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Trophy Wife Mounted and Stuffed

  • Thread startertwerpedbyjulie
  • Start date
  • #161

I called her. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Kaye I know how terrible this is but I need to be with you even if we can't have real sex."

"Oh baby you don't know how long I've wanted you to say that. When and where sweetie?"

"I don't know, a motel I suppose...if that's alright."

"That's perfect. Would Wednesday afternoon work?"

"Yeah, yeah that would work."

"I'll take care of everything. I'll let you know where and exactly what time. Ron honey?"


"I'm not going to be able to sleep I'm so excited."

"Me either."

"I'm getting wet right now baby...what do you want me to wear?"

"Something tiny and tight that shows off your body."

There was some more but I can hardly sit still long enough to write this. God oh God.
  • #162

twerpedbyjulie said:
I was told later that my wife had called [our paperboy's] mom and told her we had forgotten to mail her son a Christmas tip, so if he'd just drop by she'd give it to him. [When he showed up at our door, I saw] the kid was about twelve to fourteen max, and in a state of shock at [my Mistress's] bare breasts which had gone into wrinkled arousal when ******* to the frigid outside air. My Mistress ushered him in and apologized, saying he caught her getting dressed but she didn't want to miss him. ....


twerpedbyjulie said:
.... My wife .... placed her hands on his shoulders and said, "And so strong." That put her breasts within a few inches of touching him.


twerpedbyjulie said:
My wife explained that when she was his age, the boys had to ask because the girls didn't feel like they could even though they wanted to very badly... and, he should just see if she wanted to talk some time.


twerpedbyjulie said:
[My Mistress] bounced away or rather her breasts did as she retrieved an envelope. She dropped the envelope and turned to pick it up, not bending her knees, which gave [our paperboy] a view nearly to her bottom before turning again. She handed him the envelope but grasped his hand with both of hers shaking it a bit as she told him what a grand job he did and how much she appreciated it. "You're such a dear." And with that, my wife gave him a kiss on the cheek which did bring her bare breasts in contact with his jacket. "Now you remember that if you ever need advice on what to say to all those girls you can stop by and ask me okay? Because it's probably not something you want to talk to your mom about is it?"

I gotta' say, all this sounds dangerous as hell. If your paperboy is 12 to 14, he'll soon be a high school. Will the high school he attends be the high school where your Mistress is the assistant principal?

The experience you described is so remarkable, from your paperboy's point of view, it's hardly likely he won't tell at least some of his friends about it. And, your Mistress doesn't know who his friends are. Are some of them kids who are, or will soon be, attending the high school where she works...?

twerpedbyjulie said:
I did address Mistress about the paper boy. Politely.

Good boy...

twerpedbyjulie said:
"It's against the law Mistress. You could get in serious trouble and I couldn't bare the thought of living without you."

It was more than appropriate to point this out (politely). This sort of thing could definitely end your Mistress's career, and worse.
  • #163
twerpedbyjulie said:
I'm also a bit concerned about Mistress and a certain drug. Ecstasy. She doesn't need a drug to increase her sexual cravings. I've never seen her take it, or found any, but the incident with the paper boy was over the top, even for her.

Really. I can't comment on "ecstasy," but if your Mistress is using a street drug to increase her sexual cravings (whew!), that doesn't sound good.
  • #164
I haven't been following this thread since its beginning, however, I think that Mistress using ecstasy is probably the least of the problems mentioned recently! Does anybody in this story possess any self-control. I see a train racing full speed down the track toward a fireworks factory. The ending of this tale may make my evening news!
  • #165
Susan's Slave said:
I haven't been following this thread since its beginning, however, I think that Mistress using ecstasy is probably the least of the problems mentioned recently! Does anybody in this story possess any self-control. I see a train racing full speed down the track toward a fireworks factory. The ending of this tale may make my evening news!

You know what? You're right. I can't do this with my MIL at least not without my wife's consent and as things stand the chances of that are slim and none. She'd kill me just after she got done divorcing my ass. And I'll feel like shit as soon as it (sex w/MIL) as it was over. Plus it would screw up things between my wife and her mother. Not even taking into account my FIL's reaction.
  • #166

Well she was disappointed but understood then gave me some advice.

"You need to get a handle on her, and I mean right now. She did this same sort of thing after her divorce and worried us sick but there wasn't a thing we could do about it that would snap her out of the behavior. She had to hit bottom before she took control of her life again."

I asked her what she thought I should do or how to start.

"Take her across your lap and spank her bare ass. Get that thing off your cock, and fuck her. You don't ask permission you don't make love, you fuck her. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life this way, and you obviously don't or you wouldn't have called me. I'm not saying you have to be an asshole everyday, but you've got to get some equity back or she'll just keep pushing the edge."

Easier said then done I thought.

So the first thing I did to restore order was to dress exactly as she told me before Doug came over, and then I opened car doors for both of them as they sat in the back seat making out while I drove to the restaurant.

I was Melissa's (yeah, I'm using her name) daddy for the evening. I was against my daughter dating a black man, and that was the conversation we engaged in with people close enough to us to over hear what she was talking about and put words in my mouth. She kissed him openly, and had her hand on his cock most of the evening.

When Doug excused himself to hit the can Melissa looked at me and said, "You know what to do so do it."

There were six urinals and my break was that Doug and I were the only ones in the restroom. I unsnapped my slacks, pulled down my zipper and let go of them. They fell to my shoes. My navy thigh highs matched my slacks. I couldn't have peed if my bladder had been bursting. I couldn't look at him. Me in my chastity device completely shaven and wearing thigh highs.

"Hey, if you don't want to do everything she tells you to why don't you touch your nose with your finger, and I'll take care of the rest. Go ahead and pull your pants up man."

I really like this guy.

"If you want to do what she says I don't judge...okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, thanks man."

Just before we hit the door I told him I would really like to see him having sex with Mistress if it didn't bother him.

"We can arrange that, maybe not tonight but next time for sure. Anything else?"

"Ah, no, no that's it."

"C'mon just tell me."

"I've never sucked a black cock before I was just wondering if...."

"Let me thing about that one. Doesn't mean I think it's gay or fucked up I've just never been a part of that number before okay?"

"Yes, yeah, only if it works out."

So I think Kaye is right about things in total but I do want to watch Doug and Mistress plus I really want to suck a black cock.
  • #167
Melissa Seduces Doug

Mistress interacts with all of the teaching staff to one extent or another. Total number is just under 200 so she has more contact with those having the most problems. She also has more contact with first year teachers regardless of experience just to make sure things are proceeding smoothly.

There are only ten minority teachers. Doug is the only black male instructor.

He told me first off that she knew her shit, and that she didn't suffer fools lightly. Not everyone liked her but she wasn't in a popularity contest.

The first time she stopped in to observe his class was on a Friday. Last class of the day and when it was dismissed she took a student's desk right in front of his to chat for a few minutes. Pleasant, to the point, and reaffirmed that if problems arouse she should be his first line of defense.

Two weeks later she stopped in just before class was over on a Friday. This would have been Melissa's first time dressing in her casual Friday attire. Once again she sat directly in front of his desk. "She asked the same questions man but it was hard not to look at those legs underneath the desk."

The following Friday she broached a different subject. One that is hit on hard before the year ever starts. Inappropriate contact and/or conversations with the students. Melissa pointed out that there was almost a percentage that seemed to compete to see who could behave in the most outrageous manner. Sex with a teacher near the top of the list, and with a black teacher it would be off the charts in a school with very few minorities.

Doug said that she had crossed her legs before turning to the side in the desk giving him a view of most of her thigh.

She'd asked him about his weekend plans, and expressed surprise that he didn't have a date on his list. Wished him well, and told him from all accounts he was doing a fine job.

The next Friday she showed up just as he was gathering things up to take off. Melissa had worn a blazer with a scarf type number wrapped around her neck and disappearing down the front of the blazer. Doug had seen her wearing it earlier in the day. It was gone when she walked in, and the tops of her breasts were visible. The skirt had a small slit up the middle which given the length of her skirt showed a lot of leg as she walked.

Doug had been standing when she walked in, and told me he tried really hard not to stare at her tits. This time Melissa made to perch her bottom on his desk, slipped the first time which pulled the skirt bottom up a bit and instead of rearranging before she made another attempt she just slide onto the desk top.

"If you could sit for just a minute Doug and then I'll let you get going."

"She crossed her legs man, and the one nearest me...well I could see the lace at the top of her hold ups. I didn't know where the hell to look."

"We've had some language issues. Not unusual, some of it comes from their homes the rest they pick up from peer group, but it can be upsetting. Have you had any such issues, and I'm asking you specifically because you're black, and the only black man teaching here."

"Honestly not much, and certainly nothing I can't handle."

"I'm particularly interested in the infamous "N" word Doug because that just won't stand...not on my watch."

"If they've said it, I've never heard it and it's not like I haven't been called a nigger before."

That's when he said things took a turn.

"Well there's an equally offensive word used to describe women and I've been called a cunt before but I never get used to it, and I shouldn't have to, and the same applies to you."

Melissa turned her legs towards him.

"Hell, it's not just the kids with me. The parents are just as bad, and some of them are just sure a black man is interested in nothing more than white girls. I've been called a slut, a bitch, a cunt, and a ***** to mention some of the mort popular.

"Geez, really?"

"Really. And what hurts the most is that I'm only one out of the four."

Doug said while he was trying to process that Melissa turned as she uncrossed her legs and now he was able to view everything. He knew that her pussy was bald.

"I couldn't look away man it was staring me right in the face, and it was beautiful."

"Some white women thing that given the opportunity a black man wouldn't think twice about sliding his filthy hand between a white women's legs and playing with her married cunt."

She spread her legs wider.

"Fuck man I thought maybe it was some kind of goddamn test. Her setting my ass up just to see, and then she'd drop the hammer on my ass. I looked her right in the eyes and she opened her mouth so she could lick her lips. At that point I figured, fuck it, fire my ass. It was just too good to pass up. Here's the fucking Asst. Principal that you just don't fuck with all but begging me to play with her pussy right in my fucking classroom."

Doug put his hand on my wife's knee and asked her which one of the four names she mentioned best described her.

"Slut. A slut is promiscuous, and I'm promiscuous so it would follow that I'm a slut."

"I kept one eye on her face, another on the door, and walked my fingers right up to that bald pussy. Bald wet pussy Ron. I didn't say a fucking word for fear of breaking the spell. Thought I must be dreaming, and didn't want to wake up.
She said something about my dirty nigger fingers being in her pussy before she started cuming on them. Took her a minute to come down, and when she did she got off my desk straightened up, and started walking towards the door. Have a good weekend Doug."

He shook his head.

"Damn man I thought how fucking cold was that? She comes in gets my motor running telling me she wants me and when she gets what she wants it was all over like it never fucking happened. I was kind of pissed the more I thought about it but that didn't stop me from cranking out a couple over the weekend thinking about your wife's pussy."

Doug told me his intentions were to totally ignore her teasing ass, but that changed on Monday when she asked him if he had plans for Friday evening. He told her no, and she said it might be nice if they had dinner so she could discuss some other issues that were best discussed off of school property.

So that Friday Melissa took him to dinner before they ended up in his apartment where he more than got even.
  • #168
Out of Control

I decided I'd confront Mistress Friday about her behavior. I went over and over what I'd say and how I'd react depending upon her responses. Almost everyone ended up with her bare ass across my knees while I spanked her. I just forgot that I'm a weak willed, wimpy, pussy cuckold.

She walked in from the garage wearing a short sweater dress obviously in a hurry.

"Doug gets here at seven, and I've decided you can watch him fuck me. He always uses a condom so when he's filled it with his cum you'll drink it, and then you'll clean his cock off."

That immediately fucked up my plans because I was getting just what I'd asked for when I talked to Doug. Then I tried to nut up and be a man. I suggested to Mistress that I was concerned about some of the latest "adventures" and that it might be a good idea to back off on how much sex and the number of partners she was sharing her bed with. That a couple of her couplings might actually get her in trouble, and mentioned some others she was thinking about could result in her loosing her job or worse.

"Really? That's what you think? I think that Adams (Principal) called me into his office today, and confirmed that he'll be retiring at the end of the year, and that he'll be recommending to the board that I fill his position. I think that what he wanted more than anything else was to bend me over his desk and fuck me. He gave me a hug before I left and he actually had his hands on my hips. He's a man. He's not any different than other men...I could have him anytime I wanted.

I think I'll be making twice as much money as you, and if they wanted to fuck the Assistant Principal they'll kiss my ass for the chance to score with the Principal of the second largest school district in the entire state."

Melissa had pulled her tight dress up to her hips revealing her thigh highs, and pussy.

"And I didn't fuck my way to the top although I would have fucked Adams if that's what it took."

At this point I'd forgotten all about being a dominant male.

"Out of control? I can't get laid in my own bed with my husband. I have needs Ron, and you just aren't up to it, pun intended. Wait right there."

Melissa disappeared for a moment and reappeared carrying a blue table between her fingers.

"Take this. In an hour I'm going to be naked on all fours in the living room begging for your tiny dick. If you're man enough to perform I'll listen to your concerns. Other wise I'll be going home with Doug tonight and I won't be back until next Friday."

We know how this worked out don't we? The more pressure exerted the less likely I'd be able to perform. My face was beet red from the drug, but my dick while not completely flaccid was no where near hard enough to penetrate my wife's pussy.

"The last time you were hard enough to fuck you spent the night with two queers. Maybe you should give them a call."

Watching a black man on top of my lily white wife was just fucking awesome. When he fucked her like a dog I got to lie with my head directly underneath their coupling. Melissa came twice while Doug fucked her before he came filling the condom. Melissa peeled the full condom off before feeding me the contents. Then I got what I really wanted. I licked and sucked a black man's cock until it was totally clean. My joy was short lived however because I had an erection.

"You are fucking gay. Jesus Christ. You got hard just thinking about sucking his big black cock didn't you?"

There wasn't anything to say, and I honestly wondered about my arousal.

Before they left Melissa showed me a box of condoms.

"I'm on birth control, we're both clean but he insists on wearing a stupid rubber. He'll fuck me two more times tonight and again first thing tomorrow morning. I may have forgotten to take my pills this week and I'm not taking them with me. I'm going to push a needle through one of the three condoms every day. If the first one has holes in it I'll get his most potent bunch of baby-makers. If it's the second or third one there won't be much chance of him knocking me up.
I won't be fertile until Friday at the earliest so you don't need to worry too much about me coming home with a black baby in my tummy."

She'd baited me with this number before so I replied, "Whatever makes you happy."

"Well mom would like another grandchild, and my biological clock is ticking. Oh yeah, here knock yourself out while I'm gone."

Mistress threw me the key to my chastity device which did leave me speechless.

"Your pills are in the closet in my red high heels."

I guess I'll spend the week seeing if I can get my equipment working.
  • #169
Your MIL

All due respect to Susan's Slave, but are you kidding me? She's going to spend a week out of the house fucking her black stud and although you think she's just fucking with you she mentions getting knocked up?

Your cock is free boy, and you got your Viagra back. How long do you suppose it would take your MIL to get her full figured body to your bed if she knew you were alone?

Jesus Fucking Christ. Sorry about that but damn she's a really nice looking piece of ass.

You'd rather spend the week with your dick in your hand than in that wet MIL pussy?

When are you going to have an opportunity like this again?

Remember when God closes a door he opens a window. Or when your wife closes her pussy your MIL opens hers.

Now that I've been a real dick would you mind re-posting the pictures of Melissa where she's got ***** and cum slut written on her beautiful little body? I'm old and my memory isn't what it used to be.

Good luck,
  • #170
Well I guess it is too late, but it would have be awesome for twerp to have fucked his Mother in Law effectively becoming "motherfucker" while his wife is getting fucked at Dougs place.

Twerp, what a horrible time for you to man up. Atleast until Doug becomes a routine thing, you should just go with the regular flow and when things seem to go out of control then jump in. Also it is not fair of you to just try to suddenly stop your wife when she is racing full speed ! You need to gradually bring the pace down.

Well my 2 cents.
  • #171
Wow, great updates Twerp. Looking forward to more...
  • #172
Howwee said:
All due respect to Susan's Slave, but are you kidding me? She's going to spend a week out of the house fucking her black stud and although you think she's just fucking with you she mentions getting knocked up?

Your cock is free boy, and you got your Viagra back. How long do you suppose it would take your MIL to get her full figured body to your bed if she knew you were alone?

Jesus Fucking Christ. Sorry about that but damn she's a really nice looking piece of ass.

You'd rather spend the week with your dick in your hand than in that wet MIL pussy?

When are you going to have an opportunity like this again?

Remember when God closes a door he opens a window. Or when your wife closes her pussy your MIL opens hers.

Now that I've been a real dick would you mind re-posting the pictures of Melissa where she's got ***** and cum slut written on her beautiful little body? I'm old and my memory isn't what it used to be.

Good luck,

My cpu took a dive, and I'm still doing recovery work, but I think I've got the pictures you're talking about, and no problem posting them. That was the easy part of the reply. Don't think I haven't thought about calling Kaye. I think about it every day. There's no doubt in my mind the sex would be great, and she'd do whatever I asked which would be a big change. Having said that the down side is too pronounced or at least it is right now. I do love the idea of a good old fashioned catfight, and I'm not sure but what that's not a distinct possibility. Mel and Kaye rolling around in various stages of undress fuels the fantasy. But of course it would end badly in real life. Good news is I've gotten full erections back, and even came starting Monday.
  • #173

imported_jag said:
Well I guess it is too late, but it would have be awesome for twerp to have fucked his Mother in Law effectively becoming "motherfucker" while his wife is getting fucked at Dougs place.

Twerp, what a horrible time for you to man up. Atleast until Doug becomes a routine thing, you should just go with the regular flow and when things seem to go out of control then jump in. Also it is not fair of you to just try to suddenly stop your wife when she is racing full speed ! You need to gradually bring the pace down.

Well my 2 cents.

You know that toughest part of that for me to deal with is you mentioning, "motherfucker." Just hadn't thought about it in that exact context. You're right about trying to bring a galloping fuck pony to a complete stop. I'm not the man (cuckold) to get the job done.
I think when it comes to sex drive Melissa has a man's brain in a hot woman's body. An eighteen year old boy's brain might be closer.
I think it's a big deal that I'm sleeping in what used to be "our" bed for a week. I think it's a big deal that my cock isn't in a cage. I think it's a big deal that I've got my pills back and can get an erection. I think it's a big deal that I can wear what I want around the house. In other words she has successfully lowered the bar on what it means for me to be a satisfied male. Anyway Kaye's advice goes on the back burner for the foreseeable future.
  • #174
Freak Fucked

When I finally ejaculated I'd gone to the "Shemale" section of a porn site, and saw a black shemale with big tits, and a huge cock. I searched until I found a story to go with the picture, and changed the wife's name to Melissa.

The husband and wife both get fucked by the shemale who takes over the entire household before knocking up the wife.

How's that for fucked up? Shot, what was for me, a huge load of built up goo.

Melissa has called every night always when Doug's cock is in her pussy. Last night I took a pill, got naked made sure I had some lubricant, and I came listening to Doug cuckold me with my wife. My thought immediately after was that I was back to "normal."

Oh yeah, Doug discovered Melissa had poked holes in a condom so he's back to using his own which put a little damper on her wicked, fuck with me, number. Knocking up the white married Principal must not be included in his long term plans.

As soon as I can I'll get a post done on the Freak fucked number. The guy who essentially started the whole ball rolling with dominant Melissa. The freak's name is Jake. I did not know the first two times he stopped by the house that he was the asshole Melissa suspended from school, and had called her a cunt. I just knew that Melissa dressed very conservatively (just as she would for work) and that her role in the relationship was definitely submissive.

How he first got into her panties is fucking hot shit dating back towards the end of 2012. Took her in a parking lot.

I'm actually feeling a ton better if for no other reason than I can get hard again. That one really had me stressed.

Hopefully tomorrow on the freak fuck.
  • #175
twerpedbyjulie said:
Melissa has called every night, always when Doug's cock is in her pussy.

Very nice... good to hear your Mistress is paying attention to your needs.

twerpedbyjulie said:
Last night I took a pill, got naked, made sure I had some lubricant, and I came listening to Doug cuckold me with my wife. My thought immediately afterward was, I was back to "normal."

Sounds like a plus...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Oh yeah, Doug discovered Melissa had poked holes in a condom, so he's back to using his own which put a little damper on her wicked, fuck with me, number. Knocking up the white married Principal must not be included in his long term plans.

Could have awkward consequences...

twerpedbyjulie said:
.... [Turns out the guy I referred to earlier as "the freak"] was the one who essentially started the whole ball rolling with dominant Melissa.

That is, your Mistress is dominant with respect to you, but sexually submissive with respect to the more-dominant lovers she seeks and finds...

twerpedbyjulie said:
The freak's name is Jake.

That's OK, everyone has to have a name...

twerpedbyjulie said:
I did not know the first two times he stopped by the house that he was the asshole Melissa suspended from school, and who had called her a cunt. I just knew that Melissa dressed very conservatively (just as she would for work) and that her role in the relationship was definitely submissive. How he first got into her panties is fucking hot and dates back to the end of 2012. Took her in a parking lot.

Sounds erotic and intriguing...

twerpedbyjulie said:
I'm actually feeling a ton better if for no other reason than I can get hard again. That really had me stressed.

With the aid of Viagra, I gather. But, hey... whatever works.

twerpedbyjulie said:
Hopefully tomorrow [for more on Jake].

Will look forward to hearing this story. "In a parking lot" sounds bold-plus, one might say...
Last edited:
  • #176
First Post From Original Thread

This is to recap how the relationship started between Jake the Freak, and Melissa the Asst. Principal

The pictures show the dress Melissa wore to graduation.


I'm 57 my wife, Melissa is 37. Both of us were married previously. Mel is an Asst.
Principal at a large metro area school. As such she's the ultimate authority regarding
student discipline. She holds a doctorate, and it's her second year in this position.

I was appalled at the trash some of these kids spew in her presence. Suspension results
in a number of her meetings with the offender although that's just what most of these kids
want so she works towards other solutions.

I had never seen her really effected as a result of these encounters until early January. The
meeting was tense because of his offense, and complicated in as much as he was a starter
on the basketball team. She didn't suspend him, but rather prohibited him from
participating in basketball for two weeks, or four games. The basketball coach was present
at her request.

The kid(?) is 6'8" tall, and weighs 230 lbs. A monster.

As Mel finished informing him of his punishment he blew up.

"You fucking cunt! You're gonna fuck up my scholarship chances just because you're such
a uptight bitch. You fucking need to get laid don't ya?"

At that point the coach jumped in, and told him to shut up. Probably knew things were
about to get worse. Booted for three days, was going to miss six games, and had to under
go anger management counseling until the therapist signed off.

When I got home that night Mel was sitting in my office. She had discarded her slacks
leaving her in heels, business jacket, and blouse. It was obvious after a look at her
pussy that she had been masturbating.

"Mel, what's going on honey?"

"Spank me...spank me..."

"Why would I?"

"Don't talk just bend me over your desk and spank me."

I was hesitant, but getting turned on she's so fucking hot. I started to help her up.

"Rough...fucking treat me like shit....treat me like a slut....slap my tits...slap them
as hard as you can...make me cry...hit me...spank my ass..."

I ended up trying to do what she wanted but it never seemed to be hard enough. She
stopped it by ordering me to fuck her.

"Throw me on the floor and fuck me...fuck me...fuck me now...fuck the principal...fuck
the married bitch's pussy....fuck the slut...make the bitch beg...hurry...fuck me!"

After she'd cum and we were both a mess I asked her what the deal was, and she recounted
the meeting including what he'd said to her.

I was more concerned about her safety than her behavior in our home.

Then the frequency of our couplings changed. Once every ten days or so had been the norm.
It had always been enough to satisfy her, and at my age that was fine. Now either I fuck
her daily or she masturbates. I know who she's thinking about when we have sex.

Mel has started fucking vegetables. Large vegetables. She abuses her breasts. Weekends
are exhausting. She wears little around our condo. Panties seem to be optional.
She was booed at basketball games after his suspension, and the name calling became the
norm always a voice in a group so nailing the offender was next to impossible.

A large condom filled with sperm was left under the wind shield wiper of her car. Another
time an envelope was left in the same place containing photoshopped pictures of my wife
taking huge cocks in all of her openings.

She kept them, and uses them when she masturbates.

"Do you actually want to have sex with him?"

"Of course not. This is just a release. A fantasy. It helps the uptight Principal who
needs to get laid cope. His body parts are in proportion you know. What he wants to stuff
in my pussy is huge."

My MIL and I are the same age. She and her husband weren't thrilled about our marriage.
Kaye sat me down, and told me that Melissa had been a challenge to her parenting skills.
That she would require a stern hand on occasion. I was polite, but dismissive. "Up to the
task," was how she put it. She asked why I divorced my first wife. I told her we just grew

In truth my first wife had dominated me in the last three years of our marriage. I was a
cuckold, and I found that I enjoyed being a wimp. It would have gone on, but she
introduced my older brother and his wife to our bedroom. It was too much. I wanted to
start over, and with Melissa I had the perfect partner to do just that.

She's been offered a better job in another school district, and she's going to take it
thank God. The fantasy asshole graduates in May. Mel showed me the dress she is wearing.
As you can see no panties. I'm pretty sure it's just part of the fantasy.

I know I'd do whatever is necessary to keep her happy.


I was wrong about several things including the not wearing panties number.


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  • #177
Parking Lot Fuck of Asst. Principal Melissa

Fore warned this is a little rough.

Liberty with dialog to enhance because most of this came from Jake one evening while he
had Melissa naked but for a collar and leash performing "tricks." Roll over, play dead,
shake hands, beg, speak, which was Melissa doing a "Arf" or "Bow-wow" number. Masturbate
is also a command, and my favorite part of the show. When he'd tell part of the encounter
he'd stop and ask her if that was correct. One bark was yes, two barks for no. She
agreed with everything he said, but then punishment was a swat with our riding crop if she

The 2012 State Class A football championship played on the university's field was between
Melissa's old high school and the school she left to work at that year.

Melissa spent the first half visiting with people from the old school and planned on
spending the second half with her new school.

She wore jeans, boots, turtleneck, and jacket. She had a sweat shirt over the turtleneck
displaying the school colors and mascot from her previous school. At half time she'd slip
out to her car, and change sweat shirts displaying the same items only from her current
school before spending the second half with her current school supporters.

The parking lot was largely empty. Designed to accomodate vehicles for a crowd of nearly
ninety thousand people only around twenty to twenty-five showed up for the high school
championship game. It is however lighted, and there is of course a security staff on

Melissa was in a bit of a hurry so maybe not paying as much attention to her surroundings
as she should have. She unlocked the car doors before opening the rear door, slipping off
the jacket, and sweat shirt. She reached in to get the other sweat shirt when someone
slapped her so hard on the ass that it shot her face down into the back seat.

A huge hand planted itself on her back before she heard his voice.

"My favorite Principal. How you been Melissa? Still needing an ass spanking aren't you


"Shut the fuck up Melissa. You're not calling the shots anymore. Still a fucking teasing
cunt aren't you Melissa? Walking around like your shit doesn't stink dressed in shit so
tight we could tell what type of panties you were wearing. Nipped out most of the time
because you're just a fucking bitch in heat aren't you Melissa? Got a big fucking kick
out of screwing with me everytime you checked to see how things were going with my
counselor didn't ya cunt?"

She moaned.

Once a week she sat down with Jacob after reading his counselor's progress report. The
conversations with his counselor were confidential. Report was an overall view of his
progress or lack of.

According to Jacob she had him sit in a chair while she sometimes sat next to him other
times she'd place her ass against her desk not seated but giving him a close view.
Nothing overt like with Doug, but subtle little numbers. Maybe one button more opened
than usual, or pulling a long skirt up a bit before sitting down and crossing her legs.
Another time she had her blazer off when he came in to see a white translucent blouse with
a lacy bra visible underneath. Last session had her in the long denim three buttoned
dress that fits her like a second skin. No snap to keep the long open slit together just
the three buttons. She sat next to him and crossed her legs which he said allowed him to
see the lace at the top of her thigh highs.

I had offered to go with Melissa to the graduation ceremony, but she had assured me it
wasn't a problem. Jacob had been a model student since she'd metaphorically slapped the
shit out of him. Jacob said she flashed him when he got in the right position as he
walked across stage to receive his dipolma. She was of course not wearing panties.
Ceremony was over, Melissa was in her car when she saw him approaching. She locked the
doors but when he stopped next to the car she rolled the window down a few inches, and
volunteered congratulations. He told her he had a present for her and opened his robe
where he'd unzipped his pants and his flaccid cock was hanging out.

"Flashing your shit at me you fucking cunt well my turn take a good look bitch this is
what you've been dreaming about isn't it?"

Melissa told me she'd said, "That's disgusting." Rolled the window up and drove away.

Jacob's version. "Oh my God." After which she just sat there and stared with her mouth
open until he said, "Suck it cunt I know you want to." Then she rolled the window up and
drove away.

Melissa tried to defend, but didn't deny her minor exhibitionism during the meetings. It
was all about his behavior issues especially around female authority figures so what she
was doing was testing him. Seeing if she could provoke a response. Flashing her bald
pussy at him?

"He deserved it." Not as in I was rewarding him for his good behavior, but rather she
wanted to really fuck with him. Take a good look because that's as much as you'll ever
get. Call me a cunt you fucking bastard.

If memory serves, and it does, I spanked Melissa when she got home before slapping her
face a few times before moving on to her breasts. She begged for the big paper clips and
put those on her nipples. I doubt that she waited until she got home to get off.

What took place in the parking lot was maybe less about sex than it was dominance and
getting even. He wanted to "own" my wife's ass. He wanted to put her in her place. He
accomplished all of that.

Parking Lot

"Here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna rip your jeans and panties off and then I'm gonna
spank your fat ass until it's all fucking red. The harder you make it the harder I'll hit
you. Do you fucking understand Principal Melissa?"

"Please Jacob...I'm sorry."

"Sorry! My ass sorry a little fucking late to be sorry. You sure as fuck weren't sorry
when you kicked my ass out of school and off the team or when I had to see that fucking
counselor for a month. I end up here instead of ________ or _________. You're sorry I
caught your ass is what you're sorry about cunt."

He shoved a glove in her mouth. He got her jeans below her ass, and commenced spanking my
wife's bare bottom.

"When I'm done spanking your ass I'm going to give you what you've been dreaming about
baby...a foot of cock...gonna put that fire out that's burning in your pussy."

He's way too big to be fucking in a car. He closed the car door and dragged her legs and
ass out through the window leaving my wife to support her upper body. I'm not clear on
when he checked her pussy, but he found her soaked. He said she helped him get her top
and bra off. She used the, "Don't do that" game.

"Don't slap my tits, please don't slap my tits."

"Don't pinch my nipples...it'll hurt so much."

"Don't fuck me. I'm a married woman."

"Your cock's too big for my cunt...don't hurt my cunt."

"Don't cum in my cunt. Please don't cum inside me."

"Don't slap my clit or I'll cum."

"Don't treat me like a slut I was your Principal."

He is either the best fuck she's ever had or the worst depending on his mood. She simply
cannot take the entire length of his freakish, porn sized cock. Nine inches is where it
stops being fun, and turns into a battering ram. I'd guess he's between twelve and
thirteen inches long, and the girth is bigger than any other cock that's been in her

Her lubrication is so extreme with him that it appears as if she's wet the bed. That's
what the sheets look like before he cums, and that is in and of itself an awesome display.
He's a breeding machine.

I have no desire to suck, lick, or touch his cock. It's just too fucking big. Scary.
Hell he's just scary period. I'm afraid of him. He wouldn't break a sweat putting me in
the hospital.

Melissa does because he orders her to, and threatens to withold what she really wants and
needs. That also resembles a porn video. Spit all over his cock and her face along with
snot leaking from her nose. Face is just a total mess, and he gets off on gagging her
until she appears like she's going to throw up or pass out. The one time I've seen him
cum in her mouth she couldn't handle it. Leaked out her nose, mouth, and coughed up some
as well.

He's so big and strong that I believe he could walk around most of the day with his cock
in her pussy while she has her legs wrapped around his waist. And when his cock is hard
it isn't horizontal it's damn close to vertical. Shit maybe that's what he should be
doing for a living. Porn. When he's on top you can barely see any of Melissa's body.

Parking Lot

Jake gave her both the good and the bad in the parking lot. The battering ram first I
suppose because he did want to inflict some punishment on the woman who he considered his

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts...too big...please...don't..."

After which he gave her what he probably gives most women. What they can handle and still
find pleasurable.

The insides of her thighs got bruised, and so was her ass. I saw none of this because she
just made sure I didn't see her naked. No problem given our relationship.
He said she came, and loudly. When he pleasure fucks her in the house she screams and
it's loud. On the other hand when he grudge fucks her she screams loudly, but there's
some begging involved during those couplings. Regardless of the type and where he cums
her face is always a sloppy mess. He loves rubbing his slimy cock around his ex-
Principal's face, and no surprise bitch slapping her face with his cock is also a treat.

The parking lot fucked lasted less than ten minutes, but I'm sure that seemed a life time
to the woman he was fucking with half of her naked body on display. Melissa remembers
nothing about anyone seeing her getting fucked. Jacob says five people saw some or all of
his fuck fest. He continued to call her names (according to him her real name after he
had an audience) and taunt her during the assault on her body.

When he was done he pulled his cock out and rubbed it around on her bottom and promised
her that he'd get around to tapping her asshole in the not too distant future.

Final humiliation of the evening. While my wife was naked, and exhausted, Jacob grabbed
all of her clothing and the keys to her car. He walked maybe a hundred feet away from her
car dropped everything in a pile before hitting the alarm button on her key bob. The
lights started flashing accompanined by the car horn bleating on and off. That brought
her out of her stupor. Her body ached all over as she pushed her body up and existed the
car throught the same window she'd received her fucking. She finally saw Jake standing by
her clothes. He flipped her off before jogging away.

The car alarm caught the attention of two security guards. Melissa gathered up her
clothing, killed the alarm and ran back to her car still naked. She'd managed to pull a
sweat shirt on just before the security car showed up. They pulled up next to her car but
didn't get out just rolled down a window and Melissa did the same.

Guard asked her if it had been her alarm, and she confirmed that it had been. Told them
she'd never used it before, and having accidentally tripped it couldn't figure out how to
shut it off. Her face was no think of beauty and he asked her if she was okay. Domestic
problem was her reply. She'd gotten into an argument with dear old me, and ended up
crying. Thanked them for their concern but she really just wanted to get home.

Pretty good recovery in my mind considering what she'd just been through and that she was
all but naked. All it would have taken was for one of them to have gotten out of the car
and she'd have had to come up with a real good excuse to explain her lack of attire in a
parking lot. Security guard...little lazy. Real police would have been I'm sure more

An experience you'd want to forget and put behind you right? Not Melissa. While she
masturbated any number of times over the fuck, she also got off being naked in the parking
lot, and nearly getting caught. In fact if there had been no lasting consequence I firmly
believe she'd have gotten wet all over again if the security guards had seen her before
she got back to her vehicle. Let's face it she loves showing off her body and so much the
better if it's not by choice.

There is of course more, but if I include everything I'll never get anything posted.

I should also mention that their first three encounters after the parking lot told place at Jake's place. Sounds like a bar.

Howwee I found these pictures which now seem appropriate.


  • Slut1.jpg
    9 KB · Views: 249
  • Slut2.jpg
    10.2 KB · Views: 227
  • Slut3.jpg
    8.5 KB · Views: 256
  • Slut4.jpg
    7.4 KB · Views: 258
  • #178
Her new high school won the game by the way in the last minute of the game. I watched in on television. Melissa didn't see the finish.
  • #179
First thanks for the pictures. Appreciate it, really.
Second thanks for the recap of the first post I'd forgotten exactly how she reacted.
Third yeah maybe rough and I'm not going with the she got what she deserved number but she could have reported it right? I mean the security guys were right there and she's carrying the evidence. That with the bruising and he's got some issues I should think.
Having said that I don't jerk off much anymore but between the pictures and the story I cranked one out.
Melissa is an inspiration to true sluts everywhere, and by everywhere I wish I was one of your neighbor's.
The image of her half in and half out of the car getting her brains fucked out is a mighty one.
Speaking of which are there only mental images or is there something more concrete?
The monster never took anything to remember the evening? Proof of taking your trophy wife?
And if you want to post some more pictures of her, especially those breasts I wouldn't mind.
  • #180
Howwee said:
First thanks for the pictures. Appreciate it, really.
Second thanks for the recap of the first post I'd forgotten exactly how she reacted.
Third yeah maybe rough and I'm not going with the she got what she deserved number but she could have reported it right? I mean the security guys were right there and she's carrying the evidence. That with the bruising and he's got some issues I should think.
Having said that I don't jerk off much anymore but between the pictures and the story I cranked one out.
Melissa is an inspiration to true sluts everywhere, and by everywhere I wish I was one of your neighbor's.
The image of her half in and half out of the car getting her brains fucked out is a mighty one.
Speaking of which are there only mental images or is there something more concrete?
The monster never took anything to remember the evening? Proof of taking your trophy wife?
And if you want to post some more pictures of her, especially those breasts I wouldn't mind.

I don't think reporting it ever crossed her mind. Hell I know it never crossed her mind. And if she had there were I guess witnesses who would have said.....what? Fuck it's a fantasy she'd been carrying around in her back pocket since the first time they crossed paths.

Glad you like it and yeah I can throw some tit pictures back on I just figure everyone's seen them already.
Trophies. Yes. About a dozen from the parking lot and a few dozen more from their other get together fucks. A video to boot. Outside of the parking lot she was aware of the rest. She knew he was doing a video and close as I can tell she got off on it.

I have quizzed her about my concerns and she doesn't seem the least bit bothered by any of the pictures or video. So I'm not sure if they have an "agreement" or what, but without her volunteering more information there's nothing I can do, I'm certainly not going to ask him. Nothing has been shared with me which is kind of a piss cutter.

Inspiration to sluts? Hard to argue that my wife is not a slut. Maybe her picture should be next to the definition in the dictionary, but I love her.

Moving forward I fucked her on Sunday so the long, long, long, dry spell is over and man did I need and enjoy it.

I played the part of Jamal which is another story that took place on Friday night. I'll detail that soon. I don't know whether it really happened or not but either way if the result is me getting laid...don't care a ton.

Stay tuned

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