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The Real Story I Have To Tell -1

  • Thread starterdevavu2009
  • Start date
  • #181
Don't forget the fat lady

Angel, I think you may have gone off a bit prematurely. It's a common problem with cucks. This story has more turns than the Simplon Pass and I think these bonds are too strong to end at this point without some other event breaking it forever. I just don't think the fat lady has sung yet.
  • #182
Aaron left the relationship in the first place because he wanted a normal marriage with Annie (without D).

Annie asked him back by asking Aaron to marry her (and accept D as a slave servant of the marriage).

Aaron is reluctantly saying, "yes, Annie I will give it a try, but I don't really want D around". (I still feel the same way as 4 yrs ago - I don't want D in this marriage).

So it is Aaron who is not getting his needs met. "3 people in this marriage is crowded", words also uttered by the late Princess Diana, and when her needs were not being met, she banged into James Hewitt, who lost no time in banging her, then boasting about it to the world at a later date, and sold the story for many $'s.

Annie has realised that Aaron does not see how it can work in the long term, so she has gone away for a re-think, 6 hours away from the problem, to see if there is a solution BECAUSE SHE HAS FANTASIZIED A PERFECT THREE-SIDED RELATIONSHIP with absolute obedience/devotion by D to get her/Aaron's needs met, and D to experience his lifetime's fantasy of all the things he has ever read about on his favorite websites.

Remember that Annie said, "D, you never look at websites about wives/husbands, just cuckold stuff and submission.

Annie wants the Divorce to get Aaron back permantly (that is why Aaron is the stumbling block to Annie's plan).

Aaron has offered to "try" which is not a commitment of unconditional love of Annie.

And if D is best man, then it becomes a truly cuckold marriage, a change of husband and the making of a slave - who ideally needs to be officially collared at the wedding if Annie's family are not there to see her get re-married.

Aaron has admitted that Annie is so much better than meeting cuckold couples in hotels, so it is natural that he is negotiating for D to be sent packing to another state.

Would like to be a fly on the ceiling at this intended wedding, to see what the relatives will be thinking if D is best man to his former wife. The mind boggles, should it be a registry office wedding, or a white wedding? Will D pay for the wedding from his slave earnings?

Aaron said that his Dad was swift with the whip when he was younger, and 20 strokes is not much punishment. Annie said 20 was too much from looking at the red welts.

So Aaron could be expected to whip D with 30-50 strokes if he gets a chance to provide an "adequacy of punishment"....I guess this could be an indirect "get-back" at his father's whipping of him, and a subconscious need to know that at least someone else gets the sort of whipping he got from his father.

Problem is that it is normal for D to sleep in if he has had very little food in 3 days and is exhausted from being on duty 24/7 unless Annie Stands him down from duty by command.

So Aaron and Annie are both Policeman/Judge/Jury/executioner of what is a crime. In Law these roles are kept seperate, so that punishment matches the crime and not the annoyance the Policeman (Aaron/Annie) might imagine they are feeling from having to get their own breakfast when exhausted D did not wake up at his usual time. (remember they called to him from their bedroom, but he was in deep sleep, so tired his brain did not hear their calls).
  • #184
I have more. I just need to decide how to tell it. And when.
  • #185
Perhaps you've stumbled into the wrong place.
  • #186

devavu2009 said:
????????????? Perhaps you've stumbled into the wrong place.

Nice try. You and Kenneth998, however, are obviously one and the same. You've inadvertently mixed up your previous and current identities.

On 4 Aug. 2007, in the "Cuckold Confessions" section, you started your current story using "Kenneth998" as your screen name. Your wife was "Lori" and Aaron was "Kevin." To refresh your memory, see:

in which you began your current narrative, then found yourself unable to continue because remembering was too painful (or something to that effect). A number of forum members urged you to continue, but you vanished from the radar after describing your and your wife's initial meeting with Kevin (now Aaron) at a motel and their first night of hot fucking, while you wore a plastic chastity device.

You aren't the first person on this forum to maintain two separate screen names, then mix up your identities. To your credit, though, your earlier thread as Kenneth998 is consistent with your current thread as Devavu2009.

  • #187
Thanks Sarah and Custer, for setting the record straight, lol.
  • #188
Nice try. You and Kenneth998, however, are obviously one and the same. You've inadvertently mixed up your previous and current identities.

Well, I don't know D why you posted the "perhaps you're in the wrong place" comment. You had already admitted, earlier in this thread, that you had posted a portion of your story before, so, why now, try to cover that up?
  • #189
Onward, my friends.

When my wife (I'm going to call her that while I can) returned from her sister's place in Georgia, she sat me down at the kitchen table and dropped this bombshell:

" D, I'm going to marry Aaron. I am going to release you from your chastity so you can go on and try to live a normal life. I hate the thought of losing you, but this is probably impossible. You have doubts I can tell, and it won't work if you aren't fully committed."

"What - did you talk to Liz about this?" I asked, panicking.

"Of course. I didn't give her all the details, but she knows I wanted you both. She says I need to set one of you free. She thinks we're all crazy."

"We are crazy, but who cares? Please Ann....."

"D, I've been thinking about this for awhile. I don't want to do this. It drives me crazy to think of you with another woman. But driving home, I realized she's probably right. I'm being selfish. I'm sorry, honey. We could live with you on our terms, but I don't think you can take it. So it's not fair to ask you."

I tried reasoning and reassuring some more. Frankly, I don't remember what I said. But I remember this, from her:

"You can stay here as long as you want until you decide what you want to do. I'll always love you, D. We'll always be friends."

It was eerily similar to what she told me four years ago, the last time she was with Aaron. The words preceding our separation. It set me off. My response surprised even me.

I got on my knees before her and begged:

"Please don't do this. Please, I don't care what your sister said, I want to stay. Annie, I don't want anyone else but you. Don't do it, don't unlock me. PLEASE DON'T. UNLOCK ME, I am begging you."

It went something like that. A mixture of fear, panic, and terror. Suddenly, I was crystal clear about what I wanted from this relationship. I have a bad habit of fighting hardest when the battle is already lost, of chasing what I can't have. It's my nature. I was hoping it wasn't entirely the case this time.

She just sat there for several minutes. Finally she told me to get off my knees and sit at the table across from her. She looked at me for a long time without speaking. I was silent as well. Finally this:

"So, you're sure this time?"

"Yes, I am very sure," I said. "I swear to you."

"I've heard THAT before."

"I mean it, please. We've come this far. Let's see what comes next."

Silence. And then this:

"My sister is right. We are fucking crazy...... I won't unlock you. But if you change your mind again, just leave, and don't come back. Just go. I really mean it."


Later on that evening, I asked her if really was going to unlock me.

"I don't even have the tool to do it," she smiled. "Aaron has it."

  • #190
I am curious at what happens from now on in this continuing saga. You did say you were writing the past FIRST, and eventually you would catch up with the current situation of where everything is at.

I am hoping you meet with your sister-in-law and she confesses whether she likes Aaron or not, and whether she still has any respect for you as a brother-in-law about to be downgraded in the eyes of her family if they find out your true role (after the re-marriage). Hope you describe the whole marriage scene in detail if it is not in a registry office.
  • #193
More Begging

It has been something like 110 days since I was chastised again. Over three and a half months of no ejaculations. Such long term denial makes me very submissive, and very, very horny. I've never gone this long before. I did something I shouldn't have done on Thursday. I surfed the net looking at erotic pictures. Many of the pictures I looked at are posted right here on this site. It was a mistake because I went into a hormonal frenzy. I was literally dripping. It doesn't take much at this point to send me into sensual overload. I was crazy with lust.

I wanted Annie to fuck me with that strapon. I was convinced she could make me cum by fucking me. When she walked though the door after arriving from work, I jumped to the floor and attacked her feet - with my mouth. I kissed and licked them with furious passion. I kept telling her how much I loved her. I begged for permission to lick her.

Permission granted. I went about it with a gusto like never before. She came and came and came. I didn't just lick, I made love to her with my mouth. And boy, it worked. I felt like a baseball batter who knew he just hit one out of the park. I felt so proud of myself. It was first time in memory that I initiated sex, and I knew I satisfied her like I rarely have before.

"Wow," she said afterwards. "What's gotten into you? That was excellent!"

"You won't tell him about this, will you? I mean he was so pissed off about it last time."

"Oh, don't worry about that," she said. "I told him I wasn't giving up that mouth of yours. I made a deal with him."

Whatever. I didn't want to hear about him. I was so horny, I wanted her to fuck me so I could try to cum. And as ridiculous as this sounds, I was too embarrassed to come out and say it. I had hoped, stupidly, that she would feel so good after the licking I'd given her that she would just grab that harness and go....But, instead she started getting up from the bed.


"Yes, D?"

"Would you...use your strap on to, you know..."

"To what, D?"

"To, do what you did those other times..."

"Say it. Say what you want."

"Would you fuck me? Please, PLEASE!"

"You should have asked me before giving me that wonderful head, my sweet. I don't need to cum again."


"Oooo, poor D," she teased. "She wants my big cock, but I just came and I can't get it up."

I knew I was pushing my luck, so I refrained from asking again.

"You need to keep that pussy clean if you want my cock, sweetie," she said matter of factly. "You were pretty smelly last time. I'm serious, invest in some douche. If you wanna get lucky you better be clean."

She walked to her dresser and opened a drawer, retrieving a large 8 inch rubber dildo.

"Have you met Mr. Dildo?" she asked. "He was my boyfriend for the past 4 years. I don't need him anymore." She handed it to me and walked away.
  • #194
Church 2

This weekend was pretty mundane. That is, nothing happened that hasn't already happened, and that I haven't already written about. But one thing was remarkable.

Church. We went to church. Not the Catholic church this time. We went to an Evangelical church. And we didn't go casually. We got dressed in our "Sunday finest." I felt like a little boy going to church with Mom and Dad, except I drove, and Mom and Dad sat in the backseat. I opened the car door for Mom and Dad when we got to church; I did the same when we left.

It was absolutely strange. I didn't know anybody at this church. No surprise there. I'd wondered a few weeks back if he made me go to church just to humiliate me. This Sunday put that one to rest. He actually believes all this stuff. The Catholic church was one thing; at least Annie was raised Catholic. She felt comfortable there, even if she is no longer into religion.

This was another church entirely. A house of stupid superstition; conservative, political, packed wall to wall with fervent believers.

At one point, Ann stole a glance at me and rolled her eyes. I didn't bite; I played it straight this time. I don't know if he saw her, or if he just sensed that we weren't into it at all, but when the service ended, he had a real bad attitude.

"What's the matter?" she said to him in the car.

He had that look on his face, a hateful, wounded look. He moped and didn't answer. She kept trying to make friendly with him on the way home. He was very cold, seething, angry at both of us. No response. It was the kind of behavior that I believe contributed to their dissolution back in 2005.

"We're joining that church," he said.

To my disgust, Annie went right along with it. "That's fine, honey," she said. "We'll go there from now on." Her behavior bothered me as much as his. The thought of attending this church every Sunday made me want to puke.

This is trouble, I thought. Ann and I are like fish out of water in a place like that. She was playing kissy-make-it-better, which I could see in the rear view mirror. He sulked and didn't respond. How humiliating, I thought.

We were going through a retail district when we approached a Walmart.

"Pull in there," he said.

The two of them went inside and I waited. When we got home, he pulled his purchase from the plastic bag and handed it to Annie: A titanium combination lock, a few sizes bigger than a luggage lock; but too small for a shed door. She took the ring out of my penis and replaced it with this rather large, heavy combination lock. I didn't like the way it looked. I don't like the way it feels. I was, and am, mystified as to how her discreet reaction to being in that church led to this.

It didn't seem to bother Annie. She eagerly snaked it through, securing me to the cage. She was obviously trying to please him. They went to their room and made love. A while later they emerged, and he was back to normal. She was all over him the rest of the day, like a high school girl on a date with the star quarterback.

We watched football and drank beer. Like nothing ever happened.
  • #195

I have followed this thread with fascination and frankly at times I have wondered whether it be a work of fiction or an incredibly gut wrenching and sincere account. Either way I think D deserves credit for ******** his emotions which must be incredibly raw with what has transpired.

If this is not factual I strongly suspect that D has experienced something very close to it as his recounting of the emotions and nuance in the relationship is so emotionally charged that I feel his accounts must have come from experiences at some time in the past.

I will not offer advice or suggestions as I suspect that D is not looking for approval or criticism but merely a way to deal with his rush of conflicting feelings which must be overwhelming to him. The written word can be therapeutic and he knows it.

Anyway, if you read this D, thank you for sharing your story and I hope that your dreams come true.

Be safe
  • #196
I have followed this thread with fascination and frankly at times I have wondered whether it be a work of fiction or an incredibly gut wrenching and sincere account.

If this is not factual I strongly suspect that D has experienced something very close to it as his recounting of the emotions and nuance in the relationship is so emotionally charged that I feel his accounts must have come from experiences at some time in the past.

Well, as I have said in the past, I think when you post, you do, at times, blur the facts a little. You do so for a lot of reasons, one of the most important is that you don't want to reveal too much personal info about yourself lest someone who knows you and happens to be in this forum figure out that it's you. Also, some areas of your life, you just don't want to publicly recount, so, conveniently, you leave them out (stuff about your family, etc).

I will not offer advice or suggestions as I suspect that D is not looking for approval or criticism but merely a way to deal with his rush of conflicting feelings which must be overwhelming to him. The written word can be therapeutic and he knows it.

He is not looking for advice, as I have said over and over. He simply wants to tell his story and, mostly, ignores posts of advice. My problem with his story, now, though, has to do with his posting under a different screen name and then trying to pretend it wasn't him. Silly really as he had admitted that he wrote about this before. Like everything else, he just ignores this little glitch and doesn't even respond to it. All of which leads me to believe this story is not factual. I don't care one way or another, as it's interesting reading, but, the little glitch detracts, IMO, from the overall story.
  • #197
kevinsslave, it's a no-win situation. Why would I care if I had 2 different screen names, given what I have chosen to unload here? It meant something to me at one time, then I thought about it. It now seems ridiculous to me that I was paranoid about a different identity. In any event, I cannot prove what I say, nor can you disprove it. I have too much time on my hands, apparently. This doesn't seem like the right place for me to be writing all of this, yet neither does anyplace else. I ignore what I cannot change, or what I cannot prove - which is everything. Like everyone else. But if anyone thinks I've written this for fun, or for their benefit, they are incredibly incorrect.

That's all I have to say about it. I am not angry at anyone, nor do I care if I am believed or disbelieved. I wish well to everyone. Myself included.
  • #198

Yay, I can finally respond since I'm actually caught up. A couple of things.

1. Devavu, Thanks for sharing your story. I agree with Mary's Pet. This is totally like watching a train wreck.

2. I realize I'm late, but I'd like to stick up for Phillerup's posts on Page 17 of this thread. As much as I like to read stories like this, I think it's also important that someone like Phillerup can say something like that in a post. In a sense, I don't think he's being disrespectful (at least it didn't come across that way to me). I think that if you asked 99% of the people out there, Phillerup is pretty close to what they would say.

3. Devavu, there are so many people on this board that seem to care about you. We hurt for you, we wish for you, and we want for you. AngleBaby gives his advice b/c he cares. Hell, you even got a professional dom to weigh in. I actually think that you've gotten some pretty good, widely varied advice. And like any advice, you can take what you want to.

4. I guess this is still in the past, but my advice sides with AngleBaby's and others. Move on. Get your own life. You do deserve it. Believe it or not, I don't think that any of this is healthy. I think that those people that are into it are like drug addicts. They don't necessarily like that they like it, they just like it. Again, just my 2 cents, and I don't mean to be disrespectful.

Take Care,

  • #199
I wonder how the subject of Church and forcing your faith will play out.
  • #200
devavu2009 said:
kevinsslave, it's a no-win situation. Why would I care if I had 2 different screen names, given what I have chosen to unload here? It meant something to me at one time, then I thought about it. It now seems ridiculous to me that I was paranoid about a different identity. In any event, I cannot prove what I say, nor can you disprove it. I have too much time on my hands, apparently. This doesn't seem like the right place for me to be writing all of this, yet neither does anyplace else. I ignore what I cannot change, or what I cannot prove - which is everything. Like everyone else. But if anyone thinks I've written this for fun, or for their benefit, they are incredibly incorrect.

That's all I have to say about it. I am not angry at anyone, nor do I care if I am believed or disbelieved. I wish well to everyone. Myself included.

D, at this point I would not even know how to begin advising you. It's clear that your experiences with this lifestyle, and even what you want from it, are very different from my own. I am a cuck because other men (and women) fuck my wife, but if she ever told me that she was divorcing me to marry one of her lovers, but would be interested in keeping me around as a slave, I would be gone in a NY minute.

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