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What do I do now???

  • Thread starterjohnsmith90m
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Sep 4, 2013
I have a few questions and really have nowhere to turn, but here. I am hoping to get some answers from others in this spot. If you want to contact me directly, please email me at johnsmith90m@gmail.com. I am not sure if it took my email change in the system. Thanks!

1. Is this normally how it starts?

2. Anyone ever cry when they think about it, but still get turned on?

3. The big question is what do I do? I don’t think I can really talk to her. I have thought about talking to her sister.

4. Would it be smart to talk to her sister about it?

5. How do you know if this is something you should encourage and if you are able to handle it?

It all started with Eli, my wife, and her sister Jen wanting to go out to a club on a Friday night after work. We met up at a club in town we had all been to before, but haven’t been too since Eli and I got married. Everything was going good. The drinks were flowing and we had even smoked a little pot out back in the alley. Then just after midnight Joe, Jen’s boyfriend, and Mike showed up. They were ready to dance, but I was tired after working all day.

Mike asked Eli to dance and I was ok with that. She knows I am not jealous and until that night I wouldn’t have thought she would have done anything to go against that. They dance on and off till about two. By then we were all buzzed, except for me really. I had stopped drinking a while back, but no one really noticed. I did it so I could drive us home. Jen lived near the club, so we were all going back there for some more pot. I drove the small car with Jen up front since she gets sick in the back. That left Eli in the back with the guys and her in Mike’s lap.

We got to their place and hit the pot more. The problem with pot is it puts me to sleep. I tried to keep up, but even the load music I couldn’t stay awake. I went up stairs to the spare room and laid down. The next thing I remembered is waking up about thirty minutes later needing to pee. I only had on a pair of tighty whites, but I had to pee so I rush across the hall to the bathroom trying to be quite since I thought everyone was asleep. It was on my way back that my life changed. I was on the way back and looked down in to the living room. The tv was on, but the sound was down low.

When I looked down I noticed Mike on his back, with someone riding his very large cock. I of course thought it had to be Jen, but then I noticed Eli’s tattoo. I was in shock. I was literally frozen in place. My heart was racing and I couldn’t move. I stood there for about five minutes just watching. Then I felt an arm on my shoulder. It was Jen and she gave me the keep quite motion. I stood there with her for a bit longer till Mike and Eli both came. Jen winked at me and pulled me to the spare room. She told me to act like I was asleep. I did and heard Eli come up the stairs. Jen asked her if she had fun and she said yes and Mike was amazing. Jen told her to go back down for some more if she wanted and she would make sure I didn’t get up. Eli was worried I would wake up so Jen yelled out my name a few times till Eli told her ok. She knows I am extremely hard to wake up when I drink like that. Jen then told her She doesn’t get a cock like that now does she. She said no, not at all. Jen told her to go and She would watch for little dick to wake up. Eli said stop and that she should have never told her about that.

Eli went back down stairs and Jen came in to the room once she was down there. She said it is ok and that Eli was gone back down stairs. She asked if I was mad and I said kinda. She looked at my hard on and said well that little guy isn’t and laughed. If you want to watch again, then be quite and come with me. I did and watched as Eli sucked the guy till he was hard. Then he took her doggy style .It was weird since we have trouble doing it that way. He did her hard and she was very vocal. I had never heard or seen her like that before. He came in her again and Jen said I should go back before I got caught.

I couldn’t sleep and heard them go one more time about 30 minutes later. Eli stumbled up the stairs and got in bed. I could smell her sweet and his cum on her. The next morning I got up first and saw the stain on the sheets. She had leaked a large amount out. I showered and went down stairs. Jen was up and just grinned. She told me it was our secret.

Since then we have not talk about that night and haven’t had sex for over a month. The only way I have gotten hard is by thinking about what I saw.
At least for me, it didn't smart that way. We talked about it, she had a fling with someone and I didn't know about it but then came clean. Things has developed recently in a way that got me close to crying. We talk to each other about the situation all the time, but we are currently not on the same page.

What do you want to talk to her or her sister about?
tmw1966 said:
At least for me, it didn't smart that way. We talked about it, she had a fling with someone and I didn't know about it but then came clean. Things has developed recently in a way that got me close to crying. We talk to each other about the situation all the time, but we are currently not on the same page.

What do you want to talk to her or her sister about?

I guess I want to figure out what I should do. Her sister would be able to give me insight on what she is thinking and doing without me having to comfront her. I just don't know what to do over all is part of my problem. Thanks for comment and I hope to hear more.
i guess the first question should be whether you want her to continue seeing other guys or not, i would say you should talk to her about how you felt and see what is the best for your marriage.
Why do you feel like you have to "do" something? And, why would you have to do it immediately?
JMHO, but I think you need to decide what is is you want before you talk to anyone. For instance, do you just want her to acknowledge it? To beg forgiveness? To tell you that she loved it and wants to see him again?
Do you feel that your marriage is 'threatened' or may be over? Are you filled with rage or jealousy?
Or do you just have no idea why it makes your dick hard when you relive the memory? Are you 'scared' that you get sexually excited from these thoughts and want to see more?
It's obvious that you are emotional if you're to the point of crying over it. I think you may be "hurt" over it, but it's likely you wouldn't have let it happen if you didn't want it to. It's a classic power struggle, and one of them will win out in the end. It comes down to whether the hurt outweighs the excitement, or vice-versa. I suspect there are more issues within the marriage that we don't know about, and this event has brought them to the forefront inn your mind.
I think anybody would need to know some of the basic information like this to offer any meaningful advice. As meaningful as internet advice can be, especially from a cuckold website!
The only thing I know to say is to relax and calm down; there shoudn't be any pressure to make immediate decisions.
Decide what it is that you want, then talk to your wife about it! Do NOT talk to her sister; there's no sense in involving others, and they can't make your decisions for you.
tmw1966 said:
i guess the first question should be whether you want her to continue seeing other guys or not, i would say you should talk to her about how you felt and see what is the best for your marriage.

The more I read about it on here and think about it, the more I feel like I do want her to do it. I just don’t think it is something I could talk with her about at least right now. I honestly think she was happier after it happened. Just don’t want to mess up our relationship if she does go forward.

Fist thank you so much for the questions and comments. I am not a good writer and don't express my feelings sometimes very clearly. I hope this gives you some insight and helps with advice. Thanks!!!

1. Why do you feel like you have to "do" something? Another guy fucked my wife. Aren’t I suppose to do something.
2. And, why would you have to do it immediately? Its been about a month So its not really right away.
JMHO, but I think you need to decide what is is you want before you talk to anyone. For instance, do you just want her to acknowledge it? To beg forgiveness? To tell you that she loved it and wants to see him again? I don’t know that I can talk to her about it yet. I think we would both break down. Part of the reason I am at the point of talking to her sister about it. No, I don’t want her to beg for forgiveness. I am pretty sure she did and would. Just not sure if I am ready for that.
Do you feel that your marriage is 'threatened' or may be over? Threatened maybe, but we really do have a good marriage other than the sex. No I would give her other guys before I gave up on us.
5. Are you filled with rage or jealousy? No rage, but maybe a little jealousy.
Or do you just have no idea why it makes your dick hard when you relive the memory? I honestly don’t know why it does that. Hard for me to believe that is “Normal”
7. Are you 'scared' that you get sexually excited from these thoughts and want to see more? Little concerned for sure. There have been times I have thought this week that I would just tell her to do it and that I am ok with it. Then I just can’t.
It's obvious that you are emotional if you're to the point of crying over it. I think you may be "hurt" over it, but it's likely you wouldn't have let it happen if you didn't want it to. It's a classic power struggle, and one of them will win out in the end. It comes down to whether the hurt outweighs the excitement, or vice-versa.
Deep down it does turn me on and did a lot that night and since. If I had to give a percentage of wanting her to it would be 70 right now. There is a lot of underlying hurt too.
I suspect there are more issues within the marriage that we don't know about, and this event has brought them to the forefront inn your mind.
Our main issue is no doubt sex. It always has been. I guess it is just easier to see it now.

I think anybody would need to know some of the basic information like this to offer any meaningful advice. As meaningful as internet advice can be, especially from a cuckold website!
The only thing I know to say is to relax and calm down; there shoudn't be any pressure to make immediate decisions.
Decide what it is that you want, then talk to your wife about it! Do NOT talk to her sister; there's no sense in involving others, and they can't make your decisions for you.

I will touch on this later, but not sure why I shouldn’t talk to her sister since she knows.

Nazareth said:
Why do you feel like you have to "do" something? And, why would you have to do it immediately?
JMHO, but I think you need to decide what is is you want before you talk to anyone. For instance, do you just want her to acknowledge it? To beg forgiveness? To tell you that she loved it and wants to see him again?
Do you feel that your marriage is 'threatened' or may be over? Are you filled with rage or jealousy?
Or do you just have no idea why it makes your dick hard when you relive the memory? Are you 'scared' that you get sexually excited from these thoughts and want to see more?
It's obvious that you are emotional if you're to the point of crying over it. I think you may be "hurt" over it, but it's likely you wouldn't have let it happen if you didn't want it to. It's a classic power struggle, and one of them will win out in the end. It comes down to whether the hurt outweighs the excitement, or vice-versa. I suspect there are more issues within the marriage that we don't know about, and this event has brought them to the forefront inn your mind.
I think anybody would need to know some of the basic information like this to offer any meaningful advice. As meaningful as internet advice can be, especially from a cuckold website!
The only thing I know to say is to relax and calm down; there shoudn't be any pressure to make immediate decisions.
Decide what it is that you want, then talk to your wife about it! Do NOT talk to her sister; there's no sense in involving others, and they can't make your decisions for you.
Not a ton to update. We haven’t really done anything sexually, but we are still very affectionate towards each other. I have found myself looking for signs of something going on, but nothing yet. She is at her sister’s house tonight. I had been trying to somewhat avoid her because I knew what the conversation will be. Instead I am going over tomorrow night to work on her computer. I don’t know if I should talk to her, but I am thinking I will if she brings it up. Kind of hard to ignore.

I am also at the point of accepting what has happened and maybe getting to the point to admitting I want to see more. Just still have some things to work out. Thanks for all the advice and please keep it coming as I post. Sorry I haven't given more here.
Any updates, johnsmith90m? Have you decided where you want to go with your situation? I hope you have had some serious talkes with your wife and got everything out in the open, so you can look forward to some exciting adventures!
irreverent said:
Any updates, johnsmith90m? Have you decided where you want to go with your situation? I hope you have had some serious talkes with your wife and got everything out in the open, so you can look forward to some exciting adventures!

Thanks for the comment. I am working on getting the update in now. Sorry it took so long.

Sorry I haven’t gotten back on here sooner. I did talk with Jen. She wouldn’t let it go any longer, so after her boyfriend left she just started asking me all kinds of things and telling me stories of women that comes in to her salon. She said a majority of them have had at least one affair.

Two of them are swingers and then one is more like what I am or could become I guess. Her husband openly encourages her to see other men. She asked me if I could ever do that. I told her I didn’t think so, since I was too embarrassed to talk to Eli. She then gave me a number for Mike, the cuckold from her shop she was telling me about. She explained he came in and she talked to him about me and Eli. She also admitted the girls in the shop knew that Eli had cheated on me. I was embarrassed, but not that surprised really. They didn’t know that I knew though.

So I haven’t called Mike since I am still thinking everything over. Jen thinks I should no matter what I decided. She proposed a few things. First that if I was ok with it, Eli could just screw around some. It would be nothing big, just a few guys here and there. She also suggested maybe Eli could date a couple different guys on and off. Or maybe she could just put herself out there and let things develop as they may. She asked if I was ok with everything. I of course told her I didn’t know what I wanted.

She asked me straight up for two honest answers. Was I mad at Eli for what happened and would I be if she did it again. I said no to the first and I didn’t think so to the second. She asked for a yes or no and I said no. She said then why not let her have some fun. She would keep me in the loop if I was too scared to talk to Eli about it. I said ok and left. I am not sure where this is going and what I should do. I just feel a little too weird about it all to talk to Eli.

Thanks for all the comments and advice. I look forward to getting even more and to see where this is all going. Never thought I would be here or doing any of this.
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Thanks for the update! I have no practical experiences with cuckoldry, so I'm really not one to give advice. But I have read some similar stories, and if there is one piece of wisdom to be gained from that, it is that communication is verse and chorus in situations such as yours. Jen seems to know a thing or two about the dynamics and mindsets involved, so perhaps you could have a talk with your wife and Jen together and let her get things out in the open. If you want to get some excitement out of this, it seems this is important, or else Eli would just screw around wether you are involved or not.

Oh, and talk to Mike, the other cuckold. It seems like you have a lot of questions, and he should be able to answer some of them.

Best of luck!
Last edited:
Pretty big step or at least I think it was. I went by Jen’s shop on my way home yesterday as she was closing up. She always cuts my hair after hours to fit me in. She was just starting this lady’s hair and most of the girls were closing their stations. I sat down at her little pod and there was a guy waiting on the lady she was working on. When he introduced himself I knew I had been set up. It was Mike and his wife Janet in the chair.

Jen just smiled and Mike apologized if I was upset. He said Jen wanted us to meet and talk. He asked if that was ok and I said yes and that I had planned on calling him eventually. He introduced his wife, who was very hot and a little older than Jen. She said I was cute and she could see why my wife liked me so much. That made me smile and made it a lot easier to talk.

Mike told me about them getting in to it. Janet had an affair and he found out. He talked about how he felt and I knew it was very similar to what I was feeling. He told me it was his sister that helped him through it. She talked to him about it just being sex and that sometimes women need something more than he could give her. Mike said he is less than four inches and flat out asked me how big I was. I got shy and the girls smiled at me. I told him I was a little smaller than that. He said then you know we don’t have what it takes in that area. It is hard to admit, but you know it is right.

Mike told me that was his first step to becoming ok with it all. He then explained how their situation progressed. Then it came back to me and what I wanted. I told him everything I have said here. He suggested letting it happen again and see how I felt. Jen asked if I was ok with that and I said yes. I have thought about it a lot since then and I am still good with it. Jen mentioned all of us going out tonight like we did the other night. So that is the plan. I am a little worried, but I think giving it another shot is the right thing to do.

Please share your thoughts. Thanks!
Great, John, I guess you're in for an interesting night then. I'm really looking forward to your update.
Thanks for the updates, johnsmith90m, and please accept my apologies for not replying sooner.
It sounds like you are a bit more informed about your wife's interests. I still think it's a bit curious you and your wife don't discuss it personally, but her sister is being an excellent intermediary. I also would bet your wife has asked her sister to serve in that role; encouraging you to let her have sexual freedom.
It also sounds like you have accepted this, although you still have some personal feelings that you struggle with. That's to be expected, I would think. You also seem to be much more calm and relaxed, and have let things develop at their own pace. For you, I'm glad. You should have plenty of time to reflect on your thoughts and memories, not to mention what the future may hold.
I am curious, if you don't mind answering, if you have sexual excitement as you relive the memory of watching her get fucked, and if you fantasize about her having sexual adventures. In other words, does your dick get hard and do you masturbate?
Ohhhh, please don't leave us hanging like this, johnsmith! I think the dynamics of your situation are really intriguing. It seemed like you were set for an exciting weekend, so what happened? Did your wife hook up with anyone? Are you still ok with how the situation develops? Have you talked with your wife about her lust for sexual freedom?

Here are some thoughts on your experiences. Within the quotes of your comments, I’ve added the words in brackets to increase clarity slightly, based on my interpretations of what you’re saying.

johnsmith90m said:
The more I read [in this forum about married women taking lovers] and think about it, the more I feel like I do want [my wife Eli] to [continue doing that].

It’s starting to sound like you may become a good cuckold for your wife…

johnsmith90m said:
I just don’t think it is something I can talk about with her, at least [not] right now.

This could be a problem. If you want to maintain any semblance of a good marriage, you will need to begin communicating with your wife.

johnsmith90m said:
I honestly think [my wife has been] happier since [fucking Mike]. I just don’t want to mess up our relationship if [she decides to continue fucking him, or to take other men as lovers].

Well, as they say: “If your wife is happy, you will be happy too…”

johnsmith90m said:
I did talk with [my wife’s sister] Jen. She wouldn’t let it go any longer, so after her boyfriend left she started asking me all kinds of things and telling me stories of women that come into her salon. She said a majority of them have had at least one affair.

Your decision to talk with Jen was a good one. She is, in effect, taking you by the hand and gently introducing you to the real world of female sexuality. Since you’re clearly in a state of fearful angst over the necessity of talking with your wife about her strong sexual needs vis-à-vis her marriage to you, I suggest continuing to follow Jen’s lead. She has much to teach you.

johnsmith90m said:
Two of [Jen’s clients] are swingers and one is more like what I am, or could become, I guess. That is, her husband openly encourages her to see other men. Jen asked me if I could ever do that. I told her I didn’t think so, since I was too embarrassed to talk with [my wife Eli about it]. Jen then gave me Mike’s phone number, [he being] the cuckold married to Jen’s client whom Jen was telling me about. She explained [that Mike had] come in, and she had talked with him about me and Eli. Jen also admitted [to me that] the girls in the shop knew my wife Eli had cheated on me. It was embarrassing to hear that, but I was not surprised. [According to Jen,] the girls working in her salon didn’t know that I knew [my wife had fucked another man].

Whew! Clearly Jen has taken the lead in guiding you toward your new role as your wife’s cuckold, and you are mostly just along for the ride. But, she seems to sense what you want and appears to be doing for you what you are too hesitant to do for yourself…

johnsmith90m said:
I haven’t called [cuckold] Mike [not to be confused with big-cock Mike whom my wife fucked], since I am still thinking everything over.

Don’t worry about it. Jen will take care of it for you…

johnsmith90m said:
Jen thinks I should [accept my new role as my wife’s cuckold regardless of] what I decide.

Yes, it’s clear that’s what she thinks…

johnsmith90m said:
Jen proposed a few things. First, if I am ok with it, Eli could just screw around some. It would be nothing big, just a few guys here and there. She also suggested maybe Eli could date a couple different guys on and off. Or maybe she could just put herself out there and let things develop as they may. She asked if I was ok with everything. I of course told her I didn’t know what I wanted.

Of course…

johnsmith90m said:
Jen asked me straight up for two honest answers. Was I angry at Eli for what happened? And, would I be angry if she did it again? I said no to the first question…

Good, that was the right answer…

johnsmith90m said:
…and, I didn’t think so to the second question.

Oh oh… not a good answer.

johnsmith90m said:
Jen then asked me for a yes or no. I said no.

Good recovery. That was the right answer. To suggest the obvious, your wife almost certainly asked her sister, who is clearly acting as an “honest” or at least “neutral” broker in all this, to ask you those questions. And, you can be sure Jen relay your answers back to your wife.

johnsmith90m said:
Jen said, then why not let Eli have some fun. She would keep me in the loop if I was too scared to talk with Eli about it.

Jen is relishing her role of inexorably guiding you down the path toward acceptance of your new role as your wife’s cuckold, and strongly wants to continue doing so…

johnsmith90m said:
I said ok, and left.

Good reply.

johnsmith90m said:
I am not sure where this is going…

Under Jen’s guidance, you are enroute to becoming your wife’s self-acknowledged cuckold in what will soon become a “cuckold husband / hotwife” marriage.

johnsmith90m said:
…and what I should do. I just feel a little too weird to talk with my wife Eli about it.

Don’t worry about it. Jen will tell you what to do. Just continue to follow her guidance…

johnsmith90m said:
Thanks for all the comments and advice. I look forward to getting even more and to seeing where all this is going. I never thought I would be here or doing any of this.

Yes, well… remember Yogi Berra’s seemingly-absurd but actually-astute observation: “Predictions are difficult, especially of the future.” (And, you’re welcome.)

johnsmith90m said:
I took a pretty big step, or at least I think it was. I went by Jen’s shop on my way home yesterday as she was closing up. She always cuts my hair after hours to fit me in. She was just starting this lady’s hair and most of the girls were closing their stations. I sat down at her little pod and there was a guy waiting on the lady she was working on. When he introduced himself I knew I had been set up. It was Mike and his wife Janet was in the chair.

Ah… so, Jen perceived you were unlikely to take action and call cuckold Mike, so she made arrangements accordingly. Incidentally, note your description of him as “a guy waiting on the lady whose hair Jen was doing.” This will become part of your new role at home as your wife’s cuckold: providing her with support by waiting on her, in effect, so she will look sexually attractive and have sufficient time and energy to date, seduce and fuck other men.

johnsmith90m said:
Jen just smiled and Mike apologized if I was upset. He said Jen wanted us to meet and talk. He asked if that was ok and I said yes, I had planned on calling him eventually. He introduced his wife, who was very hot and a little older than Jen. She said I was cute and she could see why my wife liked me so much. That made me smile and made it a lot easier to talk.

If a sexually-attractive woman smiles and says one is “cute,” that can open all kinds of doors…

johnsmith90m said:
Mike told me about them getting into it. Janet had an affair and he found out. He talked about how he felt and I knew it was very similar to what I was feeling. He told me it was his sister that helped him through it. She talked to him about it just being sex and that sometimes women need something more than he could give her. Mike said he is less than four inches and flat out asked me how big I was. I got shy and the girls smiled at me. I told him I was a little smaller than that. He said then you know we don’t have what it takes in that area. It [was] hard to admit, but [I knew he was] right.

So, Mike’s sister also served as his guide down the road to becoming his wife Janet’s self-acknowledged cuckold. Interesting. Anyway, talking with a couple who are living as you and your wife are enroute toward living may have been the most effective way to become accepting of the whole concept.

johnsmith90m said:
Mike told me that was his first step to becoming ok with it all. He then explained how their situation progressed. Then it came back to me and what I wanted. I told him everything I have said here. He suggested letting it happen again and see how I felt. Jen asked if I was ok with that. I said yes. I have thought about it a lot since then and I am still good with it. Jen mentioned all of us going out tonight like we did the other night. So that is the plan.

Awright. Jen has led you to the right track, and it sounds like you’re on it.

johnsmith90m said:
I am a little worried, but I think giving it another shot is the right thing to do.

So do I. I encourage you and your sexy wife to go for it. I mean, hey… ya’ only go around once, ya’ know…

Well things fell through with the club. Eli had an emergency that she had to go back home to her old home town. Jen went with her for the weekend. She did run in to an old boyfriend and Jen hinted that there might be a spark there still. Thanks for all the comments and I will update you when I know something new. Tons of emotions going on right now.
This must be frustrating for you, not getting the answers you seek. It must be a bit awkward being around your wife every day, with you knowing what she has done and having at least a suspicion about what she has said to her sister. The elephant in the room must be getting bigger by the day. How are you coping? I hope you get some answers soon. Your situation is really intriguing, so please share your thoughts here.

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