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Trophy Wife Mounted and Stuffed

  • Thread startertwerpedbyjulie
  • Start date
  • #101
Guess What

And once again he lied to us.

Guys all I can tell you is that I had a choice between updating this thread or going out to dinner with my wife followed by some world class fucking.

I'm not setting a due date because I'll miss it anyway. I will however explain how the spider approached her fly.

The week following Melissa's Daisy Duke number in the shop she left an envelope tapped to Rusty's motorcycle.

Planning a surprise party for Ron, need someone with muscles to help who can also keep a secret, and based on what she'd heard from her husband she thought Rusty was just the guy she needed. The note included her cell number.

They met for lunch on the following Saturday where according to Rusty most of the conversation had to do with him.

Melissa's boobs were quite ******* in the top she was wearing, and he told me he had a boner during most of the meal.

She asked him to follow her to my shop so she could show him the items that would needed to be moved to our home before the party.

So we essentially have crap, followed by more crap, and ending with crap. There was no party, unless I classify a party as two people screwing.

The kid never had a freaking chance. I'd have called him the poor kid, but lets be real here.

Rusty had received several blow-jobs, and hand jobs during his sixteen years. He always wore a condom for the oral sex. He'd been naked with a couple of girls and they'd done everything but the real deal. Melissa wasn't subtle with her approach.

She and Rusty were in my office where Melissa was going over some fictious list of chores that needed to be performed when she excused herself to use the restroom. Rusty said she'd bent over the desk and he could see her breast right down to the nipple. Melissa had sat on my desk while browsing her list. Rusty sat on a chair in front of her. Rusty had never seen a completely bald pussy before. Mel had not worn panties, and made sure that he would now be able to receive his merit badge if they awarded one.

She came out of the restroom naked.

Rusty said that he never said a word he was not able to rationalize what was taking place.

Mel told him there was no party. That she was taken by him the day she first saw him. Compliments followed by ego boosters. I think he would have liked to have been able to tell me he resisted or protested Melissa's advances, but such was not the case.

They had sex on the couch in the waiting room of my business. I'm sure there's irony in that, but she knew where I was at, and if I left that location the last place I'd be headed to on a Saturday afternoon was my office. Just occurred to me that if I had gone back to my office it would have been because I thought I was going to get lucky with a woman I wasn't married to.

If you put your face to the window over the couch and looked down you would have been able to see what was taking place.

Melissa has now taken the virginity of two sixteen olds in two years or less. Several biggies for Rusty including not having to wear a condom. He freely admitted that he thought of little else all summer. He couldn't wait until their next hook up.

Horny over ruled guilt. I had to make the occasionally joke other wise he'd have ended up in tears again.

Shit I really like the kid which helps a ton.

I was not surprised to hear that he had told his best friend about screwing a MILF who also happened to be a teacher.
He attends school in another district and he thinks that she is a teacher not a Principal. Rusty also told me he quit talking about her after he started thinking of her as more than a sex partner. "I never ever told anybody her name."

Hey this isn't bad for me right? At least I got some of it on site.

Oh yeah, no repercussions (knock on wood) to date over my tiny indiscretion with the orally talented young lady I took home on Labor Day. I was, and still am, worried that she might drop that piece of information on Bob during some fit of anger.

Would I like a repeat performance? As much as I'd like to see a Pope who truly appears to have a clue about what his church should be about. Yeah fuck that's a lie. The oral sex effects me personally. Still he appears to be a pretty cool dude, and I might have a shot at heaven after all.
  • #102
twerpedbyjulie said:
And once again he lied to us.

Who's "he"? Lied about what? Anyway, what's a few lies around this place...

twerpedbyjulie said:
I will explain how the spider approached her fly. The week following [my boss-wife] Melissa's Daisy Duke number in the shop, she left an envelope tapped to Rusty's motorcycle. "Planning a surprise party for Ron, need someone with muscles to help who can also keep a secret, and based on what she'd heard from her husband she thought Rusty was just the guy she needed." The note included her cell number.


twerpedbyjulie said:
They met for lunch on the following Saturday where according to Rusty most of the conversation had to do with him. Melissa's boobs were quite ******* in the top she was wearing, and he told me he had a boner during most of the meal.

Ya' mean, Rusty told ya' all about it...? For a guy who let his boss's mistress fuck him, he seems awfully talky...

twerpedbyjulie said:
She asked him to follow her to my shop so she could show him the items that would needed to be moved to our home before the party.

Rusty followed, of course...

twerpedbyjulie said:
The kid never had a freaking chance. I'd have called him "the poor kid," but lets be real here.

Hey... clearly, he understood that complying with the wishes of his boss's mistress was an important part of his job...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Melissa's approach was not subtle.

Sometimes when a woman wants it, she has to just go ahead and take it...

twerpedbyjulie said:
She and Rusty were in my office where Melissa was going over some fictious list of chores that needed to be performed. She excused herself to use the restroom. She came out of the restroom naked.

Oh my...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Rusty said he never said a word. He was not able to rationalize what was taking place.

Some things don't lend themselves to rational contemplation. Only direct action suffices...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Mel told him there was no party. That she was taken by him the day she first saw him. .... I think [Rusty] would have liked to have been able to tell me he resisted or protested Melissa's advances, but such was not the case.

Did Rusty hold your boss-wife closely and kiss her at length (I would hope) before she fucked him, or proceed directly to fucking...?

twerpedbyjulie said:
They had sex on the couch in the waiting room of my business. I'm sure there's irony in that...

No, I don't think so. You run your business out of your home, right...? Ergo, it was entirely legitimate for your boss-wife to consider your waiting room an extension of her boudoir...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Melissa has now taken the virginity of two sixteen year-olds in two years or less.

Good for your boss-wife. It's entirely appropriate for a married woman such as her to seduce and fuck horny much-younger men...

twerpedbyjulie said:
AND [she did not make] Rusty wear a condom. He freely admitted he thought of little else all summer. He couldn't wait until their next hook up.

Jeez, I would think not...

twerpedbyjulie said:
His horniness overruled his feelings of guilt [if any]. I had to make occasional jokes, otherwise he'd have ended up in tears again.

That was very understanding of you. Obviously you're aware you have to treat your young employees gently when they call you to confess they let your boss-wife seduce them...

twerpedbyjulie said:
I was not surprised to hear that he had told his best friend about screwing a MILF who also happened to be a teacher. He attends school in another district; he thinks [my boss-wife] is a teacher not a principal. Rusty also told me he quit talking about her after he started thinking of her as more than a sex partner. "I never ever told anybody her name."

I thought your boss-wife was an assistant principal. (Did she get promoted?) There's a difference, ya' know... usually assistant principals are responsible for dealing with kids who are disciplinary problems. I imagine your boss-wife has had to confront a large number of high school kids who have done something egregious. No doubt she has told you about some of these encounters. What is her preferred approach? Does she tell them she'll make them take off their clothes then submit to an OTK spanking (by her), using her wooden paddle, if they do it again... while leaning forward over her desk, so they have a good view of her cleavage? After which they sincerely promise to not do it again, after which they do it again as soon as possible so they can experience her threatened punishment...?

twerpedbyjulie said:
[In other news: there have been] no repercussions (knock on wood) to date over my tiny indiscretion with the orally talented young lady I took home on Labor Day. I was, and still am, worried that she might drop that piece of information on Bob during some fit of anger.

So what...? What would Bob do about it — come back and pull down your pants, in an escalated repeat of his "indiscretion" with your swimming trunks during your pool party? On the plus side, he would at least know you had "extracted sweet revenge"...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Would I like a repeat performance? As much as I'd like to see a Pope who truly appears to have a clue about what his church should be about. Yeah, fuck, that's a lie. The oral sex affects me personally.

Whereas the Pope doesn't, I gather is the implication. Wait... this suggests you're a Catholic. How can you, or any other Catholic, continue to "believe" all that hierarchical mythology now that the Catholic Church has revealed itself to be nothing more than a global patriarchal refuge for men who are child molesters? Maybe you can explain that to the forum some day...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Still he appears to be a pretty cool dude, and I might have a shot at heaven after all.

"He" meaning the current Pope, I gather. Anyway... if I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath.

Organized religions have some of the details wrong in the concept of "afterlife." There is such a thing, but it's in the form of one's children and grandchildren, etc., and they ain't you. People who have no children and grandchildren, etc., can think of their "afterlife" as their carbon atoms being recycled into the biosphere, where they eventually become part of other living things (insects, plants, trees, other animals, etc). Which is a way of saying, everything on the earth is of the earth — except, of course, for the rock and water contributed by the impacts of extraterrestrial asteroids and meteorites.

Convincing people otherwise is among the many successful scams perpetrated by religions over the centuries.

Returning to your thread: thanks for your intriguing and erotic account of your boss-wife's successful seduction of your young summer employee, and your skillful manner of allaying his "guilty confession" by, in effect, letting him know that submitting to her wishes was, indeed, part of his job.
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  • #103
Me and the Church

Quote Originally Posted by twerpedbyjulie View Post
Would I like a repeat performance? As much as I'd like to see a Pope who truly
appears to have a clue about what his church should be about. Yeah, fuck, that's a
lie. The oral sex affects me personally.

Whereas the Pope doesn't, I gather is the implication. Wait... this suggests
you're a Catholic. How can you, or any other Catholic, continue to "believe" all
that hierarchical mythology now that the Catholic Church has revealed itself to be
nothing more than a global patriarchal refuge for men who are child molesters?

Maybe you can explain that to the forum some day...


I was raised Catholic.

I am not from Arizonia. If I was I'd move, and not because of the immigration issue. Not everybody from AZ is nuts, and not all priests are child molesters.

I have a home office, but I lease 4,000 sq. ft. of building where I also have an office.

I live in a condo that is very similar to a house.

You want me to defend the Catholic church. Because all it's about is, "nothing
more than a global patriarchal refuge for men who are child molesters?"

My comment was intended as humor.

Explain myself to the forum readers of this website. Really? We went from me
making a poor joke to me supporting child molestation.

That's all the Catholic church is about? I'd be harder pressed to justify whether the good numbers out
number the bad numbers with regards to the Catholic church. Wait a minute, no I wouldn't have a problem there either.
I am not however going to even attempt that because I have neither the time nor the inclination. The two best men I have ever known are both Christians. One of them is a priest.

I am an ex-Catholic, not just lapsed. I don't believe in any higher power. I do believe that at one time a pretty cool dark complected dude named Jesus roamed the earth. My kids are split on the issue. We raised them to think for themselves, and draw their own conclusions.

Well forum readers, child molestation is a sin, but more importantly it's against the fucking law. Not to be forgiven let alone ignored or on some level sanctioned. Cut their fucking balls off. There's a reason why these folks are treated differently in prisons. Until this Pope publically acknowledges, condemns, and promises to punish offenders to the full extent of the law I have no fucking time for the church. For fuck sake let priests marry, embrace gays who have a calling, and start ordaining women.

I was an alter boy who did not get molested, maybe I wasn't his type. Hell my brother and I were star freaking alter boys. They pulled us in when the Bishop was in town. For two years one or the other of us got up at six thirty in the morning to "serve" mass during the summer. Generally had six old women show up.

When I got back from college the local priest was a Jesuit. Socially active, and often as not at odds with the Bishop. He's written around a dozen books none of them as propaganda for the church. Far from it.

He asked if I'd lector, and I did. When he asked if I'd teach CCD classes to the juniors and seniors because none of their parents would volunteer I did. I was involved and committed, but definitely a sinner.

I last went to confession 35 years, five months, and twenty nine days ago because I thought that was all so much horse shit, and I didn't confess all my sins either. Go and sin no more just didn't seem to work for me.

When the state I live in passed a Protect Marriage Amendment with the financial support of the Catholic church to the tune of $60,000 I called the Bishop's office. Never reached him but his spokesman and I had a very non-productive conversation. The amendment was of course nothing more than an anti-gay move. The irony involved here is so thick you can drink it.

Clean up your own goddamn house first. I quit; that was as much as I could take.

I could go on, and on, but my blood pressure is already up.

Religion regardless of denomination is in my mind bullshit. Worked great to answer questions that science hadn't yet figured out, and keep the masses in line. If you watch the "Flintstones" and believe it's a documentary then you are beyond reach, and if you've got questions about the old testament ask a rabbi because that's their book before you twist it to meet your personal agenda. Pick and chose cunts.

And by the fucking way the Catholic church is not the only religion haunted by
child molesters, gay ministers, pastors, preachers, etc. I can't present the estimated percentages of child molesters in the Catholic church without doing a search and once again I'm not taking the time. I do seem to recall that the number of pedophiles in the church was in line with the percentages of the general population. The differences of course are numerous. The church has spent millions of dollars paying off victims, and protecting the offenders. It is loathsome. Money that should have been spent ministering to the poor, the homeless, the weakest among us. There are countless Catholic's doing those very things on a daily basis, and it's not just Catholics. I do mentoring work with inner city children. I have for the last five years. I'm trying to give something back I guess, and truth be told I truly enjoy the work. I believe I get more than I give. I am proud of everyone of my kids. I don't do it because I was Catholic, but it was the way I was raised. My parents successfully planted a seed within us that blosssemed into an intolerance of those who are intolerant.

I think it's a Japanese work motto or belief that you should fix the problem not the blame.

I want this Pope to do just that. Jesus Christ was all about forgiving, but I'm not aware of that including child molesters. But then I don't know that he took a position on whether the earth was flat or round either.

Historically wars are started because of money, resources, religion, or politics.

There is no doubt in my mind that the people directly involved in those dust ups claimed to be Christians, or Muslims, or whatever. You try selling me on a dude I've never met, and include the words, "He's a good Christian" I'm torn between puking and asking them to prove it.

I believe a man/woman has to have a code. My message to my children was simple.
Try to live your life honorably. You're going to screw up, make mistakes, and probably repeat them, but never quit trying. I'm still trying. If I ever succeed that will be my heaven.

Organized religions have some of the details wrong in the concept of "afterlife." There is such a thing, but it's in the form of one's children and grandchildren, etc., and they ain't you. People who have no children and grandchildren, etc., can think of their "afterlife" as their carbon atoms being recycled into the biosphere, where they eventually become part of other living things (insects, plants, trees, other animals, etc). Which is a way of saying, everything on the earth is of the earth — except, of course, for the rock and water contributed by the impacts of extraterrestrial asteroids and meteorites.

Ash to ash, dust to dust number?

This has been a ton of fun.

On an unrelated issue.

Returning to your thread: thanks for your intriguing and erotic account of your boss-wife's successful seduction of your young summer employee, and your skillful manner of allaying his "guilty confession" by, in effect, letting him know that submitting to her wishes was, indeed, part of his job.

The Sunday after Labor Day Rusty fucked my wife twice, she blew him once, and she masturbated on the deck steps while he and I watched. She was HIS maid for the day. I'll post some more on this because it was quite satisfying watching her clean the deck, deck stairs, deck furniture and patio wearing a black pleated skirt that was of just about the same length as her modified skirt of Labor Day. High heels, thigh highs, a long sleeved see through blouse, topped off with a black bow tie. I purchased everything but the heels, and I never buy clothing for Melissa, but figured if that's the way she wanted to dress I'd help out.
  • #104
Thanks for your interesting comments on your (former, I suppose I should say) relationship with Catholicism. When I said "maybe you could explain it to us some day," I didn't imagine you actually would.

twerpedbyjulie said:
I was raised Catholic.

Lots of people are. Congratulations for your recovery.

twerpedbyjulie said:
I have a home office, but I lease 4,000 sq. ft. of building where I also have an office. I live in a condo that is very similar to a house.


twerpedbyjulie said:
You want me to defend the Catholic church.

No, I didn't say that. They do that themselves, vigorously.

twerpedbyjulie said:
For fuck sake let priests marry, embrace gays who have a calling, and start ordaining women.

These obvious steps would go a long way toward alleviating some of the most serious problems of Catholicism.

twerpedbyjulie said:
Jesus Christ was all about forgiving, but I'm not aware of that including child molesters. But then, I don't know that he took a position on whether the earth was flat or round either.

I'm not knowledgeable, either, about J.C.’s position on the flat vs. spherical earth question. Re. J.C. being all about forgiveness: as noted by Davis (an historian) in

Davis, Kenneth C., 1999, "Don't Know Much About the Bible" (paperback, 533 pp),

the New Testament is what professional athletes would call a contract upgrade. IMO, Christianity's predecessors seem to have sensed that the wrathful God of the Jewish Old Testament lacked potential for widespread popular appeal. I strongly suspect adoption of the New Testament was key to the subsequent global spread of Christianity and its immense appeal to huge numbers of people. The ideas that one can commit the most heinous of crimes (be a mass-murderer or whatever); or even just engage in ordinary everyday activities defined by the church as "sins;" then ask for forgiveness shortly before death and be forgiven by some entity in the sky called "God" (never mind there is no proof that such an entity exists or has ever existed); then spend the rest of eternity in a state of bliss somewhere called "heaven" (never mind the implausibility, indeed impossibility, of such a place); is a deal that's hard to refuse.

Speaking of which — it appears, interestingly, there is no convincing evidence that Jesus Christ existed as a real historical person. See:

The God Who Wasn’t There (a DVD available from online sources) — and, for example:

The Jesus Puzzle

Quick assembly: putting the Jesus puzzle together in 12 easy pieces (and/or click on “main articles”)

Doherty, Earl, 1999 (and 2005), The Jesus Puzzle: Did Christianity begin with a mythical Christ? (Age of Reason Publications, Ottawa, Canada, 380 pp. [softcover])

Did a Historical Jesus Exist? By Jim Walker, 1997

twerpedbyjulie said:
The Sunday after Labor Day Rusty fucked my wife twice, she blew him once, and she masturbated on the deck steps while he and I watched. She was HIS maid for the day. .... It was quite satisfying watching her clean the deck, deck stairs, deck furniture and patio wearing a black pleated skirt that was of just about the same length as her modified skirt of Labor Day. ....

Sounds like Rusty recovered effectively from his feelings of guilt over fucking his boss's (your) wife. It's good to see he's resilient. Also, it appears your wife/mistress has a fairly strong submissive streak, although not with respect to you.
  • #105
Your wife and stud


I don't much give a shit about the catholic stuff.

Are you gonna give us some more about the kid who cuckolded you all summer.
  • #106

Regarding the apparent absence of convincing evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ as a real historical person — which many who have never thought about it, but consider themselves Christians (more or less), may find slightly shocking — an interesting recent editorial on a parallel subject, entitled “Did Zeus Exist?”, can be found here:


(or google, “Did Zeus Exist?” by Gary Gutting). The author, a professor of philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, begins his concluding paragraph with:

“On reflection, then, I’m inclined to say that an atheistic denial of Zeus is ungrounded. There is no current evidence of his present existence, but to deny that he existed in his Grecian heyday we need to assume that there was no good evidence for his existence available to the ancient Greeks. We have no reason to make this assumption. Further, supposing that Zeus did exist in ancient times, do we really have evidence that he has ceased to exist? He may, for all we know, just be in hiding (as Heine’s delightful ‘Gods in Exile’ suggests), now that other gods have won humankind’s allegiance.”

The parallel is obvious to the widespread unquestioning assumption among Christians that Jesus Christ, the central hero of Christianity, actually existed as a real historical person (although Gutting does not point this out).

For those who may be somewhat hazy on the details of Greek mythology: Zeus was the formerly all-powerful (but now discredited) god of the sky known for his erotic escapes. Had Internet forums like this one existed during his reign, he would have received great deference and would have been considered, almost certainly, a bull extraordinaire.

As noted in Wikipedia: “…. Even the gods who are not his natural children address him as Father, and all the gods rise in his presence. For the Greeks, he was the King of the Gods, who oversaw the universe. As Pausanias observed, ‘That Zeus is king in heaven is a saying common to all men.’ In Hesiod's Theogony Zeus assigns the various gods their roles. In the Homeric Hymns he is referred to as the chieftain of the gods.”

As noted in the Ancient History Encyclopedia:“ …. Another great sanctuary dedicated to Zeus was at Olympia where every four years from 776 BCE [i.e. BC, time of the first Olympic Games] the Olympic Games drew crowds from all parts of the Greek world to honour the father of the gods and where 100 oxen were sacrificed to Zeus at the end of each Games. Also at Olympia, the massive 5th century BCE [400 to 500 BCE] temple of Zeus housed the gigantic gold and ivory statue of the god by Pheidias which was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Other important sacred sites for the god were on Mt. Lycaios, in Athens, Nemea, Pergamon, Stratos and in Libya.”

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  • #107
Did Zeus Exist?


You're hurting my brain, and taking up space it needs for other matters.

Mel Gibson is the ultimate authority on whether or not Christ existed.

Got ya didn't I? Wouldn't spend the money to see it. Shit wouldn't watch it for free. Just sounded like a freaking snuff movie to me.

Anything I may have known about Zeus was probably bastardized by the movies. I get the point.

These are the folks I like to listen to and/or read.

Christopher Hitchens who died too young, but that's what they say about the good.
"According to Hitchens, the concept of a God or a supreme being is a totalitarian belief that destroys individual freedom, and that free expression and scientific discovery should replace religion as a means of teaching ethics and defining human civilization."

Bill Maher I love his documentary, "Religulous" in which among other things he notes the similarities between Christianity, and several other myth-driven religions.

3 Religious syncretism 3.1 Ancient Greece I learned a new word.
3.2 Judaism
3.3 Roman world
3.4 Christianity
3.5 Buddhism
3.6 Islam
3.7 Druze religion
3.8 Barghawata
3.9 Bahá'í Faith
3.10 Caribbean religions and cultures
3.11 Indian traditions
3.12 Other modern syncretic religions

Richard Dawkins

The following was pulled from Wiki.

"The Christ myth theory (also known as the Jesus myth theory or Jesus mythicism) is the proposition that Jesus of Nazareth never existed but was invented by the Christian community around 100 CE.[1] The idea was first put forward in the late 18th century and developed and popularised in the 19th by Bruno Bauer.[2] Bauer's three-fold argument, which set the basis for most subsequent adherents to the theory, was as follows:
1.The New Testament, especially the gospels and the Pauline epistles, are of no historical value;
2.The failure of ancient non-Christian writers of the 1st century to mention Jesus shows that he did not exist;
3.Christianity was syncretistic and mythical in its beginnings.[3]

"The idea was revived in the early 20th century by the British rationalist John M. Robertson, in America by William Benjamin Smith, and in Germany by Arthur Drews;[4] contemporary exponents include G. A. Wells, Alvar Ellegård, Thomas L. Brodie, Robert M. Price and others with the writings of Wells emerging as the most thorough and sophisticated overview.[5]

The Christ myth theory (or theories, allowing for the variations in the arguments) has failed to convince the vast majority of scholars, who "regard it as effectively refuted"[6)

Don't know what particular "scholars they're talking about and didn't bother looking it up.

On a personal level I have discovered that Melissa doesn't want to role play with me playing Jesus. Too creepy. Probably.
  • #108
Bill O'Reilly

Well we're both wrong. Bill wrote "his" latest book, "Killing Christ" after the Holy Spirit told him to in the middle of the night. He says that's when he gets all of his best ideas. God talks to Bill O'Reilly. Even Donald Trump has never claimed to have had a conversation with God...oh wait Donald thinks he is God.
  • #109
Twerped, The book is Killing Jesus. He never said God spoke to him. He said the idea came to him while he was asleep. So he took it to be a message from his savior. God only knows if this is the real deal. But I respect Bills love of God and think he is a Christian. BUT I will NOT READ HIS BOOK, KILLING JESUS. For I don't believe for a N.Y. second that he knows shit about Jesus's feelings. Twerped I mean no disrespect for you at ALL. By the way he donates every cent of income for all his books to charity. That would put him at the very top of money raisers for disabled vets. So I salute him. I also watch him ever evening a 7 pm. on Fox Cable News, Always have enjoyed your post. Respectfully, okdeacon
  • #110
okdeacon said:
Twerped, The book is Killing Jesus. He never said God spoke to him. He said the idea came to him while he was asleep. So he took it to be a message from his savior. God only knows if this is the real deal. But I respect Bills love of God and think he is a Christian. BUT I will NOT READ HIS BOOK, KILLING JESUS. For I don't believe for a N.Y. second that he knows shit about Jesus's feelings. Twerped I mean no disrespect for you at ALL. By the way he donates every cent of income for all his books to charity. That would put him at the very top of money raisers for disabled vets. So I salute him. I also watch him ever evening a 7 pm. on Fox Cable News, Always have enjoyed your post. Respectfully, okdeacon

I stand corrected, and I truly do appreciate your post, as well as your tone. I caught an excerpt from an interview he was doing, and should have done some fact checking to refresh my memory before posting, but honestly didn't want to expend the time or energy on Captain Loud. Sorry, couldn't help myself. We have a difference of opinion regarding Mr. O'Reilly, but we can have a reasonable discourse about those differences. Now if only "our" elected officials would follow suit.

Starting to ponder the wisdom of starting a new thread on religion...not. I'm going to post again today in an attempt to divert matters back to the wonders of women, and the men who serve them. Hey, the proceeds/donation number? That is indeed commendable.

Thanks again,
  • #111

I'll respond first to your most important comment:

twerpedbyjulie said:
On a personal level, I have discovered that Melissa doesn't want to role play with me playing Jesus. Too creepy, probably.

It would probably remind her of her childhood days in Sunday school (or a Catholic elementary school), when Jesus was presented as a guilt-inducing symbol of virtue: no sex! Although he apparently had a wife, described as his "companion" which meant "wife" in those days. Later, the Catholic church transformed her to a **********. If Jesus were to return (convincingly) to earth with her, their first joint action, no doubt, would be to sue the church.

I suggest proposing to your Mistress some role play with you in the role of Zeus, an unabashed philanderer. It seems more like the sort of thing she might get into. If you look up the Wikipedia article on him, which outlines his innumerable illegitimate offspring who became gods in their own rights, you'll see there are many possibilities.

twerpedbyjulie said:
You're hurting my brain, Custer, and taking up space it needs for other matters.

Sorry about that...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Mel Gibson is the ultimate authority on whether or not Christ existed. Got ya, didn't I? Wouldn't spend the money to see it. Shit, I wouldn't watch it for free. Just sounded like a freaking snuff movie to me.

Ah yes... Mel Gibson, who directed the hugely popular "Passion of the Christ." I didn't see it either. The DVD "The God Who Wasn't There" devotes some time to that flick, presenting it as an example of the Christian preoccupation with violence. Of the various past movies on the supposed life of Jesus, the bloodier and more violent the treatment of him, the more popular the movie.

twerpedbyjulie said:
Anything I may have known about Zeus was probably bastardized by the movies. I get the point.

Good, good... I mean, if Christians everywhere accept Jesus as the central hero of Christianity, despite the absence of convincing evidence that he actually existed as a real historical person, then why not Zeus? Have we dismissed him too hastily...? The question raised by Gary Gutting is a good one. After all, Zeus was king of the bulls...

twerpedbyjulie said:
These are the folks I like to listen to and/or read.

Christopher Hitchens who died too young, but that's what they say about the good.
"According to Hitchens, the concept of a God or a supreme being is a totalitarian belief that destroys individual freedom, and that free expression and scientific discovery should replace religion as a means of teaching ethics and defining human civilization."

He has the right idea. Unfortunately, here in the U.S. we're going backwards on that front.

twerpedbyjulie said:
Bill Maher: I love his documentary, "Religulous," in which (among other things) he notes the similarities between Christianity and several other myth-driven religions.

Yes, that's a good one.

twerpedbyjulie said:
.... Richard Dawkins

Not too long ago I went to an invited talk by Dawkins at the university in the town I live in. He discussed, among other things, the possible genetic origins of religious belief. Afterwards, a student asked him why, since religion no longer serves its original purposes, human evolution had not weeded out that gene (or genes). In reply, Dawkins said: Evolution makes mistakes. If an inappropriate gene gets included in the human genome [our DNA], it can take a thousand generations to get rid of it.

I thought that was a pretty good answer.

Regarding your comments about "The Christ Myth Theory" being regarded by most biblical scholars as effectively refuted: if you read through that Wikipedia article, you'll see no evidence is presented that can be considered disproof; or alternatively, proof that Jesus existed as a real historical person. Rather, the article simply uses a very large number of words to state that most biblical scholars consider it refuted. One is left with the impression that's because they want to "believe in" Jesus. To true believers, a mere absence of evidence is no reason for not "believing." As a friend — a good man who is what I would call a moderate Christian; he's quite sincere about it — once put it: "Facts are not what religion is all about." (I agreed with him.)

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  • #112
By Invitation

Quote Originally Posted by twerpedbyjulie View Post

.... Richard Dawkins
Not too long ago I went to an invited talk by Dawkins at the university in the town I live in. He discussed, among other things, the possible genetic origins of religious belief. Afterwards, a student asked him why, since religion no longer serves its original purposes, human evolution had not weeded out that gene (or genes). In reply, Dawkins said: Evolution makes mistakes. If an inappropriate gene gets included in the human genome [our DNA], it can take a thousand generations to get rid of it.

Invited talk which equates to, by invitation only? Why is it that I get the feeling you're operating on an entirely different level than I or me. I forget which is more acceptable. You don't happen to be a professor or in the field of education? Which brings to mind Melissa's official title. It is indeed Asst. Principal I just got lazy or perhaps it was because Mike and Claire referred to her as Principal. In some ways it equates to Vice-Principal in that when the head dude is gone she's the go to person. She does not meet with the Board of Education unless invited. Discipline once again is now limited to cases where the parents become directly involved. Biggest ongoing problem this year? Electronic cigarettes. The kids either get caught because they brag about having them or unbelievably smoking them in class. Currently the Principal is still planning on coming back for one more year before retiring. Melissa is also exploring employment with some other government agencies or entering the private sector.
  • #113
Ex-Wife Julie And The Picture

Sorry about the quality of the picture but it had already been blurred when my
brother gave it to me. Scanning it only made it worse, but the picture isn't
really the point. The point is when given the chance I was unfaithful with my
first wife.

Earlier Post That Took Place With My Older Brother
“Good boy, good boy, now don’t you move or wipe my juice off your face Julie sent
along a little gift for you so I’ll be right back.”

I did as I was told feeling his cum drying on my face.
The gift was a blurred picture of five women sitting close together. The faces on
four of the women were totally blocked out. The woman in the center although not
clear was definitely my ex-wife. There was another difference between my ex-wife
and the others. My wife was naked from the waist up. Obviously before the breast
reduction, but couldn’t have been too terribly long ago based on her face.

“Now I don’t know anything about the picture Ronnie, Julie just told me to give it
to you and you’d figure out who the others were or I guess you can ask her
yourself. Her cell number is on the back with a little note.”

I glanced at the back where she had hand written a short greeting.

“Wish you were here my pussy is positively dripping. Hope you liked the slide
show as much as I did making it. This picture? Go Texas!”

WTF? She hated Texas with a passion especially their football team(s). Then it
hit me and I looked again at the picture paying more attention to the setting.
I’d been there once. Houston. Her younger sister’s house. One of the women was
her sister, two of the others would have been her daughters, leaving me clueless
about the fourth. Julie’s expression was not one of joy but rather grim.

“She didn’t tell you anything?”

I asked him that on my knees still coated with his cum.

“Nope, not a word, but it looks like they must have had a helluva party doesn’t it
little buddy? I was just wondering if it was before or after you got divorced.
Julie does like the pussy every once in awhile I know that.”

Punch *****. Who was this woman?

I dearly tried not calling my ex-wife Julie, but between the body make over, and
the picture I caved. The first part of the conversation was normal. Wished her well, asked about
family, job, etc. During a pause she asked me if I was ever going to question her
about the blurry picture.

I hesitated long enough for Julie to take over.

"Where are you sweetie?"


It took her fifteen minutes to over whelm my resolve. I put the phone on speaker
while I dressed for Julie. Black night gown, black panties, and black thigh
highs. She got my panties to just below my ass because she knows that triggers my most
submissive streak. I didn't even deny having a strap-on which is what she had me
shove up my "pussy."

Mike and Claire had told her everything.

"Where's your Mistress? She busy fucking students?"

She claimed she wouldn't need more that a couple of hours alone with Melissa
before she'd own my wife.

"She's a sub just like you. You're a sissy so she owns you, but Claire didn't
have any problem with the slut. That bitch tell you that Mike and Claire fucked
her on both ends at the same time? Mike gagged her while Claire fucked her silly
and not in her cunt...ass fucked the bitch."

I didn't say much. I groaned, whined, whimpered, and answered most of her
questions yes or no.

My orgasm occured when she finally broached the picture.

"I put those big Texas Long Horns on your head when I was in Houston visiting
Kelly. You hate them just as much as I do, and one of them got between my legs
and fucked my married pussy."

We were not living together, but the divorce wasn't final.

"I lost a bet to Kelly because we got fucked over in the conference championship
game. Remember that game don't you? She is and always has been a spoiled little
brat. What she was supposed to get from me was what she has always needed.
Someone to spank her ass. I told her it was going to be on her naked ass in front
of her daughters.

She had no desire to spank my ass so I asked her what she wanted to wager instead.
She wanted me naked from the waist up serving them drinks for the rest of the

"I told her no deal, but they baited me endlessly and I got pissed and told her it
was a deal. They had invited some people over to watch the game and no one told
me that. I changed into a red _______ tee shirt. You've seen it. It's tight and
yeah it does make my breasts look even bigger with the bra I was wearing. It was
warm enough for shorts so I wore my white ones that you liked so much. God honey
I'm getting all wet just thinking about it again."

Julie was also naked by now or at least she told me she was as she made moaning

"We got fucking homered those Texas fucks. Game was over when they missed the
field goal and they gave them another shot because the clock said they had a half
fucking second left. Total bullshit."


"When I refused to take any clothes off those bitches stripped me...I...oh fuck
honey...there were ten other people there...stripped me to the
waist...oh...oh...oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!"

I came as Julie got off.

"It was just terrible Ronnie. All those disgusting Texas people who thing they
have the biggest and best of everything. One of them said I had Texas sized tits.
I was humiliated honey. My panties were just soaked I was so hot for a cock.
Even a Texas cock, and that's what I got. I hated myself for cuming so many times
while I was getting fucked."

And then she stopped. If I wanted to hear the rest we'd have to meet for lunch
and it had to be before she got married because she was never going to be
unfaithful to her next husband. I told her no, and held firm. There was no doubt
in my mind that if I met her alone I'd be a mess. Julie couldn't believe I didn't
want to experience her new improved body.

If things had ended there I wouldn't have felt any real guilt, but Julie started
texting me and I ended up meeting her for lunch and as soon as I saw her I
realized what a huge mistake I'd made. We spent the entire afternoon in her room.
I'm not going over all of what I remember. She just did whatever she wanted to me
and I willing went along. Shit I had to beg her to take me to her room.

These would be typical.

"Wouldn't you like to have her suck your cock after it's been in my pussy?"

"If you're feeling guility about fucking me you can call your little brother up
and tell him you'd have no problem sharing your wife's pussy. Maybe you could
suck his cock after he's done dumping his load in her pussy. Doesn't seem right
that Mike had her and you and he hasn't."

I was tied up naked on the bed as she fed me my own sperm. She spanked me for
doing a lousy job of oral sex for someone with such a tiny penis.

"Robbie's (baby-sitter back in the early days) had a bigger cock when he was

It was true then, and Julie masturbated while talking about all the wonderful sex
they had at that age, and years later when he was an adult.

It was while she was fucking me that she finally told me who had fucked her in
Houston. He was huge. She'd never had anything that big in her before, and had a
vaginal orgasm which was very rare. She had to use lubricant he was so big. He
spent the night and screwed her until she was too sore for any more. He used her
mouth in the morning before taking off.

"That wasn't the worse part of me making you a cuckold with a man from Texas. The
worse part...the worst part was the color of the stud's skin. He was coal
black...your wife got fucked by a nigger and loved every minute of it he was the
fucking best I've ever had. If I still could have babies he'd have knocked me up
for sure. Everyone heard me screaming and begging him when he took me the first
time before they left. Kelly watched after everyone left. She took pictures.
She has pictures of me with a black cock in my pussy."

So after all these years between engagements, and two marriages one of the women I
loved had interracial sex, and for her it had been like all the stories I'd
masturbated to for years. Now I jack off thinking about her having done it for
real and wondering how I can get my hands on the pictures. I don't know how it's
going to go with her new husband but if we were still married it wouldn't be her
only black cock experience.

PS In case you're wondering I told Melissa I was playing golf with a customer and we'd
probably be going for dinner and drinks after. She knew I'd be showering so the device
that would have kept me in line was at home in a drawer.


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  • #114
Melissa and Rusty

It has occurred to me that Melissa's due diligence regarding my chastity device, panties, etc. slacked off approximately three weeks after she and Rusty became an item. Although there is no way for me to be certain I don't believe she has had another bed mate during that time frame either.

Since school started the frequency of our own sex life has increased.

There is no secret anymore so he comes to the house when they do have sex usually on Sundays, after church. There I go again. He has become much more confident in demeanor with Melissa, but continues to have problems addressing me as anything other than Mr. K. I believe he's hard when he comes through the front door and shy when he says good-by.

Most recently they went on a "date." Which as it turns out was going to a spot where his peer group hangs out to make out and considerably more.

I have cleaned Melissa's pussy after they have had sex on several occasions since their outing. I don't know if he's aware of his boss eating a cream pie he's left behind.

Much as I want to I've never gotten to see the two of them making love. I've seen them make out, I've seen him fondle most of my wife's body parts, but not the real number. I even asked Melissa if I could hide in the master bath but she told me absolutely not.

I guess my concern is she doesn't really care what I do right now as long as she has Rusty. Additionally the longer the affair continues the more likely they are discovered. I said as much before the date, and got shut down hard.

"You're getting yours aren't you?"

I've been in pout mode on several occasions. I have started harboring thoughts of having sex with another woman who I know would love to accommodate me, but all hell would break loose if we were discovered.

I really haven't got anything to bitch about just a little worried at this point.
  • #115
Re. my (Custer's) comment:

twerpedbyjulie said:
Not too long ago I went to an invited talk by [Richard] Dawkins at the university in the town I live in. He discussed, among other things, the possible genetic origins of religious belief. ... etc ...

and your reply:

twerpedbyjulie said:
Invited talk which equates to, by invitation only?

No, I meant Dawkins came at the invitation of a group of interested students... a philosophy club, in essence, although that isn't what they call themselves.

twerpedbyjulie said:
Why is it that I get the feeling you're operating on an entirely different level than I or me. I forget which is more acceptable.

"Me" would have been the right choice.

twerpedbyjulie said:
You don't happen to be a professor or in the field of education?

The most relevant point is, I don't work for the National Security Agency.

twerpedbyjulie said:
Which brings to mind Melissa's official title. It is indeed Asst. Principal ... etc ...

That's what I recalled you saying earlier...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Biggest ongoing problem this year? Electronic cigarettes. The kids either get caught because they brag about having them or, unbelievably, smoking them in class.

Jeez... there's always something...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Currently the principal is still planning on coming back for one more year before retiring.

If so, your Mistress may be looking at the possibility of stepping up to principal if she hangs in there for another year. On the minus side, though, that would be a higher-profile position that would make it more difficult (I would guess) to continue discretely pursuing her preferred after-hours persona as a femme fatale.

twerpedbyjulie said:
Melissa is also exploring employment with some other government agencies or entering the private sector.

Perhaps your Mistress is thinking in terms of alternative employment that would offer her a higher level of personal privacy, hence a reduced probability of finding herself suddenly "outed" and splashed across the front pages of multiple newspapers...? It seems to me her double life must be causing her more than a little stress and anxiety vis-a-vis her profession as a high-level high school administrator...
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  • #116
Communication is a Good Idea

Mel and I sat down last night, and had a good discussion about a variety of issues.

As far as this forum is concerned Rusty will no longer be an issue in a couple of weeks. Melissa has been encouraging him to spread his wings, and take a look at girls his age. For his part Rusty has had several young women express an interest. Some of them very straight forward. Mel told me he's just a very confident man having matured in a good way since their relationship, and suggested that women can sense that number. She has told him that at this point she's actually a hindrance, and he should just go with the flow rather than denying himself a "normal" girl boy experience. Was going to happen one way or another this way there are no hard feelings, the opposite really.

They will be going out on a real date for his birthday. Sort of a grand send off. She told me that she considered setting it up so Rusty was going to be spending the night at a new friend's house, and she would be that friend's mother. If his parent's called to verify his location they'd get her number. Mel thought that would be very kinky, but not worth the risk. He was granted an extended curfew.

"If you had a girl twenty years your junior that happened to be a smoking hot number, and she wanted your cock you'd turn her down right?"

I could have said no I would turn her down at a twenty year difference, but if it was closer to forty I might be interested didn't seem to be the path best traveled.

The biggest problem in her life is her job. Instead of doing what should be her primary function she has spent the last two weeks totally occupied with discipline issues. She is so tired of parent's sitting across from her telling her that the teacher who filed the complaint is an idiot or the teacher and Melissa are incompetent that she wants to pull her hair out.

"Fuck" "Fucking" "Fucked up" "Fuck off" are just a sampling of the vernacular capabilities of the parent's whose child is having issues. This is sitting in the school across from an educator with a Master's and a Doctorate who has worked her ass off to get to where she is today, and they have the balls to list the reasons why they are better suited to make these decisions than the teacher and by extension my wife.

I'd like a moment or two alone with the fathers and I'd have a baseball bat.

She spent today off site preparing for a hearing with a set of parents and probably their attorney who are contesting suspension of their kid for the remainder to either the semester or the entire school year. A hearing takes place after your child has accumulated twenty days of suspension. That's right. Middle of October and the kid has missed twenty days of school. They are sent registered letters at number five, eight, and thirteen I believe.

Last week she had a couple in, and the mother's bitch was that her name was not included on the addressed mail. So her first priority in the meeting was that her name wasn't included on her kids suspension notification. That would mean that it was not included in any of the first three registered letters, but wasn't a big enough deal to complain.

Mel isn't just ready to change jobs she's ready to drop off the grid altogether. Open a bookstore near the coast of South Carolina, and enjoy the beach, ocean, more relaxed way of life. Those would of course be that state's strong points other wise they are pretty fucked up in their competition with North Carolina to see who can pass the most ridiculous state laws.

"What else am I qualified to do? All the years, all the money, and if I'm not in education I've got no skills."

I obviously objected and told her that if we were approaching the point where she wanted to pursue a different line work it was time to hire a head hunter to start looking. You don't know your value in the market place unless we start a search.

And you know the other thing that really pisses me off? The previous high school was not what we'd call inner city but a world away from where she works now. The average income in the district puts most of these folks in the upper middle class. There are more trees, shrubs, and green space on the campus than what it would cost you to build a grade school, and all of that was donated. The entire campus is irrigated which of course includes the numerous athletic fields. The pump station alone ran in essence of $50,000.

They want for absolutely freaking nothing, but their sense of entitlement makes them major league assholes.

Naturally no one has ever mentioned that their tax dollars pay my wife's salary which by the way is not enough.

Okay there is my rant for the month or whatever time period I need to go off.

Mel and I? One look at her face when I raised the concern, and I knew the woman loves me. Not freaking sure why, but there it is and I'm not going to argue the point.

Speaking of which she was done at two thirty today because of the meeting, and she wants me home at six because she had something special in mind.

Special could of course take any number of forms, but I'll go with anything my babe desires.

Enjoy your weekend guys/girls.
  • #117
twerpedbyjulie said:
Mel and I sat down last night, and had a good discussion about a variety of issues.


twerpedbyjulie said:
The biggest problem in [my Mistress Mel's] life is her job.

She is not the only one, by far, for whom that's the case. But, on the plus side, having a job with problematical challenges is better by far than being unemployed...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Instead of doing what should be her primary function, she has spent the last two weeks totally occupied with discipline issues. She is so tired of parent's sitting across from her telling her that the teacher who filed the complaint is an idiot or the teacher and Melissa are incompetent that she wants to pull her hair out.

Behavioral chaos is rampant among kids that age, and heavily-distorted behavioral insight is rampant among parents of all ages...

twerpedbyjulie said:
.... Mel isn't just ready to change jobs, she's ready to drop off the grid altogether.

You might gently remind your Mistress that when looking for a different job (or profession), HAVING a job is almost infinitely more advantageous than being unemployed — and the longer one is unemployed, the harder it is to find a decent or even half-way decent job of any kind.

twerpedbyjulie said:
Open a bookstore near the coast of South Carolina, and enjoy the beach, the ocean, and a more relaxed way of life.

Starting a small business is incredibly difficult and uncertain. Among men who do so, over 90% fail within the first year. A lower percentage of woman small-business owners fail within the first year... maybe it has something to do with testosterone and a lower tendency among women to take unwise chances with money... but the failure rate is still high. According to my brother, who has successfully run a small business for over 30 years (despite some dicey times), most guys who start businesses don't like accounting. IMO, solid knowledge of accounting... or a partner who is both an accountant and financially trustworthy... is essential. How knowledgeable is your Mistress about accounting?

twerpedbyjulie said:
Those would of course be that state's strong points; otherwise they are pretty fucked up in their competition with North Carolina to see who can pass the most ridiculous state laws.

Really. I especially like the one that makes it illegal to acknowledge rising sea level...

twerpedbyjulie said:
I told her if we're approaching the point where she wanted to pursue a different line work, it's time to hire a head hunter and start looking. [We] won't know [her] value in the market place unless we start a search.

That was a good suggestion, especially for a woman who's a fairly high-level administrator. One of the reasons women are systematically paid less than men is, unlike men, they don't negotiate for starting salaries — rather, they just accept whatever they're offered (typically). If your Mistress signs up with a search firm, they'll negotiate vigorously for starting salary on her behalf, because their fee is typically a percentage of first-year salary.

On the minus side, searching for a different job or profession via a search firm could cost a lot, and they'll begin, most likely, by asking your Mistress which alternative jobs she wants to consider — i.e., she'll have to know that to get them started. (Viewing it from the other side, a search firm looking for a candidate to fill a high-level position would begin, most likely, by asking the members of the search committee to provide them with a list of people they think would be good candidates.) So, your Mistress could save that cost by doing the search herself, with assistance from you. But, if the cost of a search firm is not a problem, hey... go for it.

twerpedbyjulie said:
And you know the other thing that really pisses me off? The previous high school was not what we'd call inner city but a world away from where she works now. The average income in the district puts most of these folks in the upper middle class. There are more trees, shrubs, and green space on the campus than what it would cost you to build a grade school, and all of that was donated. The entire campus is irrigated which of course includes the numerous athletic fields. The pump station alone ran in essence of $50,000. They want for absolutely freaking nothing, but their sense of entitlement makes them major league assholes.

The wealthier people are relative to others, the less empathy they feel for others they view as less well off, hence as having lower socio-economic status. A recent article in the New York Times summarized a study which showed that. The same study also showed that's true of people at all socio-economic levels.

You might gently remind your Mistress that, as a general rule, expecting others to "appreciate one's efforts" is often if not usually a losing proposition. I'm not a sociologist, but experience suggests that can almost be considered a law of human interactions. I suggest encouraging her to "do what she's gotta' do," continue doing it well, and forget about whether the unruly teenagers and their obnoxious parents in her high school "appreciate" her efforts.

twerpedbyjulie said:
.... Mel and I? One look at her face when I raised the concern, and I knew the woman loves me. Not sure why, but there it is and I'm not going to argue the point.

It's because your Mistress is under a lot of stress in her job, and you're showing her you understand that, you're on her side, and you're willing to support her emotionally (and financially, it sounds like), if she should decide she can't tolerate it anymore and needs to start looking for another profession. That's a whole lot of what being a good husband for her is all about.
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  • #118
Sixteen Year Old Slut

Thanks Custer. As is often the case I feel better after reading your replies.

I should point out that Melissa does not currently need my financial support. She makes more money that I do, and the difference in our income is dependent on what kind of year my company experiences. I receive a salary with a bonus at the end of the fiscal year. Melissa receives a low six figure income so between the two of us we're very comfortable.

She has bounced back, and that's just her style. Hard to keep her down, and the hearing turned out in her and the associated teacher's favor. In other words the kid was an absolute pain in the ass.

The two of them got pretty damn ***** afterwards, and I was the designated driver. Was just fun watching the two of them get loaded, and listen to the stories. If I hadn't been caged I'd have gotten a hard on over a couple of the better numbers.

On the Friday before when I was instructed to come home at a specific time...well that was way past special.

Her car was not in the garage which I found odd, but there was a note stuck to the door explaining what was taking place.

We were "baby-sitting" the daughter of a friend of hers. Her parents were going to be out of town, and had made arrangements with another couple to watch their daughter but a death in the family had nixed those plans so Melissa had told her friend that we'd be happy to have her stay with us.

The note told me that the sixteen year old girl's name was Candi and she attended the school at which Melissa was Asst. Principal. Also mentioned that Candi was a bit of a discipline problem displaying a rebellious tendency towards any and all authority entities.

I should order whatever Candi wanted for dinner, and have it delivered. Melissa was sorry for the sudden intrusion in what was supposed to be a fun evening, but she would make it up to me later, and expected to be home in a couple of hours.

Shit was my first thought.

I walked into the house, and called out "Candi?"


She was in the kitchen, and when I entered I was treated to a sensational sight. Candi had the refrigerator door open and was bent at the waist searching for some thing. She wore black boots that came to her knees, a tiny black skirt so short that her pink panties were visible, and a black tee that lay bare a portion of skin between skirt and shirt. Her coal black, straight hair reached to her shoulders.

Oh fuck me, don't know what I was expecting, but not this.

"Where do you keep the beer?"

I hadn't tumbled when she had said, "Yeah" but I did now. Melissa was the sixteen year old Candi. I didn't speak as I processed where we'd be going.

"Hey are you deaf? Where's the beer?"

"You're too young to be drinking beer Candi."

Candi straightened up, and turned to face me, and man I did a double take just to make sure it was Melissa.

Black lipstick, black eye lids, black eye brows, and her cheeks were rosy red. She was wearing dangling black ear rings, and the finishing touch was a pair of black wrap around sunglasses. If I had met her walking down the side walk I would not have known it was my wife. She didn't look like she was approaching forty, but wouldn't pass for twenty either.

"OMG you're just as big a stiff as my parents...and your wife."

That set the tone. My wife was nothing more than a phony cunt who acted like she'd never had a cock in her pussy, but was probably screwing the entire football team.

Her parents tried to control her entire life including what she wore which was a huge joke because even though her dad sided with her mom he was always trying to sneak a peek of her goodies.

They thought she was a virgin, but she'd started giving hand jobs at thirteen, blow jobs at fourteen, and given up her cherry to the father of a girl she had baby-sat for at fifteen after which she carried condoms with her because her mom would never have okayed birth control pills.

Candi had a preference for older men because they didn't pop off after two or three strokes, and they weren't opposed to pleasing her pussy before entering her sloppy treasure.

Should go without saying that Candi seduced me. Fucking the Principal's husband was just huge, and not having to worry about getting pregnant was a bonus.

The things that girl said about my wife were just awful.

Candi and I managed to get me off twice before the expected arrival of Melissa.

The wig, and dark make-up made their appearance before the first time she was going to be around any of Rusty's friends. Not a bad idea, and proved to me once again that I keep under estimating my wonderful wife.

Candi by the way is the name Rusty used when introducing her to those same kids. She never wore her wedding ring but she had been married, and was now divorced. She was a dancer which of course made Rusty nothing short of a God in the eyes of his peer group.

So a great freaking Friday, or Saturday, or any damn day.

Saturday was a polar opposite. Caged, naked, spanked, and peed on before the day was over. I served as a coffee table for Mistress while she talked on her phone. The cup did have a saucer, but you try being really still for a half hour with a liquid container on your back. I don't think she was talking to anyone on her phone but the conversation dealt with my short comings as a husband and cuckold.

She had shown some benevolence and I had taken advantage of her good nature.

"It's like trying to fuck with a noddle."

Listen I'm cramming a ton of stuff into a short note (for me) because I am so freaking nervous right now that I can't think straight.

Melissa is going out with a couple of girl friends. I on the other hand have a date showing up.

We are aware of my bi-curious tendencies to one extend or another. I like clean. I don't want a cock that has been housed in briefs all day long, and smells. I want to smell soap or baby powder, or fuck cologne, but not a sweat scent.

Anal has never been any where close to the top of my list because it's a pain to prepare, and can be...do I have to say it...a pain in the ass. If it's going to happen I'd much rather it was an artificial attachment worn by a woman.

All of my experiences with males have been a dominance experience. None of them had a preference for man pussy over female pussy. It's about getting off, and part of my being a cuckold.

In other words I have never been with a gay man.

I have a date with a gay man. We're not leaving the house I'm fixing him dinner. He's fine with me wearing panties but nothing past that. Slacks, dress shirt, etc. He's half my age, and to look at him the last thing that would enter your mind is, "That dude is so gay."

Mistress has known him for a number of years, and he is open about his sexual preferences. He recently ended a long term relationship. She said he was hesitate about an evening with a straight man, and a married man to boot. Mistress told him all about our relationship, and that it was one thing I wanted to try, but never had the opportunity.

I don't recall ever having expressed that number, but then I'm not the shot caller. Mistress told me that there was a good chance that nothing would take place if he didn't find me to be "fuckable." He does know what I look like, and I'm not talking face picture here he has seen the whole package such as it is.

Shit. "He won't just fuck you honey, he'll make love to you."

I assume that means kissing, and tongue work over portions of my body. Fuck, I'm just flat scared, and I wish I had some of Kaye's (MIL) brownies.

I cannot promise that you'll hear anymore about this date than what I've already told you.

If he wants to he'll spend the night and if that happens we'll spend the night in the master bedroom. Mistress will sleep else where although she also told me she might want to take a peek.

I need to go, and get things cooking. No pun.

Mistress has told me that Sunday will be reward day.

I have no idea what to say. "Hi, my names Ron, and I understand you might be fucking me tonight."

  • #119
Spoiler Alert

I'm not gay. The guy was a really cool dude. No pressure, we talked while having some drinks, and he asked questions about my previous experiences which was a bit surreal. I finally told him I was willing to give it a go, but couldn't promise anything.

By the way he and Melissa have met at a party years ago, and she had hit on him. She took it as a challenge and tried to get him to switch teams at least for one evening, but he declined. They became buds because at that time in her life she needed a friend she could talk to without having to worry about alterative motives. Evidently easier for her to tell a guy some of the things taking place in her life than revealing them to a girl friend.

Mistress was not looking for any real relationship just fuck buddies, and according to him she had a ton of fuck buddies.

Kissing a guy just doesn't work. It's intimate. He did know how to locate, and exploit my hot spots, but I just could not shake the reluctance. He realized what was happening and backed off making sure I knew that although he was a bit disappointed he completely understood.

So we chatted about his life as a gay, and some of the trials that entailed as he was coming of age, telling his parents, and finally his decision to quit trying to hide who and what he was as a person.

He went into some detail when describing his first encounter, and a couple of subsequent couplings that he considered mile stones. We were both still naked, and I saw that his cock was swelling. His pubic area was also without any hair.

When he related his first sex with an older man it effected my pecker and pretty soon I was considering whether or not it had been his intention from the get go. We ended up in a sixty-nine position, and he was very, very talented. After the release I was more than a little embarrassed about denying his original advances only to end up sucking his cock.

"Don't worry about it. I know gay, and you ain't it."

Think Mistress was the one who was most disappointed not because she expected I was in the closet, but found the idea of me totally giving it up to a gay man was exciting. Hey, at least I wasn't punished, and she masturbated listening to what had taken place.

As I write this Mistress and Rusty are in the master bedroom where he's doing what he can to fuck her brains out. I am wearing my CB6000S, and panties. Mistress was nice enough to let me hide and watch them making out on the living room couch before they headed to the bedroom. Really hot. Rusty has become quite the accomplished lover. Mistress came seconds after his fingers started to play with her pussy. I've never been able to get her off anywhere near as quickly.

If I had not been caged I'd have surely cum watching the sixteen year old pleasure my wife.

Mistress assured me that I would get to thoroughly clean her pussy when they were done.

All in all a pretty good weekend.
  • #120
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