the shower. I didn't rush through but I also didn't take my time either.

Frank had showered in our "guest" bathroom but I took mine in our bathroom off our bedroom so when I was done, I was as quiet as I could be and came out into the hallway and peered down into our living room and damn if they weren't in a deep embrace sharing what appeared to be a VERY passionate kiss. As their kiss broke I could also see that he had his hands on her breasts through her top and I could hear comments being made about her "no longer wearing a bra" and her reply of "I thought you might enjoy feeling them again" (I guess in reference to him not having a girlfriend or anything now). I wondered if he'd gotten his hands in her shorts yet but it didn't seem like it.

I quietly backed into the bedroom and then a moment later, came out making a lot of noise and when I came down to the living room, they were apart and seemed like nothing was going on at all.

We sat around and talked for a bit longer. Sue sat "indian-style" on our couch and only when I came back with another round of beers while we waited for dinner, did I see that from where Frank was sitting - he had a clear view up the leg of her shorts and for the moment that I'd walked by and could see - it was obvious that he could see her bare pussy underneath! We were all a bit buzzed from putting a dent in the case of beer Frank had brought and we chatted about various things until dinner was ready - but I was very aware of where he was looking the whole time.

We went through dinner pretty fast and I'd slowed down my beer-consumption as I didn't want to be all wasted as I hoped there was going to be a reward for me after Frank had gone home.

After dinner I wanted to figure out a way to maybe give them a little more time together so I said that I needed to go out in the yard to the shed and make sure the tools were away and the shed was locked up. They both joked with me that I "shouldn't hurry back" - they were both a bit ***** so wrote it off to that (their openness). I was obviously quicker than I'd told them I was going to be so when I was done, I snuck back up onto the deck that connects to our kitchen next to our living room (I'd gone out a different way) and I peered in through the edge of the sliding door and I could see them but couldn't hear them.

I watched for a second as they moved closer to each other on the couch and then Frank leaned over and started to kiss Sue. His hands went right for her breasts and she leaned back and seemed to encourage him to feel them even more. But the moment I was waiting for happened a minute or two later. I watched as Franks hand moved from her breasts to the snap on her shorts and watched as he flicked it open and then unzipped them. He seemed VERY hesitant as he put his hand on her bare stomach and then slowly moved it down into her shorts.

What a turn-on to see her slide herself up on the couch a bit which slid her shorts down a bit and then to see her spread her legs a bit. A second later her head tilted back as I'm sure he found her bare pussy and began to rub at her. I damn near took my own cock out and started to masturbate as I watched him obviously push his finger(s) into her pussy - the motion was obvious through her shorts as well as from her response.

I watched for a few minutes until I realized that I'd better make some noise and come back inside before they got carried away. So I went back down to the garage entrance and made some noise as I came back in. Sure enough, by the time I got back upstairs to the living room, they'd again separated and seemed normal enough in how they were sitting and the idle conversation that was going on.

We spent a few more minutes together before, seeing as it was almost 9pm by now, Frank said that he should really be going. Sue said he'd walk him out and I said my goodbyes and that I'd start cleaning up in the kitchen and such. She smiled when I said that and I shook Frank's hand and said thanks for all the help today and that I hoped we'd be seeing him again soon and reminded him that he was invited over whenever he wanted.

Sue told me later that they kissed again passionately at the door and that Frank had slid up her blouse and held both her bare breasts in his hands before he left. She reminded him that they needed to be "very careful" as she didn't want to "get a reputation" but also made it clear that she DID want to see him. She said that he said he'd figure something out and they agreed to Email each other to "set things up".

And she made it a point to tell me that she also grabbed his cock through his pants and she said she told him that she "wanted some of this .... soon" as he left.

It was barely 9:30pm when she came back upstairs after saying goodbye and the look on her face was just so obvious - she wanted to get fucked. She just looked at me and said "you know what I want". I eagerly followed her up to the bedroom and I have to say that it brought back such memories of her coming home from her dates with Don or Brad and I would get to undress her and not know what I'd find underneath.
More - too much for one post...

It was obvious she was turned on from how stiff her nipples were and just how pert her breasts looked. But the fun was sliding down her shorts and feeling how hot and wet she was from Franks fingers. She teased me by saying how horny she was from him and how much she needed "something else" in her. I was only too happy to lay her back down on the bed and to take my turn. She wanted to suck my cock for a few minutes but when I felt her lips around me it just made me want her even more. Sure enough, neither of us could stand to wait much longer and I pushed her knees back and opened up her pussy with one hand and began to rub at her clit to get the juices going. It didn't take much until she started to moan for me to get in her and a moment later I was imbedded in her and we were off to ecstasy.

It was my turn to tease her - as I thrust in and out of her I teased her asking her if she was "ready for Frank's cock" and "did he feel big!?". She didn't reply to me verbally but from how wet and slick her pussy got - it was obvious. It had been such a turn-on to see them together that when I mentioned it to her that I'd spied on them - it drove us both crazy. Sure enough, a few minutes later she came almost explosively and I followed almost immediately afterwards.

Lying there afterwards I asked her when she was going to "share that" with Frank and that was when she started to fill me in on the day and all of that.

Yesterday we spent running errands (Costco was incredibly crowded) but there was an obvious sexual tension running between us both that last night, almost as soon as our daughter was off to be - we went up to the bedroom and resumed our passion from the prior night. We fucked in almost every position we could think of and then some - the whole time both of us were totally fixed on her spreading her legs for Frank. Needless to say, we made quite a mess in bed such that we had to change the sheets on her side of the bed before we could go to sleep.

She checked her Email this morning and there was a really nice note from Frank saying that he respected her and that he didn't want to push her into anything that she didn't want to do but he also made it very clear that he would love to somehow "see her" again, privately, without me.

Needless to say as she went off to work with a bounce in her step, I told her that she could do what she wanted as long as she kept me in the loop. And I told her that if she wanted to see him privately, that was okay with me - and I also added that if she wanted to open up to him and tell him about me, that was also okay - that it was up to her. She smiled and held me close, hugged me, kissed me and simply said that I was "an incredible guy" and that she was "incredibly lucky to have me".

So - when will it happen? I don't know - but it is quite inevitable now that Frank is going to get to fuck her.
Like riding a bike! :) I for one can't wait to hear more. This should be interesting since he is local and can be with her more frequently. Wonder if Sue will tell him?
It's quite exciting seeing her so obviously aroused. Makes me realize how much I missed all of this. Undressing her Saturday night brought back such intense memories. Over the past few months, we'd kind of settled into life without her having a lover - but this has totally recharged that desire.
This all looks a bit like a bobsleigh ride again. You think you are in control at the beginning. Everything looks ok when you set off, then you start the real thing and the driver barely has control, the brakeman can only touch it a bit and the guys in the middle can only hang on, getting bounced around until the ride ends. Question is, who is who at the moment and could you ever switch it around once you get moving. Looks like another exciting ride anyway. Good luck, I'm just dying to find out what happens, and thanks once more for continuing to tell us it all.
Peak - you're correct. I actually, in a way, think I have less control this time other than talking to Sue, than with her earlier partners. I suppose if she feels better about telling Frank that I know about all of this, then maybe it'd be different as this time, Frank and I have a direct relationship.

I kind of knew this was going to happen as soon as the warm weather got here. If it wasn't Frank, then I'm pretty sure she would have set her sights elsewhere by now. So, in a way it may be fortunate that it is Frank and not someone else.

No matter what - there is no mistaking the effect all of this is having on her!
Well its on at last. What worries me is that Frank is being led entirely by his cock. Not once did he say that you are his friend and he should not be doing this. Danger!! however I doubt if Sue could stop now, so enjoy and GOOD LUCK.
Atta boy! to Frank for picking up on the signals Sue was sending him. Sue's attraction to Frank has to be great for his ego. Makes me almost hope she does not mention to him that you are in the know STB. From Sue's commentary from week-end so far, it sounds like she is leaning towards letting Frank believe their desires will be a secret. What a rush it must be from Frank's point of view to know that a hot married woman like your Sue is wanting him!

Is it just me or does it appear from Sue's actions so far that she is much more comfortable with Frank than she was in the beginning with Brad or Don? In the past, it has taken her a while to feel comfortable enough to truly give herself completely to her lovers, maybe with Frank, it will be a shorter path to that truly fulfilling extra sex she is desiring?

Kudos to you and Sue, STB! This is shaping up to be a win-win-win situation for all three!
Finally, Frank is the MAN!
Sue rules! She knew what she wanted and knew just what she needed to do to get it. You played it smart by "playing dumb" and giving her space to operate.

I think it is funny to see all the congratulations followed by warnings to be careful. They have legitimate concerns but I think your level of communication with Sue will protect both of you. Please make sure you keep the communication flowing both ways.

Congrats to you, to Sue, and to Frank! I look forward to many more hot posts that I can print out and give to my Susan. Your honest, understated discriptions of all Sue's relationships have lit a fire in her that has led her to invite her prospective boy-toy to spend the first night of (our) vacation with him while I wait at home. Thank you!
splendid I like it very much. It is something that give me ideas...pervert ones.
Congrat's to you and Sue. This is just beautiful, This is going to be wonderful for all of us here. You are the King to me and I a mere peasent in comparison. Thank you.
Kudos to you and Sue, I can't wait to hear how this progresses.
Welcome back on the 'ride'

Hey! I've been 'lurking' while I enjoy my 'winter visitor' massage season here in AZ. Glad you are back on the Roller coaster ride that so excites you and Sue.
I know our vicarious enjoyment is secondary to your pleasure, but we do so much enjoy how you and Sue live it and especially how you describe it.
With spring break coming soon, and the kid's near, I would think Sue will be spending her first times at Frank's place. and bringing the 'results' home to you.

Cheers, Harry
Hey all,

I started a post here earlier but got pulled away and never had a chance to finish is.

First thing I wanted to update on is that the conversations between Sue and Frank have included both of them expressing hesitation and concern about me. I may have not conveyed that here as I didn't think it terribly important to share, but in light of some responses, I guess it is worth mentioning.

Sue's already in bed and I'm going to join her soon - but no sex tonight as starting this morning she came out of the bathroom/shower wearing panties whereas she would normally come out with just a towel wrapped around her. She looked at me and said that SHE wanted it - to keep herself for Frank!!!! I am sure she could see the bulge in my boxers rise as she said that but I kept it to myself and kissed her and told her she was a wicked tease and turn-on. She giggled and said that, as I've already said here, that it is something she wants to do for herself now and not because Frank (or Don in the past) had asked for. I went into the shower with this huge hard-on bobbing up and down as I fought off the urge to stroke myself off at just the thought of her saving herself for him.

I asked her when she thought the big day might be and she said "maybe tomorrow if the weather turns nicer again" - so Thursday could be the big day.

Our agreed on plan is that she isn't going to tell Frank that I know about them - at least not just yet. I smiled at her when she said that and said to her that I thought that would be a good way to go as it would allow us still to remain social at times together with him.

So - that's it. Again, going to bed tonight, she left her panties on and giggled at how horny she felt and that she felt like she was back in high-school again. Harry - you are correct in that it is her desire to go to his place and then come home to me.

I can't believe I'm writing this as calmly as I am - it is quite the turn-on to think that tomorrow afternoon they may finally move ahead....
good for sue and you i hope it happens tomorrow and you have an update for us.
The lady is determined to have that "extra" soon! Waiting anxiously for progress report as you must be.
The song " Back In The Saddle Again!" seems appropriate. Good to hear that things are once again progressing STB!
Things are shaping up for a freat and long ride for all three of you..I have a wicked hardon in anticipation as well STB! Do you think there is the possibility that Frank may be on to the fact that you are making this so easy for them that he suspects you may want him to seduce her? That would be cool...
Happy days!!!!
Go sue go! My only thing is that people don't like go be lied to andof frank does find out it may be a problem. Like you were playing with his emotions. Good luck and let's hope Sue finds out Frank has a big one!

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